Slytherin Royalty

By MrsDxMalfoy

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"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... More

Character list & Authors Note!
One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Reality
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Day Off
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday

The Sister

378 6 1
By MrsDxMalfoy

Over the next few days, Alya, Fred and George had been moving the twins' belongings into their new flat as all the furniture had arrived. The twins had pretty much completely moved in after 2 days, and the joke shop was almost fully stocked up. The twins and Alya had decided to stay the night at the flat, so they went to the three broomsticks to get some dinner.

They finished their dinner, and headed to a small, empty looking shop at the end of Diagon Alley. It was a locksmith's, and Alya got 10 extra keys made out of each key that she had for Casa Cortez. One for each of her friends, one each for Snape and Narcissa, and a couple spare that she would leave with the Weasley's and Hermione. They then went to Twilfitt and Tattings, where Alya got a beautiful engraved keychain for each of her friends. She got silver keychains and engraved them in black, with; 'Pansy' 'Teddy' 'Matty' 'Tommy' 'Dray' 'Blaise'. She also got one with 'Dad' and one with 'Narcissa' on it, as well as one with 'Ally' and 'Casa Stella'.

"What is Casa Stella?" asked Fred, looking at the keychain in confusion.

"It's my house," said Alya."My mum loved stars, so much so that the charm used to unlock our gates has the word 'stella' in it. I just thought it would be cute to incorporate that, plus if this key ever gets lost I really don't want people to see my name on it,"

"That's smart," said George. "Merlin knows how many people would try and come to your house if they found that,"

"Exactly," said Alya.

Alya then had an idea. She found these large plaques that you could engrave, and took them to the counter. She got each of them engraved with 'Mattheo' 'Tom' 'Draco' 'Pansy' 'Theo' 'Blaise' and 'Alya'. She paid for everything and left the shop with the twins.

They went back to the joke shop and walked upstairs to the flat. They sat on the new sofas in the living room and put the tv on. Alya was laying on Fred's chest and George was laying on Alya's, playing with each other's hair.

"Are you sure you won't just move in with us," whined George. "I hate being away from you,"

"I can't Georgie," chuckled Alya. "I have my own place, plus my Slytherin friends are moving in with me. I would've asked the pair of you to move in too, but wouldn't you rather be close to the shop?"

"I'd rather be close to you," said Fred, kissing the top of her head.

"Well, there really isn't any point in you moving all the way to Godrick's Hollow when you have a flat directly above your shop," smiled Alya. "If you really want to, you can, but it would be silly. You're always welcome at Casa Stella, though,"

"And you're always welcome at Casa Weasley," chuckled George. "You're right though, it would be silly,"

"I love you both," laughed Alya.

"I love you, Ally," said George, kissing her hand.

"I love you more," said Fred.

"I just need to go and talk to some of the boys," said Alya. "Won't be long,"

"Can't you stay here and do it?" asked Fred.

"Yeah, I'm really comfy," said George.

"Fine," laughed Alya. "I'll be right back,"

She closed her eyes and went to find Theo. She found him sitting in a large bedroom surrounded by boxes. He was sitting at a desk reading, when Alya popped into his head.

"Hey, Teddy," said Alya. "You didn't waste any time, did you,"

"Ally, hey!" said Theo. "I told you I was excited, didn't I,"

"You're so cute," Alya smiled. "Well I've got the keys, so whenever you're ready you can move in,"

"I'm ready now, everything is packed other than my clothes which will only take me 5 minutes," said Theo. "Are you free tomorrow?"

"I should be," said Alya. "I'll talk to Blaise tonight and see what he's doing too, I'll come back and see you tomorrow and let you know. Is that okay?"

"Of course, love," said Theo. "Take your time,"

"I'm so excited for us all to live together," said Alya.

"Me too," smiled Theo.

"I have to go now, but I'll be back tomorrow, okay?" said Alya. "Love you,"

"I love you, darling," said Theo, as Alya left his head.

She then tried to find Blaise, who was sitting in a small bedroom playing with a little dog. Alya watched him for a little while, chuckling to herself before letting herself in his head.

"You two are so cute," she laughed, which made Blaise jump.

