Dark Lover

By anelecarey

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My name is Zass. You might think you know what being a Vampire means these days but I bet I'll prove you wro... More

Lynx - Part 1
Lynx - Part 2
Lynx - Part 3
Lynx - Part 4
Lynx - Part 5
Lynx - Part 6
Lynx - Part 7
Lynx - Part 8
Lynx - Part 9
Lynx - Part 10
Lynx - Part 11
Lynx - Part 12
Lynx - Part 13
Lynx - Part 14
Lynx - Part 15
Lynx - Bonus
Zass - Part 1
Zass - Part 2
Zass - Part 3
Zass - Part 4
Zass - Part 5
Zass - Part 6
Zass - Part 7
Zass - Part 8
Zass - Part 9
Zass - Part 10
Zass - Part 11
Zass - Part 12
Zass - Part 13
Zass - Part 14
Zass - Part 15
Zass - Bonus
Magenta - Part 1
Magenta - Part 2
Magenta - Part 3
Magenta - Part 4
Magenta - Part 5
Magenta - Part 6
Magenta - Part 7
Magenta - Part 8
Magenta - Part 9
Magenta - Part 10
Magenta - Part 12
Magenta - Part 13
Magenta - Part 14
Magenta - Part 15
Magenta - Bonus

Magenta - Part 11

661 53 27
By anelecarey

"Indigo... I've heard that name before." Zass said as we stared at the girl standing calmly at the foot of the bed. "You're related to Alli, aren't you?"

The girl nodded and then opened her mouth to speak again.

Suddenly the door behind her opened again forcibly and Iris stood there, her hair in disarray, her usually calm face a riot of emotion and anger. Her dander was most definitely up. Her claws dug into the carpet, her arms were raised and the fists on the end of them were clenched tightly.

"How dare you enter this dwelling without an invitation." She bellowed with a definite roar biting through last word as she snapped her jaw shut, both sets of upper and lower canines snapping together with a loud chomp.

"I was invited." Indigo stated without so much as blinking an eye. "I'm sorry I used force to join these delicious creatures, but I'm not sorry I'm here in this room. Do you get to join the Roman orgy of fun on that bed too, or are you left to your heated imagination in the other room?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

Iris immediately made a face and stood back a step, eyeing the girl who stood with one hand on her hip and a smirk on her face.

"Ladies," Zass said loudly breaking up the tension. "No one's having any more fun until some questions are answered. Indigo, what's your relationship with Alli?" He asked with a furrowed brow.

Suddenly Indigo looked abashed and said, "Aunt Alli's here in LA?"

"Aunt?" The rest of the men on the bed all yelled before I dove for the robes on the chair next to the bed and flung them at everyone. No way was I doing anything to get Alli's dander up. That woman was scary. In a 'she knows what to do with a whip' kind of way. Being Mistress of Sirens was a taxing job. They were worse than Succubi. Their call wasn't immediately fatal, but they rarely let go of humans until they had used them up and spat them out, especially the females. Male sirens were more like Casanova, spreading their love for all to enjoy. What was it with all the Supes Zass and I were calling being really... sexy?

"You're Alli's niece?" Zass asked. "How long have you managed to stay unnoticed in LA?"

"Not long." She said with a grimace. "Mum and Aunt Alli had a bit of a falling out before she moved to New York. She's still there but I was feeling stifled. I decided to have a road trip which turned into finding myself and what I wanted to do in the human world. Haven't really discovered what that is yet, the only thing I know how to do really well and enjoy, is to play music... well spin anyway."

"You're a DJ?" Alex asked while Justin and I surreptitiously pulled the robes on. Alex and Zass obviously had no problem whatsoever with nudity. My feelings about being nude in front of a female were more ambivalent but I was guessing Justin was just embarrassed by the whole situation. Plus the words 'Roman orgy'. I didn't know about the other three, but I was definitely eager for that to happen. Not with this girl in the room though. Zass might not have a problem with females, after all he'd had partners of both sexes before. I on the other hand was definitely not going there. Especially with Alli's niece. That woman would rip me a new one if I so much as laid a finger on her. I might be the closest thing to immortal there was, could heal any wound and was psychic, but I wasn't stupid enough to seek her wrath. I knew that from meeting her only once.

