ForeverLand: Season 1

Od Odellaa

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"YOU WILL ALWAYS BE ALONE AND UNLOVED, PETER PAN" she spat with hate. "Soon I will grow up & I won't have to... Více

Fate Of Infinity
Corrupted By My Demise
The Devil's Puppet
Soldier Without A Home
Escaping The Past
Pained By The Land
Alive in Stories
Denied Truths
Men of The Land
Humans of The Land
Saved By My Murderer
The Lost, Lost Boy
Fatal In Regret
Going To Eternity
My Perfect Criminal
Dears Of My Fascination
Caution Of The Depth
Broken Hearts And Broken Bones
Lonely In The Jungle
House Of Tomorrow
It's A Wonderful World
With Every Move
Fancy A Cup Of Tea Or The Truth?
Denying Facts
Return Of Home
Footsteps In The Forest
Revealing And Releasing
Changing The North
Accidents Of Eternity
Fade Into The Demons
Double Life
Lost And Found
Halloween Special: Part 1
Halloween Special: Part 2
Helpless In History
Mistake Of Dawn
Episode 40: Dripping Lives
Episode 41: Aching For Saving
Episode 42: Phase One
Episode 43: Pleasant Turn
Christmas Special: Part 1
Christmas Special: Part 2
Episode 44: Secret Behind Holiday's Past
Episode 45: Whispers Of Desire
Episode 46: Sharp Turn
Episode 47: Slice and Dice
Episode 48: Till Next Time
Episode 49: Stranger Danger
Episode 50: Lost Behind Me
Episode 51: Old In My Dreams
Episode 52: Humans of The Forest
Episode 53: Accidents Of Power
Episode 54: Companion Of Misery
Episode 55: Accidents With Debt
Episode 56: Crave The Cave
Episode 57: Hurting The Past
Episode 58 : Destruction Of Desire
Episode 59: Aching For The Night
Episode 60: Insanity In The South
Episode 61: Boys Of Reality
Foreverland Special: Peter Before Pan
Foreverland Special: Clara Who?
Episode 62: Binding To Nightmares
Episode 63: Rescue From The Demons
Episode 65: Blinded By The Darkness
Episode 66: My Salvation
Episode 67: Rotten in The Lagoon
Episode 68: Rebirth of Nature
Episode 69: Burned to The Ground
Amazed By My Home
Dance of Temptations
Determination of Yearning
Accepting The Shadows

Episode 64: Thieves In My Head

186 11 4
Od Odellaa

{It is surely blissful to not feel a single thing -unknown}


Chapter song:

Gnarls Barkley - Crazy (Cover) by Daniela Andrade (



- I wanted to be someone else, and the Kronins are my gateway to it

- I thrashed in the water desperately wanting to reach air but I didn't.



- Do you still want to be his game?

- Do it.

- She's one of us now


Third POV:

I don't know where I am. I don't know what happened. The last thing I remember was being with the Kronins, but now everything seems like a blur to me.

I don't know how but somehow I am in my tree house and sitting on my bed. I don't even remember coming here. How did I get here? Did the spell work? Did Pan bring me back?

Too many question, not enough answers.

I quickly jumped with utter surprise from the sudden loud thunder that echoed through Neverland.

It's okay, it's just thunder

The thunder increased, as if it was a song on repeat. I quickly stood up and approached the window to look outside. There was lighting everywhere and thunder filling the quiet. The trees were moving like crazy and there were branches flying around. What freaked me out the most was the huge tornado getting closer and closer to camp.

It was the most gigantic tornado I have ever seen. It looked completely terrifying.

With complete fright, I began backing away from the window quickly. I was breathing heavily as my body began shaking. I kept on backing away from the window till I hit a closet. I quickly turned around to find a tree, wait...I didn't bump into a closet? What is a tree doing in my room?

I turned around once more to find myself in camp. Wait, how did I get here? I was just in my room...and...but...what? I began walking around camp trying to figure out what has exactly happened and how any of this could be possible. I don't recall coming here. And what happened to the thunder? And the lightening? And the tornado? The weather seems just fine right now. Was it all a dream?

I screamed from complete agony as an electric pain filled my head. I immediately began squeezing my head in my hands from the utter pain. It was completely unbearable. A ringing noise filled my ears and I felt as if my eyes were going to pop out of my head. Where was that ringing noise coming from? What is going on for god's sake?

