Slytherin Royalty

By MrsDxMalfoy

47.3K 867 226

"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... More

Character list & Authors Note!
One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
Casa Cortez
The Reality
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Day Off
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday

The Masquerade Ball Part 2

416 8 11
By MrsDxMalfoy


"Oh my god, oh my god,"

"Alya... please,"





Alya opened her eyes to see Pansy, Draco, Blaise and Theo all surrounding her. She was laying on the floor, or rather, on Theo's lap and Draco was draped over her, sobbing into her neck.

"Oh my god, you're awake!" shouted Theo. "Draco, she's okay!"

Draco looked up at her, his eyes all red and puffy, face wet with tears. He looked into her eyes and burst into tears, wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm okay, Dray," said Alya, wrapping her arms around him. "I'm here,"

"I - I thought..." sobbed Draco.

"I know, but I'm okay," she said, kissing his forehead as she pulled him away. "I need you to move, now,"

Draco did as he was told and Alya stood up. As she did this, she saw Tom and Mattheo lying on the floor. Tom wasn't moving at all and Mattheo was moving too much. Alya looked around and saw Voldemort standing over them with his death eaters. She quickly grabbed him with her powers and pulled him over to her. He looked at her like he had seen a ghost, and there was pure fear in his eyes.

"How are you... alive?" he trembled.

The death eaters tried to bring their wands out again, but Alya made them all levitate into the air in one fell swoop.

"Pans, go check on the boys, make sure they're okay," Alya said. "Don't worry, no one will hurt you,"

Pansy nodded and ran over to them. "They're alive, but they're not good,"

Alya closed her eyes and used her legilimency to find her father's mind. She found him, sitting alone in front of a fireplace, looking through a picture book.

"Dad, It's Ally," she said. "I need you at Malfoy Manor, it's urgent,"

"Ally? What's going on?"said Snape,concerned.

"It's Tom and Mattheo, they're hurt," said Alya. "I need you to help them, bring any essence of dittany or any healing product you might have. I'll explain when you get here, just please hurry,"

She left his head, and opened her eyes, entering the hall at Malfoy Manor again. She looked into Voldemort's eyes, who was now looking quite angry.

"You're a legilimens," said Voldemort, shocked.

"We didn't get round to introducing ourselves earlier, did we," said Alya, taking off her mask. "No need to ask who you are, but do you recognise me?"

"Should I?" asked Voldemort.

"Perhaps not, but you'll certainly recognise my mother and father," she said.

Just then, Snape burst through the door. He took one look at all the death eaters, Alya and Voldemort and all the colour had drained from his face.

"What's going on..." he said slowly and shakily.

"Please just help the boys, dad, I'm okay," said Alya.

Snape realised that she was right, and that she could clearly handle herself so he did what she asked of him and went over to help Mattheo and Tom.

"Severus is your father..." said Voldemort. Alya could see the cogs turning in his mind as he started to figure out who she was.

"That's correct. I'm Alya. Alya Cortez," she said, looking into his eyes. "12 years ago, you took my mother from us. You were jealous and intimidated by her power and beauty, you tried to kill me, then kill her and take her power. Unfortunately for you, it didn't work out that way, did it?"

Voldemort was shaking with fear at this point, trying to avoid eye contact with Alya, or anyone else for that matter. No one could help him, no one could move, thanks to Alya and her power. Alya laughed in his face at the way he was so scared of her.

"Aw, look everyone," she shouted. "Voldy's scared! How does it feel? Being terrified and helpless because of an 18 year old girl? This isn't even a fraction of how you make others feel, you pathetic, disgusting excuse of a man!"

Blaise, Theo and Pansy started laughing at Alya's words. All of the other guests were watching in silence. They didn't know who Alya was or what was going to happen, and quite frankly, they were all terrified of Alya and Voldemort at this point.

"The stupid, little plan that you created when you were blinded with envy, backfired all those years ago," said Alya. "Instead of you killing my mother and I to make yourself feel more powerful, she transferred her power to me instead. Which is why most of your filthy death eaters died along with my mother that day."

There were loud gasps from the crowd as Alya said this, and people didn't know what to do. Alya knew she was scaring people and she hated it, but she couldn't stop now. Just then, Mattheo gasped as he sat up, looking around the room wondering what was going on.

"Oh my god, Ally!" he shouted, running over to her and hugging her tightly.

