
By Hallie123

264K 3.3K 650

The virus changed everything. It took the elderly, sick and females. Females were brought for entertainment... More

Start (Rewritten)
Taken (Rewritten)
Chapter 3: Captured (Rewritten)
Chapter 4: The Journey (Rewritten)
Chapter 5: Trouble
Chapter 6: The Attempt
Chapter 7: Manners
Chapter 8: Captive.
Chapter 9: New life
Chapter 10: Routine
Chapter 11: Waiting
Chapter 12: The Objects
Chapter 13: Unlucky
Chapter 14: Ignorance
Chapter 15: Gangs
Chapter 16: Trust
Chapter 17: Remembering
Chapter 18: Life
Chapter 19: Torture
Chapter 20: Boom!
Chapter 21: Explain
Chapter 22: Love
Chapter 23: Process
Chapter 25: How?
Chapter 26: Marcy.
Chapter 27: Change
Chapter 28: Arebella
Chapter 29: Winning
Chapter 30: Reunion
Chapter 31: New Start
I do apologize
Chapter 32: Stranger
Chapter 33: Help!
Chapter 34: Death.
Chapter 35: Running
Chapter 36: Stranger
Chapter 37: Content.
Chapter 38: AIM
Chapter 39: Freedom
Chapter 40 - Numb
UPDATE!! 2020

Chapter 24: Birdy

6K 76 5
By Hallie123

Chapter Twenty Four: Birdy

I woke up on a hard floor. What had happened? I open my eyes and looked around, I was in some sort of cuboard. Great. Where was I now? Last nights event was coming back to me, me wanting to kill Eli and i still did! I wanted to kill someone or something. I started to kick the door with my legs. It wasn't budging. I starting to scream with fustration and anger.

"Let me the fuck out"

I continued to scream out loud. kicking the door harder, after ten minutes I gave up and curled my knees into my chest and calmed myself down, I started to get hot and bothered after another ten minutes. I heard footsteps walking towards the door. I pressed myself against the wall. The door opened and light hit my eyes.

"Are you finished?"

I looked up towards Noah and nodded. He pulled me up and out the cuboard. I wasn't in the house anymore. I was in a huge room, it was dark and dirty. An old kitchen was in the corner covered in grime and dirt, some of cuboard doors had fallen off. Next to the kitchen were two worn out sofa's, black and beaten. Next to that an old black, dusty t.v sat on some breezeblocks. It was a squat in other words.

The boys were all sat either on the floor or sofas watching the telly. They looked towards me, where was Eli? I was still fuming at him. infact i was fumming at them all. Noah pushed me foward, but i shrugged him off and gave him a look of dicust which he slapped me for. I went to punch him back, but he caught my hand mid-air. I fooze and stared at him wide eye'd. He looked at me cocky.

"Watch it girl or you can go back in the closet" I was about to back chat when the door opened and Eli walked in saw me and smirked. I swung around and tried to lung for Eli, but agian Noah held me back. Eli watched right up to me and stroked my cheek.

"Save your strength poppet, don't want to lose you just yet"

I stepped foward again. "Need my strength for what?"

By now the room had gone deadly silent. I turned to the rest of them, who were now watching me. I turned back round to Eli who was standing there look amused. I wanted to wipe that look right of his face. He spoke.

"Well seems you were crap in making me money in the sex department" he looked my body up and down, I lurched towards him agian, agian held back.he continued "You seem a festy one, so you may make some money fighting"

"WHAT?!" I screamed in shock. "I'm not doing that! Fuck you!"

"Oh I think you are!" He started to run his hands down my body. "This is pay back for the other day, chaining to that bad wasn't very nice was it now?"

"Oh I won that fair,anyway why can't one of you do it, your stronger than me, i'm no fighter!" I tried to struggle out of Noah grip.

Just then there was knock on the door "Come In" Eli said, A tall man came into the room, he was your typical muscley bouncer type man, leather jacket, no hair, white plain t.shirt. He spoke in a husky voice "It's time" Eli nodded at him to leave and then turned back to me. He smiled at me, that was it I lunged at him with so much force that i broke out of Noah grip and landed on Eli on the floor, sat on top of him, strangling him. He managed to grab me by my shoulder and flip us over, so that he was know sat on me. I tried to hit him in the face, agian my fist was caught mid-air.

Tristan walked up over to us on the floor and handed Eli a needle, i struggled as he went to inject me. He injected my arm and I, as always feel imidate effrect. I continued to struggle. Eli laughed at me and bent right down towards me and crashed his lips on to mine. I bit his lip hard causing him to scream out "BITCH!"

As i felt the dreaded unconciousness coming after me, Eli stood up of me and walked away. I started to try and get up on to my feet, pushing myself agianst the floor. I managed to get up and I made my way to the door.

"Where'd you think your  going?" Asked Bray

"Don't worry, she won't get far" Replied Jasper.

I walked out into a hall and lent against the wall, trying to fight this unconciousness that was finding its way towards me. I staggered down the hall, if i could keep awake for the next minuite or so, then the drug would wear off, i've done it before. I shook my head viciously and stretched my eye lids. I collapsed down the wall. I wouldn't give in, I didn't want to go where ever they were taking me to "fight". I heard footsteps come up behind and i was picked up like a small child and put over a shoulder. I looked up behind me to see the rest of the boys following, Tristan, Eli, Bray, Issac, Noah and Olly. That meant Jasper was carrying me. Bray grabbed my face and looked at my eyes then dropped his grip.

"She's going to get killed, if she doesn't come round"

"That's the idea, the more she gets hurt, the more entertainment,therefore the more money" Answered Noah.

