Slytherin Royalty

بواسطة MrsDxMalfoy

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"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... المزيد

One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Reality
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Day Off
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday
Character list & Authors Note!

The Sleepover

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بواسطة MrsDxMalfoy

Over the next month, Alya and her friends continued with their lesson as usual. They were still being stared at constantly by all of the students in the school. People moved well away from them in the hallways, barely looked at them in lessons and would sit as far away from them as possible. Except of course, for Hermione and the rest of the Gryffindors that Alya was friends with. Alya and her friends didn't seem to mind this, because it meant that they had some peace, rather than the constant questions and gossiping that they were used to. Alya had been practising her legilimency and telepathy with her father, Snape. She could now read and control people's thoughts without even touching them or being near them. She'd been practising on her friends, with their permission, and she could now communicate with them through their minds, even if they were apart.

 It was now the 21st December, the day before the Christmas holidays and the day before Alya was due to go to the Weasley's with Hermione. She was feeling very excited, but quite upset because it meant that she wouldn't see her Slytherin friends for two weeks. Her friends, particularly Mattheo, were feeling quite visibly sad too. They all sat in the Great Hall eating their lunch together making small conversations to fill the silence, before walking to their Divination lesson. Alya went to go and sit next to Fred as usual, smiling at him as she sat down.

"Hey, Freddie!" she said.

"Hey, Ally," he smiled.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, of course," he replied. He didn't look at her properly so she thought that something was wrong with him.

"Are you sure? It seems like something's bothering you," she said, looking at him with a slight puzzled expression.

"No, I'm good," he said.

"Okay... are you excited for the holidays?" smiled Alya. "It's going to be so fun staying with you all for two weeks,"

"Uh... yeah, I guess," he said. Alya smiled at him and turned to face the front. *clearly something's bothering him. I hope he hasn't changed his mind!* she thought to herself, as Professor Trelawney started the lesson.

She told them that they would be studying horoscope charts and using the crystal balls in that lesson. "Could one person from each pair come and get the supplies from the front of the class, please," she said.

Fred shot up straight away without even saying anything or looking at Alya, and went to the front. George turned around to say hi to Alya once Fred had gone.

"Hi George... is Fred okay? He seems really off with me," said Alya.

"No, he's okay," said George, quickly.

"Okay... do you think he's changed his mind about me coming to stay with you?" asked Alya, softly. "Because I don't have to come, I can just go back home or go and stay with my dad,"

"No!" said George. "No, it's not that at all! It's just... I think he's just a bit... worried,"

"Worried? Worried about what?" asked Alya.

"It's just that... well, our parents - they don't have a lot of money and our house isn't very...big," said George. "Most people that come to our house usually end up laughing or being mean about it and we've lost a lot of friends that way. People usually wouldn't want to be our friends anymore after seeing our house,"

"George... that's horrible!" said Alya. "I don't care about money or the size of your house! I'm friends with you guys for you, and nothing is going to change that, I promise,"

"I can see why Freddie likes you so much," George smiled. "He doesn't stop talking about you,"

"Wow, really?" blushed Alya. She smiled at George as Fred returned from the front of the class with the supplies for the lesson.

"Trying to chat Alya up, are we Georgie?" chuckled Fred.

"Why, afraid she'll realise I'm the better looking twin?" laughed George.

"Actually, no offence George, but you're wrong there," smiled Alya.

"I'm offended!" gasped George, clutching his chest playfully.

"Obviously you're gorgeous, but Freddie's better in my opinion," she said.

"Fine, I'll take it," said George. "But only because I like you. If you were an asshole you'd be getting the worst of my pranks for saying that," he laughed.

"Are you sure? Because personally, I think I'm a bit of an asshole," laughed Alya. She noticed that Fred was smiling at her in adoration as he started to set up for the lesson. George laughed at her and shook his head playfully as he turned back around to get started on his task.

"Do you really think I'm better looking than George?" whispered Fred.

