The Undercroft. Reader x Seba...

Oleh Dragongoddess171

574 66 4

Views 18 years and above this story not hundred percent accurate to the original story line of hogwarts legac... Lebih Banyak

Chapter one, the journey
The Journey, part two
Chapter two secret feeling
Secret feeling, Part two
Chapter three the start of year feast
The Start of year Feast, Part two
Chapter four hiding in the undercroft
Hiding in the undercroft part two
Chapter five, mending emotional wounds
Mending emotional wounds, part two
Chapter six, The try outs
The try outs, part two
Charper Seven, The return of ancient magic 
The return of Ancient magic part two
The return of Ancient magic part three
Chapter Eight hidden beneath the surface
Hidden beneath the surface part two
Chapter Nine, The Room of Requirement
The room of requirement part two
Chapter Ten The death day party
The death day party part two
Chapter Eleven, Lessons of a memory
Lessons of a memory, part two
Chapter twelve, The purest magic
The purest magic, Part two
The Purest magic, Part three
Chapter thirteen, A new threat
A new threat, part two
Chapter fourteen, Lovers of the enemy 
Lovers of the enemy , part two
Chapter fifteen, Forbidden touch
Forbidden touch, Part two
Chapter sixteen, Behind her red eyes
Behind her red eyes, Part two
Charper Seventeen, bones of the father
Bones of the father, Part 2
Horns and daggers, Part two
Chapter Nineteen, Nightmare in the snow
Nightmare in the snow, Part Two
Nightmare in the snow, Part three
Nightmare in the snow, Part four
Chapter Twenty, Fears in flames
Fears in flames, Part Two
Fears in flames, Part Three
Fears in Flames, Part Three
Fears in Flames, Part four
Fears in Flames, Part five
Chapter Twenty-one, The unbroken bond
The Unbroken bond, Part two
The Unbroken Bond, Part three
The Unbroken bond, part four
Chapter Twenty-two, forgotten memories
Forgotten Memories, Part Two
Chapter twenty-three, Her lover's return
The end

Chapter eighteen, Horns and Daggers

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Oleh Dragongoddess171


Sebastian and I walked together out of the forest and stumbled upon Ominis who looked annoyed, "look out I think we're about to get an ear full" Ominis stomped in front of us and grabbed a hand full of Sebastian's hair "are you completely out of your mind" he pushed him back and Sebastian stumbled back "Ah alright keep ya wing on bloody hell" "no you think you can just walk off without saying anything" "Ominis don't blame Sebastian I'm the one who ran off he was just trying to-" oh I'll get to you in a moment little miss" Ominis pointed his wand threateningly at me "you both owe me an explanation of what just happened in that bar, when and why in Merlin's coffin did you come in possession with an ancient artefact" Sebastian and I looked at each other struggling for words "well mate we were going to tell you" Ominis smacked the back of Sebastian's head "ah can you please stop hitting me I'm gonna have to start taking regular potions for a headache" "the object you described at the inn what colour was it" Ominis said facing me now "eh it's clear orb kinda but it's bright like a small light" Ominis sighed "you mentioned it changed colour?" He asked his voice more calmer now "eh yeah but only when-" only when you and I made skin to skin contact" Sebastian finished, I looked at him he was staring at me with a fixed expression on his face "oh boy" said Ominis his hands rubbing his forehead "what?" "That object you described I've heard of it before" Sebastian and I looked surprised at Ominis as he said this "you have but how, when, wha-" it's an long lost artefact that only few witches and wizards can see, seers, vampires, keepers" Ominis nodded in my direction "my great grandfather had one, I remember my bother had smashed it by accident while trying to duel my sister the beating he got when my father got home" Ominis sighed again "the orb contains a powerful enchantment inside of it, it can detect emotions from anyone who comes into contact with it, if you two are the only ones who have made direct contact with it and then each other it can sense a powerful connection" Sebastian and I looked at each other and I blushed slightly "eh what kind of connection?" Sebastian asked still not looking away from my face which became redder "it depends what colour it turned in it" "back at the bar the orb turned a dark red when I took the jar off Sebastian" Ominis rubbed the back of his neck "hm dark red, perhaps hatred?" I looked shocked at Sebastian who was taken aback "I don't hate Y/N" "hm no dark red? did the temperature change at all?" "Yes" we said together "it was warm but" Ominis snorted into laughter "your father is going to kill him" I raised an eyebrow as Ominis started laughing louder "I don't understand? What are you talking about" Ominis pulled himself together and smiled "It means one of you is attracted to the other" Sebastian coughed loudly "um Ominis we were are kind of all ready um" Sebastian looked at me for help but I folded my arms and watched him snuggle "go on" I said smiling "you want me to put it politely or should I just down right tell him" "wait now I don't understand" said Ominis who's smiled faded "your kidding right, you can't admit to your best friend what you did? What we did?" Sebastian looked embarrassed "did what? Hang on what did you two do?" "Eh well i we" Sebastian signed "all right it wasn't long ago but Y/N was attacked by Skinner in Madam Kogawa's office, I saw her dragging herself up to the defence against the dark arts Tower, the back of her was dripping with blood I panicked I didn't know what to do she didn't want to go to the hospital wing so I took her to the boys showers to clean her up and I realigned her spine there were still some scaring and well one thing led to another" Sebastian stopped talk and looked apologetically at me "please tell me your joking, Y/N he's joking right you two didn't" "we did I was filled with a massive amount of adrenaline from everything that happened I think my body was trying to adjust to everything all at once and I eh lost my nerve" I looked at the ground "That was the first sign of her hidden ability, well some of it pretty sure I saw a lot of it" I pushed Sebastian and he chuckled "I'm kidding will you lighten up, your father said it himself your not cursed you just have some of the traces of the curse at least it's coming out one at a time" "oh and I suppose you'd enjoy seeing me walk around the castle with a lizard like tail poking out of my robes and horns would you?" "I find that kinda of attractive actually" I frowned at Sebastian while he smiled back at me "moving along, this orb your father doesn't know what it is" "seems like it" "and he's just taken it" I looked surprised that Ominis knew that neither Sebastian nor myself had the jar with us and we panicked slightly "eh what will happen if he find out what it is" "I'm more worried when he's gonna find out Sebastian fancies his daughter" Sebastian pushed Ominis and he was nearly knocked off his feet "that's not funny" Ominis snorted with laughter again and all three of us headed to the castle still deciding the ancient orb that was now in my fathers position.

