Slytherin Royalty

由 MrsDxMalfoy

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"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... 更多

One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Reality
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Day Off
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday
Character list & Authors Note!


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由 MrsDxMalfoy

The next morning, Alya woke up with Blaise's arms wrapped around her as he was spooning her from behind. She turned around gently as his eyes fluttered open and a huge smile spread across his face.

"Wow," he said softly. "No wonder everyone's so obsessed with spending the night with you. Waking up to you feels like a dream,"

"Oh my god, Blaise," giggled Alya. "You're so cute,"

"And you're beautiful," smiled Blaise. "You feeling okay?"

"Why wouldn't I?" asked Alya.

"I just meant... you're not regretting anything, are you?" he asked.

"Of course not," smiled Alya, placing a hand on his cheek. "You?"

"Definitely not," said Blaise. "I... I told you I loved you last night, didn't I?"

"You did," chuckled Alya.

"Shit," said Blaise. "Oh well, now you know,"

"I seem to have that effect on people," chuckled Alya.

"Tell me about it," laughed Blaise. "Wanna go get some breakfast?"

"Yeah, let's go," smiled Alya, as she got up to get dressed.

They walked down to the great hall together and sat at the house table. None of their other friends were there yet, surprisingly, so it was just the two of them for a while.

"This feels like a date," said Blaise. "Just the two of us,"

"A date... in the great hall?" laughed Alya.

"You know what I mean, idiot," chuckled Blaise. "Kind of wish it was, though,"

"You've never shown me this soppy, romantic side to you before," smiled Alya. "I didn't know you had it in you,"

"Oh shush," said Blaise. "Don't let anyone hear you,"

Alya laughed at him as they ate their breakfast together.

"How are we, of all people, awake before the others?" laughed Blaise.

"I have no idea," said Alya. "Maybe they all had a party without us or something,"

"Imagine," chuckled Blaise. "I'd go nuts, I love a party,"

"I know you bloody do," laughed Alya. "Speaking of, it's your birthday soon isn't it?"

"Next month," said Blaise. "How do you know that?"

"I know everything," smirked Alya. "What do you want to do for it?"

"Anything that involves you," smiled Blaise.

"I'll have to check my diary, I may be fully booked that day," laughed Alya.

"Oh shut up, Alya," laughed Blaise.

"I'm only joking," chuckled Alya. "I'll plan something,"

"Thank you," smiled Blaise. "We could just have a party in the common room,"

"If that's what you want," said Alya.

"I do," said Blaise. "I love our parties, they're so fun,"

"I'll get us some drinks and stuff then," said Alya. "I'll sort it with the others, your birthday falls on a tuesday though,"

"It'll be fine," said Blaise. "We just have to try not to get too drunk,"

"That's going to end well," laughed Alya.

"What is?" asked Mattheo, as he and the others walked into the hall.

"We're just discussing Blaise's birthday," said Alya, as she stood up to hug all of her friends.

"Oh... when is it?" asked Tom.

"You've known me for 6 years, Riddle, are you serious?" said Blaise.

"I don't pay that much attention to you if I'm honest, Zabini," chuckled Tom.

"It's the 21st of February," said Alya. "We're going to have a party in the common room for him,"

"How the bloody hell do you know that and we don't," laughed Draco.

"Like I said to Blaise, I know everything," chuckled Alya.

"What are you doing up so early, anyway?" asked Enzo. "I don't think I've ever known you to be up so early on a weekend,"

"I actually don't know," laughed Alya.

"Clearly couldn't sleep properly with Blaise," laughed Theo.

"She slept perfectly fine, thank you," barked Blaise. "Didn't you, Ally,"

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, Blaise," laughed Pansy.

"Shut up, Pants," laughed Blaise.

"No, I did sleep well," laughed Alya. "We just woke up and decided to come down, I didn't realise how early it was to be honest,"

"Did he behave himself?" asked Mattheo, glaring at Blaise.

"Yes, he was a very good boy," smirked Alya. Blaise shook his head playfully at her

"Oh god," said Pansy. "You didn't..."

"Oh she did," smirked Blaise. "I understand why everyone fell in love with her so quickly now,"

"Asshole!" laughed Alya. "I think you'll find they all fell in love before we slept together, unlike you!"

"Technically, yes," said Draco. "But we slept together the second day we met, so I don't know about that,"

"Okay, other than you then," laughed Alya.

"Wait, what do you mean?" asked Theo.

"I... for fuck sake," said Blaise, putting his head in his hands. "It's not my fault, I don't know how or when it happened, it just did,"

"Bloody hell," said Enzo. "I can't say I'm surprised,"

"So you love her too?" asked Tom.

"Of course I do," sighed Blaise. "How could I not?"

"Very true," said Mattheo. "I can't believe you slept with him, Ally,"

"Yeah... I mean, it's Blaise," said Draco.

"He's hot!" chuckled Alya. "I wasn't planning on it, it was his fault!"