The pain suddenly stopped, like nothing just happened. I felt fine, like what just happened was nothing but an illusion. I began looking down at my hands, trying to figure out whether this was real or a dream.

Pinch yourself

I immediately pinched my arm to feel nothing but pain.

Okay...not a dream

I heard sudden whispers but couldn't point out the source, I was alone in camp. Where are these voices coming from?

"At least I don't keep people as prisoners"

I immediately turned around to find Pan and a girl standing far away, arguing. Wait, that girl is me. What am I doing there? I dead? What? No. That's not possible. Then what am I doing there? Yet I am here as well.

"Why are you getting so worked up about this? You act like I do this all the time" Pan suddenly yelled at me...err Clara.

"That is because you do!" She screamed back.

"That's not true" Pan yelled

I don't think they acknowledge my existence. Can they not see me? Did this really happen? I don't remember it. Was this some memory I lost?

"Oh please, you toy with words just like you toy with people" I-Clara yelled

"HEY!" Pan echoed "you do not get to talk to me that way" he was obviously getting furious.

"I can talk to you however I want" She yelled back

"WOAH look at that, big mouth for a tiny lady" Pan said

"WOAH look at that, lots of attitude for a coward" She said.

Pan's body suddenly stiffed and his eyes turned pitch black. His features freaked me out even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"What did you say?" He said with his voice rising.

"You heard me" Clara said

I immediately gasped as Pan did the most aggressive move ever. He just pinned me...err Clara against the ground. How dare he? He was sitting right on top of her and I...Clara was obviously struggling to release from his grip.

"Get off me" she yelled.

"Take back what you said" he yelled



"NO" She screamed.

"Whatever, I will still always be better than you" Pan stated.

"Why? Because you have pathetic lost boys fulfilling your demands"

Ooo good one Clara

"You know what...At least I have somewhere I can call home" Pan yelled.

I quickly gasped at what Pan just said. I watched as Pan got off Clara and walked away from her a couple of steps. I began trembling and breathing heavily as a tear dared to escape. How could he? He said Neverland was my home...I thought it was my home.

"Clara I-"

It was too late for Pan to talk because Clara had already gotten off the ground and ran to my...her tree house.

How dare he? How could he? I couldn't help but let the tears stream. He's an asshole, a lair. I thought I finally had somewhere I could call home...well I thought wrong.

The image of Pan right in front of me began fading away till there was nothing, he vanished into thin air.

Maybe it's a sign; maybe this is all not real.

Suddenly my hair began flying around from the sudden strong wind. Right ahead of me was a bright white light increasing by the second. I immediately shut my eyes from how bright it was. But as I felt like it wasn't there anymore, I opened my eyes to find myself in my room.

"Listen to me" someone suddenly said. I quickly turned around to find myself again, with the Blue fairy. My god I-Clara was devastated. She was crying and she looked like a mess. There was someone banging very hard on the closed room door, what was going on?

"Listen to Me Clara" the Blue fairy said,"If Pan enters he will make you forget"

"Forget? Forget what?" Clara said

"Everything, the entire fight, you cannot forget Clara, this fight with Pan will open your eyes to future arguments" this continuing the fight I just witnessed?

I suddenly heard the room door barge open. I turned around to find Pan standing there, utterly mad. Holy shit. Clara was standing right in front of her bed, looking afraid. Wait, how did she move so quickly...but she was with the Blue fairy and now she's Is this also a continuing of the whole...scene?

Pan suddenly walked up to Clara and hugged her.

"GET OFF ME!" She yelled as she pushed him off her.


"NO!" Clara screamed



"CLARAAAA!" Pan echoed making Clara freeze in her place. .

"C-Clara...d-don't you miss me back?" Pan asked.

Miss him? But why? How long has it been since we...they saw each other?

Pan suddenly cupped Clara's face, tight. His eyes changed colors and his hands began glowing.

"AHHHH" Clara screamed as she shut her eyes tight. She bent her knees and began lowering down towards the ground from pain. Pan lowered with her until they were both sitting on the wooden floor.

"LET ME GO!" Clara screamed. She began moving around like crazy, trying to release from his grip, but Pan only cupped her face harder and harder.


