The Neglected Devil Hunter Iz...

By HammerKun

223K 4.8K 1.3K

You would think being the son of the number 1 hero would be amazing right? wrong, my name is izuku midoriya a... More

Chapter 1- Birth of a devil
Chapter 2- Quirkless
Chapter 3- POWER!!
Chapter 4- I'm in America!?
Chapter 5- Devil Hunter
Chapter 6- Time skip
Chapter 7- Order of the sword
Chapter 8- Hell gates
Chapter 9-Berial
Chapter 10-Teamwork
Chapter 11-Familiar?
Chapter 12-Connection
Chapter 13-Credo Vs Nero
Chapter 14-Izuku Vs Nero
Chapter 15-The Savior
Chapter 16-New Devils Arms.
Chapter 17-Yamato retrieved
Chapter 18-Sanctus
Chapter 19-No More Order
Chapter 20- Before the Nightmare
Chapter 21-And a Tree Grew
Chapter 22-1 Month Later
Chapter 23-Welcome to Redgrave city
Chapter 24-Goliath
Chapter 25-Qliphoth roots
Chapter 26-Lady
Chapter 27-Gilgamesh
Chapter 28-Proto Angelo
Chapter 29-Urizen
Chapter 30-Dante's awakening
Chapter 31-Trish
Chapter 32-A Swords Purpose
Chapter 33-The Jacket.
Chapter 34-Visons of V
Chapter 35-Epsilon
Chapter 36-Dante's Inferno
Chapter 37-The Alpha and the Omega
Chapter 38-Sons of Sparda
Chapter 39-Brothers Vs Brothers
Chapter 40-And The Tree Fell
Chapter 41-Lets make a deal.
Chapter 42-Japan
Chapter 43-Blue fire
Chapter 45-New employees
Chapter 44-Surgery
Chapter 46-Snake in my boot
Chapter 47-From the shadows
Chapter 48-A Demonic Suprise
Chapter 49- The Trial
Chapter 51-Meeting with the police
Chapter 52-Not my dream
Chapter 53-School Tour
Chapter 54-First Day of Teaching
Chapter 55-Beat down
Chapter 56-Final Month
Chapter 57-Bide your time
Chapter 58-Self control
Chapter 59-Payback
Chapter 60-Survive
Chapter 61-Suprise Guest?!
Chapter 62-Hero's Vs Villains
Chapter 63-league of Villains
Chapter 64-An Angel From Hell!?
Chapter 65-A Beating
Chapter 66-A Short Break

Chapter 50-Training

2.2K 54 11
By HammerKun

Izuku worked behind the bar, attending to customers, while Fenrir kept a watchful eye on Shinso, who was still in the process of healing after nearly five hours. As new customers entered through the portals, Izuku welcomed them, only to realize it was Reborn and an unfamiliar child.

"Ah, Reborn... and that is a child," Izuku remarked, pointing to the startled brunette.

"You're serving today? Where's the wolf?" Reborn inquired, referring to Fenrir.

"Don't ignore my question! Why did you bring a kid here?" Izuku asked, scrutinizing the boy.

The short, scrawny boy with spiky brown hair and brown eyes, dressed in a school uniform, was introduced as Tsuna. Reborn explained, "He's next in line to be the head of the Vongola. In other words, Vongola Decimo," causing Izuku's eyes to widen in shock as Tsuna nervously waved.

"I thought it was supposed to be Xanxus?" Izuku asked, still processing the revelation, and Reborn nodded.

"It is, but Baka-tsuna is also a candidate for Vongola Decimo," Reborn explained, prompting Tsuna to yell, "You said you wouldn't call me that in public!"—an exclamation that Reborn casually ignored.

"Still doesn't explain why you brought him to a bar filled with assassins and Yakuza in the criminal underworld," Izuku remarked, unsettling Tsuna even more.

"Well, I wanted you to take a look at him. Do you think he's Vongola material?" Reborn inquired, and Izuku glared directly into Tsuna's eyes, heightening his nervousness.

"Doesn't look like it on the outside. But it's what's on the inside that counts. Anyways, if that's all you came for, then please leave before I make you," Izuku stated, prompting a sigh of relief from Tsuna.

"That's not all. Tsuna would like to hire you for a job," Reborn continued, and Izuku raised an eyebrow, shifting his attention to Tsuna.