"How?" said Blaise. "You came on to me,"

"You got hard within seconds of me stepping into your room," laughed Alya. "That's your own fault. You can't expect me not to after seeing that,"

"Wow, so that's all it takes huh?" chuckled Theo. "Noted,"

"Oh really?" laughed Alya. "You're just really... lovey and romantic when we're together. I couldn't imagine you getting hard and actually telling me,"

"I will next time," smirked Theo.

"I'm sure," chuckled Alya.

"Okay, that's enough of that," said Mattheo. "I don't want to hear about this anymore,"

"Mattheo, you can't get mad," said Pansy. "You agreed to share her,"

"I'm not mad!" said Mattheo. "Doesn't mean I want to hear my friends talking about fucking my girl,"

"She isn't just your girl, Matt," said Blaise.

"Don't you think I fucking know that?" snapped Mattheo. "Just... whatever, okay. Just drop it,"

Alya looked up at him concerned, but he avoided eye contact with her. Silence fell upon the group as they continued to eat their breakfast.

"So what time are you meeting your dad today, angel face?" asked Enzo after a while.

"I'm not actually sure," said Alya. "I'll ask him when we've finished, he might want to start now,"

"Do you want us to come?" asked Pansy.

"I'll ask dad," said Alya. "He might want to do it on his own,"

"I get that," said Tom. "Just let us know, we'll be there if you need us, yeah?"

"Thank you, Tommy," smiled Alya.

Once the group had finished their breakfast, Alya was going to walk over to Snape. Instead, he had already started walking to her.

"Hello darling, did you sleep well?" asked Snape.

"I did, thank you," smiled Alya. "When do you want to get started?"

"Are you free now?" asked Snape.

"Of course," said Alya. "Do you want me to come on my own?"

"Not necessary," said Snape. "Your 50 boyfriends can come too, if they wish,"

"Actually, there's only 3 today," laughed Alya. "And the others, of course,"

"Wow, only three," laughed Snape. "Let's go,"

Alya, Snape and the rest of the slytherins walked to Snape's classroom together. When they got there, Alya sat down at the front table as her friends sat around her. Snape brought his chair over to the table Alya was at, just like he did the day he told her about his power.

"Do you know what you're doing?" asked Snape.

"Not in the slightest," said Alya.

"I'll guide you," said Snape. "Go into my head, just like you did the night of the Masquerade ball. Once you're in there, take a look around as if you were going to read my mind,"

"Okay, then what?" asked Alya.

"I'll think of a memory, watch it as it comes into my head," said Snape. "You may find a couple of your mother and I,"

"Why didn't we do this before!" said Alya, excitedly.

"I know, we're bloody stupid," chuckled Snape. "Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be," said Alya.

"You've got this, Ally," smiled Draco.

"You'll do great, princess," smiled Mattheo.

"Thank you guys," smiled Alya.

She closed her eyes and entered her father's mind.

"Dad, can you hear me?" asked Alya.

"I can hear you, darling," replied Snape.

"Are you sure this is okay?" asked Alya. "Looking around your memories, I mean,"

"Of course it is, Ally," said Snape. "You're my daughter. I only wish I had more than memories to give to you,"

"It's okay, it's not your fault," smiled Alya.

She looked around inside Snape's head as Snape made himself think of a memory. She watched as her mother's face appeared all over Snape's mind. She saw the day the two of them met, as her mother stepped off the Hogwarts express at platform 9 ¾. She saw Snape's eyes light up as soon as he caught sight of her. Aquila looked over at Snape and smiled. It was safe to say Alya had the same smile. Alya watched as Snape showed her the progression of his relationship with Aquila, their first conversation where Snape was a blubbering, stuttering mess, how every boy in the school was desperately trying to get Aquila's attention, but she only looked at Snape in that way. She saw the two of them blossom into a friendship, seeing each other every day and hanging out in each others dorms for 3 whole years before Aquila finally admitted her feelings for Snape.


"Sev, I need to talk to you about something," 3rd year Aquila said, sounding worried.

"What's wrong, love?" asked 3rd year Snape.

"I just... you're my best friend," said Aquila. "But I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel more than that for you. I can't help but admire everything you do, how you portray yourself, how you're so interested in potions and so good at it too. I've developed stronger feelings for you than I ever thought possible, and I can't keep them to myself any longer. I like you, Severus. I really, really like you, and not in a friendship way anymore. I understand if you don't feel the same, I just needed to tell you,"

"Quila... I've loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you," said Snape. "How could I not? You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're so smart, funny, kind, you're everything I've ever dreamt of. I just never thought you'd feel the same way about me so I kept it to myself. I didn't want to make things weird, and I figured I'd rather have you as my best friend then not have you in my life at all,"

"You... you love me?" asked Aquila, with a huge grin on her face.

"I love you so much," smiled Snape, as Aquila wrapped her arms around him and kissed him gently on his lips.

"I love you too, Sev," she smiled.


Alya smiled to herself, trying to control the tears that were threatening to leak from her eyes. She could sense Snape doing the same.

"It's okay, dad," said Alya. "You can show me more another time if it's too hard,"

"No, I want to show you now," said Snape, voice breaking.

