High school drama

By Calyp50

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Another high school story about paw patrol.. this one is going to be a little different. This will be a matur... More

Intro to characters
New town, new life
First project
Chase gets involved
Zuma's Party
Big Fight, and trouble
All work and no play...
Skye gets Brave...
Winter Blues....
Devil's Gorge
Bad news!
Fears and Worry...
Frustration and Decisions
A loss like no other..
Abby's party...
Taking Advantage
Fixing what is broken.
Saying Goodbye
Dance off!
Exams...and a little more
Court day blues...πŸ‹
The Classic πŸ‹
Celebration mishap
Panic attack
When you know you know πŸ‹πŸ†
Bad feeling.....
Mending the brother bond
Spring Sunday!πŸ‹
Basketball and end of year exams
Summer of love...πŸ‹
A little taste of the good life...
Beach day Chaos
Battle of the bands
A little taste of fame...πŸ‹
End of Summer fun...or not
Falling into self-pity
Downward Spiral
Getting through...
Trying to cope..πŸ‹
New lease on life
New arrivals...πŸ‹
Cousin trouble
The Betrayal
Evil Plan...
Plan of action
Bad weather.. </3
Waiting for news
Last Hurrah before Christmas..
A dumb decisionπŸ‹
Classic Drama..
Unexpectedly missing
An interesting turn of events
New arrivals...
The EscalationπŸ‹
Unnecessary conversation
Drama Returns..Causing a Rift
Dealing with the diagnosis
Unexpected team πŸ‹πŸ†
A little hesitation
The transfer πŸ‹
Lost and Seek
A new school year begins
The fight is on
Jealousy takes a new height
Innocent or Guilty...
Honor roll.. Dishonor roll
Anxiety and Fear
Grounded life...
Halloween Drama...
πŸ‹πŸ†Winter Carnival...πŸ‹β€οΈ
Good plan or Bad plan..
Final Message!
Never Forget....
A search commences...
Damage control
A storm like no other...
Out of Line
Lies, Truth and Jealousy
Rage, and Sacrifice
Senior Year Bang!
Awkward Reunion
Hurtful Words
A New Foe
Formal Disaster
An Ice cold misadventure
The last straw
New girl Destruction
A Kicking Storm
A little bit of love πŸ‹πŸ†
Blast from the past!
Unfortunate series of events...
Revenge is dish best served cold
A tragic end to a new beginning


210 9 8
By Calyp50

Chase found his friends and he told them right away about what Katie had said,

Chase: she was like I am always here if you need to talk about anything my door is open

Leah: She is actually a really good person to talk too, she cares about us and she made me feel a lot better after my brother's death

Chase: No offense or anything Leah but I don't need anyone to tell me how to deal with death

Leah: Sounds to me like you might need to talk about your anger though

Chase was about to say something when Everest did instead

Everest: Chase don't please, she is just trying to help and maybe we should talk to Mrs. Jackson she might help us

Chase: you go if you want Eve I am good

Everest: Whatever you are always so high up on your pedestal that you treat me and everyone else like crap. Chase I love you but you sometimes just piss me off

Chase: I am not trying to but I don't want to talk about my feelings I am sorry

Everest: okay then don't but stop talking to everyone else like it is their fault, I know you are hurting more than you are letting on

Chase: Everest I really don't want to get into this here.

Everest: you never do

Zuma: Everest I don't mean to step on anyone toes here but Chase is right this is not the time or place to get into an argument. I mean your family drama should be dealt with at home

Chase: Thank you Zuma although I would rather not deal with the family drama at all

Everest didn't say anything else she just wished Chase didn't bottle it all up she didn't want him to end up in a bad place.

Leah: Everest if you are thinking about talking to Mrs. Jackson I do recommended it she really does help.

Everest: Thanks Leah I might

Skye was trying to comfort Chase she could see he was getting worked up,

Skye: Chase is talking to a counselor really that bad?

Chase: its not talking to counselor that is the problem its talking about me. I hate when others know how I am feeling or what bothers me. I like to keep to myself.

