Slytherin Royalty

By MrsDxMalfoy

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"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... More

One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Reality
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Day Off
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday
Character list & Authors Note!

The Make-up

346 8 4
By MrsDxMalfoy

The next morning, Alya and George woke up in the same position. They smiled at each other when they opened their eyes and kissed each other softly on the lips.

"Good morning, my honey," smiled George. "Waking up to you is literally the best feeling in the world,"

"Same with you, my love," smiled Alya.

"How are you feeling?" asked George. "I hate seeing you so upset, you really haven't been yourself,"

"I know," said Alya. "I don't think I'll feel better until I've spoken to Enzo, but I understand that he needs time,"

"Well I'm sure he'll snap out of it soon," smiled George. "Whatever it was, you wouldn't have done it on purpose and I'm sure he knows that. If you need me today, please come and find me, yeah?"

"I will," smiled Alya. "Thank you Georgie, you really helped me last night,"

"I'm glad," smiled George. "I love you, gorgeous,"

"I love you more, handsome," smiled Alya. "Come on, we better get dressed,"

They both got up and got dressed before going down to the great hall for breakfast. When they walked in, George kissed Alya on the forehead and went to his house table and Alya went to hers. Much to her surprise, Enzo and Draco were sitting there with the others. Alya didn't look at either of them as she sat down. Tom and Mattheo gave her a kiss on the cheek, and she smiled at them. She said hello to the others and started eating her breakfast.

"How are you today, love?" asked Blaise.

"Good thank you," said Alya.

"How was your night with Weasley?" asked Mattheo.

"It was really nice," smiled Alya. "I actually played the guitar,"

"Are you serious?" asked Tom. "You'll play for Weasley but not for us!"

"I've heard it," smirked Mattheo.

"Same here," smirked Draco.

"Now that just takes the piss," chuckled Theo.

"That wasn't intentional!" protested Alya. "They walked in while I was playing, it's not my fault,"

"You owe me a concert," said Tom.

"And me!" said Blaise.

"I need to see this too," said Theo.

"Oh absolutely," said Pansy.

"Well fuck the lot of you, because I've had loads," said Enzo.

Alya looked up at him shocked, but smiled nonetheless. He smiled at her and they carried on eating.

When they had all finished, they made their way to the greenhouse for their Herbology lesson. As they were walking, Enzo grabbed Alya's arm gently and pulled her behind the others.

"I'm sorry, okay?" said Enzo. "I know that none of this was your fault, and I'm sorry that I made you feel like that. I was just hurting, I know you never meant for any of this to happen,"

"Oh, Enzo," sobbed Alya, wrapping her arms around him. "I'm so glad you don't hate me!"

"Of course I don't hate you, you bloody lunatic," laughed Enzo. "I could never hate you,"

"Good," smiled Alya. "And I don't blame you. You've just lost your mum and then found this out, it's going to knock you for six. I just wanted you to have answers, I wasn't expecting to find out everything I did, but once I did I couldn't keep it from you. I'm so sorry for everything,"

"Ally, stop apologising," smiled Enzo, cupping her face. "Thank you for doing that. You didn't have to do any of that, and thank you for telling me. Most people would've just kept that to themselves. I love you, okay? You'll always be my best friend,"

"I love you so much, Zo," smiled Alya, kissing his forehead.

They linked their arms with each other and walked with the others to Herbology.

"Friends again?" asked Draco, as he saw them linking arms.

"Always," smiled Enzo. "Thank you, pretty, for everything,"

"You're welcome," smiled Draco.

As they entered their Herbology classroom, everyone was staring at them again. They were all used to it at this point, so they didn't take notice of it. Until Pansy noticed a lot of Ravenclaw girls giving Alya death stares.

"What the fuck is your lot's problem?" she shouted at them.

