Dark Lover

By anelecarey

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My name is Zass. You might think you know what being a Vampire means these days but I bet I'll prove you wro... More

Lynx - Part 1
Lynx - Part 2
Lynx - Part 3
Lynx - Part 4
Lynx - Part 5
Lynx - Part 6
Lynx - Part 7
Lynx - Part 8
Lynx - Part 9
Lynx - Part 10
Lynx - Part 11
Lynx - Part 12
Lynx - Part 13
Lynx - Part 14
Lynx - Part 15
Lynx - Bonus
Zass - Part 1
Zass - Part 2
Zass - Part 3
Zass - Part 4
Zass - Part 5
Zass - Part 6
Zass - Part 7
Zass - Part 8
Zass - Part 9
Zass - Part 10
Zass - Part 11
Zass - Part 12
Zass - Part 13
Zass - Part 14
Zass - Part 15
Zass - Bonus
Magenta - Part 1
Magenta - Part 2
Magenta - Part 3
Magenta - Part 4
Magenta - Part 6
Magenta - Part 7
Magenta - Part 8
Magenta - Part 9
Magenta - Part 10
Magenta - Part 11
Magenta - Part 12
Magenta - Part 13
Magenta - Part 14
Magenta - Part 15
Magenta - Bonus

Magenta - Part 5

878 66 17
By anelecarey

Not exactly what I pictured Scott wearing but you get the idea! Besides, mancandy! XD

"Of course if you put the bar over on this side of the room, you'll have plenty of space here for the dance floor and poles that you want." Tara said, indicating the centre of the room that evening, when we were in the warehouse Scott and I had just signed papers on.

I nodded and turned to Scott.  "Do you think we'll have enough room for some more booths if we add extra stalls in the bathroom?"

"I can see it.  We want eight at least right?" He nodded.  One thing about Scott, he was really great at visualizing things.  "What do you think Ben?" He asked the contractor.

Misha's contractor brought up the rear, using his laser tracker to take measurements of the space.  Ben looked at the list of notes that he was working with from our last meeting.  "You could probably do eight.  They'd be very intimate though.  You definitely want a gender inclusive bathroom?"  When we nodded, he made some more notes then went on to ask, "You're looking at a 500 square feet space for your amphitheatre towards the rear?  You can definitely have the square footage for the inclusive bathroom if you utilise that other wall for the bar.  I just need to see the whole space and upper levels to calculate the size of the other amenities and apartments you can install." He added.  "Oh, and if you're thinking of incorporating metallics, I have a sweet deal on stainless steel wall panels.  Perfect for easy cleaning in wet areas, plus I can get them coloured whatever shade you want, textured too.  "

We both looked at Tara and she nodded.  "You definitely want easy to clean in the heavily trafficked areas.  Bathrooms, bar, staff areas.  I'd also look into hard wearing flooring that's easy to clean.  Especially for things like red wine and blood."

I slid her a look as if to say, 'What do you know?'

She responded to that look with, "After all, I'm sure you'll get the odd fight and bloody nose right?  It is a club after all.  Even with a security presence, these things happen when you mix hormones and alcohol!" 

Riiiiiight.................  I knew we'd be cleaning up a lot more exotic things than red wine and blood, but Misha had already put me in contact with his cleaning company and they'd taken on the additional contract immediately. 

The bar, bathroom, staff amenities and storage areas all were easy to plan out.  We all went up to the next level and Tara and Ben started gesticulating wildly upon examining the space, figuring out how many apartments could be installed and what the rest could be used for. 

"Don't forget the themed rooms need full bathrooms too." I reminded them.  "Plus the Master Suite needs a triple shower, and a spa bath large enough to accommodate... shall we say 5 comfortably.  Scotty's got long legs and I'm not going to be a sardine." I demanded.  "Also speaking of security, I'm having some pretty sophisticated systems installed.  Misha's joining us shortly with his expert.  Ben you'll stick around for that meeting?"  

"That's not going to be a problem." He assured us. 

Tara nodded and said positively, "I was thinking we'd have a lot of wasted space, but with the storage areas you're going to need, laundry, vehicles, security features etc.  You're basically looking at everything a small hotel requires and honestly you wouldn't want a more modest space, especially since it sounds like you're going all out on the creature comforts." Tara said smiling with approval.  "The colours Scott mentioned, the textures you're looking for and the different themed rooms all sound amazing.  I can definitely put together samples that take most of your needs into account.  We can work out the finer details when I have some things for you to look at.  It will be a real challenge to match up the rooms so that they have their own character and are still part of the club vibe.  Especially the heaven room.  But I'm confident I'll exceed your expectations!"