"Be careful, love," said Alya, hugging him back. "You're still weak,"

"I don't care, I thought you were dead!" he said, pulling away and kissing her head. "I love you so much,"

"You what?" said Voldemort, furiously. "Pathetic. Love makes you weak, you're already weak enough. Useless, pointless, I never should have -"

"You better shut your foul mouth!" shouted Alya, squeezing her hand so that Voldemort was struggling to breathe. "Mattheo is twice the man you'll ever be, the only useless and pathetic thing around here is you. The only reason I haven't killed you yet is because I was waiting for Mattheo and Tom to wake up!"

Voldemort looked at her, with a mixture of fear and confusion, and stayed silent. Tom woke up suddenly, the same way Mattheo did, but was too weak to stand.

"A - Ally?" he gasped, his words hardly coming out.

"I'm here, Tommy," smiled Alya, walking over and hugging him. "I'm okay,"

He wrapped his arms around her as tight as he could and kissed her cheek. He tried to speak, but Alya kissed his forehead and said "I know,". She stood up and walked back over to where Voldemort was still in the air.

"Matty, Tom, you know how much I love you both," Alya said. "Which is why I will not do anything without your say so. If you want me to leave it, I will. If you want me to hurt him, I will. And if you want me to kill him, I will. It's your decision,"

Mattheo and Tom looked at each other, and looked at Voldemort. They both knew they had the same answer, they wanted him dead.

"You..." Mattheo started. "You put us through the most horrible shit growing up. You hurt us, you made us hurt ourselves but worst of all, you made us hurt each other. The only reason you had us was to have heirs. To make us into your slaves, your pathetic death eaters. We never wanted this, we're nothing like you. You're vile. You disgust me and I never want to see your horrific face again, especially not after you just tried to kill the girl I love,  AGAIN! Crucio!"

He pointed his wand at Voldemort and used the cruciatus curse on him in the air. He laughed as he watched Volemort squirm in pain.

"That's for all those times you made Tom and I crucio each other," Mattheo shouted. "Not to mention all the times you did it to us! Kill him, Ally, no one wants him alive,"

"Wait..." said Tom, trying to stand up. Mattheo walked over and helped him up, throwing his arm over his shoulder and walking him over to where Alya was standing. "My turn," he said, as he cast 'crucio' on his father.

Voldemort squirmed in pain again as everyone watched for a few seconds. Tom then cast 'crucio' on him again.

"That one is for Ally!" he shouted. 

"Do it, angel, kill him," Tom said to Alya. "He isn't our father anyway, he never has been,"

"Only if you're sure, boys," said Alya, looking at them for one final nod of approval, which they both gave to her.

She waited for Tom's cruciatus curse to wear off and for voldemort to catch his breath back, before looking him in his eyes.

"This is for my mother, for Tom and Mattheo, and for everyone else you've ever hurt," said Alya, pointing her wand at him. "AVADA KEDARVRA"

As soon as the curse hit Voldemort, he went even higher up into the air and started deteriorating. It looked almost like glass shattering, his skin was peeling off and evaporating into thin air. A huge green light was shining out of him, as he disintegrated even more, a piercing scream coming out as this was happening. Everyone was watching with their mouths open wide, as if they could not believe what was happening. Suddenly, he was gone. Pieces of Voldemort were falling down, but fading away like paper being burnt on a fire. And just like that, it stopped.

The death eaters that were still up in the air looked terrified, as they, Draco, Tom, Mattheo, Theo and a few others started wincing in pain. Alya looked around at everyone, puzzled.

"What's going on? Guys?" asked Alya, frantically.

They were all clutching their arms, the one that had the dark mark. Alya moved Mattheo's arm out of the way so that she could see what was happening. The mark had turned red, and was slowly fading away.

"It... It's gone," said Draco, staring at his arm where the mark once was.

"He's gone," said Mattheo, slowly. "He's really... gone,"

"He's gone, Matty," said Alya. "You're safe now, you all are,"

Mattheo hugged her, so did Tom, Theo, Blaise, Pansy and Draco. They all thanked her quietly, before pulling away from the hug.

"Now, what do we do with these people?" said Alya, pointing to the death eaters that were still floating in the air. "Do we trust them enough?"

Suddenly, Narcissa walked over to where Alya and her friends were standing. She hugged Draco and whispered something in his ear. He looked at her, shocked.