"Of course, I kissed you at the parties didn't I?" chuckled Alya. "If I thought George was better looking I'd have kissed him instead,"

"Well... I guess so," smiled Fred. "It's just that most people have always said that George is the best looking. That is, until they meet our brother Bill and then he's suddenly the best looking man they've ever seen,"

"Well I'm not like that," smiled Alya. "You know I think you're gorgeous, and now you know I think you're better looking than George, and you're probably better looking than Bill, too,"

"I highly doubt that, you'll meet him in a few days anyway," said Fred, his voice trailing off and looking nervous again.

"Freddie, you have nothing to be worried about," smiled Alya. "Nothing is going to change my opinion of you, I promise. I like you for you, nothing else matters,"

He looked up at her in shock, but smiled at her and admired her silently before they both got started with their task. They chatted amongst themselves while completing their lesson, until it ended. Alya said goodbye to Fred and George and went over to her slytherin friends. They had no more lessons for the rest of the day, so they decided to go and sit in their common room.

They sat on their usual sofas, Alya was laying on Mattheo and he had his arm around her, while Draco was spread across Alya and she had her arm resting on his shoulders. Tom, Theo, Pansy and Blaise were spread out across the other sofa and the armchair and they were talking amongst themselves for a while.

"I'm gonna miss this!" said Alya, as she looked around at her friends.

"I'm gonna bloody miss you," said Mattheo, kissing her forehead.

"Same," said Draco, holding her hand that was resting on his shoulder.

"I know, but it's not for long," smiled Alya. "We'll be back here before you know it,"

"I'd rather just stay here with you," said Draco.

"I know, but we can't Dray," chuckled Alya.

"Why not? We could all just stay here for the holiday!" said Draco.

"Yeah, I'm down," said Mattheo.

"We can't, you guys need to go home," chuckled Alya. "Plus, I already promised the Weasley's weeks ago that I'd stay with them for Christmas, I can't cancel on them now,"

"Wait, you're going to stay with the Weasley's?!" said Blaise.

"I thought I told you guys this?" chuckled Alya.

"No, you definitely didn't," said Mattheo.

"Those gits!" said Draco. "They get to spend another two weeks with you and we've gotta wait until after bloody Christmas,"

"Guys!" laughed Alya. "Are you seriously going to miss me that much?"

"YES!" they all shouted.

"Awww, you bunch of sweethearts," giggled Alya.

"Shut it, you," laughed Blaise.

"Shall we all have a sleepover tonight? As it's the last night and all that," said Pansy.

"Sure, why not," said Theo.

"Okay, but where?" said Alya.

"Well it would make the most sense for everyone to come to our dorm," said Draco. "As there's two of us and only one of everyone else,"

"Okay, sure," said Alya. "But me and Dray are having the bed! One of you can share with us and I'll just sleep in the middle if you want?"

"SHOTGUN!" shouted Mattheo, suddenly.

"Bloody hell, Riddle!" laughed Alya. "You scared me!"

"Sorry, but it looks like you're in between me and Malfoy tonight," he laughed.

"Well goddamn, however will I control myself," chuckled Alya. Pansy and Tom looked over and smirked at her.

"This should be interesting," smirked Pansy.

"Shut up, Pans!" laughed Alya.

"Well I shotgun the sofa," said Pansy. "One of you can share with me and the other two can take the floor,"

"I'd rather sleep in the bath," laughed Blaise.

"Why don't we just bring the common room sofas up? There's 3 down here and one in our room so there will be enough," said Alya.

"And how the bloody hell are we supposed to carry them upstairs?" said Theo.

"Um hello? Remember who you're talking to," laughed Alya. "That's lightwork. Someone will just have to hold the door open for me,"

"Cool, this is gonna be good!" smiled Pansy.

A couple hours later, the group went to the Great Hall for their dinner. They ate while Dumbledore gave a Christmas speech and just as they finished and were about to leave, Snape came over to their table.

"Hello, darling," he smiled, giving Alya a hug.

"Hi dad," she said.

