Doomsday Disaster: I Have Spa...

By ihatemetabolism

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Author: Riding a turtle on the highway Last updated: 2023-11-12 23:29:46 The latest chapter: Chapter 108 JiZh... More

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c 97

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By ihatemetabolism

Chapter 97 Bugs (1/3)

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"I don't know what kind of bug this is. I'm almost suffering from trypophobia."

The two of them didn't care about the difference between men and women. They took off their clothes and took a shower in the warehouse.

They couldn't wash it off, it was like the bugs were growing on them. Wen Nuan tried washing it with warm water, but it still couldn't be washed off.

"Nuan Nuan, do you have iodophor? Or alcohol will do."

"Yes." Wen Nuan was wearing a small Kuchazi and no small clothes. Wearing a bath towel, he went to the warehouse to get a large bucket of alcohol. He washed the alcohol in his hand first.

Cheng Xiyan stood in the bathtub wearing boxer briefs. Wen Nuan didn't feel embarrassed. He moved a stool and stood on it. He unscrewed the alcohol cap and poured it on Cheng Xiyan's head.

The bugs are too small to splash in the water, but you can see them falling into the water with a splash.

Nuan Nuan saw that it was working well, so he asked Cheng Xiyan to change to an empty bucket and stand inside while Nuan Nuan began to clean it for him.

"Do you want to take off Nene? Look, is there anything inside?"

Cheng Xiyan obediently lowered his head and opened the edge of the inner sleeve and looked inside, "No. Let's wash it too. What if there is something we can't see? Can Nuannuan wash it for me?"

Nuan Nuan rolled his eyes at him, "How long has it been and you still have the heart to make a joke?"

But he still asked him to take off the bitter tea seeds, and even Xiao Cheng Xiyan was not spared, and they were all cleaned with alcohol.

Xiao Cheng Xiyan immediately felt confident. Yelling loudly and warmly.

Wen Nuan pretended to be invisible and finished cleaning up Xi Yan, then replaced him with Xi Yan to clean Wen Nuan.

Just for a moment, I felt like the bug that was just as big as a yellow grain just now, why is it a little bigger now?

Cheng Xiyan asked while giving Nuan Nuan a bath, "Does it hurt anywhere? You don't have any wounds on your body. Why do I feel like the bug is a little bigger?"

"It doesn't hurt, and there's no discomfort at all." Wen Nuan stood in an empty bucket while Cheng Xiyan washed her hair and rubbed her body, back, top, and bottom parts that would inevitably come into contact.

Cheng Xiyan was a little distracted, but Wen Nuan had no such intention.

This bug is a bit scary. Quickly pack yourself up. She has to go see how her parents and everyone are doing.

After the two of them packed up, they put on protective clothing and goggles, and were fully armed twice before going to the house over there.

Cheng Xiyan held four barrels of alcohol in his hand, tied a rope around his waist, and tied Wenwen on the other end. Wenwen held protective goggles and protective clothing, and the two went out.

The distance was only three to two minutes, but the two of them walked for fifteen minutes before reaching the door.

Chapter 97 Bugs (2/3)

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There was no way, the sandstorm was so strong that it was impossible to see the road ahead. Cheng Xiyan groped forward according to the route he remembered throughout the whole process.

Nuan Nuan knocked on the door, and it was Father Wen who opened the door.

Seeing my daughter in full armor, I guessed there was something going on in the sandstorm? Otherwise, why would my daughter come here like this? Cheng Xiyan still has alcohol in his hand?

"Dad, Mom, who among you has been hit by a sandstorm? Come here quickly. There are bugs in the sandstorm. They can't be washed away with water. They seem to be able to grow. Hurry up and work together in groups and clean your bodies with alcohol. They can be washed away. "

Wen Nuan carried a bucket of alcohol and gave it to Father Wen and Mother Wen.

At this time, I don’t worry so much anymore. It doesn't matter to men, they can wash themselves shirtless and wearing kuchazi, but women can't.

Cheng Xiyan pulled up the quilt with gloves and warmth and asked Wen's mother and Zhang Li to wash it inside, while the man stood in the hall to wash it.

