BLIND DEVOTION : The Misconce...

By the_creative_mabel

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Status: Complete ✔ | Editing process ⏸ Tell me what's the perfect picture of young adults life nowadays... More

Chapter 1: First Day - New Encounters
Chapter 2: First Day - New Encounters [part. 2]
Chapter 3: Defend Yourself!
Chapter 4: Just...Lonely.
Chapter 5: Let's Be Friends!
Chapter 6: Let's Be Friends! [part.2]
Chapter 7: Don't Wanna Be Alone
Chapter 8: Eat, Play, Talk!
Chapter 10: Just Getting To Know You Better
Chapter 11: Just The Two of Us
Chapter 12: I'll Take Care of You
Chapter 13: A Good Listener
Chapter 14: Feeling Protected
Chapter 15: Mixed Feelings
Chapter 16: Closer...
Chapter 17: You Go To My Head
Chapter 18: Mine
Chapter 19: A Some Relationship?
Chapter 20: Like A Drama
Chapter 21: Mental Discomfort
Chapter 22: Let's Not Fall in Love
Chapter 23: Avoidance
Chapter 24: Inside Her Shell
Chapter 25: Love Impaired
Chapter 26: Face-Off
Chapter 27: Heart[sick]
Chapter 28: So, What Now?
Chapter 29: Only Hope
Chapter 30: My Prince Charming
Chapter 31: The Lesson
Chapter 32: Hugs & Kisses
Chapter 33: Past & Present
Chapter 34: Just A Friend
Chapter 35: It's Risky
Thank You Message [5K Views!!!]
Chapter 36: Shouldn't Have...
Chapter 37: Will You Be Alright?
Chapter 38: Mighty Jaebeom°
Chapter 39: Smile Again
Chapter 40: Jealousy?
Chapter 41: Wedding Day [pt.1]
Chapter 42: Wedding Day [pt.2]
Chapter 43: Uncertainty
Chapter 44: I'm Still There
Chapter 45: A Growing Friendship
Chapter 46: Happy Feels
Chapter 47: When Your Friends Are Guys...
Chapter 48: Gibberish
Chapter 49: What A Mess!
Chapter 50: Gray
Chapter 51: Toy
Chapter 52: Breathe
Chapter 53: Passing By
Chapter 54: Now or Never
Chapter 55: Toronto
Chapter 56: Like Lullabies
Chapter 57: Fed Up
Chapter 58: Sorry
Chapter 59: Whoa!
Chapter 60: Opportunity
Chapter 61: Obsession
Chapter 62: Finally
Chapter 63: Friends Sweet Friends
Chapter 64: Remain Hidden
Chapter 65: Winter Child
Chapter 66: A Blessing In Disguise
Chapter 67: Fifty Shades of JB
Chapter 68: Bosom Buddies
Chapter 69: ...What?
Chapter 70: It's Time
Chapter 71: Awaken [part. 1]
Chapter 72: Awaken [part. 2]
Chapter 73: Crimson
Chapter 74: Retrospection
Chapter 75: December 1898
Chapter 76: Make A Change
Chapter 77: Company
Chapter 78: Let Me Love You
Chapter 79: Commitments
Chapter 80: A Step Forward
Chapter 81: Melanie's Day
Chapter 82: Longtime Friends
Chapter 83: Birth of GOT7
Chapter 84: Nothing Like Us
Chapter 85: Sleepover
Chapter 86: Unconditional Love
Chapter 87: Your Soulmate
Chapter 88: Official?
Thank You & Future Plans~

Chapter 9: No Love

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By the_creative_mabel

Mark's pov

"You lie to me all the time. I know that, that ain't your first time. You're hiding something..."

"How would you know anyways, uh?"

"I know you, that's it. I'm tired."

"Well, you know what? I'm tired of you too. It has to stop."

"What is it about?" i asked as if i wasn't expecting something surprising.

"You never really know what you want; you can't make decisions. You are so quiet; you are living in your own little world. It bothered me."

"I'm not always like that when i'm with you..."

She retorted "...and, the fact that you are drives me crazy too. You can't see me. You can't see anything. I feel like i'm your guardian. I always have to protect you, guide you, defend you. I'm a girl! In a relationship, it's the guy who's supposed to play that role. I'm the girl. People keep staring at us and saying mean things about our relationship. I don't feel like i'm with a man. I feel like...i'm...with a child."

A long silence filled the line. I couldn't dare to say anything at that moment. She thinks i'm..a child?

"I need a man. Someone who can protect, guide and defend me in any situation. I'm a woman, not a man. I want a real relationship." She really had no respect for me, for me being blind. I'm not a child.

"Those words...coming out of your mouth, easily like that, just prove how you didn't care for me at all. If you really did love me, you wouldn't care about what people say and think."

"It's easy to say, for you, you're blind. You can't see the faces of hundred of people looking at us while judging."