"Stay calm Clara"

"LET ME G-" and with that Clara passed out in his arms.

I am sorry Pan began repeating.

The images in front of suddenly began fading away once more till they completely vanished.


Strong pain in my head, blurry eyes, pressure in my ears, I didn't know what was going on. Sudden images began flashing in front of me, and I knew exactly what they were; memories.

I couldn't believe it. Blue was right. He made me forget. I remember. I remember everything now. How dare he make me forget the fight? What did he also make me forget?

With the tears streaming down my face, I quickly ran out of my room and out of the tree house. I stood in the middle of camp as I began sobbing out loud. Who gave him the right to mess with my memories? Who? There's more to everything. What could he also be hiding from me?

I suddenly heard the sound of stems cracking. I quickly turned around to find Pan standing right there, staring at me. I still haven't figured out if this was all real or just a dream.

"Are you real?" I asked hesitantly.

Pan smirked at me as he held up his hand in the shape of a gun and recoiled.

I immediately fell back to the ground with a sharp pain in my chest, as if I had physically been shot with a bullet. I guess that answers my question. Still on the ground, I was groaning from pain. I quickly raised my shirt to find my stomach clear and not wounded yet at my touch it burns as if I am touching an open cut. I put my shirt back down and stood up, clapping my hands to remove the dirt.


I quickly turned around to find Pan standing right there, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Pan" I gasped out

"The one and only, the legend. Sexy, aren't I?" he smirked.

"Leave me alone, Pan" I demanded as I fisted my hands. Great, even in my dreams he's chasing me; at least I think this is a dream...

"This is my island Cupcake, I am the one who makes the orders here" he sneered.

"Well this is my dream so SUCK IT" I stated right before I kicked him in a place no man should be kicked in. I quickly turned around to run away but Pan managed to grab ahold of my leg and pull me down, causing me to hit my head hard as I fell. I shut my eyes trying to contain the throbbing pain in my skull but as I opened them, I found Pan sitting right above me, dangerously close.

"You want to play with me, cupcake? I'll play with you." His eyes were black and pierced as a smirk slowly began appearing on his face. "I'll play dirty too" he raised his eyebrow.

My breath was immediately caught in my throat as the words escaped his mouth. My lungs began feeling light within my chest from the lack of proper breathing pattern. For sure his intentions were not pleasant.

He began lowering his head and the more he did, the more I was worried. He lowered himself till his head was at the crook of my neck. His breath was hitting my skin slowly, making me feel some type of way.

I immediately shivered under his touch. His lips began lingering my neck for a couple of seconds, right before he began placing kisses everywhere.


I squirmed at his touch, trying to push him off me by pushing his chest but he managed to get even closer, making me completely incapable of moving. He was making sure I could not escape from his grip. Kisses were being placed at the crook of my neck in my darkest moments. My body was trembling and sobs were daring to escape.


His kisses weren't soothing or passionate, they were rough. Determination was oozing from him. I wanted him off me this instant.

He began placing a string of kisses from the center of my neck halfway up to the curve of my right shoulder. His lips then decided to sink in to the back of my neck.

I managed to move my hands from under his chest, and tried pushing him off me but I kept on failing. My hands were weakly pushing at his shoulders. Man he was ten times stronger than me.

He was placing random kisses from just under my ear to the hollow of my neck. "You're mine" he said between kisses.

You're mine

It was then I noticed I was giving up to him once more, and I was not going to accept that.

With all my might, I put my hands on his shoulders. "GET OFF ME" I finally managed to let out as I managed to push Pan a couple of inches away from me. He raised his head to me only to reveal the worst has happened. It was not pan, it was young Hook, and I was somehow back in my old foster home again, where everything was ruined.

As the memories flowed back in and Hook smirked at me, tears began sliding down my cheek. Hook kept on smirking at me, a devilish pierce in his eyes.


I screamed on top of my lungs from fright but all my yell did was freeze Hook. As if someone has stopped time and I am the only one moving. That was utterly odd. Now I can guarantee this is not real.

I extended my hand hesitantly and placed my index finger on his cheek only to have him crack and break like glass on me. I immediately shut my eyes but as I opened them, I realized that his remains had vanished. I was still in my old foster home. I quickly stood up and ran down the hall. If I remember this correctly, the main door should be at the right. So I took a turn only to find myself in a completely different scene.

