Slytherin Royalty

By MrsDxMalfoy

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"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... More

One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Reality
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Day Off
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday
Character list & Authors Note!

The Black Lake - Part Two

182 4 1
By MrsDxMalfoy

**Some readers may find some topics in this chapter disturbing and difficult to read. This chapter contains talk of kidnap and brief discussions non consensual touching and kissing. Please skip this part if you find that distressing**

Alya's eyes fluttered open, and all she could see was a figure sitting opposite her in a chair in a dimly lit room that she could've sworn was moving. She couldn't quite see who the figure was, but when she remembered what happened, she shot up. Only to realise that she was tied to a chair. She looked up in horror, to see the person in the chair in front of her was Enzo. He looked unconscious, hair still wet from the lake and his shirt was on backwards.

"Zo?" she called out, although her throat was hoarse for some reason.

Alya looked around the room and saw Draco unconscious in a chair next to her, with a bloody nose.

"Oh my god, Dray!" Alya tried to shout, wiggling around to try and get out of the ropes that were binding her to the chair.

"Ah, you're awake," said a chilling voice as a hooded figure walked into the room. "Quicker than the others, I see. Although, that isn't entirely surprising,"

"Who are you?" asked Alya, squinting her eyes and trying to see the face belonging to the hooded figure.

"You're Alya Granger, correct?" asked the figure. "Or should I say, Alya Cortez,"

"What's it to you," said Alya. "Who the fuck are you!"

"Watch your tone," snarled the figure. "I should hex you for that, but then you wouldn't be much use. Plus I could never hurt you,"

"A-Ally?" said Enzo, looking up at her. "What's going on?"

"Hey, Zo," smiled Alya, trying to be as calm as possible so as not to alarm him. "Don't worry, okay? It's going to be okay,"

"Why can't I move, where are we?" asked Enzo, struggling to get out of the ropes. "I must've passed out or something, last thing I remember is the race in the lake. Hey, guys, this isn't funny. Let me out,"

"Stupid boy," laughed the figure. "There's no way you're mine,"

"Excuse me?" said Alya.

"Wait, who are you?" asked Enzo.

"Who am I," laughed the figure. "Why, Lorenzo, didn't your stupid mother tell you anything,"

"Don't you dare mention my mother!" shouted Enzo, desperately trying to get out of the ropes.

"Guys?" said Draco, as he woke up. "What happened, did we find - wait, what the fuck? Why am I tied up? Ally, who's that?"

"Calm down, Dray," smiled Alya. "It's going to be okay.

"B-but I... w-what's happening, Ally?" stuttered Draco. "Oh my god, Enzo! I was so worried! Where were y- where are we?"

"Don't you recognise this place?" asked the figure. "Or have none of you actually been here before?"

Just then, Alya tried to use her power to throw the figure into the air. However, it wouldn't work.

"What did you do to me?!" exclaimed Alya. "Why isn't my telekinesis working?"

"Oh, that little thing," chuckled the figure. "Wonderful concepts, potions. There's one for just about everything. Even putting a stop to particular magic. I gave you one when we got here, you were unconscious so you had no choice but to swallow it,"

"Shit," said Alya, starting to panic. "What do you want?"

"You," smiled the figure. "I want you, Alya,"

"Couldn't you just ask me out like a normal person?" asked Alya.

"What, and get murdered by your 60 boyfriends?" laughed the figure. "Plus there's no way you'd willingly go out with me, I'm too old for you,"

"Please just tell me who you are," said Alya, softly.

The figure took off his hood and looked at Alya. He had familiar, bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. Alya couldn't figure out where she knew him from.

"Recognise me?" he asked.

"Sorry... should I?" asked Alya.

"Perhaps not. Lorenzo might, though," he said, turning to face Enzo.

"I... I do," said Enzo."But I can't... I mean I don't...what's your name?"

"Delvin," said the man. "Delvin Bloodhorn,"

"Oh my god..." said Alya.