"I don't know if you're aware, but Mrs Weasley has invited me for dinner on Christmas day," said Snape. "So we'll be able to spend Christmas with each other,"

"Aw, that's so lovely!" smiled Alya. "I can't wait,"

"Me too, sweetheart," smiled Snape. "I'll let you go and spend time with your friends before you all leave. Love you,"

"Love you too, dad," she said, as she and her friends left the Great Hall.

They got back to their common room and told everyone to get out of their way. Draco went upstairs to hold their dorm room door open, while Alya lifted one of the sofas into the air. She spun it around carefully, before walking behind it as she directed it into their dorm. She did that two more times with the other two sofas before she and Draco went up to their dorm and waited for the others to get their things from their dorms.

They all arrived, one after the other with their bags of clothes, snacks, pillows and blankets and made themselves comfortable on the sofas, while Mattheo put his pillow next to Alya's on their bed. They all sat and watched movies while eating their snacks and talking about anything and everything, before deciding to put their pyjamas on. At this point, Alya didn't care and got changed in the same room as them all. She took off her robe, tie and shirt and looked up to see everyone staring at her.

"What's everyone's problem?" she laughed "You've all seen me in my bra already, and a couple have seen me without it so it's nothing new,"

"Wait... a couple?" said Pansy. "Who else has?"

"Oh shit," said Alya, realising what she had said. "Well that doesn't matter, the point is you've all seen it before so it's not a big deal if I change in front of you," she said, as she pulled off her skirt and tights. They were all still staring at her, especially Blaise.

"Well I can leave the room if it makes you guys uncomfortable," she joked. The boys immediately snapped out of it and started getting undressed themselves, still glancing over at her every so often. Alya chuckled to herself and put on her green, silky, laced vest top & shorts set. She sat back on her bed in between Draco and Mattheo and watched as they both got changed. Mattheo put on a pair of grey jogging bottoms, without a top and Draco had a black pair on, with a top.

"Woah... why are you both covered in scars?" said Blaise, when he looked over at Tom and Mattheo getting changed. They both looked at each other as they realised that everyone could see. They looked as if they didn't know what to say.

"That's none of your business, is it Blaise?" said Alya, giving him a look.

"You're right, sorry boys, that was really rude of me," said Blaise. Tom smiled at Alya, gratefully and Mattheo mouthed 'thank you' to her. She winked at him and changed the subject.

"So are we watching another film?" asked Alya quickly.

"Yeah, fuck it," said Pansy. They put another movie on the tv and spoke to each other for a while, before Pansy asked her usual question when they're together.

"Shall we play a quick game of truth or dare?" asked Pansy.

"There's barely any of us here, though," said Theo.

"Yeah but it's the last night, we might as well have some fun," she said, pulling out a big bottle of firewhiskey and some plastic cups from her bag.

"Now I like the sound of that," said Alya. They all agreed to play truth or dare and poured themselves a cup of whiskey each.

"Okay, Blaise, truth or dare?" said Pansy.

"I'll pick dare," said Blaise.

"Um.. I dare you to do 4 shots of firewhiskey in a row," said Pansy.

"Easy," said Blaise, as he poured the whiskey into the cap and used it as a shot glass 4 times.

"Next," he said. "Alya, truth or dare?"

"Dare," she said.

"I dare you to kiss the person you'd most want to sleep with in this room," said Blaise, smirking at her. "And it can't be someone you've already slept with,"

"It can't be someone I've already slept with?" said Alya. "Okay, easy," she said, as she walked over to Tom. She sat on his lap and kissed him passionately for a few seconds. He put his hands on her hips and held her close to him the whole time, and smirked at her when she pulled away. She kissed his forehead and then went to sit back on her bed.

"Damn, I really thought you'd choose me," laughed Blaise.

"Aw, sorry," laughed Alya. "Tom's just hotter than you are,"

"Wow..." said Blaise. Alya laughed at him.

"It always surprises me how much I enjoy our kisses, Tommy," smirked Alya.

"Me too, doll," chuckled Tom. "Considering I hate kissing,"

"Unless it's me," giggled Alya.

"Exactly," smiled Tom.

"God, you two clearly have some unresolved sexual tension," laughed Pansy.

"Maybe just a little bit," winked Alya.