"Is that true?" Izuku asked, and Tsuna nervously nodded.

"Um, there's... I think a demon in Namimori. And I would like for you to, um, kill it," Tsuna stuttered out.

"Sure. I'll do it tomorrow. I assume you'll send me the details?" Izuku asked Reborn, who nodded. Tsuna bowed and thanked him, to which Izuku smiled.

"No problem. Though, Reborn, get some meat on his bones. He'll be eaten alive by the Varia if he doesn't bulk up," Izuku advised. Tsuna, confused, asked, "Who are the Varia?" as Izuku slowly turned around.

"He doesn't know?" Izuku questioned Reborn, giving a devilish smile.

"Get some meat on your bones, kid," Izuku said in a demonic voice, causing Tsuna to hide behind Reborn in fear.

"Oh, by the way, do join in on one of our training sessions," Reborn mentioned as he dragged Tsuna into the portal. Izuku nodded, asking, "That's what the favor's for, right?" Reborn shook his head, looking at Tsuna, whose eyes widened before Izuku chuckled.

"Goddamn, he really believes in that kid," Izuku mused before turning to serve other customers who had ordered more drinks.

In his clinic, Izuku tended to some Yakuza, skillfully stitching up their blade wounds. Fenrir entered his office, and Izuku prepared a bag of medicine for the Yakuza members.

"Don't forget to take those painkillers at least twice a day, and if it still hurts, then go to a hospital," Izuku advised, handing them the medicine. They nodded their thanks and left.

"Master, Shinso has woken up!" Fenrir informed Izuku, who yawned, took off his glasses, and made his way to Shinso's room. There, he found Shinso awake.

"Ah, Shinso. Finally, you're up," Izuku greeted, taking a seat beside the hospital bed.

"Boss?... Where am I?" Shinso asked, looking around in confusion.

"In the underground clinic. Gotta say, you took a beating before you decided to fight back," Izuku remarked, perplexing Shinso, who noticed he was covered in bandages.

"Huh!? Wait, does this mean I failed?" Shinso inquired, worried.

"No, you passed. And your demonic blood activated on its own too," Izuku revealed, pointing to a black marking resembling a sun on Shinso's chest.

"Is that a tattoo? My dad's gonna kill me!" Shinso exclaimed in fear, but Izuku reassured him.

"Relax, that's just your clan's symbol," Izuku explained, leaving Shinso puzzled.

"My clan? What's going on?" Shinso asked, even more bewildered.

"Relax, sleep-deprived! It means we know where you're from," Griffon chimed in as he emerged from Izuku's side, startling Shinso and making him jump back in fear.

"What the—" Before Shinso could scream, Izuku swiftly punched him on the head, silencing him.

"Shut up; it's already loud out there as it is," Izuku hushed him, and Shinso heard voices outside the clinic.

"Sir, please explain what's going on!" Shinso asked, rubbing his head, and Izuku nodded.

"Well, after you hit that red beetle demon in the face, the blue one got pissed and began to beat you down. Afterwards, you went berserk, and your demonic blood activated, and you killed the demon along with its friend," Izuku explained, leaving Shinso shocked.

"I... Killed them? I only remember stabbing the red one, and then... Darkness," Shinso said, and Izuku nodded.

"Yeah, that's what it looked like," Izuku said, showing Shinso a picture he had taken. Shinso looked amazed.

"Yeah, pretty cool, right. But..." Izuku said, confusing Shinso.

"Doesn't look like it fully activated," Izuku continued, leaving Shinso puzzled.

"Not fully activated? What do you mean?" Shinso asked.

"Normally, your healing should've kicked in right after you fainted, but it didn't. If I didn't bring you here, then you would've died from blood loss," Izuku explained, and Shinso was shocked.

"So that's why I have these bandages on me," Shinso realized, and Izuku nodded.

"By the way, this little shit is called Griffon. Say hi, Shinso," Izuku said, picking the bird demon up and putting it in front of Shinso.

"H-hi?" Shinso greeted, a bit bewildered, as Griffon pooped on Shinso's bedsheet, causing Izuku to yell at him and Shinso to recoil because of the smell meanwhile Griffon laughed.

"That bedsheet is expensive, you asshole!" Izuku yelled at Griffon, who kept laughing.