"No," said Alya. "I've seen enough. Let's find our family now, yeah?"

Truthfully, Alya wanted to see everything. But she could see how much it was affecting her father, and she didn't want to put him through that. Snape agreed and began showing Alya a memory of an older man and woman. The man looked just like Snape, just with grey hair instead of black.


"Do you think we don't see him?" shouted the man. "Every week, he shows up in the garden. And every time, you're out there talking to him like he's...a friend or something,"

"Of course he isn't a friend!" shouted Snape, who was a few years older than he was in the last memory he had shown. "You don't understand.

"No, we don't understand, Severus!" shouted a younger looking woman. "Why is he here? What does he want?"

"I can't tell you, mother," said Snape.

"Show me your arm," shouted Snape's dad.

"Father... I -" said Snape.

"You've joined him, haven't you," shouted Snape's dad.

"It's not as simple as that," said Snape.

"Oh my god..." said Snape's mother. "I don't believe this. He's lying, Tobias, he has to be,"

"Eileen, he's not," said Tobias. "He's telling the truth, I can see it in his eyes.

"Severus, tell me he's wrong," begged Eileen, tears streaming down her face.

"I... I can't," said Snape.

"Why..." said Tobias. "Why would you join him?"

"It's not what you think!" said Snape.

"You are a death eather, Severus!" shouted Tobias. "That's what's happening here, isn't it? So how is it not what we think?!"

"I - " started Snape.

"No, you know what? I don't want to know," said Tobias. "Get out of my face. I don't even want to look at you right now,"

"Father, please," said Snape, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"After everything that man has done..." said Eileen. "And you've joined him. How could you? Did we not raise you better than this?"

"Mother, I swear it's not like that," said Snape. "You have to let me explain,"

"I don't want to hear it," snapped Tobias. "Get out. Go on, leave!"

"B-but... father, I -" stuttered Snape.

"NOW!" shouted Tobias.


Alya gasped as she left Snape's head and returned back into his classroom. She got up and hugged him immediately, holding back tears.

"I'm sorry, dad," she whispered.

He nodded his head at her and said nothing as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

"So... what do I do now?" asked Alya, sitting back down.

"Did you get a clear enough look at them?" asked Snape.

"I think so, I can picture both of their faces," said Alya.

"Good, the next bit is down to you," said Snape. "You're going to need to be fully focused on their faces, their voices and anything that reminds you of them. Of course, I know that isn't a lot but I guess you could use me. All you need to do is the same thing you do when you're contacting one of us through your legilimency, like when you came to me when you were at the Manor or when you talked to your friends over Christmas. But make sure you're completely focused on them,"

"Yeah...this might be harder than I thought," said Alya.

"Ally, you can do this," said Pansy. "You're Alya Cortez. You're a literal goddess, you can do anything,"

"I know..." said Alya.

"Darling, stop overthinking," said Draco, walking over to her and taking her hands into his.

"Huh?," said Alya.

"Listen, I know you can do this," said Draco. "But you need to stop overthinking it, otherwise it won't happen. Just focus all of your energy onto your dad, it's easier than you think. You're not going to disappoint anyone if it doesn't work straight away, no one is going to be upset or angry with you I promise. I love you and I know you've got this,"

"How do you know exactly what I'm thinking?" chuckled Alya.

"Ally, I know you better than you know yourself at this point," said Draco. "Every time something is wrong with you, I always know. Just like you do with me, don't you remember those times at the astronomy tower and in our dorm? You're the only person that's seen me cry. Well, other than when I thought you were dead... but you know what I mean,"

"Same here," smiled Mattheo.

"That's true," smiled Alya. "And you're the only person that's seen me cry, other than George and Enzo. Thank you, Dray, and I love you too,"

"Good," smiled Draco, kissing her forehead. "Now get on with it, will you? We haven't got all day,"

"Oh shut up," laughed Alya, as Draco walked back over to his seat. "Ready, dad?"

"Ready," said Snape.

Alya held Snape's hands in hers and she looked into his eyes. She let all of her thoughts drift away and cleared her mind of everything except the memories she had just seen. She pictured her grandparents' faces, their voices and replayed everything she'd heard them say over and over again in her head. She focused on Snape, as she closed her eyes and tried to find them. She focused and focused, replayed and replayed, picturing them again and again until eventually she came back into the room.

"I... I can't do it," she said softly.

"It's okay," smiled Snape. "You tried,"

"I'm so sorry dad," she said, trying to hold back her tears.

"Ally, stop," said Snape. "This is not your fault. You tried your best, that's all that matters,"

"Oh hell no," said Enzo, suddenly standing up. "Absolutely the fuck not,"

"Zo, what?" said Alya.

"Alya, darling, angel face," he said, walking over to her and pulling her up off of the chair so that she was standing up. "My beautiful goddess of a best friend, the light of my life, the bane of my existence,"

"Yes, Enzo?" chuckled Alya.

"Snap the fuck out of it!" he shouted. "Who are you?"

"Zo..." said Alya.

"No, Alya. Who the fuck are you?" he repeated.