"Are you sure?" he asked her, quietly.

"More than sure," Narcissa said. "Are you okay with that?"

Draco thought for a few seconds, but nodded his head slowly. Narcissa kissed his head, before turning to Alya. She leant forwards to whisper something into her ear

"I want you to kill my husband," she said.

"Woah... are you serious?" asked Alya.

"I am," said Narcissa. "He doesn't love us, he's horrible to both of us and we deserve better. He treats Draco terribly and I can't stand to see it, but he'll kill us if we try to leave him. We're both terrified of him, he hurts us both regularly and we can't keep living like this. I know you love Draco, so please, do this for him," Alya looked up at Narcissa, shocked, before turning to Draco. He nodded his head at her and Alya read his thoughts.

*Do it, Ally. It's the best thing for all of us* said Draco in his head.

"Are you both absolutely sure?" asked Alya one last time. "Because I don't want you to regret this,"

"We won't," said Draco. "I won't,"

"I'm sure," said Narcissa.

"Okay, but I think you both should leave," said Alya. "Especially you, Dray. I don't want you to see this,"

Draco nodded at her and took his mothers hand. They were about to leave, when Alya stopped them.

"No,wait!" she said. "Why don't we just send him to Azkaban? That's what I'm going to do with the others when I figure out who's who. That way, at least he's still alive and you won't have that on your conscience,"

Draco and Narcissa looked at each other for a minute, before turning back to Alya and nodding at her.

"Okay, good," she said. "But how do I decide what to do with the others?"

"Alya, please remember who you are," smiled Narcissa. "You know what to do,"

Alya smiled at Narcissa, before walking over to all of the death eaters that were floating in the air. She pulled them down one by one, and looked into their minds. She could see that some of them never wanted to be death eaters, and that Voldemort had either threatened their families,or in fact, killed their families and that they had no choice. She let them go, and they ran over to one side of the room.

Some of them, however, had joined Voldemort willingly, and had killed a lot of people on purpose, including Narcissa's own sister. A pale lady with long, bushy, black, curly hair and almost rotten teeth. Alya looked into her mind, which is where she found that she was Narcissa's sister. Alya looked over at Narcissa, who nodded at her in agreement that she should be sent to Azkaban. Alya sent the guilty death eaters to the opposite side of the room, but made sure that they were still in the air. This included Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father.

Once Alya has sorted them all, Snape called the Ministry and a bunch of guards came over to collect them and take them to Azkaban. As soon as they left, everyone that was left at the Manor cheered and finally relaxed, after the recent events. Alya ran and hugged all of her friends tight, particularly Tom, Mattheo and Draco. They all squeezed her extremely tight and kissed her cheeks multiple times.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Ally," said Theo, as he pulled her in for a hug. "You really had me worried there,"

"Me too," said Blasie. "I don't know what I would've done if you..."

"Guys, stop," smiled Alya. "I'm fine, okay? I'm here,"

Narcissa walked over and hugged Alya, thanking her quietly.

"You're welcome, I'm sorry I ruined your ball," said Alya, as she pulled away from the hug. "I really wasn't planning on it, but I lost all control when I saw him. After what he did to my mother and what he put Tom and Mattheo through I just couldn't leave it,"

"Don't apologise, you did the right thing," smiled Narcissa. "You did the best thing, you saved so many lives tonight,"

"Thank you," smiled Alya.

Draco was staring at the two of them with wide eyes and a huge, admiring grin on his face.

"He really loves you, you know," said Narcissa. "He tells me all the time. He thinks the world of you,"

"I know," smiled Alya. "I love him too, he's so amazing. You should be so proud of him,"

"I am, so proud," smiled Narcissa. "Thank you, by the way. Draco tells me all about how you comfort him, how you treat him, how you help him, how you were never going to let him complete the task that the dark lord had given him, and how you were immediately willing to protect him and I without even thinking about it, without even knowing me or Lucius. I really appreciate you being there for my boy and showing him that there's more to life than pleasing his father. You've shown him happiness that he never knew existed, you've shown him love that he never knew he could have. You saved his life in more ways than one and I will forever be in your debt for that,"

"You don't need to thank me," smiled Alya. "I knew how special he was from the moment I met him. All I did was show that to him, and hopefully now he knows how incredibly special he is,"

Narcissa smiled and hugged her again. Just as she pulled away, Snape walked over. Alya hugged him tight.

