Dark Lover

By anelecarey

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My name is Zass. You might think you know what being a Vampire means these days but I bet I'll prove you wro... More

Lynx - Part 1
Lynx - Part 2
Lynx - Part 3
Lynx - Part 4
Lynx - Part 5
Lynx - Part 6
Lynx - Part 7
Lynx - Part 8
Lynx - Part 9
Lynx - Part 10
Lynx - Part 11
Lynx - Part 12
Lynx - Part 13
Lynx - Part 14
Lynx - Part 15
Lynx - Bonus
Zass - Part 1
Zass - Part 2
Zass - Part 3
Zass - Part 4
Zass - Part 5
Zass - Part 6
Zass - Part 7
Zass - Part 8
Zass - Part 9
Zass - Part 10
Zass - Part 11
Zass - Part 12
Zass - Part 13
Zass - Part 14
Zass - Part 15
Zass - Bonus
Magenta - Part 1
Magenta - Part 2
Magenta - Part 3
Magenta - Part 4
Magenta - Part 5
Magenta - Part 6
Magenta - Part 7
Magenta - Part 8
Magenta - Part 9
Magenta - Part 10
Magenta - Part 11
Magenta - Part 13
Magenta - Part 14
Magenta - Part 15
Magenta - Bonus

Magenta - Part 12

609 61 28
By anelecarey

Only three chapters to go until the end of Book 2 Lovelies.  Bonus anyone?

Watching Zass and Justin I was totally transfixed.  And it wasn't just me that was getting distracted.  Alex was absorbed too and the eagerness and passion that I'd come to expect from him seemed to be lost in the men in front of us.  If Zass could have purred at that particular point in time I swear he would have. 

"Ohhhhh." Justin murmured when Zass picked up the pace and took him in further than before.

The sounds coming from Justin's throat were close enough to an actual purr that I had no trouble remembering he was now part lion.  His tawny hair shone in the light from the lamp by the bed, his muscles moved under his skin, flexing and straining as Zass brought him to full readiness and began to take him over the edge.  I watched the sweat on his skin begin to make it gleam, the half-closed eyelashes hood his beautiful green eyes which I couldn't stop staring at, waiting for him to reveal them in ecstasy...

Wait a minute. 

I shook my head and looked over my shoulder at Alex who was totally enthralled and no longer using me for anything other than a prop to lean on.  What the hell?  I slid off the bed and this brought absolutely no acknowledgement from the others whatsoever.  What was going on?  I went out into the lounge, grabbing a robe as I went and found Iris and Indigo on the sofabed, asleep in front of Tyra Banks telling some guy to get over himself.  I grabbed Zass's phone and rang Alli.  I knew Zass trusted her and I needed answers before I went back in that room.

"Hello?" She said when she picked up.

"Alli?" I asked.

"Yes Doll, who's this?  You're not Zass." She replied.

"It's Scott.  Do you know who I am?"

"Oh, Mr Tall Blonde and Spectacular I've been hearing all about I presume!" I could hear the feminine smile all the way down the phone line.  If that were even such a thing anymore.

I half chuckled before I got on with it.  "Alli, Iris called you Mistress of Sirens.  Does that mean you're actually a Siren and know about them or is it more of an affectionate title?"

"No, Doll.  I'm a real Siren.  What's got your panties in a bunch?  You can tell me Sweetie."  She waited as I formulated my reply.

I swallowed.  Admitting to another Supernatural creature what Zass and I had done seemed incautious to say the least.  But if she could tell me what was happening I was going to have to trust her.

"Zass and I... we kind of made another Supernatural being.  He's a siren according to Iris, well half at least.  Could he capture our thoughts or make it so we forget everything else around us and just want to make him, um... happy?" I asked as my voice rose on the last word.

"Child, are you telling me that you and Zass brought someone into their power, that he's a siren and you're feeling called, to um... satisfy him?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's about the size of it."

"Get him away from Zass now." She said urgently.  "I don't know how powerful he is, but if he can cloud Zass's mind or call you both to satisfy him, he sounds strong.  Not that I would imagine you wouldn't make strong Supernatural Beings, but I don't like the fact that he's calling you both with no training.  If he's as strong as that first time out, his call could be incredibly strong." 

You've heard of this before?" I asked almost relieved.