"Wait... as in..." said Enzo, looking up at him with wide eyes.

"Hello, son," said Delvin.

"Holy shit," said Draco.

"What are you... how..." stuttered Enzo. "You killed my mother,"

"Let me explain myself," said Delvin. "I became a death eater when you were born. Voldemort had a lot of trust in me, we were quite close actually. He did something to me that brought us even closer, but I'll go into that after. I never wanted to leave you, Enzo, but I didn't have a choice. Your mum kicked me out after finding out about my relationship with Voldemort, and forbade me to ever come near you again,"

"You're lying," said Enzo. "My mother wouldn't have... she would've told me,"

"It's the truth," said Delvin. "I always kept a close eye on you from a distance. That's how I knew where you were, how I knew you were friends with Alya, what school you were at. I made sure you were okay,"

"Don't act like you care," said Enzo. "I don't want your pathetic excuses, I just want my mum! You killed her, that was you!"

"It wasn't me!" shouted Delvin. "I know you watched the cctv, you know it wasn't me,"

"Voldemort never would've gone there if you didn't tell him to," shouted Enzo, tears streaming down his face.

"Well... that part was me," said Delvin. "But it was either her or Alya, it was a no brainer for me,"

"No," sobbed Alya. "You shouldn't have done that,"

"I couldn't let him have you!" cried Delvin. "You're too precious, too powerful. He was just going to take your power and kill you, he never would have spared you no matter how hard I begged him. He told me I was stupid, pathetic for being in love. And even worse for being in love with you. He said you were a child, but you're not. That's wrong,"

"I've only just turned 18," said Alya. "Up until 3 months ago, I was a child,"

"No but... I never wanted to..." stuttered Delvin. "I was never infatuated with you when you were a child. I watched you grow up alongside Enzo, I watched you go to beauxbatons and then transfer to Hogwarts. What I felt for you during that time was more like a... a fatherly love. I fell in love with you on your 18th birthday. I watched you in Hogsmeade that morning with Blondie over there. There was something... different about you, you had a different glow about you. When I saw you that morning, it was like my world had stopped. You were different, and I couldn't get enough of you. So when Voldemort told me I needed to get information about you, I just panicked. The only thing I could think of was to tell him about Kerry. Of course, she didn't know enough about you anyway, nor did she tell him anything. I didn't know they were going to kill her, I swear,"

"You must have known," said Alya. "You said you and Voldemort were close, so you would've seen him kill countless innocent people for no reason. Surely you must have known he'd kill Kerry, too,"

"I didn't think he would," said Delvin. "I thought our friendship was stronger than that. I guess I was wrong,"

"He never cared about anyone but himself," said Alya. "Not even his own sons. What do you want from me? And why did you bring Draco and Enzo here if it was just me you wanted?"

"I knew I couldn't get you on your own long enough to talk to you," said Delvin. "You're always with those bloody boys, none of them would let you go anywhere alone,"

"And this is exactly why" shouted Draco. "To protect her from creeps like you!"

"I am not a creep!" shouted Delvin, as he backhanded Draco across his face, causing his nose to bleed again.

"Dont fucking touch him," screamed Alya, as her eyes started glowing red. "Get the fuck away from him, or I'm not going anywhere with you,"

"Sorry, love," sighed Delvin. "I just get so angry sometimes. And so do you, clearly. You're gorgeous,"

"You were saying?" sighed Alya, trying not to show how scared and disgusted she was.

"Right," said Delvin. "I overheard you talking in the three broomsticks earlier about how you were drinking at the lake tonight. I watched from afar, and when I saw Enzo stumbling towards Hogsmeade, I took my chance. I grabbed him and apparated him here, using chloroform to knock him out. I then apparated back and waited for you to notice he was missing which took longer than expected thanks to your little performance in the lake,"

"I swear to Merlin if you don't shut the fuck up," growled Draco.

Delvin snapped his head to look at Draco and walked over to him, raising his hands.

