The Journey of Living at Down...

By LegendsOfTime

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A young girl from the 21st century, where Downton Abbey doesn't exist on the TV, ends up in the world of Down... More

Chapter 1: April to Summer 1912
Chapter 2: September to October 1912
Chapter 3: April to May 1913
Chapter 4: End of May 1913
Chapter 5: July to August 1913
Chapter 6: May 1914
Chapter 7: July to August 1914
Chapter 8: Autumn 1916
Chapter 9: April 1917
Chapter 10: July to September 1917
Chapter 11: Early 1918
Chapter 12: August 1918
Chapter 13: October to November 1918
Chapter 14: February 1919
Chapter 15: April 1919
Chapter 16: April 1919 to January 1920
Chapter 17: March 1920
Chapter 18: April to Early May 1920
Chapter 19: Late May 1920
Chapter 20: Late July 1920
Chapter 21: Early August 1920
Chapter 22: Early August 1920 Continuation
Chapter 23: Mid August 1920
Chapter 24: Mid August to End of September 1920
Chapter 25: September 1921
Chapter 26: February 1922
Chapter 27: March 1922
Chapter 28: April 1922
Chapter 29: April 1922 Continuation
Chapter 30: May 1922
Chapter 31: June 1922
Chapter 32: July 1922
Chapter 33: Early August 1922
Chapter 34: May 1923
Chapter 35: February 1924
Chapter 36: February to Late April 1924
Chapter 37: Late April to Early May 1924
Chapter 38: Summer 1924
Chapter 39: September 1924
Chapter 40: Late September 1924
Chapter 41: Late September to Early October 1924
Chapter 42: Mid to Late October 1924
Chapter 43: November to December 1924
Chapter 44: January to Early May 1925
Chapter 45: Mid May 1925
Chapter 47: June 1925
Chapter 48: July 1925
Chapter 49: August 1925
Chapter 50: September to December 1925

Chapter 46: Mid to Late May 1925

57 3 0
By LegendsOfTime

A/N: Thank you to everyone who has voted on chapters, commented and added this story to their reading lists.

TW: Blood


Emma had gone out with Tom and Mary on their morning walk for a brief while, to get some of her weekly exercise in before retreating to the house and letting them carry on. Tom's decided that they should do more with the repair shop, and put it at the edge of the estate for passing trade. Emma decided to leave them to it.

Once inside the Outer Hall, Emma turns to enter the Library through the Small Library and when she's at the entrance when she hears Robert and, more importantly, Violet talking.

"And I want him to come here. I want him to listen to our arguments against the York Hospital's plans." Violet is saying.

Emma freezes in her steps. God, what's Violet got planned now?

"Mama, what is the point?" Robert huffs.

"Don't be jejune. You know very well, one word from Westminster and the scheme would be abandoned." Violet retorts.

Not on Emma's watch, nor Isobel's, Cora's or Lord Merton's.

"But why would he say the word, and why would he ever come to Downton?"

"You know, Neville Chamberlain's wife was born Anne de Vere Cole. Guess who was her godfather."

Neville Chamberlain?!

"You guess for me." Robert huffs.

"Your late papa, the sixth Earl of Grantham." Violet explains. "He and her father served in the Crimea together when they were young. I have known her since she was born."

This woman has far too many cards up her sleeve.

"I admit I am quite interested, but when it comes to getting him here, I would say you have no more chance than a cat in hell without claws."

"We'll see."

Emma can easily imagine the smug look the Dowager's face and the resigned one on Robert's.


Emma sits in the Drawing room with Mary, Robert, Edith, Cora and Tom for lunch. Billy is at work.

"I nearly forgot. That chap, Henry..." Robert is saying to Mary.

"Talbot?" Mary prompts.

Robert nods. "Exactly. Yes, he telephoned while you were out. He's going to be in Yorkshire on Wednesday to look at a car, and he wants you to watch him doing it."

He what now?

"To watch him looking at a car?" Mary asks with a frown. She doesn't seem that interested.

"Well, not quite. He's driving it round some track nearby. At Catterick." Robert explains though he seems to not get it himself.

"Testing it. Seeing how it handles." Tom further explains. "I could take you, if you like."

"Would you?" Mary questions.

