The Undercroft. Reader x Seba...

By Dragongoddess171

574 66 4

Views 18 years and above this story not hundred percent accurate to the original story line of hogwarts legac... More

Chapter one, the journey
The Journey, part two
Chapter two secret feeling
Secret feeling, Part two
Chapter three the start of year feast
The Start of year Feast, Part two
Chapter four hiding in the undercroft
Hiding in the undercroft part two
Chapter five, mending emotional wounds
Mending emotional wounds, part two
Chapter six, The try outs
The try outs, part two
Charper Seven, The return of ancient magic 
The return of Ancient magic part two
The return of Ancient magic part three
Chapter Eight hidden beneath the surface
Hidden beneath the surface part two
Chapter Nine, The Room of Requirement
The room of requirement part two
Chapter Ten The death day party
The death day party part two
Chapter Eleven, Lessons of a memory
Lessons of a memory, part two
Chapter twelve, The purest magic
The purest magic, Part two
The Purest magic, Part three
Chapter thirteen, A new threat
A new threat, part two
Chapter fourteen, Lovers of the enemy 
Lovers of the enemy , part two
Chapter fifteen, Forbidden touch
Forbidden touch, Part two
Chapter sixteen, Behind her red eyes
Behind her red eyes, Part two
Charper Seventeen, bones of the father
Bones of the father, Part 2
Chapter eighteen, Horns and Daggers
Horns and daggers, Part two
Chapter Nineteen, Nightmare in the snow
Nightmare in the snow, Part Two
Nightmare in the snow, Part three
Nightmare in the snow, Part four
Chapter Twenty, Fears in flames
Fears in flames, Part Two
Fears in flames, Part Three
Fears in Flames, Part Three
Fears in Flames, Part four
Fears in Flames, Part five
Chapter Twenty-one, The unbroken bond
The Unbroken Bond, Part three
The Unbroken bond, part four
Chapter Twenty-two, forgotten memories
Forgotten Memories, Part Two
Chapter twenty-three, Her lover's return
The end

The Unbroken bond, Part two

4 1 0
By Dragongoddess171

Sebastian's POV

We followed professor Shape to the headmaster's office but before he entered the tower we were stopped by Professor Weasley "Ah Professor Shape I need a word with.. merlin's beard what's happened" Professor Weasley looked At Michael then her eyes fell on me then at Y/N who had not bothered to fix her robes

"Caught using the Cruciatus Curse on a fellow student"

Whatever Professor Weasley thought Shape would say was not this

"Using an unforgivable curse on a fellow student but why?"

"Professor please let me explain" Y/N said but Professor Sharp interrupted

"I believe it best to take these three to the headmaster's office to discuss the matter further"

"Professor Black has gone to the Mystery and one be back until tomorrow evening"

"Then we shall send an urgent owl to both families and the headmaster informing them of the-"Professor Shape, Professor Weasley" a voice echoed in the distance and I turned my head to see a tall very familiar man walking towards us ' Alexander Rookwood' was strutting down the hallway his black velvet travelling clock billowing in his stride

"What are you doing here" I spat unable to control my anger, Rookwood eyed me darkly and I felt Y/N finger tips close over mine as she stood beside me

"I don't believe that is any of your business boy" he snarled then he looked at Michael and raised an eyebrow "why is my nephew covered in blood"

"Nephew?" I stared at the pair looked nothing alike though they seem to both have that thin skeletal look about them perhaps they were related

"Mr Rookwood your Nephew had just been caught using an unforgivable curse on Mr Sallow and"

Rookwood held out and hand to stop professor Weasley from speaking

"Is this true Miguel?"

