Slytherin Royalty

Par MrsDxMalfoy

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"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... Plus

One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Reality
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday
Character list & Authors Note!

The Day Off

314 7 0
Par MrsDxMalfoy

The next morning, Mattheo woke up before the others. His arms were still wrapped around Alya as she laid on his chest, and Draco's head was next to hers as he spooned her from behind. He admired them both sleeping peacefully for a while before Draco woke up. He looked up at Mattheo and smiled, blushing slightly when he realised that he was looking at him.

"Morning," he said softly, as he snuggled more into Alya.

"Morning, handsome," smiled Mattheo, reaching his hand over and running it through Draco's hair.

Draco giggled slightly and tried to hide the huge grin that was spread across his face. Alya woke up to this, looking up at Mattheo and smiling at him.

"Hey, love," she smiled.

"Morning, beautiful," he smiled, kissing her head gently.

"Morning, darling," smiled Draco, doing the same.

"How long have you been awake?" she asked them.

"Not long," said Mattheo.

"Neither," said Draco.

Alya smiled to herself as she snuggled into them both, kissing them on their heads every so often. They stayed like this a while before Alya and Draco got out of bed and started getting dressed.

"I need to go and get some clothes from my dorm," said Mattheo, as he only had his uniform with him. "I'll meet you guys in the hall,"

"We could come with you if you want," said Alya. "Let me just finished getting dressed,"

"Okay, love," smiled Mattheo, as he sat on the bed and watched them both, smirking at them.

The three of them walked to Mattheo's dorm and waited for him to get changed before going down to the great hall for breakfast. The others were already sitting at their house table wearing their normal clothes. Alya, Draco and Mattheo said good morning to their friends and started to eat.

"I'm so excited for today, Ally," said Enzo.

"We're only helping my grandparents move house," chuckled Alya.

"I know, but it's meeting them that I'm excited for," said Enzo. "Meeting your real family, I love the idea,"

"You're so sweet, Zo," chuckled Alya.

Snape walked over to them as they finished their breakfast and asked if they were ready to go. They all agreed, so they walked out of the castle and down to the quidditch pitch together.

"Right, we're travelling by portkey as it's so far," said Snape. "I got the Minister to give us a multiple use one, so we don't have to wait around for it to come back and such. Everyone grab on,"

They all did what they were told and after a few seconds, they landed outside Snape's parents house once again. They all walked up to the door and knocked on it. Eileen opened it almost immediately and wrapped her arms around Alya.

"Hello my beautiful grandchild!" she exclaimed. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, grandma," chuckled Alya.

"Yes, hello mother," said Snape. "I'm only your son,"

"Granddaughter top's son," chuckled Eileen. "Please come in, everyone,"

"Ally!" shouted Tobias, as they all walked into the living room. "So lovely to see you again,"

"You too," smiled Alya. "And I brought my friends with me this time,"

"Yes, Severus told us you all offered to help us move," smiled Tobias. "Thank you all, we really appreciate it,"

Alya's friends smiled and nodded at him, before Eileen made them all tea and sat them down.

"So Ally, introduce us all," said Eileen, excitedly.

"Right, yeah," laughed Alya. "This is Mattheo and Tom, they're twins,"

Mattheo and Tom shook Eileen and Tobias' hand and said hello to them.

"This is Pansy, Blaise and Theo," said Alya. Pansy, Blaise and Theo shook their hands and said hello to them too.

"This is Enzo, my best friend of 10 years," smiled Alya.

"It's so lovely to meet you both," smiled Enzo, shaking their hands. "I've been so excited since Ally told me about you guys,"

"Oh, how sweet," smiled Eileen.

"And this is Draco," said Alya.

"Ah yes, the famous Draco," said Tobias. "We've heard a lot about you,"

"Oh... um, hello," chuckled Draco, shaking their hands.

"You know she's totally in love with you, right?" whispered Eileen.

"Oh I know," smiled Draco. "And I'm totally in love with her,"

"Wow, grandma," laughed Alya. "Imagine if he didn't know, you could've embarrassed me so badly with that,"

"That's what we're here for," chuckled Eileen. "So are you two together then?"

"Uhm... sort of," said Alya.

"You both love each other... what's stopping you?" asked Tobias. "I can see the love you have already and I've only known you 5 minutes,"

"Well...I sort of love other people too," said Alya. "So it's complicated,"

"Ahhh, I see," said Eileen. "Severus had a friend like that in school, didn't you Sev?"

"Yes, actually, I know her," chuckled Alya. "It's Draco's mother,"

"Wait what?" said Draco.

"How did you know?" asked Snape.

"When I went to visit her and Star on Saturday we had this exact conversation," said Alya. "She told me everything, and some stuff about you, Dray,"

"Oh god, so she knows about us then?" laughed Draco.

"Of course she does, the first thing she asked me is if we're together yet," chuckled Alya. "She always goes on about how much you love me, it's really cute, actually,"

"Oh, you're joking," said Draco.

