Slytherin Royalty

By MrsDxMalfoy

46.6K 857 222

"3 days ago, I didn't even know i was adopted. Now I've found out that I'm half goddess, half witch with a de... More

One big lie
New Friends
The Dorms
Potions Class
The Slytherin Party
The Morning After
The big reveal
The Astronomy Tower
The Birthday
The Not so Surprise Party
The Dilemma
Gred and Feorge
The Power
A Confession
The Quidditch Match
Mattheo's Dorm
The Halloween Party Part 1 (TW)
The Halloween Party Part 2 (TW)
Draco's Secret
The Sleepover
The Burrow
Hot Chocolate
Christmas Eve Shopping
Christmas Day
Christmas Part 2
Boxing Day
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Casa Cortez
The Reality
The Sister
Moving Day
Opening Day & The Orphanage
The First Night
The Confessions
Back to the Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
The Make-up
The Day Off
The Skrewts
The Black Lake - Part One
The Black Lake - Part Two
The Hospital Wing
The Concussion
The Memories
The End Of The School Year
Music Lessons
The Camping Trip
The Joke Shop
Visiting the Burrow
The Quidditch World Cup
Seventh Year
Alastor Moody
The Champion Selection
Alya's Birthday
Character list & Authors Note!


2.5K 47 6
By MrsDxMalfoy

As the train approached Hogwarts, Alya and her new friends started getting ready to get off the train. "pretty ladies first" said Pansy, letting Alya walk in front of them.

"Thank you, gorgeous" smirked Alya, walking in front of them and getting off the train. They all followed and started walking towards the castle. Just then, Alya saw Hermione walking far ahead.

 "Give me a sec guys, I need to go talk to my sister quickly." said Alya, running off towards Hermione.

 "God, she's gorgeous!" said Mattheo, Tom, Blaise and Theo all at the same time. 

"Shut up you lot." said Draco.  

"Wow. i've never seen any of you so smitten by a girl before, let alone a girl  you've just met!" laughed Pansy. "This is going to be fun."

"Shut up Pansy, it's obvious you fancy her just as much" winked Blaise.

"Oh shush, you" blushed Pansy.

"Hey sis, you okay?" said Hermione, once Alya had caught up to her. "Look, i'm sorry about earlier okay, it's just really hard to think that you're not actually my sister and i guess i was just a bit upset."

"i'll always be your sister Miney, no matter what okay?" said Alya, pulling Hermione into a hug.

 "i know, of course you will. it's just sad, you know?" replied Hermione. "oh by the way, these are my best friends, Harry and Ron. Guys, this is my sister Alya"

"WOW! uh- i - i mean, hi there, i'm harry, harry potter. it's nice to meet you" said Harry, unable to take his eyes off of Alya.

 "hi harry, it's nice to meet you too!" said Alya. 

"Ron Weasley, madam, ma'am, i mean - i - you're really pretty - i - um - hi '' said Ron.

Alya laughed to herself. "Hi, Ron. I've heard A LOT about you, so it's nice to put a face to a name!"

 "ALLY!" shrieked Hermione, clearly astonished but what she had just heard.

 "what did i do?" replied Alya.

 "uh- nothing, it's nothing." said Hermione, quietly.

"You two friends again now, then?" said Draco, as he and the rest of the slytherins had caught up to Alya.

 "Of course we are" laughed Alya. "Do you guys know each other or should i introduce you?"

"Nope, we definitely know each other. You need to stay away from them, Ally. They're evil." said Hermione, shooting Draco a death stare.

"Evil? These guys? Don't make me laugh Hermione, they've all been so nice to me" said Alya.

"They're slytherins, Alya. All slytherins are evil. They're not your friends, they probably just fancy you and want to use you like everyone else did. I don't want you talking to them, I want you to come with me, Ron and Harry now." snapped Hermione.

"Are you serious? I can be friends with whoever I want, Hermione, it's none of your business. Get out my face before i tell Ron how you really feel about him!" replied Alya, angrily.

"You wouldn't dare! Good luck making any friends who don't just want to sleep with you, we both know that's the only thing you're good for. I'm glad you're not my actual sister!" screamed Hermione.

"HEY! That was uncalled for, Granger! leave her alone and get out of here, now!" shouted Draco. Hermione stormed off with Harry and Ron, leaving Alya feeling quite upset. Although she didn't let anyone see that.