"Delvin, please!" cried Alya, looking at him. Delvin stopped what he was doing and walked over to her, kneeling in front of her and caressing her cheek.

"Say my name again," he whispered. "It sounds so perfect, like it was made to come out of your mouth,"

"Don't touch her!" warned Draco. "Get away from her!"

"Dray, it's okay," said Alya, flinching slightly at Delvin's touch. "D-Delvin, please finish your story,"

"Right, the story," said Delvin, standing up and walking around the room again. "I watched you and Blondie walking around the forest looking for Enzo and created a distraction for you to let go of his hand. Then I chloroformed him too and apparated here, before doing the same to you. Just call him collateral damage,"

"Neither of them need to be here,"said Alya. "Please let them go,"

"Ally, no," said Draco. "I'm not leaving you here on your own with him,"

"Yeah, plus they'll tell people where we are," said Delvin.

"They don't even know where we are," said Alya. "None of us do. If you apparate back to the forest with them, they won't see where you came from. Please just let them go, they don't need to be a part of this,"

"Sorry, sweetheart,"said Delvin. "Can't give you everything you want straight away, you need to do something for me first,"

"S-so, what exactly do you want?" asked Alya. "You want us to be together?"

"Of course I do," smiled Delvin. "And I want your power,"

"What do you mean?" asked Alya.

"Well, remember that time when your mother transferred all of her power to you?" asked Delvin. "I want you to do that to me. Do that, and I'll let these two go,"

"But..." said Alya. "How do I know I can trust you?"

Delvin approached her again, kneeling in front of her and caressing her cheeks.

"Would I ever lie to you, my love?" he asked in a soft voice, looking into Alya's eyes.

"I-I don't know," stuttered Alya. "Please just let them go, I'll do whatever you want, anything,"

"I just want your power, and to be with you," he smiled. "That's all I want. I have no use for your friends, as long as they don't know where we are, they'll never find us again,"

"I'll go anywhere with you," said Alya, looking up into his eyes. "I'll give you my power and we can be together forever, just please let them go,"

"How do I know if I can trust you?" asked Delvin, his facial expression changing into a smirk.

"You don't," shrugged Alya. "But I don't have a choice, I can't exactly do anything else,"

"Kiss me," said Delvin.

"W-what?" said Alya.

"Kiss me, and prove your loyalty to me," said Delvin.

"Absolutely not," said Draco. "Don't you dare touch her,"

"Dray..." said Alya. "It's okay. I-I'll do it,"

"Ally, don't!" said Enzo.

"No fucking way!" said Draco.

"If I kiss you, you'll let them go?" asked Alya.

"I might," smiled Delvin. "Maybe I'll let one of them go,"

"Please, Delvin," said Alya, tears falling from her eyes.

"Okay, okay, please don't cry," he said, wiping her tears. "I'll let Enzo go if you kiss me,"

"Angel face, please don't do this," said Enzo. "I'm fine, I'll be fine. You can't do this,"

"Enzo, it's okay," smiled Alya. "I love you,"

"Ally, no!" sobbed Enzo.

"Do it," said Alya, as Delvin smirked and leaned in.

She kissed him as best as she could. All she wanted to do was push him off of her and scream. She wanted to rip her skin off, she hated every second of it but she knew she had to save Enzo. She didn't know what this man was capable of, he had just carelessly kidnapped 3 people. She was terrified, but she was willing to do whatever it takes to save Enzo and Draco from the situation. Delvin kissed Alya passionately for a long time, holding her cheeks as he did so. She could hear Enzo screaming at them to stop, and Draco getting angrier and angrier, trying his best to break out of the ropes. She tried to pull away but he kept going. He was kissing her so rough that she was losing her breath. Finally, he stopped for air, pulling away from her and looking into her eyes. She was trying to catch her breath back, and tried to look at him and smile as much as she could.

"That was incredible," Delvin smiled. "You're incredible,"

"Thank you," smiled Alya. "So... Enzo?"

