Slytherin Royalty

By MrsDxMalfoy

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"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... More

One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Reality
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Day Off
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday
Character list & Authors Note!

The Hospital Wing

193 4 0
By MrsDxMalfoy

"Ally, can you stand?" asked Snape.

"Yeah, I'm not hurt at all," replied Alya.

"Good, we need to take Draco to the hospital wing," said Snape. "Just to be on the safe side. Nott, Zabini, go in front of us and take Enzo with you. He needs to be checked out too. Tell Madam Pomfrey that we're on our way. Riddles, Parkinson, walk with Ally and I,"

"Yes, sir," said Theo.

"Of course, professor," said Blaise, as they took Enzo to the hospital wing.

Snape picked Draco up from the floor and carried him to the hospital wing as Alya, Pansy, Mattheo and Tom followed.

"Let me carry you, my love," said Mattheo. "I don't want you walking around right now,"

"I'm fine, Matty," said Alya. "I'm not hurt,"

"I don't care," said Mattheo. "Come here,"

Alya obliged, not caring enough to protest. Mattheo picked her up bridal style and carried her all the way to the hospital wing.

"Want a piggyback, Pans?" asked Tom.

"Wai, are you serious?" asked Pansy.

"You deserve it," said Tom. "You've been through a lot tonight. We all have. Come here,"

Alya smiled at him as she watched Pansy jump on his back as they made their way back up to the castle. They reached the hospital wing, Enzo was already sitting in a bed with a cup of water. Theo was sitting with him, but Blaise wasn't there. Alya was about to ask where he was, when he entered the wing again, carrying some pyjamas for Enzo. Enzo changed into them, while Blaise and Theo came over to Alya and the others. Snape put Draco down on one of the beds and explained to Madam Pomfrey about what had happened. Blaise handed Alya a pair of pyjamas for Draco and a pair for herself.

"Thank you, love," smiled Alya, kissing his cheek.

"I hate the fact that I'm going to say this," said Snape. "But Ally, you should be the one to... dress Draco. Considering... well, you know,"

"Yep, got it," chuckled Alya.

Everyone walked over to where Enzo's bed was, as he'd finished getting changed by now. Alya pulled the curtain across and began to undress Draco. She pulled the pyjamas on him carefully, before pulling a pair on herself. She folded up their clothes and put them on the table next to the bed, before opening the curtain again. Madam Pomfrey came over and did a quick exam on Draco.

"You were right, Severus," said Pomfrey. "It is bad. But thankfully, you stopped it before it got worse. He'll be fine, he should wake within a day or two. His nose is broken, but I can fix that with a simple spell,"

She got out her wand and used the charm 'Episkey' on Draco, which made his nose make a cracking sound before returning back to normal.

"Thank you, Poppy," said Snape. "Ally, get into a bed please. Poppy, please give Ally the same check you did Enzo. She, too, was chloroformed,"

"Dad, I feel fine," said Alya. "I'm not leaving him,"

"Alya, now," said Snape.

Alya looked up at him and sighed, before climbing into the hospital bed next to the one the Draco was in. Madam Pomfrey did a quick check on her too.

"You need plenty of fluids and some rest, my dear," said Pomfrey. "Like Mr Berkshire, you're also in a state of shock. Don't even think about doing anything physical for at least 36 hours. That includes walking around,"

"Great, so I'm bed bound," said Alya.

"Yes, yes you are," said Pomfrey. "It's a good job its the weekend,"

"Yep, great job," sighed Alya. "Thank you, I'm sorry,"

"I know," said Pomfrey. "You've been through something incrediby traumatic, I'm sorry this happened to you,"

"Thank you," said Alya. "Can I get into Dray's bed? I need to stay with him,"

"You're not really supposed to," said Pomfrey. "But go on then, as long as you get some rest. I can see how much you love him,"

"Here, doll, let me," said Tom, picking her up.

"Tommy, I can walk," chuckled Alya.

"No you can't, not for 36 hours," he said.

"Whatever," laughed Alya. "Actually, can you take me to Zo quickly, please?"

"Of course, darling," said Tom, kissing her cheek and putting her down next to Enzo, whose arms were open waiting for her.

