Slytherin Royalty

By MrsDxMalfoy

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"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... More

One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Reality
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Day Off
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday
Character list & Authors Note!

The Memories

211 3 0
By MrsDxMalfoy

A week later, Alya's concussion was finally gone. She and Draco had been out of lessons all week, just to ensure their safety. Enzo had gone back to his lessons on Tuesday, as he was feeling much better and he had nothing really wrong with him. Draco had moved into a bed closer to Alya, and they'd spent a lot of time alone together whilst their friends were in lessons and having meals. They'd grown a lot closer in the week, and they were both hoping to be let out of the hospital wing that day. It was Saturday morning, so they had no lessons as it was the weekend. Alya woke up and sat up in her bed, reaching over for the cup of water that was sitting on the counter next to her. Draco woke up and did exactly the same thing, causing them to laugh softly at each other before taking a sip.

"Good morning," smiled Draco.

"Morning, Dray," smiled Alya.

"How's your head?" asked Draco.

"Loads better," smiled Alya. "I can test it to see if my power is back in a bit,"

"Do it, I can't wait to see," chuckled Draco. "From the stories you and the others have told me, it sounds so cool,"

"It is quite cool," chuckled Alya. "I'll have to get Madam Pomfrey's permission first though,"

"I guess so," said Draco. "I hope it is back,"

"Me too," smiled Alya. "How are you feeling?"

"So much better," said Draco. "I feel perfectly fine now, apart from my memories are still gone,"

"I'm glad you're feeling better," smiled Alya. "Hopefully we can bring your memories back as soon as possible,"

"I hope so," smiled Draco.

They stared at each other for a few seconds, smiling, before Alya quickly looked away. She looked around the room at the other people that were in there, before looking out the window at the sunrise. She smiled as she watched it, and didn't notice that Draco was still staring at her. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked. How captivating her smile was. How her eyes glistened in the sunlight and how her freckles looked more prominent in the sun. a smile crept across his face as he watched her.

"Wow," he muttered under his breath.

"Did you say something?" she asked, turning to look at him.

"Uh... no," said Draco, quickly looking away.

Alya smiled at him and looked back out the window, as all of their friends came into the hospital wing. She'd convinced Fred and George to go to the shop that weekend, as they didn't go last time so they were the only ones not there. Ron was carrying the wicker basket, as he did every day, and walked over to them placing it on Alya's bed. Everyone gave Alya a hug and said hello to the two of them before taking the chairs around the beds. Alya and Draco ate their breakfast whilst talking to their friends, and once they were finished, Madam Pomfrey came over to do a check on them both.

Madam Pomfrey concluded her checks by telling Draco that he was well enough to be discharged, he just wasn't allowed to play quidditch for another week and he had to take it easy. Alya was given a pair of crutches for her ankle and was also told that she could be discharged, as long as she, too, took it easy. She also got the go ahead to try and use her powers again. Everyone cheered when Madam Pomfrey said this, and Mattheo picked Alya up out of bed and squeezed her tight.

"Matty, I can't breathe," chuckled Alya.

"Sorry, love," laughed Mattheo. "I'm just so happy,"

"Me too," smiled Alya. "Let's get the fuck out of here, I can't stand to spend another minute in here. No offence, Madam Pomfrey. Thank you for everything,"

"None taken," chuckled Madam Pomfrey. "And you're welcome, I'm glad you're both better now,"

Tom grabbed Alya's hand and stood her up slowly out of the bed for the first time in a week. Once she had gained some feeling in her legs, he slowly replaced his hands with the crutches, staying close to her whilst she tried them out in case she fell. She was a bit wobbly at first, but she got the hang of it quite quickly. Once she had figured it out, they all thanked Madam Pomfrey and left the hospital wing, heading down to the common room.

"I never thought I'd be so happy to sit on this crusty sofa," chuckled Alya, throwing herself down on the sofa as soon as they got to the common room.

"Me too," laughed Draco, sitting next to her. "Hey, do you want to try out your powers now?"

She looked him in his eyes to try and use her legilimency to get into his head.

