Slytherin Royalty

By MrsDxMalfoy

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"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... More

One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Reality
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Day Off
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday
Character list & Authors Note!

Hot Chocolate

421 9 3
By MrsDxMalfoy

The next morning, Alya woke up with her head on Fred's chest and his arms wrapped around her. She giggled to herself, which woke him up.

"Oh shit, I must've fallen asleep last night," said Fred, as he frantically moved his arms away.

"Calm down, Freddie, it's okay," chuckled Alya. "Did I fall asleep on you?"

"Yeah, you did," smiled Fred. "I waited a little while because i didn't want to wake you but I must've fallen asleep too,"

"Aw, that's cute," giggled Alya, as she got out of bed and got dressed. Fred sat there staring at her for a minute, before realising and getting out of bed.

"I'll um... see you downstairs," he said, as he quickly left the room. Alya chuckled to herself and continued getting dressed, before going downstairs.

"Good morning, sweetheart," said Molly, who was in the kitchen. "Did you sleep well? Sit down, breakfast will be ready shortly,"

"I slept really well, thank you," said Alya, sitting down at the table where everyone else was, except Fred.

"I bet you did," smirked George, who was sitting opposite Alya.

"Shut it, you!" chuckled Alya.

"What do you mean?" said Hermione. Alya shot George a look.

"Oh, you know..." said George. "Percy's bed is comfy, is all," he smirked at Alya.

"How would you know? Percy never let you near his bed," said Ron.

"Oh... just guessing," said George, laughing under his breath. Alya rolled her eyes, playfully at him and giggled. Just then, Fred came down the stairs and joined them at the table.

"Here he is!" chuckled George. "Late night, was it?"

"Shut up, George," said Fred, trying to hide his smirk.

"He's right, you're normally up way earlier than this," said Ginny.

"Yeah, I uh... went to bed late," said Fred, avoiding eye contact with George and Alya.

"Why?" asked Ginny, looking confused.

"Why so many questions this morning?" chuckled Fred. Ginny shrugged her shoulders at him.

They all ate their breakfast and spoke amongst themselves, before Molly announced that her eldest son, Bill and his wife, Fluer would be coming over around lunch time. Once everyone was finished, they each excused themselves and decided to go into the garden to play mini quidditch. Fred and George chose Alya to be on their team, and Ron, Ginny and Harry were on the opposing team. Hermione didn't like quidditch so she sat on the grass and read a book while watching. Fred, George and Alya spent most of their time messing around with each other on the brooms rather than playing, which annoyed Ron.

"Are you guys actually playing, or are you just pissing around?" yelled Ron.

"Ooo, don't get your knickers in a twist, Ronnie," chuckled Alya, which made Fred and George laugh.

"Yeah, Ron, why so serious?" said George.

"I just thought we were playing quidditch,"said Ron. "You can flirt with each other later, when were finished,"

"But flirting is much more fun on brooms," chuckled Alya, flying over to Ron. "You should give it a go, we both know how much you fancy Miney," she whispered to him.

Ron's whole face went red as Alya flew back over to Fred and George, laughing.

"What did you say to him?" asked Fred.

"Just that he should try flirting with Hermione," laughed Alya.

"Wait, Ally, you can control people's minds can't you?" said George, suddenly.

"I can, yes," she replied.

"Wouldn't it be funny if you made Ron think Hermione was going to kiss him?" chuckled George.

"It would, however Hermione is down there," she said, pointing to Hermione on the ground. "Although, I can make him think a massive spider is crawling up his arm,"

With that, Alya looked over at Ron, and used her powers to make him imagine a huge spider crawling up his arm. He instantly started screaming and waving his arms around frantically, before accidentally falling off of his broom. Alya quickly used her power to grab him and lift him back up to his broom. Fred and George were laughing their heads off at this point.

"God, did you see the size of that spider?!" he screamed, gaining his balance on his broom.

"Funnily enough, I didn't," laughed Fred.

"That was amazing, Alya," cackled George. "You definitely need to come and prank people with us when we get back to hogwarts,"

"I definitely will, it's so fun," laughed Alya.

