Slytherin Royalty

By MrsDxMalfoy

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"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... More

One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Reality
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Day Off
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday
Character list & Authors Note!

The Skrewts

259 7 0
By MrsDxMalfoy

Alya and Tom woke up the next morning in the same position, smiling at each other as they kissed each other's heads. They cuddled for a while before to got dressed and they walked to Draco's dorm to get Alya's uniform. Draco wasn't there so Alya just assumed he was already downstairs. She put her uniform on while Tom was staring at her, smirking.

"You're just so gorgeous, my girl," smiled Tom, grabbing her by her waist and kissing her.

"You are, Tommy," smirked Alya.

Once she was dressed, they went down to the great hall for breakfast. As soon as she entered the hall, she was bundled by two large bodies. It took her a second to register that it was Fred and George.

"Ally!" said Fred, wrapping his arms around her. "For goodness sake, why didn't you tell us?"

"Yeah, we were so worried bubs," said George, hugging her too.

"Tell you what?" asked Alya.

"That you were helping your grandparents move yesterday," said Fred. "We didn't see any of you all day and it was really freaking me out,"

"No one else knew where you were, we tried asking everyone," said George.

"Oh shit, did I not tell you?" chuckled Alya. "I'm sorry I scared you, but I'm okay,"

"It's okay, but don't bloody do that again, will you!" chuckled Fred, kissing her cheek.

"I won't, I promise," chuckled Alya, hugging them both.

"Go on, get some breakfast," said George. "We'll come and see you later, yeah?"

"Okay my love," smiled Alya. "I love you both,"

"I love you darling," smiled Fred, kissing her cheek.

"I love you, honey," smiled George, doing the same.

Alya walked over to her house table and greeted her other friends while they ate their breakfast. When they had finished, they made their way to Hagrid's hut for their care of magical creatures lesson. Hagrid led them all to the forbidden forest once again, where their lesson was taking place.

Today's lesson was about blast-ended skrewts. They had to get into groups of three and learn how to properly feed their skrewts. Alya was partnered with Draco and Mattheo, per Hagrid's instructions.

"What on earth is that thing," said Mattheo, looking at the black, lobster like creature in disgust.

"It's a skrewt, Mr Riddle," said Hagrid. "A blast-ended skrewt. I bred em' myself, see,"

"Right..." said Mattheo.

"And what exactly is it?" asked Draco.

"It's sort of like a scorpion, they can grow up to ten feet long!" said Hagrid. "Come now, let's feed em'. I have ant eggs, frogs livers and a bit of grass snake. Not sure what they'll go for, you'll have to try em' with a bit of each,"

"That's repulsive," said Tom, squirming his nose at the piles of frogs livers.

"Oh come on guys," chuckled Alya. "It's not that bad,"

"Ally, it's a liver," said Enzo.

"And bloody ant eggs," said Blaise.

"I feel sick," said Pansy.

"Surely you can't be serious," said Theo.

"Stop being such babies," chuckled Alya, picking up the frogs liver and holding it towards the skrewt.

The skrewt snatched the frogs liver from Alya's hand with its pincers and ate it.

"See, it likes it," smiled Alya.

"You're crazy, princess," laughed Mattheo.

"Yeah, you can feed the thing then," said Draco. "I'll just observe,"

"No way," said Alya. "You can try it with the ant egg, and Matty, you can try it with the grass snake,"

"I'm not touching a fucking ants egg, Ally," protested Draco.

"Yeah, and I'm not touching no damn snake," agreed Mattheo.

"Honestly, you two!" laughed Alya, picking up the grass snake. "Dray, hold out your hand,"

"Baby, seriously, I can't touch that," said Draco, backing away from her. "It's too... it's... no, I can't,"

"You're so cute," laughed Alya. "Such a germaphobe,"

Draco rolled his eyes at her and kept saying no. Alya shook her head at him, laughing, before feeding the ants egg to her skrewt. Unfortunately, the skrewt spat it back out, and it went all over Draco.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" shouted Draco, making Alya laugh hysterically. "GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!"

"Dray, it's okay," laughed Alya. "Come here,"

Alya used her sleeve to wipe Draco's face and did a cleaning spell for his robes. She kissed him on the tip of his nose, still laughing at him.

"See, it's all gone," she laughed.

"It's not bloody funny, Ally!" whined Draco. "I'm going to throw up,"

"No you're not," chuckled Alya. "You're fine, stop stressing,"

"You missed a bit, love," chuckled Mattheo, wiping a bit of ant egg off of Draco's cheek. "You're actually so adorable, it's painful,"

"Shut up," said Draco, trying to hide a smile.

"There's no way I'm going near that thing after that, though," said Mattheo, moving well away from the skrewt.

"You two are insufferable," chuckled Alya. "I'm going to ask to change partners in a minute,"

"You are not," said Draco.

"Don't you dare," said Mattheo.

"Alright fine," laughed Alya. "I was joking, anyway. Although the pair of you make the worst partners,"

"For this, maybe," smirked Draco. "I think we make a pretty good team for other stuff though,"

"I agree," smirked Mattheo, winking at Draco. "You've never had a problem with that before, have you, princess?"

"Oh shut up, idiots," giggled Alya.

"Idiots, that you fell in love with," said Draco.

