Slytherin Royalty

Af MrsDxMalfoy

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"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... Mere

One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Reality
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Day Off
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday
Character list & Authors Note!

Music Lessons

189 5 1
Af MrsDxMalfoy

The next morning, Alya, Enzo and Hermione woke up and went downstairs for breakfast. They sat with Nick and Jean for a while before Alya decided that she and Enzo needed to leave. They went upstairs to get changed and to grab Alya's boxes. Alya put on a pretty, blue summer dress with flowers on and went back downstairs to give the three Granger's a hug goodbye, but not before telling them that she'd like to have them over for dinner at some point.

Alya and Enzo said their goodbyes and apparated to Enzo's house. They stood outside for a minute, while Enzo took a deep breath and prepared himself for entering. Alya took his hand and they went inside. They went up to Enzo's room, purposely walking straight past the living room where his mother was killed, and started packing his things with magic, so they didn't have to be there for too long. Once they were all packed, they made their way outside where they apparated to Casa Stella. They walked through the front door of the mansion and were immediately greeted by Narcissa, who had been in the kitchen. She pulled Alya into a long hug before doing the same to Enzo. Mattheo, Tom, Theo and Blaise had heard the commotion, and appeared from the living room to greet the two of them in the same way.

"Hey guys," smiled Alya. "How are we all?"

"Good, love," smiled Mattheo. "You?"

"I'm good," said Alya. "It was kinda awkward but it's fine. I'm just going to take these boxes up to my room and I'll be back down,"

"No you're not," said Tom, picking up the boxes.

Alya chuckled and followed him up the stairs, as Mattheo took Enzo's boxes up. Enzo smiled and followed him up, too. When they entered Alya's room, Tom put the boxes down and pulled her into a hug.

"Hey, Tommy," she smiled, hugging him tight.

"Hey, my angel," he smiled. "I missed you,"

"Well I'm home now," smiled Alya,as she kissed him gently on his lips.

Tom smiled at her and kissed her again before the two of them went back downstairs to join the others.

"Where's my girl?" asked Alya. "And Dray and Pans?"

"Oh, they're up in the library," said Theo. "Star loves it in there, she wanted to show 'flower' and 'pretty dracy' her favourite books and reading spot,"

"Oh, I love her," chuckled Alya. "I'm gonna go and surprise them,"

Alya walked upstairs to the library and walked in to find Star, Pansy and Draco sitting in the corner on some beanbags, reading a book. Alya realised that Narcissa had decorated a space for Star to sit whilst she's in there. There were fairy lights on the wall and a large pink rug under the beanbags.

"Having fun there, my loves?" she asked.

"ALLY!" the three of them shouted, running up and hugging her.

"Hey, beautiful girl," smiled Alya, picking Star up. "How are you?"

"Good," smiled Star. "I couldn't wait for you to get home,"

"I couldn't wait to see you," smiled Alya.

She put her down before hugging Pansy and Draco. Draco kissed her softly on her lips and her head, smiling at her.

"How was it, darling?" he asked. "Was everything okay? How's Enzo? Did you go to his house in the end?"

"Bloody hell, Dray," Alya laughed at all his questions. "It was awkward, but fine, Enzo is okay and yes we did. We're both completely moved in now,"

"Aw that's good, baby," smiled Draco, kissing her cheek.

"God, you're so in love," laughed Pansy. "It's disgustingly cute,"

"You love it," laughed Alya.

"You look gorgeous in that dress, by the way," smiled Pansy.

"She's right," smirked Draco.

"Thank you," giggled Alya. "Shall we go downstairs then?"

The three of them went down to join the others in the living room for a while before the front door opened and Snape walked in.

"Hi, dad," smiled Alya, standing up to hug him. "How are you?"

"I'm good, sweetheart, just thought I'd come see you all for the day," smiled Snape.

"Aw, okay," smiled Alya. "Actually, I was just about to go and make some lunch for us all. Want to join me?"

"Sure," said Snape, as the two of them walked into the kitchen. "How are you?"

"I'm good thank you," said Alya. "I actually was supposed to ask you something a while ago but it completely slipped my mind what with everything that happened,"

"What is it?" asked Snape.