"Her," said a ravenclaw girl. "What you did to Hannah was so horrible, Alya,"

"It was really bad," said another girl. "I don't know why you had to do that,"

"I forgot about that!" said Alya, as she burst out laughing. "She needs to learn to keep her freakishly large mouth shut, and to stay away from other people's boyfriends,"

"Wait, what happened?" asked Professor Sprout, who was more than intrigued by the gossip.

"Remember the girl that was rude to me on our first lesson?" asked Alya.

"The idiot that ran into me and knocked herself over?" laughed Sprout.

"Yep, that one," chuckled Alya. "Well Fred and George were pissed about what she said to me, so we pranked her. She has this huge crush on Freddie, so we thought it would be funny if Fred pretended to ask her out and give her a box of chocolates. Only, they weren't your usual chocolates. They were actually fever fudge, from the twins' joke shop. They give you these massive pus-filled spots all over your face,"

"That is incredible," laughed Sprout. "Who's idea was that?"

"Mine, of course," chuckled Alya. "She tried to kiss him too, so I punched her in the face,"

"Honestly, Alya," chuckled Sprout. "It's like talking to your mother all over again,"

"What can I say," chuckled Alya. "We protect what's ours,"

"Aquila was exactly the same," smiled Sprout.

"She's just admitted to punching someone and pranking them and you're laughing?" snapped a ravenclaw girl.

"Yes, yes I am," said Sprout. "It sounds to me like Miss Thompson deserved it,"

"Are you serious right now?" snapped the ravenclaw.

"Deadly," smiled Sprout. "If you don't like that fact, you can leave,"

The whole class erupted with laughter at Sprout's remark, along with the story Alya had told. They continued their lesson, but kept getting sly looks from the Ravenclaw's.

"All of these looks are really starting to piss me off," said Pansy. "Either come over here and do something or don't fucking look at her,"

"Oh come on," chuckled Enzo. "None of these dumb bitches are brave enough to do anything,"

"Oh shut up, gay boy," sneered one of the girls.

Alya hopped over the table and punched the girl hard in her face, grabbing her by her collar.

"The fuck did you just say?" she growled.

"Oh here she goes," laughed Enzo.

"That's my girl," smirked Mattheo.

"Get off me!" shrieked the girl.

"Hit me back," said Alya. "Go on, do it,"

"What, and have those lot beat the shit out of me?" said the girl.

"Good point," laughed Alya. "Pans, want a go?"

"Definitely," smiled Pansy, walking over and punching the girl. "First of all, don't EVER be homophobic in my presence. Secondly, don't ever fuck with Enzo, or Ally, or any of my friends or next time you'll be leaving in a body bag,"

"Thirdly, get out of my greenhouse and don't ever set foot in here again," snapped Sprout. "I will not tolerate homophobia and discrimination, and I will not teach anyone who uses it! I shall be writing to your parents, you'll be lucky if you're not expelled! Alya, give her one from me, will you love?"

"Yes ma'am," smiled Alya, punching the girl again.

Alya and Pansy went back to their seats and the girl scurried out of the room.

"God, I love you two," smiled Enzo.

"We love you more, ZoZo," smiled Alya.

"Always," smiled Pansy.

"You just get sexier every single day," smirked Blaise.

"Oh shush, you," chuckled Alya.

Shortly after, the lesson was over and Alya and her friends went back to the Great Hall for lunch. They sat down to eat as Snape entered the hall and walked over to them.

"Hello darling," smiled Snape. "How are you today?"

"I'm good," smiled Alya. "Enzo and I patched things up, so I feel great,"

"I'm so glad," smiled Snape. "Listen, I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of looking at some houses that are on the market and I found a few in Godrick's Hollow that I think would be suitable for your grandparents,"

"Of course I don't mind," smiled Alya. "Pick one and let me know, I'll buy it,"

"Thank you, Ally," said Snape. "You really don't have to do this,"

"I want to," smiled Alya. "Pick one that has a nice garden, I get the impression grandma likes being outside,"

"She does," smiled Snape. "I'll get back to you once I've found one, plus them being in Godrick's Hollow means they'll be close to you,"

"I know," smiled Alya. "I can't wait to introduce then to everyone,"

"If they need help moving or anything, please let us know," said Mattheo. "I'd be happy to help,"

"Me too," said Tom.