At Indigo's nod Zass and I exchanged glances. Here was another person to meet the needs we had for the club. And we just happened to 'call' her. Alli's wrath aside, I could tell Indigo was exactly what the Doctor ordered no matter if her Aunt wanted her to be part of our plans or not. I nodded at Zass with a smile. "Want a job?" Zass asked her, then pursed his lips as we waited a response.

"Seriously?" She said then smiled and nodded. "I'm a stranger, you don't know me from a bar of soap and yet you're offering me a job." She shook her head in amazement.

"All we know is that you're not the first person our 'call' seems to have brought to us. Unless I'm much mistaken, you'll not only be an extremely good DJ, whose taste in music is exactly what we need for our vision of the club, but you'll also be exactly what we need behind the scenes too. Your Aunt is one of the most incredible women I know, I'm sure she'll understand our requirements and if she needs to keep an eye on you, she'll know where to find you when we're open." Zass said with a glance toward Justin who was looking at her with a slightly dazed expression.

Iris looked from Indigo to Zass and suddenly looked deflated. I knew why when she spoke, "You have been called." She said nodding then she straightened and spoke in an authoritative tone. "Your Aunt will give you her blessing it has already been foretold." Zass smiled quickly before Iris intoned, "The Master of the City is ensuring his rule. The call is only answered by those who are required." She intoned.

Indigo shrugged with a smile and said, "Why not! It'll be fun." She and Zass shook hands then she eyed Justin up and down and her smile turned into a smoulder. "So..." She said suggestively and ran one finger down the front of his robe. "Wanna play?"

"You will not disturb the Vampire Zass more than you already have young Siren." Iris said firmly. "We will go into the other room and use the communication device to contact your Aunt. She will be desirous of a conversation with you. Also you require..." She paused before continuing with a frown, "Ablutions and fresh clothing."

Indigo rolled her eyes, but then smiled at the thought of freshening up. "Well I could use a new look." She said suddenly. I've been thinking about going rainbow." She said tugging on the end of one dreadlock.

I could definitely envisage her rocking rainbow hair, then I suddenly had a picture of her with a rainbow Mohawk and headphones on, one arm raised, moving in time to the pulsing music at the club on opening night. I smiled and pushed the premonition from my head. Just knowing that she would be the newest addition to the little family we were putting together was enough for me. I didn't want to see every little detail. Where was the fun in that?

Justin raised his hands and shook his head. "Sorry Love, I'm kind of figuring things out. You'd best be going with Iris there."

Zass and Alex both grinned and Zass's fang made another appearance as he looked my way and I used the same smoulder Indigo had used on Justin, and then tugged the robe's collar away from my throat, revealing my clavicles and the side of my neck.

I needed no words, Zass's eyes snap froze over and flashed blue while his smile grew wider, Justin saw my eyes change to silver and then he quickly looked at Zass and saw the result of his lust rising and the fang. His eyes flashed over to green flames and Alex just breathed in the sudden explosion of pheromones in the air and lay down with one hand propping his head up.

"Oh I'm gonna enjoy this." He said with a naughty smile as he grinned at us. I grinned back at him then bent my head to meet that gorgeous smile with my lips. I glanced at Zass as Alex's eyes closed and he melted under my mouth. Zass's smile brightened as he nodded at me then crooked a finger at Justin and tugged on his robe collar, drawing him in closer.

Zass practically purred as Justin allowed him to pull his face in far enough that he could feel the Vampire's breath on his skin as he nuzzled Justin's throat. When they looked at each other again and Zass asked permission to kiss Justin, his hesitation left him and he nodded. My lips left Alex's, I couldn't drag my eyes away as they consummated their mutual desire and the heat between them flared. Alex took one look at my absorbed expression then turned to look at the other two. His own eyes flashed over to red flame and it was suddenly too hot for clothing.