Skye: That is good to know I am sorry

Chase: don't be there is no reason for you to be sorry, my feelings towards you should be pretty clear

Chase leaned in and kissed her causing her to blush,

Skye: I am sure mine are also not a surprise

Leah kept looking at Rocky she knew he wasn't ready to date but she so badly just wanted to talk to him and get to know him but he was so shy. Skye noticed and she made a point to talk to Rocky see what she could do to convince him but not to overstep.

Rocky who was also talking to Katie once a week wanted to say something to Chase about it but he felt like it would need to be in private. He was still terrified his dad was going to come out of prison and hurt him again. It bothered him to the point he didn't want to let anyone get to close because he didn't want to hurt them.

Sweetie walked up to the group and looked directly at Leah,

Sweetie: Leah I am sorry about what I said, it was uncalled for and I should not have said it so I am sorry

Leah: Okay

Sweetie: okay that is all you have to say?

Leah: Yes it is I don't like you and I accept your apology but I still don't like you

Sweetie: whatever next time I won't apologize

Leah: fine by me

Sweetie stomped off she would have said more but she didn't feel like putting her foot into her mouth again. She was trying to avoid going to private school even though she was already going soon.

Lunch was over and Everest on her way to class stopped in Katie's office she knocked as Katie looked up.

Everest: Mrs. Jackson I would like to take you up on the offer of talking if your door is open for me too

Katie: Of course my door is open for all the students, I have time now if you like

Everest: I have class

Katie: yes but I can make an exception for you, I can get you a pass

Everest: Cool thank you

Katie no problem come on in

Everest sat down her office was warm and it felt inviting, she sat on the couch and took a deep breath.

Everest: I hate that my dad had to die, I wish it wasn't so far away either I feel like I wasn't able to say a proper goodbye. It hurts to much and I try to confide in Chase but he can be a jerk and I wish he would just tell me he feels the same way because I know he does.

Katie: I know its hard the way your father died, but Everest he is never really gone he is with you all the time. Your father lives on through you and Chase and it is always hard to get a guy to open up. I feel like Chase will come around when he is ready, and it is okay to miss him as you should. It helps to talk to him too.

Everest: I just feel so awkward talking to myself

Katie: I get that but you know you aren't talking to yourself and that is what matters

Everest: Thanks Mrs. Jackson, any advice on dealing with Chase?

Katie: Honestly no, I never did understand the male mind. Chase is your brother though he will always be there for you even if he doesn't show it. I can see that he cares for you he just hides it like every other guy

Everest: Thanks, and I am trying to get him to come talk to you too I feel like he would benefit 

Katie: I spoke to him he knows the option is there, I never like to push students to talk to me. If he does I will do what I can to help him. If he doesn't well then my hands are tied, as for you though how are you feeling?

Everest: I do get sad, I know he is watching out for me. I want to be able to move past it but I catch myself thinking about him and I lose it

Katie: No one expects you to move past it Everest losing anyone is hard let alone a parent. I know you are strong but no one is that strong. Try and think of it as a good thing when you think of him it means he is living through you. Don't feel like showing emotion over missing him is a bad thing let the grief come as it may.

Everest: Thank you, I just wish I could talk to him one last time

Katie: I get that I wish I could talk to my loved ones too, It will always be hard but it will get easier with time even though you will never forget.

Everest: Thanks

Katie: No problem, here is a late pass and my door is open anytime Everest

Everest: okay 

Everest went to class feeling oddly better she didn't expect that and knowing Katie had lost someone in her life too helped. 

At the end of the day it was time for the the first basketball practice and even though Chase couldn't play he went.

Coach: Chase I am glad you came and I am sorry you are sidelined but get better so we can get you back in this

Chase: I am trying coach

Coach: good to hear as for the rest of you start doing free throws if you miss grab a weight and start running

It was also time for cheer practice and of course today Sweetie was extra bitter so Ahri and Skye felt like this was going to be bad.

Sweetie: The classic is a month away and some of you need to step up your game, I am not about to lose because you can't get the moves right. 

