My Vampire System 1 - 1000

By BoJiuSugarDaddy

82.3K 1.6K 253

SUMMARY The human Race is at war with the Vicious Dalki and when they needed help more than ever, THEY starte... More

Chapter 1 - 10
Chapter 11 - 20
Chapter 21 - 30
Chapter 31 - 40
Chapter 41 - 50
Chapter 51 - 60
Chapter 61 - 70
Chapter 71 - 80
Chapter 81 - 90
Chapter 91 - 100
Chapter 101 - 110
Chapter 111 - 120
Chapter 121 - 130
Chapter 131 - 140
Chapter 141 - 150
Chapter 151 - 160
Chapter 161 - 170
Chapter 171 - 180
Chapter 181 - 190
Chapter 191 - 200
Chapter 201 - 210
Chapter 211 - 220
Chapter 221 - 230
Chapter 231 - 240
Chapter 241 - 250
Chapter 251 - 260
Chapter 261 - 270
Chapter 271 - 280
Chapter 281 - 290
Chapter 291 - 300
Chapter 301 - 310
Chapter 311 - 320
Chapter 321 - 330
Chapter 331 - 340
Chapter 341 - 350
Chapter 351 - 360
Chapter 361 - 370
Chapter 371 - 380
Chapter 381 - 390
Chapter 391 - 400
Chapter 411 - 420
Chapter 421 - 430
Chapter 431 - 440
Chapter 441 - 450
Chapter 451 - 460
Chapter 461 - 470
Chapter 471 - 480
Chapter 481 - 490
Chapter 491 - 500
Chapter 501 - 510
Chapter 511 - 520
Chapter 521 - 530
Chapter 531 - 540
Chapter 541 - 550
Chapter 551 - 560
Chapter 561 - 570
Chapter 571 - 580
Chapter 581 - 590
Chapter 591 - 600
Chapter 601 - 610
Chapter 611 - 620
Chapter 621 - 630
Chapter 631 - 640
Chapter 641 - 650
Chapter 651 - 660
Chapter 661 - 670
Chapter 671 - 680
Chapter 681 - 690
Chapter 691 - 700
Chapter 701 - 710
Chapter 711 - 720
Chapter 721 - 730
Chapter 731 - 740
Chapter 741 - 750
Chapter 751 - 760
Chapter 761 - 770
Chapter 771 - 780
Chapter 781 - 790
Chapter 791 - 800
Chapter 801 - 810
Chapter 811 - 820
Chapter 821 - 830
Chapter 831 - 840
Chapter 841 - 850
Chapter 851 - 860
Chapter 861 - 870
Chapter 871 - 880
Chapter 881 - 890
Chapter 891 - 900
Chapter 901 - 910
Chapter 911 - 920
Chapter 921 - 930
Chapter 931 - 940
Chapter 941 - 950
Chapter 951 - 960
Chapter 961 - 970
Chapter 971 - 980
Chapter 981 - 990
Chapter 991 - 1000
Chapter 1001 - 1020
Chapter 1021 - 1040
Chapter 1041 - 1060
Chapter 1061 - 1080
Chapter 1081 - 1100
Chapter 1101 - 1120
Chapter 1121 - 1140
Chapter 1141 - 1160
Chapter 1161 - 1180
Chapter 1181 - 1200

Chapter 401 - 410

778 14 3
By BoJiuSugarDaddy

Chapter 401 A new classroom

Seeing Layla get dragged off like that was an unexpected outcome that they didn't plan for, But Logan knew this might be the case. There was a good chance that more unexpected things like that would happen. He hated the fact that they were in the unknown right now and he had no information about anything.

This wasn't his way of planning or doing things. Not like this. More than ever he constantly was put on the spot , and needed to make decisions instantly before obtaining all the facts.

However, he was least worried for Layla out of everyone else. For she was the only one that was actually a subclass of a vampire. Her identity was harder to be revealed compared to the rest of them.

A single ring of a large bell was heard, signifying that it was time for classes to begin. One ring, and then no more. The group now having lost Layla were making their way through the school halls, but they were now completely empty, void of students as soon as the bell had rung. The excitement and chatter that was filled everywhere just seconds ago had stopped.

"Hey, hey, isn't this bad?" Cia said. "What are we going to do about Layla?" She asked while the group continued going down the hallway as if they were looking for something.

Logan for the most part was concentrating on the information his little spiders were giving back to him. Right now he was looking for some type of server room where they kept the school files. As long as they had this and he could add their names on to the list, they would be okay. Even if they got into trouble for being late to the class.

"Don't worry about Layla, she's a strong one, she's more skilled than you know." Vorden replied, 'And so are you.' He said in his head, knowing full well that the two of them were ex agents of Pure.

Finally, it looked like Logan had found it, although to alter it, he would need to use his own ability directly. They carried on walking through the halls until they eventually found the room that they were looking for. It was unguarded, unlike the facilities at their own school. Perhaps it was because the vampires trusted each other, or they were too scared to do anything drastic like this.

Logan entered the room by himself, while Vorden and Layla continued to stay outside on guard. They looked around, but it really did seem like not a single person was late for their classes or were scanning the hallways

The silence made it a little awkward between the two of them until eventually, Cia decided to break it.

"Hey Vorden, do you remember who I was, you know, before the memory loss?"

As she asked the question, flashing memories appeared in his head, of all the strange advancement she had made towards him and all the compliments as well. Maybe Raten enjoyed them, but Vorden certainly did not.

"You were... a confident girl." Vorden replied.

Meanwhile, Logan was in the room, which was dark inside and filled with red Led lights. There was a large terminal, one of the likes he had never seen before. This caused him to slightly hesitate after what had happened at the science lab. 'They can't all be like that right. If I can't do this, then we're going to have to change everything.'

Placing his hand on the machine, he waited a few moments, his heart thumping loud and his palms slightly sweating, but after a few seconds, a smile appeared on his face. The machine was listening to him.

After gathering information from the machine, Logan found that there weren't many students in the school at all. Altogether there were around five hundred students and that included the other buildings as well. The other thing he found strange was there seemed to only be a single year group.

It was strange indeed, but the computer only had information on the school and didn't have the reason why it was like the way it was. Hopefully soon they could find out. At first, Logan was going to add them to the class with the least students, but it turned out nearly every class had a small number of students. Going up to twenty at most.

The computer system was also linked to the other systems around the campus, so Logan also altered the information on the other computer as well for Layla's sake.

"And done." Logan said.

Exiting out of the room, it was time for them to find their classroom, which was the classroom D. The halls were split into different letters depending what side they were on and eventually they had finally found it. No longer could the three of them talk about certain matters, and they would just have to find as much information as they could on their own for now.

Before they even were able to step into the room though, a female voice was heard.

"Are you going to come in or stand there all day!" She could tell people were standing outside.

Entering the room first was Logan, with Cia and Vorden behind them. Looking around the room, the female teacher could be seen standing at the front, in front of a digital display, while all the students were sitting in their seats that went diagonally up in each row, similar to a cinema.

Two of the students in the class noticed who had just come in. It was the two students who had helped them get here, Snow and Fred.

'Whoa, they really didn't listen to us, there mega late.' Fred whispered.

'I know, I wonder what the..."

"Stop talking!" The teacher shouted as she flicked her finger and threw out what looked like a little red bullet that managed to hit Snow right between the eyebrows. His head was flung backwards, and he had fallen off his chair.

The teacher then turned around to look at the three in the classroom.

"Now, who are you three?" She asked.

"We are students of this class." Logan replied as he bowed down. "Sorry we are late!"

The other two quickly did the same and apologized as well. "Sorry we are late!"

"It looks like you have manners." The teacher said, "but I'm afraid you have made a mistake, all the students are already in my class, the list has been checked and everyone on the system is here and present. It would be best if you found your real class and let them punish you."

"Is it possible you made a mistake, miss?" Logan said.

Hearing the student say this, many of the students gritted their teeth together, some felt like ducking underneath their desk in fear that the teacher was going to explode. They had all heard the rumors of how strict teachers were, and especially about this new one.

She looked at the three carefully, and out of all of them, she could hear the heartbeat of the young girl the loudest, it was clear that she was frightened.

"Very well, I shall check again, but let me tell you, I am thorough and can't remember the last time I made a..." But the teacher decided to stop herself there before continuing.

As she went to her computer system, the three and the entire class waited in silence, and just like Logan had said, there were three names she hadn't recognised before added.

'I'm sure, there weren't this many students in the class when I got the schedule this morning. Did they shift around the student's last second, maybe?' She thought.

Leaving her computer she walked over to the three, not wanting to admit that there was a chance she had possibly made a mistake she said... "It seems like there has been a last second shift in students from the other classes and no one cared to inform me. But due to me being wrong and you being late, I have decided not to give you any punishments please take a seat."

There weren't many spare places left in the class, so the three of them had to sit separately from each other. Cia sat next to a couple of girls, Logan sat near the back next to a large boy and Vorden decided to sit next to the two they had met this morning, Snow and Fred.