"That's not the point, Malfoy," laughed Alya.

"I liked it better when you called me baby," said Draco. "Now we're back to last name basis? Damn, okay, Cortez,"

"Ew," said Alya.

"Exactly," smiled Draco. "Or would you prefer it if I called you Mrs Malfoy?"

"Oh?" said Alya.

"No way, she's Mrs Riddle," protested Mattheo.

"Alya Riddle sounds good," smirked Tom.

"See if I don't make her Alya Nott first," chuckled Theo.

"She'll be Alya Zabini before any of that," said Blaise.

"I think Alya Berkshire actually sounds the best," laughed Enzo.

"I like Alya Snape-Cortez just fine, thank you very much," laughed Alya.

"Boring," said Mattheo.

"Extremely," said Draco.

"Well I can't exactly marry any of you, can I?" chuckled Alya.

"Why not?" asked Tom.

"You know why, Tommy," said Alya.

"I guess not," said Mattheo.

"I mean, you could," smirked Draco. "Just make sure it's me,"

"For merlin's sake, Dray," laughed Alya. "Anyway, we need to keep feeding this thing,"

"Again, I'm not going near it," said Mattheo.

"Nor me, not after last time," said Draco, as the two of them backed far away.

Alya laughed at them before feeding the skrewt some grass snake. Thankfully, the skrewt didn't spit anything out this time and seemed to actually quite enjoy the snake. Alya gave Draco and Mattheo an 'I told you so' look and giggled at them as they rolled their eyes at her and walked back over.

"You're so irritating sometimes, princess," laughed Mattheo, kissing her cheek.

"Don't lie to yourself, Mattheo," chuckled Alya. "I could never irritate you,"

"You're irritatingly right," laughed Mattheo.

Amongst all the commotion from the lesson, no one noticed the hooded figure watching them from afar throughout the whole lesson. The lesson finished, so Alya and her friends made their way back to the castle for lunch. As they were walking, Alya had an idea.

"Who wants to go to Hogsmeade for lunch?" asked Alya. "I'm bored of sitting on that bloody hall every day,"

"Sure, why not," said Theo.

"I'm down," said Tom.

"Absolutely," said Mattheo.

"You don't have to ask me twice," said Blaise.

"Yes, yes, yes," said Pansy.

"I love how impulsive you are," chuckled Draco.

"She always has been," laughed Enzo.

"I wouldn't be me if I wasn't," chuckled Alya. "Actually, can we go get the others? The Gryffindor others, I mean,"

"If we must," said Tom.

"Lunch with Potter, great," said Draco.

"Oh Dray, when are you going to stop hating him," laughed Alya.

"When he dies," said Draco.

"Honestly!" said Alya, trying not to laugh. "He's actually really sweet when you get to know him,"

"Oh yes, very sweet I'm sure," said Draco, rolling his eyes.

Alya shook her head playfully at him as they got to the great hall. They all walked over to the Gryffindor table, where Fred and George were sitting, talking to their friend. They hadn't started eating anything yet, and both shot up as soon as they saw Alya.

"Hey beautiful," smiled George, kissing her cheek. "Hi guys,"

"Hello, love," smiled Fred, doing the same and nodding to the slytherins. "Guys,"

"Hello darlings," smiled Alya. "Where are the others?"

"Probably on their way from their classes," said George. "We're the year above you, remember,"

"Oh yeah," chuckled Alya. "We're going to Hogsmeade for lunch, wanna join us?"

"Sure, but why?" chuckled Fred.

"I'm bored of this hall," shrugged Alya.

"Fair enough," laughed Fred. "Yeah, I'm down,"

"Same," smiled George.

"Good then, we'll wait for the others to get here first," smiled Alya.

"Oh, by the way, Ally," said Fred. "This is our best friend, Lee Jordan,"

"Hi Lee," smiled Alya. "I'm Alya,"

"I know," chuckled Lee, standing up to talk to her. "I think everyone does at this point. It's nice to meet you, these two adore you by the way and I can see why,"

"Oh, thank you," chuckled Alya.

The twins shot Lee a death stare and rolled their eyes at him.

"What? I'm just saying," chuckled Lee.

"Do you want to join us for lunch, Lee?" asked Alya.

"Thank you, but it's okay," smiled Lee. "I'm supposed to be meeting someone for lunch, I'll come another time,"

"Okie dokie," smiled Alya.

"This is new," said a voice from behind Alya. It was Ginny, who had just walked in with Hermoine, Harry and Ron. "To what do we owe this pleasure?"

"Hey, Gin," smiled Alya, hugging her.

"Yes, hello my wonderful sister," scoffed Hermione.

"Hello, Miney," laughed Alya. "Hey boys,"

"Hey, Ally," smiled Harry and Ron.

"Seriously though," said Ginny. "8 slytherins at a Gryffindor table, what's going on?"

"We wanted to see if you guys wanted to come to Hogsmeade with us for lunch," said Alya. "I'm getting bored of this hall,"

"Are we even allowed to do that?" asked Hermione.

"I have no idea, but do you think I care?" laughed Alya.

"Yeah, I like her," chuckled Lee.