"Alya Cortez," said Alya, softly.

"Alya Cortez," said Enzo. "And what are you?"

"I'm a goddess," said Alya.

"AND?" asked Enzo.

"And a bad bitch," said Alya.

"Wrong," said Enzo. "You're THE BADDEST bitch! I have known you for 10 years. When have you ever given up on something? Oh that's right, never. Because you're Alya fucking Cortez. You are the baddest, most powerful bitch...sorry, witch, on the planet. I will not sit here and watch you give up on something you want so badly, that's not you. I never have and I never will. So take a moment, remember who the fuck you are and try again!"

"I love you, Zo," chuckled Alya, hugging him.

"And I love you, Ally," said Enzo. "And I'll be damned if I'm going to sit here and watch you beat yourself up over something we all know you can do. So sit your perfect, pretty ass down and try again. Do exactly what you were doing before, without all the doubt you're hiding in the back of your head. And don't try and deny it, Alya, I know you too well. Get rid of it, and try again. Now,"

"Yes, sir," said Alya.

"Good girl," said Enzo, walking back to his seat. "That should do it,"

Alya sat back down and took Snape's hands back into hers. He was looking between her and Enzo, completely bewildered, but stayed silent as Alya closed her eyes. She kept thinking of what Enzo said about the doubt. He was right, she always doubted herself. It was always sitting in the back of her mind, no matter how hard she tried to get rid of it. But she thought of Enzo's words. She thought about how before she transferred to Hogwarts, Enzo was the only person in the world that truly believed in her, the only person that knew her like the back of his hand. If he said she could do it, she knew she could. She also thought of Draco's words. She thought of how much she loved him and how much she knew he loved her. With those two behind her, she felt like she could do anything.

So she cleared her mind again, and told herself over and over again that she could do it. She started to replay the memories of the voices, the faces and the words. She tried as hard as she could to find them, doing everything she normally did when she would communicate with people using her legilimency. She was determined not to give up, although after a while she started to lose hope. Until...

She saw an older lady sitting in a chair outside a small, brick house. She was knitting and had a glass of what looked like butterbeer sitting next to her on the table. Alya thought the lady looked quite familiar, when she realised that it was her grandmother. She'd done it, she'd found them! She looked around the garden and the house, before realising that it was in Wales. She took another look at her grandmother and smiled, before leaving the vision and coming back into the classroom.

Her eyes fluttered open as she came back into the room, and everyone was staring at her.

"I... I did it," said Alya, softly. "I found them,"

"Are you serious?" asked Snape.

"I'm serious," smiled Alya. "They're in Wales,"

"Wales, of course!" exclaimed Snape. "We used to go there all the time, I can't believe I never thought of that! You're brilliant, Alya,"

"I knew you could do it, angel," smiled Tom.

"Well done, Ally," said Theo.

"I told you so," smiled Draco.

"See! This is why we never give up," smiled Enzo.

"Thanks guys," smiled Alya. "I can't believe I actually did it,"

"I can," said Mattheo. "We all knew you could do it, it was only a matter of time,"

"Thank you, Matty," smiled Alya. "So, what now?"

"Right... now, um," said Snape. "I'm not sure,"

"I mean, I didn't just go through all of this stress for nothing," said Alya. "When are we going?"

"Alya," said Snape.

"No," said Alya. "You're not doing this. We've come this far, we're going,"

"But -" started Snape.

"No buts!" said Alya. "We're going, end of discussion. The question is, when?"

"Whenever you're free..." said Snape.

"I'm always free, so it's up to you," said Alya. "Tomorrow? Tonight, even?"

"Ally, that's too soon," said Snape.

"Dad, you haven't seen them for over 20 years," said Alya. "How can this be too soon? Look, I know you're worried, but we need to do this. What's the worst that can happen? We'll explain to them why you did what you did, and hopefully they'll understand. We have to go,"

"You're right," said Snape. "We'll go tomorrow,"

"Good," smiled Alya. "Coming for some lunch?"

"Yeah, let's go," smiled Snape as they all left the classroom and made their way to the great hall.

When they entered the hall, Snape said goodbye to Alya and the others before going to the teachers table. Alya and her friends sat down at their house table and began eating their lunch.

"I'm so proud of you, Ally," smiled Draco, as he kissed her cheek.

"So am I, princess," smiled Mattheo.

"Me too," smiled Tom.

"Yeah, you did really well, love," said Blaise.

"Amazing," said Theo. "You're amazing,"

"Thank you guys," smiled Alya. "I couldn't have done it without you guys. Especially Dray and Enzo, thank you both especially for talking some sense into me,"

"You're always welcome, my darling," smiled Draco.

"You're welcome, angel face," smiled Enzo. "I was right though, wasn't I? Bad bitches never give up,"

"No we don't," chuckled Alya.

"I'm so excited for our sleepover tonight," said Pansy. "I've been looking forward to it all week!"

"Me too, Pans," smiled Alya. "We're gonna get our gossip on!"

