After Death, I Finally Met Th...

By kepgine

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Mochou knew the moment he saw his Martial arts instructor that he was gay. Not only was he gay but he was att... More

Chapter 1: Apocalyptic World
Chapter 2: Moving in Together
Chapter 3: Death
Chapter 4: A New Home
Chapter 5: Forest
Chapter 6: The River
Chapter 7: Rustle
Chapter 8: First Meeting
Chapter 9: Rental Fee
Chapter 10: Family Dinner
Chapter 11: Spark
Chapter 12: Stare
Chapter 13: Yichen's Father (pt.1)
Chspter 14: Yichen's Father (pt.2)
Chapter 15: Town
Chapter 16: First Kiss
Chapter 17: Mom, Please!
Chapter 18: Yichen's Mother
Chapter 19: Be Patient
Chapter 20: Bo Chen's Decision
Chapter 21: Doctor Yichen (Pt.1)
Chapter 22: Doctor Yichen (Pt.2)
Chapter 23: Wedding Preparations (Pt.1)
Chappter 24: Wedding Preparation (Pt.2)
Chapter 25: Wedding Day (Pt.1)
Chapter 26: Wedding Day (Pt.2)
Chapter 27: Wedding night (NSFW)
Chapter 28: Building A Life Together (pt.1)
Chapter 29: Building A Life Together (pt.2 + NSFW)
Chapter 30: What I Want
Chapter 31: Fish
Chapter 32: Going to Town together (pt.1)
Chapter 33: Going to Town together (pt.2)
Chapter 34: Shopping (pt.1)
Chapter 35: Shopping (Pt.2)
Chapter 36: Hunting Practice
Extra 1: Quian Duo's Vengeance
Chapter 37: Late
Chapter 38: Dinner
Chapter 39: Awkward Conversations
Chapter 40: A GER's Body
Chapter 41: People
Chapter 42: Planning the New House
Chapter 43: Buying Land (pt.1)
Chapter 45: Hong Family Construction
Chapter 46: Hyper Vigilance (NSFW)
Chapter 47: Midnight Snack
Chapter 48: Worry
Chapter 49: Missing Herb
Chapter 50: Trembling Hands (Pt.1)
Chapter 51: Trembling Hands (Pt.2)
Chapter 52: Chicken Coop
Chapter 53: Dinner Guest
Chapter 54: Building Walls
Chapter 55: Are You Angry?
Chapter 56: Purple
Chapter 57: Little Grape
Chapter 58: Dumpling
Chapter 59: Shopping List
Chapter 60: Shopping Spree (NSFW)
Chapter 61: Money
Chapter 62: Wood Carving
Chapter 63: Silence
Chapter 64: Rules
Chapter 65: Yichen's First Day At Work (Pt.1)
Chapter 66: Yichen's First Day at Work (Pt.2)
Chapter 67: A New, Better Day
Chapter 68: Am I Cute Now? (NSFW)
Chapter 69: Rosewood
Chapter 70: Never Again...
Chapter 71: No Longer Peaceful
Chapter 72: Two Days
Chapter 73: The Next Morning
Chapter 74: Kind
Chapter 75: Gift
Chapter 76: Unable To Think or Breath Without You
Chapter 77: Do Something
Chapter 78: The New House
Chapter 79: Decision
Chapter 80: Rage
Chapter 81: Silent Night
Chapter 82: The Truth
Chapter 83: You'll Get Through This
Chapter 84: Slow Down
Chapter 85: Passion Reignited (NSFW)
Chapter 86: Roe Deer
Chapter 87: Yichen Leaves
Chapter 88: Miracle
Chapter 89: Let's Do Things Differently
Chapter 90: Spreading the Good News
Chapter 91: Harmony (NSFW ~ light)
Chaotrr 92: Pomegranate (Pt.1)
Chapter 93: Pomegranate (Pt.2)
Chapter 94: Little Moments
Chapter 95: Yichen, Help!
Chapter 96: Summer Storm (Pt.1)
Chapter 97: Summer Storm (Pt.2) / (NSFW)
Chapter 98: Indecent
Chapter 99: Yard Work
Chapter 100: Heartbeats
Chapter 101: First Snow
Chapter 102: Bladder Be Damned
Chapter 103: Mother's Request
Chapter 104: A Boost of Energy
Chapter 105: The Inn (pt.1)
Chapter 106: The Inn (Pt.2)
Chapter 107: Dark Clouds
Chapter 108: Snowstorm
Chapter 109: Extended Vacation
Chapter 110: I Want Them Out!!!! 🐣🐣
Chapter 111: Perfect
Chapter 112: Mu
Chapter 113: New Year (Pt.1)
Chapter 114: New Year (Pt.2)
Chapter 115: Everyone Has Something To Say