"Why thank you," chuckled Alya. "We won't get into trouble, caught or not. Dumbledore loves me and all the other teachers let us get away with everything. We've had punch ups in the middle of lessons and are yet to receive any detentions,"

"It's true," laughed Pansy. "Especially Sprout, that woman told Alya to give a girl an extra punch from her the other day,"

"THAT was hilarious," laughed Enzo.

"Bloody hell!" exclaimed Ron.

"Yeah, that was great," laughed Alya. "So, are you guys coming or not?"

"Count me in," said Ginny. "If Fred and George will buy mine for me, that is,"

"I'll buy yours, Gin," said Alya. "The point of me asking you all meant I was going to pay for you all,"

"That's not happening," said Tom.

"Yeah, no chance," said Draco.

"Absolutely not!" said Mattheo.

"Not again," said Theo.

"You've done that too many times already, it's not happening this time," said Blaise.

"No way," said Fred and George at the same time.

"You can get mine if you like," chuckled Enzo.

"I think you're all missing the part where you have no choice," laughed Alya. "You all know there's no point arguing with me by now,"

"That's why I didn't bother saying anything," laughed Pansy. "Although I really hate it when you do that,"

"Tough titties," smiled Alya. "Let's go,"

They all shook their heads and rolled their eyes playfully at her before saying goodbye to Lee and leaving the hall. They made their way out of the castle and down to Hogsmeade, where they went into the three broomsticks.

They walked over to a large table, and walked straight past the same hooded figure from the forest. Who also happened to be the same hooded figure that was watching their table the last time they were in the three broomsticks. But of course, nobody had seen him in the forest, nor the pub, so nobody noticed that it was the same person. Nor did they notice him watching their table, very subtly, once again. Alya and her friends ordered some food and some butterbeers whilst chatting amongst themselves. They ended up in fits of laughter a lot of the time, which made Alya smile at widely.

"See, it's not so bad when we're all hanging out with each other," chuckled Alya. "I swear you guys just pretend to hate each other,"

"I never said I hated anyone," said Blaise. "I actually quite like you lot. Ginny, you're great,"

"Wow, thank you," chuckled Ginny. "You're alright too, I guess,"

"Steady on, Gin," laughed Ron.

"Oh piss off, Ronald," scoffed Ginny.

"I like you guys too," said Theo. "I always have,"

"Now that we've hung out together more, I guess you lot aren't that bad," said Draco.

"Yeah, you lot aren't as slimy as we thought," said Fred.

"You're all quite funny, actually," said George.

"Aw, look at all this bromancing!" chuckled Pansy. "I love it, we need to expand our group,"

"Why?" asked Tom.

"Because I'm sick of staring at your ugly mugs every day, that's why!" laughed Pansy. "Obviously not including you, Ally, I could look at you all day,"

"Aw, shush," chuckled Alya.

"Consider me, fucking offended," said Enzo, clutching his chest.

"And you of course, Enzo," chuckled Pansy. "Plus it's nice to be around more girls,"

"Wise words from the lezbo," chuckled Blaise.

"Oh shut up, Zabini, you know what I mean," laughed Pansy.

"Yeah, yeah," laughed Blaise. "Don't pretend you don't fancy Ginny,"

"Oh my god..." said Pansy, punching his arm. "Ignore him, Ginny,"

"So you don't?" smirked Ginny.

"I... shut up," blushed Pansy.

"Sounds like you want her to, Gin," chuckled George.

"Maybe I do," smirked Ginny.

"Wait..." said Ron. "Ginny are you..."

"Gay? No," said Ginny. "Bisexual, probably,"

"Same, sis," chuckled Alya.

"Where did this come from?" asked a very shocked Ron.

"I don't know, Ronald," said Ginny. "Where did your straightness come from?"

"Touche," chuckled Ron.

"Tell him, girl," laughed Alya.

"Well damn, Pants," chuckled Theo. "Looks like you're in there,"

"Shush," blushed Pansy.

"Well that was unexpected," said Harry, almost looking sad.

"So we have two gays and two bi's at the table," said Enzo. "And still no one for me,"

"Aw, Zo," chuckled Alya. "I wouldn't be so sure about that,"

"Three bi's," said Mattheo. "Since you lot are coming out, I might aswell,"

"Woah..." said Ron.

"Matt, really?" asked Tom.

"Yes, really," said Mattheo. "Now shut up about it,"

"But..." said Blaise. "How did you come to that conclusion? I mean, you must've experimented right?"

"Did you experiment with a girl to realise you were straight?" asked Mattheo.

"Well, no..." said Blaise.

"Exactly," said Mattheo.

"I... I am too," said Draco. "I wasn't going to say anything but... since Matt did, I'm bisexual too,"

"We all guessed that one, to be fair," chuckled Theo. "I mean, we all said this a while ago but you kept denying it,"

"Well, I wasn't sure then," said Draco. "But I am now,"

"And you just figured that out on your own, did you?" asked Blaise.

"Well... no, not really," said Draco. "I realised I have a huge crush on Enzo,"

"Is that why you two went to Hogsmeade together?" asked Tom. "Were you on a date?"

"No, it wasn't a date," said Enzo. "That was because... a-actually, nevermind,"

"Do you want to..." Mattheo asked Draco.

"Um... that's up to you," said Draco. "If you want,"

"What are you two whispering about?" asked Fred.