"She's not," laughed Theo. "She said it when you, Tom and Matt went to get their stuff from the Riddle Manor,"

"Yep, it was hilarious," chuckled Blaise.

"Right, I'll be having words with her when I see her then," laughed Draco.

"She means well, you know she does," smiled Alya. "She's glad we're together, said you'll always be the one for me, even if others are involved,"

"Well she's right," smiled Draco.

"Oh to be young and in love," smiled Eileen. "So come on then, who're the others?"

"That would be us," smiled Mattheo, pointing between himself and Tom.

"I thought so," said Tobias. "You're not very good at hiding it, are you,"

"Nope," chuckled Tom. "I've loved her longer than she's loved me, though. She was my best friend first and then... well, I don't know what happened actually,"

"Neither do I," laughed Alya. "I can't really remember the exact time I fell for you, it just happened,"

"Same here, to be honest," laughed Mattheo. "I just remember your birthday party and seeing you with Weasley and I just got so jealous. I couldn't get you out of my head,"

"Oh trust me, we know," chuckled Pansy. "You wouldn't shut up about her,"

"We all love her, though," said Blaise, smiling at Alya. "Unfortunately for us,"

"I mean, Pansy and I aren't in love with her," chuckled Enzo. "Everyone else is, but we love her all the same,"

"And I love you all," smiled Alya. "There are two others, remember the twins I told you about? Fred and George, they aren't here today but you'll meet them soon,"

"As long as they're all treating you right," said Tobias, looking around at them all.

"They are," smiled Alya. "They've all been really protective of me since the first day I met them,"

"Not that she needs it," chuckled Enzo. "You granddaughter can bloody well handle herself,"

"Oh we know," chuckled Eileen. "We saw a glimpse of it in the cafe the other day, when that idiot waitress said something about one of you guys,"

"It was Tom and Matt," said Alya. "And that was nothing, I've done worse but we won't go into that,"

"Some other time," chuckled Snape. "Shall we get going then?"

"Yeah, let's," said Alya, as they all started grabbing boxes and heading out to the garden.

They each grabbed the portkey with the boxes in their hands and ended up outside this pretty cottage looking house. It was white outside with flowers all around it and a nice front garden. Snape unlocked the door and they all walked in. Mattheo and Tom were carrying a sofa, which they put into the living room first. Blaise and Theo were carrying another sofa while Draco was carrying the coffee table. Alya and Pansy put down the boxes they were carrying, and Mattheo made them both sit in the living room with Eileen and Tobias.

"You four aren't doing anything else now," he said. "We'll sort the rest,"

"Thank you, Matty," smiled Alya, kissing his cheek before he waved at the others and left again.

"Back soon, love," smiled Tom, doing the same.

"Such lovely boys, aren't they," smiled Eileen.

"Most of the time," chuckled Pansy.

Eileen and Tobias spent some time asking Alya and Pansy some questions about the boys, about school just to get to know them better. They had some nice long conversations.

"So how did you all come to be friends? Tell us everything," said Eileen.

"Well I accidentally bumped into Draco when I was getting on the train to Hogwarts," laughed Alya. "Then I nearly knocked him over, but for some reason he didn't think I was a weirdo and he invited me to sit with his friends,"

"Because he fell in love with you instantly," laughed Pansy.

"Not instantly," chuckled Alya. "Although there was definitely something there straight away. I can't even explain it, it was just an instant connection,"

"That's beautiful," smiled Tobias. "Then what happened?"

"Then we went to sit with his friends, everyone that's here today except for Enzo," smiled Alya. "He introduced us and we spoke for a bit on the train before we got to Hogwarts. I was sorted into Slytherin when we got there so I sat with them again, then Dumbledore told me there weren't enough dorms so I had to share with someone. Draco was with me when Dumbledore told me so he offered to share with me,"

"Oh, did he now," chuckled Tobias.

"Yes, but it wasn't like that," chuckled Alya. "Draco isn't like that at all,"

"No, he's really not," said Pansy. "He was so... different before Ally. Like he always kept to himself, never really smiled or anything unless we were joking around. He never had a girlfriend, never wanted one either. Girls didn't interest him, like I said he kept to himself. He was a bit of an ass to be honest, but he was our friend regardless. Then Ally came along and it was like something switched inside of him. He has a spark inside of him now that I'd never seen before. He's always smiling, always happy, he's actually nice to people now and he's just such a sweetheart,"

"Wow," smiled Eileen. "That's so cute,"

"Yeah, it is," smiled Alya. "God I love that ass,"

"I can see," smiled Tobias. "Well? What happened next?"