Christmas was in the air and students all over the castle were discussing their plans to see their families over the holidays once school had ended for the term but it would be a week before anyone could get too excited, especially the sixth and seventh years who were now battling with the amount of homework they were set to do during the break, "this should be illegal" Natty said to me one afternoon in the great hall, we had both taken refuge at the Gryffindor door table which was empty except for a few stragglers during the lunch break, Natty closed her book of a history of magic and gave it up as a bad joke, she signed and looked over at me, "got any plans this holiday" "wha? Oh no not really, father is working over time this Christmas so if I want to go anywhere I'd have to go solo" I point down my quill and rolled up my piece of parchment "this is ridiculous ten inches on how to properly take care of a graphorn then we have ten more inches to write on Burning solution and twelve inches on the venomous tentacular's many properties in use of gardening and self defence, what utter rubbish" a book slammed next to me and Natty and I jumped "well I'll be happy to help you study I've all ready finished most of my homework" Sebastian had just came back from Arithmancy "if I have to rewrite this bloody paper on the venomous tentacular again I'm going to eat my shoe" I said snapping the book shut and shoving it in my bag "at least you'd be eating again" Sebastian said taking the rolled up piece of parchment and reading my work "are you still not feeling well Y/N" natty asked in condition "it's nothing serious just don't feel hungry is all" it was true since learning more about my abilities of becoming half a fire breathing dragon I had refused to eat more and more to the point I had stop coming to the great hall during meal times all together and forced on my Studies, a few times Ominis, Sebastian and even Poppy had started sneaking food into the library in hopes I would eat something "oh come on it won't kill you, not eating will kill you" Poppy had begged on morning after finding me hiding behind the shelves of 1000 herbs and fungi section before being spotted by the librarian and asked to leave immediately, "you've spelt strength wrong and that sentence there doesn't make any sense what do every Sebastian said after reading my answers, I snatched it back angrily "bite me" I said scrunching up the piece of punishment "you know you could of just asked for help and I could of rewritten it for you" I threw it paper ball in his face and folded my arms onto the table "see what happens when you don't eat, you can't focus" Natty said reaching a comforting hand onto my arm while I slunk forward in my arm and sulked, then Ominis approached the table his wand light in front of him arm and arm with Imelda "See you two have straighten things out" Natty said eyeing Ominis and Imelda in surprise "I thought you said you'd rather swim with the giant squid then take Ominis back?" Sebastian asked perplexed "well I've come to realise I've must of come across a little bush on him behinds how can I say no to that face" Imelda looking at Ominis smiling "I can it's easy I just say no" Sebastian snorted but tried to cover it with a cough "I've just remembered Sebastian, Michael said to tell you that now your off the team that you need to return all your gear by the end of the week" Sebastian rolled his eyes and started un scrunching the piece of parchment I had thrown at him "whatever" "You got kicked off the Slytherin team? Why?" Natty asked "let's just say I didn't agree with current decisions he made" he eyed me sideways and I buried my face into my arms to hide my embarrassment, I heard Imelda walk away and felt Ominis sat on the other side of me, I looked Ominis had his face in his hands "whats wrong with you?" Ominis didn't answer but start rotating his fingers around the pin points of his skull "mate just tell her how you feeling, what's the worse thing that could happen?" Sebastian taking my quill and rewriting my answers "easy for you to say your a single bitch" Natty who had started her essay on beast care spilt her ink bottle "watch it" Sebastian lifted up the piece of parchment that was now covered in ink "sorry but I thought you two were together" Sebastian stopped wiping the ink off the parchment listening "it's complicated" "but didn't you two go to that death day party together?" "Yeah and they had a fight in one of the classes rooms" Ominis pitched in "hm and then I snogged her" Sebastian said smiling I couldn't stop myself from smiling back, I could feel a warm energy coming from him as his eyes made constant with mine "so what's the problem?" "Embarrassing I'd say I know I am when ever I'm around him" "Hey" Sebastian looked offended and poked his tongue out at Ominis "I'm the problem" I said putting my head back into my arms and