"Hey angel face," smiled Enzo. "Are you okay?"

"Are you?" asked Alya.

"I'm fine, stop deflecting," said Enzo.

"I'll be fine once Dray's awake," said Alya. "I just need him to wake up now,"

"I know, me too," said Enzo. "And he will, okay? Soon,"

"I know," said Alya, "Shit, dad, you better visit Cissa,"

"I'm going to, as soon as I know you're okay," said Snape.

"I'm fine dad, I promise," said Alya. "I'm in the hospital wing with Madam Pomfrey, and everyone is here. I know no one is going to leave anytime soon, so I won't be on my own. You need to go and get Cissa. Shit, what about Star?"

"She'll have to bring her," said Snape. "Don't worry, I'll inform Dumbledore,"

"She can sleep in our bed," said Alya. "What even is the time?"

"2am," said Snape.

"Shit," said Alya. "Yeah she can go in our bed,"

"I'll sit with her," said Pansy. "So she doesn't wake up confused and alone,"

"Thank you, Pansy," smiled Tom.

"Don't mention it," smiled Pansy.

"I'll tell Dumbledore to tell the staff not to send anyone in here unless it's a proper emergency," said Pomfrey. "None of these stupid paper cuts that I mostly see in here. That way you'll all have privacy, and you can bring Star in here if you'd prefer,"

"That's amazing, thank you," smiled Mattheo.

"Yes, thank you, Poppy," smiled Snape. "I'll be off then. I won't be long, I love you, Ally,"

"I love you, dad," smiled Alya, as he apparated away.

Alya hugged Enzo for a little while, as Madam Pomfrey poured her a cup of water. She drank it slowly, barely taking her eyes off of Draco. Theo, Blaise and Pansy were sitting in the chairs around his bed, talking amongst themselves. Mattheo and Tom were sitting in the chairs next to Enzo's bed and they were talking amongst themselves.

Alya gave Enzo one last big hug and a kiss on the cheek as she finished her cup of water and asked Tom to carry her back over to Draco's bed. She lifted his head gently and put it on her chest, like they would do if they were in their own bed. She asked Madam Pomfrey for a rag to clean the blood from Draco's nose, and did that gently. Once she was done, she held one of his hands and cuddled him.

"Madam Pomfrey," said Alya. "Do you think we could move Enzo next to us? I don't like that he's on the opposite side of the room,"

"Of course, dear," smiled Pomfrey.

"Tommy, could you?" asked Alya.

"I'll do it, princess," smiled Mattheo, walking over to Enzo and telling him before picking him up and putting him in the bed next to Draco's.

"That's better," smiled Alya. "Now we're all together,"

After about half an hour, Narcissa came running into the hospital wing. Star was walking next to her, holding her hand.

"Where are they?" shouted Narcissa. "Where are my children?"

"Over here, Narcissa," said Madam Pomfrey.

Star ran over to hug Tom, Mattheo, Blaise and Theo while Narcissa ran up to the bed that Alya and Draco were laying in and wrapped her arms around Alya.

"Oh my god," she sobbed. "Are you okay? How is he?"

"He should be fine," said Alya, hugging her tight. "Madam Pomfrey said he should wake up in a day or two,"

"Thank god," sobbed Narcissa. "And you? How are you?"

"I'm fine, I'm not hurt," said Alya. "I'll be okay once Dray is awake,"

"She keeps saying that," said Enzo. "But I feel terrible, and the same thing happened to both of us so I know she's lying,"

"Zo, I'm fine," said Alya. "I just need to rest,"

"You should get some sleep, Ally," said Snape.

"I'm not leaving him," protested Alya. "I'll sleep here, I'm not leaving his side,"

"Alya, that won't be comfortable," said Narcissa. "I'm here now, he won't be alone,"

"I don't care about what's comfortable," said Alya. "I can't leave him,"

"Ally!" said Star, running over to her.

"Hey beautiful," smiled Alya, trying to pick her up. Tom lifted her and put her on Alya's lap. "Careful, Draco's sleeping,"

"Oh," whispered Star. "I missed you,"

"I missed you too, love," smiled Alya, hugging her. "How are you?"