"Anyway, who's next," said Mattheo, trying not to get jealous.

"My turn," said Alya. "Theo, truth or dare?"

"Truth," said Theo.

"Have you ever been in love?" said Alya. Theo hesitated for a minute, before answering quietly.

"Yes..." said Theo.

"What? With who?" said Pansy. "I know I made a joke about you falling in love after one conversation but I didn't actually mean it,"

"Well, I'm not going to say who but there is someone," said Theo.

"Is? You mean you're still in love with them?" said Blaise.

"Yep..." said Theo, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"I didn't even know you had a girlfriend, Theo," said Blaise.

"You can fall in love with someone without being in a relationship with them," said Mattheo, quickly.

"Speaking from experience, Riddle?" laughed Blaise.

"Yes actually, I am," he said.

"Wait... you're in love too?" exclaimed Blaise. Alya stayed silent and avoided eye contact with everyone. Tom and Pansy were looking at each other and trying not to make eye contact with Alya.

"Yes, I am," Mattheo smiled.

"Never thought I'd see the day," chuckled Theo.

"Anyway, Theo it's your turn," said Alya.

"Um... Tom, truth or dare?" said Theo.

"Fuck it, dare," said Tom.

"I dare you to do 5 shots of firewhiskey in a row," said Theo.

"Fine," said Tom, pouring himself 5 shots in the cap of the whiskey bottle and drinking them, one by one.

"Next... Alya, truth or dare," said Tom, slurring slightly.

"Dare," she smiled.

"I dare you to come over here and kiss me again," he smirked.

"What the fuck, Tom," said Mattheo.

Alya looked at him in disbelief, but got up anyway. She walked over to him and sat on his lap again, straddling him as he held his hands on her hips and kissed her passionately for a few minutes, before Alya pulled away. She went to get off of his lap, but he pulled her back down, his grip tightening on her hips. She held his face in her hands and carried on kissing him for a few more minutes. It got very heated and she could feel him growing hard underneath her as he pushed up into her. She pulled away from the kiss and leaned forward to whisper something in his ear.

"Getting a bit carried away, are we Tommy?" she said, flirtily, as she kissed his lips one more time and went back over to the bed. He had to put his blanket over his lap to hide his boner, and couldn't take his eyes off of her for the rest of the night. She glanced over at him and winked every so often, and he gave her a playful death stare and a smirk, which made her giggle. Mattheo was glaring at Tom, he looked really angry.

They carried on playing for a while and ended up finishing the whole bottle of firewhiskey between themselves. They put another film on and after a while, Alya wanted to give each of them a massive hug as it was their last nigth together for a while. She  jumped on each of their sofa, one by one. Tom was first, he wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Hello, my love," he whispered into her ear. "Shame we couldn't finish what we started,"

"What you started, Tommy," she whispered back at him, without breaking the hug.

"It's your fault, I love your kisses too much," he smirked. "Maybe next time,"

"You're drunk, Tommy," giggled Alya.

"Maybe a little, but I mean it," said Tom. "By the way, did Matt tell you? About our scars,"

Alya nodded. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, Tommy," she said, hugging him tightly.

"Don't be, love. It's okay," he smiled. "But we've never told anyone anything about that before, he must really love you to trust you like that. I know I do,"

"I know," said Alya, kissing his cheek as she pulled away.

"I love you, my angel," he whispered, as he kissed her on the forehead. Alya went to hug Theo next.

"Come here, love," he smiled, as he hugged her and buried his face in her neck. "I love you, Alya," he whispered.

She pulled away from the hug and looked up at him, puzzled. "What?" she said. He pressed her hand against his cheek and looked into her eyes. She realised that he wanted her to read his mind, so she did.

*I'm sorry, I can't keep it in any longer,* he said in his head. *I know you don't feel the same but I just wanted you to know. I'm in love with you, Ally.* he pulled her back in for a hug and kissed her on the cheek, smiling at her as she pulled away. 

"Theo, I..." she started, but Theo interrupted her. 

"Stop, it's fine," he smiled at her. She smiled back at him and went over to Blaise's sofa. He had his arms out ready for her, and she jumped onto him.