He nodded and inclined his head in a small bow

"explain yourself" Rookwood demanded but Michael looked up and opened his mouth to speak but I interjected

"He molested Y/N"

Professor Weasley gasped in horror "Mr Sallow please do not make up such nonsense"

"But he did I saw him" I shouted

"That is enough Mr Sallow"

"Sebastian is right professor" Y/N was so quite If it wasn't for the fact she was holding my hand I would of forgotten she was there, her eyes were still blood shot she had made herself a small as possible in stature in hopes no one would notice the fresh tears running down her face

Rookwood's eyes wander up and down Y/N figure before snapping them back to his nephew "is this all true boy? Did you molest this girl then use an unforgettable curse"

Blood drain from Michael's face as he focused himself to start at the soulless eyes which were very much is own

"ANSWER ME" Rookwood shouted his voice echoing through the corridor

Micheal closed his eyes "Yes sir"

"Right then" Rookwood grabbed Micheal by the back of his collar and pulled forwards to stand next time him "My deepest apologies Miss Y/L/N, and to you professor Weasley, Professor Sharp" he incline his head in a small bow "these actions from my sisters boy should will not go unpunished, good day to you"

And before anyone could say a word Rookwood pushed his way pass pushing his Nephew forward making him stumble on his feet and slightly behind, shadowing his uncles stride.

Three hours, it took three hours for Y/N to tell Professor Weasley what had happened, I stayed silent as she recalled the events and held her hands very tightly when she couldn't continue, then the door to the hospital wing opened and Y/N father came running towards the bed we were sitting and

"Where is she"

Y/N slipped off the bed and Embraced her father, he held her very close to his chest and planted a kiss on the top of her head as she cried into his chest

"what happened"

Once again she was forced to retell the story but I had noticed she left a few details out

"Then Sebastian came in and"

Y/N's father looked at me and my heart sank I had completely forgotten about the letter he had sent me but it also seemed he had forgotten about it to

"Very well then if that is all"

He rubbed her shoulders and he looked at me and walked over to the bed where I still, my stomach clenching bracing myself for an explore, but it never came inside he held out his hand for me to shake and I took it nervously, feeling scars and blisters his grip was firm but friendly

"I see I may have been wrong about you Mr Sallow" he let go of my hand

"right now if you excuse meI need to go and have a little chat with the headmaster about this little incident" he hugged his daughter once more then left his khaki cloak flicking behind him.

The nurses insisted Y/N stay a night in the Hospital wing after she complained that her back was hurting, but she refused knowing she was in pain and needed help I requested that I stay the night with her if it meant she would stay, she refused this as well "you know I don't like staying the night in there" she said as we walked out of the room

"It's only one night" I protested struggling to keep up with her long strides

"One night then a whole week Sebastian once they find out that I've been having nightmares that make me what to kill myself, and I'll be all by myself"

"I've all ready offered to stay"

"No, I can't allow you to force yourself to hear my pitiful cry's"

I opened my mouth to speak but she surprised my by stopping very abruptly and turning to me "it's not far on you, I.. I don't want you to have to watch me be in pain Sebastian"

"It's because of the Bogget isn't it"

She looked away,

"A little but I can't stop thinking about the look on your face when we slept together on Christmas, I've never seen you look so terrified"

"I.. I never meant to upset you I was just worried.. I'm sorry please at least tell me your okay and that your not going to do anything stupid if I leave you for the night"

She took a deep breath and sighed

"Okay I promise"

"No you swear to me that tomorrow I'll see you unharmed"


"Swear to me Y/N"

"Fine yes I swear I won't cut myself open but you need to swear never to focus me into a hospital bed again".

