Slytherin Royalty

By MrsDxMalfoy

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"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... More

One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Reality
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Day Off
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday
Character list & Authors Note!

The Power

686 14 0
By MrsDxMalfoy

The next morning, Draco and Alya woke up in the same position that they fell asleep in. Almost as if they hadn't moved an inch in their sleep. Draco felt Alyas arm around him as he woke up and smiled to himself. He turned around gently, so he didn't wake Alya up. He tucked her hair out of her face and just looked at her, smiling. He then put his arm around her and cuddled into her, so that their faces were almost touching, and closed his eyes. Alya opened her eyes and saw Draco's face was close to hers. She smiled softly, before gently brushing her nose on his. Draco opened his eyes to see Alya, gazing into them and immediately felt a huge grin spread across his face. Alya did the same once she saw Draco's.

"Good morning," she said.

"Good morning, you," he smiled. "Sleep well?"

"I did thank you," said Alya. "Are you feeling better this morning?"

"Of course I am, I woke up next to you," he smiled. Alya felt butterflies fluttering about in her stomach when he said that. He suddenly realised what he said and quickly moved away.

"What's wrong?" asked Alya, looking up at him puzzled.

"Nothing, let's get dressed and go to breakfast," he said, getting out of bed and putting on his uniform. Alya went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and just decided to get changed in there. She put her hair up into a tight, high ponytail and went back into the bedroom. Draco was putting on his shoes when he looked up at her with wide eyes.

"Is something wrong?" Alya asked.

"You really suit your hair like that," said Draco, without thinking.

"Oh... thank you, Dray," she blushed. She put on her shoes and they went down to the great hall to eat breakfast. When they got there, Mattheo's jaw dropped. So did Blaise's and Tom's.

"You look incredible, Alya." said Mattheo, without taking his eyes off of her.

"Yeah, you look gorgeous with your hair like that," said Blaise.

"Truly," said Tom.

"It's true babe, you look stunning," said Theo.

"It's just a ponytail guys, I'm sure you've all seen me wear one before?" chuckled Alya.

"Nope, never" said Theo.

"I definitely would've remembered that," said Mattheo.

Alya chuckled and said, "Well thanks, guys," 

They ate their breakfast and made their way to their Herbology lesson with Professor Sprout. When they entered the greenhouse, Alya had the usual people staring at her, which didn't bother her anymore. Although, it seemed to bother Mattheo a lot. Alya could see Mattheo's face getting angrier and angrier, so she did what she usually does and placed her hand on his arm gently, looked up into his eyes and smiled at him. He immediately relaxed and smiled back at her as they went to sit at their table.

"Ah, Miss Snape-Cortez, Lovely to see you again!" said Professor Sprout as she entered the greenhouse.

"You too, professor," smiled Alya, as the whole of the greenhouse stared at her in shock.

"Snape? Cortez?" said ravenclaw from the other side of the room.

"I thought her name was Granger?" said another ravenclaw.

"Wait, Cortez as in... surely not," said a Slytherin girl.

"What's it got to do with any of you?" snapped Mattheo.

"I thought everyone knew this," laughed Alya.

"So... it is as in Aquila Cortez?" asked the Slytherin girl.

"Yes, it is," said Alya.

"Wow... how are you related?" said the girl.

"She was my mother," replied Alya, flatly.

"Really? Her and Snape? Are you sure you're not being lied to?" laughed a Slytherin boy.

"Excuse me?" said Alya, hotly.

"Well, I feel like someone like Aquila Cortez wouldn't touch greasy old Snape with a ten foot wand!" laughed the boy. With this, Alya stood up, and lifted the boy into the air without even touching him. She was so angry that all she had to do was look at him and he was up in the air, screaming.

"Say one more word about my father, I dare you," she said angrily. The whole greenhouse was silent, watching in horror as the boy was floating more than 6 foot in the air.

"H - how are you.... What are you d-doing!?" he screamed.

"Never mind how, apologize," Alya said, angrily.

