To Love or To Lose

By JadeRoyal2

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Falling in love was the easy part, but maintaining the relationship? That was what proved hard for both Kongp... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Not an Update!!
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Six

94 5 20
By JadeRoyal2

"I'm going to destroy you," Arthit pledged to his boyfriend the moment he woke with a terrible ache at his lower back and hickey's decorating his chest.

"But P. I already told you I wouldn't be able to control...and you feel so good without the condom," Kong groaned again, already feeling himself getting worked up.

"No! Hell, no Kong!" Arthit screeched, rushing out of bed so Kong didn't jump him. When he dashed into the bathroom he could hear Kong giggling.

He took his shower and a moment later Kong was behind him under the water. He didn't fight it this time, knowing Kong probably wouldn't listen. When Kong touched his hips, Arthit relaxed back into his touch and let Kong massage his back and hips and then clean him.

"If you want to cancel Wednesday then I'll understand," Kong told him.

"What you talking about cancel, huh?" Arthit asked. "I'm ready to top you and give you a taste of your own medicine."

Kong smiled and dropped kisses to the pale skin of his beloved. "I can't wait P," he said.

Since Kong had more time to get to the university than Arthit had to get to work, Kong volunteered to take Arthit to work on his bike. For that bike ride, Arthit had no problem wrapping his arms around Kong's waist and resting his head on Kong's shoulder, enjoying the ride and getting to rest his eyes until they arrived at his work. Thankfully, Kong was only wearing his black t-shirt and not his maroon jacket or it would have been obvious that a student was dripping him off and Arthit knew the questions would fly at him.

"I'll text you later P," Kong told Arthit when he dismounted the bike.

"Alright," Arthit replied.

Kong sighed, looking around the parking lot.

"What Kong?" Arthit asked.

"I just wish I could give you a goodbye kiss," Kong answered.

"We can't," Arthit said. "And you'll only make yourself more upset if you keep thinking of it."

"I know we can't. But like I told you before. I can't just turn off how I act around my boyfriend." Kong said.

"I'm sorry Kong," Arthit sighed.

"It's alright P. I better get going before traffic is bad. Later." Kong flashed him a smile before he took off. Though Kong's smile was warm, a kiss would have surely been better. Arthit just couldn't...not in public.

Arthit headed towards the entrance where he spotted Mild also walking up. She noticed him and waved, coming over to him.

"You should have called me P'Arthit, I would have picked you up," she said.

Arthit laughed at her. She clearly was clumsy with her words around people. "We never exchanged numbers Nong," he told her.

"Oh—I—you know what, I thought I was forgetting something," she chuckled nervously.

Arthit pulled out his phone and showed her his code on line. She scanned it and friended him easily.

"See, now I can contact you," he smiled.

"If you need rides in the morning, I can pick you up, and take you home," she offered.

Arthit wouldn't mind the ride at all, that would save him some trouble but he didn't feel comfortable accepting. It felt too much like a real relationship.

"I uh—I'm not sure Mild," Arthit replied honestly.

"Why not?" she asked, blinking those innocent brown eyes at him.

"I told you yesterday that I'm taking care of someone's gear right? That person, I'm not sure they'd be comfortable if I'm accepting rides from you like that."

"Ohhh! You're right. I guess it would seem like we'd be more than friends but it's all innocent. Right?"

"I mean, I can talk with them. I already told them about you."

Mild froze for a second then horror painted her face. "She doesn't think I'm trying to steal her boyfriend, does she? P! Is she going to come and slap me around?"

Arthit let out a soulful laugh as they waited for the elevator. Other employees turned to look at him and immediately snickered, realizing he was with Mild.

"Aw to be young and in love," one of them commented.

Arthit rolled his eyes and turned to Mild.

"No, she's not going to come slap you around," Arthit said the words easily but then he himself was frozen. He realized that he'd referred to Kong as 'she' and so did Mild. Should I correct myself? Should I correct her? But—would Mild be okay with the fact that I'm gay? No, I'm not gay! I just love Kong—I

His thoughts were cut off by Mild pushing him towards the now open elevators.

"What did she say, P?" Mild whispered.

"That it wasn't right. But if we don't cross the line it's okay and not to openly declare to anyone that me and you are dating," Arhit replied, avoiding all pronouns. "About you just wanting me as a big brother, it's fine."

"Good," Mild nodded. They got off the elevator and Mild waved at him. "I'll see you at lunch." When Arthit got to his desk, he sent a quick message to Kong.