"Ummm..." thought Alya. "We all had lessons together the next day and someone said something nasty about me and all of the boys nearly beat him up but I told them to stop. We had a party that night and we just all became really close so quickly. That's what I mean when I say they all protected me straight away. They were all with me when I found dad and when he told me about my power and my mother and everything, I could never thank them all enough for everything they've done for me,"

"What we've done for you?" asked Pansy. "What about what you've done for us? You literally saved all of us in more ways than one, especially Tom, Matt and Draco. You opened up your home to us and let us all move in with you, not to mention adopting Star for Tom and Matt. You're amazing, Ally,"

"Pans, I wouldn't have done any of that if you guys hadn't been so nice to me," said Alya. "You all helped me before I ever helped any of you. You all helped me after the 3rd day of knowing me, you accepted me straight away, you didn't have to do any of that. You're the amazing ones,"

"We all just loved you straight away," said Pansy. "We could tell how amazing you are, we knew we had to be your friend,"

"This is just so lovely," smiled Eileen. "I'm so glad you have some great people around you, Ally. I only wish we'd gotten to see you grow up,"

"I know, but it's not your fault," smiled Alya. "It was safer this way, for all of us. Plus we're here now. Let's not dwell on the past, yeah? Let's just focus on our relationship now,"

"You're right," said Tobias. "There's no point worrying about the past, let's focus on the here and now,"

"Definitely," smiled Eileen.

"Anyway, then we had Christmas break," said Pansy. "Ally went to stay with the Weasley's and then we had the masquerade ball, which I'm sure you heard about,"

"Oh yes," said Tobias. "We definitely heard,"

"Yeah..." said Alya. "The day after, dad took us to my house that my mother left me and I invited Pansy and the boys to live with me. They all obviously accepted. A few days later we all moved in, as well as me helping Fred and George with their shop and new flat. In the middle of this, though, is when I found out about Star. I adopted her the same day the twins opened the shop and she came home with us that day,"

"Apparently she was really badass at the orphanage," chuckled Pansy.

"Well the lady was irritating!" protested Alya. "Constantly flirting with Tom and Matt the whole time, not to mention the fact that she wrote a fake letter saying we could collect Star! Well by the time we'd got there and told Star she was coming with us, we realised it was a lie and the manager of the place tried to stop us from taking her. I was absolutely not having that, you should've seen Tom and Matty's faces when she said it, they nearly cried! I couldn't let the three of them down so I told the manager about herself and that I'd be taking Star whether she liked it or not. I guess my eyes went red or something, they do that when I'm mad. Anyway, she was terrified, they both were. So I signed the paperwork and we were off! After making the manager sack that idiot Rachel woman of course, and telling her about herself for flirting with Tom and Matt,"

"Goodness me," chuckled Eileen. "You're so much like your mother,"

"I keep hearing that recently," smiled Alya. "It's lovely,"

They continued to talk for a while, whilst Snape and the boys were in and out of the house until a couple of hours later, all of Alya's grandparent's things had been moved into their new house. Snape and the boys came to sit on the sofas with them all and joined in the conversations for a while.

"Who's hungry?" asked Tobias. "Shall we all go out for lunch? You can show us around our new village,"

"Sounds good!" smiled Pansy.

"Dray, should we invite your mum?"asked Alya. "She's only up the road, and maybe after lunch we could go and show my grandparents and Enzo our place,"

"That's such a nice idea, Ally," smiled Draco.

"Yes, invite her!" said Eileen. "That will be lovely,"

"Okay, Dray and I will go and get her and we'll meet you guys in The Seven Swans?" said Alya.

"Okay, see you there," said Tobias.

Alya and Draco said a quick goodbye to the others before walking out of the house and through the village. Draco took Alya's hand and held it proudly as they walked, smiling at her every time someone looked at the two of them.

"I love being able to show you off," smiled Draco. "It makes me feel on top of the world that people know you're mine,"

"Oh my god, I love you so much," smiled Alya. "And me too,"

"I love you more," smiled Draco.

They reached Casa Stella's gates and used the charm 'Dissero Stella' to unlock it. They walked up to the house and Alya put her key through the door. A startled Narcissa turned around and looked at them confused, but smiled widely.

"Hello my beautiful children!" she smiled as she ran up to them, pulling them both in for a hug. Alya felt her heart do a backflip as she said this, and a huge grin plastered across her face.

"Hello mum," smiled Draco, kissing her cheek.

"Hey, Cissa," smiled Alya, doing the same.

"What on earth are you doing here?" asked Narcissa. "Why aren't you in school?"

"We're helping my grandparents move today," explained Alya. "Or rather, dad and the boys are. Pansy and I are keeping them company while the boys move all their stuff here,"

"Aw, that's lovely," smiled Narcissa. "Where are they moving to?"

"Literally 10 minutes away," chuckled Draco.

"That's why we're here," said Alya. "We're all going for lunch in the Seven Swans and we were wondering if you'd join us?"

"Aw, Ally," smiled Narcissa. "I'd love to!"

"Great, let's go!" smiled Alya.

The three of them walked out of Casa Stella and down the road to the Seven Swans. They entered the pub and saw their large group almost immediately, and walked over to join them.

"Grandma, grandad, this is Draco's mum, Narcissa," smiled Alya.

"I remember," smiled Eileen. "I didn't know Draco was your boy!"