"Of course, darling," smiled Delvin, turning around and walking to Enzo.

Draco looked at her with a mixture of sadness and horror, she tried to avoid eye contact with him because she knew that she wouldn't be able to control the tears that were threatening to fall down her face. Meanwhile, Delvin muttered a counter curse to untie Enzo, and quickly grabbed him before he could do anything. They apparated out of the room and Alya let out a deep sigh, starting to hyperventilate.

"Ally, hey," said Draco. "Look at me, I'm here, okay? Please calm down,"

"I-I can't... I-I," sobbed Alya.

"Remember our counting?" asked Draco. "I need you to do it for me again please, Ready? One, two, three,"

"F-four, five," said Alya.

"That's my girl," said Draco. "Seven, eight,"

"Nine... ten," breathed Alya, looking up at him. "I love you, and I'm so sorry,"

"I love you Ally, so fucking much," said Draco. "Don't you dare say sorry, none of this is your fault. We're going to get through this, okay? I promise,"



Mattheo and Pansy walked down to Hogsmeade together after putting their clothes back on. They tried to be as quiet as possible, calling out Enzo's name softly. They were walking around for around 15 minutes, trying everywhere they could think of, but had no luck. They decided to turn around and go back to the lake to see if anyone else had found him.

They arrived back at the lake to find Theo and Blaise sitting with Tom.

"Did you find him?" asked Mattheo. "Is he in the castle?"

"No..." said Theo. "We looked everywhere, even the kitchens,"

"He's not in Hogsmeade," said Pansy. "Ally and Draco not back yet?"

"Doesn't look like it," said Tom. "I say if they're not back in 5 minutes, we go look for them,"

"Agreed," said Blaise.

"But they're together right?" said Theo. "Nothing bad will happen to them if they're together, right?"

"Let's not think about that," said Pansy. "None of us need that,"

"Fuck this, I can't just sit here," said Mattheo. "Who's coming?"

"I am," said Tom.

"And me," said Blaise.

"Let's go," said Theo, grabbing Pansy's hand.

"Yeah," said Pansy.

They walked into the forbidden forest, calling out Alya, Draco and Enzo's names. They got quite deep into the forest, when they saw something glistening on the floor. Much to their surprise, it was a wand.

"Shit," said Pansy. "This is Draco's,"

"You what?" said Blaise.

"Guys..." said Mattheo, picking up another wand closer to a tree. "This one is Ally's,"

"Holy fuck,"said Theo. "Wait... wait,"

"Guys this isn't funny," shouted Tom. "Come out now, this isn't a fucking joke,"

"My god," said Blaise. "Come on assholes, you're not funny,"

"Guys, I don't think this is a joke," said Pansy. "This is too dark, even for Ally,"

"Don't, Pansy," said Mattheo. "Please don't say it,"

"Matt," said Pansy. "This is serious. I'm a seer, remember? I have a horrible feeling, but I can't see anything. Maybe it doesn't work with alcohol, like Ally's legilimency,"

"Don't," snapped Tom.

"She's right guys," said Blaise. "I think we need to get help,"

"No way!" shouted Mattheo. "They'll turn up, they have to,"

"Matt," said Theo.

"No, shut the fuck up!" snapped Mattheo. "Shut up, Theo,"

"Fuck... shit..." said Tom, looking around the forest and speed walking away. "They've got to be here somewhere,"

"Tom, wait," shouted Pansy, as Tom started frantically searching the forest. "TOM!"

"No, shut up, Parkinson!" shouted Tom. "They're here, they're just lost. We need to find them!"

"Tom, please," sobbed Pansy. "We need to stick together,"

"Fuck... don't cry," said Tom. "Matt, help,"

"Come here," said Mattheo, pulling Pansy in for a hug. "We'll find them. They'll turn up, right Tom?"