"Well, it's about Star," explained Alya. "She was asking questions a little while ago about her parents and her family. Matt, Tom and I tried to stall it as much as we could, we told her that her father wasn't a nice man and that her parents are dead but that's it. She had more questions but we don't think she's ready to know everything yet. Especially finding out that I... killed Voldemort,"

"That's understandable," said Snape. "So what will you do?"

"Well she's going to be starting Hogwarts in September," said Alya. "It's going to be quite hard to hide it from her once people see her last name. Tommy came up with the clever idea of changing her name, and asked if she could change it to one or both of mine. I'm more than happy to do that, but I wanted to make sure it was okay with you first,"

"It's nothing to do with me, sweetheart," said Snape. "It's up to you,"

"I know, but I didn't want to do it without talking to you first," said Alya. "Especially if I put Snape in there, that's everything to do with you,"

"I guess so," said Snape. "Well I don't have an issue with it, nor will your grandparents. Star Snape-Cortez sounds cute,"

"It does, doesn't it," chuckled Alya. "She already calls me her sister anyway, so it won't be too confusing for her to explain when people ask. She calls us all her family so it should be fine,"

"That's lovely, Ally," smiled Snape.

Alya and her father finished making lunch and called everyone into the dining room to eat. They all spoke amongst themselves for a little while, before Alya whispered to Mattheo, who was sitting next to her.

"I spoke to dad," whispered Alya. "He said he's fine with changing Star's name. Do you want to tell her?"

"Sure, princess," smiled Mattheo. "Hey Star, guess what?"

"What, Matt?" asked Star, looking up from her food.

"We're changing your name," smiled Mattheo. "Your name is Star Snape-Cortez,"

"Like Ally's name?!" exclaimed Star, smiling widely.

"Exactly," smiled Alya.

"Yay!" exclaimed Star, jumping up to give Alya a hug. "I'm so happy!"

"Me too, love," smiled Alya.

"Why are you changing her name?" asked Blaise.

Just because," smiled Alya, giving him a look.

She went into Blaise's head and explained the reason. He nodded at her and smiled at Star. After a while, they all finished their lunch and Alya asked Star if she wanted to learn how to play some instruments. Star got very excited and agreed, so the two of them walked up to the music room.

"So what do you want to learn first, love?" asked Alya.

"I don't really know what they all are," replied Star.

"Okay, I'll show you," smiled Alya. "This is called a piano,"

She sat down at the piano and started to play a nice tune on it. Star started giggling excitedly which made Alya smile. She got up from the piano and picked up one of the guitars instead.

"This one is a guitar," she smiled. "It's one of my favourites,"

She started to play the guitar from Star, who sat and listened. A huge smile crept up on Star's face as she watched, and Alya chuckled at her.

"That one sounds so pretty," smiled Star.

"I know right," smiled Alya. "I think you'll like this one more, though,"

She sat down at the drumset and started to play a tune on them. Star immediately ran over to where the drumset was and watched her with wide eyes.

"I want this one," Star said, excitedly. "This one is so fun,"

"Okay then," chuckled Alya. "Hold on a damn minute -"

Alya swung the music room door open with her mind to see Draco, Tom, Mattheo, Blaise, Enzo, Pansy and Theo all stood outside the door. They looked up at her with guilt written all across their faces and tried to make an excuse as to what they were doing there.

"You cheeky little assholes!" laughed Alya. "Were you spying on us?"

"Never!" protested Theo, clutching a hand to his chest.

"Maybe a little," said Mattheo. "What?! I told you I wanted to see you play the drums,"

"Well you might as well bloody come in then," laughed Alya.

"So naughty!" laughed Star.

"Don't even think about distracting us,"said Alya. "Just sit down and look pretty,"

"That won't be hard," smiled Enzo.

"Exactly," smirked Alya, walking back over to the stool in front of the drumset.

She placed Star on her lap and put the drumsticks in Star's hands. She talked through what she was doing with her, whilst guiding her hands to play a song on the drums. She could feel Mattheo staring at her out of the corner of her eye, so she looked at him and winked before continuing what she was doing. They were playing the drums for a while before Star got the hang of the song they were playing and was able to play it by herself. She was extremely happy and proud of herself when she realised she'd learnt it, and everyone started clapping and cheering for her.

"Okay, I'm going to go to the piano and play the same song," said Alya. "When I say, start playing the drums again, yeah?"

"Okay," smiled Star excitedly.