Arthit: Mild volunteered to pick me up and drop me off. Will you be okay with that?

My Moon: That's too domestic P.

Arthit: I can tell her no.

My Moon: Ugh, no it's alright. My mind will be settled if you get a ride home especially on the days you're tired and overworked. I don't want to be an overbearing boyfriend but you know how I am with you.

Arthit: You're possessive, I know that Kong.

My Moon: I hate that I have to be separated from you. Times like these I wish we were the same age because then we'd both be working and I wouldn't still be in university not able to see you how I want to.

By the tone of the message, Arthit knew that Kong had to be pouting.

Arthit: Stop it Kong. You have two more years and then you'll be free from university. The fourth year you'll be so wrapped up in graduating that you won't even notice the time how it moves quickly, then we'll be together often, okay? Besides, we've changed things around. Now we will see each other during the week and we still have our time together on the weekends. When you have a break from school I can put in for some time off and we can vacation together. Don't worry so much Kong. It puts strain on our relationship and I don't want us to start bickering and fighting again because we're stressing. Okay?

My Moon: Okay, P 😊. I love you so much. Even if I know it makes you shy for me to say that. And it's fine, Mild can pick you up and drop you home from work. But if she ends up falling in love with you, I swear....

Arthit: Stop it. I'm not that charming. Even Namtan didn't want me. No one thinks I'm charming but you. I have to go now. Let's chat later.

My Moon: Doesn't matter if she didn't want you. I WANT YOU. And I'm happy she got with Jay because now you belong to me. 😘

Arthit rolled his eyes but he was still cheesing at the text.

"Oh, I wonder what's so sweet," Som-Oh chirped loudly as she entered the office, catching Arthit smiling lovingly at his phone. "Mild does look like a sweet girl, I can see why you like her."

Arthit just gave a grimacing smile before focusing on his computer. He started working on the tasks that P'Danai assigned him before John rushed into the office. Arthit already knew what was coming so he looked up at John and braced himself.

"I need help Arthit!"

Reluctantly, Arthit helped John with his own assignments until lunch, making Arthit forget his own work sitting on his desk.

"Shouldn't you say something to someone about it?" Mild asked during lunch, seeing how stressed Arthit looked.

"I feel like saying something would only give him the upper hand. Like he'll think I'm some sort of wimp. Plus, I don't want to look incapable in anyone's eyes. His assignments aren't hard, just time consuming," Arthit replied.

"But you too also have your own work," Mild said.

"Being able to complete both will only make me better in a shorter amount of time. I take it like hazing. Sooner or later, he'll wind down and not see me as someone that needs to prove themselves anymore." Though it really did suck to have to do twice the work, Arthit was prepared for it. That's what hazing did for him. Made him able to withstand.

"You're braver than me. I would have done the extra work but I would have cried about it," Mild chuckled.

"Well don't worry. Now you have me. If anyone bullies you, just tell me. Remember, I was the head hazer," Arthit told her.

"Oho, now I feel like no one can mess with me," she giggled.

Arthit's phone vibrated on the table. He could already see the hearts on the screen and knew it was Kong. He had settled with labeling Kong's contact as My Moon, but of course Kong had to go and add the hearts when Arthit was sleeping one night.

"Sorry," Arthit smiled, picking up his phone and checking his messages.

It was a photo of test results for Kong's class batch and sitting at the top was Kong's name. Arthit couldn't help the grin that crossed his face. He was so interested in his phone that he didn't see the look that passed over Mild's face.

My Moon: I'm sorry P. Aim grabbed my phone and sent you that message. I didn't mean to.

Arthit should have known. Kongpob never liked to brag. In fact, he would just tell Arthit that he passed or he did well. He never actually told Arthit none of his scores. Instead, Arthit would snoop around and find out himself just to see how well his boyfriend did. He was proud to be dating the top of class.

Arthit: Don't be shy Kong. 😁. You did well. I'm proud of you.

My Moon: Thanks P. 😍

Mild cleared her throat and Arthit looked up from his phone quickly.

"Sorry," he said again, seeing the look on her face.

She immediately blinked away that disappointed look and smiled at him. "It's okay. I mean, it's your lunchtime. Of course, your sweetheart will be messaging you."

"How'd you know that?" he asked.

"I saw the hearts. Besides, even if I didn't you're smiling so wide anyone can tell who you're talking to. She makes you happy, doesn't she?"