They never got round to playing much quidditch, they mostly just flew around chasing each other on their brooms, and whenever Ron got annoyed, Alya would lift him off of his broom slightly, causing him to scream. The twins, Harry and Ginny found this hilarious, Ron on the other hand, did not. After a while, Mrs Weasley called them all back in for lunch. They flew down and put their brooms in the shed and walked back up to the house.

"Did you guys have fun?" asked Hermione. "There was a lot of screaming and laughing,"

"We did, the screaming was mostly Ron," chuckled Alya.

"Those three were too busy flirting to play any proper quidditch," said Ron, glaring at Fred and George.

"Like i said, Ronnie, you should give it a go," chuckled Alya, smirking at Ron.

"So you're not even going to deny that you were flirting?" asked Harry.

"No, why would I deny it?" laughed Alya.

"Seriously, Ally, I can't take you anywhere," laughed Hermione.

"Shut up, sis," laughed Alya. "You can't blame me, they're both gorgeous,"

"For god sake, Alya," said Hermione. Alya smirked at the twins, were blushing and chuckling to themselves.

They walked through the back door and sat down at the table. They began eating their lunch, and before long, there was a knock on the front door of the burrow. Molly ran over to the door frantically, and opened it. In walked a beautiful, tall, blonde lady with bright blue eyes. Behind her, came a tall, ginger man with long silky hair that reached his shoulders. He had a large scar across his left eye, and his eyes were a piercing green. They both gave Mr and Mrs Weasley a long hug as they walked in, before walking over to the other table and hugging Ginny, Ron and the twins. Hermione got up and hugged the lady.

"It's so nice to see you again!" said Hermione. "This is my sister, Alya. Ally, this is Fluer and Bill,"

"Hello, lovely," said Fluer, walking over and giving Alya a hug.

"Wow, so you're the famous Alya," said Bill, holding out his hand for Alya to shake. "We've heard so much about you from my brothers, particularly Fred,"

"It's lovely to meet you both," smiled Alya, shaking Bill's hand. "And yes, I'm told your brothers talk about me a lot," she chuckled.

"A lot? I'm sure I know everything about you at this point," laughed Bill.

"Bill, shut up will you," glared Fred.

"Aw, you embarrassed, Freddie?" giggled Alya.

"Oh shush," blushed Fred.

Everyone sat down on the sofas, talking to each other for hours about all sorts of different things. Alya learnt that Bill and Fluer met at their work in Gringott's bank, and that they fell in love instantly, which she thought was extremely sweet. They spoke about the wedding, which Alya loved, and a bunch of other things. After a while, Bill went to help Arthur in the garden and Fluer went to help Molly in the kitchen. The others scattered about and did their own thing, while Fred, George and Alya stayed where they were.

"You don't always have to pretend to be so interested by my family, you know," said Fred.

"What? What are you talking about?" said Alya, puzzled.

"You're always so interested in everything any of us talk about, and you're so sweet about it," said Fred. "You don't have to pretend to care so much,"

"But... I'm not pretending," said Alya. "I am genuinely interested in everything you guys talk about, I love hearing about your family and all the different stories. Why would you think I'm not?"

"Really?" said Fred. "It's just that most people usually get bored and want to leave or talk about something else, no one's ever really been interested in my family or anything like you are,"

"Freddie, if I was bored, you'd know about it," chuckled Alya. "I've told you before, I'm not like everyone else, I love hearing about this stuff. You need to stop worrying so much," she said, nudging his arm gently with her elbow and smiling at him. He looked into her eyes and smiled at her, admiringly.

"Get a room, you two," chuckled George.

"We're only having a conversation," laughed Alya.

"Just a conversation, tell that to the way you're looking at each other," laughed George. Alya giggled and smirked at Fred, who was blushing.

"Shut it, George," said Fred.

The others came back into the living room shortly after, and they all engaged in conversation again. This time, everyone was asking Alya questions about her life. She explained that she found out she was adopted a few months ago, and was transferred to Hogwarts where she found out her father is Snape. She left out the bit about her powers, as she didn't think it was necessary to talk about. She just said that she was in Slytherin and had a few friends.

"Yeah, and they're all in love with her," chuckled Hermione.

"Oh wow, got some competition then Freddie," chuckled Bill. Alya raised her eyebrows at Fred, who was giving Bill a death stare

"Bill, shut up!" he growled.