"I can understand, i won't deny that fact. I can't see, but i can hear those people really well. I didn't care because i liked you and it didn't matter to me. If you really did like me, we could have talk and come up with some solutions together!"

"It wouldn't work anyways. I don't want to be in a relationship with...a blind guy for the rest of my life. I'm...not happy anymore."

"Wow...well, to say you're the one who came to me first. You shouldn't have gave me false hopes. You know what? I should have broken up with you sooner when you started to change."

"Yeah, I liked you at first and was amazed because you looked so handsome...and your voice...that i didn't take into consideration the fact that you were blind and that you would be difficult to be with. I should have broken up with you sooner too!"

"I thought I loved you, but i was blind enough to not listen to my heart. I, instead, listened to people around saying how beautiful and intelligent you were. I was then, attracted by your voice, your perfume...but nothing else. I was stupid. I thought it was love, but at the end, i was just afraid to stay single i guess."

"For me, it wasn't love at all. I was just attracted by you. Yes, we did have some affection for each other, but that's it. It was...a waste of time!"

"Waste of time you say? Well, with you, i'll say yes. You know, there's a saying: No relationship is a waste of time. If it don't bring you what you want, it learn you what you don't want. Now, I know that I don't ever want a girl like you. And you? You don't want any blind man in your life.. Isn't it?"

Again, a moment of silence.

"Let's officially break up!"

"Let's do that! You know there are some advantages to be's a good thing i can't see your face. It'll be easier to forget you and erase you out of my life."

"...anyways, bye Mark!" she hung up. She's demented.

That's it. No more girlfriend, no more trouble. Saying i'm not man enough...that i'm only a child? What? Because i'm blind? Only handsome? That was the only reason she was with least I looked handsome. Such a superficial girl. I was blind, but my heart was even more. What a mistake.

My heart started to beat faster and faster. I couldn't breathe normally. I needed to clear my head. So, i went to the park. I've fallen on my knees, starting to cry like there was no tomorrow. I started screaming and punching the ground out of anger. I realized my heart...was hurting more than i thought it would.

1 hour later...

I decided to call JB. He was the only friend I could talk about those things seriously without being judge. Even if both of us don't really act like bestfriends, we actually are bestfriends. I calmed down first.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Can you, sniff...come meet me, the park...sighing."

"Are you okay? What are you doing at the park at this hour? I'm coming now."

10 minutes later, I heard footsteps coming closer and closer to my direction.

"Ya!! What are you doing laying on the grass like that?? Are you okay?!" JB shouted sternly at me. I didn't answer. I was...heartborken. Sometimes, he acted like a big brother.

"Ya! You can't speak?!" He held my face in his hands. "What's wrong?" he asked with a calm and sincere tone. Tears were continuously falling from my eyes.

"We broke up. She said...i'm just a child."

JB now understood, he felt sorry as he took me in his arms. We didn't say anything for awhile. They called us the introverted twins. We just speak when we needed to.

"Do you think i'm a child too?"

JB broke the hug and looked at me.

"No. You are a man. Being blind doesn't mean being a child? You know, you have taught me a lot of things that i wasn't aware myself. You're really mature. You are like a big brother for me, you know i don't have siblings. You are a man with...a child heart; a bit like every man."

He was really the best. He was right.. "Thanks JB."

Then, I could feel him laying on the ground, next to me.

"If she couldn't see the man in you, then she's the blind one. You're a good guy. Being blind shouldn't be the reason for a break up.."

"Maybe...i guess."

"Now, let's go. It's too dark here and it could become dangerous."

"I don't wanna go home...yet."

"Then, let's go see Jr. Let's talk, the three of us only. Let's go!"


JB's pov

Mark was really in a bad condition...emotionally. I've never seen him like that. It was painful to watch because he was my bestfriend. We are both manly but the funny thing is, we are both cry babies. Really.

I've decided to take him to Jinyoungie and have a "guy talk". It's been a while since we've done these things. It still will be incomplete without Jackson. I was walking with Mark with my arm around his shoulders, trying to comfort him silently until we reached. 

"Hey Jr! Still working?" 

"Yeah, until 11p.m, i'm alone now." He then looked at Mark. "What's wrong with you Mark?"

"I'm...single now." He was trying hard to not cry. Jr's expression changed. He felt bad for him and looked at me, mouthing what do we do now?

"I thought maybe we could stay here for the night and talk, you know? Your mom and grandma aren't there..." I said.

"Just go upstairs and i'll join you after i close the store."

Me and Mark walked upstairs and immediately laid on the couch. 15 minutes later, Jr came but we were both kind of sleepy.

"Ya, you guys are sleeping already? Kapchagi..." He went to Mark to pat his back. "How are you feeling ?"

"...i don't know hurts, but i'm also angry. More mad than sad ?"

"She wasn't the one for you..." Jr said.

Then, i thought of something...

" Hey Marky, can we invite some other girls for you at your B-day party?"

