Dark Lover

By anelecarey

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My name is Zass. You might think you know what being a Vampire means these days but I bet I'll prove you wro... More

Lynx - Part 1
Lynx - Part 2
Lynx - Part 3
Lynx - Part 4
Lynx - Part 5
Lynx - Part 6
Lynx - Part 7
Lynx - Part 8
Lynx - Part 9
Lynx - Part 10
Lynx - Part 11
Lynx - Part 12
Lynx - Part 13
Lynx - Part 14
Lynx - Part 15
Lynx - Bonus
Zass - Part 1
Zass - Part 2
Zass - Part 3
Zass - Part 4
Zass - Part 5
Zass - Part 6
Zass - Part 7
Zass - Part 8
Zass - Part 9
Zass - Part 10
Zass - Part 11
Zass - Part 12
Zass - Part 13
Zass - Part 14
Zass - Part 15
Zass - Bonus
Magenta - Part 1
Magenta - Part 2
Magenta - Part 3
Magenta - Part 4
Magenta - Part 5
Magenta - Part 6
Magenta - Part 8
Magenta - Part 9
Magenta - Part 10
Magenta - Part 11
Magenta - Part 12
Magenta - Part 13
Magenta - Part 14
Magenta - Part 15
Magenta - Bonus

Magenta - Part 7

615 59 18
By anelecarey

I locked the door behind us and pocketed the key.  I turned to see Scott standing with his head cocked to the side as if he was listening to something.  Before I could say his name, my phone chirped and I took it out to slide my finger across the screen.  I saw Iris had left a message while we were inside the building.  Hmmm...  If the building was a cell phone dead zone that could be an interesting bit of information to exploit. 

I cued up my voicemail and listened to the message.

"Is this Mit... The Vampire Zass?  Hello?  I didn't hear that...I beg your pardon Alli...?  What...What must I say?  ...Zass...I have awaited your messenger, Master of Vampires of Los Angeles.  You and your mate Scott must provide me with a carriage to your dwelling for me to attend and train you as I have been requested.  (Voice in the background:  'Just call an Uber! Join the modern age why don't you girl!').  Pardon, what is thing called an Uber?  Alli please come here and explain what I am supposed to say.  This is very confusing.  Is this telephone machine actually bringing my voice to the one called Zass?  Will he be expecting my visitation to his dwelling?  (Yeah Girl, it's not like they're getting less horny while you're making them wait!)  Oh... What does that mean Alli?  Alli, Mistress of Sirens, please explain?  ...I will be commencing my journey to your dwelling shortly, Vampire Zass... How do I terminate the message?  This is the end... Vampire Zass... The end...  Is that all?  Alli?  (Beep, beep, beep... click.)"

"I don't think Iris really understands technology." I said, my voice brimming with mirth.  At Scott's questioning look, I cracked up laughing and then replayed the message for Scott to listen to. 

He laughed so hard tears appeared in the corners of his gorgeous blue eyes.  I desperately wanted to kiss them away, which led to me desperately wanting to kiss him... so what's new?

"Home James!" I said loudly and Scott laughed again before opening my door for me and then quickly rushing around to the other side of the car and hopping into the Aston Martin.  I got in beside him and had to force myself not to play with his leg as he drove.  My fingers curled up against my own thighs, my fingernails digging into the softer skin of my palms, making me grit my teeth.  But it was failing to distract me from my ever growing need to rip Scott's clothes to shreds, to expose all that yummy goodness underneath.  I eyed his knee, my eyes travelled up from that point, past his muscular thigh that was encased in black denim, to the prize, the raised mound in the centre of his groin that strained ever so slightly against the dark fabric which held him tightly in place.  I took a deep breath then my eyes quickly flew to his face when I heard him chuckle softly. 

"You're so desperate for me aren't you?" Scott said with a highly amused tone in his voice. 

"You have no idea Scotty." I admitted, my obvious desire for him rising as my left fang descended.  I looked at him as I slid my tongue between my teeth and moistened my lips, then ran it down my extended canine to the point, smiling a little as his attention wavered from the road and his tongue swiped his own lips in response to my overtly sexual action.  He groaned and cracked his neck on one side then the other, then slipped his hand from the wheel to caress the side of my face.  "Iris better be there when we get home Zass.  I don't know how much more of this forced celibacy I can take."

"I agree 1000% Scotty." I said nodding.  I desperately needed a warm cup of B+, failing that I was going to attack Scott's neck and that would lead to other things that we really couldn't afford.  Not if Alex was any indication of what might happen when we were together.  It was strange though, I seemed to be more... how to word this particular predicament... antsy?  Frustrated?  Scott just seemed to be really distracted lately, even with the presence of Alex in the Penthouse last night, I was the one having to pull myself up short and not attack that cute puppy, um... man.  Scott didn't seem to be having the same level of angst over us being unable to consummate our relationship for the last few days.  Was it me?  Were his affections now centred elsewhere?  Should I rethink my insistence on Alex being a part of our bedroom play?

It was almost as if he was listening to another voice in his head and not me lately.  I didn't know what was going on.  The one time I let my frustration get the better of my tact and I asked him what was wrong, he'd responded with, "Nothing, why?"  I hadn't really known how to tell him I was feeling like he wasn't paying me enough attention, when we'd spent the whole day together discussing our vision for the club.  And it wasn't like he wasn't present with me, he just seemed, distracted.  Thinking about something... someone?  Alex?  Mick?  Some other tall, gorgeous man... Damn I needed to get my head on straight.  Or ask the question directly.