"Oh come on, everyone knows you fancy her," laughed Bill.

"It's true, Freddie," giggled Alya. "I mean, you literally told me yourself, or had you forgotten about the halloween party?"

"How could I forget that," smirked Fred.

"So why do you get so embarrassed?" laughed Alya.

"Just... it's nothing," said Fred. "Anyway, mum's invited Snape over for Christmas for Ally,"

"That's lovely, but that must be so weird for you guys," said Bill, talking to his brothers.

"Yeah, really weird," said George. "But we'll put up with it for Ally's sake,"

"Aw, aren't you a sweetheart," chuckled Alya.

"Shhh," laughed George.

After a few hours, everyone sat back at the dining room table and had dinner. Once they all had finished, Bill and Fluer decided to leave, so they both hugged Alya and everyone to say goodbye before going home. Once they had left, Mr and Mrs Weasley went up to bed, and Hermione, Harry, Alya and the Weasley's were sitting on the sofas in front of the fireplace, just like they were the night before.

"So, do you still think Fred's the best looking Weasley after meeting Bill?" chuckled George.

"I do, actually," smiled Alya. "Although Bill may be a close second," she teased.

"Are you serious?" said George. "So I'm third but my twin brother is first?"

"I'm only joking, Georgie," laughed Alya. "Don't get too jealous,"

"Oh, shut up," smirked George, blushing slightly.

"How do you even tell them apart so easily, Alya?" asked Ginny. "Even we all struggle and we see them every day,"

"It's easy, they have their differences," smiled Alya.

"Like what, though?" said Ginny.

"Come here," said Alya, standing up and bringing Ginny over to where the twins were sitting.

"So gorgeous," she whispered, cupping George's face with her hands. George felt his breath hitch in his throat as she said this, and looked up at her, staring into her eyes and trying to hide a smile as she did this, his heart racing at her touch. 

"Georgie's nose is slightly bumpy, his lips are more curled and his eyes are a little slanted," said Alya, as she lifted his chin to the side gently. "He also has a couple of little freckles on his neck," 

She pulled away from George, who couldn't stop staring at her. She walked over to Fred and did the same. She cupped his face in her hands and smiled at him, looking into his eyes for a few seconds.

"Freddie's nose is straighter, his lips are more straight and his eyes are a little bit closer together," said Alya after a while. "Also, he doesn't have freckles on his neck,"

"You've noticed all of that?" said Ginny, shocked.

"You haven't?" asked Alya, pulling away from Fred and sitting back down next to him.

"Well, I don't really tend to look at them for very long," laughed Ginny.

"Oh, well I spend a lot of time looking at them, to be honest" giggled Alya, smirking at the twins. "Plus, their personalities are slightly different,"

"How'd you work that one out?" chuckled Ron. "They're the same bloody person!"

"Nah, they're not," chuckled Alya. "Well, I used to think Freddie was quite bold and slightly more flirty than George, at least he was when we first met! He is still a little now, although he's slightly more nervous now for some reason."

"I am not nervous!" said Fred.

"No?" said Alya. "You sure about that?" She moved closer to him, staring into his eyes with a small smirk. His breathing started getting heavier and more ragged, as he looked into her eyes. His eyes fell onto her lips and he became very flustered.

"What's the matter, Freddie?" laughed Ginny.

"N-nothing..." said Fred, trying to get his breathing under control.

"You're not nervous, are you?" smiled Alya, looking down at his lips and back up to his eyes. She moved even closer and whispered in his ear, her lips slightly grazing his ear lobes, "Or does me being this close to you bring back some memories that you shouldn't really be thinking of right now?"

"Ally..." groaned Fred, as he breathed in heavily and slumped back into the sofa.

"Point proven," giggled Alya.

"Bloody hell," said Ron, suddenly. "I've never seen you get nervous over a girl before, Fred,"

"I would say neither have I," said George. "But i've seen Fred get nervous by Alya loads of times,"

"Oh shut up, you lot," blushed Fred. "Ron you'd be the same, so would you George,"

"Never," said George.

"Ally, wanna prove my point?" said Fred.

"Sure," chuckled Alya, as she walked over to sit next to George on the sofa. She sat facing him and looked into his eyes while she moved his hair out of his eyes. She gave him a small smile, as he lost focus and glanced down at her lips. He couldn't take his eyes off her as she moved just a little bit closer to him.