With everything done, it was time for the real class to begin.

"Alright everyone, since three people were late, I have decided to start the class from the beginning again." She said. There were no complaints or moans made from any of the students. She walked up to the digital display and wrote out her name on the board as she continued to speak.

"Now, as a lot of you may know, I'm a new teacher that has decided just to start this term. I'm sure you have heard many things surrounding my family and events, but I want you to forget all of that. You are my students and I will do my duty that has been asked of me. All of you may call me..."

Moving to the side allowing the class to see the screen, written out on the digital display were the words, S I L V E R.

"Silver." She said, with the plain straight face she always had.


For MVS artwork and updates follow on Instagram and Facebook: jksmanga

If you want to support the creation of the Webtoon, you can on my P.A.T.R.E.O.N: jksmanga

Chapter 402 Start with a B

Not a lot of people knew why Silver had suddenly decided to become a teacher. Usually due to the duties of a vampire knight, one was too busy to do such a thing. For some reason though, after learning about the events of her brother, she had decided to become a teacher after coming back from earth.

For her, it was something to take her mind off. She actually realised she quite enjoyed teaching back at the military base and thought she would give it a shot here.

But what was even more surprising for the others, was the fact that Sliver had decided to become a normal teacher. Her rank as vampire knight meant if she really wanted to, she could be teaching the direct descendants of the thirteen families, the next potential leaders. They often got taken out of class and were given special lessons on top of everyone else that the others weren't allowed to access.

So when people found out that Silver was actually going to be teaching normal vampire students, the word had quickly spread around, especially those in class D.

Sitting in the classroom right at the back, Logan was looking at all the students and noticed a stand out thing between them all. That was the fact that all the boys seemed to be in the middle of a daze while looking at the teacher as she spoke. It took Logan a while as he didn't understand quite what was going on, as it seems like the girls weren't doing the same. Most of the girls, at least.

"Okay." Silver said. "Now that my introductions are over its time for me to hear about yours. Please state your name, and your family number. No one cares about what you like doing, or what you like eating. So let's keep it short and sweet and we can get on with this lazy introduction."

She looked around the room and pointed at the boy closest. "You, up here and you can go first." She said, as the boy walked close up and went closer to her. His face then started to turn red. It was also apparent that he was fiddling with something behind his back, and that's when he pulled out what looked like a small little red crystal.

"Teacher! I know you don't know me, but I brought this for you as a gift, hoping we can get on a good start to our relationship." The boy said with his hands held out.

"Thank you." Silver said as she placed the gift on her desk next to her. Silver thought nothing of this. It was normal when visiting other families, and the homes of lesser vampires for them to come bearing gifts like this. Although she wasn't entirely sure if it was normal for students to do so.

Seeing this, Logan finally understood why all the boys were acting the way they were. When looking at Silver it was obvious, it was because she was a beauty, the boys wanted to impress her on the first day. Although Logan wasn't really into relationships and that type of thing, he could at least tell when someone was beautiful or not, and he couldn't deny Silvers with her perfectly symmetrical looks.

'They say the more symmetrical someone's face is the prettier they are.' Logan thought. 'It seems her beauty has had quite an effect on these people. Perhaps there is a chance I can create a robot that's even more symmetrical. One with the perfect square head, a flat nose, and the eyes in the perfect spot. This will surely attract everyone.'

If other people were able to picture what Logan had in his mind as perfect, they would think he was a mad man, or at least crazier than they already thought.

"My name is Tullen Difonde." The boy said. "I belong to the 9th family.. My favourite things... are."

"Ermm" Silver cleared her throat, interrupting the boy. "That's enough."

The boy was now even more embarrassed than before and quickly went back to his seat.

The introductions continued as they went around in a row, one after the other, and there seemed to be a similar pattern. All the boys had in one way or another given a gift to Silver. Some of them were red crystals, while others were special plants or items of clothing.

Vorden, watching the whole thing, found it strange as well, that only the boys were presenting gifts and not girls. Perhaps it was a vampire tradition that he didn't know about, and since he would be one of the first boys, being called up before Logan. He would also have been the first boy to have nothing to present to Silver.

"Hey, um... I kind of have no gift for Silver, you think that will be okay?" Vorden whispered to Fred, who was sat to his left.

Fred quickly looked at silver carefully, seeing if she was paying attention to their conversation or not. He didn't want what happened just moments ago to happen again, and that too, to him rather than to Snow.

"You'll be fine." Fred whispered back. "When all the boys found out about who our teacher was, we met up and decided to all go into the forest and try to get a gift for her. You know how well known Silver is and her beauty, and she still yet to find a man."

At that moment, Silver's head twitched a little, and Fred immediately straightened up his body and looked ahead as if he had done nothing wrong.

With this little information, Vorden understood a little of what was going on, and why there were so many vampires rushing towards the school this morning. It was class D. He felt a little safer now knowing he wouldn't get in trouble for bringing a gift. It was a peace in his mind, but soon that peace was ruined.

"Okay, you're next." Silver said as she pointed at Cia.

Although Vorden was the first boy to be called of the group, he wasn't the first one to be called of the group and looking at Cia shaking as she got up from her seat, Vorden was incredibly worried.

'Perhaps Quinn was right, Maybe bringing her to this world wasn't such a good idea after all.' Vorden thought.

As she went up to the front, everyone noticed how much her legs were shaking. It was unusual for one to act like this, sure some of them were nervous but not at this point.

"My name is... Bia." She said. Beforehand they expected something like this to happen, so they told everyone to use fake names that Logan had put onto the computer. However, Logan wasn't very creative when it came to the name calling process and decided to just change a single letter of everyone's name to start with the letter B.

Even if they were to use their first names, it was unlikely that the vampires would be able to track them down, as there were many people called Vorden and Logan in the world. Their names were quite popular in today's society. But it was better to be safe than sorry and to leave no clues behind.

Still, Vorden couldn't help but shake his head at the dreaded naming sense that Logan had come up with.

The next part was the more troublesome part for Cia. She remembered back at the facility they had asked a similar thing. The robot had asked Vorden to declare what family he came from, choosing a random number between one and thirteen. Whatever number Cia chose, the others decided that they too would choose the same.

That way, if they were often together, it would make more sense to the rest of the class.

"And I come from the tenth family." She said, picking a random number.

The atmosphere in the room was sudden, and Vorden managed to catch what Fred had said sitting next to him.

"No wonder she was so frightened when she walked up."

This was the first time Fred had said such a thing, and such a strange reaction, and the atmosphere was felt in the room.

"I just want to remind you all." Silver said. "That at this school while I'm your teacher, it doesn't matter what family you come from. To me, you all are considered to be in the Pooling stage. The school is a chance for you to get out of that." She then looked at Cia and placed her hand on her shoulder as if to comfort her. "Work hard in my class, and there's a good chance you will be able to catch the eyes of the other families and make a change."

The Introductions continued and the atmosphere soon turned to normal, with a few people chatting here and there and people clapping once an introduction was complete. Then another vampire boy came up to the front. He declared his gift to Silver like the rest and then stated his number as ten.

All of a sudden it changed once again, and Silver had to remind the others to clap, as he quickly rushed off to head back to his seat. Then finally, it came to the point where it was Vorden's turn.

While walking he started to think about whether or not he should say a different number based on the others' reaction. But they had already decided beforehand.

"My name is... B..B...B" for a second Vorden, stuttered at how ridiculous his name sounded, but he had to do it. "My name is Borden and I'm from the tenth family."

He quickly went to his seat before anyone could clap or do such a thing and allowed the introductions to continue.

"Hey don't worry about being in the tenth's family." Fred said. "We'll look after you and make sure nothing happens."

Vorden knew it, something indeed was different about the tenth family compared to all the others, but the question was, what?

Finally, it was time for the last person in the class, Logan. When he came up his introduction was quick and sweet.

"My name is Bogan and I'm from the tenth family."

As he sat down, Silver could finally start her lesson.

"Okay everyone, now that the introductions are over, I thought it would be best if we did something more practical for our first lesson, and something you might all enjoy and find fun."

Silver went ahead to write on the digital board and the words read out...

"Lesson 001, how to drink blood."


For MVS artwork and updates follow on Instagram and Facebook: jksmanga

If you want to support the creation of the Webtoon, you can on my P.A.T.R.E.O.N: jksmanga

Chapter 403 Lesson 001

Hearing the name of the first lessons that the group needed to attend sent all of their brains into a panic. They read out the words slowly, just in case they were not mistaken, but it definitely said, "How to consume blood."

'Does this mean, we might have to actually drink blood?' Cia thought as she gulped down.

Usually, the first day's lesson consisted of ice breaking, the students getting to know each other. Or perhaps a friendly tour around the school. However, they quickly came to the realization that this wasn't a normal school. So they wouldn't be taking part in normal lessons here, such as Maths and English. More so than likely they would be learning about biology, learning a lot about the human biology.