"I- I'm sorry I didn't m-mean it!" he blubbered, voice shaking. Alya let the boy drop to the floor and sat down casually like nothing happened.

"Sorry about that, Professor," smiled Alya. Professor Sprout was looking at her in absolute shock, but chuckled, as if she'd seen it before.

"You are your mother's daughter, Alya," she laughed.

"Did i ever tell you how fucking sexy you are, Alya?" said Blaise, staring at her.

"Every single day, Blaise," she chuckled. They continued their lesson and no one, other than her friends and professor Sprout, said a word to, or about Alya for the rest of it. No one even looked at her, especially not the boy she'd thrown into the air using only her mind. After the lesson, Alya and her friends took a slow walk to the great hall for lunch, and she soon noticed that word had got out about the events of Herbology class, as everyone in the hall was whispering, but when she walked in, they immediately fell silent and stared at her. Alya rolled her eyes and went to sit down, as Hermione ran up to her.

"I wouldn't go near her, Granger, she's crazy!" shouted a hufflepuff boy from across the room. Mattheo shot out of his seat and walked right up to him, grabbing him by his collar and throwing him across the room.

"Say that again, Adams. Be brave," he said, in an extremely angry voice, walking back over to the boy like he was going to fight him.

"Mattheo, leave him!" said Alya. Mattheo turned around to look at Alya. One look into her eyes and all the anger he had was gone in an instant. Suddenly, the HufflePuff boy had decided to be brave, and swung a punch at Mattheo from behind. Mattheo was just about to turn around and punch the boy back, but he was gone. When Mattheo turned around, Alya had somehow pulled the boy from the other side of the room without him even noticing, and in less than 3 seconds. She punched him hard in his nose, which started pouring with blood almost immediately, and grabbed him by his neck.

"Touch him again, and I will break more than just your nose," she growled in his face. "Clear?" The boy nodded in agreement, terrified and Alya, quite literally threw him across the hall where he landed perfectly in his seat. Everyone gasped, and fell silent. Alya walked over to where Mattheo was standing in shock, and touched his face where he had been punched.

"You okay, Matty?" she asked. He looked into her eyes and grabbed her hands gently, and nodded his head.

"Good, let's go eat," she smiled, taking his hand and leading him to the table. They sat down with the others, who were also staring at Alya.

"What the fuck, Ally!" shouted Hermione.

"Oh hey, Miney," smiled Alya, hugging her.

"Why would you do that!?" yelled Hermione.

"He hurt Mattheo! I wasn't going to let him get away with that," said Alya, looking confused.

"You know I could've defended myself, right?" said Mattheo, finally able to get his words out.

"I know, but he pissed me off. Who does he think he is trying to hurt you?" she said, angrily. "I'll kill him,"

"That was incredible," said Pansy, with her mouth open.

"So, so hot," said Blaise, practically drooling.

"My kind of woman," smirked Theo.

"That was so dangerous Ally!" shouted Hermione. "You could've seriously hurt him, I think his nose is broken!" she said, looking over at the boy who was being carried to the hospital wing by his friends.

"He deserved it!" shouted Alya. Hermione was stunned, staring at Alya with her mouth open.

"Protective, much?" said Hermione.

"Of course, you know how protective I am, Hermione. I always have been," said Alya.

"Yeah, you should've seen what she did to some boy in Herbology earlier for saying something about Snape," laughed Pansy.

"She literally lifted someone into the air without even touching him, it was insane!" said Blaise.

"Ally!" gasped Hermione.

"What! He was talking shit about my dad, I'm not going to have that," she said. "Besides, I didn't even mean to lift him into the air. I kinda shocked myself with that, I didn't even know I could do that" she laughed.

"It's not bloody funny, Alya! You have your mother's powers now, you're the most powerful witch on the planet, you need to be careful!" yelled Hermione.

"Hermione, shut up!" hushed Alya. But it was too late. The whole of the Great Hall was looking at her and whispering.

"Great, now everyone knows," said Alya, putting her head in her hands.