I nodded, Tara was making sense already and with comments like that, I knew she'd look after my vision.  Considering the amount of time she'd need to be putting in so everything was completed in time, I was happy she appeared to have really good energy and positivity.  As we descended to the main floor again, I had to hide my inner amusement as her gaze darted to the opposite wall.  Her enthusiasm on that point might have something to do with a certain 'firebird' she'd arrived with.  Kevin was standing where the bar was going to be and nodding with a star struck expression on his face.  The lovely designer had obviously made an impression on him too.

"The ceiling over the dance floor could be dropped to increase the mood of the space so that you could make a feature of it with the lighting.  Depending on the type you chose, it would make it easier to clean too." Tara suggested.  "You're definitely going to need a lot of staff to keep this place operating smoothly." She added.

"Don't worry about the small details.  I have someone with very good connections when it comes to staffing." I said.

When we got down to the main floor, I could see Scott's eyes flash.  He turned to me so she didn't see evidence of the Supernatural in his eyes, then he pulled me across the room.  "I can see it Zass.  Let me show you."

He grabbed my other hand and then took me inside his vision.  I saw the bar, the lighting, colours of gold, purpley pink and black.  I saw the public areas full of people enjoying the atmosphere, the entertainment and the treats available on the menu and wine list.  I saw a fabulously vibrant tattoo artist with a brightly lit workspace and sheer privacy curtain that could be drawn aside for the inner exhibitionist.  I even saw the server's costumes, they were extremely striking and definitely elegant.  Something I'd never have imagined on my own, yet completely perfect.  I immediately saw what I wanted for the front of house staff, Concierge and Valet's too.  Then the name that I saw lit up on the outside of the building in Scott's vision made an impact.  "Magenta" I whispered and Scott smiled through the fading vision and planted his lips on mine. 

"Well we couldn't exactly call it 'Blood and Vanilla' could we?" He said softly against my mouth.

"I guess not.  You don't think it's going to be too... pink?" I asked him, pulling back so I could see his face.

"No, we'll err on the side of deeper shades and emphasize the black.  We want things to be classy, we're talking longevity." He said with an excited expression.  "Oh, Zass did you see their boots?  Man, I loved seeing the cute boys that want to, rocking their heels in those lush uniforms.  They totally reminded me of our first club visit together."

"Mmm, that sexy brunette!  Not as sexy as you in that leather outfit you wore to Inferno though.  Yeeeessss, that reminds me I still have to get you into that again Love.  Just so I can peel you out of it of course!" I smirked at him.

Scott flashed me a knowing grin in return and I knew I was going to watch him slip into and then help him out of those straps and leather pants when we got home.  His hips swayed slightly as he walked over to join Ben and I had to bite down on my lip to stop my fang from creeping down.  The look he flashed over his shoulder at me almost had me dragging his ass home right then and there.  But that was a pleasure I would have to wait a bit longer for. 

Those flashing silver eyes just had me transfixed.  Imagining him in leather straps totally had my brain swing towards bondage gear.  Not greatly exotic in the grand scheme of things, just something I had developed a definite taste for over the years.  However adventurous Scott's tastes developed in that area, there was nothing that I desired more strongly than him being comfortable with all aspects of his sexuality, his body, his desires and exploring those limits that I wanted him to push a bit further.  For tonight, the visual suggestion of straps and ties would be enough, but if he was up for it I was getting the cuffs out... Mmm.

I suddenly had an image in my head of Scott and Alex and exactly how I was going to paint them.  Scott standing, holding the hilt of a downwards pointing long sword, its tip touching the floor.  Wearing skin tight leather low slung pants, with large buckled boots and his wings outstretched.  His torso mainly uncovered but with a stylised modern leather breastplate.  Looking like a slightly tousled, sexy-as-hell angelic biker warrior.   I saw Alex seated slightly to the side, mostly nude touching Scott's leg.  The background and landscape around the pair I would paint would include lots of red and make the viewer imagine Scott had just recued Alex from the clutches of Hell.  It was so vivid in my mind that I whispered, "Scott." He turned and looked at me with a puzzled expression until he saw what I had seen.  Then the heat in his eyes increased exponentially and he bit his own lip in anticipation of the end result.

"I approve." He whispered so that only I could hear and my answering smile had him blushing.

Oh yes, we were definitely going to have fun tonight.