"Draco and I... kind of..." started Mattheo.

"We um..." said Draco.

"Oh my god... you two fucked, didn't you?" gasped Theo.

"No... not really," said Draco.

"We didn't fuck we just... did stuff with each other," said Mattheo. "With Ally,"

"That was extremely hot," smirked Alya.

"Holy..." said Ron.

"So you had a threesome," said George. "And... touched each other,"

"Pretty much," said Draco.

"Twice," said Mattheo.

"Okay, my mind is officially blown," said Hermione, who until then had been sitting in silence with her mouth open in shock at all the confessions.

"Yeah, that's... that's something," said Ginny.

"I'd do it again," smirked Mattheo.

"Oh, same here," said Draco. "Maybe Enzo can join this time,"

"Fucking hell," said Enzo. "Gladly,"

"Well, in that case," chuckled Alya. "Pans, Gin, what do you say?"

"Holy shit," said Ginny.

"Holy shit indeed," said Theo, staring at the three of them.

"I mean... I'm down if you are," smirked Pansy.

"Really Ally?" said Fred and George simultaneously. "Our SISTER?!"

"Uh oh..." laughed Alya.

"Okay, if this happens and you don't let me watch I will be incredibly upset," said Blaise.

"Maybe you can join in," smirked Ginny.

"WOAH GINNY!" shouted Fred, George and Ron in unison.

"What?!" said Ginny. "I have a sex life too, you know,"

"Hang on, did I hear that right?" asked Blaise.

"Yes, you did," smirked Ginny.

"Okay, this is getting weird," said Hermione. "You guys are so open about sex, it's crazy,"

"It's not crazy, mousey," laughed Enzo. "It's natural, you're just too vanilla,"

"I am not vanilla!" protested Hermione.

"You are, love," chuckled Ron.

"Ronald!" exclaimed Hermione, slapping his arm lightly.

"Well that was an eventful turn of events," laughed Harry.

"Just out of curiosity Ally, how many of your friends have you slept with?" chuckled Ginny.

"Honestly, all of them apart from Theo and Pansy," chuckled Alya. "Oh and you, Ron and Harry of course,"

"That's fun," chuckled Ginny. "Wait, even Enzo?"

"Yes, even Enzo," laughed Alya. "But this was years ago,"

"Wait WHAT?!" shouted Hermoine. "When was this?!"

"I can't give you the exact date and time, Miney," laughed Alya.

"Why didn't you tell me?" asked Hermione.

"Because you probably would've ran straight to mum and dad and told them," laughed Alya. "We did not need that,"

"No we did not," laughed Enzo. "Could you imagine having to explain that,"

"I don't particularly want to imagine that," laughed Alya.

"Yeah, me neither," laughed Enzo. "Imagine if my mum found out! She'd never let us hear the end of it, and she'd..."

"Zo..." said Alya.

"Nevermind," said Enzo, holding back tears and looking at the floor. "Can we talk about something else?"

"Anyone want another butterbeer?" asked Alya, standing up. "Zo, wanna come to the bar with me?"

"Sure," said Enzo, following her. They walked up to the bar and ordered another round of butterbeers for the whole table. The hooded man watched Alya's every move, and went up to the bar next to her, avoiding eye contact and bought a drink so that he could listen to their conversation. Whilst they were up there, Alya sneakily paid the bill for the whole table.

"They're going to hate you for that," chuckled Enzo.

"Let them," chuckled Alya. "I love treating you all. Are you okay, Zo?"

"I think so," said Enzo. "It's just really hard. She was my mum, Ally, and now she's gone,"

"I know, love," said Alya, pulling him in for a hug. "I'm so sorry,"

"It makes it worse that they killed her and just left her there," said Enzo. "So carelessly, like she meant nothing. I had to come home from school and find her dead on the floor, I had to watch them kill her on the cctv, and they just left her there. I haven't even had a funeral for her yet,"

"I know Zo, I know," said Alya, trying not to cry. "It's going to be okay, you know. You're Lorenzo Berkshire, you can get through anything. You've always got me, okay? No matter what. And we'll have a funeral for your mum, leave it with me,"

"Thank you, Ally," said Enzo, hugging her again, "I really don't know what I'd do without you,"

"You don't need to thank me, Enzo," smiled Alya. "But I think you should tell the others. I know you don't want to, but it might help. Plus, they can come to the funeral for extra support,"

"I told Draco already," said Enzo. "He really helped me that day, actually. I think I will tell them, but can you help me?"

"Of course," smiled Alya. "What about Miney?"

"Yeah... she deserves to know, really, doesn't she," said Enzo. "She knew her too. You can tell the Weasley's if you want, I know how close you all are. Especially the twins. And you might as well tell Harry too. Fuck it, just tell them all and they can all come to the funeral and we'll just have a big party afterwards,"

"Only if you're sure," said Alya. "Leave it with me, yeah? We'll give her the best send off and have a banging party to remember her by,"

"I love you so much, angel face," smiled Enzo, pulling her in for a hug.

"I love you more, ZoZo," she said.

Alya lifted all of the butterbeers with her mind and took them back over to their table.

"Is everything okay?" asked Mattheo.

"No, Ally paid the bill while we were up there," chuckled Enzo.