"Definitely," said Draco.

Blaise, Theo and Enzo all nodded.

"We could let the boys get their stuff while Ally and I sit with them," said Pansy. "So they don't have to do anything,"

"They aren't ancient, Pans," laughed Alya.

"I know, but that doesn't mean we can't let the boys do it for them," chuckled Pansy.

"Thank you everyone," chuckled Snape. "My mother would love that,"

"Let's do it," said Mattheo. "Let us know when they're moving,"

"I can't really expect you to do that, Riddle, I was joking," said Snape.

"We're not," said Tom. "I'm not anyway, I'd happily do that for them,"

"Same here," said Mattheo.

"And me," said Draco and Blaise.

"Why not," said Theo. "Anything for our Ally, family included,"

"It'll give us something to do, I suppose," chuckled Enzo.

"That's settled then," said Pansy.

"Wow, guys," said Alya. "You can't be serious,"

"Ally, respectfully, shut up," said Tom. "We're serious. It's happening,"

"God I love you all so much," smiled Alya.

"We love you more, darling," smiled Draco.

"O-okay then..." said Snape. "I'll tell them,"

"Want me to do it?" asked Alya. "I'll do it now,"

"Ally, I'm legilimens too, remember," chuckled Snape.

"Oh yeah," laughed Alya.

"I'll come see you later, love you," smiled Snape.

"Love you ," smiled Alya, as Snape walked to the teacher's table.

Alya and her friends finished eating their lunch. They had no more lessons for that day, so they decided to go and sit in the common room. They sat on their sofas as usual, and Alya was sitting on Tom's lap hugging him.

"Anyone fancy going to Hogsmeade?" asked Alya. "It's boring here,"

"Oh thanks," chuckled Tom.

"Oh shut up," chuckled Alya."You know what I mean,"

"Let's go, love," smiled Draco.

They all left the castle and made their way to Hogsmeade. They sat in the three broomsticks for a while and ordered a few butterbeers, talking amongst themselves. What they didn't notice, though, was a man with his hood up, watching them at their table. After a while, Snape walked into the three broomsticks.

"Hey Ally," he said, excitedly.

"Hey dad," said Alya. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't have any more lessons," said Snape. "And I couldn't wait to tell you the news. Your grandparents have picked a house out of the options I had for them, and I told them about your friends helping them out and they're really excited!"

"That's amazing!" smiled Alya. "Did you contact the people who we're buying the house from yet?"

"I did," said Snape. "He said the house is ready to move into as soon as it's been bought, which means your grandparents could move in as early as Wednesday if you bought it tomorrow!"

"Or I could buy it now," said Alya. "And they could move in tomorrow,"

"I-I mean, yeah, you could," said Snape, as his eyes lit up. "It's not cheap though, Ally, are you sure you want to do this?"

"More than sure," smiled Alya. "How much is it?"

"27 thousand..." said Snape.

"Light work," chuckled Alya. "I think you're forgetting the part where I'm a literal billionaire,"

"Don't say that too loud, doll," whispered Tom. "You never know who's listening in,"

"Tommy, everyone in this pub knows who I am," said Alya. "Which means everyone in this pub will know that I obviously have a lot of money,"

"You still need to be careful, love," said Draco.

"I know," said Alya. "It's all good. So, shall I just give you my card and let you deal with the house stuff?" Alya asked her father.

"You can do," said Snape. "But you'll need to be there the day of the move, so you can sign the paperwork as it'll be your card details,"

"I mean, we were all planning to be there anyway," chuckled Alya,handing him her card. "Here,"

"Thank you, darling, I'll go and contact them now," said Snape, getting up and leaving the pub.