"Exactly," said Tom. "We just need to keep looking,"

"No, Tom, you need to listen," said Blaise. "We need to go and get Snape,"

"No way," said Mattheo. "This isn't like that. They're going to be fine, just stop,"

Suddenly, they heard a loud pop from across the forest. They all ran back in the direction they'd come from and back to where they found the wands, and found Enzo sitting on the floor, clutching his chest.

"ENZO!" shrieked Pansy, hugging him tight. "Where the fuck have you been?! We've been worried sick, we can't find Ally and Draco and... are you okay?"

"I can't... I-I can't," panted Enzo.

"Enzo, listen to me," said Theo, kneeling in front of him and grabbing his hands. "Look at me and breathe with me. You're going to be okay, don't panic. Count with me, one, two, three,"

"F-four," stuttered Enzo. "F-five,"

"Good," smiled Theo. "Six, seven,"

"Eight," breathed Enzo, finally.

"Nine, ten," said Theo. "Good job. Are you okay?"

"He's got Ally and Draco," blurted Enzo. "H-he chloroformed us a-and tied us to chairs. He's trying to take Ally's power, says he loves her, a-and -"

"YOU FUCKING WHAT?!" shouted Mattheo.

"He made her k-kiss him," sobbed Enzo. "And he hurt Draco, we have to go, now!"

"WHO THE FUCK - WHERE ARE THEY?!" shouted Tom.

"I-I don't know," sobbed Enzo. "It was a weird room with candles, a-and it was moving... I think, I don't know,"

"The shrieking shack," said Blaise. "The shrieking shack moves, it's not stable,"

"Enzo, what else did you see," asked Theo.

"I-I... um," stuttered Enzo.

"Come on Enzo, for fuck sake!" snapped Mattheo.

"Matt!" shouted Pansy. "I know you're scared, we all are. But Enzo is traumatised! Merlin knows what he's just been through, he needs time,"

"We don't fucking have time, Pansy!" snapped Tom. "Enzo, think!"

"I'm sorry!" sobbed Enzo. "I'm trying!"

"It's okay Enzo, take your time," said Theo. "Close your eyes, what do you see?"

"T-trees," said Enzo. "Outside the windows. There were wooden blinds that were crooked a-and there were paintings of a wolf and a m-moon on the wall. He asked if we recognised it, so it must be around here. Perhaps he thought we'd been there before,"

"The shrieking shack," repeated Blaise. "It's got to be,"

"You're right," said Mattheo. "Let's go,"

"Wait!" exclaimed Pansy. "We can't just go charging in there, all guns blazing. We don't know the full story. Enzo, tell us everything and we'll make a plan,"

"She's right, Matt," said Tom. "Trust me, I'm just as worried as you but we need to plan this properly,"

"Enzo, start talking," said Blaise.

"It's my father," said Enzo. "He's been stalking Ally and I for years. Reckon's he was keeping an eye on us. He was best friends with Voldemort apparently, whatever that means. He said he fell in love with Ally on her 18th birthday when he saw her with Draco in Hogsmeade or something. Voldemort wanted Ally's power of course, that's why he killed my mum but apparently my dad begged him to leave Ally alone. I don't really understand it all but now he wants Ally to be with him, he already made her kiss him and she did it,"

"Why would she do that?!" exclaimed Tom.

"He said if she did... he'd let me go," sobbed Enzo. "She did it for me, and I've never felt more disgusting,"

"No, he's the disgusting one," growled Mattheo. "I'm going to kill him, I swear,"

"He's hit Draco a few times, he's been bleeding," said Enzo. "He's hurt. He wouldn't let him go, so I don't know what he's going to do to him. He said he's going to take Ally and no one will find them again, and he's going to make her transfer his power to him,"

"Okay, that's enough," said Tom. "We need to go there now!"

"Wait," said Theo. "Enzo, are you sure it's only him there?"

"Positive," said Enzo. "The building was too quiet for anyone else to be in there, plus there was no one else in the room,"

"Right, here's what we'll do..." said Pansy.