"Damn right we are," smiled Enzo. "It'll feel like the old days, just with an addition,"

"I'm glad it's me," smiled Pansy.

Alya looked over at Draco, who was staring at her silently. She went into his head to ask him something.

"Hey Dray, you okay?" she asked.

"I'm good love, are you?" asked Draco.

"I'm okay," said Alya. "Are you going to tell him? That you like him,"

"I... I don't know," said Draco. "I don't do this stuff,"

"Draco, he likes you," said Alya. "It's so obvious, he doesn't even tried to hide it. He told Pansy, Tom and I that you're the most beautiful man on the planet and he bloody well meant it,"

"Really?!" asked Draco. "Does he really think that?"

"Of course he does, because it's true," smiled Alya.

"Wow," blushed Draco. "I love you, Ally,"

"I love you more, gorgeous," smiled Alya. "Now tell him!"

"Okay, but not now," said Draco. "And... I want you there when I do. Is that okay?"

"Of course it is," smiled Alya. "Just let me know, okay?"

"Okay, love," smiled Draco, blushing profusely.

Alya left his head and went back to her food, smiling at him. 

"What's got you all smiley, Pretty?" asked Enzo.

"Oh... uh, nothing," smirked Draco. "Just...thinking," 

"About?" asked Enzo. "Fill us in," 

"You'll find out soon," smiled Draco. Enzo looked at him, confused, but shook his head and chuckled a him. Once they had all finished, they went to their common room for a while. They sat on the sofas and spoke amongst themselves, before Alya stood up.

"Guys, I'm going to go and visit Star and Narcissa for a few hours," said Alya. "I just want to make sure they're both okay,"

"Okay love," said Blaise, hugging her tight. "Make sure you come back soon, though,"

"Of course I will," smiled Alya.

"Let me know how they are, yeah?" said Draco, hugging Alya. "Tell my mum I said hi,"

"I will," smiled Alya, kissing him gently on his lips.

"Tell our girl we miss her," said Mattheo, hugging her. "And we love her,"

"And we'll come and see her soon," said Tom, doing the same. "Give Narcissa our best,"

"I will do, I love you both," she said, giving them a soft peck on their lips.

"Don't let those Weasels steal you," chuckled Pansy, hugging her. "We need you tonight,"

"Yeah, you're ours tonight," said Enzo, doing the same.

"Don't worry," chuckled Alya. "I'll be back in a few hours,"

"Be safe," smiled Theo, kissing her cheek and wrapping his arm around her waist. "Love you,"

"Love you, Teddy," she smiled, as she apparated away.

This apparition took longer than the normal ones did. Understandably, it was further away. She got to the large gates of Casa Cortez and did the charm to let her through. She walked up to the door and let herself in using her key. Star and Narcissa were sitting in the garden drawing pictures on the ground with chalk.

"Hello beautiful girl!" shouted Alya, as she walked through the back door and into the garden.

"ALLY!" shouted Star, jumping up and giving her a hug. "How are you here?"

"Yes, how are you here?" chuckled Narcissa, standing up to hug her.

"I'm a goddess," said Alya. "I forgot that I'm able to apparate literally anywhere I wanted,"

"For goodness sake," laughed Narcissa. "How are you? How's Draco?"

"We're good thank you," smiled Alya. "He asked me to give you his love and tell you he said hi,"

"Well, you can tell him I said to stop worrying about me," chuckled Narcissa.

"You and I both know he won't do that," chuckled Alya. "He cares too much,"

"I know, bless him," said Narcissa. "So how are the two of you... I mean to say, are you together yet?"

"Oh... well um," started Alya. "Sort of, yeah,"

"Sort of?" asked Narcissa. "Do you love him?"

"More than anything," smiled Alya.

"And he loves you more than anything, too," said Narcissa. "So what's stopping you?"

"Well... I sort of love some other people too," said Alya. "So we're kind of..."

"You're with all of them?" asked Narcissa.

"Yeah..." said Alya.

"Wow..." said Narcissa. "That makes sense,"

"It does?" asked Alya.

"I've been in that situation before, Ally," said Narcissa. "You fall in love with more than one person, and end up being with them all. I was with 6 at a time, once,"

"You?" asked Alya. "My dad told me about that, but he didn't tell me it was you!"

"Why would he?" asked Narcissa. "He's great at keeping secrets, your father. Yes, it was me. I just couldn't be with only one of them, I loved them all so much,"

"Wow... well, what happened?" asked Alya.

"Well... some of them got abit annoyed," said Narcissa. "They wanted me all to themselves, didn't want to share me anymore. They started breaking off, one by one, until there were only 2 left. Then I met Lucius, and fell head over heels in love with him. Only, he wasn't interested in the whole open thing, and I loved him so much that I left the others to be with him and him only,"

"Oh..." said Alya. "Do you think... that will happen with me?"

