
By Hallie123

264K 3.3K 650

The virus changed everything. It took the elderly, sick and females. Females were brought for entertainment... More

Start (Rewritten)
Taken (Rewritten)
Chapter 3: Captured (Rewritten)
Chapter 4: The Journey (Rewritten)
Chapter 5: Trouble
Chapter 6: The Attempt
Chapter 7: Manners
Chapter 8: Captive.
Chapter 9: New life
Chapter 10: Routine
Chapter 11: Waiting
Chapter 12: The Objects
Chapter 13: Unlucky
Chapter 14: Ignorance
Chapter 15: Gangs
Chapter 16: Trust
Chapter 17: Remembering
Chapter 18: Life
Chapter 19: Torture
Chapter 20: Boom!
Chapter 21: Explain
Chapter 22: Love
Chapter 23: Process
Chapter 24: Birdy
Chapter 25: How?
Chapter 26: Marcy.
Chapter 27: Change
Chapter 28: Arebella
Chapter 29: Winning
Chapter 31: New Start
I do apologize
Chapter 32: Stranger
Chapter 33: Help!
Chapter 34: Death.
Chapter 35: Running
Chapter 36: Stranger
Chapter 37: Content.
Chapter 38: AIM
Chapter 39: Freedom
Chapter 40 - Numb
UPDATE!! 2020

Chapter 30: Reunion

5.6K 68 23
By Hallie123

Chapter Thirty: Reunion.

I felt warm strong arms pick up my tired body and wrap me in them. They walked down the hall towards the stairs,.I felt there grip tightning suddenly as they walked down the stairs, in fear of dropping me. As they reached the bottom they pulled me in closer to there strong strong torso.

 "She still asleep?" I heard Jasper whicper

"Yeah, I didn't want to wake her" Noah spoke

"Were going too soft on her"


I felt the cold morning air hit my petit body. I moan from the chills. He pulled me into him and i grabbed his shirt. I was so tired, I didn't go to sleep until the early hours of the morning, I mean my body was tired but my mind was wide awake full of possibilities and questions.

 I was really paying for it this morning. Noah gently placed me down on the cold flooring of the van. I started to shiver but a blanket was placed over my body. I felt the van move slightly as they all got in the van in there usual places. Eli driving, Olly next to him, then Bray next to the window.

The van had three seats in the front and three behind that. Where Noah, Tristan and Noah sat. I was always was in the back part of the van where if it were a normal van cargo would be put in it. Jasper always sat in the back to make sure I didn't do anything stupid. I heard Arebella's heels clanking against the flooring of the van. I opened my eyes up slightly to look at what was happening.

The six were in the front and Jasper was handcuffing one of Are's hand to her wrist and another to the back of the chairs on the pole. She didn't struggle she just stared at him. Jasper looked at her and smiled slightly.

He then came next to me, by then my eye lids had become to heavy that i couldn't keep them open. Jasper stroked a strand of hair out of my face. I heard the engine come to life beneath me, the boys lowly talking and the van started to move. After that I feel into a deep sleep.


I felt my body awakening. My hearing came in first, I could hear low mumbling. I frowned trying to hear into there convosation. Nothing, It was all mumble. My eyes wouldn't open yet, my eyelids were to heavy. I felt with my hand for the blanket that put over me earlier when I couldn't find it, I felt around my surroundings, It was soft and warm. Huh? I forced my eyes a little to see I was in a dark burgandy room. I, myself was on a faded brown sofa. I didn't see who was talking as my eyes shut themselfes again.


I felt some touch my hair, oh so slightly. My body reacted, my eyes shot open and my fist went flying outwards towards who ever had touch me. A huge hand cupped and drown my tiny fist, I looked up to see Isaac looking at me with a shocked look on his face.

"Wow, she's fiestier than last time" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me.

I dropped my fist and sat up straight and took in my surroundings. I was in Elliot's Office. How the?! How did I get here?! I looked at the boys who were in the room seated on one of the many sofas. Are was sat inbetween Eli and Bray, they oviously didn't trust her. I looked over to her and she smiled at me, I looked back at Isaac who sat at my feet on the sofa.

I swung my legs round and placed them on the cold flooring, I didn't have any shoes on, luckily I had gone to bed in my clothes last night, I had on some light demin shorts which showed of my toned long legs and lemon yellow fitted strappy top. I pulled my honey blonde hair over to one of my shouders and used a hairband to tie it into a side bunch. I slowly mmade my eyes towards Elliot.

He was sat behind his desk grinning away at me. His head was resting to the side on one of his hands, hi elbow sat comfortably on the hard wood of the desk. "Hello Indie, told you we'd meet again!" He smiled grew even bigger. I sat and looked at him, clear discust on my face. I rolled my eyes.

"Indie manners" Stated Eli from across the room. I looked towards Elliot and put on a fake smile, as quick as I put on the smile, I dropped it again. Elliot smirked at me then turned back to the boys. "Right where were we?"

Tristan: "Finding out who Tylers "inside" guy is?"