"Hello Eileen, Tobias," smiled Narcissa. "Good to see you again! And yes, he is,"

"Hello, Narcissa," smiled Tobias. "Wonderful boy you've got, I'm glad our Ally has someone like him in her life,"

"I'm glad he has Ally," smiled Narcissa. "She's been a huge rock for the both of us, she's absolutely incredible and I love her like she's my own daughter,"

"Woah..." said Alya, holding back tears. "Thank you, Cissa,"

"You don't have to thank me," said Narcissa. "Hello everyone, Severus, and who's this?"

"This is Enzo," said Alya. "The one I told you about, my best friend of 10 years,"

"Ah yes, I remember," said Narcissa. "Hello Enzo,"

"Hello," smiled Enzo. "Sorry, but you're bloody gorgeous! I mean that's not surprising, since you're Pretty's mum,"

"Wow, thank you," smiled Narcissa. "But pretty?"

"Enzo is big on nicknames," laughed Alya. "Draco's is Mr Pretty, you should hear some of the others',"

"Everyone calls Draco pretty," chuckled Narcissa. "I guess that means something, ay Draco?"

"He is pretty," said Mattheo. "Beautiful, even,"

"Holy shit..." Draco muttered under his breath, looking at Mattheo and trying not to blush.

"Agreed," said Alya. "Absolutely gorgeous,"

"I'm better," joked Blaise.

"Blaise, I love you, but no," chuckled Alya.

"Just rude," laughed Blaise.

"Well... I'll take it," laughed Narcissa. "I made him, so obviously I agree,"

"God, guys," chuckled Draco. "Ally's the prettiest,"

"That we can agree on," said Blaise.

"Absolutely," smiled Tom.

"Definitely," said Theo.

"Always," said Mattheo.

"Facts," said Pansy.

"Yep, that's my angel face," said Enzo.

"Oh shush," giggled Alya.

They all ordered some food and ate whilst talking amongst themselves. They spoke about Star and how she was getting on at school and home, which was really good. They spoke about school for Alya and her friends, and they spoke about Eileen and Tobias and what they'd been up to. When they had finished, a waitress came over with the bill and Alya tapped her card on the little machine before anyone else could, earning a shocked look from everyone at the table.

"Ally!" said Snape. "Why did you do that?!"

"Why not?," shrugged Alya.

"You're not supposed to pay for things, I'm your father," said Snape.

"And we're your grandparents!" said Tobias. "You've spent enough money on us and we've only met you twice,"

"You can't put a price on family," said Alya.

"You didn't have to pay for mine, Ally!" said Narcissa.

"You're family too," smiled Alya. Narcissa smiled at her but shook her head. "Oh come on guys, what's the problem?"

"You shouldn't have paid for ours, honey," said Theo.

"Yeah, we could've paid for ourselves," said Mattheo. The others nodded in agreement.

"Well tough, I wanted to," laughed Alya. "Everyone stop pissing your pants about it, it's done now,"

"Take this, love," said Blaise, trying to hand her a sack of galleons. The others copied, reaching into their pockets.

"No chance," said Alya. "Guys, seriously, don't bother. I'm not going to take your money so stop trying,"

"You're exasperating sometimes, angel," sighed Tom.

"Coming from yourself?" chuckled Alya. "You love me though,"

"I do, extraordinary amounts," sighed Tom.

"You guys are all so cute," smiled Eileen. "You treat each other so well,"

"Of course we do," smiled Enzo. "We love our Ally,"

"And I love you guys," smiled Alya. "And we all do anything for family, so stop whining and thank me already,"

Everyone laughed and thanked Alya as they all got up to leave.

"Cissa, we're going to come back to Casa Stella for a little bit," said Alya. "I wanted to show my grandparents and Enzo our home, and they could meet Star when she gets back from school,"

"Okay, darling," smiled Narcissa. "Star is going to love that,"

"I can't wait to see her," said Mattheo.

"Me too," said Theo. "My little mate,"

"She's my best mate, actually," said Pansy.

"Not for long," said Enzo. "She's going to love me more than all of you, you know it,"

"No chance mate," laughed Tom. "She loves Ally the most, I don't think anyone will change that,"

"She does, she talks about Ally the most," chuckled Narcissa.

"Little traitor!" chuckled Mattheo. "Love her heart,"

"I can't wait to meet her," smiled Eileen. "She's going to get so spoilt,"

"Definitely," said Tobias.

"That's so cute," smiled Blaise.

They approached Casa Stella's gates and Alya taught Enzo and her grandparents the charm 'dissero stella' to open the gate. Enzo was staring at the place with wide eyes as they walked up to the door, and he insisted on using his new key to open the door for them. He did this, and gasped out loud when he walked in.

"Welcome home, Zo," smiled Alya, as she watched him walk around the house with his mouth wide open.

"Oh... my..." said Enzo. "This... this is beautiful,"

"It truly is, Alya," said Eileen, looking around.

"It's incredible," said Tobias, doing the same,"

"I know right," smiled Alya. "I'll show you guys around, and Zo, you can pick a room while we're here,"

"Yes please!" smiled Enzo.