After making everyone aware of what their lesson would be for the day, Silver went ahead and led the class to one of the school gyms. As they entered, the gym was fairly large and with only around twenty plus or so students it felt even bigger. Straight away though, the three of them noticed something spread out across the floor... something that almost made their stomachs churn.

If it wasn't for the fact that all they had eaten were Logan's small little food pills, then perhaps they might have done.

lying there on the floor was something that could only be described as a human body. Equally spread across the floor were five bodies placed in a star shape. Seeing such things, the students got excited.

"Whoa, are they really human bodies?" Someone aksed.

"I've never seen a human before? They look like us, right?'

"Don't you think they look kinda the same. "

"You idiots, of course, that's not a human body."

Heading to the centre of the gym, Silver picked up one of the bodies of the floor, with a small menacing glance towards the chatty students they immediately started to quieten down. "As some of you have already figured out, this is not a real human body. Our science department has been able to create a material that replicates the way the human flesh will react almost perfectly."

For a second, Logan thought that perhaps all the bodies they had seen in the glass container were also this so-called replicated flesh, but he quickly changed his mind. Quinn's system had confirmed it so, and the wendigos surely would have been able to tell the difference. For even Logan could see there was a distinctive difference between the ones here and the ones in the glass container, and that was the smell.

Real human bodies rotted. The humans were also able to create a material that would replicate the skin and organs. Doctors often used it for training, but Logan never thought he would see one in a place like this, being used like this.

"The bodies have also been filled with a fake liquid that is the same consistency as blood." Silver continued to explain. "For obvious reasons, on the first day we have decided to avoid using real blood. We know some of you might not have as much control, or a strong will as others, and we wouldn't be so cruel as to subject you to such things on your first day."

Some of the students looked a little nervous before and now felt a little relieved after she had said that.

"Many of you may never see a human in your lifetime, some of you will have jobs that make you interact with them. Still, we need to learn the proper way if an emergency was ever to happen, to extract blood from our victims and not to be found out. Does anybody know the best way to extract blood?" Silver asked as she looked at the crowd of people and eventually decided to point towards Vorden.


"Yes, you, Borden." Silver said.

Hearing that name, wanted to make Vorden hit himself, but right now he had to come up with a good answer.

"Erghh, your fangs?" Vorden replied, pointing to his mouth .

"I suppose I should have worded the question differently." Silver said. "Yes, the most efficient way to consume blood is using our fangs. They can easily pierce the skin while our saliva can be used to cover up the wound, but does anybody know the problem with that?"

She waited a few moments to see if anyone would raise their hand, but in the end, no one did.

"It's granted you wouldn't know, most of you consume blood form packs that are supplied to you by your family. When we bite into our victims using our teeth, a certain hormone is released that enters the human body. This gives them an incredible pleasure similar to as if one had taken a drug. One or two times is okay, but if you do this multiple times on a victim, then they will be seeking you out for more.

"You also have to be careful, as there are some people who are easily addicted. It might even just take one bite to have such an effect. So instead." Sliver then pulled out her hand and showed one finger, her nail then started to slightly extend into a sharp point, placing it on the dummy's forearm she made a small cut, and the fake red blood-like liquid followed. After placing her finger in her mouth, she covered the wound, and it slowly started to heal.

"This will be the contents of today's lesson. You must learn how to extend and harden your nail to easily perform a cut that can penetrate through a human's skin. There are more things that you will need to learn in the future, of course, how to subdue a human without them noticing, how to clear their memories after. What are the negative effects and side effects to major memory loss, but for now it will just be this.

"These dummies are extremely hard, and the material is expensive to get. So we only have five of them. I want you all to quickly form groups of five and surround yourself around one of the dummies for practice. I will be coming around to give you tips and see how you do. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" the boys shouted, while the girls had answered in a more calm manner.

Groups started to quickly form, as most vampires decided to stay with people who were a part of the same family. Not everyone knew each other as the city was quite large, but most of them did due to their parents being part of the same family as well.

With the three of them, they only needed to find two more, but judging by the reaction of everyone, Vorden knew it was going to be a hard one.

"How are we going to do this?" Vorden mumbled

"We're just going to be very bad at it." Logan replied, knowing he was asking about breaking the skin of the dummy. Instead of waiting around, he had already gone into recruiting mode, asking people if they wanted to join their group. But even the people that seemed to know no one didn't want to join their group, even though everyone needed five people.

Looking around, Vorden spotted the other shy kid who also claimed he was from the tenth family. Just like them, it looked as if people were choosing to avoid him.

Seeing this, Vorden decided to approach him. "Do you want to come with us Timmy, right?"

"Yeah, that would be great." Timmy said with a smile as he was overjoyed. Seeing this and how fragile and timid he looked, it reminded Vorden of when he had first met Peter.

As Logan came back to the group, he could see there was one more person, but he was sure he had asked everyone to join their group, but they had all declined.

"Well, they all said no." Logan said.

"It's expected," Timmy replied. "After all, we're tenths, probably no one, wants anything to do with us."

Vorden desperately wanted to ask Timmy what he meant by that, after all, it was the second time he had heard something like that, and it was clear the people were acting strangely towards them, but if he did ask it would also be obvious that he himself wasn't part of the tenth family.

Fred and Snow were already in a full group together, but there were still a few strays looking to join a group, but they were refusing to go to the others. So much so that the strays were now asking if anyone was willing to swap with them.

"Hey, will any of you guys be willing to do a swap?" A boy asked.

"Sorry, man, we're already a.."

"Yeah, I'll swap." Fred said, as he left Snow and the others and decided to head over to Vorden's group

"Hey guys, I came to join you lot, I thought you were all pretty cool this morning, so I thought I would join you." Fred said with a smile. Finally, they had their group of five and it was time to pick a dummy, but as they all walked off to head towards the dummy closest, Cia remained there, still in her spot.

Hearing Silver say something had caused her to freeze in place, the words "memory loss" triggered something in her mind.'Vampires, they have the ability to remove memories...? Didn't Layla say, we all used to be in a team together right, and Quinn.. he's a vampire? Not just any vampire, a strong one as well. Maybe I'm overthinking it.. but is it possible, did he remove my memories..."


For MVS artwork and updates follow on Instagram and Facebook: jksmanga

If you want to support the creation of the Webtoon, you can on my P.A.T.R.E.O.N: jksmanga

Chapter 404 Rumors of the tenth

When Silver was busy explaining the task, and showing the others how to make a small cut, they all thought it was quite easy and simple, but it turns out it wasn't that easy at all.

After trying it themselves and having a go they found out a few things. The dummy was quite well made and the internal structure inside was done as well.

This made it more realistic causing problems. Some of the students had grown their nails too long and when digging in, dug far too deep, going past the skin and cutting parts they shouldn't have cut.

Others found it difficult to harden their nails or make them longer. Then when trying to force a cut open, they managed to only make a faint scratch or was damaging the dummy completely.

"Yuck!" a boy shouted, as the fake blood splattered all over his face.

"You have to keep on being careful, bodies are complex things." Silver said. "But this is why we practice. If you make a mistake, wait a while, put your saliva on the dummy to speed up the healing process and try again. Please also allow the dummy to completely heal before allowing the next person to have a go."

Then finally it was Logan and his group's turn. Cia had finally snapped out of her thoughts and slowly walked other to the others that had surrounded the dummy. Her mind was a bit lost and even though the others could see she was acting strangely, they didn't know why, but she had been acting strange the whole time they had been there. So it was nothing new and they chose to let it be.

'Layla,' She thought. 'I need to talk to Layla, I'm sure she will tell me the truth if I ask her, right? But what if she's in on this as well, why didn't she tell me anything this whole time. maybe I'm just thinking too much.'

First up to have a go was Fred, he even volunteered himself. Knowing that the others might not be the best. "I've done this a few times since my parents have shown me. They knew we would be learning this at some point." Fred said as he hardened his fingernail and then made a small cut along the forearm. It was perfect.

"First you should concentrate on the hardening of the nail, if you get that bit right, then it's similar to cutting meat with a sharp knife." Fred explained as he went back and allowed Timmy to go next.

His fingernail grew slightly, and straightaway he had gone to try to make an incision on the dummy. But his hand was shaking and Fred could see that he had done so in a rush, not hardening his fingernail enough. Nothing was made other than a small squiggly line looking like a snake on top of the dummy.

"Haha," One of the students from another group laughed. "Well, we couldn't expect much from a tenth."

"It's not our fault!" Timmy snapped back in anger.

Hearing this, Silver decided to step in and whispered into the boy's ear, who then immediately went back to his work and didn't say a word passed that.

"Don't worry about it, Timmy." Fred said.

The situation behind the tenths, now not only had Vorden interested but Logan as well. Something was up and they needed to know more if they were going to keep up this fake identity of theirs. And thus Logan had come up with an idea. It might have been strange to ask, but he thought of a way that wouldn't seem too far fetched. Especially based on all the information he had gathered so far.

"Fred." Logan called out to him. "Can you explain to me why the tenths are being treated this way. You see, my parents didn't tell me anything. They didn't inform me of the outgoings on the outside. They didn't want me involved or to know anything until when I was older."