The following morning brought a down poor a rain and when the owls came in to deliver there usually post the great hall was showered in droplets of water and flustered owls, Timothy who regularly visited Y/N in the great hall was being treated have had flown to close to the storm and had a few feathers bent the wrong way "hold still OUCH" the white barn owl had nipped Y/N finger has she poked his wing with her wand "need a hand" I asked looking up from my plate "maybe I just need to.. oh will you stop fidgeting" the owl had flapped it's wings impatiently and screeched at her well more at the and which was still pointing at his last remaining unkept feather which seemed to be giving him some distress "here" I threw a piece of bacon at him and he looked at me with disgust "I think I found your spirit animal, aggressive and picky eater" Timothy turned his head to the back of him and stared me down until his body fluffed up "GOT IT" Y/N had successfully pulled out the feather which pissed him right off and instead of screeching at her, he flew off suddenly knocking over the pitcher of pumpkin juice as he took off "great now he's going to be moody all week" then she took the paper he had give her and started to read

"Get fucked"


"I don't believe this"


"How could they let this happened"

"Oh for the love of." I snatched the paper out of hands as she shook her head in disbelief

Ministry of Magic give full pardon to misunderstood seventh year student Michael Skinner (age eighteen) after a brief hearing here at the Ministry, Mr Alexander Rookwood who is a close relative to Mr Skinner admits that his nephew suffers from post dramatic stress since the death of his father last year and his mothers disappearance the following year, Rookwood also reported that his nephew will not go unpunished for his crimes using an unforgivable curse on his fellow peer.

"That sneaky little.. how could they just let this slide, after what he did to you"

"The paper doesn't mention why he did it Seb only that he used it and make it sound like he didn't mean to"

"Bullshit if that spell hit you, you'd be"


I stopped speaking and looked up confused
"What no.. wait what?"

"Sebastian I am all ready in massive amounts of pain every single day because of this stupid blood curse my mother past into me, I can't say I'm not grateful that if I turn into a monster that I'd have to stay that way forever but it's not exactly comfortable"

"I... I didn't know.. I'm sorry"

She shrugged "it's only hurts if I think about too much besides the spell wouldn't of killed me I was just over reacting it would of probably drove me insane"

"I wish I had never put that curse on you, knowing full well how if feels.. why didn't you-" because I didn't want to, we've all ready discussed this multiple times, I know you regret it and I know your sorry but I also know that you have no choice it was my decision and if you hadn't of done it then we would be having this discussion in the first place, so please stop pressuring me about it"

I rolled my eyes and gave her back the paper but before she took Something caught my eye and i snatch it back

"Fuck you then" she huffed then took a piece of toast off my plate but I was listening and read the first few columns above the ministries pardon

Documents from the department of magical law enforcement have been noticeably disturbed after a thorough search of the Auror's office, offices believe that a number of documentation of the illegal spell use has gone missing, several pages of the documents and have been tampered with, "we are investigating the matter as we speak and have all ready a few suspects who we know would of wanted their names off that list, we have reasons to believe that they are currently hiding outside the borders of the ministry but no matter, we have other ways of catching these criminals" No further comment.

"Did you know about this?" I asked putting the paper down and looking up at Y/N who was drinking out of her goblet

"Know what?"

"The missing documents of dark magic used" at first I thought it was my imagination that Y/N face had turn slightly red but

"No, I didn't why?"

"Because it says here just above the ministries pardon"

She raised an eyebrow "oh must of skimmed it"

I looked at her suspiciously "your a shit lier you know that don't you"

It was her hands that gave it away, she would always pick at her finger nails when ever she felt uncomfortable or was afraid to tell the true about something

"I have to go, library"


She left

After breakfast I made my way to the library to talk to Y/N about that happened in the great hall, but she wasn't there, I went down to the undercroft but she wasn't there neither then thinking she must be outside the castle grounds I made my way down to lake where I found Ominis who was being shouted at by Imelda, I watched from a far distance hoping she would spot me as I walked around but she had start storming off in the opposite direction towards the castle leaving Ominis looking pretty down hearted "you all right mate" Ominis pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed

"Imelda and I just broke up"

"Well isn't that what you wanted, you said before Christmas that she was annoying"

"Yes but still, it's stop the fact I had feelings for her now I feel like I've just wasted her time" he sighed and leant against the tree

"Wait I thought Y/N was going to talk to her for you"

"She did unfortunately it didn't go so well they got into a massive fight and Y/N got a weekend detention didn't you know?"