"Lorenzo!" gasped Alya.

"Ally, are you fucking serious?" asked Tom.

"ALLY!" said Fred and George.

"You're so sneaky," said Blaise.

"You've got to stop doing that," said Theo.

"I'm sorry!" said Alya. "I did warn you all,"

"For goodness sake, darling," said Draco.

"That was so unnecessary," said Mattheo.

"Oh just shut up and thank me," laughed Alya.

"Thank you, Ally," smiled Pansy. "But you do need to stop that,"

"Not going to happen," chuckled Alya.

"Thank you, Ally," said Harry.

"Yeah, thanks," said Ron.

"Thank you," smiled Ginny.

The slytherins all thanked Alya too, although they were all still annoyed.

"You're all welcome," chuckled Alya.

Alya and her friends drank their butterbeers and continued to talk for a while before deciding to head back to the castle. They wandered around Hogsmeade for a little bit first, though. They went into Honeyduke's sweet shop and got some snacks, however, Alya mainly wanted to browse the large selection of alcoholic drinks behind the counter. She decided to get a few bottles of firewhisky as it was their favourite. She paid for the bottles and got some sweets, before they all walked back up to the castle.

They went up to the common rooms once they reached the castle, and Alya put her bag in her dorm. They sat together in the Slytherin common room for a while, before heading down to the great hall for dinner. They said goodbye to the Gryffindors before walking over to their house table. Once they had finished their dinner, they went back up to the common room and sat down on the sofas. Alya was sitting on Tom's lap with her leg's on Mattheo's, while Draco was laying on her chest. Enzo was in the arm chair and Pansy, Blasie and Theo were on the other sofa.

"Well wasn't that an eventful lunch trip," laughed Blaise. "Three people came out as bisexual, we found out that three of us have been having threesomes, and I got invited to a foursome with three girls,"

"I wouldn't bank on that, Blaise," laughed Pansy.

"Why not?" asked Blaise.

"Yeah, why not?" asked Alya.

"Fine, if he must," sighed Pansy. "But you're not touching me,"

"Wasn't planning on it," chuckled Blaise.

"I'm more concerned about the fact that out of all of us, Blaise is the one that got the invite," said Tom.

"Blaise is hot," shrugged Alya.

"I'm hotter," said Mattheo.

"That's true," chuckled Alya. "Maybe Ginny doesn't think so,"

"Or maybe she didn't want to say anything to Draco, Matt and Tom because she's seen how psycho you get when anyone flirts with them," laughed Enzo.

"I mean... that would make sense," said Alya.

"I feel better now," chuckled Draco.

"Same here," said Mattheo.

"I wouldn't want to anyway," said Tom. "I only have eyes for you, Ally,"

"Aw, Tommy," chuckled Alya.

"I swear you wanted a threesome with Ally and Pansy a few weeks ago," laughed Blaise.

"Correction, I wanted to fuck Ally while she fucks Pansy," said Tom. "I wouldn't want to touch Pansy, or any other girl for that matter,"

"That's fair," laughed Theo.

"Glad to hear it," chuckled Pansy.

"You okay, Enzo?" asked Draco, looking at Enzo, who was looking quite sad.

"Yeah," Enzo said quietly, without looking up.

"You sure?" asked Pansy.

Enzo looked up at Alya, who knew what he was trying to say to her.

"Do you want to tell them?" asked Alya. "Or do you want me to?"

"Tell us what?" asked Mattheo.

"My mum died..." said Enzo, plainly.

"You... you what?" said Theo.

"My mum... she was killed," said Enzo. " Voldemort,"

"Fuck," said Tom.

"Enzo, I'm so sorry," said Mattheo.

The others were looking around the room, not knowing what to do or say.

"It happened before Christmas," said Alya. "Enzo got home from school for the Christmas break and he found her. She'd already been... she'd been there for 4 days before Enzo found her,"

"I watched it all on the cctv footage," said Enzo. "It was Voldemort and his death eaters, including... Draco's father,"

"What?" gasped Draco "You didn't tell me that part!"

"You knew?" asked Blaise.

"That's irrelevant," said Draco. "Enzo, you should've told me,"

"I couldn't," said Enzo. "I found out the same day I came to your dorm after Ally and I had that fight, I was trying to process it all and I couldn't dump that on you,"

"You two had a fight?" asked Tom. "You didn't say,"

"It wasn't really a fight, I don't know what it was,," said Alya. "But I knew you guys would ask me what it was about and I couldn't answer you. I knew Enzo didn't want anyone to know about his mum so I kept it to myself. The only people that knew were Pansy and Draco. Pansy, because she was there and Draco because Enzo told him,"

"Wait, was this the other day when you were really sad?" asked Mattheo.

"Yeah..." said Alya. "I felt like it was my fault,"

"Why the fuck would you think that?" asked Tom.

"They killed her because they wanted information from her," said Enzo. "Information about Ally. But my mum loved Ally like a daughter, she's known her since we were kids, she wouldn't tell them anything, so they killed her,"

"Oh no," said Theo.

"Zo..." said Alya.

"Don't," said Enzo. "Get over here,"

Alya walked over to him and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and cuddled her tightly.

