Slytherin Royalty

By MrsDxMalfoy

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"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... More

Character list & Authors Note!
One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Reality
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Day Off
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday

The Astronomy Tower

1.4K 25 4
By MrsDxMalfoy

Alya and her friends left Snape's classroom in total shock. They couldn't believe what they had just heard. No one said a word until they were outside the great hall.

"Well, that was interesting," said Alya, laughing to herself.

"Alya, what the bloody hell are you laughing at?!" said Pansy, astonished.

"It's all just so weird isn't it?" smiled Alya. "3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a dead mum, a dad who wiped any memory i ever had from before the age of 6 when someone tried to kill me AND i'm supposedly the most powerful being on the planet even though i'm 17 years old and don't have a clue what i'm doing with my life! How do you process that?"

"Alya... about that" said Mattheo, "We had no idea that our father... well, you know. I'm so, so sorry, i don't even know what to say"

"Stop," said Alya, softly, looking into his eyes. "This is not your fault. You and Tom are nothing like your father, I know that after 3 days. Even if you did know, you wasn't to know that she was my mother, and you would've been the same age as I was. Please do not stress yourselves out over it, okay?" She pulled Mattheo in for a hug. He looked so genuinely sad for her and torn up over what he had just found out. "Come here, you" she said to Tom, giving him a hug too. He looked very shocked, but Alya could tell that he appreciated it.

"Yeah, i'm sorry too Alya, i'm really sad too" laughed Blaise.

"Aww, you feeling left out?" laughed Alya. "If you want a hug, just ask, idiot."

"Seriously though," she said, "Thank you all so much for today. I couldn't have done that without any of you. I really appreciate you all."

"You're welcome, darling," said Theo.

"Yeah, we'll always be here for you," said Pansy. Draco looked at Alya and smiled at her. Alya knew exactly what he was trying to say to her with this.

"I know," she smiled at him. "Come on now, let's go have some dinner" she said, as they all walked into the Great Hall. As soon as they sat down at their house table, Hermione was already running up to them.

"Well? Did you go?" she asked, frantically.

"Oh, Hermione, you are not going to believe what I'm about to tell you!" sighed Alya. "Actually, can one of you do it for me? I don't think I have the mental capacity to repeat all of that right now."

"Sure, love" said Pansy. She told Hermione absolutely everything that Snape had said. Alya watched as Hermione's facial expressions changed from happy and shocked, to sad, to angry, to sorrow. When Pansy had finished, Hermione pulled Alya up and gave her a hug.

"This is mental, are you okay?" Hermione asked her. "Are you really going to change your name?"

"I haven't processed it properly yet, but i think i'm okay" said Alya. "These guys have helped me so much, you wouldn't understand."

"I'm glad you've got people like that around you..."  replied Hermione. "Sorry, Riddles, but your bloody father!"

"Don't apologise, Granger, say what you like" said Mattheo. "We honestly had no idea, and we feel terrible. Don't we, Tom?" Tom nodded, looking at the floor.

"I've already told the pair of you, it's not your fault." Alya said, smiling at Tom and Mattheo. "Please stop apologising, you've done nothing wrong!"

"And, I think I will change my name. Not in a bad way towards you or your parents, but I want to be known by my real name. I think I'll feel a bit," smiled Alya. "But like I said before, you'll always be my sister and I will always be here for you, okay?"

"That's fine, sis. It's your choice." said Hermione. "Maybe think about writing to mum and dad soon though? They're dying to hear from you and I think you should tell them at least."

"I will, I'll do it tonight," said Alya. "Oh, and this is a big thing to keep to yourself, so feel free to tell your friends if you want. I highly doubt it's going to be a secret for long anyway once my name is changed. The Ravenclaws already know that Snape is my father, thanks to Professor bloody Sprout."

"Oh, really? For goodness sake, can't have anything to yourself in this school!" said Hermione, clearly annoyed.

"It's fine, people already talk about me and stare as it is, it doesn't bother me" laughed Alya. "It's quite funny, actually"

"Only you would think that!" laughed Hermione. "Anyway, I'd better get back to my table. I really hope you're okay though and you know where I am if you need me."

"Thanks, sis. See you later," smiled Alya. As she turned back around to eat her food, Mattheo was staring at her.

"On a really shocking note, however" he smirked. "When were you going to tell us that you play the guitar? And more importantly, when are you going to play for us?"