Alya showed Enzo and her grandparents around, while the others followed. They passed each bedroom that already had a gold name plaque on, and Enzo picked one close to Alya's. They toured the rest of the house, before Narcissa said that she had to go and pick up Star from school.

"Can we come?" asked Mattheo. "I'd love to pick her up,"

"Please," said Tom.

"Of course you can," chuckled Narcissa.

"Coming Ally?" asked Mattheo.

"Go, Ally," smiled Snape.

"Are you sure?" asked Alya.

"Of course, we're good here," said Eileen. "Go get your girl,"

"We'll be back soon," smiled Alya, kissing them each on the cheek and saying a quick goodbye to her other friends as she, Tom, Mattheo and Narcissa apparated out of the mansion.

They got to Star's school just before the bell rang to signify the end of the school day. Alya, Tom, Mattheo and Narcissa waited in the playground, as children started running out of the doors. After a few seconds, Star came walking out with a few of the girls from her class. She smiled as she saw Narcissa, but stopped in her tracks when she saw Alya, Mattheo and Tom standing next to her.

"OH MY GOD!" she shrieked, running up to them and jumping into Mattheo's arms. "Why are you here?"

"We've come to see you for the day," smiled Tom, taking her from Mattheo and hugging her tight. "The others are at home, too,"

"Hi beautiful," smiled Alya, as Star jumped down from Tom's arms and hugged her. "Are these your friends?"

"Yes, this is Celine and Cristine," said Star. "They're twins, like Matt and Tom. But not like Matt and Tom, they're like Fred and George because they look the same,"

"I can see that," chuckled Mattheo. "Hello girls, we're Star's family,"

"Hi girls," said Tom and Alya at the same time.

"These are my brothers and this is my... my Ally," said Star.

Celine and Cristine looked up at Alya with wide eyes and smiled shyly.

"It's nice to meet you both," smiled Alya. "Come babe, we have some very special people for you to meet at home,"

"Who is it?" asked Star.

"My dad, my grandma, my grandad and another friend of ours," smiled Alya. "They're so excited to meet you,"

"Wow..." said Star. "I've never had a dad before. What's a grandma and grandad?"

Alya looked up at Mattheo and Tom and gave them a sad look.

"Well," she said "A grandma and grandad are my dad's mum and dad,"

"Oh," said Star. "Are they my dad's mum and dad?"

"No baby," said Alya. "We don't have the same dad. You have the same dad as Matty and Tommy though,"

"Oh!" said Star. "Can we see him?"

"We'll talk about him another time, yeah?" said Mattheo. "Today we're meeting Ally's dad,"

"Okay," smiled Star. Alya looked at the twins and Narcissa, with a worried look on her face.

They apparated back to Casa Stella and went through the door. Theo ran up to Star, picking her up and hugging her.

"Hello my little bestie!" he said.

"I'm your cousin, not your bestie!" said Star.

"Oooh, extra sassy today," said Pansy. "I taught you well,"

"Flower!" said Star, hugging her.

"Hi sweetheart!" smiled Pansy.

"There she is," smiled Blaise.

"Hi Blaise!" said Star. "Where's pretty Draco?"

"Right here, darling," smiled Draco.

"Yay!" smiled Star.

"Let's go introduce you to the others then, love," said Narcissa, as they walked into the living room.

"This is Enzo," said Alya. "He's my best friend,"

"Hi Star!" smiled Enzo. "You're really pretty,"

"Thank you," blushed Star. "And you're pretty, but not prettier than Draco,"

"I am hurt!" said Enzo, pretending to clutch his chest which made Star laugh. "I do agree though, he's really pretty isn't he,"

"So pretty, just like Cissa," said Star. "And Ally,"

"The prettiest people in the world," smiled Enzo. "And you!"

"And you too," giggled Star.

"Star, this is my dad," said Alya, as Snape walked over.

"Hello Star," smiled Snape. "My name is Severus,"

"Sev... Sevoo... huh?" said Star.

"You can call me Sev," chuckled Snape.

"Okay, Sev," laughed Star. "That's funny,"

"I'm glad you think so," laughed Snape.

"And this is my grandma and grandad," smiled Alya.

"Hello Star!" said Eileen. "I'm Eileen,"

"I'm Tobias," smiled Tobias. "You can call me Toby,"

"Aleen and Toby," said Star. "Why don't I call you grandma and grandad? That's what Ally says,"

Eileen looked up at Alya awkwardly, before saying "You can call me grandma if you want to," with a big smile.

"And you can call me grandad or grandpa if you want to," smiled Tobias.

"Yay!" exclaimed Star "Tom, Matt, I have a grandma and grandpa!"

"Oh?" said Tom, looking over at them. "That's nice, love," he said, after Alya winked at him.

"Yeah, that's lovely," smiled Mattheo.

They all spoke amongst themselves for a few hours, getting to know each other more before Narcissa asked if they were staying for dinner.