"Sorry, kid, but that's how I greeted his clan back in the day!" Griffon said, still laughing. Shadow, in panther form, swung its claws at Griffon, who flew up, yelling at Shadow.

"Oi, watch it! Why do you care anyway!? I didn't do it to you this time!" Griffon protested as he flew around, dodging Shadow's swipes. Izuku sighed, annoyed.

"Fenrir," Izuku said, nodding to break up the fight.

"Sorry about him, he's kind of a menace," Izuku said, removing the bedsheet as Fenrir grabbed Griffon by his neck and Shadow by his scruff, stopping the fight.

"It's fine. What did he mean by my clan?" Shinso asked.

"Your clan, as in the demon clan you belong to. I think your mother is from Shadow's clan," Izuku said, pointing to the panther.

"Wait, that's Shadow!? Why is he so big?" Shinso asked as Shadow meowed.

"That's his true form. The cat form you see above is his mini form," Izuku explained.

"Anyways, yeah, you might be from his former clan," Izuku added.

"If you release me, I'll stop my Uno shenanigans," Griffon gasped, struggling in Fenrir's tightening grip. Shadow, now freed, approached Shinso while roaring towards Izuku.

"According to Shadow, you might have ties to one of the clan leaders," Izuku mentioned, patting the panther on the head. Shinso, bewildered, placed his hands on his head.

"So, my mom could be a demon? This is a lot..." Shinso began, overwhelmed.

"A heavy revelation, I know. When I discovered my dad's identity, it hit me just as hard," Izuku reassured, trying to ease Shinso's shock.

"Which demon clan do I belong to?" Shinso inquired. Izuku glanced at Shadow, who roared, leaving Izuku perplexed.

"Surprising, but not entirely unexpected," Izuku said to Shadow, who roared again.

"You're from the Demon Clan of Darkness, specifically the Nest of the Black Sun," Izuku revealed, prompting Shinso to inspect the sun mark on his chest.

"Clan of Darkness, huh? What about my quirk?" Shinso questioned.

"I'll need some time to analyze that. I took an X-ray of your feet while you slept—missing the third joint on the pinky," Izuku explained, activating a monitor. Shinso nodded, acknowledging his unusual trait.

"Yeah, I knew that. The doctor mentioned it as proof of a powerful quirk, but only if someone answers my question," Shinso clarified.

Izuku pondered, stroking his chin while gazing at Shadow.

"We still need more evidence for that. Disregard it for now, Shinso. It was merely a theory Shadow had. Regardless, you've successfully passed the trial and acquired a new toy." Izuku explained, and a notebook slowly emerged from under the bed. Shadow, feeling apologetic, emitted a sorry roar directed at the confused Shinso.

"Forget that. Explain how it felt to activate your Demonic blood! No, demonstrate your Devil arm!" Izuku exclaimed with wild enthusiasm, causing Shinso to take a step back, intimidated by Izuku's red-glowing eyes fueled by a thirst for knowledge.

"Master, perhaps save the questioning for tomorrow? We'll have more leisure time," Fenrir suggested to Izuku, who coughed, regaining composure.

"Um, yes, let's do that. Shinso, you're free to leave. Head home before your dad gets worried, and we'll resume this tomorrow. Training begins after work," Izuku declared, and Shinso nodded, sighing wearily.

"Let me go!" Griffon demanded as Fenrir finally let him go.

"Finally! Kid... don't unleash... that power in public... Heroes and villains ...will be the least of your problems," Griffon cautioned in between breaths. Shinso nodded and exited through the portal.

"What do you mean by that?" Izuku inquired of Griffon, a notebook appearing in his hand once again, while all of Izuku's familiars sweatdropped.

Next Day-
The workday concluded, and Izuku emerged from the kitchen after assisting Sato in making treats. He shed his apron, commending all his employees for their hard work and dedication.

"You all did splendidly today. Keep it up, and there might be a raise in store for you," Izuku praised, and they nodded. Uraraka, brimming with excitement, nodded vigorously.

"Since you'll be training for the UA entrance exams, you can leave an hour early from now on," Izuku announced. Uraraka and Sato cheered, and Shinso nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, boss! I won't disappoint!" Sato saluted, prompting a chuckle from Izuku.

"Prove it by acing those exams," Izuku remarked, heading to the door and flipping the sign.