"Did it work?" she said inside Draco's head.

"Oh my god, that's so cool!" said Draco out loud.

Alya smiled widely at him, before turning to the others to tell them that it had worked. They all cheered, and Alya asked for a volunteer to try out her telekinesis. Of course, Blaise happily volunteered. Alya chuckled at him before lifting up in the air with her mind. She made him do a little back flip before sitting him back down on the sofa.

"Safe to say your powers are back," chuckled Blaise.

"Thank god," chuckled Alya.

"Do you want to... start working on my memories?" asked Draco. "We don't have to do it yet, I was just... it's up to you,"

"We can get started now if you want," smiled Alya, secretly extremely eager to get started. "Where do you want to go?"

"Let's go to our dorm," said Draco. "It might trigger something for me, we seem to have spent a lot of time there together,"

"Okay," smiled Alya. "See you guys later, yeah?"

Alya and Draco's friends smiled and said goodbye to them as Alya and Draco went up to their dorm, slowly. When they walked in, Draco looked around, trying to trigger something. He sat down on the side of the bed he always slept on, while Alya sat on her side.

"Lay down," said Alya. Draco obliged, and they laid down facing each other. "This is how we fell asleep the first night of school. I was wearing your quidditch hoodie and I told you that you smelt amazing. I woke up facing away from you with your arm wrapped around me. It was really cute, actually"

"Cute?" asked Draco. "That's so embarrassing,"

"Not to me," chuckled Alya. "I liked it. Wanna see?"

"Sure," smiled Draco.

Alya put her hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes. She went into his head and showed him the moment they first met on the train, the moment she met their friends and the moment they first laid in bed together. She showed him putting on his quidditch hoodie and laying down to face him, falling asleep. She then showed him her waking up the next morning with his arm  around her waist, as she turned around to face him, giggling.

She left his head and moved her hand away from his cheek. He smiled at her, giggling slightly.

"God, that's even more embarrassing than I thought," chuckled Draco.

"It's not bloody embarrassing,"chuckled Alya.

"I was such a stuttering mess around you," chuckled Draco.

"That's so cute, though," smiled Alya. "It made me like you more, you were so sweet to me,"

Draco smiled at her and blushed slightly. Alya lifted her arm and told him to lay on her chest. He looked at her weirdly at first, but obliged nonetheless.

"This is how we fell asleep the night you kissed me in the astronomy tower," she said softly, running her hand through his hair gently. "It  was one of your favourite ways to cuddle me, we laid like this a lot,"

"This is... really nice," he said, softly.

"That's exactly what you said that night," giggled Alya. "You fell asleep instantly,"

"Yeah, I can see that happening," chuckled Draco.

He stayed there for a few minutes, listening to her heartbeat in silence. Alya didn't mind, she just smiled to herself while she continued to play with his hair. After a while, Draco sat up and looked at her.

"Sorry," said Draco. "I didn't mean to stay there for so long,"

"It's okay," smiled Alya. "I thought if we stayed there it might help bring something back. I'm guessing it didn't?"

"No," said Draco, sadly. "I'm really sorry, I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. I really am trying," 

"Don't be silly," said Alya. "It's not your fault. You're trying your best, it's okay if you can't remember,"

"But it must be so horrible for you," said Draco. "I mean... we were in love, right?"

"We were," smiled Alya. "God I loved you so much. It was so intense, even your mum said so. Your mum and my dad both said that they'd never seen a love like ours, that we should hold onto it and that no matter what happens, they knew it would always be me and you,"

"My mum said that?" asked Draco.

"Yeah," smiled Alya. "You always used to tell her how much you loved me. She was so happy when I told her we were together, despite being with the others too,"

"Wow," smiled Draco. "Do you still... I mean, you said 'loved'. Does that mean you don't love me anymore?"

"Of course I love you," said Alya. "I think I always will. I didn't mean to say loved, I think it's because I'm used to speaking in the past tense about you. I mean, you obviously don't love me, you barely know me,"

"I want to though," said Draco, which made Alya's heart skip a few beats. "You're incredible, and I think I could easily fall in love with you again. Even if I never get my memories back, I think I'd fall for you anyway. It's really hard not to,"

"Really?" smiled Alya.