Jr looked at me with a desperated face. "You're kidding now? Are you serious?"

"I don't wanna fall for any other girl anytime soon...I want a girl who likes me for who i am. I want the real love."

"Don't worry. It will come to you one day. You're still young, don't forget." Jr  tried to comfort him.

"You don't need a girl. You have us and we love you." It was so cheesy that Jr did a weird face in disgust and Mark suddenly smiled and chuckled. Talking after some hours, we fell asleep.


Melanie's pov

This morning, i've seen none of the boys. I was alone. I didn't see them in college too. Maybe our schedules were really conflicting today. Maybe it was better that way. I'm too busy, focusing on my studies. My classes are difficult today; we had a lot to do. Fortunately, I was more comfortable with my peers and talked with them. 

It has been a rough day. I've found myself texting Jackson. Yeah, I know, i have JB 's number now, but i'm more used to Jackson. He's so friendly.



"Hey! What's up?"

"I've just finished classes. I didn't see you guys today."

"We've decided to take a day off together. Mark's mood is not good."

"Mark? He's sick?"

"He broke up with his girlfriend. We decided to take him out and have fun together."

Mark had a girlfriend? That must be the girl who took the call yesterday...

"Then, have fun! See you soon!"

That's cute. Taking a classe day off for their friend. These boys...

I went home and started doing some cleaning in my things. I also did some review on what i've learnt this week. I had a lot to do. I went chatting a bit with my sister and we ended up watching two korean shows: hello counseling and show me the money. I had to; I was stressed because of school. Too much stuff in one week...sigh.

It was starting to get late and I thought of Mark. I'll call him.


"Hey, it's me, Melanie."

"Hey, how are you?"


Mark's pov

I had great fun with the guys. We called Jackson this morning to join us and he didn't hesitate. Guess where we went ? To an amusement park. My energy suddenly came back. What would i do without these guys? Jr had to leave us in the afternoon because of the store. We were out all day long; we just went home at dusk. I took a shower and wore my pyjama.

My phone rand while saying the name of the caller: Melanie.


"Hey, it's me, Melanie."

"Hey, how are you?" I had no news of her since the day she came at my house.

"I'm doing fine...and you?...Jackson...told me about...your girlfriend."

Ah, Jackson...

"Ah...yeah. I feel better now thanks to my friends."

"Yeah. You have good friends who can take care of you. In those moments, they're precious..."

"They are really the best. already have been in this situation?"

"Hmm? Which..situation?"

"Be in a relationship...and then, break up?"

She laughed a little..

"Actually, I've never dated anyone. I've never been in a relationship." She said with a sad tone.

"Uh, really?...why?"

"Myself, i don't know. I'm kinda shy and reserved around guys. Maybe, i'm not that attractive, i don't know. Guys don't come to me. In high school, my friends were only girls, not a lot of boys...And, no boyfriends. You guys are the first actually.."

"Ah really? The guys think you're pretty though, especially Jackson!" I found myself blurt out.

Oops...Jackson will kill me.

"...Oh really? You have talked about me ?"

"Y-yeah! Don't tell Jackson, if not he'll kill me..."

"Ah, don't worry, it won't happen. You know, i'm shy about those things."


"See you tomorrow then?"

"Okay. Goodnight."



Melanie's pov

Today, i had a hard time focusing in my classes. The only thing that was on my mind was "The guys think you're pretty, especially Jackson". But, i thought "what about JB ?". But Jackson, is it why he wanted to be my friend that much ? Does he had an ulterior motive ? I hope not. He's handsome, but i just want him as a friend. A ton of scenarios flowed in my head.

At lunch, Jackson send me a text to ask me if i could come at his fencing championship tonight with the boys. I said yes, why not. I have to say, i felt unseasy for the first time. JB, Jr and me will meet at Mark's place since it's Papa Tuan who's going to bring us there. Mark and Jackson's families are good friends i heard. I decided to wear a denim jacket with a white t-shirt underneath and skinny grey sweat pants plus white sneakers. Comfy, but still got style.

"Hey! Melanie, how are you?" it was Papa Tuan.

"Hi! I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm doing great! We will leave soon. We're now waiting for Junior. Come in, the guys are in the backyard."

JB and Mark were sitting next to the pool, enjoying some popsicles.

"Hi guys!"

"Hey!" JB saw me and greet me with his eyesmile.

"Hi Melanie!" Mark greeted, moving his head to me.

"You guys are enjoying the pool." Only their legs were in the pool. It was a cloudy day. I went to sit next to Mark.

"So, this is the pool?" The first time i came, i didn't get to see it.

"Yup! You're ready for next weekend? Swimwear and all...?"

Oh shit! That's true! I'll need to do some shopping this weekend...

"Kids, let's go! Jr's here!"


Thank you again for reading!

Next part should come soon too. More JB and Melanie in the next two chapters!

Keep reading!


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