"Looks like one of you is going to have to buy me butterbeers for the rest of the afternoon," chuckled Alya.

"Gladly," smiled Draco.

"Of course," said Theo.

"I will,"said Blaise.

"I'll do it," said Tom.

"And me," said Mattheo.

"I wasn't going to offer, to be honest," chuckled Enzo. "And I'm glad I didn't, looks like you have enough offers,"

"Dick," laughed Alya. "Although I'm not even slightly surprised,"

"I would've offered," said Pansy. "But clearly there's no need,"

"Clearly," laughed Alya. "Thank you, boys,"

They all laughed at each other and sat there for a few more hours before deciding to go back to the Great Hall for dinner. As they started eating, Snape walked into the hall.

"Here's your card, darling," smiled Snape, handing it to her. "Your grandparents are moving in tomorrow. I'm going to talk to Dumbledore and get you all out of your lessons for the day,"

"That's incredible," chuckled Blaise.

"Don't get used to it, Zabini," said Snape. "You're doing a favour for my parents, nothing more,"

"Yeah, yeah," chuckled Blaise.

"Come down and have breakfast at your usual time in the morning," said Snape. "We'll leave after, yeah?"

"Okie dokie," smiled Alya.

"Good," smiled Snape. "Enjoy your dinner, I'll see you in the morning,"

"You too," said Alya, as Snape walked over to his table.

"This is going to be so cute, I love old people," said Enzo.

"They're not that old, Zo," laughed Alya. "They actually look quite young,"

"Well, I love grandparents then," chuckled Enzo. "And they tend to love me,"

"Amazing," laughed Pansy.

"They're so excited to meet you all, though," smiled Alya. "They kept asking about you all,"

"Did you tell them we're the lights of your life and the best things to ever happen to you?" asked Theo.

"No, I told them you're all a huge pain in my ass and I can't wait to be rid of the lot of you," smirked Alya.

"Whatever, you wouldn't ever get rid of any of us," chuckled Mattheo.

"You love us all too much," smiled Tom.

"Me, especially," smirked Draco.

"Shut up, Dray," chuckled Alya.

"Actually, she loves me the most," said Enzo, in a sassy tone. "You're a close second, pretty,"

"You know I love you all the same," laughed Alya.

"Yeah right," winked Draco.

Alya rolled her eyes at him playfully and laughed.

"Well it's true, you don't," said Blaise. "You don't love me, Theo, Enzo or Pansy in the same way you love Draco, Matt and Tom,"

"Well..." said Alya. "That's not my fault,"

"I know, I'm just saying," chuckled Blaise. "You can't love us all equally,"

"You know what I mean, Blaisey," chuckled Alya.

"I know, I know," laughed Blaise.

"Much to our disappointment," said Theo.

Alya and her friends laughed at each other and carried on talking while eating their dinner. Once they had all finished, they went to leave the hall. Fred and George caught up with them as they were about to leave and decided to go with them to the Slytherin common room.

As they entered the common room, Alya sat on Draco's lap with her legs across Fred's, while Mattheo laid across her and put his head on her chest. They sat like this for a little while before Alya had an idea.

"Guys, we should do something like this every week, but we should go somewhere," said Alya. "Like make a little tradition or something,"

"Where though?" asked Mattheo.

"What about the black lake?" asked Theo.

"Why the black lake?" chuckled Blaise.

"It's nice this time of night," said Theo. "Plus it's far from the castle and everything so we won't get caught. I go and smoke out there all the time and I've never been caught,"

"That sounds good to be fair," said Tom. "We could have a drink together or something,"

"Make it into a weekly tradition," said Draco.

"Yeah, I like that idea," said Pansy. "When, though,"

"I'd say a Friday or Saturday," said Alya. "But Fred and George won't be there,"

"Don't worry about us, love," said Fred.