"Scott?" I said with a question in my voice.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"What's going on with you tonight?  Actually the last couple of days.  You seem to be lost in your head lately.  I was just wondering what had you so distracted." I asked.

"I don't know.  It's like that buzzing sensation you have when there's a lot of static electricity in the air.  Like someone's saying your name and you can't quite hear what they're saying.  Like that...  I don't know what it is.  I get the strongest smell of grilled meat when I think about it.  I don't know what that's all about either.  Something telling me I'm hungry?  Well I actually am... I don't know.  Sorry Zass, I'll try to concentrate on us tonight.  OK?" He said with a half-smile then changed gears as he drove down the ramp that led into the parking area.

"Sure Scotty." I said, with an amused glance as we exited the car and headed to the elevator.  Actually if Iris was waiting for us upstairs, then she should know what she was getting herself into.  I waited until the doors of the elevator opened then as Scotty stepped forwards, I leapt onto his back and wrapped my legs around his waist. 

"Oof." Scott blew out a surprised breath as he reacted to my weight landing on him, then he chuckled as I licked the side of his neck. 

"Stahp!  He giggled, but I was too focused on that throbbing vein in the side of his neck and the need I had to sink my fangs into it.  I ran my nose up the side of his neck and breathed in his scent.  I had to swallow as my mouth filled with saliva as Scott's scent filled my nose.  I had closed my eyes and was trying to get myself under control when the indicator pinged and Scott carried me out to our door.

When he carried me into the Penthouse, we found a very still figure in lotus position on the living room floor.  It was almost a shame to disturb her, but we needed this thing to happen.  Actually... I really needed this to happen, like immediately.  But first, "How did you get inside Iris?"

"Greetings to you too Master of Vampires." She said with her eyes firmly closed.

I slid down Scott's back and when my feet hit the floor, she smoothly uncurled herself and rose to meet my eyes. 

"Thank your housekeeper, the lovely Deirdre.  She allowed me access to your dwelling on her departure.  She is very welcoming and her sweet tea is very nice.  You should increase her stipend Ma..."

"Enough with the Master of Vampires Iris." I demanded.  "Until I have my coming out party, that particular title is something that can wait.  At least while we're here in our own home it's something that can be left at the door and we can just be normal people inside these walls, OK!"

"Normal?  Unfortunately you are very much not normal Ma... Zass."  Iris replied.  "Your problem as Zeus has informed me is that you need to shield others from your, shall we call it a 'power release' when you two reach a common state of euphoria.  Is that a reasonable description of what we are discussing?"

"Actually, yes it is." Scott said with a shrug.  Last time we were together, Alex came into his inherited abilities.  Only he was so low on the power totem pole, he shouldn't have become Supercharged at all.  It was only, well we came together and..." He shook his head, not knowing how to continue.

"So what you're telling me is that Alex was in the room with you when you... achieved ecstasy?"  Iris asked. 

"Yes." I responded.

She frowned.  "If he was with you and became that powerful, what about the other?" She asked.

"What other?" I replied.

"I am seeing two new distinct life forces that have been linked to yours now." She told us.

"Wait, is that who I've been hearing in my head for the last few days?" Scott asked.

"Why did you not use your abilities to find him?" Iris asked him.

Scott and I looked at each other and we made oops faces first at each other and then at our guest.

"I guess it never occurred to me that it wasn't some random thing I was picking up occasionally." He said with a sheepish expression.

Linked?  I wondered what that actually meant.  Explanations required another time I guess.

Iris rolled her eyes and looked sternly at us.  "You be seated there and clear your mind of all distractions." She said to Scott and pointed at the couch.  "Make yourself comfortable and release all of the tension and frustration that you are holding in and then allow yourself to feel the other person.  Not us, the other person who is desperately trying to communicate with you." She sat opposite Scott and made all the usual soothing comments, "Clear your mind, relax your muscles, deep breath in, out..."

Scott settled into the seat and relaxed.  He squished his eyes closed and I sighed as the crinkles I loved appeared at the corners of his eyes.  I looked quickly at Iris as my desire for him raised again and my hunger also rose.  Iris looked at me and waved me off in the direction of my fridge.  I nodded and went to get myself a snack.  She was right, waiting to discover if we'd changed some poor human into another Supernatural wasn't going to happen any sooner if I starved myself.  I chugged a mug and rinsed the cup before re-joining the two in the living room.  Scott opened his eyes five minutes later with a solemn expression. 

"I found him Zass, the reason we didn't hear about anyone else is that he's been stuck in the psych ward at Cedars-Sinai.  His name is Justin and he was found wandering two blocks away telling anyone who was listening he had wings."  Scott said with a worried expression.  "This guy's just been dumped in at the deep end, he has no idea that the Supernatural world exists and he thinks he's had a psychotic break.  The reason I've been so distracted at certain times the last few days?  That's when he was about to get his meds and he was lucid again.  We have to go get him out Zass.  This guy's one of ours now.  We need to rescue him, whatever it takes."

I nodded in agreement and turned to look at Iris.  "I want to go get this guy out of the nut hatch, but I'm desperate to get this shielding thing happening too.  Will you be here when we get back?"

"I will be awaiting your return Vampire Zass." She replied.

I smiled then held out my hand to Scott as we turned hand in hand to hurry back out into the night.  Two Supernatural Heroes off to rescue the damsel in distress.  Or something like that.

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