"Don't forget to study for the written exam. It's said to make up around 40% of the score," Fenrir reminded, and the three acknowledged.

"You're free to go now," Izuku said, as Uraraka and Sato departed, discussing their training plans. Shinso remained behind.

"Ready for this? Spoken to your dad and everything?" Izuku inquired, and Shinso nodded.

"He mentioned revealing details about my mom if I make it into UA. Given what you told me, I can understand his hesitation," Shinso sighed.

"What did the bird demon mean about not using my demonic powers in public?" Shinso questioned, prompting Izuku to pause for a moment.

"Well, most demons hold a grudge against the Darkness clan, especially the Nest of the Black Sun," Izuku explained, leaving Shinso perplexed.

"Why?" Shinso asked.

"It's because your clan's full of pretentious pricks. The Black Sun is the worst, thinking they're superior just because they all look more human. Ridiculous, if you ask me," Griffon scoffed at their name as he came out of izuku and rested on his head like a hat.

"Is that necessarily a bad thing? I thought all demons were pretentious," Shinso inquired, and Izuku nodded.

"They are, thinking they're above humans simply because they're demons. Believe me, I know. But the Black Sun and the Clan of Darkness take it a step further, considering themselves superior to most demons," Izuku clarified.

"And that's what confuses me... Why would they of all demons mate with a human?" Griffon asked, expressing his confusion.

"Why did my dad choose to have me and Nero?" Izuku inquired of Griffon, who chuckled while glancing at Shinso.

"Ha! Good point! If Vergil, of all people, decided to be involved with humans, then the Black Sun probably did too. I still remember when V despised his own humanity, good times." Griffon reminisced, wiping a faux tear from his eyes before flying over to Shinso and perching on his head.

"Oh, it's all coming together now," Griffon remarked before returning to Izuku.

"Anyway, let's go," Izuku declared, slashing the air and conjuring a portal. Izuku and Griffon entered it.

"Aren't you coming, manager?" Shinso asked, and Fenrir shook his head.

"No, Master suggested I take a... break. So, I'll be watching television with Shadow," Fenrir explained a bit sad that he couldn't be by izukus side as Shinso sweatdropped before entering the portal himself.

Shinso found himself back on the same island where his trial had taken place, still cluttered with debris and remnants of the demons he had defeated the previous night. He gulped, surveying the scene.

"Ready, Shinso?" Izuku inquired, receiving a determined nod in response.

"What's the plan?" Shinso asked, his resolve evident.

"First things first, change out of those clothes. Did you bring activewear?" Izuku queried, and Shinso nodded, stepping behind a tree to change into more suitable attire.

"Much better. Now, the first task: clean up this entire island!" Izuku declared, causing Shinso's jaw to drop.

"What!?" Shinso exclaimed, while Griffon laughed from his perch on Izuku's head, acting as a hat.

"You heard right, young man," Izuku affirmed, prompting Shinso to express confusion and shock.

"How am I supposed to clean this entire island? And how does this make me stronger?" Shinso questioned.

"We need to toughen you up a bit, brother. Your body struggled with your demonic blood, showing muscle tears all over. Izuku believes that getting more toned will help you adjust better," Griffon explained, as Izuku nodded.

"Besides, you can use your devil arm to help clean up if you want," Izuku added, leaving Shinso bewildered.

"Devil arm?" Shinso inquired.

"Demonic, sentient weapons often formed from a defeated demon's soul or power, like the ones you vanquished yesterday," Izuku clarified, prompting Shinso to examine his hands.

"Are you sure I have one?" Shinso asked.

"Yeah, I saw their souls merging with you," Izuku confirmed, as Shinso clenched his fists.

"How do I bring it out?" Shinso asked, and Izuku stroked his chin, contemplating.

"Just focus on the energy you sensed from those demons within you. They might resist, but if necessary, forcefully extract them," Izuku advised, and Shinso nodded, closing his eyes in concentration.

Suddenly, Shinso's hands radiated a red and blue glow, materializing two swords—one laughing in red and the other crying in blue. As the weapons emerged, Shinso descended to the ground, creating a small crater with his hands.

"Boss, what's happening?" Shinso inquired, attempting to rise but finding the swords now in his hands planted on the ground.

"I think the swords don't want to cooperate with you," Izuku explained, and Griffon chuckled.