"Yeah, we'll make our Thursday pranking days a tradition for us instead," said George. "Plus, we don't have to go to the shop every weekend. Some weekends we can stay or go a day later,"

"That's true," said Alya. "Okay so every Friday we'll go to the black lake and get drunk,"

"Sounds good," chuckled Mattheo. "Theo and I can bring some other stuff if you guys are interested,"

"What other stuff?" asked Enzo.

"You know, those magical herbs," laughed Theo.

"Fuck yes," said Blaise. "This is going to be fun,"

"I'm so excited," said Alya.

"Same here," smiled Draco.

"Me too," smiled Enzo.

After a while, Fred and George decided to go to bed so Alya gave them both a hug and a kiss as they left the common room. The others all decided to go to bed too, so they all said goodnight one by one before leaving the common room, leaving only Alya, Mattheo and Draco.

"Matty, it's your night isn't it?" asked Alya.

"It is indeed, princess," smiled Mattheo. "I'm so excited,"

"Me too," smiled Alya. "Are you sharing with Dray again?"

"If he wants," said Mattheo. "I don't mind,"

"As much as I want to, I really want you to myself this week," said Draco. "It wouldn't be fair if I came both nights,"

"No one needs to know," smirked Mattheo. "Just come with us,"

"Yeah, we just won't tell the others," said Alya.

"Okay then," smiled Draco, as they walked up to Alya and Draco's dorm.

Alya changed into her pyjamas, while Mattheo and Draco just put on a pair of tracksuit bottoms without a shirt. Alya smirked at them both, before climbing into bed and straddling Mattheo.

"I've missed this," she said, kissing him gently.

"Me too, it feels like I haven't seen you properly all week," smiled Mattheo, kissing her all over her cheeks.

"It feels like I've seen you quite a lot this week, Ally," said Draco. "But still not enough,"

"It will never be enough," chuckled Alya. "It's bloody hard work being with you all, you know,"

"I bet it is, princess," chuckled Mattheo. "It's hard for us too, trust me,"

"I can imagine," said Alya. "I go nuts at the thought of any of you being with someone else. I couldn't bare to think of you being with someone else, but you guys have to see it every day,"

"But Ally, you were fine with -" started Draco. "Uh... me and Matt last time,"

"That's different," said Alya. "That's inside our group, and it was all of us together. If it was just the two of you on your own it might get to me a little bit, but I don't have the right to ask you not to,"

"Oh..." said Draco, realising what she meant.

"But it's okay, like I said I want you to be happy," said Alya. "And I have absolutely no right to be jealous or...anything if you do want to be with someone else, because I'm literally with 5 people,"

"Ally..." said Draco. "You know I love you, right?"

"Of course," said Alya. "And I love you,"

"Am I missing something?" asked Mattheo.

"No," said Alya, quickly. "And I love you too, Matty,"

"I love you my girl," smiled Mattheo, kissing her again.

"Oh I didn't even tell you guys," chuckled Alya, jumping off of Mattheo's lap and running to the wardrobe. "I have a surprise,"

She grabbed the bag of stuff she'd bought from Strictly Pleasures and ran into the bathroom. She changed into the red lingerie set she had bought before walking back into the bedroom.


"Holy... f-fuck, Ally," stuttered Mattheo, as he stared at her with wide eyes.

"Merlin..." whispered Draco. "Y-you look... insane,"

"Uh huh," said Mattheo, barely able to string a sentence together. "Get your pretty ass over here,"

"Yes, sir," smirked Alya, walking over and straddling Mattheo again.

Mattheo wasted no time in crashing his lips into hers as soon as she got on top of him. He gripped her hips tight and guided her as she grinded on him. Draco trailed a hand down her back gently, sending shivers down her spine.

"Oh my god, Ally," moaned Draco.

Alya pulled away from her kiss with Mattheo and grabbed Draco's neck, pulling him closer. She kissed him passionately whilst still grinding on Mattheo. Draco reached his hands around and started massaging her breasts and dragging his hands up and down her back.