"None of this is your fault, okay?" said Enzo. "I promise. I know that now, and I'm sorry for ever making you feel that way.I know you loved her like I did, and I..."

His voice broke and tears started streaming down his face. Alya wrapped her arms around him even tighter and ran her fingers through his hair to comfort him.

"Fuck, Enzo, I'm so sorry," said Blaise.

"It's okay, love," whispered Alya. "You can let it out,"

"No," sniffled Enzo. "I've let out enough tears for her. She'd hate to see me like this, which is why Ally is organising a funeral and we're going to have a massive piss up afterwards in her memory,"

"Sounds good," said Theo. "I really hope you're okay, Enzo,"

"Yeah, me too..." said Tom.

"We're always here for you, Enzo," smiled Pansy. "You're our family now,"

"Thank you guys," smiled Enzo. "It was my idiot father's fault, anyway,"

"But... I thought you didn't know your father?" asked Blaise.

"I don't," said Enzo. "But Draco's mum told Ally that he was a death eater. He gave Voldemort information about my mum, told him where we lived and that we both knew Ally. I have no idea how he knew that, he must've been spying on us or something,"

"What the hell?" said Theo.

"That's so freaky," said Mattheo.

"And you don't know where he is now?" asked Tom "Or do you?"

"No, I don't," said Enzo. "Narcissa said Draco's father hated him, so he wasn't invited to the ball. I'm guessing he heard about Voldemortbeing killed and the death eaters being sent to Azkaban and he went into hiding. That's what he does best, clearly,"

"Bloody hell," said Draco.

"My father hates him too," said Alya. "Apparently he's a nasty piece of work. I mean, evidently,"

"Yeah," said Enzo. "Anyway, I just wanted you all to know. Ally said it would help, and I think it has. We just need to have a funeral for her now,"

"Like I said, leave it with me," smiled Alya. "I'll sort it, we'll give her the send off she deserves, yeah?"

"I love you, Ally," smiled Enzo. "And thank you, all of you,"

"I love you more, Zo," smiled Alya.

A little while later, everyone decided to go to bed. Alya and Draco said goodnight to everyone before going up to their dorm. As soon as the door closed behind them, Draco pinned Alya to the wall and kissed her gently.

"I'm so proud of you, Dray," smiled Alya. "Coming out to everyone like that, that's such a brave thing to do,"

"Thank you, gorgeous," smiled Draco. "I wouldn't have been able to do any of this if it wasn't for you,"

"You don't need to thank me," smiled Alya. "But I mean it, I'm so, so proud of you,"

"I love you," smiled Draco, pulling her in for another kiss and hugging her tight.

"I love you more, handsome," smiled Alya. "I think you definitely deserve a reward for that,"

"Oh?" smirked Draco. "What do you have in mind, darling?"

"I'll show you," smirked Alya, kissing him softly on his lips.


Alya walked over to her wardrobe where her bag from Strictly Pleasures was, and took it to the bathroom. After a few seconds, she came out wearing a beautiful, green, lace lingerie set. Draco's jaw dropped when he saw her in it, and immediately felt himself get bricked up.

"Holy Merlin, Ally," he groaned, eyes studying her body. "You're so fucking beautiful,"

"You are, my pretty boy," smiled Alya, walking over to where he was standing, pulling him in by his tie and kissing him passionately.

He grabbed her waist whilst she kissed him, hands roaming her body as he kept pulling away to glance at her again. He couldn't keep his hands or his eyes off of her. Alya started kissing his neck and ran her cold hands underneath his shirt, pulling it off along with his robes and tie before trailing her hands down his body and all over his abs. She pushed him against the wall and began to suck lightly on his neck, whilst grazing her hands over his v-line very lightly, earning slight whimpers from him.

"Fuck, Ally," whimpered Draco. "You're being such a tease,"

"I need you to be patient, sir," whispered Alya, into his ear and nibbling it slightly. "It'll be worth the wait, I promise,"

He whimpered again, as Alya ran one hand over the waistband of his trousers slowly and started to pull them down. She massaged his length through his boxers, earning a loud groan from him as he kissed her lustfully.

"My god, Ally," groaned Draco. "You drive me insane,"

Alya smirked at him and quickly cast 'muffliato' on the door. She kissed him again, before kissing his jawline and neck, trailing down his chest to his abs whilst lowering herself onto her knees. She massaged his thighs and kept going up, before pulling his boxers off slowly. She wrapped her hand around Draco's length and began pumping him slowly, causing him to groan loudly and run his fingers through her hair. He was looking down at her admiringly.

"I can't express to you how in love with you I am, my pretty girl," smiled Draco.

Alya felt her stomach doing backflips and she smiled up at him, blushing slightly. She giggled at him and started placing small kisses on his tip whilst continuing to pump him. She wrapped her lips around his tip, and licked it gently, teasing him even more. His breathing was getting heavier as he started to whimper rather than groan. Alya took him into her mouth once and pulled it back out again, making sure to suck it hard enough that they heard a pop when she pulled it out of her mouth.