"Not for hundreds of your years Blondie.  But that's a conversation for another time."

Before I could ask any more questions she said, "No more questions over the phone Blondie.  I'm on my way."

"But Alex..." 

"I'm coming Sweet-Thing, give me ten and I'll be there." She said and hung up on me.

Great.  Now I was stuck waiting.  I wondered if Justin was actually calling Zass or if he was just enjoying the moment.  I knew for sure I had felt a pull to make him happy, however that was accomplished.  I saw how he affected Alex.  Was I able to escape because he was new at this whole thing or was it because of my own abilities?  Or the fact that it was Zass and I who called his power to fruition in the first place?  Only way to test it was to go back in that room. 

It was comforting not to have to worry about our other two guests for the moment, but I didn't want to leave Alli trapped outside, unable to get in if I got stuck in the Master Bedroom again.  I opened the Penthouse door slightly and propped it open with one of Zass's knick knacks before taking a deep breath and walking back down the passage towards the bedroom.

When I stopped at the door I observed the scene on the bed and was struck by the beauty that was before me.  Something I guess Indigo must have been overwhelmed by when she walked in on us before.

Alex was cradling Zass in his arms, the back of the chair so to speak, as Justin moved above the two of them.  His arms were taut, his shoulders flexing as he moved his hips forcefully and took his enjoyment in making Zass give small sounds of pain-pleasure with each thrust as he slammed into him.  Zass appeared to be cradled like he was precious but his legs were so far bent I knew part of this couldn't be comfortable.

Then I really took in what I was seeing and began to understand it wasn't all it should be.  The terrifying thing was that Alex's eyes weren't red.  They were some murky brown that didn't fit with any colour I'd seen before and there were no flames, they were just mud.  It was as if Justin had totally overwhelmed him.  That's when I noticed he wasn't just Zass's support, his hands gripped my Vampire holding him just as tightly in place as Justin's were. 

"STOP" I roared at Justin.  And I stalked across the room to put my hand in his shoulder and pull him off Zass.

Zass opened his eyes and looked up at me with a passive expression.  His eyes weren't swirling with blue fire either.  The muddy brown that was nothing like my Zass's chocolatey delicious irises were swirling with black flecks.  He was enjoying it, but was he feeling the pull of the siren?  Or was he simply living for the moment?  I knew Mika would never return, but that didn't mean aspects of his desires weren't part of Zass now.  Alex was close to rapture, I could hear it in his breathing and then I saw one of Zass's hands was moving in time with Justin so that Alex was being pulled along with them. 

"Zass?" I asked quickly.  "You OK?"

If they 'came' together what would happen?  Would there be different Supernaturals called?  Zass didn't respond, he just made another sound that was too close to pain for me not to react.

Enough, it had to stop. 

Justin smiled at me, his eyes raging with green fire, then he looked back at the other two men he was dominating and bared his teeth as he tried to drive Zass over the edge.  I grabbed with both hands and forcibly pulled him from Zass.  He reared back and let go.  Then he erupted into full Sphinx form.  Justin's canine teeth grew out, as long as a lions and he freaking roared at me.  His nails became claws and it was like he grew three feet in 5 seconds flat as he lost his humanity completely and roared again at my challenge, turning to face his competition. 

"Fuck." I managed to say before I went full Alicorn and my wings exploded behind me.  I reached out to stop his arms as they slashed at me and was even more worried when Alex also rose to challenge me.  But he was stopped by Zass who also went full Vampire and bared his fangs at me.  I knew definitely then that Justin's call was freakishly strong.  Zass flashed in front of Justin, taking me with him, slamming me into the wall to the side of the door. 

"Aah." I breathed between clenched teeth as my wings were pinched against the wall.  But Zass's bared fangs were more of a problem than whatever pain I felt behind me. 

"Zass." I said, trying to communicate with him mind to mind.  Saying out loud and over and over, "It's me Scott."

Justin was looking on and yet obviously wanting to get in on the action.  But for Zass he would have been at my back, one more attacker to subdue.  Alex was just watching the show from the bed and snuggling a pillow.  I knew from that, he was fully in puppy mode and I could worry about him later.  Zass was my only concern at that moment.  How could he attack me like that?  I was straining against his arms, resisting their descent as he brought his claws closer to my vulnerable areas and his face closer to my throat.  Competing with him strength to strength wasn't something we'd had much opportunity to explore.  Too many other things pressing in on our time. 

