By weekendlustt

1.4M 45.6K 18.3K

A lesbian Christmas romance between a mafia boss and a designer hired for Christmas. Maybe Christmas isn't th... More



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By weekendlustt

My Christmas List: December 18th
Help me remain calm.



"What was it that you needed?" Millicent asked, standing in front of my desk as she patiently waited for me to speak.

The last person I wanted to see was her right now—or ever honestly.

But with the state I witnessed Miracle in and am still witnessing her in, I have to take care of this.

I have to take care of her.

And Millicent was definitely at the top of the fucking list when it came down to it.

Millicent was the one who continuously put her in this state. Even if she didn't say anything to Miracle, Millicent's presence alone was a trigger.

I've already concluded that the only way for Miracle to recover and prioritize her mental state is if Millicent leaves.

"I've arranged for your departure," I said, my voice smooth and cold.

I really wanted to do more—say more to her—but I knew the best thing to do was remain calm.

Millicent's brows furrowed, and I could almost see her processing what I just said as the seconds passed.

Once she seemingly processed it, she scoffed. "My departure? Did Mira put you up to this?" she said, crossing her arms over her chest. Even hearing Miracle's name leave her lips was enough to boil my blood. I was walking a very thin line when it came to my patience. "I already let the whole fucking her client thing go, but apparently that wasn't enough for her to let me sta—"

"As if it's up to you to let that go," I said, laughing in a sarcastic manner. "Who even are you?" I said, tilting my head with an amused smirk on my face. It's actually embarrassing how much power she thinks she holds, and how much Miracle even lets her have to begin with. "Matter of fact, who do you think you are to grant her permission or even your approval?"

Millicent's jaw tensed. "I'm her sist—"

"Hmm that's not enough," I cut her short yet again, noticing how much it irritates her. "Anyone can have a sister with an opinion."

Millicent stayed quiet—which was the first I'd ever witnessed of her, but it was also the wisest choice she could've made given the state of irritation that I'm in.

I took this moment to stare into her eyes, my face completely unamused, "You are no one important," I said my voice lowered and completely serious, which easily made Millicent's brows furrow further. Before she could say anything else I said, "Which is why you're leaving."

I could tell this didn't sit well with Millicent, especially when she said, "I'm not leaving. I'm here for my sister,"

I raised my brows. "Oh really? You're here to insult and degrade her even more than you clearly already do?"

Millicent shook her head. "I don't—what are you even talking about?"

So she's going to play this card? The lying to herself and everyone around her card?

I smiled slightly, but it was far from genuine. "It's clear that you only aim to embarrass Miracle at any and every cost—seriously everyone here is mortified for you," I said, my voice almost scarily still. "You must be insecure if you feel the need to bring down your own sister–your own flesh and blood."

It was harsh. I knew it was harsh.

I've said worse, but to say it to someone belonging to Miracle's family felt odd.

"I am not insecure–Mira is insecure," she said, and I could hear the feebleness in her voice.

I wanted to feel sympathy for her but I was distracted by my blood pressure that continued to rise at her calling Miracle insecure. Who says that about their own sister?

"Her insecurity is only present due to what you say to her. You constantly undermine her," I said, trying my best to remain unaffected and calm. I can't show emotion, not right now.

But I swear Millicent was pushing me further and further, especially when she decided to say, "I do not."

I let out a deep calm breath, shaking my head.

Don't react.

It's not even the situation at this point. It's the fact that she won't admit it.

"You know I can't go into detail because that's intrusive on Miracle's part," I said, pausing as I contemplated my next words. "But you should know that she harms herself," I said, and finally, Millicent's facade cracked–her face fallen into concern. "All because of you. Does that make you feel good? Do you feel accomplished with yourself?"

Millicent rapidly shook her head in denial, "Mira doesn't harm herself she—"

"She fights demons because of you. You did this to her," I said, my words slow and strung out, hoping to finally get it through her thick skull.

But apparently, it still wasn't working because she decided to say, "I didn't—no I haven't done anything to her."

I couldn't help but slam my palms against the cold desktop, making Millicent wince slightly. "Keep lying and this conversation is over. Someone will escort you out."

Millicent stayed quiet, looking at the ground, and I knew she was contemplating her next words. Deciding if lying to herself and me was even worth it anymore.

Millicent raised her head, nodding slightly. "I know I'm hard on her."

No that's not enough. I need to hear her say it–to admit it.

I scoffed. "You're much more than hard on her. You quite literally bully her."

Millicent flinched at the use of the word bully, scrunching her nose up slightly. "I don't bully–" she cut herself off when she noticed my brow raise, forcing her to say, "If I did then I didn't mean to."

I shook my head, I can't sit here and go back and forth with her. She either needs to own up to her actions or get the fuck out. Beating around the bush won't get her anywhere.

"I'm getting someone to escort you out," I said, reaching over to the black intercom button on my desk.

Millicent took a quick step forward, causing one of my brows to raise and my hand to halt. "No, wait–"

"I just told you.." I cut her off, my voice lowered and my jaw clenched. "If you can't be honest and own up to your actions then this conversation is over," I said, slowly rising from my chair to establish my position. "You can happily get the fuck out of my office and off my premises."

I can't emphasize the word happily enough. Seriously it would be doing us all a favor.

Millicent let out a loud sigh, uncrossing her arms from her chest as she said, "Let me talk to her."

I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips. This time it was actually genuine. Her proposal was genuinely amusing.

"Absolutely not," I said, my tone completely disgusted.

"Please? I'm..." she trailed off, which made me raise a questionable brow at her. She cleared her throat, lowering her voice as she said, "I'm aware of what I've been doing okay? I'd just rather discuss it with her you know?"

I analyzed Millicent fully, from her softened eyes to her open body language. Maybe... I could give her a chance.

It might help Miracle to hear an apology and perhaps get closure or even a reason behind Millicent's actions. But I'm only giving her one chance. Nothing more.

And I swear to god if she hurts Miracle she will pay a price that she could nowhere near afford.

"Fine," I reluctantly said, and I could see the slight raise in Millicent's brows. I recognized it as hope. Hoping she could repair the damage she caused between her and her sister. "But I swear Millicent—you upset her in any sort of way and I'll absolutely ruin your reputation. No one will ever want to associate with you again. And I mean globally–not just in Chicago."

Millicent's brows raised when she registered that I said globally, and I knew she was somewhat curious about my status. Though, she decided to hold off on asking any questions and instead nodded once before saying. "Okay—yeah I understand."

"I hope you do for your sake," I said, walking around my desk as I said, "I've never been one to bluff."

Millicent nodded curtly, following me out of the office and toward the elevators.

I'm well aware of the risk that I'm taking. I mean this can really only go one way. Good or bad—there was no in-between.

Let's just hope for Miracle's sake that it goes good.

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