"Well, I'd like to see it." Tom says eagerly, which causes Emma to smile at his excitement. Her husband turns to Edith. "How about you?"

"I'll be in London on Wednesday." Edith says.

"Edith has a date." Robert grins.

Emma perks up. "She what?" She asks eagerly.

"No, I don't." Edith placates.

Emma pouts.

"Of course not." Mary comments.

"What do you mean, "Of course not"?"

Cora quickly changes the subject. "Doctor Clarkson seems to be coming round. Isobel's bringing him for a drink tonight with Dickie Merton."

"So, that's why Mama paid her visit." Robert comments.

"When? What did she want?" Cora immediately questions.

"Yeah, apparently she's going to convince Neville Chamberlain to dine here." Emma answers. "She plans to convince him to support her, stop the new plans."

Robert looks at her completely baffled. "How do you know about that?"

Emma shrugs. "I have my ways."

Tom gives her a pointed glance, one he gives her when he realises her future knowledge is at play.

"Anyway, yes, he's coming north." Robert mutters.

"If he's on a tour, it'll be far too late to alter his schedule." Cora says.

"That's what I said, but she seems to think she can persuade him."

"Is it wrong to hope she's mistaken?"

Robert sighs.


Later on, in the Drawing room, Robert welcomes Isobel, Lord Merton and Dr Clarkson. Cora and Emma are seated on the settees.

"I'm glad to see you here again, Dickie."

"Well, it's very good to be here, but it's only about the row, I'm afraid." Lord Merton says. Poor man, probably holding out hope that Isobel will come around.

"Oh, never mind that." Isobel quickly comments. "We've brought Doctor Clarkson with us because there's something that you, or at any rate, Cora, will want to hear."

"Do I detect that you're changing sides?" Robert questions the Doctor who looks mildly uncomfortable with being here.

"Er, maybe." Comes the awkward reply.

"Have you told my mother?"

"Of course not, he has some survival instincts." Emma scoffs as the others take their seats. While she's glad Dr Clarkson is seeing the light of day when it comes to the Hospital, does not mean she won't let the fact that he was against the scheme in the first place go so easily.

"Poor man. If he's changing his mind, don't let's put him off." Cora says.

"Oh, that reminds me. I have a message from her. She says that the Health Minister is happy to dine here this Friday." Isobel tells them.

"What?" Emma asks. "How did she manage that?"

"She must have found a way to blackmail him." Robert says.

"You don't mean that." Cora utters, aghast.

"I wouldn't put it past her."

"If she's convinced him to come here, she can make him condemn the scheme." Emma says worriedly.

"Well, she mustn't." Cora says, looking at Emma, Isobel, Lord Merton and Dr Clarkson specifically. "And I want the four of you here to support me."

"Aye aye, Captain." Isobel declares.

Emma nods determinedly. "I echo that."

Dr Clarkson and Lord Merton exchange a look, not enthusiastic at all.


Edith goes down to London on the Wednesday to not only go on a supposed not-date with Bertie Pelham but also do interviews for her new editor. Interviews with women, which Emma is quite pleased about.

Mary and Tom, before they run off to Catterick to watch Henry Talbot test his car, also go to check up on Mr Mason who's moving into the Drewes' farm today to see if he can cope with the pigs. Emma's surprised to hear that Andy is apparently eager to help out on that front.

The report back on Mary and Henry Talbot lacks surety on Mary's side. Tom says it's Mary's worry of marrying a man of lower standing but Emma thinks it's also to do with the fact that Henry Talbot is massively into cars, particularly driving them fast, which is not good considering how Matthew died. Still, there seems to be some level of flirtation.

Neville Chamberlain's office rings to confirm that he is dining at Downton on Friday. It's a wonder how Violet managed that but in the end, will likely prove to be an interesting evening.


It's the day of Neville Chamberain's visit to Downton. Emma has been getting battle-ready but in the meantime, she has also been planning her eldest child's birthday party as she turns five in a couple of days. Hopefully, this dinner won't cause too much strain between family members enough that they won't be able to put it aside for Ivy.

That evening, attended by Mr Carson and Andy, the dinner guests assemble in the Library ahead of dinner for pre-dinner drinks, the men dressed very formally in white tie.