"What you thinking about, Georgie?" she whispered in his ear. His breath hitched as he felt her breath on his neck. She pulled away and tilted her head slightly, smirking at him and looking at his lips.

"Holy fuck... this is harder than it looks," said George.

"What is?" asked Alya, without taking his eyes off of him. He didn't answer, but his breathing got heavier as he looked into her eyes and back down at her lips.

"Alright, fine," he said finally. "You were right, Fred,"

Alya giggled at him and moved around to face the others, although she stayed sitting in between the twins on the sofa.

"Ally, how on earth do you do that?" said Hermione.

"Do what?" asked Alya.

"Make everyone you meet fall in love with you," said Hermione.

"What? They're not in love with me, that's ridiculous," laughed Alya. The twins stayed chuckled and avoided eye contact.

"Are you sure about that?" said Harry.

"Yes, I'm sure," laughed Alya. "Boys, help me out here?"

"Uh.. yep," said Fred. "Totally ridiculous,"

"I feel like you might be, Harry," chuckled George.

"Shut up, no I'm not," said Harry. "You're the one who can't take your eyes off her!"

"Can you blame me?" smirked George. Alya raised her eyebrows at George and smirked at him.

"Merlin, Alya," laughed Ginny.

"I'm used to different people always arguing about who is or isn't in love with me at this point," laughed Alya. "I find it quite amusing, to be honest. Also, Harry, you can fancy someone without being in love with them, so chill," she laughed.

"Exactly my point," chuckled George. "It's just a shame you fancy my brother more,"

"Oh, it's a shame, is it?" giggled Alya. "To be fair, after spending more time with you I think I fancy you both the same amount," 

"Oh, that's just great," said Fred, giving George a death stare.

 "Get a room, you two," laughed Ron.  Alya and George giggled at Ron and rolled their eyes at him.

"Oh, I completely forgot!" said Hermione, suddenly. "I brought that muggle hot chocolate that you guys wanted to try!" She quickly jumped up and ran to the room she shared with Ginny. A few seconds later she came back downstairs.

"Ally, you know you make the best hot chocolate," said Hermione, handing her the tub of powder.

"Fine, but I'll need some help if everyone's having some," Alya said as she got up off the sofa and made her way to the kitchen.

"I'll help," said Fred and George at the same time, jumping up and following Alya into the kitchen. Alya chuckled and filled up the kettle to put on the stove.

"Where are your mugs kept?" she asked the twins. George stood directly behind Alya and opened the cupboard that was directly above Alya's head, causing her to back into him to avoid the cupboard hitting her head.

"H-here love," he stammered, blushing as Alya turned around to face him.

"I can't believe you tried saying I didn't make you nervous," smirked Alya. "Clearly it doesn't take much,"

"Oh shush, it just caught me off guard," chucked George.

"Mhm, sure," smirked Alya, getting the mugs out of the cupboard.

"So what exactly is this shit?" asked Fred, as Alya put the chocolate powder into each of the cups and added a small teaspoon of sugar.

"It's like a chocolate flavoured drink," laughed Alya. "It's really nice,"

"So that... turns into a drink?" said George.

"Yep, get me the milk please," said Alya. Fred went into the fridge and handed her the carton of milk. "Thank you, love. Where does your mum keep her saucepans?"

"In that cupboard at the bottom," said George, pointing to a cupboard next to the stove. Alya bent down and got out the biggest saucepan she could find. She turned around to find Fred and George staring at her ass.

"Enjoy the view?" she chuckled, as the twins smirked at her. She poured the milk into the pan and started to heat it up. Once the kettle was boiled, she poured a small amount of the hot water into each of the cups and mixed it around. She stirred the milk around the pot, waiting for it to boil.

"So why exactly did you need our help?" asked George. "You seem to have this all under control,"

"Well I needed someone to show me where everything is, didn't I?" chuckled Alya. "You both decided to follow me, clearly you can't bare to be without me for 2 minutes,"

"You're such a wind up, Ally," laughed Fred.

"It's true, though," she laughed. Once the milk was boiled, she poured it into each of the cups and gave them one last stir. "Do you have whipped cream?"