"Really," smiled Draco.

They stared at each other for a few seconds, before Alya quickly looked away and sat up.

"This might seem a bit weird, but you never know what could trigger it," said Alya. "Come here,"

Alya walked over to stand against the wall. Draco walked over to her, she grabbed his hands and put them on her waist, looking into his eyes.

"We spent quite a lot of time up against this wall," chuckled Alya. "This is where we had our first kiss, and many more kisses after that. We did a lot of... things stood here,"

"Oh," said Draco, blushing at the close contact. "Can I see?"

"Of course," smiled Alya. "Just the kisses, or do you want to see all of it? I'll warn you, some of it is not very PG,"

"I want to see all of it," said Draco. "Like you said, you never know what might trigger something,"

"Okay then," smiled Alya.

She put a hand on his cheek and went back into his head. She showed him the moment he pinned her against the wall and kissed her after the first Slytherin party. She showed him the way he spun her around against the wall and touched her before she pushed him onto the bed, straddling him and grinding on him as he lifted her dress off of her. She skipped the rest, and showed him the many other times they were kissing against that same wall. She then showed him the last time they did, which was the wednesday before, when she was wearing the green lingerie set. She showed him her as she kissed down his body and got on her knees, and she showed him when he said 'I can't express to you how in love with you I am, my pretty girl'. She left his head and moved her hand away from his cheek. He grabbed her hand gently and looked into her eyes.

"H-holy shit," said Draco. "We really did all that?"

"We really did," giggled Alya. "There's a lot more though. We did it in the shower once, too. Wanna see?"

"Yes," chuckled Draco.

Alya took his hand and led him into the shower. They both walked in and stood against the wall. Alya put Draco's hands on her waist again, before putting her hand back on his cheek. She entered his head and showed him how they messed about with the shower for a few minutes, before she kissed him and he pushed her against the wall, sliding himself into her as they kissed passionately. She quickly left his head, moving her hand away from his cheek. His grip had tightened on her waist and he was breathing slightly heavier.

"Fucking hell," he groaned. "That's... that's something,"

"Isn't it," smirked Alya.

"Shit... I-I'm sorry," he said, looking away quickly.

"What? Oh..." said Alya, looking down and noticing his bulge. "Oops," she giggled.

"It's not funny!" blushed Draco. "This is your fault,"

"You wanted to see," chuckled Alya. "It's not my fault at all,"

"Whatever," chuckled Draco.

"Fuck, this is torture," said Alya, leaning her head back against the shower wall.

"What is?" asked Draco.

"All I want to do is kiss you," said Alya. "But you barely know me, even though you actually know everything about me. Now you're hard, I'm soaked and we can't even do anything about it,"

"Y-you're what?" said Draco.

"Shut up," chuckled Alya. "Come on, let's get out of here before I lose all control,"

"Yeah... that's probably for the best," said Draco, removing his hands from her waist and stepping out of the shower.

"Oh, I should probably tell you something else," said Alya, as they walked back into the bedroom and sat down on the sofa. "I didn't tell you before because I didn't want to overwhelm you, but... you're actually bisexual,"

"Excuse me?" said Draco.

"Yeah..." said Alya. "You told me a few weeks ago, you'd been questioning it for a while though. You and Mattheo kind of..."

"Wait, me and Mattheo?!" exclaimed Draco.

"Yeah, he's bisexual too," said Alya. "You were both questioning it, and then we ended up having a threesome and you... touched each other. That happened twice, actually,"

"What the fuck," said Draco.

"Do you want to see?" asked Alya.

"Yeah... but only because I'm not sure I believe you," chuckled Draco.

"I would never lie to you, Draco," smiled Alya. "Come here,"

She put her hand on his cheek and entered his head again. She showed him the time he was laying on her chest and Mattheo kissed him. She showed him when he kissed Mattheo back, and she showed him small parts of the threesome that they had. She then showed him parts of the second threesome they had, before leaving his head and pulling her hand away.

