The Marauders - Order of the...

By Pengiwen

217K 12.8K 27.6K

In this, the THIRD BOOK of The Marauders Order of the Phoenix, the war seems far away as the Marauders contin... More

LXXVII: Kreacher's Master
LXXVIII: Andipodean Opaleye
LXXIX: Compensation
The Walls Are Caving In
The Heart Dragon
Limeberry Sourblast
Nocturnal Lee
LXXX: The Logistical Expert
It's Going to Be Okay
We'd Like To Speak To You About Oliver
The Blasted Door
The Deepest Love - Part One
The Deepest Love - Part Two
LXXXI: Two Pineapples
LXXXII: The Necessary Exchanges
LXXXIII: Pensieves R Us?!
The Red Vine
I'll Do It
I'll Need to Be Reminded
An Occlumens' Camouflage
LXXXIV: Players
LXXXV: Do You Like Grapefruit?
LXXXVI: I Could At Least Be Remus
Sean Buckner
She Hasn't Got Your Brass
Maybe, Maybe, Maybe
LXXXVII: Dear Harry
LXXXVII: Dear Harry (updated)
The New Annalee
I'm So Sorry That We're The Same Soul
LXXXVIII: The Longest Walk
LXXXIX: We'll Edit it Proper
I Solemnly Swear
XC: Harry's Nightmare
XCI: So Long As All That
New Trainers
XCII: Harry Duty
Chips and a Chat
A Good Old Fashioned Cockus Deletus
Quite Imminent
In For A Bumpy Ride
Where There is a Gurg
Gurg Forimir
Into the Fray
Do You Want to Hold Her
A Knock to the Head
XCIII: Olivia
XCIV: Ludo Bagman
Hi Pope!
The Portrait and the Prophet
XCV: Declan Aletrick
The Proper Term is Kazooist
I Will Lay Me Down
Leave Me to My Fake Breakdown
Time Out for Being Mouthy
XCVI: Death Eaters
How to Have a Healthy Conversation
James Potter and the Mooncalves
The Bedtime Story
Late Night Talking
Stuff Cadmus Peverell Told Me About Tom Riddle
XCVIII: Did You Mean It?
Good Night, Sean
Cruciferous Vegetables and Legumes
Working at the Ministry is Such Fun!
The Trial of Sirius Black
Sirius Black and Those Damn Birds
The Holiday of 1953
The Overcrowded Mattress
You Have Beautiful Boys
C: Kissing a Fool
CI: Scenes of Terror at the Quidditch World Cup
CII: I Found Us a House!
CIII: Moonage Daydream
Muggle Modified Quidditch
CIV: Uncle Bilius
Welcome to Your New Future
Speaker's Corner
Let Me Be Square With You, Kid
CV: Ketchup on Fish Fingers
CVI: How is Mr. Moody?
CVII: Norberta, What Have You Done?
CVIII: The Greatest Bloke There Is
Mike the Giraffe Keeper
CIX: As A Present
Time For Your Practical Exam
To Good Things
The Quaich Cup
I Was Once A Sirius Boyfriend
Spiller's in Cardiff
Take Their Power Away
A Perfectly Pleated Corner
CX: If I Was Better
CXI: But He Wasn't
A Single Stitch
How'd It Go Enrique?
The Double Shots
My Name is James Potter and I Am Inadequate
CXII: Ferfredsakes
CXIII: The Novelty of Going Outside
CXIV: The White Ferret
CXV: Before -- But Not Long Before
Soothing Salve and a Good Laugh
Giraffe Smut
Bradley Scamander's Excellent Birthday Party
Burning Up
The Sneeze
CXVI: The Owl Changes Everything
What French Toast Tastes Like
CXVII: I Am the List
CXVIII: Entry Papers
CXIX: Jurisdiction
1 September
The Start of Term Feast
The Boy at the Art Show
CXX: The Night of Falling Stars
CXXI: A Master In The House
Regulus's Portrait
Despite What She Tried To Teach You
CXXII: The Letter
CXIII: A Recruit for S.P.E.W.
The James Potter Omelete Song
CXXIV: Remus Was Already Really Sorry
CXXV: The Trace
Flying Lessons
Shooting Stars
Professor M-C-G
CXXVI: I'm Here Aren't I?
The Keys
A Long Time Coming
Enough for Everyone
CXXVII: Nightmares
CXXVIII: This Year's Grim
CXXX: Sea Air and Caledonian Sandalwood
CXXXI: No Son of Mine
Lieu des Moutons Invisibles
Talk Later
CXXXII: It's Later
CXXXIII: Motor Car Lessons
I Mean... The Match Was Alright
Colors and Practiced Lines
It's Going to Be Alright Mummy
Work Together
I Have to See My Grandbaby
CXXXIV: The Other Moody
CXXXVI: Too Flocking Grape
Things I Ought To Have Said More
Magically Modified Flight Goggles
The Hearing Ear
Sanguini's Vino Rosso Extrodinaire
Five Blagojevics Walked Into a Bar...
They've Taken Her
It's Unisex
Is Death Your Only Threat?
Whether You Help Us Or Not
We Shall Continue This Talk Later
CXXXVII: This is Bloody Real?
Ovington Square
One Without The Other
In Exchange
They'll Have It All
I Wouldn't Want It To Be You Either
The Liaison
The Love Lived Forever
To be continued...