It took a few moments before Fred could reply, and he looked a little saddened before he said anything.

"It makes sense that your parents wouldn't want you to know. The truth is the kids here know nothing about what really happened, neither do I as our parents don't tell us."

"The only thing we do know, is that out of the thirteen vampire families, the tenth one is the only one without a current leader. Which also means they have no vampire knights either. There's a few vampire nobles that probably know the truth. They are the ones that run the castle and look after their people, but there aren't many. Because of this, the tenth quickly turned into one of the weakest families out of the thirteen."

"You know about the vampire pool, the vampires that are under a banner but are able to freely move between the families, well that's why we are told to work hard in school, to get noticed by one of the thirteen families. Because if no one ends up picking you, you end up getting left with the tenth family. As time went on, I guess the others looked down on those who are part of the tenth family."

"It's not fair." Timmy said. "My parents didn't choose to be with the tenth, and now I'm stuck here as well. I don't understand, why don't they just pick a new leader." At that point, it looked like Timmy was about to break down in tears. Seeing this, Vorden naturally went over to him.

"It's okay, you know the only person who is in charge of what happens to you, is you. You can change whatever you want. It might be a little harder for you compared to others, but you can change it as well." Vorden said.

If the words had come from someone else, then Timmy would have felt like they didn't understand. They didn't know what it was like to be part of the tenth family, but this had come from Borden, someone who also was a tenth family member. "Thank you."

"You might know more than me, Timmy." Fred said. "But I've heard a few rumors of why they haven't chosen a new leader. The nobles are loyal to the last leader, and they have made it impossible for a new ritual to be performed to be handed over to somewhere else. Another rumor is the tenth leader is alive somewhere but has yet to return. The last one I heard, was that a new tenth leader had already been selected but they're just trying to keep it quiet."

"Or the other families are doing this on purpose, waiting for a time when a new king would be selected."

From the sound of things the rumors seemed to be all over the place. Logan thought that this type of thing would only happen if the ones who were in charge were trying their best to hide something. Perhaps each rumor had a little bit of truth to them all.

It seemed like the vampires had their own politics in this world, just like the humans did as well, the others thought. Although on the outside everything looked well run, there was still discrimination against others even in a place like this.

Hearing this piece of news, Logan thought it was quite good for them. The family situation meant they were to be treated as weak, not worth their time. If they did badly during school, they could always put it to the fact that they were part of the tenth. So when it was Vorden, Cia's and Logan's turn to try to scratch the dummy, it came as no surprise to any of the others or even Fred that they weren't able to.

He knew the members of the tenth family were unorganized compared to the others, not just that, but it seemed demotivating. Some found it really hard that once they were in the tenth family, to try their best to work hard to get out of it.

With the end of the lesson, there were no scores given for it, as it was just a practical activity that Silver wanted to do on the first day. Something more fun and active rather than her just explaining things to the others. And while looking around at the students, she felt she had done a good job.

She also decided that she would keep an eye on the ones from the tenth, as it seemed like some others were targeting them, but not just those from the tenth family. She was also keeping an eye on anyone from the thirteenth family. The problem was, while she was a teacher and everyone knew her position in the thirteenth family. If they were to do anything, they wouldn't try doing it in front of her.

"Okay, everyone, it's time for a break. You may now all head to the canteen for some food, before returning back to the homeroom class an hour later. Enjoy your lunch." Silver said as she walked off ahead of the students.

"Come on, it looks like all you tenth guys are a bit lost." Fred said. "Let me take you to the canteen."

But the others didn't have an appetite to go to the canteen, as they started to think about what vampires ate. The images were going through their head. Was it human flesh, eye balls, livers, or would it just be blood?


For MVS artwork and updates follow on Instagram and Facebook: jksmanga

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Chapter 405 Family traitors

As the group headed towards the canteen Fred decided it was best if he stayed with them. It wasn't because people in the tenth got bullied. There was no need for any of that, but they often got shunned left to the side, or treated as extra weight most of the time.

I guess some would say it was a form of bullying, but at least not a physical form. Because of this, Fred felt a little sorry for them. At least the tenths had each other, but at the same time it appeared these guys were lost more than usual.

'Poor guys, especially that Logan fella. His parents had given up so much that they didn't even bother to tell him about his situation. They perhaps didn't even teach him much during the homeschooling period.' Fred thought.

Unlike humans who went to school from a young age, vampires were mostly taught by their families, their parents, and sometimes even by whatever courses or routines their family leaders had set up for them. Then they would go to school to learn the basics later on and then go through the initiation of becoming a vampire adult.

Entering the canteen, they could see multiple students already lined up. Waiting for their food. There were then multiple long tables that fitted 26 students maximum. Each table was set up, allowing the whole class to sit together. But what caught the eyes of the others when they entered, was the food. On one of the tables another class had already arrived before them and they could see what they were eating.

In front of them, there were just various different types of meat and nothing else. The meat seemed to be cooked quite rare, but it was still cooked and it even smelt quite nice even to them. Although it also seemed like there was nothing else but meat. There were no vegetables, or carbs of any sorts.

'Should I tell them I'm a vegetarian?' Cia thought jokingly, but of course even if one was in this type of situation they would need to eat the food just to not raise suspicion.

They felt safe, however as soon as they got closer they noticed something else, something that was by each student's side accompanied by their food. It looked like a juice packet that had been covered in plastic like material, keeping it cold and fresh. But as they saw the students drink up, a red liquid was being shown.

The others were just hoping it wasn't what they thought it was.

"Those packets are great." Fred said looking at them. "They only give it to us every two days, but it looks like they're treating us on the first day. They also keep in the smell, so anyone who's extra hungry won't start going on a rampage."

With those words said, they all knew that it wasn't the tomato juice they were hoping for, but it had to be blood. After getting their food, Fred sat down with them across towards the end of the table away from the wall. And they looked at the food in front of them.

All of them started off by just eating the meat first, ignoring the drink beverage by their side, while Fred was taking a sip every so often while eating as well. Still, they couldn't delay it any longer, for they had finished eating their meal and now it was time for them to consume the drink.

'Raten, your better at this then I am right? Do you want to switch with me?' Vorden thought.

'Hey, I like seeing blood spilt. I'm not some sicko that likes drinking blood, you got yourself into this situation, you get yourself out of it. Besides, who knows where that blood came from. If it's from a boy, you can count me out, if it's from that girl from earlier, than you might be able to convince me to take one for the team.'

"It was now or never." Picking up the juice pouch, Logan lifted it up, and started to squirt into his stomach. It was hard, but he continued to gulp it down, but it was as if his whole body was refusing to take it down, as it seemed to want to come back up with the other food he had already eaten as well.

'It's just tomato juice, it's just tomato juice!'

Trying to convince himself he repeated these thoughts in his head, but the slightly metallic taste in his mouth was a constant reminder of what it really was.

By some miracle and pure will, Vorden placed the now empty pouch back on the table and was done.

"Wow, you must have been really hungry." Fred said. "I guess you're one of those, save the best till the last kind of guys."

Vorden didn't reply, in fact he couldn't reply as he had his head held down to the floor, still trying to purge the memory of the last few seconds out of his mind, because if he didn't there soon would be a big pile of mess in front of him.

Logan looked at the pouch in front of him for a few seconds, before deciding to pick it up, and pass it down the line towards Fred.

"Here, I already had my fill today, I'm trying my best to not drink as much." Logan explained. "Also, think of it as a thank you for helping us all so much."

In an instant, Vorden turned his head. 'You little, why didn't he say that before I started drinking the bl...bloo.. I could have done the same thing.' It was hard to even think about what he had just done without being sick.

"Here you go, Timmy." Cia said as she also passed her pouch down to him. "It's the same for me, I already had some this morning."

As Timmy turned to look at Bia, his pupils started to widen, and for some reason she started to look pretty then before. No one had ever done something so nice to him before, to give something so precious to him.

"Thank you, I'll keep this and give it to my parents when I return home." Timmy said. As the group continued to talk Timmy couldn't help but constantly look at Bia out of the corner of his eyes.

However, their meal was soon interrupted by the clanging of a tray that had hit the floor. A few tables away from theirs, the tray could be seen on the floor and a student was standing covered in blood.

"What the heck you do that for!" The student shouted back.

"You traitors don't belong here, you shouldn't even be allowed to sit with us." Another student said.

Then a few more students from the other tables stood up as well.

"Are you referring to our family? Traitors! We're not traitors!" Another yelled.

Then it seems like a few students started to back up the first offender who had thrown the blood on the first student in the first place. Continuing to claim that he and those from his families were traitors. The bickering had continued for a while, but the teachers who were on the side intervened and quickly settled the matter.

The teacher stood there in place, watching over them as they finished their meal, making sure nothing else would happen or was being said.

"Are they from the tenth family as well?" Logan asked, assuming it was most likely the case.