Emma gathers with Tom, Billy, Edith and Mary while Cora talks with Lord Merton and Dr Clarkson. Robert approaches Violet and Isobel as they enter. Chamberlain has not arrived quite yet.

Edith is reporting on how her trip to London went. "I found my editor."

"And had some fun, too, I hope." Billy remarks pointedly with a slight smirk. Emma nudges him slightly with an amused smile on her face.

Edith shakes her head at them before saying, "I went dancing at the Café de Paris, which felt very young and gay."

Emma presses her lips together in amusement. The sisters and Billy seem to not have noticed while Tom gives her a knowing glance, having clocked on that her future knowledge is at play.

"And we saw Henry Talbot try out a racing car. So, now we're all members of the Bright Young Things." Tom remarks.

"I don't know about "bright."" Mary says dismissively.

"Well, what I do know is that I languished at home heavily pregnant." Emma complains though she doesn't really mean it, if anything she's grateful to have a break before the big dinner.

"And doing a marvellous job at it if I say so myself." Tom compliments, kissing her cheek. Emma has a pleased smile on her face.

"You have to." Billy retorts causing them all to laugh.

Mr Molesley comes in and holds the door open for the guest of honour. Mr Carson announces him. "The Right Honourable Neville Chamberlain, Minister for Health."

Neville Chamberlain enters, looking exactly like he does in historic photographs. Emma observes the future prime minister closely as Robert and Cora go to meet him.

"So," Tom murmurs, "do you know anything about this one?"

"Future PM, late 1930s, but not for very long." Emma murmurs back.

"Was he not successful then?"

"Depends on who you ask."

Emma watches how Violet walks up to her son, daughter-in-law and the minister, talking to him before dragging him further into the room. Emma's got to give it to Violet, she moves quickly for a woman her age. Isobel also soon slides in.

"It's a great honour. I gather you're here to discuss the new plans for managing our health." Isobel's direct approach rather alarms the rest of the family.

"I think you may need to rescue him," Emma murmurs to Tom as they inch closer, Andy with the drinks tray at their shoulder.

"Well, I know I'm here to discuss a topic Lady Grantham is interested in." Chamberlain tactfully replies.

"Excuse me, would you care for one of these?" Tom calls, referring to the drinks.

Chamberlain sketches a bow to the two ladies and walks over to Tom and Emma. "Thank you." He takes one of the drinks Andy is offering.

"I thought you needed rescuing. Our own scrapes are bad enough without being dragged into other people's." Tom remarks.

"How well you understand me."

Lord Merton joins them. "I'm afraid you're in for some rigorous debate."

"I wish I weren't." He looks like a man ready for the slaughter.

"Forewarned is for armed?" Emma tries. She receives a small smile.

Cora comes up behind them. "Shall we go in? We don't want to wear the minister out before he's even had a chance to sit down."

Emma feels the baby give a kick. She wonders if the baby is as anxious as she is. She can't but feel like this will end terribly.


The dinner has begun and Violet wastes no time in pontificating about the plans for the Hospital. Chamberlain, in the place of honour on Cora's right, listens with the expression of a martyr. Mr Carson walks around with the decanter. Thomas, Mr Molesley and Andy are in attendance, too.

"The system has worked well here for a hundred years! Why must we destroy everything in our path simply for the sake of change?" Violet cries.

"I'm not sure that's a true representation of the case." Dr Clarkson argues.

"Exactly. There are many benefits to be had from the plan." Isobel says.

"But benefits for whom?" Violet counters.

"Everyone apart from you it seems." Emma retorts irritably. It's probably a good thing that Tom sits between her and Violet because this woman is truly driving her up the wall.

"Goodness. I thought I was here to be lectured by a united group, not to witness a battle royal." Chamberlain comments.

Cora seems very unhappy. Mary, Billy and Tom exchange uncomfortable looks.

"Oh! Don't you enjoy a good fight?" Violet says. Emma can't help but feel like that remark is very pointed.

"I'm not sure I do, really." Chamberlain counters calmly.

"My mother-in-law has a certain myopia when it comes to anyone else's point of view." Cora says tiredly.