"This is just... crazy," said Draco. "I-I mean... me and Mattheo, I never, ever would've thought that,"

"Well it happened," said Alya. "And it was so fucking hot. Shit, sorry,"

"No, don't be," chuckled Draco. "It... it was quite hot. From what I've seen, anyway,"

Alya giggled at him, and looked down.

"You had a huge crush on Enzo too, by the way," said Alya. "And he really likes you, you guys kissed a few times. I'm not sure if you ever did anything else, you'll have to ask him, but I know that he slept in here alone with you twice,"

"Oh shit," said Draco. "Yeah I'll... I'll ask him,"

"Okay," smiled Alya.

"Wait... you were okay with that?" asked Draco. "I mean, he's your best friend and I was sort of like your boyfriend. You just willingly let us kiss and stuff?"

"I mean, I wasn't ecstatic about it," said Alya. "But I don't have the right to tell you not to. I'm with 5 people, including you, and you were okay with that because of how much you loved me. I love you so much and all I want is for you to be happy, and if that means you being with Enzo too then I'm okay with that,"

"Wow," said Draco. "You really are as incredible as everyone says you are,"

"I'm really not," chuckled Alya. "I just love so hard, and like I've said before, I'll do anything for the people that I love. It's not great, seeing you two together, but I can only imagine that that's how it feels when you see me with the others. Or... felt, I guess,"

"I guess so," said Draco. "Hey, can you... I mean, you said I loved it when you played the guitar, could you maybe play it now?"

"I... um," stuttered Alya. "Fine, but don't look at me,"

"Sure," smiled Draco.

He sat on the bed and Alya grabbed her guitar and sat on the chair at the desk. She started to play the guitar for him and sing the same song she was singing when he walked in on her. He watched her in amazement, smiling widely as she played. Once she had finished, she looked over at him and caught his gaze.

"Holy shit," said Draco, softly. "I was right, your voice is... beautiful. And the way you play is just... I've never heard such a majestic sound,"

"Oh... thank you," blushed Alya. "Did it do anything?"

"Not really," said Draco. "I think it started to, but I'm not sure,"

"Oh," said Alya, looking down.

"Don't worry," he said, walking over to her, grabbing her hands and standing her up from the chair. "We'll get there, eventually,"

"Yeah, I guess," said Alya.

She looked up into his bright, blue eyes and felt herself getting lost in them. She could've sworn she saw a sparkle in them, and couldn't suppress the smile that was creeping across her face. He was staring into her eyes too, and hadn't let go of her hand. Alya felt herself losing control, and quickly looked away before she lost it completely.

"We should probably go get some lunch," said Alya, quickly. "But we can carry on afterwards if you want?"

"Yeah, I'd like that," smiled Draco.

"Okay then," smiled Alya.

They walked down to the common room and greeted everyone before they all walked to the great hall together. Alya was happy to be there, but she was slightly worried about how Draco would be. Thankfully, he seemed fine and they had a nice lunch together, talking amongst themselves. After lunch, they all went back to the common room, when Alya got an idea.

"Shall we go to the astronomy tower?" she asked Draco. "It's where you kissed me for the first time properly, and it's where you told me you loved me. It might help?"

"Sure, let's go," smiled Draco.

They said goodbye to their friends who were sitting on the sofas,and made their way to the astronomy tower. As they reached the top of the tower, they walked over to the spot they were sitting in.

"This is where you comforted me whilst I was crying," said Alya. "And I hugged you. You told me you'd never been hugged before and asked me to do it again so I did,"

"I haven't," said Draco. "I mean.. I hadn't. I have now, I guess,"

"Yeah..." said Alya.

"Can you... um," stuttered Draco. "Can you maybe..."

"Hug you?" asked Alya. Draco nodded. "Of course,"

She smiled at him, before leaning her crutches against the wall and wrapping her arms around him. He hugged her tight, burying his head into her neck as he did this. His heart started racing as he began to remember the hug they shared last time. He could smell her scent, which started to bring back some more memories. He gasped slightly, as he remembered. She pulled away quickly, looking up at him.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I...I remember this," he said, softly. "Hug me again,"

Alya wrapped her hands around him once again, squeezing him tight and hoping for the best. He buried his head back in her neck and closed his eyes, sniffing her lightly. Memories came flooding back, but not all of them.