"I bought some other stuff too," smirked Alya, pulling away from Draco and grabbing the bag. "Remember that shop Georgie was talking about?"

"The sex shop..." said Mattheo.

"Yep," smirked Alya. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course," said Draco.

"Good," smirked Alya. "Remember our safe word?"

"Apples," said Mattheo.

"That's right, pretty boy," smirked Alya. "Now don't move,"

She pulled out two vibrating rings from the bag, as well as a potion. She walked over to them both and pulled them both close to her, so that they were sat on the bed with their legs hanging off of it. She straddled Draco, while kissing his neck harshly and removing his top.

"Drink this," said Alya, handing him the potion. "Not all of it, just a swig,"

"Uhh, okay," said Draco, taking a swig. He instantly felt tingling in his boxers. "What have you done, Ally,"

"Nothing yet," smirked Alya, kissing him again and climbing off of him. She climbed onto Mattheo's lap and removed his shirt, kissing his neck harshly too.

"Your turn, Matty,"she said, handing him the potion. He took a sip from it without hesitation. "Such a good boy for me," smirked Alya, which made Mattheo's breath hitch in his throat.

She dropped to her knees in front of him and sat in between his legs, pulling off his tracksuit bottoms. She cast 'muffliato' on the door quickly.

"Dray, can you feel this?" asked Alya, as she pulled off Mattheo's boxers and licked his tip gently.

Mattheo and Draco both let out a quiet whimper as she did this, which told Alya that the potion had worked. She wrapped her hands around Mattheo's length, moving them up and down whilst swirling her tongue all over his tip. He and Draco both started moaning, as Mattheo threw his head back. He looked over at Draco, who still had his tracksuit bottoms on. His head was also thrown back and he was staring at Alya, lustfully.

"Get over here," Mattheo said to Draco, who moved up on the bed so he was sitting right next to him.

Mattheo grabbed Draco's cheeks and kissed him roughly. They both got really into it as Alya stared at them, still rubbing Mattheo. The sight of the two of them kissing really made Alya even more aroused. Mattheo kissed Draco's neck, and started to pull off his trousers and boxers. He wrapped his hand around Draco's cock, which made them both let out a loud, deep groan.

"H-holy shit," whimpered Draco, as Mattheo picked up the pace.

Alya took Mattheo into her mouth as he did this, making them both whimper loudly. Mattheo had one hand bunching Alya's hair and one hand around Draco's cock, while Draco had put a hand around Mattheo's throat and one on his thigh.

They continued to do this for a few minutes, before Alya grabbed Mattheo's hand and pulled it off of Draco. Instead, she moved across to sit in between Draco's legs and pulled out the ring. She looked into Draco's eyes and kissed him gently before placing the ring on his length. He looked down at her, breathing heavily but smirking at her as she clicked the button on the side of the ring. It started vibrating slowly, but Alya decided to turn it up two clicks, which made both of their knees buckle.

"Oh fuuuuck," whimpered Mattheo, as Alya wrapped her mouth around Draco's tip and sucked it softly.

"Just like that, pretty girl," said Draco, throwing his head back and squeezing his eyes shut in pleasure. "D-don't... fuck, don't stop,"

"Yes, sir," smirked Alya, which made Draco grab her head and push it down gently. He stopped immediately, realising he may have been harsh. But he saw Alya smirking at him, so he did it again.

"Ohh, you like that you little slut?" he asked, grabbing her head and pushing his cock to the back of her throat.

"Of course she does," smirked Mattheo. "Do it again, let me hear those pretty gagging noises,"

Draco smirked at Mattheo and obliged, fucking Alya's throat so hard she was sure it'd be bruised. But she didn't care, she loved it.

"F-fucking hell, princess," whimpered Mattheo.