"No" I said feeling guilty that I didn't know this information about my own girlfriend

"She's probably in detention now I believe"

"Where is she?"

"Professor Weasley's class why?" But before I could answer I spend off back to the castle feeling slightly betrayed, why didn't she mention she had detention today and why would she want to hide this from me, she told Ominis but,

I reached the transfiguration class room and opened it a jar, the room was empty except for a small figure in the middle of the room with their head bend down low on the desk, there was no sign of any teachers so let myself in quietly, I snuck up right behind Y/N who was writing on a piece of parchment "tut tut Miss Y/L/N picking fights with students have you no shame" Y/N jumped and span around her wand nearly out of her robes "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" she snap putting her wand back into her robes, I sat on the table in front of her and looked at the piece of parchment she was writing on "I'd like to ask you the same question" she snatched the paper out of my hands and continued writing as if I wasn't there

"Sooo you going to tell me why you tell me you got detention"

She sighed down her quill and rubbed the corners of her eyes

"Why do you insist on knowing every little detail of what I do, you didn't care last year"

This comment took my by surprise

"Fuck sorry for giving a shit"

I slipped off the table and walked away

"No wait.." she took my hand before I could leave and pulled me towards her "I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I'm just... so frustrated and upset and in pain, all I want is just one night of peaceful sleep the nightmares are getting worse and worse and I'm so tired physically and mentally and emotionally" I sighed and brushed back the hair in front of her face and tucked it neatly behind her ear, this simple gesture was all she needed to know that I wasn't upset or even angry and that I understood, she embraced me and her body started to shake as I placed my hands on her back I felt something strange her spin was oddly warm and small lump I had never felt before was poking out "what's going on?" I released her sudden she looked at me in fear as if she knew I knew something was wrong

"Take off your shirt"


"Take off your shirt now"

Her face went scarlet and she backed away hitting the desk behind her

"Sebastian I.. please let me explain"

I ignored her and started unbuttoning her shirt frantically, it was nothing sexual I knew what I wanted to see wasn't her naked chest but her back, she slapped me

"Are you crazy, Professor Weasley will be here any minute and if you start undressing me then"

"Turn around"

Her eyes widened but she didn't argue and turned her back to me and removed her shirt

The mark made by curse Michael had placed on her was just as blackened as before except it looked as if it was opened then healed over poorly the lump I have felt before wasn't there not until I place a hand over her back, her skin reacted so sudden I recoiled, the scar that lined down her spin perfectly had opened a fraction making her whimper in pain and lean forward, gripping the edges of the desk in pain.

"I'm sorry" she cried in a whisper wiping away her tears, I walked closer behind her as she stranded up the wound closed up as she rolled her shoulders and took a deep breath, I embraced her from behind making her freeze on the spot, I pressed my lips on her soft skin and felt every inch of her relax at my touch, I wanted to hold her, keep her close and never let go but alas this was not the time nor the place, I released her and watched as she pulled her shirt back over her shoulders and turned around to looked into my eyes.

"I was going to tell you but" she looked down and starting buttoning up her shirt

I took her hand and pulling her towards me pressing my lips against hers in that moment I didn't care if we got caught I didn't care that her shirt was half undone or that my hand was resting gently on her beast, she didn't care about the risk neither because she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer, I felt her lift herself on the desk and pulling me by the front of my robes, the kiss became more passionate as her hands snaked upwards her fingers in my hair,

"Shit" I pulled away from her before I could go any further and pressed my forehead on her's breathing very quickly

"What's the matter" she pressed a hand on my cheek but I pushed it away holding it into my hand instead and pressing my lips on them

"As much as I would love to take you here and now, we mustn't" I could feel rather then see her slight disappointment and I smiled

"wouldn't want you getting in another detention now would we?"

She smiled at me her eyes looked devilish "I'd take that risk"

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