Chapter 44: Buying Land (pt.2)

215 14 4
By kepgine

Walking back Mochou found himself vigilantly scanning the area around them. After living in an apocalyptic world overrun by zombies he was no stranger to the act of watching his surroundings carefully.

"I don't see anyone near our house but they might have already gone inside or they are currently hiding in the forest." Mochou thought as he squinted his eyes in a poor attempt to see farther.

"Has anything happened recently?" Yichen's father was compelled to ask his son when he noticed Mochou's behaviour.

Yichen understood why he would ask. To be honest he was also worried about Mochou. It wasn't unusual for him to be in on guard but usual when they were together Mochou wasn't so tense.

"The traps Mochou set up in the forest were tampered with. We also suspect that whoever did it took any animals that were caught." Yichen said.

"That's a serious accusation. Are you certain?"

"Absolutely. Mochou's traps are rather unique so it's easy for him to see if anyone aside from himself has touched them. This morning when we went into the forest to check we found that all of them had been reset improperly." Yichen explained.

"I see. I'll look into it. I can't guarantee we will find the culprit. However, now that I know there is a problem I will take measures to unsure it doesn't happen again or that the person responsible is caught. All I ask is that the two of you are patient and don't try to take matters into your own hands." Yichen's father said as he looked at Mochou with concern.

"Thanks for the help. So about those wells, where are they?" Yichen said.

"They should be in similar locations to the one in Mochou's yard. Let's line ourselves up with the one in Mochou's yard and walk in a line away in search of the new wells."

"Sounds easy enough."

"Before that, Yichen go get three long sticks." His father requested.

Yichen ran to the hut and jumped over the wall. He found three long bamboo poles Mochou had gathered from the forest. That were a descent length before jumping ovwr the wall again and running back to his father and Mochou's side.

When he returned they quickly walked across the grassy area next to Mochou's wall until the were lined up with the well in Mochou's yard.

"Now there is no guarantee they will line up exactly but they will be close. Let's spread out a little and walk slowly move forward. Don't forget to use the pole to check the ground ahead of you. If you aren't careful you could fall into the well we are looking for." Yichen's father warned.

"Mochou, why don't you stay here?" Yichen suggested.

"I'll be careful. Let's go." Mochou said before he began poking the ground in front of him.

Yichen stood right next to him planning to move forward together. His father grabbed his arm and pulled him further away.

"I said we need to spread out." Yichen's father told Yichen as he pulled him away from Mochou.

Yichen grumbled reluctant to move. His father didn't care and forced Yichen to begin his walk at least an arm's length away from Mochou.


Tap* Tap* Tap* Thunk*

"I found another one!" Mochou shouted.

They had walked the line and found two wells both were covered in wood that had begun to rot through. To mark their location Yichen's father hammered in some long spikes to work as markers.

Mochou looked how far they had walked from their yard. The distance was further than their original plan meaning they would have more room to build their new home on.

While he plundered the distance Yichen and his father spread out and began placing three more poles at each corner of the area. The poles would be used to mark the purchased lands boundaries.

By the time they were done Mochou couldn't help but think they had underestimated the amount of land needed in the drawing.

"Yichen, can we afford to buy this much land for the house?" Mochou asked. The distance was roughly three maybe four times the width of his current yard.

"Dad? How much?"

"This area has been abandoned and repossessed by the state. 14 small gold is enough." Yichen's father said as he hammered the last pole into the ground.

"Is that considered high or low?" Mochou asked.

