The Neglected Devil Hunter Iz...

By HammerKun

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You would think being the son of the number 1 hero would be amazing right? wrong, my name is izuku midoriya a... More

Chapter 1- Birth of a devil
Chapter 2- Quirkless
Chapter 3- POWER!!
Chapter 4- I'm in America!?
Chapter 5- Devil Hunter
Chapter 6- Time skip
Chapter 7- Order of the sword
Chapter 8- Hell gates
Chapter 9-Berial
Chapter 10-Teamwork
Chapter 11-Familiar?
Chapter 12-Connection
Chapter 13-Credo Vs Nero
Chapter 14-Izuku Vs Nero
Chapter 15-The Savior
Chapter 16-New Devils Arms.
Chapter 17-Yamato retrieved
Chapter 18-Sanctus
Chapter 19-No More Order
Chapter 20- Before the Nightmare
Chapter 21-And a Tree Grew
Chapter 22-1 Month Later
Chapter 23-Welcome to Redgrave city
Chapter 24-Goliath
Chapter 25-Qliphoth roots
Chapter 26-Lady
Chapter 27-Gilgamesh
Chapter 28-Proto Angelo
Chapter 29-Urizen
Chapter 30-Dante's awakening
Chapter 31-Trish
Chapter 32-A Swords Purpose
Chapter 34-Visons of V
Chapter 35-Epsilon
Chapter 36-Dante's Inferno
Chapter 37-The Alpha and the Omega
Chapter 38-Sons of Sparda
Chapter 39-Brothers Vs Brothers
Chapter 40-And The Tree Fell
Chapter 41-Lets make a deal.
Chapter 42-Japan
Chapter 43-Blue fire
Chapter 45-New employees
Chapter 44-Surgery
Chapter 46-Snake in my boot
Chapter 47-From the shadows
Chapter 48-A Demonic Suprise
Chapter 49- The Trial
Chapter 50-Training
Chapter 51-Meeting with the police
Chapter 52-Not my dream
Chapter 53-School Tour
Chapter 54-First Day of Teaching
Chapter 55-Beat down
Chapter 56-Final Month
Chapter 57-Bide your time
Chapter 58-Self control
Chapter 59-Payback
Chapter 60-Survive
Chapter 61-Suprise Guest?!
Chapter 62-Hero's Vs Villains
Chapter 63-league of Villains
Chapter 64-An Angel From Hell!?
Chapter 65-A Beating

Chapter 33-The Jacket.

1.7K 60 6
By HammerKun

Dante emerged from the demon king's lair after Urizen had ascended to the top of the tree. He landed on a lower floor where he spotted Nico's van parked along with Lady waiting for him. She let out a sigh of relief upon seeing him unharmed.

"Looks like no one's worse for wear. I'm just gonna double-check," she said as she walked past Dante. Trish, V, and Kafka also entered the floor.

"Hey, where'd that garbage god go? What is Urizen after?" Dante inquired, walking over to V.

V took a seat on a root, breathing heavily before responding to Dante.

"He's at the top of the Qliphoth," V replied. Dante glanced up at the towering tree they were in, but Trish pointed down.

"It's the other way around, Dante. This is the lowest level of the Qliphoth's upper echelon. Human blood is the source of demons' power. The fruit born through the Qliphoth is even denser than the blood that created it. Its power is unparalleled. Even the almighty Mundus used it to become the king of the underworld," she explained. Dante nodded, absorbing the information.

"V told me everything," she added, shooting a glare at him.

"Yeah, well, that's a lovely story and all, but... as long as we know how to fight him," Dante said, easing the tension as he headed off to confront Urizen.

He was halted by Nico, who wore a wide smile, clearly excited to meet him.

"Whoa! You... are the infamous Dante!" she exclaimed enthusiastically before clearing her throat.

"Um, I'm Nicoletta Goldstein. Sound familiar?" She extended her hand to shake his, and Dante showed surprise on his face.

"Sound familiar? My grandmother i-is Nell Goldstein... The gunsmith who made all your fancy weapons that you got... strapped back there," she nervously revealed as Dante took out his guns, Ebony and Ivory.

"Yeah, there she is!" she exclaimed ecstatically, pointing at the guns, clearly proud of her late grandmother's work.

Dante smirked, noticing the difference between Nico and her grandmother.

"Yeah, I got my looks from my daddy, that's about all I got from him. But based on his research, I-i-i managed to cobble this—" she said, producing a white fedora.

"Um, it's- it, consider it a gift! In honor of us finally meeting!" She said with great enthusiasm.

While Nico chatted away with Dante, both Izuku and Nero had managed to regain consciousness, despite their recent defeat at the hands of the demon king. Izuku, even though blind, had honed his senses to perceive Dante's and Trish's presence in the room. Alongside them, Fenrir, who had returned to aid his master, was also sensed.

