
By Hallie123

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The virus changed everything. It took the elderly, sick and females. Females were brought for entertainment... More

Start (Rewritten)
Taken (Rewritten)
Chapter 3: Captured (Rewritten)
Chapter 4: The Journey (Rewritten)
Chapter 5: Trouble
Chapter 6: The Attempt
Chapter 7: Manners
Chapter 8: Captive.
Chapter 9: New life
Chapter 10: Routine
Chapter 11: Waiting
Chapter 12: The Objects
Chapter 13: Unlucky
Chapter 14: Ignorance
Chapter 15: Gangs
Chapter 16: Trust
Chapter 17: Remembering
Chapter 18: Life
Chapter 19: Torture
Chapter 20: Boom!
Chapter 21: Explain
Chapter 22: Love
Chapter 23: Process
Chapter 24: Birdy
Chapter 25: How?
Chapter 26: Marcy.
Chapter 27: Change
Chapter 28: Arebella
Chapter 30: Reunion
Chapter 31: New Start
I do apologize
Chapter 32: Stranger
Chapter 33: Help!
Chapter 34: Death.
Chapter 35: Running
Chapter 36: Stranger
Chapter 37: Content.
Chapter 38: AIM
Chapter 39: Freedom
Chapter 40 - Numb
UPDATE!! 2020

Chapter 29: Winning

5.7K 71 8
By Hallie123

Chapter Twenty Nine: Winning 

I heard them all pull Arebella into the shower this morning and strip her down, everytime she cried they laughed. She screamed out my name a couple of times in a desperate plea for help. I wanted to go to her but I couldn't Eli hadn't undone my cuffs.

The harder I tried to pll on them, the more my wirst started to bleed. Ugh! I screamed in fustration. I kept clanging the cuffs against the metal frame in anger. Clink Click Click!


I huffed and crossed my arms in defeat.

Clank. Ooops! I didn't actually mean that one.

"RIGHT! THAT'S IT!" He roared.

I heard his heavy footsteps coming down the hall. I sat there wide eye'd. Crap! The door swung open to reveal a smug looking Jasper. I spat towards him." Fuck off, you touch me and you'll regret it!" I gave him death glares.

"I don't think your in the possition to be giving out orders!" He was clearly amused.

"Just unlock me!"

He raised an eyebrow at me. I looked at him with a "duh" expression and shook my head to with it. He raised his eyesbrow higher. What was he waiting for ? Oh!

"Please!" I huffed. He smiled at me and grabbed the key of a shelf.

"Thats better girly, manners get you everywhere nowadays" as soon as i heard the lock unlock I grabbed my wrist and examined it. Eli had done it up tightly. I had blistered and the metal had really dug into the skin, tearing it open, making it bleed.

"Manners get you every do they? Can I leave this house forever please?" I said with a cockily chuckle.

"Nice try, but I don't think thats going to happen, ever"

Jasper took my wrist. I winced in pain , he released his grip around it and placed it in his huge palm. He frowned at it. "Common lets get this cleaned up, it could get infected" He dropped my wrist and stood back and put out his hand for me a to take.  I placed my palm  into his and lifted my self up off the bed. Wow! Jasper being nice.

Once up on my feet he pulled me through the house towards the stairs. As we pasted the bathroom I could hear Arebella sobbing quietly. The boys had stripped her down and forced in the shower. They thought it was fun to watch girls.

 I felt sorry for her, but she did need toughen up if she was going survive living here. But it depending whta they were going to keep her here for. If she was the "entertainment" She was fucked. Litereally.

We made our way to the kitchen, to told me to sit myself on the kitchen worksurface. I propt myself onto it with ease. I watched him as he pulled out a first aid kit from under the sink. He pulled out some bandages and antiseptic wipes. Oh I hated those things, they sung everytime the came into contact with my skin. He wiped of the dry blood anf gently wrapped my wrist.



"What am i?"

"A girl, stupid! What are you getting at?"

"No! I know that! I mean am I one of you or am I still your kidnapee or however you wanna put it!"

He finished my wirst and looked at me in serious thought. " You'd have to ask Eli, but either way you've saved our asses twice and your a pretty good fighter so I -

"Pretty good fight high on drugs" I corrected him.

"Okay a excellent fighter on drugs, but there's no money anymore in cage fighting! You'd be a interesting part of the group! But your still never allowed to leave."