"She doesn't play in front of people, ever" said Draco, smirking at Alya.

"Ooh, look who pays attention" giggled Alya.

"Wait... you knew?" said Pansy.

"Of course I did, we share a dorm, Pansy," laughed Draco.

"Oh yeah, lucky you" chuckled Blaise.

"Enough about me and the bloody guitar, alright!" laughed Alya, "But Draco is right, I really don't play in front of anyone. Hermione is the only one that's heard me, other than my best friend from primary school and it's going to stay that way"

"Whatever you say, ma'am" smirked Theo.

They all continued to laugh and joke with each other while eating their dinner, before heading back to the slytherin common room. They all sat down on the sofas in the common room, talking amongst themselves, when a boy from seventh year walked in.

"Hey, Granger. Is it true that Snape's your dad?" he shouted.

"That's not your business, but yes." said Alya, rolling her eyes.

"Then how did you turn out so bloody gorgeous with a dad who looks like that?" laughed the boy. Alya stood up and walked right over to the boy, and put her head right in front of his face. Mattheo, Draco and the others automatically got up and  followed right behind her.

"Say one more word about my father, I dare you" said Alya angrily.

"It was meant to be a compliment, you idiot. Chill the fuck out!" shouted the boy. 

"Ooh, bad move." laughed Alya, as Draco appeared from behind her, picking him up by his collar. He punched the boy extremely hard in the face, knocking him onto the floor and giving him what looked like a broken nose.

"You ever talk to her like that again, and I will break every bone in your body. Got it?" he shouted, before Mattheo, Theo, Blaise, Tom and all took it in turns to bunch the boy in the face.

"Y-you lot are b-bloody psychos!! Psychos, I'm telling you!" he cried, crawling out of the common room.

"Nah, we just protect the people we love," smiled Alya. "You boys are going to be the death of me, you know that?"

"Come on now love, you should know by now that no one talks to you or treats you in a way we don't approve of," said Mattheo. "You've seen it enough times," 

"I know, and that time he deserved it!" shouted Alya. "When it comes to my family or people I love, I'm exactly the same," she smiled.

"That's so hot though," said Blaise.

"I know," smiled Alya.

 They all laughed and sat back down for a while, before deciding to head to bed. Alya had had a long day, and had a lot to think about. They all said goodnight to each other, and headed up to their separate dorm rooms. Draco and Alya went up to theirs together, of course, and as soon as they walked in, Alya dropped onto the bed and let out a tired sigh.

"You okay?" asked Draco, taking off his uniform and putting on his pyjama trousers.

"Always, darling," smiled Alya.

"You don't have to be so strong, you know." Draco smiled back at her. "If you want to talk, cry or scream, just let it out. I won't ever judge,"

"You're such a sweetheart, Malfoy," said Alya. "Thank you, I just have so much on my mind and it's hard to process it all at once." she smiled.

"Come on, let's get you comfortable." he said, grabbing Alya's hands as he pulled her up from the bed. He picked out a pair of his pyjama trousers and a different jumper of his and handed them to her. "Here, wear these"

"Okay then" she smiled at him, taking off her robe, tie and top. Draco quickly turned around, blushing. "Dray, after last night, do you really think you need to turn around?" Alya laughed.

"I mean, I guess not," smiled Draco, turning back around. "Did you just call me Dray?"

"Yeah, I think I did" laughed Alya. "Sorry, i don't know where that came from"

"No, it's okay," said Draco, looking into Alya's eyes. "I liked it,"

Alya smiled at him, getting butterflies once again. She put Draco's jumper and pyjamas on and sat back on the bed. Draco was staring at her, with the biggest smile on his face, but he didn't realise.

"What are you smiling about?" asked Alya.

"Oh... um, nothing" he said, blushing, and looking at the floor. "Um... are you tired?"

"Not really, I think I'm more overwhelmed," replied Alya.

"Well...would you - um..." Draco stammered. "Can I take you somewhere? I think you'll really like it."

"Right now?" asked Alya.

"Yeah, it's better at night," said Draco. "You'll need to wrap up warm though, here, wear my jacket." He wrapped it around Alya, buttoning it up when it was on. He then put a jumper and jacket on himself and led Alya out of the dorms.

"So where are we going?" whispered Alya, as they walked around the castle.

"My favourite place in the world" smiled Draco.