"You sure I can't tempt you to come and share with me, gorgeous?" he chuckled. She rolled her eyes playfully at him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Choose you and a sofa over two smoking hot men and a comfy bed?" laughed Alya. "In your dreams, Zabini,"

"Am I not a smoking hot man?" he laughed.

"You're hot, but they're hotter," she said, leaving him with his mouth open in shock.

"In your face, Zabini," laughed Mattheo.

"Damn, does that hurt?" chuckled Draco.

Alya chuckled as she went over to Pansy's sofa and wrapped her arms around her. Pansy was laying down already so Alya was laying on top of her.

"Good luck tonight, at least try to control yourself," she laughed.

"Oh shut up, it's going to be a lot harder than you think!" chuckled Alya, as she kissed Pansy on the cheek and went and got back in her bed.

"I'm gonna miss you all, you bunch of assholes," Alya laughed.

"I'm only gonna miss Alya, to be honest," said Mattheo.

"Yeah, same," said Pansy.

"Me too, I won't get my daily dose of hotness for 2 whole weeks!" said Blaise.

"Oh however will you cope!?" laughed Alya. She wrapped her arms around Mattheo's neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist tightly.

"I've missed having you in my bed," he whispered to her.

"Technically, this is my bed," she chuckled, kissing him on the cheek. She then turned over and wrapped her arms around Draco.

"Hey, beautiful," he said. "I missed you when I was gone for two days, this is going to be horrible!"

"I know, Dray but it will pass quickly, and we'll be back here soon!" smiled Alya, kissing his forehead.

"She's mine tonight, Malfoy," said Mattheo. "You always get to cuddle her, it's only fair,"

"Absolutely not," said Draco. "She's mine at night, she always is,"

"Not tonight," smiled Mattheo.

"Woah guys, stop fighting over her," laughed Pansy.

"Yeah, anyone would think you're both in love with her or something," laughed Blaise.

Alya looked at Draco and then at Mattheo, and then at Tom. Draco and Mattheo were staring at each other with an evil look in their eyes. They were all sat in total silence for a few seconds before Blaise interrupted.

"Hang on a minute... are you both -" said Blaise.

"ANYWAY," said Alya quickly and loudly. "You can share me tonight, as it's the last night. I'll cuddle you both,"

"Can I get in on this?" said Blaise. "I'll swap with Riddle half way through the night or something,"

"Absolutely not!" said Mattheo.

"Gosh, boys," chuckled Alya. "Maybe next time, Zabini,"

"Assholes," said Blaise.

They put another movie on and before long, Tom, Theo, Blaise and Pansy had all fallen asleep on their individual sofas, wrapped up in their blankets. Alya, Draco and Mattheo looked at each other and laughed quietly when they noticed, before deciding to turn off the tv and go to sleep themselves.

"How are we gonna do this then, princess?" said Mattheo. "Because I need a cuddle, so how are we going to share you?"

"One of you can be the big spoon and then I'll lie on the other's chest or something?" said Alya.

"I guess that could work," said Draco. "Then we can switch in the night,"

"I don't care, as long as I get a cuddle," said Mattheo. Alya kissed him on the cheek, before kissing Draco on his cheek and putting her head on his chest and wrapping her arms around him. Mattheo then scooped her up from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist, spooning her.

"Can we do this every night?" chuckled Alya. 

"I actually wouldn't even mind," laughed Mattheo. "You're worth it," he said, kissing her cheek.

"It's not that bad, and you're definitely worth it," said Draco, kissing her head.

"Malfoy..." said Mattheo.

"Riddle..." said Draco.

"Are we... in love with the same girl?" said Mattheo.

"I... I think we are," said Draco.

"Great..." said Mattheo.

"Fuck..." said Draco.

"Alya..." said Mattheo.

Alya ignored him and pretended to be asleep. She was used to falling asleep fairly quickly on Draco or Mattheo's chest, they believed that she was. Mattheo and Draco laid there for a few minutes in silence, before drifting off to sleep themselves.

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