"What... Did you guys live your whole lives in the forest or something." Fred said surprised. "I guess there really are vampires like you who are oblivious to the politics and things going on at the moment. It was expected that something like this would happen, and why they assume Silver has decided to come into this school as well."

"Apparently someone from the 13th family plotted against the other families, not much of the details are known, but what we do know was they all found out in front of everyone. But what made it worse, was the student was a direct descendant of one of the leaders, someone who was in line to become the next leader."

A strange hunch was coming over Logan, but he needed to make sure.

"Do you happen to know the name of this student?"

"Yeah." Fred replied. "It was Fex Sanguinis."


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Chapter 406 The Subclass school

Breaking off from the others, Layla was starting to get a little worried. She didn't know who these girls were and had never met them in her life before, and all of a sudden she was being dragged off to a separate building where she would have to take lessons all on her own.

A worry was set in her mind, but not just about her, but about Cia as well. Although too soon to feel like they could call each other friends, in a way so far they had relied on each other. Cia used her as a comfort and in return, Layla used her to feed her powers.

Although she wasn't too afraid of getting caught, it did feel like a daunting task to her. As the group of girls continued to push her towards a different building. She started to get a grip on herself by breathing in and out slowly.

'Come on Layla, you can do this, it's just like the first time you went to the military academy. You were on your own back then too, and it's basically the same thing. I'm just disguising myself as one of them.'

She hated to think about it, but her preparation with Pure and all the training did help her for situations like these. There were multiple times and scenarios she had practiced for when she needed to be fake and blend in, and in all of them, she was on her own as well.

Eventually the girls had all led her to the building, it was a few times smaller than the main one, but so were the other two buildings she also saw others go into. They entered a type of reception room before being taken down a hallway and eventually entering a classroom. What surprised her was for such a small school, the classrooms seemed to be oddly big.

Just like the classrooms in the main vampire building, they were organized the same. Where each row was higher than the last, and the very last row was the highest. Only the room was about three times bigger. When looking around it appeared as if there were around fifty or so students already inside.

And on a closer look, they all seemed a bit different. There were a couple that looked the same, but unlike the other vampires. A lot of them had distinctive features that made you realise they weren't exactly human. It would almost be impossible to hide.

looking at these, Lyala was starting to be thankful that her two little horns on top of her head just appeared as bumps. it was easily able to be covered by moving her hair or placing a bandana on top. Right now, she could be herself though and there was no need to worry about such a thing.

"Come on, let's go sit over there." The blonde-haired girl said, pointing to the front row. Since all the other students had already taken up the other seats.

When they arrived though there were six of them including Layla, but there were only five seats present. The blonde girl had decided to go up to one of the other seats, where a boy was sitting.

"Hello there, do you mind moving so me and my other friends can sit here?"

The boy looked over at the blonde girl, before looking over at the other girls as well. He then noticed one of the girls with small little bumps on top of her head. Layla.

"I'll move, if you let me go out with her." The boy said pointing at Layla.

The blonde girl started to laugh and had a smile on her face, but a few seconds later, and a fist came down on top of the boy's head. "I said move!" She shouted and the boy, not wanting to get hit again, quickly left and moved to another seat.

"Girls are scary." He cried as he went away.

The six girls sat together, allowing Layla to sit in the middle and the blonde girl sitting next to her.

"I almost forgot my manners. My name's Amy, by the way. Nice to meet you." She said with a smile.

Layal smiled back, but honestly, she was having a hard time telling whether Amy was a good person or not. When the boy had pointed at her and looked her way in a certain way. A creepy feeling was felt inside her. It wasn't a usual way someone looked at a person. At least not a way she had felt. Because of this, she didn't really know what she wanted to say to the boy, but it looked like Amy had dealt with him already.

'She's strong willed at least, reminds me a little of Erin.' Layla thought.

"Amy, can I ask, how do I know this is the classroom I'm meant to be in?" Layla asked.

"Huh, did you not read the information they gave you? I know it was a bore to do. My turner made me do it, saying it would help me. Anyway, it's because this is the only class in the whole school. As you know there aren't many of us C class type sub classes. On top of that, there aren't enough of them to go to school. Actually, some years they don't even bother doing classes, and tell the subclasses to wait until there're enough students." Amy explained.

Finally, the teacher walked in, who looked like quite the handsome man. He himself looked just like any other human and had short hair with round glasses on his face while wearing a nice suit.

"Hello there everyone, I'm Professor Phil and I will be your teacher for this semester. Now before we start, I want to take a good look at you all and see what we have." Phil said as he started to walk around the classroom and went up and down the rows.

"I see we have a succubus here." Phil said, pointing to one of the students. "Oh a Banshee, and a Witchesse over there..." Then when going back to the front of the class he noticed one of the girls looking down as if she was avoiding eye contact with him. That's when his eyes started to light up, and he held out his hand.

"Do you mind coming up to the front, pretty miss." Phil said. For some reason, Layla found it hard to say no to the teacher, as if his smile was pulling her in. So instead she nodded as she was led to the front of the classroom with everyone else.

"As you all know, it's quite pointless for us to do introductions. Subclasses have no choice when joining a family because they have to follow the person who turned or created them, but that doesn't mean you aren't special. There will be times when you must work with others in your family, or maybe other vampires completely, and that includes each other." Phil explained.

"So it's important that we learn each trait of as many C classes as we can. So, I will ask, does anyone know what... Sorry, what was your name?" Phil asked.

"Layla." She replied, still being embarrassed as everyone started to stare at her. When going into the computer system, Logan had added Layla to the system as well, but was careful not to change her name. After all, he was unable to tell her unless he used the mask to tell her what her new name would be.

But if Vorden was here, he would have told Layla that she was lucky to not be called Bayla.

"Can anyone please tell me what Layla is?"

A few students had put their hand up, and that included the girls at the front. It seemed like more of the girls knew the answer to the question then the boys. Selecting one student, Phil waited for the answer.

"A Hannya." The boy replied.

"Excellent, so as you know here we have a Hannya. Now I want to tell you how special this is, it's very rare to see a subclass like this. Do you know why?" This time when asking the question, Phil didn't give the others the chance to answer and continued to explain. "Because a Hannya is the only known vampire class that is able to switch between evolutions on the fly. They have a total of three evolutions that they can choose from and depending on the situation they are in, they are able to change."

"On top of this, each evolution has a different set of abilities that would be better in different scenarios. They don't just stay in one state, but are able to change into these different states at will. Although after a certain amount of time, they will always go back down to the original state like the one that you see here in front of you. Thank you Layla, please sit down.

Layla quickly ran off and sat back down in her seat. Phil went on and started selecting more random students to come to the front. He would then do the same as he did with her. Explaining a little bit of detail about each type.

But Layla was far too distracted to focus, as she was busy thinking about what she had just heard from him. It was possible for her to evolve right now, yet so far she hadn't done so once.

Perhaps coming to this school might drastically be exactly what she needed.


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Chapter 407 Who do you like?

The first lesson in the morning had taken quite a while for Layla. A lot longer than she thought it would take. Phil, the class teacher had nearly gone ahead and introduced every different C type class he could find in the room. And it turns out there were many. There were even a couple that looked to be the same type but it turned out they were different.

Although going through all this, Layla actually didn't find any bit of it boring. As he spoke, it was as if the words were floating right into her ears and she was trying her best to pay attention to every detail that was spoken.

She had learnt a lot that she never knew about herself and the others during that class. The bad news was Phil was only able to explain the basics of everything. He was quite a knowledgeable teacher, but when it came to certain questions about each different type, he would be a little hazy. Which was to be expected with how many different types there were.

But it wasn't too much of a problem. For the first day for them was all about learning about themselves. There was a library located in their building that had information of each subclass of vampires related to the category C. The first lesson had gone on for a long time and it was now time for lunch. But when they were to return, their tasks were to find out information about themselves. Because some of the texts used complicated language, Phil would be there to help them explain anything they needed.

Layla couldn't wait to return to class, it was a completely different feeling to when she was at military school. She always found the lessons a pain or a bore, but she was enjoying herself here, so far anyway. it reminded her when she was younger and used to read books about these things, wishing something like this would happen and now it really was happening to her.

When lunch came, they were allowed to go outside and enjoy the scenery as they ate. What Layla didn't realise was they were all meant to bring in their own lunch to school. Because each person's diet was specific, usually an allowance would be set aside and sent back to the family for them to support the C type subclasses.

The class was outside behind the school, where there were many benches and a few trees.

Although it still looked strange to Layla that everything was so dark. It was as if she was attending school at night time. Amy and the other girls had brought out a picnic mat and decided to sit underneath one of the trees. They then all brought out their pack lunches. In a way, Layla was happy that Amy had approached her and been so nice, otherwise, she wouldn't have known what to do, and it looked like Vorden and the others weren't eating outside, or at least not at the same time.

The girls continued to chat and talk, and that's when Amy noticed Layla wasn't eating anything.

"Did your Turner not give you any food?" Amy asked.

Later Layla found out that the term Turner was used to describe the person who had originally turned a human into what they had become today. At one point there were only vampires, and when a vampire would turn a human, there was a chance they could fall into one of the subclasses.

