Slytherin Royalty

By MrsDxMalfoy

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"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... More

One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Day Off
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday
Character list & Authors Note!

The Reality

324 7 1
By MrsDxMalfoy

When Alya walked through the door of the Burrow, she was immediately bundled by two large, ginger people. Obviously, it was the twins. They wrapped their arms around her and squeezed her tightly.

"Honeslty, boys, let the poor girl breathe!" shouted Molly from the kitchen. "Hello, Alya, come and sit down,"

"Hi Moll-" started Alya, before George interrupted her.

"Are you okay, Ally? I missed you so much," said George.

"I'm okay, Georgie," smiled Alya. "I was only gone for the night,"

"I know, but I really missed you," he said, hugging her again.

"I really missed you too, Ally," said Fred, hugging her again. "Are you sure you're okay? We haven't told anyone anything because, well... you know. It hasn't even been mentioned in the Daily Prophet yet,"

"Okay, good," said Alya. "And I missed you both too,"

"Let her get into the house, at least!" said Arthur, as Alya and the twins were still standing in the doorway.

"Right, sorry, Ally," said George, as he moved out of the way and followed Alya to the dining table.

She sent her dress and mask that she was wearing the night before upstairs with her power and sat down at the table. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were out in the garden, and hadn't even noticed Alya was back yet.

"Freddie, could you call the others in for me, please?" asked Alya. ""I need to talk to you all,"

Fred did what he was asked and called Hermione and the others into the dining room. They all said hello to Alya as they sat down. Hermione and Ginny hugged her before sitting down at the table.

"I wanted to talk to you all and tell you something, before you find out from somewhere else," said Alya. "Last night, Voldemort turned up at the Malfoy's. Mattheo and Tom were forbidden to come to the ball, but they wanted to see me, so they came anyway. Only, they got caught. When Voldemort showed up, he was really angry and he... well you can only imagine,"

"What the hell!" said Ginny.

"Are the Riddle's okay?" asked Hermione, sounding quite concerned.

"They're fine, now," said Alya. "They weren't at first, but my father came and helped them. But that's not all. When I saw him, Voldemort, it was like I was frozen with anger. The boys tried to take me away but I couldn't move. I remembered what he tried to do to me, what he did to my mother and what Matty had told me about what he used to do to him and Tom when they were younger. Which I won't go into, but the point is, I was too angry. Some stuff went down and one of his death eaters performed the Avada curse on me. I think it knocked me out because everyone was crying and they all thought I was dead,"

"Holy shit..." said George.

"But you're still alive... again, how?" asked Harry. After all, he was the only other person known to survive the curse.

"Same as you, Harry," said Alya. "A mother's love is the most powerful thing in the world. That mixed with my mum's powers that she transferred to me 12 years ago, it practically made me invincible. I can't be killed,"

"WICKED!" shouted Ron, Fred, George and Ginny at the same time, which made Alya laugh out loud.

"I guess so..." said Alya. "Anyway, after I'd woken up, I lifted Voldemort and all the death eaters into the air and they were all terrified. Matty and Tom woke up and said what they needed to say to him, and then I... I killed him,"

"You... what?" said Arthur.

"I killed Voldemort," repeated Alya.

"Are you serious?" said Harry. Alya nodded.

"Please don't hate me, I never wanted to kill anyone," she said, voice breaking. "But I knew if I didn't, he was going to kill me and my father and my friends, including all of you, and whoever else he felt like killing. If he killed me, he could've absorbed my power... and then he-"

"Ally, calm down," said George, grabbing her hands.

"No one hates you, love," said Fred, smiling at her.

"Of course not, dear," said Molly, as she came over to give Alya a hug. "We're so proud of you. You were so brave. You really saved a lot of people by doing what you did,"

"Molly's right, Alya," said Arthur. "That was incredibly heroic of you,"

"You did good, Ally," said Hermione.

"Not good, brilliant!" said Ron.

"Thank you..." said Harry, standing up and hugging her. "Thank you so much,"

"That's seriously nuts, Alya, I'm impressed," said Ginny.

Alya looked around at them all. She couldn't help but feel extremely overwhelmed and for some reason, she felt as though she was about to burst into tears. She soon realised that it was because she was.

"Thanks everyone... sorry, excuse me," she said, as she quickly ran upstairs and into Percy's room, locking the door behind her.

She fell to the floor and immediately started sobbing. She hadn't realised how much it was going to affect her. How horrible she would feel after having taken someone's life, regardless of how horrible the person was. She had stopped someone from living. She had murdered someone. She kept replaying the same image of her shouting 'AVADA KEDARVRA' over and over again in her head and it wouldn't stop. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Alya ignored it, and carried on crying, but silently this time.

"Ally?" said George from the other side of the door. "I know you're in there, let me in, love,"

"Go away, G-George," she hiccuped.