bidding my face "wait what?" I felt a warm hand hold my arm and squeeze it firmly, I looked over my shoulder slightly and saw that Sebastian had abandoned his efforts in repairing my work and was now very close to me "we've talked about this I don't care what happens to me but you still won't let me in" he said quietly "it's not that simple you.. i can't be with you it's to risky" "what the hell are you two babbling on about" Ominis said trying to listen "but it is that simple I like you and you like me I think we've done it so why can't" Natty snorted into hysterics "sorry but you two have all ready slept together?" "Well I there wasn't much sleeping involved" I pushed him and he fell off the bench "what?" I rolled my eyes and straightened up while Sebastian sat back down next to me and his face set on mine "you regret me over and over again but I'm not giving up, you should know better then anyone one that when I have my mind set on something, I don't give up easily" I stared into his haze eye and knew that I wanted to same thing as him but was terrified of the consequences terrified that if I let him in I'd only end up hurting him, my feelings towards him last year were constantly changing, there was no end to where our friendship would last or if we would survive, I swallowed "fine but you have to promise me that if I hurt you in anyway you can't leave me" Sebastian smiled and took my hand "you have my word" I squeezed his hand very tightly and smiled back, "great now that we have that out of the way can we please get back to how I'm going to-" I'm all ready told you mate just tell her your not interested" I raised an eyebrow "I'm confused I thought you liked Imelda?" Sebastian snorted "so did he until she started showing effort" Ominis shook his head "it's like dating my sister" I looked at him in discussed "that's gross" "it gets worse my family actually likes her and have invited her to come around for Christmas" I started to laugh at Ominis pained expression "sorry but you can't be serious" "he is I saw the letter" "and of course she has no idea, I'm hoping to avoid the whole situation by staying here for Christmas but unfortunately I have been forced to return to my home" I stopped laughing "that really sucks Ominis I'm sorry" he shrugged "just with my auntie was still around, she was the only reason I went to the stupid dinner parties" Sebastian groaned "your family dinner parties feel more like a funeral except no one's death" "Yet" Ominis finished "so what are you going this Christmas?" I asked looking at Natty "oh me and my mother are going to be traveling together to our home land" "nice" Sebastian added "should be a good trip" Natty smiled but I was watching Sebastian, his face become grey and crestfallen and I knew exactly what he was thinking, this would the be the first Christmas he would be spending without seeing Anne and it was eating at him, he had tried desperately to get into contact with her sending multiple owls to give her news but they would return with his letters unopened, he had only given up his desperate means of communicating to his twin when an owl came to him during dinner with no note but a broken crest, Sebastian didn't talk to anyone for a week and had shut himself up in the undercroft until Ominis told him that Anne needed time to herself and that pressuring her to return home would only push her away more, Sebastian had begrudgingly accepted this known fact after Ominis had confessed that he himself have been communicating to Anne in secret to be sure she was safe and that she had written back asking him to watch over Sebastian and begging him not to let Sebastian know his whereabouts, a few arguments broke out over this, Sebastian had felt betrayed by his best friend and had refused to talk to Ominis until I intervened one day by threatening to lock them both into a broom cupboard if they didn't stop acting like children, they had both agreed to be nicer to each after watching me actually set my homework on fire when they didn't answer.

"Sebastian?" I grabbed his shoulder and he looked up suddenly "sorry just thinking" he pulled out his wand and tapped the piece of parchment but nothing happened "I'll fix it later" I said take out my own wand and flicking it, the parchment folded itself up until it was was the size of a match stick and disappeared, "Ominis why don't you let me talk to Imelda I can try and get her to give you enough space for you to figure out what you want to do until then good lucky with your parents" I clapped his shoulder and stood up Natty and Sebastian both looking at me "I'm going to bed" Sebastian looked confused and Natty was concerned "but it's only five o'clock" I smiled sadly at Sebastian's face and kissed his forehead "I know" I walked out of the great hall while students started flooding in for dinner.

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