"Yes!" said Star. "Pleaseeee stay for dinner?"

Alya looked at her dad and her grandparents who nodded in agreement.

"Yay!" exclaimed Star.

"I'm excited too," said Blaise. "Your cooking in incredible, Mrs Malfoy,"

"Blaise, please call me Narcissa," she chuckled. "And thank you,"

"Want a hand?" asked Alya.

"It's okay, Ally, I'll help," said Snape. "You stay here with your grandparents, save them from your bloody friends,"

"Are we that bad?" laughed Theo.

"Not at all!" protested Enzo.

Snape just laughed at them as he went to join Narcissa in the kitchen. Star was sitting on Mattheo's lap as she told them all about her school and her new friends she had made, before their dinner was ready. They all sat at the long dining table in the kitchen to eat. Shortly after they all finished, Narcissa took Star up for a bath and the others sat in the living room again, while Alya asked Matt and Tom to help her clean up.

"Matty, Tommy," said Alya. "We need to talk,"

"I know," said Mattheo.

"What do you mean?" asked Tom.

"About Star, right?" asked Mattheo.

"Yeah..." said Alya. "She's going to have questions, she already does. What do we do?"

"Well... we can't lie to her," said Mattheo.

"She's too young, Matt," said Tom. "She can't handle all of that yet,"

"She doesn't need to know everything," said Alya. "But she's mentioned her dad today, she mentioned about not having grandparents and she's going to keep asking until she has answers. I'm happy to have the conversation with her for you, but I want to make sure you're okay with it,"

"I think it'll be good coming from you," said Mattheo. "Obviously I'd like to wait until she's older, but if she asks, you can tell her,"

"I agree," said Tom. "I wouldn't know how to talk to her about all of that, and you're amazing with her,"

"You really are," smiled Mattheo, kissing her cheek. "And I wouldn't know where to start either. I know you'll do a great job,"

"I love you both," smiled Alya.

"I love you more, angel," smiled Tom, hugging her and kissing her cheek.

"I love you, darling," smiled Mattheo, doing the same.

They finished cleaning up the kitchen and went to join the others in the living room. After a while, Star came running down to say goodnight to everyone.

"Ally, can you and Matt and Tom come and put me to bed?" asked Star. "I miss your bedtime stories,"

"Of course we can, love," smiled Alya, as the three of them got up and followed Star up to her room.

Star climbed into bed and Tom and Mattheo sat either side of her. She laid in between them as Alya sat in front of them with a book. She started to read to Star, but Star wasn't paying attention. She was playing with the bracelet on her wrist that Alya had given her.

"Everything okay, Star?" asked Alya, noticing. Star looked up at her and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Ally...are you my mum?" asked Star.

"No, I'm not your mum, sweetheart," smiled Alya.

"Oh... are you my sister?" she asked.

"Not really," said Alya. "But I love you like one,"

"So then what are you?" asked Star.

"I'm... I'm just..." started Alya, not really sure how to answer that question. "I'm whatever you want me to be,"

"But I want you to be my sister," said Star.

"Well... I guess I'm sort of like your sister," smiled Alya. "I mean, I love your brothers very much. That counts for something right?"

"So you are my sister?" asked Star.

"If you want me to be," smiled Alya. "I'll be your big sister,"

Star sat up and hugged Alya tight, smiling widely at her.

"Do I have a mum, though?" asked Star.

Alya looked up at Mattheo and Tom, realising she'd never asked them about their mother before. Nor had she ever heard anyone speak about her. Tom and Mattheo looked at each other before looking down at Star.

"You don't love," said Tom. "I-I mean you did, but..."

"She isn't here anymore," said Mattheo, softly.

"You mean she's dead," said Star. "I'm not a baby, I know that people die,"

"Y-yeah... she's dead," said Tom.

"Oh..." said Star. "And what about my dad?"

"Uh..." said Mattheo, looking at Alya for help.

She put the book down and moved closer to them.

"Your dad is dead too, sweetheart," said Alya. "But you have us! You have Sev, you have grandma and grandpa and Cissa, Tom, Matt, Me, the others, we're your family,"

"A real family?" said Star.

"Yes baby, a real family," smiled Alya. "We'll all be your brothers and sisters if you want us to be,"

"I do want that," smiled Star, hugging Alya. "So what happened to them? My mum and dad, why are they dead?"

"Well... your dad," started Alya. "He wasn't a very nice man. He did some really mean things to a lot of people and so not many people liked him,"

"So he was a bully?" asked Star. "Like the other kids in the orphanage?"

"Exactly," said Alya. "He was a bully. He did some really horrible things the end it got him killed,"

"Someone killed him?" said Star, looking sad. "Who would do that? Who would kill someone?"

Alya looked up at Tom and Mattheo tearfully, not knowing what to say.

"I..." Alya started to say something, but stopped herself in fear of the tears spilling down her face.