Some Subclasses could have children, but even their children would work for the original person that turned their parents. So whenever one would talk to someone as their Turner, they were talking about the original vampire that had turned them or their family. In most cases anyway, only at the vampire noble stage due to law, would they be able to turn a human. So they and their subclasses would most likely stay in the same family.

Seeing Layla with no food, Amy offered a part of hers, and it looked like a completely normal dish, with some rice, veg and meat. Layla had been eating the food pills and although she didn't feel hungry, it just wasn't the same as gouging out on a big meal. It was incredibly hard for her to say no, and the two started eating while talking away.

'She really is a nice person after all.' Layla thought.

The conversation between the girls naturally started to move onto one thing, and that was the boys. They were talking about if anyone in their current class had caught their eye, and then they eventually moved onto Layla.

"So Layla, is there anyone you like?" another girl asked.

"There must be, right? You're so popular all the boys already have their eye on you, so you need to be careful." Another said.

"They are?" Layla replied, confused. Layla never considered herself as ugly, but at the same time she was never one of the popular girls at school or at the pure base, honestly, she never had the time to worry about girly things like that. And now that she had two small horns that looked like bumps, she thought that quite possibly she would never get a boyfriend.

Still, she started to think about the question quite deeply and was wondering if there was anyone she liked.

"Not the class." Layla said quietly.

Amy snapped her fingers as a thought came to her head.

"I know, you were walking with those three vampire boys earlier weren't you, I remember there was that tall hot blonde as well, although he was a little shy."

"Who them!" Layla said. "No, no, not one of them."

'Although, there were times when Vorden was nice to me. We didn't get along at first, but he slowly started to get better.' She thought.

"Wait!" Another girl said. "If it's not them, and the reason why you don't want to tell us, is it because it's your Turner? Were you turned directly by him?"

"Yeah, that has to be the case, I hear that a lot of humans who were turned by vampires it was because they fell in love." Another girl replied.

Images of Quinn started to appear in her head, and her face started to heat up and her cheeks started to redden. She ducked her head into her knees wishing to hide the embarrassment.

"Well, that case has been solved. Well, if you were turned directly, then it might actually make some of the boys weary of you. So see that as a good thing." Amy said. "Anyway, if you were turned, who was it, it had to be a vampire noble right, or maybe even higher?"

Not knowing how to reply or what to do, Layla was trying to think of an answer. She didn't know any vampire names, and she couldn't exactly tell them all it was Quinn. But just then a commotion seemed to be happening behind them.

"Oh no, not him." Amy mumbled. "Layla, keep your head down okay."

Not sure what was going on, Layla decided to do as she was asked. It didn't feel at this point that Amy would try to do anything to harm her.

"Well, well, look at all the pretty girls." A boy's voice said. "It was right for me to come over to the C campus. After all, you have the most and best looking girls in the school."

For some reason, Layla had noticed this too. The C type subclasses were mainly female, in the classroom over 70 percent of them were girls while the rest were boys. Perhaps that also had something to do when her evolution path was being chosen.

"Xander, shouldn't you be at the main building right now? Lunch is nearly over." Amy said.

"Oh Amy." Xander said as he played with his hair a little, making sure it was perfect. "You grow more beautiful by the day, I decided to see if some of your friends here would care to accompany me after school today, besides you know I get away with more than I should, being the most promising student of the school and all."

The girls started to whisper to each other as they now realized who Xander was. He was one of the vampires that belonged to the first family. One of the most skilled and had been invited to also learn their family's ability. They soon realised why he had so much confidence, and it would be good for the girls to get on his friendly side.

However, Amy too belonged to the same family, although her Turner was a different person, they had spent a lot of time growing up together and she never did like the arrogant air he seemed to show.

"Oh, and who's this pretty girl I haven't seen yet, would you care to turn around?" Xander asked.

So far, Layla had been looking in the other direction while sitting underneath the tree, and right now she didn't know what to do. 'It would be strange not to turn around when someone calls you right? What's the worst that could happen?'

As she turned around and Layla's face was in view, something had struck deep in Xander's heart. He gripped his hand over his chest and started to fumble as if he had been hit by an arrow.

"Those cute little horns, the white soft skin, and that innocent look in your eyes!" Xander said.

At this point, Amy wanted to stop it, but there were some things that she couldn't do. Being part of the same family, and Xander being in a higher position than her, if she was to try to do anything she would get into serious trouble.

In his excitement, Xander went forward to grab both of Layla's hands, bringing them close together.

"Please... go out with me!" Xander said.

But the whole thing was too overpowering for her. She had never let someone get this close to her, in her personal space so suddenly without knowing them. She quickly wiggled her hands free and moved back, and as if on instinct she placed both her hands out.

'Spiritual Chains' The black ball came out fast, hitting Xander around the body, tying him up in an instant.

"Good one, Layla!" Amy said as she had now grabbed Layla's hand, "Come on, let's get out of here." All the girls quickly followed as they headed back to the C campus.

Xander could do nothing but wait for the chains to go away as he watched the girls run off. "So you have a little bit of a bark to you, that just makes things better. I will make you mine. It would be an honour for someone like you to go out with me."


For MVS artwork and updates follow on Instagram and Facebook: jksmanga

If you want to support the creation of the Webtoon, you can on my P.A.T.R.E.O.N: jksmanga

Chapter 408 Unknown Author

After lunch had ended, Vorden and the others started to head back to their classroom. They left earlier than the others as it seemed like the tables that were involved with what had happened, were asked to stay behind for a telling off.

'Well, at least they seem to have better discipline then in our military base.' Vorden thought, But perhaps things would get better once they returned. After all, Duke had been impacted greatly and it might have changed him for the good. Also, judging by Nathan's reaction, there seemed to be something else going behind the scenes, as Vorden had thought.

While heading back through the hallway, the group seemed to be witnessing something happening not too far from their class.

"Hey you, you're from the thirteenth family, aren't you?" The boy said. It appeared that one of the boys was being aggressive to another and had him pinned up against the wall. The boy who was acting as the aggressor was a bit of a pretty boy.

"Xander, my family honestly didn't know what was going on with Fex, we really didn't know. That's why it was decided to strip him of all his titles and relation to the family. So things like this wouldn't happen," The boy said.

Although the boy being pinned up against the wall didn't know it, Xander had a different reason for holding a grudge against the thirteenth family, unlike everyone else. Because of Fex, an unknown Wight had beaten him in battle. He had been embarrassed in front of the leader and quite possibly ruined his chances for moving up into the main family.

Instead of blaming the person who had beaten him, he was blaming Fex and his family. On top of that, he had just had a run in with a strange girl outside, who had made him feel even weaker and he needed to let off some steam. Noticing that the student was part of the thirteenth family made him the perfect target for him.

"That doesn't change the fact that you all could have been plotting something." Xander said.

The back and forth continued and Fred seeing this even pulled a sour face.

"Come on, let's go to class."

But as Fred turned the corner to head to class, he noticed that someone else had continued to walk forward.

The bickering between the two continued and it seemed like it had reached boiling point. Pulling back his fist, Xander was ready to release his stress on the student in front of him. Just as the fist was thrown out, another had come outward and pushed the weight of his hand at just the right place and time, so the punch had hit the wall behind him.

When looking at who had just done such a thing, he could see a pretty blonde boy to his right.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Vorden asked. He couldn't help himself and get involved, after all he was getting horrible flashbacks of what happened to Peter. It seemed like even with the teachers intervening, there were still those that were treated as above the rest. Vorden could just tell Xander was the type to not care. Otherwise why would he do something like this in the open, why would Fred choose to ignore it?

It was because he felt like he was above the rules.

In his right hand, Vorden held the black sword. Not because he was going to use it to attack, but to activate the skill to give him the strength needed to push the fist aside. Looking at the weapon Xander chuckled.

"Hah, who the hell is this nobody that uses beast weapons to fight, if you had any faith in your strength, you wouldn't use such a thing." Xander replied.

At this point, Xander was getting ready for a fight, and Logan was right there behind him ready to support Vorden if anything was too serious.

However, just then, Silver seemed to have come down the hallway, and hair eyes were staring at Xander like daggers. She noticed the boy he had pinned up against the wall and could guess what was happening.

Seeing this, Xander tutted and decided to head back to his class. Because he technically hadn't done anything to the student, there was nothing that Silver could get him for anyway, he and her both knew this. Still, that didn't stop her into staring deep into Xander's soul as he walked away.

She continued to look at him, until he walked back into his classroom.

'Damn, that Bit*h is scary.' Xander thought as he shook off the shivers and goosebumps off of his mind.

The young boy quickly said thank you to Vorden before heading back to his own class.

"Thank you Borden, not many would be brave like you to go up against Xander like that." Silver said.

"No worries." Vorden replied as he put his sword away back on his back. "I just hate seeing crap like that."