Ahri: speak for  yourself

Sweetie: excuse me?

Ahri: you are yelling at all of us about our moves and you have missed quite a few yourself miss hypocrite

Sweetie: I have not and I could take you in a dance off any time

Ahri: Alright lets see it, if I win you shut your mouth and let me be captain so I can teach my dance moves in peace

Sweetie: and if I win you are off the squad for good

Ahri: deal but who do we have judging?

Sweetie: It would need to be someone unbiased and who doesn't have a connection to either of us

Skye: are you sure you want to do this Ahri?

Ahri: heck yes girl I am tired of her crap and If I lose who cares I am done with her bullshit

Skye: okay but if you are done so am I

Ahri: we just need to find a judge

Skye: I actually might no the perfect person

Sweetie: who?

Skye: Tracker!

Sweetie: that is not fair he is friends with Ahri

Ahri: he is sort of I don't know him well and he is more friends with Rubble, but he would be perfect

Sweetie: I said unbiased but fine

Ahri: alright then once we get Tracker on board then we have a dance off tomorrow at lunch?

Sweetie: Deal

Sweetie and Ahri shook on it and they continued their cheer practice and Sweetie sort of felt like she would lose. She watched Ahri dance with confidence and she knew once again she put her foot in her mouth. 

Chase thought about the therapy thing as he watched the basketball practice he knew it would help but he was nervous. Chase was one to keep his feelings to himself and he just didn't know if he was ready to let it all out. It was 4 pm and the coach decided to call it quits

Coach: alright boys hit the showers, and Chase I am impressed you came to watch it is good for you to learn our drills. 

Chase: No problem coach and I will get back in this soon hopefully

Coach: Just rest up we are going to need you for the classic, I have a feeling its going to be rough

Zuma, and Rubble came out of the change room and everyone greeted their girls except Rubble as Abby had already left. 

Rubble: Catch you guys tomorrow I need to get home for dinner

Zuma: right because you wouldn't want to miss that

Rubble: Dude its meatloaf night so no I don't

Zuma and Chase laughed as Rubble ran home, and Chase caught himself looking into Katie's office as they walked by.

Zuma: I have to go to Chase need to watch Kol for a few hours, talk to you tomorrow man

Chase: Yeah sounds good

Katie looked up and noticed Chase,

Katie: Its okay to come in Chase, I promise to just listen

Chase walked into her office surprising even himself as he sat on the couch, Katie closed the door and sat in front of him in her chair.

Chase: I don't even know why I am here, I feel like all this is stupid

Katie: This is the first step, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to but I assure you that what you say stays between us.

Chase: I just hate this whole situation, I want to leave and go back home. I don't feel supported here and Everest trying to push me all the time is just pissing me off. I get that I have anger issues but I can't help that. The more people push me or tell me how to do something or when to do something I get angrier.

Katie: Does this have to do with your dad or is it other things?

Chase: its all of it my dad should never have gone back into the army he told me he was done. Then they offered him a sergeant position to run his own troop he told me he would be fine and he lied. We are stuck living with my aunt who is never home and I don't know I feel like its all just a shitty situation.

Katie: I get that you are hurt about your dad and you should be its a lot to process. I am sorry he had to die and that he left you in a situation you are uncomfortable with, do you feel like your aunt doesn't care for you?

Chase: No she does I just don't feel like she is my parent and I hate being told what to do. I mean I get she is my guardian but her grounding me and what not just angers me and I am not sure how I feel about it.

Katie: It sounds like she is just doing her job as a parent but I understand where you are coming from. In terms of her just taking over the role so quickly you are not used to it, Chase you are so young yet and you are dealing with a lot it is okay to feel angry and hurt but don't shut your loved ones out. Let them know how you feel, and let Everest help she feels the same way and only wants to be there for you

Chase: yeah I know thanks Mrs. J I do feel better but I should get going home

Katie: Okay and remember Chase my door is always open

Chase: thanks

Chase left her office not feeling like she helped at all as he tried to get home in one piece as he was once again walking alone.

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