We carried on walking for five minutes down a white corridor, which looked like a hospital corridor with ceiling lights and plainess. I could hear cheering and loud shouting as we neared towards a white door. I started to struggle more, but gave up after I relised i wasn't actually moving, it was all in my mind. My body was numb. As the door open, the shouting was voilent. A bag was placed over my head by the bouncer type man who had come in the room earlier.

Blackness. I had given into the drug. No Sound. No Sight. No Control.


Someone was kicking me, I started to open my eyes slowly, all i could see was cage bars, barbed wire and blood on the floor. My vision started to focus a little more as I raised my head. I was in a caged fighting arena. The person who kicking was a girl, with ratty short hair. She was in short shorts, covered in blood and plain white tank top. I got up to my feet when she stopped kicking me, I looked around to find people placing bets and rattling the cage mesh.

 I saw the girl coming towards me with her fists and dogged out the way. I got a chorus of discust and rage. She came at me again and again I dogde her. She ran straight into the mesh which was covered in barabed wire, head to toe. She cut open her hands and turned around to me with pure vemon.

She ran towards me and pushed me towards the floor and started to strangle me. I heard a chorus of cheers and words of discust. The girl was pulled off me and taken out the cage.I was also pulled up and dragged by my hair out of the arena.

In an instant i was surround by all the guys. A bucket of water of water was thrown over me. This completly woke me up. I was fuming an swung for the nearest person.

"Save that for the arena girl, fight or your going to die you scum, fight and kill. fight and kill. Got it?"

I nodded, then shook my head. No I was going to kill someone nor even fight them. My plan was  to go in and let them hurt me. I'm sure they'd give in after the relised i didn't want to hurt them. I was injected with something, but this time the liquid had a slight yellow tint to it. Steriods. Great. It took affect inmmeditly and I was buzzing. My mouthh was forced open and a pill was shoved in, instantly dissolcing on my tongue. My body became suddenly active and i couldn't stay still, i was pinned back onto a stomach and pushed towards the cage again. I was placed in again with the same girl. Round two I guess. She came lunging towards me as soon as the door closed. I didn't want to hurt her so i just let her pushed me into the barbed wire, it shredded my back and could feel my top become stuck to my skin soaked in blood. The girl whispered in my ear.

"Common you bitch fight back, your scum and i'm going to fucking kill you! Your the kidnapped one arn't you, well I heard that your familys dead"

"Dead!" I screamed I sunk down on the floor. Dead? Could they really be dead. My heart went into my throat. I heard the girl started to laugh at me. My upset turned to anger as her laugher got louder and louder, drowing out all the shouting. I looked up at her and got up to face her.

She laughed some more. " I heard your brother screamed like a girl for death, your fathers throat slit and your mother raped and slowly cut up!"

My fists balled up and my body started to shake with anger. I looked up at her, she snorted and me and went to swing at me again.


I knocked her out cold, She went to the floor with a broken nose, I continued to smash her face in, it got bloodier and bloodier till, blood was all you could see, not her face. I was pulled back. I watched as they pulled out her limp body. They checked her pulse. The man looked up and shock his head. she was dead. Her body was picked up and put into a bodybag and flung to one side. That's what we were. Items. Once broken, we were thrown out. Kill or Die.

I was release,my body pumping with fear, adrenaline, anger and drugs. The next girl was thrown in and so it continued, I had been in nine matches, knocking them out cold each and everytime, they were fighting because they had too, I was fighting for my family and my life. The final girl was placed into the arena. She wore black leather biker trousers, and tight tight black tank top, leather boots and had a black mask on, that her owner had dressed her in, She had brown curly hair and was exstremly thin, She looked like she was going to snapped if i even flicked her. I was held back after every fight as i didn't stop flinging after the 5th match i was also placed in a mask, it was for extra entertainment. I started lunging towards her still locked into the bouncers arms. She looked at me. The only part of her face that you could see were her lips. She smirked cockily at me. This was the final round after this one, if i survived i could go home and I would have made the boys very rich indeed.

The door was closed and bouncer let go of me, I lung towards the girl and she to me, we locked head and starting to punch and kick each other. She punched me square in the mouth, Blood filled up my mouth as i bit my tongue, I spat out the blood in her face.

We fought for ten minutes straight niether of us backing down, she was good, like she was fighting for a reason. We went at each other again, I finally manage to fling her on the floor, she fell and her head flung to the side. My mask had flung of and it showed my hatred and discust. I bent to down to her. I hated this place, My parents were dead, my brother was dead, my best friend Marcy was dead, I'd been raped, I'd been beaten, I'd been shot and I'd been drugged. I was angry, I look down at the girl ready to take her out with one last blow, when she looked towards me, I saw her lips gasp. That's right whore i'm going to knock you out! She suddenly blocked my hit and flung herself over on top of me and pinned me down. She looked at me and pulled of her mask, I tried to pull myself out from her and gain control again.

"INIDIE" someone screamed.

I know, i thought, I'm losing! i tried to the girls throat.

"INIDIE, LOOK!" I looked around me to find who was speaking to me. I focused back on the fight. I managed to twist myself up and onto her, I sat on her, she seemed to stop struggling.

"Indie! It's me!" I heard that voice again. I looked around, who was it speaking! I saw the guys all of them looking at me in confusion, none of them had spoken.

Eli looked at me "FINISH HER OFF!"

I looked back down towards the girl. I felt her vibrate beneath me as she spoke.

"Indie, it's me..."


I looked down and stared at the fragile girl, she looked fimilar, her eyes deep brown and her cheekbones beautifully define. I stared at her for ages drowing at out all the sound around her. She reached up and stroked my cheek. I cocked my head to one side. Then it hit me. I knew who she was.

"Marcy?" I questioned.

She nodded and smiled. "I found you" she whispered.

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