"Uh, I don't think so," said Fred.

"Great, I'll be back in a sec," said Alya, as she apparated out of the burrow. About a minute later, she returned.

"What the bloody hell are you playing at, Ally?" said Fred, as she got back.

"You scared us half to death!" said George.

"Guys, I was gone for like 30 seconds," she laughed.

"But we didn't know where you went!" said Fred.

"Anything could've happened to you!" said George.

"I only went to the shop, calm down," laughed Alya. She saw the worried looks on their faces and couldn't help but give them both a hug.

"You guys are cute when you're worried about me," she said, pulling them in for a hug one by one. "But you can't have a hot chocolate without whipped cream, it's against the law,"

"Really?" asked George.

"No not really, but it is for me!" laughed Alya. "Open your mouth," she said. George obliged, and Alya squirted some cream in his mouth, before doing the same to Fred.

She squirted some into her own mouth before adding some to each mug of hot chocolate.

"Come, taste this," she said, as the twins walked over to her. She handed them both a cup each. "Careful, it'll be a bit hot,"

"Holy...merlin," said George, with wide eyes as he tasted his hot chocolate for the first time.

"" said Fred, as he tasted his.

"You like?" chuckled Alya.

"This is the best thing i've ever tasted!" said Fred. "Other than you, of course,"

"Freddie!" chuckled Alya. "You may want to rephrase that, as you've only tasted my lips as of yet," she winked at him.

"So far, this is the best thing I've ever tasted too," chuckled George, winking at Alya. "No but seriously, this is insane,"

"I'm glad you like it, my loves," smiled Alya, which made the twins both blush. Alya lifted the other mugs with her powers and sent them over to where the others were sitting.

"Hot chocolate is served, the twins are obsessed already," Alya chuckled. She, Fred and George came to sit back down on the sofa and drink theirs, waiting to watch everyone else's reactions.

"Oh my good god," said Harry. "I've had hot chocolate before, but this is next level, Alya,"

"Thank you, Harry," chuckled Alya.

"Oh wow... wow," said Ron, he'd nearly finished his in one go.

"This... this is amazing," said Ginny, who couldn't stop sipping on hers.

"Why don't they have this in the wizard world?" said George.

"Wow, now I know what to get you lot for Christmas," laughed Alya. "Actually, Miney, I wanted to ask if you would come shopping with me tomorrow? I need to go to Diagon Alley,"

"Yes, of course," said Hermione.

"In fact, you can all come if you want," said Alya. "But you'll have to piss off in different groups while I get each of your presents, especially you two!" she said, pointing to the twins.

"No, please don't get us anything, Ally," said Fred.

"Trust me, when you find out what your present is, you're going to regret saying that," giggled Alya.

"No, seriously," said George. "We don't want anything,"

"Well tough, you don't have a choice," smiled Alya. George shook his head at Alya and chuckled to himself. Shortly after, they all finished their hot chocolates and decided to head up to bed.

"Come with me again, boys?" Alya asked the twins, who both smiled and nodded at her as they walked up to the top floor of the Burrow together.

Once they got into Alya's room, they once again cast 'muffliato' on the bedroom door to ensure that they wouldn't wake anyone up. Alya changed into her green, silky pyjama set before lying down on the bed in between Fred and George as they spoke about all sorts of different things.

"You're definitely making hot chocolate for us every day now, Ally," said George.

"Absolutely," said Fred.

"Yes, fine," Alya said sleepily. "We'd better get some sleep, if we want to go shopping tomorrow. You boys can sleep here tonight if you want, you don't have to of course,"

"Ah, fuck it," said George. "Any excuse to snuggle up to you,"

"Um, that's my job, Georgie," said Fred.

"Oh shut up, the pair of you," chuckled Alya. "You can both cuddle me if it means that much to you,"

"Wait, really?" said George, seemingly gobsmacked.

"Yes, really," said Alya. "Only if you play with my hair," she laughed.

"Done," said Fred, as he took his hoodie off and climbed into bed next to her.

"Agreed," said George, doing the same.

Fred spooned Alya from behind, while George insisted on having his head on Alya's chest. They cracked a few inappropriate jokes and laughed at each other, before eventually drifting off to sleep.

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