"Wait, Ally," said Draco. "Can you play this on guitar?"

"Yeah," said Alya. "I can play it on everything, it's one of the first songs I learnt,"

"You play it on the guitar, I'll play it on the piano," replied Draco, standing up and sitting down on the piano stool.

Alya smiled excitedly and walked over to pick up the guitar. She sat down and started to play the song. Star joined in on the drums whilst Draco joined in on the piano and the three of them smiled at each other as they played.

"Bloody hell," said Pansy once the song had finished. "You three should start a band or something, that was really good!"

"Thanks Pans," smiled Alya. "Star, that was amazing! You're such a fast learner,"

"That was so good!" smiled Star. "Let's do it again!"

"Shall we learn a different song?" asked Alya.

Star nodded and Alya walked over to teach her a new song, making sure it was one that Draco also knew. Once Star had got the hang of it, she went back over to the guitar and the three of them played it together. They did this for the rest of the afternoon, and Alya started to teach the others some instruments too. After a while, Star decided that she wanted to show Narcissa and Snape what she'd learnt, so they called them upstairs to watch. Alya, Star and Draco played the first and second song they'd learnt together for Narcissa and Snape, who absolutely loved it and began applauding them instantly.

They all went downstairs to have some dinner together before Snape decided to leave. He said goodbye to everyone and apparated home. Narcissa decided that she was going to go home that night too, seeing as she hadn't been back to the Malfoy Manor in months. She gave everyone a hug and gave Alya and Draco a kiss on the cheek before apparating away.

"Right, Miss Star," said Alya. "You ready for bed?"

"Only if you come with me again," smiled Star.

"Of course," chuckled Alya. "Let's go,"

The two of them walked up the stairs and into Star's room. She picked out a book for Alya to read before putting her pyjamas on and climbing into bed. Alya sat next to her and began reading to her, whilst Star snuggled up to her. Once the book was finished and Star was fast asleep, Alya slipped out of the room and cast 'muffliato' on her door so that no noises from outside of the room would wake her.

She went back downstairs to join the others in the living room for a while. She sat on Draco's lap and put her legs across Mattheo's.

"Hey darling," smiled Draco, kissing her cheek. "Is Star okay?"

"Yeah, she's fast asleep," said Alya.

"Bless her," smiled Mattheo.

"So who's having me tonight then?" asked Alya. "It's Saturday,"

"Shotgun!" exclaimed Theo. "I haven't shared with you in ages,"

"Okie dokie," chuckled Alya.

"Dick," muttered Blaise. "I wanted her,"

"Snooze you lose, Zabini," chuckled Theo. "She's mine tonight,"

"Honestly you two," chuckled Alya. "YOu could always share,"

"Absolutely not," protested Theo. "Mine,"

"Fine, whatever," sighed Blaise. "But I'm having you next week, Ally,"

"Sure thing," chuckled Alya.

"Me too," said Pansy. "We need a girls night,"

"Of course," smiled Alya.

After a while, they all said goodnight to each other before going up to their rooms. Alya went into Theo's room with him instead of going to hers.

"I like what you've done with the place,"said Alya, as she walked into his room and closed the door behind her.

Theo had transfigured his room and put a dark blue colour on the walls and some black curtains. He had a black bookshelf, just like in his Hogwarts dorm, which Alya realised was probably the same one.

"Thanks," chuckled Theo. "Got bored of the white walls,"

"I don't blame you," chuckled Alya. "I need to decorate my room, to be fair. I just keep forgetting, as I'm hardly ever in there,"

"I'll remind you," smiled Theo, pulling off his shirt and trousers.

"Merlin," muttered Alya, trying to pull her eyes away from his chiselled body.

Theo turned around and smirked at her when he saw her staring at him. He walked over to her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He dipped his head down to whisper in her ear. "Like what you see, pretty girl?"

"God, don't do that," said Alya, as she felt her breath hitch in her throat.

Theo looked into her eyes for a second, contemplating what he was about to do. Unbeknownst to him, Alya was thinking the exact same thing. She could feel his warm breath on her face due to how close they were standing. His eyes fell on her lips and his breathing started to get heavier. Alya's did the same, and started losing all control.

"Fuck it," muttered Theo, as he grabbed the sides of her face and kissed her passionately.