"Oh my gosh," he said, softly.

He pulled away and looked into her eyes. She smiled at him softly, and he grabbed her hands.

"I-It's your smell," said Draco, looking at her with wide eyes. "Your smell and that hug, the way my heart started racing and I started to get butterflies, it made me remember some stuff. I remember our first hug, I remember kissing you after. I remember sitting up here with you at night and watching the stars, looking at our constellations and talking about our families and stuff,"

"Oh my god," smiled Alya. "That's amazing, Dray!"

"I know!" exclaimed Draco. "Ally, I could kiss you right now!"

"So do it," she said. "If you want to, just do it,"

"I... really?" he said, seemingly shocked.

"All I want to do is kiss you, Draco," said Alya. "But I'm not going to do that until you're ready. If you feel like you're ready and you want to, just do it,"

Draco didn't waste a second. He cupped her cheeks in his hand and kissed her gently. He felt fireworks exploding in his stomach as he did this, and he felt a bunch of memories come flooding back to him. He smiled into the kiss, before pulling away and resting his forehead on hers.

"Wow," he said, softly. "I love you, Ally,"

"W-what?" gasped Alya.

"I remember that I love you," he smiled, stroking her cheek. "When I kissed you, my heart felt like it was going to explode. My stomach felt like there were fireworks in there or something, and suddenly I remembered. I remembered kissing you here for the first time, I remembered telling you I love you and I remembered how deeply I'm in love with you. Fuck, Ally, I love you so much,"

"I love you, Draco," smiled Alya, with tears in her eyes. "I love you so much,"

He grabbed her face and kissed her again, more passionately. She wrapped her hands around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair as she kissed him back. She felt so happy, she felt like her heart could burst. He pulled away and looked into her eyes, with the biggest smile on his face. She looked up at him with the same smile and pulled him into a hug. He hugged her tight for a few seconds, before pulling away.

"I don't think I remember everything," said Draco. "But I remember enough to know how much I love you,"

"That doesn't matter," smiled Alya, cupping his cheeks. "As long as you know how you feel about me, we can work on the rest in time,"

"I definitely know," smiled Draco. "When I kissed you the second time, even more memories appeared. I remember us having a bath together and me telling you how much I love you, I remember calling you Alya Malfoy,"

"Do you remember asking me to marry you?" smiled Alya. "Or telling me, rather,"

"I do," chuckled Draco. "And I stand by it, I'd love you to be my wife,"

"Oh my god," smiled Alya, hugging him again. "No matter how much you say that, I get butterflies every time,"

"Good," smiled Draco. "That means you want to be,"

"Of course I want to be your wife, Dray," smiled Alya. "But you know I can't,"

"We'll just pretend then," smiled Draco, tucking her hair behind her ear. "When it's just us, we'll pretend we're married,"

"That's fine by me," smiled Alya. "I can't believe this, I really thought I'd lost you,"

"You'll never lose me, my love," smiled Draco, kissing her gently again. "You shouldn't be standing so much, come here,"

He picked her up and sat down on the little bench with her on his lap. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, cuddling him tight. He wrapped his arms around her waist tightly and they sat like this for quite a long time, just cuddling and enjoying each other's company. After a while, he kissed her one more time on her lips and on her head before standing up and walking over to where her crutches were. He put her down and handed them to her, and they decided to go back to the common room.

"Hey guys," smiled Draco, as they entered the common room.

"Hey, how did it go?" asked Mattheo.

"I remember," smiled Draco. "I remember Ally, I remember that I love her. I don't remember everything else but that's not important right now. The main thing is Ally,"

"Aw, I'm so happy for you both!" smiled Pansy, jumping up to give Alya a hug.

"Me too," smiled Alya. "Thank you Pans,"

"Yeah, that's amazing guys," smiled Theo.