"Thanks for sticking up for me, Draco, you didn't have to do that. She's just in a mood, she gets like this all the time. She's jealous of me and she always has been, i'm used to her shit now." said Alya.

"You're welcome, just ignore her. Everyone else does" smiled Draco, looking into Alya's eyes. Alya smiled back and suddenly started blushing.

"Oi love birds! we better get a move on if we want to get to the great hall in time for dinner!" shouted Blaise. Draco glared at him and Alya rolled her eyes, as they all started making their way towards the castle, way far behind everyone else now.

By the time they had got to the great hall, the sorting ceremony for the first years was almost finished. Alya had never been to Hogwarts before today, so it was a beautiful sight for her to see the floating candles and all the pretty colours when she entered the hall. There were 4 long tables, which Alya realized were the house tables, and there was one long table at the very back of the hall, facing the students. Alya soon recognised this to be the teachers table. All of a sudden, she heard a deep, booming voice.

"Ah, Miss Granger! I was beginning to worry that you wouldn't be joining us here after all." The voice belonged to a tall old looking man with extremely long silver hair and a long silver beard. She soon recognised him as Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of hogwarts. "Everyone please welcome our new sixth year student, Miss Alya Granger!" he shouted.

 Suddenly, it felt like every single person in the entire room had their eyes on Alya and it was making her very anxious. She soon heard gasps and whispering from all of the students.

 "Woah, look at her! she's really pretty!"

 "Granger? as in Hermione Granger? surely not, they look nothing alike!"

 At that moment, Alya realized that it wasn't just the students staring at her, there were also a few teachers. Particularly, a tall man with long, black, silky hair was looking at her with narrowed eyes. For some reason, Alya felt that he looked very familiar, like she knew him somehow. but of course, that couldn't be possible. could it? Alya's train of thought was interrupted by Dumbledore, saying "If you could please make your way up here, Miss Granger, so we can get you sorted into your house."

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" whispered Draco, as he and the rest of the slytherins went to go and sit down at their house table. With that, Alya smiled at him and walked down the long hall. When she finally got to the back, she was asked to sit on a stool facing the students. Professor Dumbledore placed the Sorting Hat on Alya's head.

 "Another Granger? Are you sure? There's something rather... familiar about you," said the Sorting hat, causing everyone in the hall to start whispering quietly again. "Well, clearly you're nothing like your sister, Miss Granger. Yes, you're very kind and caring, but also cunning, with a lot of anger. I sense a lot of power inside of you that's waiting to be set free, I fear terribly for anyone who gets on the wrong side of you! Ah, I know exactly where to put you... SLYTHERIN!!"

The whole of the slytherin table erupted with cheer, clapping and whistling as Alya started walking over to them. The rest of the great hall were all very shocked, and gasped with their hands covering their mouths.

 "WHAT?! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!? THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" screamed Hermione, standing up in shock. 

"The sorting hat is never wrong, Miss Granger. Please do not question its choices!" snapped Professor Dumbledore.

"Leave it Hermione, you're making a scene!" shouted Alya, as she approached the slytherin table. Theo immediately stood up and gave Alya his seat, kicking a first year off of the one next to it and making him find somewhere else to sit. "Thank you, Theo." said Alya.

"You're welcome, beautiful. We're all so glad that you're in Slytherin with us, aren't we guys?"

 "Absolutely" said blaise and mattheo.

 "This is gonna be so much fun!" said pansy.

 "I had a feeling you would be'' said Tom.

 "Most definitely" said Draco, who was sitting directly opposite, grinning at Alya.

 "Aw thanks everyone, you bunch of softies" laughed Alya.

Dumbledore started giving a speech to welcome students to the start of the school year, when Alya looked over at the teacher's table again. The same, mysterious looking man from before was looking at her again.

 "Um, guys, who is that man sitting next to professor Dumbledore? The one with the long, black hair?" Alya asked. 

"That's professor Snape, love. why?" replied Mattheo.

 "I feel like I know him from somewhere, but I can't seem to think where." said Alya. "Something about him just seems so... familiar"

"Omg Alya! what if Snape is your dad!?" whispered Pansy. Alya looked at her, horrified. "Well, he could be! You said your dad is a professor and Snape seems to be looking over at you quite a lot, plus you have silky, dark hair so it would make sense! Either that or he knows who your dad might be" said Pansy excitedly. Alya thought about it for a minute and then muttered quietly, "oh shit... what if he is?"

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