"Fenrir?" Izuku inquired, stretching as the familiar manifested.

"Master, why are you up? You should be resting," Fenrir expressed with concern.

"I'm okay, Fenrir. What happened? Wait, why are you here?" Izuku asked, gesturing toward the wall, which Fenrir playfully tapped him on the shoulder to correct.

"I'm here, Master," the familiar clarified, to which Izuku redirected his gesture.

"After seeing the Qliphoth ascending into the sky, I realized the tree was about to bear the fruit of darkness. Guarding the entrance didn't make much sense when I felt you were in trouble," Fenrir explained earnestly, drawing a smile from Izuku.

"Good boy," he praised, ruffling the familiar's ethereal fur.

Izuku moved over to Nero, who was watching Dante converse with Nico. He noticed that she was bestowing a new Devil arm upon Dante.

The fedora in her hand began to shake with an almost whimsical energy, then suddenly leaped onto Dante's head. As if on cue, a scarf made of demonic energy materialized around Dante's neck. Out of nowhere, a spotlight seemed to shine down on him, emphasizing his newfound adornments.

Out of the blue, music erupted, seemingly from thin air, and Dante launched into an unexpected dance performance, showcasing moves reminiscent of Michael Jackson, including a flawless moonwalk. The Qliphoth tree responded to his rhythm, shifting colors in sync with his dance, and the ambient lights around the area sparkled with his steps.

As he concluded his impromptu dance, sparks burst from the surroundings, eliciting cheers from Nico. Yet, Trish and Kafka appeared entirely unimpressed, while Izuku and Nero wore expressions of bewildered confusion.

"What the hell did we just watch?" Nero turned to Izuku, inquiring.

"Not a damn clue," Izuku responded with a chuckle, still unable to see.

"Oh, right," Nero caught himself, realizing Izuku's blindness.

"Where The hell did those lights come from?" Nero asked looking around.

"Questions for another time." Izuku said facing the wrong way.

After Dante had ended his dance routine he had stored the hat for later use as he told Nico with a appreciative nod.

"Dante! I'm going too," Nero asserted, his determination shining through, with Izuku echoing his sentiment.

"I'm coming as well," Izuku confirmed, to which Dante turned around with a sigh.

"Why don't you two sit this one out?" Dante inquired, causing Nero's frustration to escalate.

"Let you call us dead weight again? No thanks. I've got all the power I need. Right here," Nero responded, showcasing his robotic arm. Dante's sigh deepened.

"That's not what I mean," Dante explained, just as Izuku interjected.

"Then what do you mean?" Izuku questioned, interrupting their exchange. V's arrival brought a resolution to the debate.

"Let them go, Dante. Time is a luxury we can no longer afford. We must chase after him, post haste," V suggested, his determination prevailing despite his visibly deteriorating body.

"So, does that mean you're going too?" Dante quizzed, met with a nod from V.

"I have a duty to see this through," V declared, steadfast in his resolve despite his physical condition.

"Well, that's all you had to say, Mr. Poetry," Dante quipped before turning away.

"I'm going my way, and you guys go yours. Let's just say it's what's best for the cause," he concluded, waving his farewell as he departed.

"Izuku!" Kafka's voice called, reaching out and preventing him from following the others.

"Now what?" Izuku asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice, as Kafka pulled him closer, her grip firm. Trish and Nico observed the scene.

"The jacket," Kafka said simply, prompting a sigh from Izuku as he raised his hands in surrender.

"A promise is a promise," Izuku conceded, his tone resigned. Kafka released her hold on him.

"Walk with me," Izuku suggested, leading them away from the inquisitive gazes of Trish and Nico.

"Think they're dating?" Trish mused aloud, prompting a shake of the head and a shrug from Nico.

"Who knows? Maybe? They seem to bicker more than anything," Nico replied, catching Trish off guard. She found herself reminiscing about Dante's dynamic with Lady, sighing inwardly.

"Just like them, isn't he?" Trish remarked, a fond smile gracing her lips. Lady returned after inspecting Urizen's lair, and Trish's comment sparked her curiosity.

"Like who?" Lady inquired, her curiosity piqued, as Trish dismissed it with a wave.


"Where should I start?" Izuku pondered, his hand stroking his chin as he delved into a memory from a long time ago.

The scene shifted to a 14-year-old Izuku, accompanied by Lady, after completing a Devil hunting job together. Back then, Izuku was still reticent, his wounds from his previous family's maltreatment healing slowly. He was cautiously beginning to open up to others, though the process was gradual. It was June, with leaves strewn across the streets, and conversations humming with discussions of summer trends.

Izuku's expression remained as inscrutable as ever as Lady gently tapped his shoulder, diverting his attention.

"You seem deep in thought, Izuku. Everything okay?" Lady inquired as they walked past a family, and Izuku's gaze lingered on them for a moment.