XCVII: A Place to Call Home

1.6K 77 126
By Pengiwen

Remus was sitting on a rock beside the ocean. Beach sand sprawled away before him, all the way to the bright blue ocean water. The air smelled like salt and heat. He'd shrugged off his jumpers and folded them up, and they sat down beside him in a pile alongside the pile of Sirius's clothes - which he'd also folded.

Sirius himself, in nothing but his black undershorts, was splashing about in the shallow water at the edge of the ocean. Foam was sliding up from the waves and swirling about Sirius's shins and his hair was wet - he'd dove under the water a couple times - hanging in strands across his back. He was clapping and shouting and throwing his head back with laughter as he splashed about. 

It occurred to Remus that even as a human, Sirius Black looked as much the part of a dog at the moment as any dog could.

They'd wandered far off from where the people were crowded on the beach and found this space where they were alone, the beach lined by a rock wall, above which loomed tall trees that blocked the high afternoon sun from beating down on the rock where Remus sat. He had unbuttoned his oxford and let it hang open, the sleeves rolled up, but hadn't quite gotten to the point of taking it off yet, afraid how silvery-pink his scars would look in the brightness of the Costa Rican sunlight.

Sirius came running across the sand, then, the grains sticking to his legs and feet as he came, shaking his head so his hair sprayed water every which way. He ran all the way up to the rock and, not caring he was soaked, he pressed himself against Remus and kissed him. Remus could feel the invigorated energy coursing through Sirius and it was like kissing the old Sirius, the Sirius before everything happened, the Sirius of their fourth year, when things were new and fresh and full of passion and excitement and joy, when their biggest worry was what their next big adventure would be.

Well, this felt like an awfully big adventure, didn't it?

Sirius was grinning as he pulled back and he stood upright, grabbing his hair in his fist and wringing it out. He was outside of the line of the shade and he seemed to glow, the sun pelting down on his still-too-pale-thanks-to-Azkaban skin and Remus drew a deep breath because soon, after a time of being here together in Costa Rica, he knew Sirius's skin would tan and darken and be the shade that he remembered it being... and the tattoos all over his chest and arms and even his legs wouldn't be so jarringly dark.

Right now, they reminded him how desperately he wanted to spend an entire day and night just inspecting every one of those tattoos, memorizing them the way that Sirius had once spent a day and a night memorizing all of his scars. He used to keep count.

Remus looked up at Sirius, drew his wand and shook a towel out of the tip of it, which he tossed to Sirius. "Bleeding hell, you're good at that, aren't you?" Sirius said, taking the towel and using it to rub his chest off of water.

"By your last count - how many scars do I have?"

Sirius didn't even pause toweling off. "Two hundred and sixty-four. I counted in Vik before we left, though, so unless you've been heartily injured without me knowing about it since we've been tromping across North America, then my count is accurate."

"You counted in Vik? When?"

"You were asleep." Sirius threw the towel over his shoulders and quickly twisted his hair up into a knot at the top of his head.

Remus stared at him.

"What?" Sirius asked.

"I didn't know you counted my scars in Vik."

"There were so many new ones. I had to. Some of them have been reopened, too, and made larger." Sirius's eyes flitted along the length of the one across Remus's nose, which now had an arm that began up above his eyebrow and came down, and stretched over his left jawbone and down to his neck, dangerously close to the jugular, that soft place Sirius knew Remus's pulse could easily be found. 

"You have some scars, too, that I haven't seen before."

Sirius hesitated, then took up the shirt he'd bought from one of the souvenir shops on the strip, a brightly colorful thing with pictures of palm trees with parrots in the branches all over it. He shrugged it on but didn't bother buttoning it, leaving it open so his chest showed as he jumped into his jeans. He kept his eyes adverted from Remus as he kicked on a pair of sandals, also newly acquired, and with a flick of his wand, he had shrunk his old clothes and shoes into pocket-storage size.

"We need to find somewhere to stay tonight," Remus said, recognizing and respecting that Sirius was done talking about the scars.

"Somewhere with a real bed,"  Sirius added, looking at Remus meaningfully.

"Sirius, I will cut down a tree and build you a bed if that's what you want."

Sirius raised an eyebrow, slightly, "Yeah?"

"Without magic, even, if you keep giving me those fuck me eyes you're doing." Remus shivered.

Sirius's grin widened.

"It may be a temporary place tonight, but we've also got to work on finding a place to call home as well," Remus said. "Somewhere Buckbeak will be safe."

Buckbeak, who was laying in the trees above them, heard his name and gave a low squawk of a sound.

Sirius glanced up at him, "Oh quiet you great buzzard." He looked back to Remus. "Honestly, Moony. Anywhere that you are - that's my place to call home... anywhere you are in the world."

Remus stood up and walked over, kissing Sirius deeply, running one hand across Sirius's face as he did it. Sirius hummed into the kiss, pressing harder against him, their bared chests touching. As the kiss ended, Sirius bit onto Remus's lower lip and held for just a moment before they parted. He started into Remus's eyes, and Remus saw the grin still dancing on Sirius's face.

"Your eyes are chocolate."


"Your eyes. They're chocolate, Remus."

It was the first time in over thirteen years that they'd been chocolate.

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