Elliot:   "Ahh,yes. Tyler needs to be brought down. If we don't get him or his gang. Where going to be wiped out and killed. We need to get in there first, but fisrt we need to find out who this insider is. It could be any of you. There telling Tyler all our plans so he's always one step ahead"

Eli: "Who do you reckon it is?"

Elliot: " It could be any one of us in this room for all we know, don' trust anyone. Tyler's had his main sourced wiped out anyway, with thanks to Indie"

HUH? I looked at him in confusion.

 He looked at me a smiled cockily. "Oh don't you remember that you killed Chase and his gang"

That annoyed me,"FUCK YOU" I shouted I got up from me seat and marched my way to the door. Fustrated that he wouldn't even bring it up. I felt so bad for doing it. I opened the door and walked out into the familar hallway. I looked towards the stairs, I ran towards them hoping to find a bathroom or something. I felt a mess.

I got to the second floor and looked into a few room. Most were empty sex rooms. I remembered Eli selling me to that guy last time I was here. I was getting towards the second set of stairs when I heard a soft cry. I walked towards the end of the corridor. The door was open ajar , I lent against the door frame a looked in. I saw a dark man on top of small girl. Her long hair fell to the side. I reconised her.


Yes it was her, I'd reconised her electric blue sheets. She was in pain, the dark guy got up off her and took out a knife. He forced open her legs and started to slice down her thighs, She screamed in pain! he hit her across the head and muffled her screams using his huge hands. Her face turned towards me, she instantly reconised me, her panic towards me. The man snapped his head towards me.

He got of Paige and made his way towards me. I ran future up the hallway and hid round the corner. I heard his heavy grunts and footstep make there way towards me. I looked around my surrouding for a weapon, a fire exterminator it will have to do. I picked it up as the man turned the corner to face me. without thinking i swung it at his face, knocking him out. I snatched the knife out his hand and slit his throat. Dead. I smiled in satifactory.

I dragged his bodyinto a near by room and shut the door on him. I raced back to the room were paige was, she sobbed as she heard my footsteps thinking i was the man. I swung open the door her grew big but then she relaxed as soon as she saw me. I ran over to her and took her hand pulling her out the room.

"What are you done with Marco?" clear panic in her voice.

"Killed him" I smiled and looked at her, she smirked. We ran up the stairs.

"Where's Tessa and Marcy?"

She looked at me confused "Tessa on the four floor and who's Marcy?"

I stopped dead. "You know Marcy?! She was told here about a week ago, she has to be here!"

"Sorry no Marcy"

I frowned, completly puzzled. Where was she? I started to run again Paige at my side, My plan was to get these two out of this hell hole. Paige led the way, the halls were clear as all rooms were in use. We made it too room 306 in no time. Paige took out a hair grip and picked the lock. Impressive. Tessa Looked at us in shock, her face turning from scared to a grinning chester cat.

"Come on, were getting out of here" Called Paige.

Tessa got up and followed us, we made it down the first floor we with no hassle at all. I asked them why they havn't escape before, they said it because they'd never escape without the other and they were always "used" seperatly for that reason.Paige took us to a bathroom window where the guttering was attached, so it was an easy way down. I helped them both out. "We'll meet again"

"I owe you girl, I'll find you again okay"

I made my way back downstairs to make it look like i'd done nothing, but my life lately has never been easy. Elliot and everyone except Are was at the bottom of the stairs. I stopped mid strid and stared at them.

"Where'd you think your going and were have you been?"Elliot crossed his arms over his chistle chest

"Ummm nowhere....." I said trying to make it look normal that i was trying to help them escape.

"Really, I personally think your lieing, Why when Olly went to find , Marco was dead.!"

I looked at him and shrugged. Tell me where Marcy is?"

Elliot swallowed hard and slow as if he was guilty. I noticed this and questioned him. "Where. Is. She?!"

"She's been moved on.." He looked a little uneasy. I got the knife that was still in my hand and threw it at him. I lunged towards him and landed on top of him.


Noah pulled me off him and Jasper helped him pin me aganst the wall. I relaxed agianst there touche , Elliot got up laughing.

"She's going to be so good after training" he looked at me. "Your going to love it here, training with me and the boys everyday, maybe we can even have one on one"

"You fucking touch me and ill rip your pride off like I did with Marco " I growled.

"So you did kill him?"

I went wide eye'd and looked up at him. "No." I said too quickly making it ovious.

"If Marco's dead, where is Paige and Paige never goes anywhere without Tess. So where are they?"

I smiled at him. "Gone" I stated.


"You heard me! Gone! So i'm afraid your little sex business is over"

"You little bitch!" He slapped me hard across the face. I spat back at him. He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me up the hallway to a closet cuboard I remembered from last time. He threw me in , glaring at me. He cmae down to my level and spoke.

"Don't worry princess. I don't need them, I can get my money back off you and your friend Marcy, I know exactly where she is and your joining her because he wants you!"

With that he slammed the door in my face. Darkness. I kicked the door in fustration.


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