Alya and her friends decided to go down to the Great Hall for dinner, and when they were finished, Snape came over to the table to check on them. Alya and Draco told him that Draco could remember her, and he smiled.

"I'm so glad," smiled Snape. "Narcissa will be over the moon, I'll tell her in a second,"

"I'm glad too," smiled Draco. "My mum must really love you, Ally,"

"She does," smiled Snape. "She calls Alya her daughter all the time now, you should've seen her when she first got to the hospital wing the night of the kidnap. She ran in screaming 'where are my children',"

"Wow," chuckled Draco. "That's so lovely,"

"It really is," smiled Alya. "She's been a mother figure to me since I met her, she makes me feel so loved and accepted, which is so nice considering what happened to my real mother,"

"I bet," said Draco, taking her hand and smiling at her.

"By the way, Ally," said Snape. "Your grandparents want to see you as soon as you're well enough to apparate to them. I told them a bit about what happened and they were so worried,"

"I'll see how I feel tomorrow," said Alya. "I'd love to go and see them,"

"Okay, no rush though," smiled Snape. "They'd understand if you can't. They wanted to come here as soon as they heard but I told them not to. You guys didn't need to be smothered, which is exactly what they'd do,"

"They're so cute," chuckled Alya.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow darling," said Snape, giving her a hug.

"See you tomorrow, dad, love you," smiled Alya, as Snape left the great hall.

Alya and her friends all went back to the Slytherin common room and sat down on the sofas talking amongst themselves for a while. Alya was sitting on Mattheo's lap, with her legs across Draco's. No one was laying on her chest this time, as her ankle was still sore and they were all scared of hurting her.

"So, who am I sharing with tonight?" asked Alya. "It's Saturday, so no one's designated to today,"

"I'd love to," said Theo. "But I think you should share with Draco tonight, considering everything that's happened,"

"I agree," said Pansy and Blaise.

"Well shit, I was going to offer," chuckled Enzo. "But I agree, you should share with Mr Pretty,"

"Mr Pretty," chuckled Draco. "I actually remember that,"

"Do you um... do you remember anything else?" asked Enzo.

"No, but Ally told me some stuff," said Draco. "It'll come back in time,"

"True," smiled Enzo.

"Did you tell him about..." asked Mattheo.

"She did," smiled Draco. "I didn't believe her at first, but she showed me,"

"Good," smiled Mattheo.

"Thank you guys," smiled Draco. "Looks like it's me and you tonight, Ally,"

"Looks like it," smiled Alya.

After a few hours of talking to each other, Alya said goodnight to all of her friends before she and Draco headed up to their dorm. Draco opened the door for her and helped her change into her pyjamas, giving her little kisses on her head and nose as he did this. They laid down in their bed facing each other, and Draco moved her hair out of her face and put his hand on her cheek.

"You make me feel things I never thought were possible," smiled Draco, looking into her eyes. "I never knew I was capable of feeling love like this, or being loved the way you love me,"

"You are, Dray," smiled Alya. "The love I have for you is so scarily zealous, I've never felt anything like it,"

"Same here," smiled Draco. "Is it stronger than the love you feel for the others?"

"Honestly, I think it is," said Alya. "I feel terrible saying that, I love them all so intensely too, but after this past week I can't help but feel like the love that you and I have is... different. Like it's so extreme, I didn't think it was possible to love someone the way I love you. It doesn't feel real, it feels like something you'd only see in movies or books,"

"I agree," smiled Draco. "Don't worry, I won't tell them,"

"You better not," chuckled Alya. "No, of course I love them all but our love has always felt stronger and different. I don't know what it is,"

"Maybe we're soulmates," said Draco. "Made for each other,"

"Maybe," giggled Alya. "God, I'm so happy you're back,"

"I was never gone, gorgeous," smiled Draco.

Alya leant over and kissed him passionately on his lips, his hands roaming up her body as she did this. They were kissing for a while, and it got more and more intense as they did.  He leant over so that he was on top of her and in between her legs, kissing her neck and trailing his hands up and down her body.