He and Yichen still hadn't had a chance to talk about money. When Yichen's father first mentioned the price Mochou felt it was high. Mostly because they had been dealing in large silver or lower. Now they were dealing in gold and from Mochou's perspective he felt it was expensive.

"This area has long been abandoned and is far from the fields. The price is lower than if you were purchasing from the main part of the village. The reason it seems high is because I included a year's worth of land taxes to the cost." His father said.

Mochou looked at Yichen curious about what he thought of the price.

"It's less than I expected. Mochou we can afford to splurge on the house!." Yichen happily said. The childish grin on his face seemed odd considering what they were discussing.

"Yichen, what do you mean by splurge? I understand you managed to earn and save a considerable amount working for your uncle however you cannot spend all your savings on the house." His father rebuked his excited son.

"Dad this will be our home. It's the biggest expense we have. It's important that it is done right." Yichen said in his defense.

"Done correctly and splurging are two different things. Which are you intending to do?"

"Original we were going for the cheaper options regarding the materials but now we can splurge for a tiled roof. Wood and stone walls. The house will be even nicer than yours dad." Yichen said.

"Such choices come with a steep price tag. Is it worth the expense?"

"Of course. Mochou deserves to live in an amazing house." Yichen said.

"Yichen, your dad is right. Maybe we should stick to the more common materials." Mochou said. He couldn't deny how excited he was earlier when talking about the house. So excited he forgot to consider the costs associated with everything he was asking for.

"Mochou, don't worry we have a lot of savings. I'm confident even if we splurge they won't be completely drained." Yichen assured him. Mochou was still uneasy despite how confident Yichen looked.

"Sigh* Dad, would you be able to help us figure out the building costs?" Yichen asked.

"I won't be able to tell you the exact cost. But I can give you a decent estimate considering what I know." His father said.

"Let's go inside to chat then." He urged while grabbing Mochou's hand.

His father had no qualms with discussing the details of their plan and its costs. He followed Yichen and Mochou back to their little hut to talk.


"If we hire ten people we'll be able to finish construction within two weeks. Then we'll have to wait another two months before moving in. During that time we can have the furniture built." Yichen said.

"Hiring more men to work less time is a good plan. My only suggestion is to provide the workers with snacks while they work. The meat buns Mochou makes are delicious. Those with a light soup and some tea would be a great way to motivate the men." His father suggested.

Yichen glanced at Mochou's arm. He agreed with his father about providing the labourers with a light meal while they work. Even so he couldn't agree when he considered Mochou's injuries.

"If you are worried I'm sure your mother and sister-in-laws would be more than happy to assist." His father added after noticing his gaze.

"What do you think Mochou?"

"I think it's a great idea. Happy workers are hardworking and attentive workers." Mochou said in favour of the idea.

"Very well. If we add in the cost for food, I think 2 or 3 large gold coins will cover the cost." Yichen's father said.

"That's if we stick to the usual materials. If we add a walkway to the toilet, a Kang bed in the winter bedroom, a large bath, large sturdy gates, and tile roofing. How much more would it cost?" Yichen questioned.

"For all those I would estimate 5 or even 6 large gold coins."

"That's a big different. Yichen, the Kang bed and walkway aren't needed until the winter or the rainy season at the earliest. We can wait until we save more money before building them. The tile roofing is also a luxury item we don't require." Mochou said.

"Mochou, I know we haven't had a chance to talk about money. So if it will make you feel more comfortable do you want to know how much I have saved?" Yichen asked.

Mochou nodded his head. He couldn't deny wanting to know how much money they had but he was also reluctant to ask with Yichen's father in the room.

Yichen leaned in very close. His lips lightly touching Mochou's ear as he spoke.

"15 large gold coins."


Mochou's eyes went wide in shock.

"That much? Why is my husband so rich?" Mochou nearly shouted.

"Even if we have enough savings to build the house we also need to consider furnishing it." Mochou said while trying to hide his shock.

"Hmm... you aren't wrong. Even so I'm confident we can afford to build the best house in or around the village."