"Shit, Ally, you scared me!" chuckled Blaise. "How are you?"

"I'm good thank you," she said. "How are you getting on with packing?"

"I'm done," said Blaise. "My mum cried when I told her I was moving out, said she'll miss me too much,"

"Really? That's so cute!" smiled Alya. "Well tell her she's always welcome,"

"Thank you, Ally," smiled Blaise. "Have you spoken to Theo?"

"Yeah, just," said Alya. "He said he's ready to move in tomorrow, I've just got to tell him a time. Are you ready?"

"Yeah I'm ready," said Blaise, excitedly.

"Okay, good!" said Alya. "How does one o'clock sound?"

"Yeah, that works," said Blaise.

"Good," said Alya. "I'll meet you at the house and give you your keys, I also got something else for you,"

"Oh, Ally," laughed Blaise. "You just can't help yourself, can you,"

"Nope, I really can't," laughed Alya. "So I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes you will," smiled Blaise. "Love you darling,"

"Love you more," said Alya, as she left his head.

She decided to go and see Theo again and tell him to be ready for one. He was extremely excited and agreed. Alya then decided to go and see Pansy. She found her sitting in her purple bedroom once again, listening to some music.

"Hello, gorgeous," said Alya.

"Hello sexy," laughed Pansy. "How are you?"

"I'm really good, thank you," said Alya. "You?"

"Yeah, I'm good," said Pansy. "Missing you though,"

"Of course you are," chuckled Alya. "Just thought I'd let you know that Theo and Blaise are moving in tomorrow, as you said you'd move in once they have,"

"Oh really?" said Pansy. "That was quick!"

"I know, bless them," laughed Alya. "They've both completely finished packing all of their stuff!"

"I mean, I have too," chuckled Pansy. "I'm just so excited,"

"Oh gosh!" laughed Alya. "Well you can move in tomorrow too, if you want. I'm meeting Theo and Blaise there at one to give them their keys and stuff and help them with whatever they need. What do you think?"

"Yeah, okay then!" said Pansy, excitedly.

"Cool!" said Alya. "I can't wait to see you,"

"I can't wait to see you too, Ally," smiled Pansy.

"I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow," said Alya. "Love you loads,"

"Love you more, babe,"

Alya left her head and quickly decided to go and see Mattheo. She found him and Tom sitting at a large, black table, holding a letter. They didn't look very happy, like something was wrong.

"Hey, Matty," said Alya. "Is this a bad time?"

"Ally, hey," said Mattheo. "No actually, this is the perfect time,"

"What's wrong?" asked Alya.

"Tom and I, we just got this letter," said Mattheo. "It's from an orphanage. They're writing to ask us... if our sister can come home,"

"You have a sister?!" exclaimed Alya. "Wha- how..."

"She's 10," said Mattheo. "Our father sent her to the orphanage when she was born, because she's a girl and 'not a true heir' apparently. Tom and I have been going to visit her for the past 3 years behind father's back. I guess they found out that he's... you know, and now they're asking us to bring her home,"

"We never told anyone she existed," said Tom. "We were too ashamed of what our father did. But she's not doing well. She's being bullied and left out a lot, she keeps having visitors form potential adopters but they never come back for some reason. I think... we have to help her. But we don't know the first thing about looking after a child, especially a girl. Plus we have school and were supposed to be moving in with you, I just don't know what to do,"

"Okay, bring her home," said Alya. "She can come and live with us at Casa Cortez, which by the way is now called Casa Stella, don't ask,"

"Ally, we couldn't ask that of you," said Mattheo. "That's not fair,"

"No, what isn't fair is the fact that the poor girl has lived in an orphanage her whole life because of your idiot father!" said Alya. "Bring her home, I'll take care of her,"

"Ally..." said Mattheo.

"I won't take no for an answer," said Alya, sternly. Mattheo started to cry, and Tom looked at him in confusion.

"What the hell... what's going on?" he asked.

"Ally said... to bring her home," said Mattheo. "She said she'll take care of her and that she can live with us at Casa Stella,"

"Oh my... are you serious Alya?" said Tom. "You do realise how big this is, don't you?"