Returning back to their school building, when entering inside, Amy had finally stopped running and let go of Layla's hand. She could see the relief on her face had just appeared, but still she seemed to be concerned about something. As she turned around she went to look at Layla and started to smile.

"That was a good one!" Amy said, giving a wink. "That Xander still flaunts himself like he's some big shot. I thought his apparent loss would bring him down a peg or two but then they decided to keep it a secret from everyone, and he's still the same as he always is."

"What do you mean?" Layla asked.

"Oh, huh, Don't worry I was just mumbling to myself." Amy Replied. "But seriously, that guy is a perv, do you best to stay away from him. Unfortunately, because we are part of the same family I can't really do much, and the other girls won't be able to stick up to him either." Amy then went in to whisper in her ear.

"Actually, they might even turn on you to get on his good side." She whispered. "But if anything happens, then it might be best to tell your Turner, I'm sure he's strong enough to sort him out."

Although Layla was not too sure. She had no clue how strong the regular vampires were. The only two she had ever seen fights were Quinn and Fex. If Layla was in trouble with the top student at school, would Quinn really be able to beat him? She thought.

With the strange encounter over, the group decided to head back to class as promptly as possible. Inside the class, Phil was already waiting for them. Once all of the kids had returned, a quick head count was done, after that, it was time for them to head to the library. The task was already explained beforehand, so when they entered, they were allowed to go ahead and try to find as much information as possible.

The library wasn't very large and there was only a total of around six shelves with books on them, but then when thinking about it. This was all the information they had on C Sub classes. Which meant there was quite a lot of information there if they thought about it further.

The girls split up, as they too were interested to find out as much as they could about themselves. After all, sometimes their Turners didn't know much either. Even Quinn was only able to give Layla basic information about what she was.

Going through the library was quite easy since it turned out they were sorted out in alphabetical order. When going to the H section, she then needed to look for anything to do with her type and it turned out there was only one book she could find.

She looked at the front and the book was titled. "The truth about Hannya." When looking down at who had written it, she noticed that the name at the bottom had been scratched off.

She found it odd, and just to be sure picked up another book next to it. But this one was completely fine and said the name of the author like every other book seemed to do.

Still, for now she decided she would start to read it. The book wasn't very big and mainly just had details about the Hannya themselves. The first one was about the regular Hannya, the Hannya Nanmanari, this was what Layla currently was. All the information that was written in the book was exactly as both Quinn and Logan had described.

This made her feel confident that the contents of the book were accurate, then when moving onto the next page, information on the second stage evolution was shown. Chunari Hannya. A mid-level vampiric demon. They have long sharp horns, tusks like fangs and more powerful magic.

Reading the description of the evolution was actually upsetting Layla even more. From the sound of things it seemed like she would look even uglier than she did now if she was to evolve. The only saving grace was each evolution was temporary and she would always revert back to the Namanari form.

Although as she continued reading it seemed like they did have more powerful magic and more spiritual spells, but didn't go into much detail. The next page had the next evolution which was called Honnari Hannya. These have serpentine bodies and the ability to breathe fire. They are fast and agile having a lot of durability in this form, but can no longer perform spiritual spells.

'No, no, no! Does this mean I'll look like a snake woman if I turn into this? There is no way I'm ever going to evolve into that.' Layla thought.

Then finally as she turned the last page, there seemed to be a small bit of writing but nothing else.

"The fourth form of the Hannya has yet to be recorded down. My research has only taken me this far and unfortunately there aren't many to observe. All though I have a friend who is willing to help me, so the information on this shall be written down in a second book."

After reading this, Layla closed the book and noticed it looked quite old and then there was a publication date. It was almost written a hundred years ago.

'Shouldn't the second book be finished by now then?' She thought.

But when looking and looking, there was nothing she could find. Instead, she decided that perhaps if she was to search by the author she might find something, so taking the book she decided to head off to Phil who was standing in the centre of the library watching over all the students.

"Um, sir, I was wondering if you know who wrote this book, I'm trying to see if there was anything else he wrote." Layla asked.

"Oh, let's see." Phil replied, taking the book off her. Immediately, he noticed that the author's name had been scratched out.

"Actually Layla, the scratched out author's name means the book wasn't even meant to be in here in the first place. Maybe it slipped through because you're the only Hannya we have had in a long time." Phil said with a smile.

"Oh, but then do you know who wrote it?" She asked again.

"Unfortunately not." He said with a smile.

As Layla walked away knowing there was nothing else she could do, she decided to try to look at other books about subclasses that were similar to hers.

'The scratched out name, I guess that means it belongs to him.. I wonder how long it will be until you have been completely written out of the vampire history books." Phil thought. "Even your legacy continues now as these buildings were all founded because of you.'


For MVS artwork and updates follow on Instagram and Facebook: jksmanga

If you want to support the creation of the Webtoon, you can on my P.A.T.R.E.O.N: jksmanga

Chapter 409 Vampire Structure

The rest of the day, there wasn't really much to be done. Since it was the first day, the students were just given their schedule of what they would learn for the rest of the semester. The group took a quick look at it and there didn't seem to be any worrying details on there. Well, at least not anything too worrying for how long they were planning to stay there.

And with that, the school had ended earlier on its first day than it usually would. Students were encouraged to interact with each other and continue exploring the school, but they weren't to leave the campus. They could explore the library, check out the training area, and even pop into the other classrooms.

In each building, there were living quarters. Since the school was only open for two months during the summer. In a way the school was treated as a summer camp for all the vampire families. While for most of the year they would be taught by their own family.

They were to stay there and learn every day until they were eventually sent back to their families, where they would continue their learning process and training. They would then be invited again at the end of the year to take the final examination to see if they were able to become an adult vampire. There weren't any details about what this exam was, but since it didn't concern Vorden and the others, they were not really interested in it, anyway.

As they left the classroom, the group had split up a little. The boys' and girls' dorms were separated and during class they had all been given a keycard with their room number. Cia immediately said to the others that she would be going to get some rest. The others didn't mind this because she looked absolutely drained.

In a short amount of time, she had gone through a lot. The experience of what the boys went through and what she had gone through couldn't be compared; they were slowly introduced to everything. She had instead been thrown in on the deep end, and they couldn't really blame her for feeling the way she did. However, Vorden still felt like she had been a little quieter than usual for some reason.

Apart from what she had just said as they were about to leave the classroom, she hadn't spoken or asked anything about what they planned to do.

As the boys were just about to leave the class as well, Silver decided to give a bit of warning to Borden, stopping and calling out to him.

"For what you did earlier, I just want to give you a little warning." Silver said. "The boy you stopped before, he's one of the head teacher's favourite pupils, and he's linked to the first family. Usually I would say there's nothing to worry about, but you see, you being in the tenth family means that even if they do target you, you don't really have any protection."

"While I'm around he won't really do anything to hurt you, I promise you that. You protected my family so I will protect you. But I can't keep an eye on you the whole time. I would suggest for today you head back to your room." Silver said as she went back inside her classroom.

Listening to Silver's advice, Vorden knew it was important that they didn't cause any trouble. They were more at risk than anybody. If he was to get into a fight with a vampire, he couldn't imagine not taking a hit, and taking a hit means spilling blood. Revealing his identity to everyone.

At the time, he wanted to not get involved in anything, but his body was moving before he knew it.

"Just go." Logan said. "No one is after me, so I'll be fine. Besides, I'm more careful than any of you lot, anyway. I'll try to get some information about what happened to Fex and try to find out more about the tenths."

With that, the three of them had split up, but would be soon joining each other again.

Spreading his little spiders out, and heading to the library himself, Logan tried to gather as much information from as many different sources as possible. After a few hours of research, from gossip, books and some old articles on the computer system, Logan was starting to get an idea of the structure of the place.

Before returning to his room, he decided he would stop by Vorden's first.

"There are a few things I found out, I thought you would want to hear." Logan said, stepping inside the room. The room wasn't the same size as Logan was used to. But it was a similar size to the standard military rooms apart from there only being one bed and no one required to share. The decorations were also a little darker, to say the least. The floors were made out of wood but dark wood, while the bedpost and frames had twirls on the post. Giving it that Victorian fancy feeling.

"Shouldn't we tell Cia this as well?" Vorden said.

"I assume she has too much on her mind. Besides, she's not really interested in helping Fex out and Peter, anyway." Logan replied. "She's only here because of Layla in the first place."

"First, the school building is split up into four campuses, this one that we are in which is for the vampires, then the other three for the vampire subclasses. Category A, are those closely related to vampires, Category B, the undead, and Category C, those strong at magical abilities. Right now Layla should be at Campus C. It looks like she will be safe in there for now so we have nothing to worry about." Logan explained.

"There are a total of fifteen castles all together. There is the main castle which is the largest one in the centre. This castle is where the so-called vampire king resides. Then there are seven castles on either side of it. These castles belong to the so-called Vampire leaders. If you remember when everyone was introducing themselves everyone said a number. This is what it's related to. They all work for the Vampire king. Also, each family seems to have a special ability that only that family knows. An example of this is Fex's string ability belonging to the thirteenth family."

