The Undercroft. Reader x Seba...

Von Dragongoddess171

574 66 4

Views 18 years and above this story not hundred percent accurate to the original story line of hogwarts legac... Mehr

Chapter one, the journey
The Journey, part two
Chapter two secret feeling
Secret feeling, Part two
Chapter three the start of year feast
The Start of year Feast, Part two
Chapter four hiding in the undercroft
Hiding in the undercroft part two
Chapter five, mending emotional wounds
Mending emotional wounds, part two
Chapter six, The try outs
The try outs, part two
Charper Seven, The return of ancient magic 
The return of Ancient magic part two
The return of Ancient magic part three
Chapter Eight hidden beneath the surface
Hidden beneath the surface part two
Chapter Nine, The Room of Requirement
The room of requirement part two
Chapter Ten The death day party
The death day party part two
Chapter Eleven, Lessons of a memory
Lessons of a memory, part two
Chapter twelve, The purest magic
The purest magic, Part two
The Purest magic, Part three
Chapter thirteen, A new threat
A new threat, part two
Chapter fourteen, Lovers of the enemy 
Lovers of the enemy , part two
Chapter fifteen, Forbidden touch
Forbidden touch, Part two
Chapter sixteen, Behind her red eyes
Behind her red eyes, Part two
Charper Seventeen, bones of the father
Bones of the father, Part 2
Chapter eighteen, Horns and Daggers
Horns and daggers, Part two
Chapter Nineteen, Nightmare in the snow
Nightmare in the snow, Part Two
Nightmare in the snow, Part three
Nightmare in the snow, Part four
Chapter Twenty, Fears in flames
Fears in flames, Part Two
Fears in flames, Part Three
Fears in Flames, Part four
Fears in Flames, Part five
Chapter Twenty-one, The unbroken bond
The Unbroken bond, Part two
The Unbroken Bond, Part three
The Unbroken bond, part four
Chapter Twenty-two, forgotten memories
Forgotten Memories, Part Two
Chapter twenty-three, Her lover's return
The end

Fears in Flames, Part Three

6 1 0
Von Dragongoddess171

Sebastian's POV

I don't know when or how long I slept for but it mustn't been for long, I opened my eyes and saw the floating candles above me then my eyes feel on a smooth dark figure which was trembling, I sat up slightly realising what had awaken me, Y/N was shaking uncontrollably holding herself in a feral position whimpering, I leaned over her and stocked her hair out of her face, she was cold by also sweating, I felt her arm rises and fall her breathing quickening, even though her eyes were closed she seemed to be finding it difficult to open "Hey it's okay your safe" I reassured her stroking her hair but this didn't help in fact at my words she skin darkened and scales appeared then disappeared and reappeared five more times they vanished into her skin and returning before something unexpected happened, she was screaming, she screamed even louder then she did when I performed the Cruciatus curse on her, "no No no NO NO NO NO NO" she was crying tears fell down her face and she scream "Y/N?" I moved her in her back and wiped the tears off her face and I cupped her face hoping she wake up from my touch "Kil- e" "What?" More tears ran down her face as she muttered in her sleep "Kill me" she was begging "Kill me... kill me... KILL ME" I couldn't believe what I was hearing I didn't want to hear it, I started trembling "Wake up, your having a nightmare WAKE UP" I shook her head slightly out of panic, she didn't wake I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up in a sitting position her head hang back "shit Y/N WAKE UP PLEASE" I shock her again, a gasp a shudder and her eyes snapped opened.