"Is this okay?" he asked her, looking into her eyes.

"More than okay," she smiled, kissing him lustfully.


He smiled into the kiss, before kissing her jaw to her neck. He lifted off her pyjama shirt and began trailing kisses down her collarbones and her chest. He reached round and unclasped her bra, smiling widely at her bare chest before kissing and licking her nipples. She ran her fingers through his hair as he did this, before he left a trail of kisses down her stomach. He pulled off her pyjama shorts, kissing in between her thighs before ripping off her thong and licking her clit. She let out a loud moan as he did this, and he smirked up at her before going absolutely feral, licking and sucking it.

Alya quickly grabbed her wand and cast 'muffliato' on the door, before whimpering loudly as her legs started to shake from the pleasure. Draco continued what he was doing, groaning softly as he did this which made her weak. The vibrations from his groans were sending waved through her body, and she came into his mouth with a string of high pitched moans.

"Holy fuck," she whimpered breathlessly, as Draco came up for air.

He kissed her passionately as she reached down and lifted off his shirt. She pulled off his trousers and palmed his length through his boxers. He threw his head back and groaned loudly as she did this, before she pulled his boxers off and wrapped her hand around his length. She began pumping him slowly, before sitting up and taking him whole into her mouth and sucking him at a fast pace.

He looked down at her and bunched her hair into a ponytail, and realised that he was starting to get some memories back. He was starting to remember small details about every other time they had been in that position. He smiled widely at her, before bending down to kiss her. He pushed her back onto the bed and slowly started teasing her entrance with his tip before sliding himself into her. The feeling was euphoric, as he began to fuck her at a slow pace. Each time he pushed himself into her, his memories of every time they'd had sex were slowly starting to make their way back to him. He was getting flashbacks with every thrust, which only turned him on even more to be able to see all of that happening at the same time.

He picked up the pace and started fucking her hard, the sounds of their moans and whimpers filled the air. He kissed her passionately before looking into her eyes and smiling at her adoringly.

"I love you so fucking much, my girl," he smiled, as he slammed into her, hard.

"I love you more, my pretty boy," she replied.

With this, he started fucking her even faster and harder, and it wasn't long before they both were close.

"Cum with me, baby," Draco whimpered into Alya's ear. And she did, legs shaking and fists clenching at the feeling of him twitching inside of her. Her walls clenched around him and she came once again, screaming his name as he whimpered loudly and shot his cum inside of her.


He kissed her gently on the lips and flopped onto the bed next to her as they both caught their breaths. They looked at each other and giggled slightly, before he went to run a bath. Once the bath was ready, he picked her up and placed her in it, before joining her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back into his chest, kissing her cheeks and head.

"I got a lot of memories back during that," chuckled Draco.

"You did?" asked Alya. "Like what?"

"Like every other time we fucked," chuckled Draco. "I mean, I don't know if it was every time, but I remember our first time, I remember the shower, I remember the time with the green outfit, the times with Mattheo and I remember the time I bent you over the desk for a quickie whilst everyone else was in the common room,"

"Gosh," laughed Alya. "That's amazing, Dray. I'm so happy,"

"Me too," smiled Draco. "I'm starting to feel slightly more normal now that I have some memories back, even if it isn't everything,

"Exactly," smiled Alya. "And like we said, we'll keep working on it and keep trying things to get all of your memories back,"

"Yeah," smiled Draco. "I love you, Ally,"

"I love you more, Dray," smiled Alya.

They spent some time just sitting together and talking for a little while before washing themselves and each other. Once they were done, Draco got out and wrapped a towel around him before lifting Alya out and doing the same for her. He put her down on the bed and dried her off, putting her pyjamas on her before doing the same for himself. They laid down in bed, and Draco put his head on Alya's chest. She kissed the top of his head a few times and ran her fingers in his hair, feeling on top of the world. She smiled at the sight of him resting on her, her heart full of love and joy. She wondered how any moment in her life could ever make her feel happier than she did in that moment. Little did she know, Draco was thinking the exact same thing. It wasn't long before the two of them drifted off to sleep.

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