"I can't answer that, but I seriously doubt it," said Narcissa. "And I can tell you one thing. No matter what happens, Draco will never leave. That boy is so in love with you, I've never seen anything like it. I just know you'll always have him, regardless of what this life throws at you both,"

"Thank you," smiled Alya. "I actually said to him yesterday that even though I love the others so much, something about him just feels different. I don't know what it is, he thinks I love him the most! He isn't entirely wrong, but I don't know, whole situation is strange if I'm honest,"

"The love that the two of you have is unmatched," said Narcissa. "You feel differently about him because you fell in love with him first, I can see that. He's your first real love, regardless of the others. He will always be the one for you, even if others are involved,"

"I'm so glad," smiled Alya. "Anyway, enough about us. How have you two been?"

"Really good thank you," smiled Narcissa. "Star has settled into her new school really well, we're getting into a routine and we're bonding great,"

"I'm so glad to hear that," smiled Alya. "It must be nice having a little girl after you've always wanted one,"

"It's lovely," smiled Narcissa. "She's lovely,"

"She is," smiled Alya. "Cissa, you don't have to answer this, but what with Lucius being a death eater, I can't help but wonder if you knew any names of some of the death eaters?"

"I know some of them..." said Narcissa. "Why do you ask?"

"I need to know if someone is one," said Alya. "Does the name Delvin Bloodhorn mean anything to you?"

"Bloodhorn..." said Narcissa. "Lucius never got on with him, said he was a nasty piece of work. Who is he?"

"So... there's definitely someone by that name that was a death eater?" asked Alya.

"Yes, but I don't know if it's the same person you're thinking of," said Narcissa.

"Oh I'm pretty sure it is," said Alya. "What happened to him?"

"He had a task just before Christmas," said Narcissa. "He needed to get some information about something. He found something out about this lady, so Voldemort took Lucius and some others to the woman's house. Anyway, they tried to get this information about... it was something about you, actually,"

"About me?" asked Alya. "What about me?"

"Lucius didn't say," said Narcissa. "But he said your name, and that this lady had information on you but she wouldn't give it up. So they killed her,"

"Oh my god..." said Alya. "Kerry..."

"Kerry?" asked Narcissa.

"My best friend, Enzo," said Alya. "It was his mum. He came home from school for Christmas and found her. He had to watch cctv footage of Voldemort killing her. He was sure it had something to do with his dad, now I know it did,"

"Oh no, I'm so sorry," said Narcissa. "That must be so horrible,"

"Yeah... and this just makes it worse," said Alya. "I've known that woman for 10 years. She was the loveliest woman I know, and to think she died for me... what will Enzo think? Oh god..."

"Alya, this is not your fault," said Narcissa, grabbing her hands. "None of this is your fault, okay? I'm sure Enzo will agree with me,"

"I don't know, Cissa," said Alya. "This is his mother. We were the only two people he's had for years! Of course, he came to Hogwarts after Christmas and now he has the others too but that's not the point,"

"If he has known you for 10 years, I'm sure he'll understand," said Narcissa. "Please don't feel like this is your fault,"

"Thank you," said Alya. "I need to tell him though,"

"You do," said Narcissa. "You can't keep that from him,"

"I know," said Alya. "So where is his dad now?"

"I'm not sure," said Narcissa. "He wasn't at the ball that night, like I said, Lucius despised him. He wasn't invited, and I don't know where he lives,"

"So he isn't in Azkaban?" asked Alya.

"No, we would've heard about it," said Narcissa.

"Okay, thank you," said Alya. "I'm going to spend a little time with Star and then I have to go. I need to go to a few shops in Diagon Alley and probably visit Fred and George,"

"Okay, I'll go inside and let you have some time alone with Star," smiled Narcissa.

"You don't have to do that!" said Alya. "Join us,"

"Okay," smiled Narcissa.

They both sat on the floor with Star, drawing for a while before Alya decided to leave. She gave them both a long hug and told Star exactly what Tom and Mattheo had said. Star smiled widely as they said goodbye.

Alya apparated to Diagon Alley, where she quickly went into Twilfitt and Tatting's. She wanted to get another key cut, as well as a keychain engraved with 'ZO' and a name plaque engraved with 'Enzo' for when Enzo moved in with them. She also bought him a silver chain with a green gem, and an engraved ring with 'L.B' inside, just like the ones she bought for the others for Christmas. She then left the shop and came across a shop with a deep purple outside, called 'Strictly Pleasures'. She realised that this must've been the new sex shop that the twins were talking about, so she decided to go and have a peek inside.

Alya found some different coloured lingerie outfits that she really likes, so she bought one in each colour. She found some other toys and things that she thought would be fun to experiment with the boys. She also found some potions and a small book with different sexual charms in it. She bought the book, the toys and a few of the potions before leaving the shop.

She decided to go and visit the twins before apparating back to Hogwarts, so she made her way to the joke shop. It was almost 6:30pm, which meant that the joke shop would be closing. She walked through the door to find a tall, ginger man sitting at the desk, counting money from the till.

"Sorry, we're closing now," he said, without looking up.

"Oh, that's a shame," chuckled Alya.

Fred instantly shot up and ran over to her.

"Ally!" shouted Fred. "What are you doing here?"