"Thank you, dad," she said. "I don't know what would've happened if you didn't come,"

"Of course I came," said Snape. "You needed me, there was never a question in my mind about whether or not I'd come,"

"Thank you," smiled Alya, pulling away from the hug.

"You were amazing, Alya," said Snape. "You saved so many people by doing what you did. But I do have to ask, are you okay? Regardless of what Voldemort did, you did just kill someone. I know that that's going to play on your mind,"

"I'm okay, dad," said Alya. "It probably will play on my mind for a while, but I know that I needed to do it. If I didn't take his life, he'd have taken loads of others, including some of the ones I love the most,"

"I'm so proud of you, Alya," smiled Snape, kissing her forehead and hugging her again.

"So you should be, Severus," smiled Narcissa. "Your daughter is incredible,"

"Thank you both so much," smiled Alya.

Most of the guests started to leave at this point, understandably, everyone was slightly worn out. Narcissa told Alya and all of her friends that they were welcome to stay the night, due to the horrific events that they had all just witnessed. Alya thanked her and agreed, as did the others. Narcissa also offered Snape to stay the night, but he politely declined and said that he'd be back in the morning to see Alya. Snape gave Alya one last hug to say goodbye to her.

"Dad, could you take me to my house tomorrow please?" she asked him before he left. "I want to see it, because I want to move in as soon as possible,"

"Of course, darling," smiled Snape. "That will be lovely,"

"Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow then," she smiled. "Love you,"

"Love you, my darling," Snape said, as he waved goodbye to the others and left the manor.

Narcissa took Alya and her friends upstairs and showed them some of the bedrooms and bathrooms. She told them to take their pick of which room they wanted, before saying goodnight and going to bed herself. Draco showed Alya and their friends his room, and said that he'd be sleeping in there.

"I'll get you some pyjamas, Pans," said Draco, grabbing a pair from his drawers and handing them to her. "You can't sleep in that dress. Also if you go into the bathroom to the left of the main guest suite there should be some sort of wipes in there for your makeup. My mum puts them in there for such occasions as this,"

"Thank you," smiled Pansy, as she went to go and find a room. "Goodnight, guys,"

"Night," they all said.

Theo and Blaise also went to find a room each and said goodnight to everyone.

"Tom, Matty, do you want to share with me?" asked Alya. "I don't want to leave either of you alone after tonight, because of what happened with your father but also because you both almost died tonight and I want to keep and eye on you,"

"Definitely," said Tom.

"Is that even a question?" said Mattheo.

"Good," said Alya. "Pick a room and I'll meet you guys there. I just want to go and talk to Dray for a minute,"

"Okay, doll," said Tom.

"See you in a sec, love," said Mattheo, as they picked a room, said goodnight to the others and went inside.

Alya stayed in Draco's room, and he immediately pulled her into a long hug. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, before kissing his forehead and pulling away.

"Sorry, Dray, I really want to share with you too but I need to make sure the twins are okay," said Alya. "I wish the three of us could share but I don't know how that would work,"

"Don't worry about it, I get you all to myself when we're back at Hogwarts anyway," Draco smiled. "Plus I understand. Stay with me until I fall asleep?"

"Of course, my love. I just need to talk to the Weasley's and let them know I'm staying here, or they'll be going nuts wondering where I am," said Alya. Draco nodded, as he walked over to his drawers to get changed.

Alya sat on the edge of Draco's bed and closed her eyes, searching for George. She found him sitting with Fred on the bed they shared in Percy's bedroom, talking to each other about their new flat above the joke shop.

"Hey, Georgie," said Alya.

"Ally? Where are you? Are you okay? Why aren't you back yet? It's so late!" George said quickly, jumping off the bed and pacing around the room.

"Okay, calm down, I'm okay," said Alya. "I'm staying at Draco's tonight, a lot has happened and it's best for us all to stay together,"

"What do you mean? What's happened?" asked George, frantically.

"Voldemort's dead... I killed him," said Alya.

"You... you what?" George said, quietly.

"I killed Voldemort," Alya repeated. "He's gone,"

"What the fuck?" George said.

"I'll explain when I get back okay, It's a long story," said Alya. "I have to go out with my dad in the morning but I'll be back tomorrow afternoon, I promise,"

"Okay... are you okay though?" he asked, sounding slightly upset.