I was in a funhouse, this time in a room filled with mirrors. God dammit! Not this. This is the worst room in a funhouse. I began walking down the hall, mirrors still everywhere only to find myself in another room filled with even more mirrors. I decided to go back to where I was. I turned around only to have a mirror appear and block the way. I was trapped here. I began looking around hoping to find a path I could go through but all there was were mirrors. I stood in the center of the room and kept on turning around, hoping a door would just disappear.

A sudden child's laughter echoed in the room making me freeze in place. Where did that come from? I looked at the mirror right ahead to find a young girl with brown hair standing there as my reflection, giggling. She suddenly began running. She began running all around, showing on all the mirrors. She kept on laughing and giggling and I felt like I was going mad.

I put my hands on my ears trying to block out the laughter but it just got louder and louder. I couldn't take it anymore.


I screamed on the top of my lungs while covering my ears causing all the mirrors to break and shatter to pieces. I ended up falling on my bottom for I was taken by surprise. I looked around stunned to find glass everywhere on the ground. That was surely utterly odd. I slowly stood up, still confused. I began looking around to find nothing but mirror frames surrounding me, except one. In the place where the mirror should be was a red light oozing.

I had a terrible feeling about this but this was for sure my only way out.

I began walking towards it slowly, the glass breaking even more as I stepped on it.

When I finally crossed, I found myself in a red room that had balloons everywhere. Quickly regretting my decision, I turned around to go back only to find a sudden wall blocking me. God dammit. I turned around once more and examined the room filled with balloons. The room was filled with them; I barely had the space to move. Trying my best to make my way down the room, I slowly slid myself between the multi-colored balloons.

In a sudden, I heard one of the balloons pop. Then another. Then another. In a second all the balloons began popping one after another. I was stuck in a room with a bunch of balloons bursting. I suddenly felt claustrophobic and-

"Screw this"

Instead of walking, I ran between the timed balloons hoping to find a door on the other side of the room. I ran with the anxiety filling me up and my ears on the verge of bleeding from the sound of balloons popping right next to me. I finally made it to the other side of the room only to find nothing but a wall. "GOD DAMMIT" I yelled as I began hitting the wall, hoping there was a hidden door somewhere.

"Over here" I heard a faint sound of a child. I turned my head to the left only to find the balloons have gone and there was a door on the far left. There was a young girl, about four years old, standing there with a smile plastered on her face. She began waving at me gesturing for me to follow her right before she disappeared through that door.

"Hey wait up!" I cried as I ran towards the door. The minute I passed it, I felt sudden warmth that was without a doubt familiar. I was in a child's room.

The room had multiple of beds captained by light wood but only one with bed covers that were colored pink. Next to the bed was a light wood crib with a beige sheet. There was a huge bookcase by the wall filled with old books and fairy tales. The walls were made out of wood and so was the floor. It looked like in fact a huge room you would find in a church.

Right in the middle of the room was a four-year old having a tea party with a teddy bear, a stuffed monkey, and Pan himself. Who was that child? The two were having fun pretending the donuts on the table were real and that they were in fact drinking tea. They both had coloring books on the table next to them with multiple crayons of different colors scattered across the table.

"Hello?" I shyly said. Neither of the two looked at me. Did they not see me? "Hello?!" I said a little louder as I walked up to them. "Pan" I said as I placed my hand over his only to have it go through. What the- I moved my hand to Pan's head only to have it go through as well. I knew in that moment that they could not see me or hear me. I stood a couple of feet away from the two, trying to figure out what the purpose was behind this dream.

Hold on a minute, I know that teddy bear, I couldn't simply forget him. He's...he's Mister cookie. And this room...was my room, and that child, that child with the brown crazy curly hair was without a doubt, me. I must have went as pale as white. Was this some memory I had lost? Or is this all make believe? But it doesn't make any sense.

I continued standing still as I watched the two move on from their tea party to coloring the figures on their book. I took that time to look around and examine the room. There was only one lamp in the room that lit the room a dark yellow. The fireplace was releasing heat to the room which only meant that it was cold. I immediately raced to the window that was a couple of feet away from where Pan and mini me were sitting and examined the playground outside.