Arthit just smiled, still feeling uncomfortable about Mild referring to Kong as 'she'. Mild sighed and played around with her food.

"Are you upset?" Arthit asked her. Her eyes darted around as if she was trying to find an excuse. "Listen, I already told you about me having someone's gear. I don't want to make this uncomfortable for you if you're starting to get lost in those rumors. So if you feel like you can't—"

"No, no! I'm not upset because you're talking with your lover, Arthit. I'm jealous but not of you. Just of the fact that my last relationship ended badly and I wish I still had someone that cared for me in that way," she admitted. "I used to smile like that when he called me and when he sent me texts. Then all of a sudden, he claimed he just didn't love me anymore. That sucked."

"That just means he wasn't the one for you. Why dwell on that loser?" Arthit asked. "You deserve better than that. Forget him, okay? Finish eating and let's get ice cream." Mild smiled, happy that Arthit sensed her mood change and did something about it. They were friends, but right now, all she could feel was that he was the attentive boyfriend that she wanted.

Just as he said, once the finished their lunch, they went to the café in the building and bought ice cream. Arthit settled for chocolate bar with strawberry ice cream and Mild settled for chocolate bar with vanilla ice cream. As they ate their ice cream, they strolled outside, enjoying the weather. They didn't say anything to each other. In fact, this was as quiet as they'd been around each other but as they walked, both of their phones pinged and vibrated. Arthit sighed at the pictures that came through the group chat. It was of their shared lunch and now of their walk while they had ice cream. Arthit looked around and spotted Durian, the nosiest person he'd ever met in his life.

"She's so nosey," Arthit sighed. He scrolled through the messages, seeing how everyone was raving about the cutest office romance like he and Mild were a couple on a drama or something.

"This is never going to die down," Mild said. "And I think me asking you to have lunch with me every day will only make the rumors worse."

"As long as they don't cross the line, then I won't say anything," Arthit shrugged. "But tell me if you are uncomfortable. I will take care of it."

"I'll be okay," Mild smiled.

They continued their silent walk and Arthit couldn't stop thinking about those pictures. Again, he had that unsettling feeling in his gut. He knew deep down that if the roles were reversed and he saw Kong in pictures where he was having lunch and going on strolls with another girl, Arthit would be pissed. Not only that but Arthit knew that the possessive side of Kong would hate those pictures. For some reason, Arthit felt like those pictures would come back to bite him in the ass.

Back at this desk, Arthit continued doing John's work while John ran around the office with busywork, the nice way of saying he was doing absolutely nothing. Still, Arthit did his work completely, then he printed the necessary paperwork and left it neatly on John's desk. It was already after 4pm, and Arthit had his own work to do so he settled in to complete his tasks.

"Nong Arthit, it's time to go home," Earth said.

"Oh, um, you can head out first. I just want to finish this, I'm almost done," Arthit said. Earth nodded and left the office with Som-Oh. John had left the moment Arthit completed his work for him.

Though he said he was almost done, Arthit had told a lie. He wasn't done by a long shot and he had twenty pages of product specifics to look through. The task would have taken all day and he would have been done by 5, which was what P'Danai intended and now Arthit had to work extra because he allowed himself to do John's work. Mustering his strength, Arhit put his head down and got to work, not caring of the time,

The moment he clicked save on his computer and was able to print out the lengthy reports P'Danai tasked of him was when Arthit let out the breath he was holding. He sat back in his chair and closed his eyes for a moment. Finally. He could go home. Everywhere around him was dark, How late was it?

He pulled out his phone after having it tucked away in his bag the entire time he'd been working.

"Shia," he cursed. It was 8:50pm. That was the latest he'd ever stayed at work. Not only was it late, but he had messages and missed calls from his boyfriend.

My Moon: P, are you alright? Haven't heard from you yet. I'm worried.

That text was followed by several calls. Arthit grabbed his things and shut down his computer. As he left the office, he dialed up Kong.

"Thank goodness, I was really worried," Kong rushed out as he answered the phone.

"I'm sorry Kong. I was so focused on work; I didn't even look at my phone or notice the time."

The elevator dinged.

"P?! Are you still at the office?!"

"I had a lot of work today Kong. And My boss wanted it done today or else the timeline would be messed up on ordering products and I couldn't let him down," Arthit replied.

"P," Kong whined. "I don't like that. Did anyone help you?"