"Oh, I touched it. It's true. Little sister, squat down and I'll wash your hair first." Mother Wen and Zhang Li washed each other's hair.

"I still have alcohol here. If you men don't have enough, tell me." Wen Nuan stretched out his arms to face the quilt. Cheng Xiyan also pulled the quilt, but with his back to the quilt.

"It's enough. I rubbed it with a towel and it fell off. I just need to wash my hair."

After everyone has finished washing, I turn on the flashlight to see if they have been washed one by one.

Don't throw away the bedding. If you throw it away, it will be gone. There is a spare one in the space, but you can't take it out.

Nuan Nuan took out a small spray bottle from his pocket, filled it with alcohol, and sprayed it on the quilt and mattress, not missing every corner.

Father Wen was thinking about those wild horses, so he put on the protective clothing and goggles his daughter brought, and went next door carrying an alcohol bucket and a watering can.

Cheng Xiyan asked Wen Nuan to sit here while he and Father Wen went to take a look.

Others put tape on the gaps in the windows, otherwise the gaps would be too big and bugs would be blown in by the wind and run in.

Cheng Xiyan accompanied Father Wen to the next door.

Several horses were blown into the yellow sand, and the bugs on their bodies had grown to the size of rice grains.

Father Wen was surprised, "Why does this insect grow so fast?"

The two of them quickly sprayed the horse all over with an alcohol bottle, spraying even the bugs that were not stuck on it. They also carefully checked the ears, mouth, nose, and stomach position. Even the buttocks were not missed. disinfect.

Cheng Xiyan took out a large piece of plastic sheeting from the space, and he and Wen's father sealed the windows and the door.

Chapter 97 Bugs (3/3)

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The fodder will be taken from the warm space in a while, and food and drink for a few days will be prepared. Father Wen can come over occasionally to check on it.

Cheng Xiyan came over from next door to take the warmth and put some fodder and water for the horses.

Fortunately, for those who were about to set out, the mangers were put away and they didn’t eat. Otherwise, there might be bugs in my stomach.

"Daughter, please be more careful. I don't know how many days it will take to shave. Don't come over when you return to the tent later. Your mother and I will be with everyone, so don't worry." Father Wen warned Nuan Nuan.

Sixteen horses would consume a lot.

Wenwen lined up a large plastic bucket along the windowless wall, filled with water. Wenwen added a few drops of vinegar to sterilize it. Regardless of whether it works or not, let's just drink it like this.

Then the bundled straw was piled up under the opposite wall. Wen Nuan was worried, fearing that one layer of plastic sheeting wouldn't work, so he put two more layers on the window.

With these fodder and water, they can't starve to death for a week.

Leave a gap at the door for one person to walk back and forth, and use an alcohol bottle to disinfect the door.

After closing the door, the three of them returned to the next door.

A group of people chatted for a long time before it ended. We didn’t know what time it was, but everyone felt so hungry.

The sandstorm outside made the sky all dark yellow and nothing could be seen.

A group of people took a bite of something, and Wen Wen was driven back by Wen's father and Wen's mother.

Nuan Nuan was also thinking about the few little ones in the tent. He didn't know if they had been blown by the sand, so Cheng Xiyan sent Nuan Nuan back.

When they returned to the tent, they sprayed their entire bodies with an alcohol bottle and then disinfected at the door. After spraying, they took off their protective clothing.

Wen Nuan didn't check himself. He ran to Kio first, took a flashlight, and looked carefully. It was clean and OK. I checked Xiaobai, Xiaohei and Xiaohua again. Everything is fine.

Nuan Nuan was worried and took them all to the space.

Cheng Xiyan installed a detachable swimming pool in the yard. When it was warm, he poured water into it. The space was warm, so cold water was fine. He mixed three more buckets of alcohol and drove the three of them in. Cheng Xiyan was responsible for watching.

I warmed and cleaned the little flower, gave it a bath, and then dried it with a hair dryer. Now it was standing on the grape trellis combing its feathers.

"Do they have any on them?" Nuan Nuan finished taking care of the flowers and walked over to look at them.

"No, I looked at the water they were swimming in for a long time. There was not a single one."

Nuan Nuan breathed a sigh of relief, it would be better if there was no such thing.

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