"Fine," said Star. "Why are we here? It's night time,"

"We're having a sleepover," said Alya. "Draco wasn't feeling very well so he's just taking a nap, and we have a lovely doctor looking after us,"

"A sleepover?!" exclaimed Star. "Yay!"

"I know, it's so exciting isn't it," smiled Alya. "You should get some sleep though, it's very late,"

"But we just got here," said Star, sadly.

"Okay, 10 more minutes and then we'll all go to sleep, yeah?" said Alya.

Star nodded and hugged her tightly, before jumping off of her lap and climbing into Enzo's bed.

"Hi Star," smiled Enzo.

"Hi ZoZo," smiled Star. "I missed you,"

"And I missed you," smiled Enzo.

"Excuse me, what about me?" exclaimed Pansy, walking over to them.

"I missed you, Flower," chuckled Star.

"Good," smiled Pansy.

"Are you sure you're okay, my love," asked Mattheo, coming over and kissing Alya's head.

"I will be," smiled Alya. "You guys need to stop worrying about me,"

"Never going to happen," said Narcissa.

"Here, take my seat," Tom told Narcissa, standing up and handing her the chair he was sitting on next to Draco's bed.

"Thank you, Tom," smiled Narcissa.

After around 10 minutes, Star had fallen asleep on Enzo's shoulder. Mattheo smiled at them and went to pick her up, but Enzo grabbed his hand.

"Leave her," he smiled. "I don't want to wake her. She's okay here,"

"Are you sure?" whispered Mattheo.

Enzo nodded and smiled at him, and Mattheo did the same, pulling up a chair next to them and sitting down.

"Guys, why don't you try and get some sleep?" Alya said to Blaise, Theo and Pansy. "There's no point in all of us being sleep deprived. Madam pomfrey said you can all sleep here, so you don't have to worry about leaving,"

"Are you sure you're going to be okay, darling?" asked Blaise, kissing her cheek and hugging her.

"Of course," smiled Alya. "And you'll all be right here if I need any of you,"

"Okay love," smiled Theo, hugging her. "Make sure you get some sleep too,"

"I will," smiled Alya.

"He'll be okay, you know," said Pansy. "I can see it,"

"Thank you," smiled Alya, hugging her. "Love you all,"

"Love you more," smiled Pansy, as the three of them climbed into a hospital bed and went to sleep.

"You two try and sleep too, please," said Alya, talking to Mattheo and Tom. "And you, Zo,"

"I'm going to," said Enzo. "Night, angel face, night guys,"

"Night, love," smiled Alya.

"I'm not until you do," said Mattheo.

"Same here, and I know just what to do," said Tom.

He pulled up the chair that Theo was sitting on and put it next to her, and accio'd a book from Theo's bag.

"I knew it," he chuckled to himself. "That boy always has a book on him, no matter where we go. I'm sure he won't mind,"

Alya made herself comfortable, with her arm still around Draco and his head still on her chest, she laid down properly and drifted off to sleep to the sound of Tom reading the book. Tom continued to read for a little while after she'd fallen asleep, before putting the book back in Theo's bag and kissing Alya on her head. He climbed into one of the beds and said goodnight to everyone before laying down and drifting off to sleep.

Mattheo did the same, kissing Alya's hand that he had been holding for a while, before saying goodnight as getting into one of the beds. Enzo was curled up next to Star sleeping peacefully, as was everyone else in the wing. 

"Kids," muttered Narcissa. "They're sure to be the death of me,"

"You and me both," chuckled Snape, softly. "He'll be okay, you know,"

"I hope so," sniffled Narcissa. "She will, too,"

"I know," said Snape. "She just has so much love in her heart, and it kills me that people think they can take advantage of her like this. I'm afraid that this isn't going to be the only incident like this she'll face,"

"We'll get through it," smiled Narcissa, grabbing Snape's hand. "She's so strong. She's holding this whole group together. She's stronger than you think, Severus,"

"She shouldn't need to be," said Snape. "She's so young. This isn't what her life should be like,"

"Of course it isn't," said Narcissa. "But it is, and nothing is going to change that. We just have to learn to live with it,"

"I guess you're right," said Snape.

"As always," smiled Narcissa.

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