I took in what he said for a moment, I wasn't still 100% if i had there trust. I wasn't ever going to leave. MY family was dead, everyone thought I was dead. Even if i did escape i'd be found again due the tracker on me and i'd be tortured. Life for me was grim. But its something i had to deal with. They were my family now in some strange ways. I looked up to Jasper who was still looking at me in thought. "Do you trust me enough to take this tracker off?"


We both jumped from our spots and turned around to see Eli stood in the door way. How long had he been there? I frowned at him. "well?" He walked towards me and stroked the side of my face.

"I will NEVER trust you. That thing will always stay on you. Yes you are ours still but you will work for us as one of us!"

"What?! Even though last time i was left alone, I killed out Chase and his gang?"

"That was self defence because they were after you!"

"Actually, they after your drugs, money and weapons. You do relised chase works for Tyler right?"

"What how do you know that?"

"I looked at the guns Tyler and Chase used, they were both similar. Plus I heard Tyler talk about you. He wants me to fight for him and he's going to kill you. He's also someone else I think working for him. I'm not sure though, but he says you've become a hassle"

Eli slammed his fist on the counter next to me. "DAMN IT INDIE! why didn't you tell me before?"

"I only just remembered" I answer honestly.

He composed himself and turned towards Jasper. "Get the others were going to see Elliot, phone ahead" Jasper nodded and left the room. After a few minutes he came back with them all. Arebella not with them.

"I phoned ahead. He only wants the group not our new addition, we can't leave her here she'll escape?" Jasper said referring to Arebella.

"Where is she?"

"Tied up in Isaacs room."

Eli ordered htem to sit down, me also. "Who going to stay behind and keep an eye on her"

Tristan: "Elliot wants us all to go. Leave Indie here maybe?"

Noah: "Don't be so stupid she's the main reason were in this shit plus she'd only run off"

They all turned to me, expecting something. "Woah! I'm allowed a say in this?!"

"Don't be smart girl, watch that tongue of yours, I could easily cut it out!"

I gulped. "Well if i did run off which i'm not going too, i've got a tracker on me. Duh!"

Bray: "I put one on the other girl also, if either go outside the house an alarm goes of that I have on me"

Eli: "Well then it's settle. Indie stay here. Try anything stupid and you will know what's going to happen. Let her escape and again, you know what will happen. got it?"