I slipped my robe from one shoulder before reclining in front of where Alex had been lying and Justin's was helpfully removed by Alex as his arms moved back with the sliding cloth before reaching out for Zass as he asked permission to touch him. Zass nodded his assent then smirked as Justin hesitantly lifted his lips towards Zass's. Alex returned to his position behind me to watch the show, taking the opportunity of my position to play with my hair and wing joints while we watched the other two on their side of the huge bed.

Watching them was better than any raunchy love scene. Justin was the hesitant schoolboy to Zass's experienced teacher, the Ingénue to Zass's Master, the surrendering maiden to Zass the conqueror and it was everything. This time Alex and I were the observers while Zass turned Justin into a trembling puddle of need under his fingers. It was a beautiful dance of caresses and light touches, soft open mouth kisses and deft strokes. He was lost before Zass even touched his skin. It was inevitable, but ever the gentleman, Zass had first asked for consent. "Are you sure Jade Eyes?"

The endearment shouldn't have startled me, Zass was the first to ever give me a nickname and it was only natural that he should give Justin one. It was so definitely right I couldn't imagine anything else better. Something seemed to click when Justin said 'yes', like the missing piece of a puzzle that you happened to find when you thought you'd lost it forever. I should have felt a different emotion in that moment, resentment, jealousy, rivalry but I didn't. I was enthralled, it was the beginning of a great seduction and my only desire was to watch... and then join in.

"Me too, Scotty. Me too..." Alex said with a grin then snuggled against my back as we watched the Master of Seduction claim his prize.

Justin's breathing hitched in his throat when his lips met Zass's and I flashed back to the first kiss Zass and I had shared. I remembered it was like drowning. Zass was so overwhelming, but I knew Justin wouldn't have stopped him even he was still afraid. Zass was too intoxicating. My Vampire cradled Justin in his arms, gently like it was his first time. I wasn't sure if they'd go all the way but I didn't care how far, as long as I could have those soft lips under mine and run my fingers though his curls before the night was out. Alex obviously agreed with those thoughts because the evidence of his excitement at the scene unfolding before us was digging into my hip behind me. His arm wrapped around my chest and I turned my head back so he could kiss me again, but he just smiled then attacked my neck. My eyes fluttered closed as he went for my number one erogenous zone and I groaned then opened my eye again as the sound was echoed by Justin when Zass's fangs pierced his throat. His back turned closer to our view and I saw the sunburst tattoo at the top of his shoulder, leading down towards his hip with almost Sanskrit writing. It was beautifully done, but not enough to distract me for long. The picture he made with Zass above him was far more intoxicating.

"Mmmmm." He moaned as Zass drank deeply, his fingers wrapped around the other man's shoulder.

Justin convulsed under Zass's mouth and tongue that sealed off the punctures he had made, before his own expression of satisfaction escaped those plump ruby lips. If the tent in Justin's briefs was any indication, he was anything but unhappy to be in the position he now found himself in. I knew how addictive my Vampire was and couldn't help the smile that blazed across my face at the blissed out man in his arms. Zass quickly looked at me as I smiled at the picture he made and then at my nod went back to the man in his arms. I wasn't going anywhere, neither was Alex, he was getting more handsy as his desire rose in response to the show. His urgent hand slipped under the hem of the robe that I was almost wearing and began to fondle my ass. It disappeared for a second and I heard a crinkle behind me before his hand reappeared with a foil square in front of my face.

"Well?" he asked softly.

My eyes flicked to Zass's for a second as he smiled at us then went back to worshipping Justin'schest.

"Why don't you put that away and just show me what you've got this time." I murmured to him with my own smirk at the sound of breath catching in Alex's throat. Since he had changed, we wouldn't need it, just a bit of lubrication. Eager hands grabbed my hips and I heard the lube cap pop before busy fingers began stretching me whilst my hand dipped lower and I began to stroke myself. Zass's smirk grew wider as his mouth moved from Justin's throat, down his torso and began to head lower. Moments later as ragged breathing filled the room, I couldn't decide who was more eager for what was to come. Justin as Zass's mouth approached his proud erection or me as Alex began rubbing his own throbbing shaft along the crease of my ass. Whatever happened next it was going to be fun.


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