"Such a good girl for us," groaned Draco. He took one hand off of Alya's head and wrapped it around Mattheo's cock instead, rubbing him up and down slowly.

"Oh my fucking god," they both whimpered at the same time, now enjoying the feeling of the ring, Draco's hand and Alya's mouth at the same time around both of their cocks.

Alya stood up and grabbed Draco's neck, kissing him roughly. He used one hand to pull the top part of the lingerie down, kissing her neck, chest and breasts. Mattheo moved over to kiss and suck on Alya's neck.

"Please don't leave marks on my neck tonight," chuckled Alya. "Anywhere they can't be seen is fine, but not my neck.Not if we're going to see my grandparents tomorrow,"

"Yes ma'am," smirked Mattheo, sucking the skin around her breasts and leaving hickies all over.

"I think our girl needs some marks somewhere else," said Draco. "What do you think Matt?"

"I think you're right," smirked Mattheo, leaning back on the bed and pulling Alya up so that she was sitting on his face.

He removed the rest of the lingerie she was wearing and started kissing and licking her thighs, making her squirm above him. She looked down at him lustfully. She loved the way he looked underneath her, especially when he made eye contact with her as his tongue grazed across her clit. He licked circles around it and licked it side to side, making her moan loudly. Meanwhile, Draco pulled out the other ring and had positioned himself in between Mattheo's legs. He slid the ring onto Mattheo's length, while taking him in his mouth. They were both moaning and groaning loudly as they did this, which made Alya even more aroused, which she didn't think was even possible. Mattheo's groans were vibrating through Alya's body, and it wasn't long before her legs started shaking and she came all over Mattheo's face, whimpering his name.

"That was so fucking hot, Ally," said Draco, still rubbing Mattheo's cock at a fast pace.

Alya climbed off of Mattheo's face and kissed him passionately, tasting herself in the kisses. She beckoned Draco to sit on the bed next to Mattheo. She kissed Draco roughly while moving his hands behind his back, before muttering 'incarcerous'. Thick ropes instantly appeared and wrapped themselves around Draco's hands as he looked up at Alya in shock. She pulled his ring off of him, but kept Mattheo's on.

"You won't need this, it'll be too much," said Alya. "Keep your eyes on me, pretty boy. Don't look away, or I won't let you cum,"

Draco nodded as Alya straddled Mattheo, teasing her entrance with his tip which made him squirm and whimper slightly. She leant forward to kiss him before lowering herself onto him, causing the three of them to let out a loud moan. His hands fell to her hips he gripped them tightly, guiding her waist while thrusting into her from beneath. Before long, he became a moaning mess and could feel himself coming undone as Alya picked up the pace she was riding him at.

"Fuck, that's my girl," groaned Mattheo. "Such a pretty little slut for me,"

"You take him so well, Ally," whimpered Draco. "You look so good fucking him like that,"

"I fucking love you, Mattheo," whimpered Alya. "Are you ready to cum for me, my pretty boy?"

"Fuck, yes Ally," whimpered Mattheo, as his legs started to shake and his cock started twitching.

"Good boy," whimpered Alya, breathlessly as she rode him as fast as she could. "Such a fucking g-good boy... fuuuuck,"

They both whimpered and practically screamed each other's names as a huge wave of euphoria came over them. Alya felt her walls clench around Mattheo's cock as his hot cum shot inside of her. Draco was whimpering too, feeling the same as what Mattheo did but without the release, meaning he had been edged badly. Alya fell forward onto his chest, kissing him sloppily as they caught their breaths. After a few seconds, Mattheo kissed Alya on her cheeks before going into the bathroom to clean himself up.

Alya looked up at Draco, heart melting at the pain in his face from being so overstimulated. His tip was red and dripping with pre cum from the lack of release. She tried her best to scoot over to him, still weak from her previous two orgasms. She kissed him gently on his lips, running one hand through his hair and cupping his cheeks with the other. She looked into his eyes and smiled at him lovingly, before straddling him too.