"Visiting you, of course," she chuckled, kissing him passionately on his lips. "I missed you,"

"I missed you, honey," smiled Fred. "How are you?"

"I'm okay," smiled Alya. "I've got some stuff to tell you, though. Where's Georgie?"

"Right here, my love," smiled George, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

She turned around hugged him properly, smiling up at him and kissing him passionately on his lips.

"I missed you, gorgeous," he said.

"I missed you," smiled Alya. "Wanna go get some dinner?"

"Definitely," smiled George.

"Absolutely," smiled Fred.

They locked up the shop and made their way to the three broomsticks and found themselves a table. They sat down and ordered some food, while Alya told them all about her father and her grandparents. She explained everything and they listened to her with wide eyes.

"Bloody hell, Ally, that's a lot," said Fred.

"I'm so proud of you, though," said George.

"Me too," smiled Fred. "You did so good,"

"Thank you both," smiled Alya. "It was really hard, but I got there,"

"Of course you did," said George. "You're you,"

"I love you," smiled Alya.

"I love you more, bubs," smiled George, kissing her hand from across the table.

"I love you, Ally," said Fred.

"I love you more, Freddie," smiled Alya.

Their food arrived and they ate it together, talking about the joke shop, about school, about Star and about anything and everything they could think of. A couple of hours had passed, and Alya and the twins walked back to the joke shop and went up the stairs to the twins' flat.

"I had so much fun tonight," smiled Alya. "But I need to get back to Hogwarts. It's Pansy and Enzo's night and they're so excited,"

"I wish you could just stay with us," whined Fred.

"I know, but I'll see you both tomorrow," said Alya, giving them each a hug.

"My night," smiled George.

"Yep," smiled Alya. "Something to look forward to, right?"

"Definitely," smiled George.

"I love you, beautiful," said Fred, pulling her in for a tight hug and kissing all over her face.

"I love you more, Freddie," said Alya, doing the same to him.

"I love you, Ally," said George, as he pulled her in for a hug and gave her a long kiss on her lips before planting little kisses all over her cheeks and forehead.

"I love you more, Georgie," smiled Alya, kissing his nose and his forehead. "I'll see you guys tomorrow,"

Alya apparated back to Hogwarts and found her friends sitting on the sofas in the common room.

"Ally, you're back!" said Theo, excitedly.

"Hey loves," smiled Alya. "I'll be right back, just have some stuff to put away. Dray, Enzo, can you come help me?"

Draco got up, looking nervous and Enzo got up and followed excitedly. They went up to Alya and Draco's dorm and Alya set down her bags on the bed.

"Zo, as you're moving in with us I thought I'd get you a few things," smiled Alya.

She took out the key with the engraved keychain, and the engraved name plaque and handed them to Enzo. His eyes lit up and he hugged Alya tight.

"We all have them already, so I thought it's only right that you have them too," smiled Alya. "And one more thing,"

She handed him the chain and the engraved ring.

"I got one of these for each of the boys for Christmas," explained Alya. "They're all matching, and Pansy, Miney, Tom and Matt's little sister and I all have a girls version. I didn't want you to be left out, and like Dray said, you have us now. We're one big, unconventional, incest riddled family,"

"Emphasis on the 'Riddle' part," chuckled Draco.

"Ally, these are all so beautiful," smiled Enzo, holding back tears. "Thank you so much,"

"You're so welcome," smiled Alya, hugging him tight. "I love you, Zo,"

"I love you more, angel face," smiled Enzo.

"Want help putting them on?" asked Draco, suddenly.

"Sure," smiled Enzo, as he handed Draco the chain necklace.

Draco took it and put it around Enzo's neck, clasping it together once it was there. He took a deep breath and turned Enzo around to face him.

"Beautiful," he smiled, which made Enzo blush. "Enzo..."

"Draco," said Enzo.

"Ally," said Draco.

"You're okay," smiled Alya. "You've got this,"

"I don't know what to say," said Draco.

"Then don't say anything," said Alya. "Show him,"

Draco gave Alya a nervous look, but she smiled at him and nodded her head, which made him relax.

"Are you okay, pretty?" asked Enzo, looking up at him.

Draco looked him in his eyes and put his hands on his cheeks. He pulled him in for a gentle kiss, but Enzo quickly pulled away.

"Draco... you're with Ally," said Enzo, quickly stepping back and looking at Alya.

"Enzo, it's okay," smiled Alya. "I told him to,"

"Why would you do that?" asked Enzo.

"Because I like you, Enzo," said Draco, suddenly. "I told Ally yesterday... I told her that I'm bisexual and that I like you,"

" do?" asked Enzo. "A-and you're okay with this, Ally? But... you love him,"

"I do," smiled Alya. "I love him more than anything in the world, and he loves me. Which is why I want him to be himself and to be happy, and he can't do that if he isn't true to himself. Plus, I'm already in a 5 person relationship, I really can't tell Draco no,"

"True," said Enzo. "So... you like me then, pretty boy?"