With one hand, she kept pumping him, and with the other, she pulled out the vibrating ring from her Strictly Pleasure's bag. She turned it on to the lowest setting and placed it onto his length, pushing it right down to the base. She carried on with the strokes and licks, for a few seconds, before turning the vibrator up by one click. Draco bunched her hair into a ponytail for something to grip onto as he threw his head back and moaned quietly. She turned it up another click, and picked up the pace she was stroking him at slightly. She then took him whole in her mouth, and deep throated his length so that it hit the back of her throat, making her gag slightly.

"Oh my... god," whimpered Draco, as Alya did it again a few times, getting faster each time.

She repeated this a few times,before turning the vibrator up one more setting and picking up the pace even more, earning lots of loud groans from Draco.

"Fuck my face, daddy," said Alya, looking up at him innocently. "I want you to fuck my throat as hard as you can. Don't hold back, I can take it,"

Draco looked down at her with an extremely lustful look in her eye before happily obliging. He held both sides of her head in his hands and started throat fucking her mercilessly, groaning deep, animalistic groans which felt like music to Alya's ears. As Draco was doing this, she began to suck in slightly, for extra pleasure for him. As she could feel him getting close to his climax, she grabbed his hands and pulled her head away. She stood up and kissed him passionately, ignoring the irritated but extremely sexy look in his eye. She grabbed him by the neck and pushed him onto the bed, before getting back on her knees in front of him. She began stroking his length again, before telling him to take control of her throat once more.

Once again, he obliged and began thrusting up into her throat. She did exactly the same thing she did before, and after a few seconds, she turned up the vibrator two more settings which made his legs start to shake. He began whimpering louder than ever as he threw his head back, continuing to thrust into Alya's mouth.

"Such a f-fucking good girl," he whimpered, his mouth open and his breathing laboured as he felt himself coming undone.

The sight of him was almost enough to make Alya climax on the spot, without even being touched. She squeezed her legs together in hopes to relieve some of the tension from her core, which was absolutely soaking by now. Alya sucked in again on his length, pushing her head down even further if that was even possible and reached her hand around to scratch up his lower back which was the last straw for Draco. His hot cum shot into Alya's mouth, as he whimpered loudly, moaning her name in between 'I love yous'.

Alya was shocked at how much he had actually came. She lifted her head thinking he was done, but more kept coming out. She swallowed it all up and turned off the ring, bobbing her head up and down slowly and softly to make sure he was completely done and not too overstimulated. Draco's was panting and sweating, as he looked down at her with an adoring look on his face, smiling widely at her.

"Holy fucking shit, baby," panted Draco. "That was amazing. I mean you've made me feel so fucking good before, but that, that was something else,"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, pretty boy," smiled Alya, as Draco pulled her up and sat her on his lap, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her passionately.

"I love you so fucking much," he smiled, burying his head in her neck while he caught his breath. "You definitely deserve to be rewarded for that, my girl,"

He began kissing Alya's neck and sucking on it gently, leaving a big purple bruise. He massaged her breasts through the lace material of the lingerie before pulling the straps down slowly, kissing her shoulders and collarbones as he did this. He kissed down to her breasts and swirled his tongue around her nippled gently, before kissing her again, and biting her bottom lip.

"I want you to ride my face, pretty girl," he said, looking into her eyes."I want you to suffocate me and ride my face until you cum all over me,"

"Holy fuck, Dray," whimpered Alya, who was throbbing at this point.

Draco kissed her again, before laying back with his head in the pillows, and pulling her closer to him. He pulled off the lingerie set and threw it onto the floor as she positioned her legs either side of his head. He licked and kissed up her thighs for a few seconds before teasing her clit and her entrance with his finger.

"So fucking wet for me already," smirked Draco.

He pulled her down so that she was lowered directly onto his mouth, gripping her hips tight so that she couldn't move and licked her clit gently. She immediately let out a loud moan, and he picked up the pace, wrapping his lips around her clit and sucking it harshly. She knew she wasn't going to last long at all and so did he. She grabbed his hair as she started riding his face, throwing her head back and whimpering loudly

"Oh my... fuuuuck, Dray!" she whimpered, breathlessly, as she felt the familiar knot in her stomach begin to surface.

She pulled his hair slightly, guiding his head as she rode his mouth, which made Draco groan. This sent vibrations through her body, and he noticed, so he did it again and again. Moaning and whimpering whilst she fucked his face, knowing it made her all the more aroused. Her legs started to shake vigarously as she screamed his name between whimpers and came all over his face and in his mouth. She moved away from him slightly to catch her breath, and he smirked up at her.

"You're so fucking perfect, Alya," smiled Draco. "The most perfect girl,"

"You're... perfect," said Alya, in between breaths. "That was... fucking amazing,"

"I know right," smirked Draco. "Now catch your breath and ride my cock, my pretty little slut,"

"Yes, sir," she smirked, moving off of his face and down to his shaft, which was brick hard again.

She positioned herself above him as he sat up slightly so that he was leaning against the headboard. She leant over to kiss him passionately as she lowered herself onto him, causing them both to let out a loud moan as she slipped him inside of her, Alya didn't bother giving him any time to process it before she started bouncing up and down and rolling her hips at an exceptionally fast pace, causing him to grab onto her hips and gripping them tight as he whimpered. She rode him like that for a few minutes before he started to thrust up into her. She put a hand on his throat and squeezed it tight as he did this, moaning each others names.