It took a while for her to release where she was and what had happened because she suddenly scrambled in the bed sheet "Woo hey it's okay it's okay your safe" Y/N looked around then started at me "Wha? What? What happened?" "Night terrors a pretty bad one actually" she put a hand to her face and whipped the tears and sweat off her cheek "Oh... um I'm sorry" she bowed her head ashamed but I grabbed her shoulder and shook her even though she was wide awake "stop apologising and stop being ashamed I know you can't help it and I know you hate that you can't help having these nightmares" "I'm not apologising for that I'm apologising because... because" tears ran Down her face again and I could help but embrace her, I didn't care that she was cold I didn't care that her tears ran down my chest, all I wanted was to help her, to give her some sort of comfort, to make her understand that I could do anything to make theses night terrors go away "you don't have to tell me" she shook her head "I hate it I HATE having to feel to watch to think I'm reliving it all over again and again I hate it, I want it to stop, I want it to end, I... I" I held her tighter I knew what she was going to say even if she didn't say it but knowing that she would choose to end it all just because of her dreams made me feel sick and hopeless, it was Anne all over again except I had given Y/N my word not to go looking for a way to stop her dreams, and not having Y/N trust would ruin everything, "Please, please let me help you, we can find a way together please I hate knowing that you feel this way" she sniffed and shook her head again "if I knew how to stop it, if I knew there was a way to end the nightmares I would have you help me find it but I fear there is nothing... nothing that can be done" she looked up at me and brush my cheek with her hand which was surprisingly warm despite the rest of her body being practically freezing "I love that you care so much Sebastian, but this is just something that can't be helped" my heart suddenly ached when I heard the word love come out of her mouth and the fact she had said my name in the same sentence maybe it also skip a few beats, I took her hand and removed it from my face and pressed my lips on them.

We sat in front of each other our heads pressed against one another our eyes closed, i felt Y/N breathing calming down more and more as we sat in silence our hands intertwined, half of me wanted to lay back down and fall back asleep and the other knew I had to stay awake and alert, if felt a sudden vibration through the air as Y/N starting humming, it was the same humming sound she made when I came down to the Undercroft, she sounded so beautiful yet so sad the melody didn't sound familiar neither, perhaps she made it up, her sweet song lifted my heart filled my very soul then she became silent, and removed herself from me, at the moment I remembered "Ah shit" I smacked myself on the forehead with my palm ignoring Y/N face at my sudden random act,


"We have to go"

"What now"

"Yes now, get dressed we need to go"

"You want to explain to me why"

"Well if I'm not mistaken you and I slept together yes?"

"What oh.. Oh OH SHIT"

She scrambled to her feet and strict across the room grabbing a bundle of clothes I didn't notice from last night "wait I still don't understand where are we going? " she said putting on a pair of long pants and bent "Hogsmeade" I replied grabbing my shirt off the floor and pulling it on "Hogsmeade but.. it's Christmas every will be closed won't it" I paused for a second as I buttoned up my shirt and looked up at her and she pulled in a red and gold sweater "Perhaps or perhaps not" I panicked slightly as I tried to think as I heard Y/N putting on her boots and walking over to the table, as I finished getting dressed she handed me my wand and dagger "well?" She asked confused "we need to see Sirona" "Sirona? But hang on" I shook my head and grabbed her hand "there's no time to explain let's just go" I pulled her to the exit of the Undercroft and dragged her upstairs and outside side, within 30 minutes we were out of breath and still running down the Main Street of Hogsmeade which was deserted, it was very early in the morning and only a few people were walking out of their stores to collect the morning Daily prophet, we hurried behind the building of the three broomsticks and approached the wooden door which I knocked a little louder then i meant to lucky it was the bar maid who opened the door "We're closed it's Christmas for merlins.. oh it's you and ah" Sirona looked at both myself and Y/N who was trying to catch her breath "Sirona we need-"an antidote to your pre-Christmas catastrophe" "eh what? No we" but Y/N patting me on the shoulder "Sebastian I think she knows" I raised an eyebrow "oh well then yes" Sirona moved aside to let us in and we found ourselves behind the bar of the Inn, Y/N sat herself down on one of the stools and I stayed standing watching Sirona behind the bar searching for something "it's common that I get a few sixth and seventh years banging down my door begging for help it's especially common I get them on Christmas morning" my face felt very hot with guilt and embarrassment and I tried my best to avoid eye contact with Y/N "sorry Sirona but we didn't know who else to-" don't be stupid count yourselves luck I have one more left" she pulled out a long and very sharp object that look like a spike from a porcupine out from underneath the bar and walked over to Y/N who shifted in her seat a bit "right now your going to feel a slight prick and some discomfort but it'll only be for a few seconds" Y/N eyed the tip of the spike nervously "eh" "arm out please" she did as she was told but before Sirona could do anything or even touch Y/N skin, something scaly whipped out if no where and slapped Sirona's wrist "ah I'm so sorry Sirona, reflexes" Sirona didn't look upset in fact she look slightly impressed "well if you can't take the quill perhaps a potion will do, mind you I won't recommend it" "why?" I asked "the effect it gives some witches can be well let's just say it's not pleasant" she walked around behind the bar again and pulled out a small dark blue bottle which she opened and poured into a glass that she magically conjured in front of Y/N, the liquid looked thick and smelled of burning meat "I'm assuming it tastes worse then it smells" Y/N said not hiding her discussed as Sirona put the bottle down "hopefully for you that's all the horribleness you'll have to consume today" Y/N took the glass and looked into it then looked at me "do this to me again and I'll crush your jingle balls" I couldn't help myself laugh at how serious she was then she drank.