"Wait a minute." Vorden said. "But I didn't hear anyone say a number above thirteen?"

"This was what got me a bit confused as well." Logan replied. "The only information I could find was two of the castles seem to be practically empty and completely abandoned. One of these is castle number ten. We now know why, thanks to Fred, it's due to the leader who had gone missing. And then there is the fourteenth castle. Unfortunately, it seemed like I could find nothing about this castle."

"Inside the castle, those that are related by blood, or are connected live inside the castle. Other than direct descendants, there is no one weaker than a vampire noble inside them. All of these know how to use the vampire ability. Then on top of these, there are a hundred more who also know how to use the ability, but aren't really related by blood. They live not too far away from the castle."

"Each vampire family has a total of 1500 people. The rest of the vampires that don't belong to the two groups mentioned above, live all over the city. Most of them don't ever learn an ability with hopes of one day being promoted and moving up to the top one hundred within their family."

Knowing the structure of the vampires was starting to scare Vorden a little. Who knew how strong the vampire leaders or the vampires inside the castle were.

"So if Fex is a part of the thirteenth family, then most likely he's in the castle at the moment. Maybe Peter as well?" Vorden asked. Thinking about the possibility that they would have to fight around fifty vampires to get Peter and Fex out of there.

"This information was almost impossible to find. It seems like everyone knows about Fex but at the same time doesn't. They just know he had done a bad deed worthy of an execution, and as for Peter, nobody knows anything. If I was to take a guess, I would say they have them both at the thirteenth castle, but we can't move until we get more information.

"Perhaps as days go past, more information will start to spill. I'll keep one of my spiders in each room and see what they bring."

The day had come to an end, and the three tried their best to sleep, but it was nearly impossible. Vorden was starting to think that this whole rescue mission was a lost cause. Sure, Quinn was strong, but to possibly go against all these vampires. It just didn't seem like a sane thing to do. They had pulled off many operations before against big players like Trudream and during the event, but this just seemed like it was on a completely different level.

As for Cia, she was starting to convince herself more and more about the possibility that a vampire had removed her memories, and the only vampire she knew of that was apparently close to her at the time was Quinn. She wanted answers, and she wanted them soon.


For MVS artwork and updates follow on Instagram and Facebook: jksmanga

If you want to support the creation of the Webtoon, you can on my P.A.T.R.E.O.N: jksmanga

Chapter 410 Clever creature

Going up the stairs, one step at a time, Quinn could feel his heart racing. Looking at the dark sky he knew he was in the right place. Not quite belonging here but at the same time, something just seemed a little familiar to him. He didn't know if it was just in his head, or perhaps it was the vampire side calling out to him, but he didn't feel out of place or scared.

As he reached the top, he had finally pressed his foot on solid ground and it looked like he had finally reached outside. When turning around to look at what he had come out from he could see the staircase with the slanted door going slightly underground, looking like a bunker.

As for where he was, he had no idea. There was a forest with dark grey leaves and the sky, from which his direction he could only see a single moon out.

"Is this the vampire world?" Quinn asked.

"It certainly looks like it." The system replied.

"What do you mean?" Quinn said. "I thought you said the vampires originally lived on earth?"

"I did, and what I said was the truth, but we had established our own separate place. Designed for us and the trees you see here, were something that could only be found in that special place. I'm starting to wonder how they managed to move everything over."

Only knowing that he was in the forest, Quinn decided to see if he could try to get up high to some vantage point. Looking at the trees around him, he went and tried to find the biggest and tallest tree. Most of them were the same size, but if he got to the top, he should be able to see quite far, especially with his vision.

It didn't take long, and scaling the tree with his strong hands was quite easy. Jumping from branch to branch, making his footsteps as light as possible, like a monkey, he had finally reached the top and could look outward. Behind him there was a large mountain that looked to be a couple of miles away, then on the other side he could finally see it.

The large castle that stood in the middle and the several other castles that surrounded it. The Vampire settlement.

"It's a lot bigger than I thought." Quinn said.

For some reason Quinn had in his head that the vampires were a sort of selective small group. Maybe there were only thirteen households of families, but looking at this, it was an entire large city. Before Quinn had asked the system questions about this, but truthfully the system said it didn't know and didn't want to give an unrealistic expectation.

"This is..." The system seemed to mumble quietly. "It's the same. It's exactly the same as it was when I remembered it before, but how is that possible."

"If you don't know, how do you think I'm meant to know?" Quinn replied.

Now, seeing how large and grand the city was, Quinn thought perhaps the best thing to do wasn't to go straight to the city. Using one of his masks, he decided he would send out a message to the others to see if they would reply, but after waiting a while there was nothing.

Closing his eyes, he could feel the connection with Layla and it seemed she was safe. As for Peter, for some reason, even though they were on the same planet, he could feel nothing. But he wouldn't let that dishearten him. The system had reassured him that if he was put into the cells, then they would purposely try to block the connection. This way nobody would know where he was and attempt the very thing they were trying to do.

"We still have time then." Quinn said.

Looking around, still at the top, he decided to see if he could do something else. Perhaps there were some type of beasts he could kill to gain exp. Before going to the city and doing anything, he would have liked to at least have been at the vampire noble level, and his level up was now extremely close.

There was the mountain, but it seemed to be in the opposite direction of the city and he didn't want to stray too far, especially if he thought the others were in trouble and he could feel something happening to Layla.

When looking around he spotted an area that seemed to have fewer trees than normal. Listening carefully, he could also hear the sound of running water not too far. All living things, even beasts, needed water to live. So most likely there would be beasts around that area.

Quickly, jumping from tree branch to tree branch he made his way to the running water, until eventually he had reached his destination. It looked like a river and it was clear blue like regular water, there was nothing strange about it, and the water seemed to be coming downstream from somewhere.

Still, he carefully waited in the trees to see if there was anything he could spot. Eventually soon there appeared what looked like a little white bunny with a horn on top of its head. It hopped over to the water and slowly looked around to see if there was anything there.

Then it popped its mouth into the water and started to lick the water away.

Well, it might not give much exp, but at least it's something.' Quinn thought, but before doing anything, Quinn decided to wait a little. After all, there was a chance a bigger prey might come for the bunny.

That's when he started to notice unusual movements in the water, but it was a little too late as then a loud snapping sound was heard, and black blood splattered in the beast's mouth.

The little rabbit was unable to react and all Quinn could now see out of the water was a strange crocodile, snake looking creature. It had the normal body of a crocodile while the neck of the snake, then when it came to the head part, it returned to that of a crocodile with its powerful jaws but with the tongue of a snake.

It was certainly an odd-looking creature that he had never seen before.

'Now that should give me some good exp!' Quinn thought.

The snake crocodile had gone back into the river, and that left Quinn with thinking of the best way to lure the beasts out of the water and killing them. While thinking about it, he saw another horned rabbit appear.


However, there wasn't just one horned rabbit, soon after another appeared from the trees and another. Eventually, it seemed like there was a whole army of them. Then finally, behind the twenty or so rabbits a single black horned rabbit appeared although it looked different compared to the rest.

A black type of smoke appeared around its body, and its eyes were red. A spiral pattern could be seen across its feet going up towards its neck and its body was roughly double the size of the others.

The black rabbit started to make a few squeals and the other rabbits started to move in towards the river. It was clear just from watching this that the black rabbit was the leader of the other rabbits.

The white rabbits then stood just at the edge, waiting while the black rabbit stood slightly behind them, and was bent over on its fours with its horn pointed outward.

Then, the movements in the water could be seen once again. Finding the whole thing interesting, Quinn decided to continue to watch the development. Just what exactly were the strange rabbits doing? It was rare to see beasts have some sort of intelligence unless they were ones of the high level, or the humanoid type like the king tier beast before.

Then, the beast had snapped up once again, and this time the rabbits were ready. Jumping backwards at the right time, the beast's head had bitten nothing but thin air. Once avoiding the strike all the rabbits had jumped on the beast's neck, pinning its head on the ground while part of its body remained in the water.

Suddenly, the horn on top of the black rabbit's head started to trickle slightly, as it lit up in a blue color. Little sparks started to come off the horn, as if it was charging up. Its red eyes started to glow.

Out from the Black rabbits mouth a squeal was heard and the white rabbits reacted once again, letting go of the beast's head. It flung up in the air and at the precise moment, a single bolt from the black rabbit's horn came shooting out, piercing a large hole in the crocodile beast's head.

It stood no chance from the attack and immediately fell into the water, drifting down the river dead.

'Wait, why did the rabbits kill the beast, was it just for revenge on the first rabbit? If that's the case, then these rabbits are really clever beasts, especially the black one."

Looking at the black rabbit, Quinn used his inspect skill.


[Black horned rabbit]

[Class: Familiar]

[New quest received, defeat the rabbit for an instant level up]

This was the second time he had seen a familiar like creature, and it was the level up reward he needed.


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If you want to support the creation of the Webtoon, you can on my P.A.T.R.E.O.N: jksmanga

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