"Snow" I whispered with compete disbelief to myself. It was snowing outside, white sprinkles covering the swings and slides in the playground. I turned my gaze around to look at mini me then back to the window. I don't remember seeing snow...the first time I saw snow was on Neverland. How-how is this possible?

"Hold on a minute" Pan suddenly said. I immediately turned around to find him sitting in his place, staring at me. In that moment I stood frozen in place, my breath clutched in my throat.

He slowly got off his seat and began approaching me. He stopped once he was about two inches away from me. Can he see him?

"What'th wrong?" Mini me asked.

Pan was still standing in his place, not daring to blink. As if he was looking right at me.

"Nothing" he said firmly, "I just thought someone was here" he stated as he turned around and began walking towards mini me once more.

"What? A-a ghotht?" Mini me said afraid.

"Don't worry, cupcake" Pan said as he stroked the child's hair, "as long as I am alive, nothing will hurt you"

"Thankth" mini me smiled as she looked down once more at her coloring book and began coloring the lion purple.

Pan on the other hand was still standing in his place, fisting his hands as his body stiffened. He quickly walked to the left, where a huge closet was placed. I immediately followed him. I watched him as he examined the wooden cabinet. In a second he placed his hands on it and groaned as he began moving it to the side.

Once he completely moved it out of place, he clapped his hands to remove the dust. He bent down and examined the pink lines that were drawn on the wooden floor. He extended his hand and used his index finger to examine the texture of the lines.

"Crayons" he whispered, "what the-"

He quickly stood up and walked to mini me. Of course I followed.

"Clara?" He said gently.

"Yeth?" She said as she removed her gaze from the coloring book and looked at Pan with a big smile.

"Do you have any pink crayons?" He asked.

"No, it'th gone somewhere" she said disappointed, "do you want blue?" She asked. Pan couldn't help but to chuckle and I couldn't help but laugh as well at Clara thinking Pan wanted the crayon to color.

"It's okay cupcake, that's for you" Pan said as he patted her back and walked towards the pink lines on the ground to examine them even more.

"Someone was here" he whispered to himself with a little anger.

Ignoring Pan who was still examining the lines on the ground, I walked up to mini me and stood in front of the table, examining her.

She was coloring the lion out of the lines purple. Her tongue was out of her mouth as she tried her best to make her coloring perfect. She raised the book in the air as if she was holding a trophy and began giggling.

"Look Peter look" she said. Pan immediately stood up and turned around to look at her. Wait, did she just call him Peter?

"I colored my lion porple" she said pronouncing purple wrong.

"It looks lovely cupcake" Pan smiled. He walked up and sat on a chair next to her.

"Show me your other drawings" he said.

"Ok" she smiled, "thith one ith a porple dog" she said as she turned the page, "and thith one ith a porple houthe....and thith one ith a porple thnake and thith ith a-"

"Wait hold on" Pan interrupted, "why is everything colored purple?" He asked

"Becauthe porple ith my favorite corol" she giggled.

"Alright, carry one" Pan said with a chuckle

"Ok thith ith a porple tri-gle"

"It's triangle, babe" Pan corrected.

"Don't interrupt me!" Clara suddenly snapped. 

"Whoa alright sorry" Pan said as he raised his hands in surrender.

"Ya you better be" Clara said as she turned the page.

"Wait what's that?" Pan asked as he examined the odd page in the coloring book. "That's not purple" he stated.

"No, it'th green. I drew you" Clara smiled.

"Me? Really? That looks nothing like me. I am devilishly handsome not some hag who looks like she shit her pants" Pan said

"Bad word!" Clara snapped.

"Sorry princess" Pan chuckled as he kissed her forehead, "show me the rest" he said.

"That'th it, I am done" Clara said as she closed the book quickly.

"Wait hold one, there was one more page" Pan stated.

"It'th nothing" Clara said as she hugged the book.

"Why don't you want to show me the last page?" Pan asked.

"It'th thcary" she said as her lips began quivering.

"Whoa whoa don't cry" Pan said as he cupped her cheek, "show me" he said gently. Clara hesitantly extended the book and placed the book on the table. Pan quickly opened it to the last page. His face expression completely changed. He looked pale as white.