"It doesn't matter who did it," said Mattheo. "But the person who did it, did a good thing. Trust me, they only did it to protect us all. If they hadn't, you wouldn't be living with us and everything would be a lot different,"

"So the person that killed him saved us?" asked Star.

"Yes," said Tom. "She saved everyone. She saved the world, like one of those muggle super people or whatever they're called,"

"Superheroes," chuckled Star. "Okay then, and what about my mum?"

"Um..." said Mattheo.

"We'll save that one for another day, yeah?" said Alya. "It's getting late, and you have school tomorrow,"

"Okay," yawned Star, laying back in her bed. "I'm glad you're my sister, Ally,"

"Me too, darling," smiled Alya.

She carried on reading the book for a while, before Star fell asleep. After sitting there for a few minutes, Alya, Tom and Mattheo crept out of the room. Alya cast 'muffliato' on her door and leant against the wall, letting out a small sigh and closing her eyes.

"You did good, baby girl," said Mattheo, hugging her.

"Yeah, she took it quite well," said Tom.

"I didn't think this through," croaked Alya. "She's going to find out the truth one day, did you see her face when she found out someone had killed her dad? She's going to hate me when she finds out it was me, and she's going to be pissed at us all for not telling her straight away,"

"Ally, no," said Tom. "That little girl loves you so much, there's no way she'd hate you,"

"Tom's right Ally," said Mattheo. "Besides, she felt better when I told her you saved us and that he pretty much needed to be killed. And you heard what she said, she wants you to be her sister. She won't hate you, please don't let this worry you,"

"How could I not, Matty?" asked Alya. "I killed the girl's father before she ever got the chance to meet him! And we all practically lied about it. How is she supposed to just let that go when she finds out?"

"You're overthinking this, doll," said Tom. "Let's not stress about it now, she isn't going to know anything for a while. Years, if I can help it. She's not ready. Plus, she never would've met him anyway.There's no way I'd let that happen,"

"Tommy, you know as well as I do that once she starts Hogwarts, people are going to take one look at her last name and realise who she is," said Alya. "We can't protect her from that, she's going to have to find out sooner, and it needs to be from us. I can't bear the thought of her finding out through someone else,"

"Ally, calm down please," said Mattheo, wrapping his arms around her tight. "It's going to be okay,"

"I have an idea, but it might be stupid," said Tom. "Plus it's a bit... well, I don't know if you would... or - I don't..."

"What is it, Tommy?" asked Alya, turning around to face him.

"Well... I was thinking," said Tom. "What if we change her last name? I - I mean I was going to suggest... yours. But you don't have to, I mean I don't think you'd even want to... but maybe we can think of a different one... or-"

"Tommy," Alya interrupted him by cupping his cheeks. "That's a great idea. Which one, Cortez or Snape, or both?"

"Well... that's up to you," said Tom. "But you really don't have to, Ally. I was just thinking it'll be easier to get her through school, that way she won't have to deal with a million and one questions and find out things that she has no business knowing yet,"

"I'd love for her to have my last name," smiled Alya. "I'll talk to dad, but I can't see him having a problem with it,"

"I'm sure Star would love that, too," smiled Mattheo. "It would make her feel even more close to you. She really loves you, you know,"

"I really love her, too," smiled Alya. "Come on, let's go downstairs,"

The three of them linked arms and walked down into the living room. They sat and spoke for a few minutes before they all decided to leave as it was getting late. They all said goodbye to Narcissa, Draco and Alya hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye.

"Come back and visit soon, my darlings," Narcissa smiled, hugging them both. "I love you both,"

"We love you too, mum," smiled Draco. "And we will,"

"Love you, Cissa," smiled Alya.

They all walked out the door and made their way down the road to Eileen and Tobias' new house. When they got there, Eileen hugged them all, starting with Alya.

"Come and see us again soon, love," smiled Eileen. "With or without your friends. Your grandad and I love all of them, they're always welcome,"

"I'm so glad," smiled Alya. "And I'll bring them more often. We only live up the road when we're not in school anyway,"

Alya hugged Tobias to say goodbye to him, before he shook everyone else's hand and thanked them all for their help. Eileen gave everyone else a hug while also thanking them, before the two of them went inside. Alya, Snape and her friends then all took hold of the portkey one last time and apparated back to Hogwarts.

When they got inside the castle, they all said goodbye to Snape, who hugged Alya and thanked everyone again for their help before they went their separate ways. Alya and her friends went to their common room and sat on the sofas for a little while.

"I love them," said Enzo, suddenly. "I love your grandparents, Ally. And I love your mum, pretty. And Star is just great,"

"I'm glad," chuckled Alya. "And my grandparents love you, all of you. They said you're all always welcome and they'd love to see you all again,"

"That's lovely," smiled Pansy. "Your nan is incredible,"

"I know right!" said Theo. "She's hilarious,"

"Your grandad is, too," said Blaise. "He was cracking some solid jokes,"

"Well I'm glad you all enjoyed it," chuckled Alya. "And thank you all again, I really appreciate all of you,"

"Of course, my love," smiled Draco.