Suddenly, Delvin apparated back into the room which made Alya and Draco jump. He walked over to them, putting a hand on Alya's cheek.

"Have you been crying?" asked Delvin.

"No..." said Alya. "I went swimming in the lake, remember,"

"Oh yes, of course," smirked Delvin.

"So... what now?" asked Alya.

"Now, you give me your power," said Delvin plainly.

"What about Draco," said Alya.

"Who?" asked Delvin.

"Me, dumbass," said Draco.

"If I have to tell you again to watch your tone, it won't be pretty," snapped Delvin. "The only reason you're still alive is because Alya doesn't want you dead,"

"No!" shrieked Alya. "Delvin, do not do that,"

"I won't," said Delvin. "But if he carries on, I won't hold back,"

"Okay, okay," said Alya. "And if he doesn't?"

"What?" asked Delvin.

"What do you want me to do," asked Alya. "What can I do to convince you to let him go,"

"Oh, you know how to play," smirked Delvin. "I like this game, I should've kidnapped more of your friends,"

"Delvin, be serious," said Alya. "What do you want me to do?"

"That is a very good question, my love," smirked Delvin. "Draco, what do you think I should make her do?"

"I think you should let her go," said Draco. "Do whatever you want with me. Kill me, torture me, keep me in this chair for the rest of my life, make me eat the windows, I don't care. Just let her go,"

"Draco, no," said Alya.

"How touching," snickered Delvin. "But you're not the one I want, blondie. Although I might just do all of that to you anyway, it sounds fun. Seems like I'm not the only one in love with my Ally,"

"She is not your anything," said Draco. "She's mine, she'll always be mine. I've been in love with her longer than you have. I know almost everything about her, I love every tiny detail that you couldn't even dream about, and no one on this planet could ever love her more than I do! Especially not someone like you, you don't deserve her love. I'd kill for her and I'd die for her, just let her go,"

"How dare you!" snapped Delvin. "CRUCIO!"

"NO!" screamed Alya, as the curse hit Draco and his head dropped, his whole body twitching in pain. "STOP, LEAVE HIM ALONE,"

"Ally, darling, he's being rude again," snickered Delvin. "I have to teach him a lesson! CRUCIO!"

"Delvin, please," sobbed Alya. "P-Please make it stop,"

"Fine, I won't do it again," chuckled Delvin. "But I can't make it stop, we have to wait for it to wear off. Kiss me again,"

"I won't kiss you until it stops!" shouted Alya. "And you have to promise me you won't hurt him again,"

"God, why do you even care about that little rat so much anyway!?" snapped Delvin.

"He isn't a rat, and I love him," shouted Alya. "I love him so much, and you hurting him is only hurting me! More than you'll ever know,"

"You love him?" scoffed Delvin. "Why? What does he have that I don't?"

"He didn't kidnap me for a start!" shouted Alya. "You could've just asked me out properly, there was no need for any of this,"

"You never would've said yes," protested Delvin. "Plus all the others wouldn't let you out of their sight long enough for me to ask you out,"

"You could've tried," sobbed Alya. "You should've tried,"

"I...I'm sorry," said Delvin. "I didn't mean to make you cry, I never want to see you cry,"

"But you're hurting me," sobbed Alya. "If you really loved me, you wouldn't hurt me,"

"Alya, I love you," said Delvin. "I love you so much,"

"Do you?" asked Alya. "Or do you just want my power,"

"At first I did," said Delvin. "I'll admit that, I originally only wanted to take your power. But then I fell in love with you. I couldn't help it, I need you,"

"If you really loved me, you'd let us go," said Alya, softly. "Then we can try this properly, without the forcing and kidnapping. We can go on dates, spend time together, I'm sure I'd love spending time with you,"

"Alya... are you serious?" asked Delvin.

"Of course I am," smiled Alya. "I told you, you should've just asked me properly,"

"Prove it," said Delvin.