Alya tried something new with her legilimency before responding. She had never gone into two minds at once before, but she knew it was possible. She was trying for a minute or two, and finally, she had entered Tom's mind too.

"Can you hear me, Tommy?" she asked, slightly out of breath.

"I can hear you, angel," he said. "You can't be serious about this,"

"But I am," said Alya. "Why should the three of you miss out on having a relationship just because your father was a misogynistic asshole? Bring her home, boys. It's where she belongs,"

"Alya, I love you so fucking much," said Tom, eyes watering. "But what about school and stuff? She's only 10, remember,"

"Don't worry about that, I'll sort it," said Alya. "In fact, I know someone who I'm sure would be more than happy to take care of her. Is she in school? What's her name?"

"Yeah, she's in school," sniffled Mattheo. "And you're not going to believe me, but her name is Star,"

"Oh my goodness," smiled Alya. "That's perfect,"

"Ally, you don't understand how much we appreciate you for all of this," said Mattheo. "But this is just, this is insane,"

"I love you both more than anything in the world," said Alya. "All I want is for you to be happy, and I can see how much it's affecting you being away from her. Plus, no child should be in an orphanage, especially not if they're being bullied,"

"I love you so much, my princess," said Mattheo.

"I love you more," said Alya. "Now, Blaise, Theo and Pansy are moving in tomorrow, I'm meeting them at one. I'll tell them about Star, if you guys sort out with the orphanage when you're going to collect her. When are you two planning on moving in?"

"Okay, we can go there tomorrow and talk to them in person," said Tom. "Can we come tomorrow? I need to see you,"

"Of course you can," smiled Alya.

"I've not packed yet, but we'll be busy tomorrow so I'll probably move in after," said Mattheo.

"Yeah, me too," said Tom.

"Okay, well I can give you both your keys tomorrow when I see you," said Alya. "That way you don't have to wait for me and you can move in whenever. We'll let Star choose a bedroom when she comes, and I'll decorate it all for her so she feels comfortable,"

"Okay, love," smiled Mattheo.

"I need to go now, got some things to sort out but I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" said Alya.

"Okay, I love you darling," said Tom.

"I love you, Ally," said Mattheo.

"I love you both," said Alya, as she left their heads.

Suddenly, she was back in the living room with Fred and George. Her head hurt and she was breathing heavily.

"Woah, what's wrong, love?" asked George.

"I don't know," said Alya, feeling confused. "I think it's because I was in two minds at once and I've never done that before. It's really taken it out of me,"

"You need to be careful, darling," said Fred, stroking her hair.

"I know, but I still need to talk to Dray," said Alya. "It's urgent,"

"Is everything okay?" asked George.

"Yeah, it's fine," said Alya. "But I need to speak to him tonight. I might need to apparate there,"

"Do you have to?" whined Fred.

"Yeah, I really do," said Alya, standing up from the sofa. "I won't be long, I promise," She gave the twins each a kiss on the forehead and apparated to Malfoy Manor.

The big, black gate opened immediately when she got there, and she walked through and knocked on the door. Narcissa opened it, surprised and hugged her.

"Alya?" she said. "Is everything okay?"

"It's fine thank you, I just need to talk to you," said Alya.

"Okay, dear, come in," said Narcissa, letting Alya in.

They walked into the living room, where Draco was sitting on an armchair reading a book. He jumped up when he saw Alya and gave her a tight hug.

"Ally!" he said. "What are you doing here,"

"Hello, my love," smiled Alya, wrapping her arms around him. "I need to talk to you both,"

"What's going on?" asked Draco. "Sit down,"

Alya sat down and explained to Narcissa and Draco about Star Riddle. They both looked at her in shock when they found out that Voldemort had actually had a third child, a daughter.

"I remember a while ago, Draco and I were talking about his family," said Alya to Narcissa. "He mentioned that he'd always wanted a sibling, and that you had always wanted another child, specifically a daughter. Of course, you can absolutely say no and that would be completely okay, but I was wondering if you might like to help take care of Star? Only while we're all at school, and it won't be for long. You don't have to at all but I thought that seeing as you've always wanted a daughter, and the fact that you're going to be alone when we're at school..."