"On the contrary, I have a clarity of vision that allows me to resist a housemaid's trap of sentimentality." Violet snips.

Emma opens her mouth to speak, to back Cora but her eyes catch on Robert, who she realises is looking ill, shifting uncomfortably in his chair.

"Your enthusiasm is getting the better of your manners." Isobel tries.

"Ha!" Violet cries indignantly.

"Can't we stop this beastly row?" Emma can see Robert's genuinely suffering.

"How I wish we could." Cora says.

"Uh, maybe he's right?" Emma suggests worriedly. The whole argument isn't exactly important anymore.

"Yes, I... I, erm—" Robert gasps. Emma looks at him in alarm. He rises clumsily from his chair, his hand pressed to his stomach. "I'm so sorry, I..."

He leans back and vomits an impressive spurt of blood right across the table. Everyone gasps in horror. Tom jumps to his feet, quickly pulling Emma away. Another spurt, so violent that it spatters Cora's face. The men are all on their feet now. Robert collapses into Thomas' arms and is lowered to the floor.

"Thomas, on his left side!" Dr Clarkson cries, racing around the table to assist Robert. They roll Robert over to lie on his left side. Cora quickly joins them, cradling her husband's head.

"Give me napkins!" Isobel yells, collecting them from the table.

Mary quickly throws more towards her before joining Tom at Emma's side. It's then that Emma realises that she's shaking violently and she's crying as tears blur her vision.

"Emma, are you alright? The baby?" Her husband asks her frantically.

Mr Carson runs from the room, declaring he'll call for the ambulance and Lord Merton puts his coat on Robert to keep him warm.

Emma gulps and shakily nods her head. "I'm fine. Y-you need to prioritise Robert."

"What is it?" Violet asks, leaning over her son, reaching out as if to try and do something.

"His ulcer has burst." Dr Clarkson explains professionally.

"What?" Mary asks, aghast.

"Will he be all right?" Edith questions, close to tears. Billy wraps his arm around her shoulders, almost keeping her upright.

"We must get him to Hospital as quickly as we can." Dr Clarkson replies.

Cora is catching the blood he's still vomiting in a napkin. "I'm here, darling, don't worry, I'm here."

"If this is it, just know I have loved you very, very much." Robert says in between painful gasps.

Emma lets out a sob clutching onto Tom.

"This isn't it, darling. We won't let this be it." Cora says determinedly.

"Some water?" Violet suggests. She looks as if her whole world has fallen apart and maybe it has. Isobel puts her hand on her shoulder in comfort.

"No! No water. Just keep him steady until the ambulance arrives." Dr Clarkson orders.

Robert is still coughing and retching horribly. Everyone is looking on in horror.


Emma stands listlessly to the side as Anna, Andy and Miss Baxter help Violet, Mary, Edith and Cora into their coats and hand them their gloves. And before long, four aproned men come through the hall and into the Drawing room with a stretcher. All the while, Emma just stares at the drops of blood that have not been covered on Cora's dress.

Tom comes up beside her as Edith and Isobel exit the Dining room. Then, preceded by Dr Clarkson, the ambulance crew emerge, carrying Robert on the stretcher, covered in blood but conscious. Thomas brings up the rear.

"Maybe you should go to bed and rest." Tom suggests, wrapping his arm around her.

"Oh God, Tom." Emma quietly sobs. Tom simply wraps his arms around her, holding her.

She faintly hears Lord Merton say he'll take Isobel and Violet home, Violet asking Edith to call when there's news and finally, Cora and her daughters leaving to get into the car for the hospital.

She doesn't realise it but she's soon being tucked into bed. Tom climbs in after her, holding her from behind as she falls into a fitful sleep.


"Emma. Emma?" Someone's shaking her.

"Mmmh?" Emma blearily blinks her eyes and sees her husband leaning over her.

"Mary called from the Hospital."

Emma sits up as quickly as she can with her large stomach. "And?"

"He's going to be alright." Tom tells her, a smile smile playing on his lips.

Emma almost collapses in relief. "Thank God." She wraps him in a tight hug.

She can't imagine if they had lost him. Weirdly, Robert has become a sort of father figure for her and she can't imagine losing him.


A/N: Please leave comments on how you're enjoying this story and what you think.

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