"How?" asked Alya.

"Kiss me again," said Delvin.

"Okay," said Alya, softly.

Delvin smiled at her and leaned in, grabbing her face with both hands and kissing her gently. The kiss was getting more and more intense and Alya hated every second of it, all she wanted was to push him off of her, but she couldn't. She had to try and make him believe her. Of course, she didn't mean a word she'd said to him, but he didn't know that. She tried to be more convincing, and kiss him even more passionately, which he clearly appreciated as he started breathing heavier and heavier. He pulled away from the kiss and smiled at her, widely, stroking her hair.

"You make me so happy," smiled Delvin.

"I'm glad," smiled Alya. "By the way, what did you mean when you said Voldemort did something with you that brought you closer? That made you so incredibly close?"

"My love, have you ever heard of a horcrux?" asked Delvin.

"Yes..." said Alya. "It's an object in which a person can split their soul and keep it stored, to... cheat death,"

"So smart," smiled Delvin. "Well, I am a horcrux. Voldemort made me one,"

"Wait... that means that Voldemort isn't... he isn't really dead?" gasped Alya.

"Technically no," said Delvin. "He's just a helpless alien-like creature smaller than a newborn baby. All I have to do is perform the spell to bring him back, using your blood,"

"B-but..." stuttered Alya "I-if you bring him back, he'll kill me,"

"No he won't, sweetheart," smirked Delvin. "Because I'll have your power. He'll have to get through me first, and he'll be foolish to even try,"

"So... you're planning on bringing him back?" asked Alya.

"As long as he promises to leave you alone," smiled Delvin. "And will worship me as the new dark lord,"

"Wait... how many horcruxes are there?" asked Alya.

"I'm the only remaining horcrux," said Delvin. "Harry Potter got rid of them all last year, all except one. He thought there were only 7, clearly he was wrong,"

"Oh... that's smart," said Alya, pretending to be amused.

"God I love you," smiled Delvin. "Tell me you love me. A-and call me 'my lord',"

"I... love you, my lord," smiled Alya.

Delvin smiled as he crashed his lips against hers, kissing her roughly. He kissed her with the same force for a few minutes, before moving his hands down to her waist.

"Give me your power," he smirked, in between kisses. "Then I can become the real dark lord,and you can be my lady. We'll be untouchable, invincible. We'll have little heirs, we'll get married and we'll be the happiest people on the planet. Just you and me,"

"That sounds amazing," smiled Alya.

"Let's do it then," smiled Delvin. "What do I have to do,"

"You have to untie me," said Alya. "I can't do anything without touching you,"

"Oh, right," said Delvin. "Actually, it can waita little while. I quite like having you tied up,"

Alya squirmed in her seat, knowing exactly what he was thinking, she was terrified, she knew there was nothing she could do to stop what was about to happen to her.

"I feel even better knowing Blondie is going to have to watch when he wakes up," smirked Delvin, snaking his hands around her waist and kissing her again. "It turns me on even more. Stupid asshole saying you're his, you're mine and only mine,"

Suddenly, the door burst open and before anyone could register what was going on, there were huge sparks of light.





"Matty," sobbed Alya, as she saw Mattheo standing in front of her by the door. "Tommy,"

"Ally," they said, running over to her.

"No, untie Dray first," said Alya. "I'm fine, just get him out of here,"

"Oh my girl," sobbed Mattheo. "Always thinking of others, even at a time like this,"

"Ally, sweetheart, are you okay?" said a voice from above Alya.

"Dad?" asked Alya. "What are you doing here?"

"These guys woke me and told me what was going on," said Snape. "It doesn't matter, are you okay?"

"Is Draco okay?" asked Alya, looking over at Theo and Blaise who were untying Draco.

"His breathing is shallow," said Theo. "Professor, we need dittany,"

"Dad, help him, please," sobbed Alya, as Mattheo finally got her hands free and wrapped his arms around her.

Snape walked over to Draco and put him onto the floor, starting to help him.