"I'm not going anywhere," he said. "I'll sit right outside if I have to, but I'm not leaving you on your own,"

After a few seconds, Alya took a deep breath and opened the door. She took one look at George and immediately started sobbing again. He picked her up, closing the door behind him. Alya wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, and he sat on the bed with her on his lap.

"Shh, it's okay love," he whispered, as she buried her face into his neck and continued to cry. "Everything's okay,"

He rubbed one hand up her back and another hand through her hair, kissing her head every so often as he comforted her. They were sitting like this for a quite a while, before Alya started to calm down.

"I'm sorry, Georgie," sniffled Alya, when she had finished crying.

"Ally, you do not need to apologise," he said, lifting her head so that she would look at him. He wiped away her tears and kissed her gently on her forehead. "Are you okay?"

"I just... I can't believe I actually killed someone," she said, voice breaking again.

"I know, but please don't let this get to you," said George. "If you didn't kill him, he would've killed you, and your father, and god knows who else. You did the right thing,"

"I know I did, but I never wanted any of this," said Alya, cuddling into him again.

"Of course you didn't," said George. "But you can't change any of it. This is the way your life is, and it's up to you to choose how you let it affect you,"

"You're right," said Alya, looking up at him. "Thank you so much, Georgie. You've really helped me,"

"You don't have to thank me, darling," he said. "I'll always help you,"

Alya leaned forward and kissed him on his forehead. He placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her gently on her lips. Alya pulled away and looked into his eyes, before kissing him again, but slightly more passionately this time. They kissed for a few minutes, before Alya pulled away.

"George..." she said.

"I know, I'm sorry," said George.

"Don't be," she said.

"Ally, I..." George started, but stopped himself. "Do you... want to go back downstairs?"

"Sure," said Alya. "Let me just get changed first, these are actually Draco's mum's clothes," she chuckled, taking off the pretty black dress she had been wearing all day.

She walked over to her trunk and put on Draco's pyjama trousers and one of her tops, and went to put on Mattheo's hoodie.

"Do you want one of mine?" George found himself asking her.

"Yeah, okay," smiled Alya, as they both walked downstairs to the twins' room.

George went to his wardrobe and handed her a large, red Gryffindor hoodie with 'G WEASLEY' written on the back. Alya pulled it over her pyjama top and looked up at him.

"How do I look?" she asked him, chuckling slightly.

"You look ridiculously cute," he said, picking her up and placing lots of little kisses on her cheeks, which made her giggle. "Come on, let's go," he said, putting her down as they walked out of his room.

"Is everything okay, you two?" asked Molly, as Alya and Georgegot downstairs.

"Everything's fine, thank you," smiled Alya. "I just needed some time to process everything, it's harder than I thought it would be,"

"Well you always have us," smiled Molly, hugging her. "If you ever need anything, all you have to do is ask,"

"Thank you so much," smiled Alya.

"Dinner is ready, everyone," said Mrs Weasley.

Everyone sat at the table and began to eat their dinner. Everyone had a lot of questions for Alya, and she tried her best to answer them before George interrupted.

"Alright you lot, leave it now," he said. "It'll have been hard enough without the constant questions,"

"Yeah, you're right," said Ron. "Sorry, Ally,"

"It's okay guys," smiled Alya. "I'll talk more about it soon, I just need to get my head around it all first,"

They finished their dinner and Molly and Arthur said goodnight to everyone as they headed up to bed. Alya and her friends sat on the sofas and put on a film. George held his arm around Alya and played with her hair as she rested her head in his chest. Fred laid his head in her lap again as they watched the film.

After the film had finished, they all went up to bed. Alya climbed into bed in between the twins as usual and snuggled up to them both. She had her head on Fred's chest as George was spooning her from behind.

"I know people have been asking you this all day, but are you okay, love?" asked Fred, as he moved her hair out of her eyes.

"I will be," smiled Alya, as she kissed his cheek. He kissed her forehead and held her close.

"It felt so weird with you not being here last night," said George. "I almost cuddled Fred thinking it was you,"

"Wait, you two slept in here last night?" asked Alya.

"Yeah... I guess we both just really missed you," said Fred.

"You two are so cute!" giggled Alya, cuddling them tighter. "But how will you cope when the holidays are over and we're all back at Hogwarts?"

"I'll be coming to steal you away from Malfoy," chuckled George.

"I really don't think he'd be best pleased with that," laughed Alya.

"No, and Riddle definitely won't be happy if he found out," chuckled Fred.

"Which one?" asked Alya.

"BOTH OF THEM!" laughed Fred and George at the same time. Alya laughed at the pair of them.

"I was actually in bed cuddling the pair of them last night," chuckled Alya. "That makes it even funnier,"

"Lucky gits," said George.

They laughed and spoke for a little while longer, before the three of them eventually fell asleep.

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