"Don't mention it," said Tom.

"We'll always help you and your family," said Mattheo.

"I know," smiled Alya. "I love you all,"

"We love you, angel face," smiled Enzo.

They spoke for a while before they all decided to go up to bed, as they'd had a long day. Alya and Tom went up to his dorm after saying goodnight to their friends and Alya changed into the pyjamas she'd left in there the last time she stayed there. Tom put on a pair of tracksuit bottoms and climbed into bed, and Alya climbed on top of him so that she was sitting on his lap, straddling him.

"Hi, angel," he smiled, kissing her gently.

"Hi, Tommy," she smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"God, I've missed this," he said, burying his head in her neck.

"Me too," said Alya. "How are you feeling after today? I mean, that can't have been easy to talk to Star about everything,"

"I'm okay," said Tom, plainly.

"Tommy," said Alya, cupping his cheeks. "It's me,"

"I know," said Tom. "I just... I don't know how to do this. Talk to people, open up about... my feelings and such. I've never done it before,"

"You don't have to," said Alya. "You don't ever have to talk about anything you don't want to, I'll never force anything. But if you want to, you don't have to think about what you're saying. Just say it how it is in your head and it'll just pour out,"

"I... It was horrible," said Tom. "I mean, I think about my mother everyday... but I haven't thought about her... d-death, in years. It isn't Star's fault of course, but it just brought it all back and I don't... I don't know how to..."

"Hey," said Alya, softly. She wrapped her arms back around his neck and pushed his head into her again. "It's okay, Tommy. You can let it out,"

"I - I don't..." started Tom, voice breaking. "What is happening to me? What... what is this?"

Tears were pouring from his eyes as he sobbed. He tried to hide his face from Alya by keeping it buried into her neck. Alya realised he was crying and began stroking his hair.

"You're crying, handsome," said Alya. "That's what's happening. Don't worry, it's normal. It's okay to cry. In fact, it's good to get it out. Just let it out,"

With this, Tom began sobbing uncontrollably. Alya stayed on his lap, hugging him tight and stroking his hair, whispering things like "It's okay," and "I've got you," in his ears. He cried for a while before calming down slightly and trying to control his breathing.

"Okay, breathe," said Alya, cupping his cheeks. He didn't protest this time, and he looked up into her eyes. Alya's heart broke at the sight of him, eyes red and puffy, cheeks wet with tears, eyebrows furrowed in confusion of what was happening and trying to slow his breathing.

"Breathe, gorgeous," said Alya, looking into his eyes. "You're okay, everything is okay,"

Tom's breathing slowed down as Alya wiped the tears from his face. She kissed him on his forehead and the tip of his nose before climbing off of him. She took his hands gently and walked into the bathroom with him so that he could wipe his face. She hugged him tightly from behind as he proceeded to wipe his nose and wash his face with a flannel. Once he was done, he turned around so that he was facing her, and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"I'm so sorry about that," he said, quietly.

"Tommy, you don't ever have to apologise," replied Alya, looking into his eyes. "You were upset, you clearly needed to get it out. I'm glad that you did, it must've been built up for years,"

"Must've been," said Tom. "But I still hate it. Please don't tell anyone,"

"Of course I won't," said Alya. "But it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Mattheo and Draco have both cried like that in front of me and I don't think any less of them. It makes me happy that you all feel like you can do that,"

"Wait, Matt did?" asked Tom. "When?"

"When he told me about... what your father did to you," said Alya, softly.

"Oh," said Tom. "I mean... yeah, that makes sense,"

"Exactly," said Alya. "I love you so much and nothing will ever change that. Especially not you being upset and crying. If you ever feel like you need to cry, I don't want you to hold it in. Okay?"

"I'll try," smiled Tom. "Thank you, Ally. And I love you too, my angel,"

"Don't thank me," smiled Alya. "I didn't do anything,"

"You did more than you think," smiled Tom, kissing her gently on her lips, nose and forehead.

"Come on, my love," smiled Alya, taking his hand. "Let's go to bed,"

She led them both into the bedroom where they climbed into bed together. Alya laid down with her arms open and Tom put his head on her chest. She ran her fingers through her hair and kissed him on his head a few times.

"Have you really never cried before?" asked Alya.

"I think... I did when I was younger," said Tom. "When father used to... you know. I cried at first, but after a while I got so used to the pain and I forced myself not to. He'd only hurt us more if we cried anyway, it gave him some sort of sick thrill. I guess I'd forgotten what it felt like to cry, and I wasn't expecting to. That's why I was so shocked, the tears just spilled out and I couldn't control it,"

"It's okay, darling," said Alya, kissing his head. "Like I said, it's okay to be upset and to cry. I promise you it's okay,"

"I love you, Alya," sniffled Tom, lifting his head to kiss her lips gently.

"I love you, Tom," she replied, kissing him again.

He rested his head back where it was and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, snuggling into her as she continued to play with his hair and leave little kisses on his head. It wasn't long before they both fell asleep.

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