A few minutes later we made our way back to the castle, Sirona had warned me before we left that there would be a side effect depending on how Y/N would react to it as it varied from person to person, so far Y/N was acting quite normal despite her constant complaining how it tasted like milk gone bad it was only half way up the road did something happen "you alright?" I asked as Y/N stopped, she looked very pale and her eyes were slightly glassy "hey Y/N you still with me" I flicked my fingers in her face to snap her out of her daze and she shook her head "sorry just felt, weird" "Maybe you finally found your appetite" I said laughing then all of a sudden of our no where she bent over and vomited "Oh shit" avoiding the pool of sick I pulled out a handkerchief out of my pocket and gave it to her, she took it and covered her mouth coughing "feel better?" she shook her head and she wrenched, holding her stomach I approached her but she pushed me away and held out a hand to stop me from getting to close then she threw up again this time it took all of her strength and she was on her knees in the snow coughing "okay let's go" I put her arm around my neck and hoisted her up bridal style and started running towards the castle "no, no hospital wing" "yeah yeah I know" I said impatiently as I pushed through the oak front doors and into the closet bathroom by the time I opened the door Y/N fell out of my arms and she curled myself into a ball her head pressed against the stone floor groaning in agony, I stood there watching her helplessly a memory flashed before my eyes a the door to the scriptorium the fifth year girl who had sacrificed her wellbeing who took the pain to get us out of that there lay before me, I kneel down side her and placed a hand on her back "Water" she sounded weak I had never been so frightened of hearing her voice before, I stayed on the floor watching her breathing in and out slowly before she lift her head up "water, please Sebastian" she looked at me her face was as white as a ghost her eyes were bloodshot and the scar on her face was darkened then ever, she indicated for me to help her up and I did so dragging her to the sink where she allowed herself to lean against the basin, she turned the tap on and ran her hand under the cool water, I watch her rinse her mouth out a few times because she began a coughing again but luckily nothing came up, "thank you" she sighed wiping her mouth with the back of her sleeve " disgusting" she looked at herself in the mirror and scolded she punched it making it crack and her hand bleed "WHAT THE FUCK" I pulled her away form the shards of broken glass before she could do anymore damage "Are you completely insane" I held her in front of me pinning her arms to her sides then released she was crying, my anger slipped away and turned into pity, was this the effect of the potion or something else?, she grabbed my shirt looking down at the floor and whispered something I couldn't quite make out "What?" "Kill me, end my suffering please" her hands were shaking and I took them holding them tightly against my heart which felt like it was going to explode, "your not thinking straight, it's the potion that's make you-" no it's not... Sebastian I'm tired... I just want it to end... I can't sleep without reliving it all, I don't want to eat, I don't want to sleep, I don't want to feel anymore" she looked up at me tears running down her face, this frightened me not the fact that she was begging to end it all but the fact that it was possible that this was not the effect Sirona had warned me about, I held her close to me not saying anything I hoped that this comforting embrace would perhaps calm her down until the potion wore off then I remembered something, I put my hand in my pocket and drew out my gift to her "this is not how I thought we'd be spending our Christmas together but I have something for you" she looked at me again and whipped her eyes to see more clearly "Wha what is it?" She moved back a little to see what was in my hand.


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