"My god, Ally," sobbed Mattheo. "I thought... I..."

"Me too," sobbed Tom, hugging her from the other side. "What did he do to you, did he hurt you?"

"I... he..." sobbed Alya, unable to get any words out.

"Okay, it's okay," said Mattheo, stroking her hair. "You're okay,"

"I'm sorry, angel," said Tom. "That was so insensitive of me, take your time,"

"Ally?" said Enzo, walking over slowly. "I'm so sorry,"

"Enzo, get over here," said Alya, softly. Enzo practically jumped on her, flinging his arms around her and sobbing. "This is not your fault, Zo. None of this is your fault,"

"B-but he-" sobbed Enzo,

"No," said Alya. "Stop. It's not your fault,"

"I'm so glad you're okay, I was so worried," sobbed Enzo.

"Me too," sobbed Pansy, wrapping her arms around the both of them. "Sorry, I tried to give you space but I can't anymore,"

"I could never need space from you guys," smiled Alya.

Tom, Mattheo, Pansy and Enzo had a group hug on the floor for a few seconds, before Alya got up and walked over to Draco. She sat on the floor next to him and put his head on her lap.

"How is he?" she asked Snape.

"He's doing well," said Snape. "He's going to be okay,"

"Oh thank god," sobbed Alya. "Thank you dad,"

"Always," said Snape. "Now get here,"

She wrapped her arms around Snape but didn't move away from Draco. He hugged her tight and told her how much he loved her. Theo and Blaise came over to hug her too. They both latched onto her extremely tight and kissed her cheeks endless amounts of times.

"Thankfully that asshole is out for the count," said Theo.

"We have to kill him, he needs to die," said Alya.

"Oh don't worry, I was planning on it," said Mattheo.

"No, you don't understand," said Alya. "He's a horcrux. Voldemort is alive. He's going to bring him back,"

"He's what?!" exclaimed Tom.

"Like hell he is!" shouted Mattheo, pulling out his wand and standing up.

"Matty, no!" shouted Alya. "Please don't,"

"Ally, he hurt you," said Mattheo. "Merlin knows what he was going to do to you before we walked in. Now you're telling me he wants to bring back Voldemort!"

"Mattheo," said Alya, calmly. "Come here,"

Mattheo walked over to her wrapping his arms around her.

"I love you so much," said Alya. "Which is why I cannot let you do this. I know you. You'll feel great for about 5 minutes, and then it'll eat you up. You're not a killer and you never will be. I'll do it, okay?"

"Absolutely not," said Snape. "I'll do it. You're my daughter, he hurt you. It won't affect me in the slightest. Plus, I'm a father to all of you, as well as a teacher. So regardless, I wouldn't let any of you do it,"

"You're a... a what?" said Mattheo.

"A father, Riddle," said Snape. "I'm a father to all of you. Just like Narcissa is a mother to all of you. We built our family, and this is it. Now shut up, I won't say anything that soppy ever again,"

"Aw dad," smiled Alya. "That means more to them than you'll ever understand.

She looked over at Tom and Matt, who were trying to hide the tears falling from their eyes. She beckoned them to come over to her, and she hugged them both tight. She beckoned for Enzo to come over too, so he didn't have to watch his father being killed. Snape stood up and walked over to Delvin, who was just waking up from the cruciatus curse that Mattheo had put on him.

"Bloodhorn," he growled, looking down at him.

"Severus, good to see you," croaked Delvin.

"SILENCE" shouted Snape. "Don't act a fool, I know exactly what you tried to do to my daughter, and now I'm going to kill you,"

"Severus, please," said Delvin. "Let me explain,"

"Oh, I think you've done enough explaining," growled Snape. "AVADA KEDARVRA!"

Snape put a sheet over Delvin's body before walking back over to Alya.

"Whatever is left of Voldemort will disintegrate now," said Snape. "He's gone, for good this time. And so is that filthy freak,"

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