"You may not like it but that's what the working world is. And no. It was my assignment so I had to complete it. Besides, it took so long because of my own fault. I wasn't focused today so I had to make up for it."

"But what about dinner? And—"

"Kong," Arthit chuckled. "Now who sounds like the worried wife?"

"Don't tease me P," Kong chuckled. "You were just like this last night with me."

"I know, I know."

"P, I finished my assignment early and submitted my hazing report. Let me come and bring you dinner."

"Absolutely not Kong! You finished your works early, you need to rest. Not come all the way out here to me. And you came out here to me last night. No Kong. Stay home and rest."

"But P!" Kong whined again. Arthit couldn't help but laugh. Though there were plenty moments where Kong was mature and calm, he sometimes showed his younger side and Arthit loved it.

"Stop whining Kong. We're seeing each other tomorrow, aren't we?"

"Yes," Kong pouted.

Arthit gave a wai to the night guard as he left the building.

"So since we're seeing each other tomorrow, you don't have to worry about—" Arthit cut off what he was saying when he saw Mild sitting out front.

"P'Arthit! You're finally done!" she said happily, standing from the stairs.

"Nong, what are you doing?" Arthit asked.

Kong stayed quiet on the other line, listening intently.

"Oh well P'Earth said you were finished up your work and you'd be out soon so I just waited. We agreed to me taking you home, right?"

"But the sun is down, it's already night time nong. Why did you wait outside here? It's dangerous."

"I messaged you, but I guess you didn't see it?"

Arthit pulled his phone from his ear and checked his phone. Sure enough, Mild did message him but he'd been too interested in calling Kong back to notice any other messages.

"Nong, don't do this again, okay? You can't wait out here this late for me. It's dangerous. If I don't come out on time with everyone else, just go home. I'll understand," Arthit reprimanded her.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"I don't mean to yell at you but how do you think I feel about having a girl out here waiting for me alone in the dark? It's not safe Mild."

"No—no, I understand you. I shouldn't have stuck around. Do you—can I—can I still take you home?" she asked tentatively.

"Well since you already waited, might as well," Arthit sighed.

"P," Kong called softly.

Arthit jumped, nearly forgetting he was on the phone. "Excuse me Mild, let me just finish my call."

"Sorry about that," Arthit said to Kong.


"Just say it Kong."

"Are you sure she doesn't like you?" he asked.

"I'm sure Kong," Arthit said. Though Kong believed his boyfriend, he was still unsure. Would anyone wait around until dark for someone like that if they didn't have feelings for them? Any other friend would have left, especially if they knew Arthit would take a while to finish his work. Maybe they would come back to pick that person up but they wouldn't wait around for 4 hours. That was insane.

"Let me text you when I get home, okay?" Arthit said.

"Okay P. Bye."

When Arthit turned back to Mild, she was pretending to look elsewhere instead of eavesdropping. When Arthit gave her a look, she knew she was caught.

"Sorry," she pouted. "Was that her?"

Arthit hated that Mild kept referring to Kong as a girl but he was also too afraid to correct her.

"Mhm," Arthit nodded as they walked to her car.

"Is she worried about you?" Mild asked.

"Yeah," Arthit sighed.

Sensing he was too tired to chat, Mild kept quiet. She kept up her silence as they drove but she looked at Arthit occasionally. He would either lean his head against the window and close his eyes or he would check his phone as if waiting for a message and when he didn't see the message he would get somber and lean his head against the window again.

"Thanks for the ride Nong," he said when she pulled up to his building.

"Sure," Mild replied. "See you in the morning."

Arthit left the car after whispering another goodbye. He checked his phone again and looked at the message Kong sent him.

My Moon: We should cancel tomorrow, P. I don't feel comfortable having a date when I know you're exhausted.

Arthit: I won't be exhausted. I need you Kong.

After sending the message, Kong hadn't replied. Arthit only started to worry, thinking that Kong only had said those things because he was upset about Mild. Arthit just wanted his boyfriend. He didn't care about anything else.

After eating and showering, Arthit checked his phone, worried that Kong still hadn't messaged him.

Arthit: I'm going to bed now Kong. Arthit sent the message first.

My Moon: Good night P.

Arthit felt his hopes being crushed at Kong's simple reply until his phone dinged.

My Moon: See you tomorrow night P.

Thatnight, Arthit fell asleep with a big smile on his face. The next morning whenhe left for work, he was bright and cherry; knowing that he would see hisboyfriend later that night. 

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