"What's this?" He asked as he stared at the drawing. His eyes were opened wide. What was he looking at?

"I don't know, I alwayth thee it in my dreamths" Clara said scared. I walked up and stood behind Pan to look at the drawing he was staring at. My breath was immediately clutched in my throat. It was a dark figure, as black as the night, with gleaming yellow eyes. The drawing itself sent chills down my spine. I couldn't simply forget a figure like that. I knew exactly what it was.

"It's a shadow" Pan said

"What doeth it do?" Mini me asked.


Suddenly everything around me began disappearing, slowly fading away.

"NO" I screamed as I knew what was happening. They were disappearing.

"NO DON'T GO" I yelled, "I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE SHADOW DOES" I screamed even though I knew Pan couldn't hear me. Soon enough everything around me vanished and I was in a pitch black room. I began turning around, examining where I was.

I began suddenly falling into a hole. Cold air was fanning me that in seconds became mist. As I looked down and noticed I was getting closer to the ground, I shut my eyes ready for the impact.

I finally landed on a hard cold ground. I rubbed my head from pain as I began standing up slowly. It was the most bizarre thing.

I was in a huge dark room with lights emanating a hundred watts of lights. They were different colors.





Loud techno music was blasting in this place. I managed to adjust my eyes to the darkness, tomblike and womblike at the same time. I managed to see briefly from the lights that created different shapes and lines. It was as if I was in a nightclub, but I was the only one there. There was a huge dance floor in the center of the club, and even though music was blasting in this place, there was no DJ or speakers at all.

Blasting lights...loud music...when I wished I could go to Coachella, this was not what I meant. The music was blasting so loud, I barely managed to hear my own thoughts. The bright neon lights spinning around made my eyes hurt and gave me an utter headache. I was definitely in a nightclub. I began walking around slowly hoping to figure out where I was.

How did I get here? And more importantly, how can I leave?

I looked around only to find the four walls in this room had no door whatsoever. I was trapped in here. Panic showered me as the music suddenly stopped.

I stood frozen worried about what was going to happen next.

I heard a faint laughter behind me. I quickly turned around only to see a black figure quickly pass me at the speed of light. Another laughter was heard. I turned around only to find another black figure pass me. Suddenly the lights in the room all turned red. The room was filled with faint laughter and black shadows passing by quickly, like ghosts. It was as if the song in the room was a faint creepy laughter on repeat. I began breathing heavily and panicking as nausea filled me up. I was truly terrified.

The floor started shaking violently. I tried to keep myself balanced but I ended up falling on my knees. I began looking around to find the ceiling cracking, the walls breaking, and the chandelier that was hung falling and shattering right in front of me.

The lights began flickering.

Suddenly the ground began crumbling. I immediately panicked as a flashback of the movie 2012 came to mind. Breathing heavily, I knew I had to find a way out. I tried standing up but the floor was too shaky. After multiple tries, I successfully managed to stand but as I stood on both my feet, the floor beneath me crumbled causing me to fall to utter blackness.

I screamed at the top of my lungs even though I knew no one would hear me to help. My surroundings were all black, as if I have been falling into a hole. I began waving my hands around hoping to grab on something but there was nothing, I was falling into the non-existent.

I was dropped into a pitch black room, which was way too quiet.

"HELP" I yelled. What's going on? What have I been seeing all day? Were they memories? Visions? Dreams? Where am I? How can I get back? And where am I right now?


I started crying as I realized I was in infinite darkness. How can I escape this?

"SOMEBODY HELP" I screamed on the top of my lungs as tears streamed down my face. I let out a yelp as I suddenly began falling once more into pitch black darkness. Where am I going to land? Something tells me to my doom.

I did the worst thing I could do and looked down only to find myself getting closer and closer to the ground. I immediately shut my eyes ready for the impact but I suddenly stopped falling and instead was floating, as if I had been frozen in place. I opened my eyes to find myself right above the ground, only inches away. It was then time moved again making me end up falling to the rocky ground.

I groaned from pain as I grabbed onto my wrist, that I might have broken from the fall. I began standing up slowly only to find myself in a cave, The Cave. The cave that Pan hid The Book in all these years, The Book he hid from me. It was different though. There was no treasure there, it was completely empty. It was also utterly foggy. I barely managed to see what was right ahead.