"That's... my... fucking... girl," whimpered Draco, in between thrusts."My pretty... baby,"

"All yours, daddy," whimpered Alya. "Fuck me like you mean it,"

She felt her walls clenching around his cock as he continued to thrust up into her at a relentless pace. She felt his cock twitching inside of her which only deepened the orgasm she was already feeling. They both began screaming each other's names and throwing their heads back, whimpering louder than ever as they both came at the same time, their juices mixing and spilling out all on the bed due to how intense both orgasms were. They held each other close while catching their breath, kissing each other softly on the lips every few seconds.

"God, Dray," whimpered Alya. "That was like... the best sex of my life,"

"Me too," panted Draco. "Shit, we better clean this up,

"Bloody hell!" exclaimed Alya, looking down at the bed that was absolutely soaked. "How did that happen?"

"You tell me, baby girl," chuckled Draco.

"Right, move quickly," said Alya, climbing off of his lap so they could both get off the bed.

She took her wand and did a cleaning charm for the bed. The wet patch disappeared and the bed was completely clean again. She went into the bathroom and ran a bath, and Draco followed her in.

"Want to join me?" she asked. "It's big enough for both of us,"

"Sure, love," smiled Draco, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her gently. "Can we have bubbles?"

"Of course!" smiled Alya. "If you have a bath without bubbles, you're a psychopath,"

"That's very true," laughed Draco.

Alya poured some bubbles into the bath and once it was full, they both got in it. Draco sat behind Alya, who leant back into her as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head and cheek.

"This is so nice," smiled Draco, snuggling into the back of her neck.

"It really is, isn't it?" smiled Alya, closing her eyes and she leant into him.

She put her hands on top of his as they relaxed together in the bath, feeling extremely happy and content with him.

"God, I love you so much," said Draco, suddenly. "Like my heart feels like it could explode right now, I have so many butterflies in my stomach for literally no reason. Just because I'm with you, I can't even put into words the love I feel for you. I'm so deeply in love with you, Alya Malfoy,"

"Alya Malfoy," smiled Alya, as her stomach started doing backflips. "God, that makes my heart feel like it's going to burst out of my chest!"

"Me too," smiled Draco. "Marry me, Ally,"

"Oh my..." said Alya, her breath hitching in her throat.

"Shit..." said Draco. "Ignore that,"

"Dray... I can't ignore that," said Alya, turning around to face him. "You know how much I love you right? How deeply I'm in love with you. Of course I want to marry you, but that's not possible,"

"You actually want to?" asked Draco.

"Of course I do," smiled Alya. "I love you more than I ever thought possible, I'd love nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you, get married,have kids, grandkids, and grow old together as we watch them find the same type of love we have,"

"Oh my gosh," blushed Draco, burying his head into her neck. "I thought I was the only one who'd thought about all that,"

"You're not," smiled Alya, cupping his cheeks.

"But the others," said Draco, looking into her eyes.

"Yeah... the others," said Alya. "I'm sorry, Dray. I'm just so in love with them all, too. I couldn't marry only one of you, and I can't marry all of you. That's illegal,"

"I understand," said Draco. "But just so you know, now that you've told me all of that, we're married in my head. You're my wife now,"

"That's fine by me, husband," smiled Alya.

Draco smiled widely at her and kissed her passionately on her lips.

"We all do need to have a discussion about our future soon, though," said Alya. "A proper discussion,"

"What do you mean?" asked Draco.

"Well, I've always wanted to be a mum," said Alya. "And if all of you want a child, does that mean I'll end up having a baby with each of you? I think I could handle that, but Matt and Tom, and Fred and George are both twins. We could end up with like 10 babies or more,"

"I don't think I'd mind," said Draco.

"That's alright for you," said Alya. "You're not the one carrying them and pushing them out!"

"Oh yeah, shit," chuckled Draco. "Yeah... we're going to need to have this discussion with the others at some point,"

"I mean, there's no rush," said Alya. "But I wouldn't want to be an old mum, especially if I'm going to have more than like 4 or 5 kids. Plus, I kind of really want a baby now so I wouldn't want to wait too long anyway,"

"I could make that happen," chuckled Draco.

"We can't while we're still in school, Dray," chuckled Alya. "We still have a year left next year, then we can start. Maybe,"

"Fine," chuckled Draco, pulling her closer and kissing her cheeks. "By the way, how do you... you know, not get pregnant? I mean, I've cummed inside of you like 3 times if not more and I know Matt has too. Do the others? How are you not already pregnant, is what I'm trying to say,"

"Yes, the other's do most of the time," chuckled Alya. "And there's a few ways. We have a birth control potion that you drink some of every day. Or you can perform a charm on yourself every day and that stops you from getting pregnant, or there's a certain spell that you can do after sex, just in case you forget the potion or the charm for that day. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah, it does actually," said Draco. "You're my world, you know that?"

"And you're mine," smiled Alya.

They washed themselves and each other for a few minutes before getting out of the bath and putting their pyjamas on and going back into the bedroom. They climbed into bed and Draco put his head on Alya's chest listening to her heartbeat and smiling to himself as he placed one last kiss on her lips.

"I love you, Mrs Malfoy," smiled Draco.

"I love you more, my handsome," smiled Alya, as they both drifted off to sleep instantaneously.

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