A while later, Kevin had left with Tara in tow.  Scott, Ben and I were there waiting for Misha and his Security guy.  Scott was leaning against one of the support pillars in the centre of the space looking around as Ben and I discussed some of the little extras that would be in the private areas. 

"So, one of the side rooms off the amphitheatre will need to be a fully stocked medical facility.  Some of the encounters we'll be having in the private areas will more than likely mean medical attention will be needed.  Hopefully nothing more than bone setting, shrapnel removal that sort of thing, but we'll probably need sterile and cold storage as well as plumbing.  I can imagine the possibility of some of the more exotic human endeavours requiring the services of medical staff too.  After all we don't want to be taking clients to the emergency room.  I want an armoury, it needs to be large enough to house my own personal collection of antique weapons and blades.  Also the more modern things that my side kick over there likes too." I added with a smile in Scott's direction.  "We go up against a group like the Ascalonians again, I want to be fully prepared." I added.

Scott nodded and said, "Will there be room for a gym?  A workout area for our Security guys?  And me!" He added.

"Yes, I can probably fit that in too." Ben assured us. "One last question before I start roughing out some plans Zass.  How many vehicles do you intend on housing in the garage?  You're going to need a valet service and the parking structure next to Inferno will probably be the most suitable for customer parking.  But for personal or staff vehicles, did you have some ideas about that?  Will you be looking at a service area with an in-house mechanic or just housing them?"

We were debating the value in both suggestions when Misha stalked flamboyantly into the space with a more sombre looking pale blonde following him.

"Boys!" He said with an expressive flourish of one hand.  "What on earth have you taken on?" Then he smiled and came over to do the European greeting, air kissing my cheeks, yet making contact with Scott's deliberately.  He threw me a flirty smile then introduced his companion as I shook my head in amusement at him.  "This is Casper Sweeties.  Zass, Scott, Ben meet the best Catburglar in the business.  He'll make this place impregnable if you have the dosh to slap his hand with.  He's the best security advisor in LA, the entire Continent probably." Misha said with a grin.

"Pleasure." Was all he said before looking around. 

He pulled out a notebook and then fired off a few questions about generators, internet carriers, how many separate sections we wanted, Wi-Fi, Security and technology requirements for the public areas.  We discussed all the modern conveniences of tablets for table and booth service so orders were processed quickly in the kitchen.  There would be a few more exotic menu items available from the themed rooms and room service, so wireless connectivity would be essential and would definitely need to be completely discreet.  "I can include upgrades and service calls in the package I'll put together for you Sir." Casper said. 

I nodded, he was another in a long line of personnel I'd have to get used to calling me 'Sir'.  It just wouldn't do to have them call me Master in public.  Even though that was really the position I would be assuming when everything, including my new throne was ready for unveiling. 

Ben and Casper left, leaving the three of us standing in the empty space.  Misha opened his arms widely and said, "You don't do anything by halves do you Princess?"

I smiled widely at the endearment and said quickly, "It's going to be 'Master' soon Misha.  Are you going to be OK with that?"

"Of course, Zass." Misha said with a nod.  "You don't think I want to be saddled with that horrendous responsibility?" He asked.

"Well..." I said leaving the question hanging.

"Not in a million years, Princess.  You have no idea how thrilled I was when you came back to America and put down roots here in LA of all places.  I could concentrate on my own personal wealth expansion and whatever forms of entertainment that took my fancy, as long as I obeyed your one small rule and everyone was happy.  You think I want to be the one every Tom, Dick and Harry are going to be presenting their grievances to when you get your audience chamber set up?  No thank you.  It's off to the playroom for me tonight.  Footloose and fancy free.  Nope, you can keep all that ruler business.  I'm in it for the self-indulgence."

We shrugged and let him go with a flurry of cologne and flamboyant air kisses.

"Remind me, you and he were together for how long?" Scott asked me with a bemused expression.

"A millisecond Scotty." I replied grabbing him and pulling him close for a kiss.

"You told me it was a bit longer actually." Came a dry voice from up in the eaves, before a tall and striking figure dropped down to the floor in front of us.  He landed on slightly bent legs then straightened and flashed us a quirky smile as he straightened his overcoat.

I could see Scott's slightly stunned expression shout, 'Someone get me oxygen, that man is fine!'  I took in his blush and then looked at Mick as he ran a hand through his shoulder length wavy curls, the kind of hair that Scott admitted he admired and also the responsive smile he was flashing at my fiancée and felt the tiny prickle of jealousy flare.

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