"Ow" I let out as I accidentally moved my wrist. I looked down at my hand to find a terrible wound on it.

"Did you hurt yourself there, kiddo?"

I quickly gasped from utter shock as I turned around, to find myself looking at the impossible.

"What-what's this?" I said in utter shock as I examined the figure standing right in front of me.

"It's the end of your ride" the figure smirked.

"What? Who are you?"

"Isn't it obvious? I am you"

"But-but...I" I said pointing at myself.

It was as if I was looking at my reflection, but there was no mirror. And me...err my reflection, had pitch black eyes.

"I am a shadow, your shadow"

"You don't look like a shadow" I stated.

"I am what you will become, after you go on with the process"


Third POV:

"Process?" Clara asked confused.

"You agreed to the Kronin's deal physically, now you have to agree mentally"

"What do I have to do?" Clara asked as she fisted her hands. She was filled with determination.

There's a war in her mind, a storm in her heart.

"By not feeling. Kill your mind" the shadow smirked.

"But not feeling, wouldn't that change me?" Clara asked afraid, still unsure if she picked the right decision

"Sometimes to stay alive, you got to kill your mind" her shadow stated.

"I-I don't get it-"

"To be reborn, you have to die first"

Die first Clara thought. That thought scared her yet somehow made her feel better.

Loved has killed more than any disease, and she knew it.

"I thought he was different" Clara teared as flashbacks from her all moments with Pan returned.

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will"


"Wrong or right, it's all a role play"

I am fucking tired of staying up late and thinking of everything I have done wrong and how much everything hurts.

I need people so much more than they need me and it's disgusting and pathetic how much I rely on others for my happiness. I should be better than this. I should be able to make myself happy.

It's me who's my enemy. Me who beats me up. Me who makes the monsters. Me who strips my confidence. I am done. I am done being sad.

"Look at me" the shadow said, "oh not heartbroken. Walking around with confidence. Not worrying about having my heart broken or betrayed, this could be you" the shadow stated.

"Nobody breaks my heart" Clara stated. That's when her shadow smirked.

Sadness is like a drug. It takes you away from reality and makes you see it in a whole new way.

I think my sadness has finally won. Let it take me away.

"We can fix all of this with a simple step" the shadow said.

"What?" Clara asked.

"A touch of death" the shadow smirked.

A touch of death

A touch of death

A touch of death

The words kept on repeating in Clara's head, she knew what her answer was.

"Go ahead-"

Before Clara even had the chance to finish her sentence, her clone of a shadow flew into her, making her choke from the lack of air.

She felt her heart turn icy cold and her body becoming numb. Slowly her feelings began vanishing, the pain decreasing by the second. She knew it was working.

You're the first and last person I'll ever love she thought as Pan came to mind.

She knew it was destroying her but she didn't care, she wanted to stop the pain.

Let me lose it all. That's how I become free

She turned her pain into anger, and her anger made her a little twisted.

Sometimes the wrong thing feels all right once it's over and done with. But then again it's just a feeling; it doesn't change the fact that it is still wrong.

Once the process was over, Clara passed out cold on the ground, shivering as if she were having a seizure.

------------To be continued-------------

Next time:

[- You were playing the pipe?

- What if I am dangerous?

- I don't believe in fairies

- Soon I will grow up and I won't even flinch at your name

- No more pain, no more cries.

- Your sudden pitch black eyes and demonic attitude don't scare balls out of me.

- You Pan certainly do not control me.

- You're nothing but a lost boy.



Author's note: I am SO sorry for not updating I have just been so caught up with the university. Oh I forgot to tell you I AM OFFICIALLY A UNIVERSITY STUDENT! :D I am so happy GAAH! Also I turned 17 la la la la. Happy day haha.

What do you guys think of the story and how it's turning out? Clara is way too crazy am I right or am I right? ;P Also if you guys did not get the first part of this chapter, Clara was remembering the fight Pan made her forget. To re-read the fight, you'll find it from Episode 33 to Episode 35.

If you have not heard, I have FINALLY made a tumblr account and here's the link:

And also here's my Instagram username:


Thank you SO much for 30K. It's crazy, I love you for making my every day with your lovely comments and votes. Nachos for life!

Peace out x!

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