"Fuck..." said Draco. "I-I mean... yeah, I do,"

"Good," smiled Enzo. "Because I like you too,"

"I know," chuckled Draco. "You make it so obvious,"

"It's really hard not to when you look like that," chuckled Enzo. "So... how is this going to work? I mean, have you told the others?"

"Mattheo knows... sort of," said Draco. "But I haven't actually told anyone out loud other than you and Ally. I don't know if I'm ready for that yet,"

"So it'll be a secret for a bit?" asked Enzo. "I'm okay with that,"

"Good," smiled Draco.

"God will you two just kiss again?" chuckled Alya. "Or I'll do it for you,"

"Come join us," smirked Enzo.

"You don't have to tell me twice," giggled Alya, walking over to them.

She grabbed Draco by the neck and kissed him passionately. She then grabbed Enzo's cheek and kissed him, before he pulled away and kissed Draco.

"I am extremely turned on right now," chuckled Alya.

"Same here," smirked Draco.

"And me," said Enzo. "Shame everyone's downstairs waiting,"

"Next time," smirked Alya.

"I can't wait," smirked Enzo.

"Me too," smiled Draco, kissing him again.

He eventually pulled away and kissed Alya one more time before the three of them headed back down to the common room. They sat and spoke for a little while before deciding to go to bed.

 Alya, Pansy and Enzo went up to Pansy's dorm after saying goodnight to everyone, and got changed into their pyjamas. They sat on Pansy's bed and gossiped about a whole bunch of stuff. After a while, Alya couldn't take it anymore.

"Zo... I need to tell you something," said Alya.

"Ally, what's wrong?" asked Enzo, who could already tell by Alya's face that something was wrong.

"Do you want me to leave?" asked Pansy, already having a feeling as to what it was about.

"Why would we?" asked Enzo.

"Pansy... knows about your mum," said Alya. "She's a seer, remember? She saw it the other day in the hall... but I need to tell you something about it and I need you to tell me if you want Pansy here or not,"

"Oh..." said Enzo. "I don't mind, Pansy. You can stay,"

"Are you sure?" asked Pansy. "I don't mind, I can go and sit with Theo for a bit,"

"Don't be silly," said Enzo. "Stay,"

"Okay," Pansy smiled, nervously.

"Okay... I was speaking to Draco's mum earlier," explained Alya."Draco's dad was a death eater before I sent him to Azkaban so I asked Narcissa if she had ever heard... your dad's name. I had a slight feeling that he may have been a death eater and, well, I was right,"

"My dad is a death eater?" asked Enzo. "Well, where is he?"

"I'm not sure," said Alya. "He isn't in Azkaban, he wasn't caught. Draco's father hated him so he wasn't invited to the ball, which where the others were the night that I... you know. He probably heard about Voldemort's death and hid somewhere,"

"Running away, like he does best," spat Enzo. "So what does this have to do with mum?"

"It turns out... that Draco's father was one of the death eaters you saw on the cctv," said Alya. "He was there that night. He was one of them. And... I know why they did it,"

"What? What do you mean?" asked Enzo.

"It was because... of me," said Alya. "Voldemort wanted information about me, but your mum wouldn't give him anything. Your dad set it up, he told Voldemort you knew me. I don't know how he knew that, but he did. They went to your mum's house that night and they killed her because she wouldn't say anything. She's dead because of me, Zo. I'm so sorry,"

"Oh my god..." said Pansy, quietly.

Enzo stared at her, tears streaming down his face but he wasn't moving. He closed his eyes for a second and composed himself. Suddenly, he stood up and left the room. Alya instantly broke down in tears, and Pansy reached over to hug her.

"Ally, it's okay," said Pansy, as Alya sobbed in her arms.

"It's not okay, Pans," sobbed Alya. "He hates me. It's all my fault,"

"Alya, this is not your fault!" said Pansy. "You weren't to know any of this, Enzo's mum made a choice. You didn't influence it, you did nothing wrong and I'm sure Enzo thinks so too, he might just need a minute,"

"Can you go and check on him?" asked Alya. "I'll find him, hold on,"

She closed her eyes and tried to find Enzo. She found him outside her own dorm, knocking on the door. Draco answered and looked concerned as he let Enzo into the room. Alya left Enzo's head and came back into Pansy's dorm.

"Don't worry, he's with Dray," said Alya.

"Why is he with Draco?" asked Pansy.

"He went to his dorm," said Alya.  "As long as he's not alone,"

"I'm glad he isn't," said Pansy. "Because I wouldn't have left you alone, either. Let him cool off, he'll be back soon to tell you it's not your fault. I know he will,"

"I don't know, Pans," said Alya. "This is his mother. I'm the reason she's dead. Whether it's my fault or not, it's still because of me. I don't know how we're going to get past this,"

"You will," said Pansy. "You need to stop thinking so negatively, it won't help. Come on, give me another hug,"

Alya hugged her tight again, crying lightly. They got into bed properly and Pansy wrapped an arm around Alya, cuddling her while Alya's head was on her chest. After a while, Alya had fallen asleep. Pansy chuckled to herself lightly, as she kissed Alya's forehead and fell asleep herself.


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