I really hoped things wouldn't end badly so we'd have the chance to explore us as a couple a bit more before all the club crazy happened. 

"Zass, please." I said again and I saw an answer in his eyes.

His bared fangs suddenly closed behind his lips, his angry eyes calmed and I saw the muddy brown disappear, replaced by my favourite colour in the world, the clear icy blue of the Antarctic.  His arms relaxed into mine and he blinked as he realized he had been trying to eat me.  "What's going on Scotty?" He said softly then turned to glance behind him as I nodded my chin in Justin's direction.

"Shitballs." He said with surprise in his voice.  "Siren, sphinx and sex.  Triple threat.  Guess we have a frustrated kitty to deal with before he overwhelms us again huh?" I was definitely taking the win.  Without Zass I really didn't want to contemplate taking Justin down a notch.  This time his roar of frustration was directed at the two of us.  It was so wonderful standing side by side with Zass again, facing our complication together that I almost forgot we were responsible for Justin's change, as well as the gift we'd bestowed unintentionally upon him. 

How were we going to figure out how to calm the beast? 

I felt the change in air movement to the right and saw a woman out of the corner of my eyes.  She definitely demanded a second glance.  Everything about her screamed 'lush', 'ripe' like a piece of fruit that was begging to be plucked from the branch.  She asked quietly, "What else is he?"

"Sphinx." I said under my breath and she nodded then took a step forwards, attracting the attention of the half crazed, very needy creature in front of her.

Zass and I both reached out to stop her, but she dodged out reaching arms with ease and stood with her hands on her curved hips as Justin finally paid her attention.  "Hi Babyboy." She said with a smirk.  Justin looked at her with a confused expression and then stepped forward so that he was in her space before opening his mouth to growl or make some other loud noise. 

She just smacked his nose.

The look of total indignation that passed his face made her burst out with laughter.  But that was it for Justin.  He bared his teeth at her again and raised a hand to strike.  As he brought it down, Zass and I both lunged forward to stop him, but she was the one who caught it mid-air and mildly said, "No" as she smiled at him.

A very human frown appeared on Justin's forehead and he looked at her with a curious head tilted to the side expression, then tried to return her smile... cautiously.  She smiled wider and said, "Good boy.  Now why are you trying to eat your new friends?"  His face changed back to a more human one as he struggled to form words.

"I... they... we were... huh?" He stammered then shrugged.

"You, Babyboy are so powerful you don't even know you're calling them do you?" She asked him.

"I'm what?" He demanded.

"You're a siren Kiddo.  You had them under your spell, demanding to be satisfied.  I bet you're not even into boys are you?" 

At his frown and negative shake of the head she went on.  "They put on a show and dragged you along for the ride and then you got all het up and wanted release.  Close to the mark?" She asked.

Justin frowned again and then nodded in agreement.  "Actually," he said, "Zass is freaking incredible and if I wasn't into girls I'd be so there.  In fact, if he crooked his little finger at me again I'd follow willingly.  But you're right I'm basically into girls.  I didn't know I was affecting them.  How do I control it?  What can I do to apologise?"

Alli turned to us and raised one eyebrow with a look that levelled the blame squarely on our shoulders as Iris and Indigo came rushing up behind us and came into the room.

"Damn.  You have nothing to be sorry for Justin.  This is a problem of our making.  We gave you power without the instruction manual.  That's on us, but Alli here, she can help you learn about what you really are." I assured him.

Iris stepped into the room and said softly, "I add my own apology to the situation.  I have not been properly vigilant and I am sorry for letting you down Vampire Zass."

"The need for sleep doesn't mean you've been negligent.  I just hope no one else felt Justin here or us.  If we woke anyone else up..." We all looked at Zass with anxious eyes.  Justin and Alex were plenty enough for us to worry about for the moment.  Adding Iris, Indigo and Alli into the mix and the room suddenly felt very small, especially when Alli turned her best "And you?" look on Indigo who cringed before Alli opened her arms and waited expectantly for Indigo to jump in them. 

She did with a joyous squeal.  One happy family reunion at least.

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