"Shit, Ally, I'm so sorry," said Hermione, clasping her hand to her mouth.

"Is that true, Granger?" said a Slytherin boy from down the table.

"None of your business, Pucey, now piss off!" snapped Mattheo. "And what the fuck are you all staring at? Turn around!" he shouted to everyone else in the hall. Just then, Snape walked in.

"Dad," said Alya as she ran up to him. "I need to talk to you,"

"Okay, love," he said, as they went outside of the great hall. "What's the matter?"

"Everyone knows, dad," said Alya, almost crying. "I got really angry today and hurt two people and Hermione, she didn't mean to but she blurted it out in the hall and everyone heard! Everyone knows about the power, about my mother and about you..."

"It'll be okay, don't worry," said Snape, pulling her into a hug.

"Isn't this really bad?" asked Alya.

"It's not good, but we'll deal with whatever comes. I promise." said Snape.

"Okay..." said Alya. "But dad, do you know what kind of powers my mother had? I thought it just meant i was stronger but I can lift people into the air and throw them across the room with my mind, so obviously there's more to it,"

"Oh love, there is a lot more to it," he said. "I thought you would've known, but now thinking about it, you hadn't even heard of your mother's name before I told you. That's my bad. Your mother had a bunch of different powers. Telekinesis was one, which explains you being able to move people without a spell or wand. She also had Legilimency, telepathy and compulsion, which are mind reading and controlling skills. If you really wanted to, with a bit of practice you could read someone's mind and/or control it, so you can get into someone's head and tell them what to think. The compulsion allowed her to make people do what she wanted them to, which you could do too if you practiced enough. Not to mention she was 100 times better at spells and charms than everyone else, and she was also extremely intelligent and never failed a single subject. In fact, she used to help her friends pass their O.W.L's when she was in school. She was incredibly talented and gifted, "

"Oh wow... so you're saying i could have all of that?" asked Alya.

"No, darling. You have all of your mother's power, so you definitely have all of that," said Snape.

"Oh... that's crazy," said Alya.

"I know, but I trust that you won't embrace the dark side of it," said Snape.

"Of course, not unless it's absolutely necessary," said Alya. "Speaking of... what if Voldemort finds out about me? Do you think he'd come after me?"

"I... have no idea," said Snape. "We'll cross that bridge when it comes to it,"

"But how will we know?" asked Alya.

"I'm sure the Riddle twins will be informed, or summoned," said Snape. This made Alya remember that Mattheo and Tom were Voldemort's sons, and therefore death eaters by default. *What if Voldemort comes after me? Is that going to affect my relationship with the boys?* Alya thought to herself.

"Oh... and one more thing," said Snape. "I didn't want to add this to the pressure of finding out about your past, but you're 18 now, so you need to know," 

"Okay... what is it?" said Alya.

"Its... well..." said Snape. "Before your mother died, she wrote a will and testiment. She left you... everything, Alya,"

"Everything? What do you mean, everything?" said Alya.

"She left you the house that she owned in Godrick's Hollow," said Snape. "It's a beautiful, huge mansion. I'll take you there one day, and when you finish school, it's yours to live in."

"Holy... are you serious?" stuttered Alya.

"Yes, I am," said Snape. "And that's not all. She also left you all of her posessions and money. She had over three billion galleons in her vault at gringotts, waiting for you to turn 18. You have access to that money now, if you wanted it, Alya,"

Alya stood there looking at her father for a minute, trying to comprehend what he had just told her. She tried to say something, but it came out as more of a squeak.

"I... I'm a - a billionaire?" she said, finally.

"You are," smiled Snape.

"But... what the bloody hell am I supposed to do with all that money?" asked Alya.

"Use it well, use it to help people who need it," said Snape. "That's what I would do. But do not let people take advantage of you. Only tell the people you can truly trust. Like Malfoy or the Riddles, they both come from rich families so you won't need to worry about them taking advantage,"

"I... I will," said Alya, as a smile crept on her face. "I know exactly what I can do with some of that money,"

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