"Alya, that's a lovely idea," smiled Narcissa. "I would absolutely love that!"

"Wait, really?!" asked Alya.

"Yes, that would be amazing!" smiled Narcissa. "Draco was right, I've always wanted a daughter. I would love to take care of her,"

"That's amazing, thank you so much!" said Alya. "We'll try and come home as much as we can on weekends and stuff to see her, if the train is running. Oh, while I'm here, I had these made for each of you,"

She handed Draco and Narcissa their key and keychain with their names on. They both smiled up at her and thanked her.

"So would you like me to bring her here?" asked Narcissa. "Or would you like her to live at your house and I'll move in temporarily?"

"That's completely up to you," said Alya. "I'm going to make her a bedroom anyway, but it's your choice where you live,"

"I think I'll move into your house," said Narcissa. "If that's okay with you, of course. That's going to be her permanent house, so it'll be easier for her to just stick to it rather than moving her to and from the two,"

"Of course that's okay," smiled Alya. "Theo, Pansy and Blaise are moving in tomorrow at 1pm, and I'll be meeting them there. Tom and Mattheo are coming to see me so feel free to come along and talk to them about anything, and pick a bedroom etc,"

"Thank you so much, Alya," smiled Narcissa.

"You're welcome," said Alya. "And thank you,"

"I love you, Ally," said Draco, suddenly.

"That was random," laughed Alya.

"Yeah it was, wasn't it," chuckled Draco. "I was just thinking about it. You're so amazing, constantly thinking of others before yourself. I just love you so much,"

"I love you too, Dray," smiled Alya. He smiled at her and blushed. "The twins are going to the orphanage tomorrow to talk to them about when they can collect Star, so they should have an answer for us tomorrow when we're there,"

"Okay, lovely," said Narcissa.

"Well, I'd better go now, or Fred and George will start freaking out again," laughed Alya. "I'll see you both tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow," smiled Narcissa, hugging her.

"I'll walk you out," said Draco, grabbing her hand and leading her to the front gate. He pulled her into a long hug and kissed her gently on her lips. "You're so beautiful, Ally. Inside and out, you're the most beautiful person I've ever met,"

"So are you, my love," said Alya. Draco smiled at her and kissed her on her lips.

"I love you," he whispered, kissing her again.

"I love you more," she said, as she kissed him on his head. "I'll see you tomorrow,"

Alya apparated back to Fred and George's flat and they jumped up and hugged her.

"Guys, seriously?" she laughed. "I wasn't even gone that long,"

"You were almost an hour!" said George.

"Goodness me," laughed Alya.

"So what's going on?" asked Fred. "What was so urgent that you had to go to Malfoy's?"

Alya sat on the sofa with them and explained everything she had learned that night about Star Riddle and that Narcissa would be taking care of her. The twins were in shock when they found out, and were looking at each other blankly.

"So Voldy had a daughter?!" exclaimed George.

"Yep, and now she's going to live with me," said Alya. "I'm going to be taking care of a child. With a little help, of course,"

"That's nice of Mrs Malfoy to do though," said George. "I always thought she was horrible like Draco,"

"Draco is not horrible!" protested Alya. "He's so sweet, it's his stupid father that made him seem horrible. And his stupid father that made him believe all those horrible things about muggles and whatever else! Did you know he actually apologised to Hermione? For everything he did and said to her, he hates his father and everything he stands for. He's nothing like him,"

"Right... sorry," said George.

"It's okay, it just annoys me that everyone thinks my friends are these horrible people when they're actually the complete opposite," said Alya. "If you actually knew them properly you'd have a different opinion,"

"Maybe," said Fred. "Anyway, who's room are we sleeping in tonight?"

"Mine's still full of boxes," said George.

"So is mine," laughed Fred.

"Spare room?" asked Alya.

"Spare room," agreed Fred and George at the same time.

They turned the tv off and went into the spare room that Alya had decorated. It has white walls and a large king size bed in the middle. It had a few plants and rugs around, but it was mostly empty. The three of them got into bed and cuddled up with each other before drifting off to sleep.

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