"I'm okay, everyone's here so I'm not alone," said Alya. "I'll see you both tomorrow, okay? Tell Freddie I'm thinking of him too, you were just the easiest to find,"

"Okay I will... see you tomorrow," said George. "I lov- I mean... goodnight,"

"Night, Georgie," said Alya.

She left George's head and came back into Draco's room. He was sitting on his bed watching her and smiling.

"Here love, put these on," he said, handing her a pair of pyjamas that he'd got from his drawers.

"Thanks, Dray," she said, as she pulled off her dress and put the pyjamas on.

"You're so gorgeous, Alya," smiled Draco.

"You are," she smiled back. Draco got into bed and held his arms out. Alya climbed into bed next to him and put his head on her chest, wrapping her arms around him tightly and kissing his head a few times. "Are you okay?"

"Better than okay," said Draco. "I'm just a bit worried about my mum,"

"I get that," said Alya. "But she knows it was for the best, or she wouldn't have asked,"

"I know," said Draco. "But now when I'm back at Hogwarts, she's going to be all alone here. Father's in Azkaban and so is my aunt Bella. I don't know how she'll cope,"

"She's tougher than you think, my love," said Alya. "She'll be fine, I promise,"

"I guess," said Draco. "Thank you so much, Ally. For everything, I don't say it enough but I really appreciate everything you've done for me and my family, and not just tonight,"

"You're welcome, but you don't need to thank me," smiled Alya. "I'll always protect you and the others,"

"I love you so much," he said, sleepily.

"I love you more," she said, kissing his head. "Turn around,"

Draco looked at her confused, but soon realised what she meant and happily obliged. He turned around and Alya wrapped her arm around his, spooning him from behind. He snuggled into her as she kissed his cheek and his shoulder, before he quickly fell asleep. She stayed there cuddling him for a little while, before he was in a deep enough sleep and she crept out of the room and went into the bathroom to take off her makeup.

Once she was done, she walked into the room she was sharing with Tom and Mattheo. As she walked in, she saw that they were both shirtless and in their boxers, sitting on the bed waiting for her. Alya looked them both up and down and felt her heart race.

"Holy Merlin..." she said quietly.

"Like what you see, love?" chuckled Tom.

"Absolutely," she said, smirking at him.

She climbed into bed between the pair of them and sat up, holding out her arms. They both cuddled into her, laying on her chest as she kissed both of their heads.

"How are you both?" she asked them.

"I'm okay, I actually feel quite relieved," said Tom.

"Same, I don't even really feel sad," said Matteo. "I mean, it feels weird of course, knowing he's gone, but it feels good,"

"I think the weirdest part is that we're going to have to go home to an empty house tomorrow," said Tom. "Other than the house elves and servants that live with us we're going to be alone,"

"I think we should dismiss them," said Mattheo. "The elves and servants, we always hated that father made them work for us anyway, and he never paid them anything,"

"We shouldn't dismiss them, neither of us know the first thing about cleaning or running a house," said Tom. "But we should at least pay them,"

"Yeah, you're right," said Mattheo. "We'll call a meeting when we get back and tell them,"

"I really love you two, you know that?" smiled Alya.

"We love you more," said Tom.

"But why?" asked Mattheo.

"Listen to yourselves," smiled Alya. "You're two of the kindest people I've ever met, you're both amazing,"

"You really think that?" asked Tom.

"Of course I do," smiled Alya, as she kissed them both on their heads. They each gave her a kiss on the cheek and laid both of their heads back on her chest.

"Are you okay, Ally?" asked Mattheo.

"I'm okay, handsome," said Alya. "I promise,"

"Okay, good," said Mattheo. "I can't imagine how hard that must've been for you,"

"Of course I never wanted to kill anyone," said Alya. "But he was an exception. He killed my mother, he hurt the two of you, he was trying to hurt Draco, I couldn't let him carry on. And when I saw him, I couldn't control myself. I knew I needed to kill him, today,"

"We're so thankful for you, angel," smiled Tom.

"Yeah, we really are, princess," smiled Mattheo.

"I'm thankful for the both of you, too," smiled Alya. "Come on, let's get some sleep,"

Alya laid down on Tom's chest while Mattheo was spooning her from behind. They both kept kissing her head and her cheeks, which made her giggle. Alya could feel Tom's heart racing as her head was on his chest. He couldn't help but smile to himself, and the three of them fell asleep within minutes.

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