"Yeah, that seems likely. They probably want the demon that killed them to wield them," Griffon remarked, receiving a nod from Izuku.

"What does that mean?" Shinso questioned, struggling to lift his hands.

"It means the devil arm doesn't recognize you as the worthy one—it doesn't see you as the brat who defeated them yesterday," Izuku elucidated.

"Darn right we don't!" declared the red sword, shocking Shinso.

"Why am I being held by such a weakling!?" Said the blue sword in tears.

"Hey!" Shinso retorted, causing the blue sword to cry even more.

"Haha! This is downright amusing!" laughed the red one.

"Reminds me of Agni and Rudra. Wonder how they're doing," Izuku pondered aloud while the swords continued their mockery. Shinso reached his limit.

"How do I get rid of them!?" Shinso asked, struggling to lift his hands.

"Just dismiss the sensation," Izuku advised, and the swords vanished.

"Alright, get started! We dont have all day—well, technically we do, but I expect you to clear this out in a couple of months, 3 maximum" Izuku instructed, and Shinso sighed wearily.

"This is going to be a long year," Shinso remarked, and Izuku laughed, nodding in agreement.

Shinso then commenced moving pieces of junk, beginning with the smaller ones and progressing to the larger items. Meanwhile, Izuku was engrossed in writing in his notebook, and Griffon had dozed off on his head.

After a few hours of labor, Shinso wrapped up for the day, having gathered a decent amount of trash. He caught his breath, feeling the fatigue settling in.

"Where should I dispose of this trash?" Shinso inquired, and Izuku opened a portal.

"Right here. It leads to a landfill. Don't worry about it," Izuku assured, and Shinso began collecting debris and depositing it into the portal while Izuku observed.

Shinso started by tackling the smaller pieces of debris, strategically planning to move on to larger items later. Despite a full day's effort, Shinso had made minimal progress by evening, leaving him exhausted and breathless as he lay on the ground.

"That's enough for today. Also, take this." Izuku said, handing Shinso a water bottle with a note attached. Shinso eagerly consumed the entire contents before unfolding the note, revealing a diet plan.

"A diet plan?" Shinso questioned, catching his breath, and Izuku nodded.

"Just lifting and moving won't get you far. You need proper nutrition," Izuku explained, and Shinso agreed.

"Anyway, time for the second part of your training," Izuku declared, a devilish smile slowly spreading across his face.

"What do you mean? I thought clearing the trash was my training," Shinso inquired, growing concerned as Izuku's smile widened. Griffon, sensing trouble, woke up and quickly flew to the tallest tree.

"That was just one part of it," Izuku replied, summoning Astrener into his hands. Griffon's hasty retreat prompted Shinso to question, "Why did Griffon fly away?"

"No reason," Izuku dismissed, but his glowing daggers hinted otherwise. He threw Astrener at Shinso, who narrowly dodged it, only for the dagger to scrape his cheek, causing an explosion behind him.

"Boss!" Shinso yelled, startled, as Izuku resummoned Astrener.

"The second part of your training: survive!" Izuku declared, and Shinso's eyes widened. Izuku charged at Shinso, who fled, triggering an explosion behind him that sent him flying. The rest of the day involved Shinso navigating a literal minefield, with Izuku in pursuit, and Griffon just sweatdropping at the chaos.

"Sometimes I wonder if V was a better master than izuku. Then I see shit like this." Griffon remarked, almost getting blown away by a massive fire explosion.

After hours of running and dodging, Shinso lay on the ground, covered in burns and ash, breathing heavily and nearly out of breath. Izuku stood over him.

"Great, you lived!" Izuku exclaimed, standing triumphantly.

"You're insane!" Shinso shouted at Izuku, who grinned.

"You're the insane one if you thought this would be a normal training session," Izuku retorted, handing Shinso a water bottle.

"Anyway, call it a day. You've earned it," Izuku suggested, opening a portal for Shinso, who went through.

"This is going to be a challenging year," Shinso muttered, wiping sweat from his brow and dusting his shirt as he walked home. In the distance, a white fox with red eyes and purple markings observed him from afar.

End of Chapter-

Give me ideas for Shinso's devils arms, thinking of giving him two more, cause unlike izuku he's going to be relying on his powers and marital arts.

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