"F-fuck, Ally, that's so sensitive," whimpered Draco.

"I know baby, I know," said Alya, kissing his neck.

"I-it hurts," said Draco.

"It'll only hurt for a second, I promise," smiled Alya. "I love you so much, my handsome boy,"

Draco looked up at her with wide eyes as a huge smile spread across his face. He kissed her gently and she took this opportunity of distraction to slide herself onto him slowly.

"H-holy fuck... f-fuck, Ally," whimpered Draco, squeezing his eyes shut from a mixture of pain and pleasure.

"It's okay baby, it won't take long," smiled Alya, kissing him again as she rode him.

"P-please untie me, gorgeous," gasped Draco. "I need to t-touch you,"

"Yes sir," said Alya, as she muttered the counter curse for the ropes around his wrists.

"G-good girl," smirked Draco, as he grabbed her waist and thrusted into her hard.

She moved her hips in time with his, and about 10 seconds later his legs were shaking. He buried his head in her neck as he whimpered louder than ever into her ears, his hot cum filling her up as she rode out his orgasm.


"Oh my... oh my god," said Draco, breathlessly as he came down from his high. "You're so perfect, Ally,"

"You're perfect, Dray," smiled Alya.

"God I love you, Alya Cortez" smiled Draco, pushing her hair behind her ears and cupping her cheeks, looking into her eyes.

"I love you, Draco Malfoy," giggled Alya.

"My last name sounds so good coming out of your mouth," he smiled. "It's like it was made for you. Alya Malfoy sounds so good,"

"W-what?" stuttered Alya, looking up at him with wide eyes.

"I... that just slipped out," said Draco. "I didn't mean... W-well, I did but... I'm sorry, just ignore that,"

"Dray..." said Alya, looking into his eyes.

"Let's go get cleaned up, yeah?" said Draco, quickly getting off the bed and going to the bathroom.

Alya watched him for a second before following him. Mattheo was already in the shower, so the two of them joined him.

"I figured you wouldn't be very long, so I thought I'd wait for you," smiled Mattheo.

"Aw, you're sweet, Matty," smiled Alya, kissing him on his nose and his forehead.

"Yeah, super sweet," said Draco, copying her.

The three of them laughed and started to clean themselves and each other in the shower. They spent some time rubbing shampoo in each other's hair, Mattheo insisted on doing Draco's which he loved. Draco did Alya's at the same time and she felt extremely happy and content. When they had finished, the three of them dried themselves and put their underwear back on and climbed into bed cuddling each other. Alya was in the middle, while Draco and Mattheo both had their heads on her chest cuddling into her.

"I wish we could do this every night," said Mattheo. "Just the three of us,"

"You like it when it's the three of us?" asked Draco.

"Of course I do," said Mattheo. "Don't you?"

"Y-yeah, of course," blushed Draco.

"God, stop blushing, Malfoy," giggled Alya.

"I can't help it," giggled Draco.

"You're so fucking adorable," smirked Mattheo.

"Shut up, Riddle," giggled Draco.

"Oh my god, come here," giggled Mattheo, leaning over and kissing him gently on his lips.

They smiled at each other afterwards before laying back down with Alya. She kissed them both on their heads and smiled to herself.

"I wish it could be like this every night, too," smiled Alya. "But you both know I love the others too much,"

"I know," said Mattheo. "And I'm still fine with this whole open thing, but it's just annoying sometimes,"

"I know it is, and I'm sorry," said Alya. "But you know I love you right?"

"Of course, princess," said Mattheo. "And I love you even more,"

"Not more than I do," smiled Draco, kissing her cheeks.

"We'll see about that," chuckled Mattheo.

Alya turned her body slightly so that she was being spooned by Mattheo and Draco was her chest. She wrapped her arms around him and played with his hair, placing little kisses on his head every so often while Mattheo did the same for her, before the three of them fell asleep.

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