I nodded my head. They all got up and after a few minutes of gathering up paperwork and weapons, they left the house. Leaving me alone. I sat at the table wondering what to do. I sighed and got up of the counter. I decided to check on the Arebella.

~~~~ ( Music for this Scene )

I opened the door to find her there drugged up to her eyeballs. I found the key and uncuffed her. She wouldn't wake up, so I went to get a flannel. I rinsed it under the sink in the bathroom, went back into Isaacs room and wrung it out on her face.

She sat bolt up gasping in shock. she looked around and saw me. Once she relised she wasn't chained up she made a dash for the door. I followed her, she was heading for the front door. She raced down the stairs and tugged on the front door, it was locked.

"I wouldn't do that if i were you, look at your ankle"

She looked down at her ankle and panicked. "What is it?" she sobbed. "How long have you been here?". I sighed and sat hlafway down the stairs, signalling for her to join me. I started with camping, telling her everything and i mean everything. It took me a good hour to get through everything. After i told her everything she sat there in silence.

"Oh" was all she could say. "so where do they keep the guns?"

I smiled at her and led her down the stairs towards the garage.By now i had found the secret brick in the wall that unlock all the guns and weapons. Arebella's eye's widened. "Why don't you just kill them, you killed that Chase guy didn't you?" I thought about that for a moment.

"I just can't kill them, if I kill them then I have noone. I don't want that. But aleast i've got some company now because i don't think you'll be leaving anytime soon, I'm afraid"

She looked at me and smiled slightly "it's alright, My family disownned me, I'm a prositute who was beaten by her pimp everynight. I don't think I can get it any worse" She paused and looked around at the guns. "Can you aim?"

I shrugged "A bit I guess"

"Teach me the basic, then maybe oneday me and you can get your friend back, Marcy."

I smiled at her. I would love to do that, but I couldn't. This was my life. I felt safe here almost. God my minds so twisted up. I walked towards one of the hand guns and threw one to her. I told her how to hold it and to take off the safety cap. I pulled out to targets and helped her fire. She was pretty bad. My aim on the other hand was getting pretty good. I almost got bulleyes on every shot.

After that I pulled out the punch bag. now she was good at that. I thought I was good at that. She told me she had to learn self defence living out on the streets. I could learn a thing or two from her. We continued passing on tips.

Ha! I had the strangest thought go through my head, maybe Me, Are (her name shortened, pronouced Ari) and Marcy could join together as one unit. We all had skills. Our inititals spelt out. A.I.M which was ironic, as we all good at aiming. I sighed at the impossible thought.



There back! Already! I told Are to stay there while I went out into the lounge to find them. "Yes?" I asked calmly. They turned to me and relaxed. "Told you i wouldn't go anywhere"

Noah: "That's only because you have that thing on you, if you didn't it'd be another stroy, where the girl? She's not in Isaacs room?"

"She's in the garage." I stated.

"What?!" They all exclaimed. I backed away from there sudden blow. "what?" Olly repeated "she's in the garage with the weapons. great!"

As he spoke those words Are came out of the garage and looked at them scared. I stood infront of her, I relised she had a gunin her hand. bad move. The boys saw and started to pull there's out. I snatched it from her hands. They lowered there's but then raised them again when i raised it to them. "It was my idea, so leave her alone got it?" I sternly told them.

"Chill Ind, common group meeting, kitchen now. All of you!" Jasper anounced.

We all followed him in. I took my position on the worksuface agian, while Isaac foced Are to sit on the floor next to him. she did as she was told and brang her knees into her chest. Eli started.

"Were in big shit. Tyler after us. He's sending his whole mob after us. We need to find out who his undercover one is, for all I know it could be one of you. But first things first, we need to upsize on our group, but i don't want anyone. I trust no one. Indie you'll be starting training tommrow, you'll be fighting with us." He turned towards me. I nodded at him, he turned back to them. " Good. so that makes eight of us, I think ten's a good number, don't you? We need two more"

I coughed wanted to grab there attention. 

"Yes?" They asked sarcasiticly.

I smiled at them, then went seriously. " Number nines in the room" 

They all looked at me in confusion, then I pointed the gun that I hand in my hand casually at Are. Who looking at me to say "What are you doing?"

"HER!" Isaac exclaimed.

"Yes her, I don't want to be the only girl, plus you wern't in the garage today, she's a better fighter than me. Also its no lose for you if she lives or dies its an extra skill and person. So its win , win." I stated.blatenly won them over. I grinned at them.

"I think you've made a good piont. lets she what she's got" They all turned to Are and she stood to her feet. Isaac grabbed her and pushed into the garage. they all followed her.

"Fight agianst Indie" Olly ordered. "Not that you'll win and don't play her indie, If your not trying hard enough will know and hurt her"

Great no pressure then. I walked up to Are, she looked at me, He facial expression changed from sweet to deadly. Shit. She moved towards me and striked. I ducked and stuck out my leg spinning on the spot, kicking her feet from underneath her, instead of falling she jumped and flipped backwards, landing gracefully. I was impressed.

 We carried on for few minutes, we were equal at moment, I decided to give one last push, remembeing my kick boxing classes. I planted on her face. her nose exploded and she fell back. Defeated. I walked over to her. she was laying with her eyes closed.

I walked closer to her. I think I knocked her out. Suddenly her legs wrapped around my waist bring me down hard onto the mat. Offt! She swung on top of me and sat on my stomach and looked at me smiling. I grinned back to her. totally impressed.

She got up of me and held out a hand to help me up. We were both out of breath we'd forgoten the boys were in the room. We turned round to face them. "So?" I asked. They all turned to Eli. He had an evil glare on him, his thumb and pionting finger on his chin in thought. He finally looked up.

"Fine! But if I have any trouble, you try to escape, eother of you cross us and we'll personaly hunt you down and those trackers arn't coming off" He stormed out the room in complete disbelief. Once he was in the kitchen he continued. "Training starts tommorow!"

The boys trailed out behind him, smiling at his disbelief. I slumped on the floor in exsaution. Are stood there unsure what to do. Noah was the last to walk out he turned round to us " Hmm I'm going to like this, Fuckable assaisins. This job has it's plus side after all!" I scowled at him. He wasn't touching either of us.If any of them wanted a fuck it wouldn't be from us. He saw my face and winked, he turned to Are.

"Welcome to hell!" .

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