"Well, I don't have any pleasant memories of birthdays. Back in my old family, I'd just be shoved outside and beaten up," Izuku shared. Lady's eyes widened with shock as she probed further.

"You mean you never got a single present?" she asked, incredulous, and Izuku nodded solemnly.

"Every time I hear about your family, I feel even more inclined to punch them. Not that my own family was a bunch of roses. My father... he was a bit unhinged, to say the least," Lady confided, her words echoing her past.

"I heard about that, from Dante," Izuku mentioned, his tone thoughtful, and Lady nodded.

"So, if you could have something right now, anything at all, what would it be?" Lady asked him, to which he gave a faint shake of his head.

"I have my sights set on something, but I want to earn it myself. I'm here doing missions to get stronger, and I wouldn't want you or Dante to spend money on me," Izuku replied, his selflessness shining through.

Lady playfully rapped his head, her expression fond. "Enough with the selflessness. Start embracing positivity. Everyone deserves a gift, kid, including you."

As they reached Devil May Cry, Lady proposed that he do the honors of opening the door. What greeted them inside was a surprise party, complete with Dante, Trish, and Morrison, each wearing a festive hat. Their collective exclamation of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" filled the room, leaving Izuku momentarily stunned.

"What are you...?" he began, only to be interrupted by Dante's excitement.

"It's your big day, kid!" Dante exclaimed, a pizza box in hand, and a festive hat atop his head.

"Come on in, we can't celebrate without you," Trish invited, a warm smile on her face, while Dante held a pizza box.

Izuku and Lady were led into the festive atmosphere, with Trish and Dante each offering a present. As Dante opened the presents, he was greeted by a jet-black jacket crafted from Italian silk, adorned with a stylish spider-web pattern on the back. The emotions bubbling inside him were a mix of joy and disbelief.

A tear escaped his eye, a sight that didn't go unnoticed by Trish and Lady, who shot Dante disapproving glances.

"Dante!" they chastised him in unison, while he looked genuinely perplexed.

"Why are you two glaring at me?" he asked innocently, prompting Trish to retort.

"He's crying! This is why I didn't want you to choose the gift!" Trish asserted, her frustration evident, while Dante shot back.

"What are you talking about? You were the one who suggested getting him a jacket like mine!" he countered, sparking a brief squabble before Izuku interjected.

"I... I love it!" he managed to express, tears still moistening his eyes. His words brought smiles to everyone's faces.

"In honor of your first birthday celebration with us, we all chipped in for it. This jacket was custom-made by a skilled artisan. It's fireproof, bulletproof, and even tear-resistant. Figured you could use some 'drip,'" Morrison explained, his manner laid-back. Izuku cradled the jacket in his hands, overwhelmed by the gesture.

"You're too old to be using words like that," Lady chided Morrison, but he brushed off her remark.

"Put it on!" Dante urged, holding up a camera to capture the moment. The jacket was a tad large for Izuku, but Dante assured him he'd grow into it.

"Come on, don't be shy," Trish encouraged, ruffling his hair affectionately.

"Let's eat some cake!" Dante proclaimed, and they shared slices of the cake. The evening spiraled into a lively party, filled with music, laughter, and delectable food. This birthday celebration marked a significant turning point for Izuku, replacing past neglect with cherished memories.

End of Flashback-

Izuku recounted his life journey, from his challenging childhood to the fateful moment he crossed paths with Dante and all the subsequent events. He finished his story with a sigh of relief, having shared his experiences with Kafka.

"Wow, that's a lot," Kafka responded, absorbing the weight of his words.

"Yeah, that's the rundown. My old family was a mess. That jacket was my first real gift, something I held onto like a shield. It felt like a barrier, protecting me from everything," Izuku explained, his voice resonating with the significance of that jacket.

Kafka carefully removed the jacket, and as she handed it back to Izuku, he appeared baffled.

"You're giving it back?" he questioned, puzzled. Kafka nodded, her eyes moistened with tears.

"Are you crying?" Izuku inquired, his concern evident. Despite their friction, they shared a bond as friends.

"No, don't make a big deal out of it!" Kafka retorted, her response accompanied by a chuckle, as she wiped her tears away.

With a sense of gratitude, Izuku accepted the jacket from her, a gesture that spoke volumes about their connection.

"Thanks, Kafka. This means a lot," he expressed, his appreciation genuine. A hug ensued, an embrace that surprised onlookers Trish and Lady, observing from a distance.

Kafka, after a moment, regained her composure, her tears subsiding.

"Go out there and kick his ass," she urged Izuku, her determination evident. With a determined nod, he fist-bumped her, their camaraderie affirmed before he set off to catch up with Dante and the rest.


"Oh my god, he actually hugged me!" Kafka exclaimed, her face turning crimson as she covered it with her hands. Meanwhile, Lady and Trish, witnessing the interaction, celebrated the warmth of the moment.

Next chapter is in 5 days so no weekly wait!

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