His hands slid down to her waist as Alya wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. He picked her up and sat on the bed, placing her on top of him so that she was straddling him. Alya began grinding on him as she kissed him, and she could feel him hardening beneath her. She was wearing a dress, so the only thing restricting them was the thin piece of fabric of her thong and Theo's boxers. She smirked into the kiss, before pulling away and looking into his eyes. He was looking at her with the perfect mixture of lust and adoration that gave her goosebumps all up her body. Her lips travelled to his jaw and down to his neck, kissing and sucking on it hard. She then kissed the spot just below his ear, earning a small whimper from him. He kissed her roughly on her lips again, pulling off her dress. His hands reached round her back as he unclasped her bra and slid it off of her shoulders.

"Holy fuck," he whispered, as he looked down and her exposed breasts with wide eyes. "You're so fucking beautiful, Alya,"

Alya smirked at him before kissing him again, running her hands down his abdomen and tugging on the waistline of his boxers. She shifted slightly, giving herself access to his boxers and pulled out his boner, rubbing it in her hands as Theo let out a soft groan into the kiss. His large hands massaged up her thighs as she did this, and she moaned softly when they reached her clit through her thong. He slid her thong to the side, not even bothering to take it off and teased her entrance with his fingers, lapping up the wetness that had pooled from the sight of him alone. He smirked at her as he felt it, and brought his fingers up to his mouth, sucking them clean.

"You taste so fucking good," he smirked, putting his hands back where they were before sliding two fingers into her slowly.

She leant forward and moaned into his ear, dropping her head on his chest as he picked up the pace. He quickly cast 'muffliato' on the door before her moans became even louder, and so did his. He pulled his fingers out of her, licking them clean once more before Alya lined herself up with his length, lowering herself onto it. They both groaned loudly as he filled her up, his hands immediately falling to her waist as he threw his head back. She started riding him at a painfully slow pace, earning loud groans from him as she kissed his neck.

"Stop fucking teasing me, bella ragazza," groaned Theo.

"Si, Signore," smirked Alya, as she picked up the pace and started bouncing on him faster.

"Dio mio," whimpered Theo, as he squeezed his eyes shut from the pleasure.

"Guardami, tesoro," moaned Alya, making him look into her eyes as she continued riding him.

"Fuuuck," whimpered Theo, as his cock started twitching inside of her. "Il mio bellissimo amore,"

"Vieni con me, il mio bel ragazzo," whimpered Alya, as she felt her walls clench around his cock.

"Proprio così, amore mio, su tutto il mio cazzo," whimpered Theo.

Alya felt her orgasm rush over her, moaning Theo's name into his ear as he did the same. Both of their legs were shaking with pleasure as Theo pounded into her, riding out her orgasm whilst coming to his own, his hot cum shooting inside of her and filling her up. Alya rested her forehead on Theo's while they caught their breaths, before sliding off of him and going to his ensuite bathroom to clean up.


"Fucking hell, Ally," smirked Theo, hugging her from behind in the bathroom. "I didn't know you could speak Italian,"

"I didn't know you could," chuckled Alya. "That's so sexy,"

"You're telling me?" said Theo. "Guardami, tesoro is probably one of the sexiest things I've ever heard come out of your mouth,"

"Well I wanted to look at your pretty eyes," smirked Alya. "You can't blame me,"

"Dio mio," whimpered Theo, burying his head in her neck. "Ti amo, bella,"

"Ti amo, Teddy," smiled Alya, kissing his cheek.

The two of them entered Theo's room again and Alya put her thong back on, along with one of Theo's shirts that she stole from his drawers. He smiled at her widely as she put it on and giggled slightly.

"Sei così bellissima," smiled Theo, as he put his boxers on and climbed into bed.

"You are," she smiled, climbing into bed next to him.

Theo kissed her on her cheek, unable to get rid of the huge smile that plastered itself across her face, as he wrapped his arms around her. She rested her head on his chest and snuggled into him as they both fell asleep.

Hey guys! I thought I'd give you guys some Theo smut as he's just too beautiful to be left out <3 sorry if you can't understand the italian, i can put the translations in if you want me to.

I'm having a little bit of writer's block which is why i've been slow with the updates, and not much has happened in the last two chapters so i'm sorry about that! Hopefully it'll get a bit better soon. Thanks for reading, see you in the next chapter! <3

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