"It will be great but I also think your initial design is a bit strange. It's not unusual to have a central courtyard, but if you really want one why are you insisting on this design. You should follow the usual design with the four cardinal directions. There is no reason to have the house placed in the center of the yard instead of using the the walls as part of the structure. You could connect all three structures and increase the usable living space while making the central courtyard larger."

Yichen and Mochou knew it was a strange. Having the house separate from the outer wall was different from the other homes in the area. However Yichen believed it to be safer and Mochou wanted to use the additional outdoor space for gardening. They didn't have a field for farming so they needed the space to grow their own vegetables or herbs.

Mochou even had plans to plant a few fruit trees, some grape vines, berry bushes, some common vegetables, and making Yichen a medicinal herb garden in the area near his clinic.

"Dad we put a lot of thought in this design. It gives us privacy and everything we need to live well. Trust us. This house, despite its strange design, is perfect for us." Yichen said.

"Understood. I won't question your choices any longer." His father said in resignation to his son's stubbornness.

"Great. Tomorrow we'll start making preparations. Who should we go see to start?" Yichen asked.

"If you planned to build a simpler home it wouldn't be difficult to just call on a few men from the village. However given the quality of the work you wish to receive I would suggest you contact the Hong family. They manage construction jobs in town and the surrounding villages. It will cost you a little more but they will handle finding the materials and making arrangements." His father suggested.

"The Hong family? Are you talking about Jie Hong? The guy Yi Ming used to hang out with?" Yichen asked.

"Yes, his family has been doing construction for generations."

"Not having to deal with the stress would be nice. Will they have the time to help us?" Yichen asked.

"I haven't heard of them starting any big jobs. It shouldn't be a problem."

"If it will be that simple we could probably head over today. What do you think Yichen? Is it possible to go over tonight?" Mochou asked.

"We could. Dad where do the Hong's live?" Yichen said.

"They live on the south side of the village across from the old oak tree. I'll accompany you." His father offered.

"Thanks, but I think Mochou and I have it covered." Yichen said. He didn't reject his father's help because he didn't appreciate it. He rejected it because he wanted building a house to be something he and Mochou did together.

"Very well. I will head back to the house and begin preparing the land purchasing contract and construction permits. Come by this evening to sign the paperwork." Yichen's father said before standing up and getting ready to leave.

"Thank you for the help." Mochou exclaimed happily.


Once his father left Yichen turned to Mochou and grinned.

"What are you grinning about?" Mochou cautiously asked.

Yichen didn't say a word he simply lunged forward and picked Mochou up into his arms.


"What? Why did you suddenly kiss me?" Mochou wondered after getting a big fat sloppy kiss from his husband.

"Do I need a reason to kiss my spouse?" Yichen teased before placing Mochou back down.

"No, but... you surprised me." Mochou muttered while blushing.

"Hehehe. Mochou, why are you so cute?" Yichen asked before leaning forward to kiss Mochou once more.

Lips pressed close and tongues intertwined they savoured the taste of one another. Despite his earlier words Mochou grabbed Yichen's collar and pulled him further down. He loved how strong and muscular Yichen was. The only downfall was the difference in their heights. It made the angle that they kissed at strained his neck a bit when they stood.

Yichen on the other hand didn't mind. Even if it hurt his back a little he happily bent down to kiss Mochou because he knew the moment their lips touched his mind would only be filled with the joy, tenderness, and desire that came from his love for Mochou.

A few minutes passed before Mochou finally let go of Yichen's collar and pulled away to breath.

"Yichen, if we keep this up we won't make it to the Hong's." Mochou said as he lingered only a breath away from Yichen's moist tempting lips.

"It can wait." Yichen said his hands moving further down Mochou's  waist.

"Yichen, we talked about this earlier. We can have fun tonight." Mochou said before pulling away.

"We are both young. There is no reason we can't do it more than once a day." Yichen grumbled a little. He had completely forgotten his earlier vow to not push Mochou too hard while his arm was injured.

"Pfft... My dear hubby you can be incredibly cute sometimes. Maybe we could try multiple times per day after we start taking the medications. But not today." Mochou said with a light tap to Yichen's firm well defined chest.

"Let's leave for the Hong's then." Yichen reluctantly said.

Mochou agreed with an amused smile as he looked at his downcast husband.


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