Alya and Draco walked around the castle as quietly as they could for a few minutes, until they reached a long set of stairs that Alya had never seen before. He took Alya's hand and led her up until they reached the very top. They were at the top of the astronomy tower.

"Wow, this is beautiful, Dray!" said Alya. They could see the whole dark, starry night sky without even leaving the castle. They could see all of the constellations, and all the lights from Hogsmeade, the town next to Hogwarts school. They could see everything, glistening in the moonlight. Alya somehow got a random memory of her mum, which made her tear up a little bit. She tried to hide it from Draco, but he saw.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he said, with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking about today, and how I'll never get the chance to meet my mum" said Alya, sadly. "And i was thinking about all the stuff that Snape was saying, it's just a lot to take in" she said, wiping a tear from her eye.

"I told you, you don't have to be strong all the time." smiled Draco. "If you need to cry, just let it out. I promise I won't judge you." he said, looking into Alya's eyes and wiping her tears from her cheek. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug, crying lightly. He wrapped his arms around her waist softly and smiled. A few minutes later, Alya had stopped crying and pulled away from Draco.

"What was that?" asked Draco. Alya looked up at him confused.

"What was what?" she asked.

"That thing you just did when you put your arms on me," he said.

"A hug?" asked Alya.

"Oh... okay," said Draco.

"I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable," said Alya. "i won't do it again"

"What? no , i - it didn't make me uncomfortable" said Draco. "I've just never... been hugged before"

"What do you mean, you've never been hugged?" asked Alya.

"I... can you do it again?" he asked, quietly, looking into her eyes. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him again, pulling him into her. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, tightly this time and buried his head into her neck.

"We can stay like this for as long as you want, Dray," said Alya, softly. After a few minutes, Draco pulled away from the hug.

"Thank you..." he said, softly.

"You don't have to thank me," said Alya. "Have you really never been hugged before?"

"No... other than last night when i put your head on my chest" said Draco. "That was nice, though," he smiled.

"Yeah, it was," smiled Alya. "You can do that whenever you want, okay?"

"Don't tell me that, because I'll want to do it all the time" he chuckled.

Alya giggled and looked up at him. "So, was last night your first time, then?"

"Oh... yeah, it was," Draco said, shyly. "Sorry, i should've told you"

"Don't be silly, you don't have to tell me" smiled Alya. "But you were really good, it seemed like you had done it before. That's all"

"Really?" he asked. "No, it was my first time... I think I just get a lot more confident when I'm drunk."

"Well you should be confident, you're so handsome" smiled Alya, looking into Draco's eyes.

"I- really?" said Draco, looking shocked.

"Yes, really," smiled Alya, "You're gorgeous. You really should smile more often." she said, looking into his eyes.

"Oh... i - thank you" blushed Draco. "No one has ever called me that before," he said, looking at the floor.

"But it's true," said Alya, lifting Draco's head up gently. Draco looked into Alya's eyes and then down at her lips, and without thinking, he kissed her softly. He quickly pulled away, realising what he had done.

"I'm so sorry, i - i didn't mean-" before he could finish his sentence, Alya had cut him off with a kiss. "Oh... wow" he blushed. This gave Alya even more butterflies in her stomach.

"You're so cute" she said, smiling at him.

"And you're so beautiful..." smiled Draco.

"You really think so?" blushed Alya.

"I really, really think so" said Draco. Alya kissed him again and put her head on his shoulder while they looked at the starry sky. They sat down on the tower watching the stars and talking to each other, and before they knew it, it was past midnight.

"Oh shit, we better get back" said Draco, looking at his watch and showing Alya the time.

"Woah! When did it get that late?" gasped Alya.

"I have no idea," laughed Draco. "It's lucky it's the weekend!"

"Isn't it!" whispered Alya, as they walked back down the long staircase and back to their dorms. "Thank Merlin that Filch didn't see us!" she laughed as they walked through their dormitory door.

"I know right, we would've been done for" said Draco, taking off his jacket and shoes. Alya did the same and then they both got into bed and under the covers. They laid facing each other for a few seconds, and Draco couldn't stop staring at Alya. he had a huge smile on his face, and when Alya looked at him, he quickly looked away.

"Dray, come here" she said to him, holding up her arm.

"What do you mean?" asked Draco. Alya pulled Draco closer to her, so that his head was on her chest. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and played with his hair.

"Wow..." said Draco, sleepily. "This is really... nice" he wrapped his arms around her waist and a few seconds later, he was asleep. And so was Alya.

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