Believe It Or Not (An Eddie M...

By jr2420

94.8K 3.1K 1.5K

Ripley Marro moved away from Hawkins in middle school leaving behind her longtime friend, Eddie Munson. They... More

September 1st
Worlds Apart
Forget Me Nots
Like the Boys
Reckless Abandon
Whenever You Call
Young & Sad
I Want It All
Safe & Sound
Author's Note
Help Me Help You
I'm Coming Home
Wakey Wakey
Here For You
The Hideout
Trial and Error
Objection (Part 1)
Overruled (Part 2)
Mark My Skin
Upstanding Citizen
Putt Putt
Date Night
Take Me Home
Lost His Head
Benny's Burgers
The Cure for Pain
On the Mend
Can't Sleep Love
Prep Work
Pretty In Pink
Birthday Bliss
Private Party
Mama, Don't Preach
New Party Member
Nightly Routine
Midnight Snack
The King
Veterinary Visit
Let's Move
Graduating Class of '86
Here for the Sex
Little Lies
Piano Man
Rocket Queen
Lost Boy
March of Dimes
Author's Note
Six Week Notice
Money, Money
Winds of Change
Bonus Content: Trailer Vibes
Rolling Stone
Ask Me Anything
Fly With Me
Birthday Boy
Viva Las Vegas
Final Fitting
Going to The Chapel
Wedding Ideas (Photo Chapter)
Author's Note

My Queen

780 25 11
By jr2420

"That was the latest track from up and coming metal band, Corroded Coffin. It's titled 'My Queen' and has caused quite a stir in the metal community for its upbeat and eccentric tempo as well as the background accompaniment of female vocals. Lead singer and guitarist Eddie Munson has admitted to collaborating with his girlfriend for the racy dialog attached to the track and has gone on record to say she is his muse in all things. Fans are saddened by the fact that he is firmly taken, but if being with this girl will continue to result in music like this, I say mazel tov! 'My Queen' has sat at number one on the metal charts for three weeks and has even bumped Dio, Black Sabbath, and the like from their high-ranking positions. We are eager to see all that Corroded Coffin has to offer in the future."

The radio anchors voice talks happily through the speakers as I sit at the kitchen table, my cheeks flaming and trying to eat my breakfast.

After Eddie had gotten back to the hotel following the incident with Tabitha, we had spent some time quietly talking and just holding one another. I cried, of course, and Eddie held me close and murmured sweet nothings in my ear until I calmed down. I wondered how he had the strength to be my rock when I could do nothing more than melt into him and sob. I wanted to blame the hormones, but I'm not sure I would have acted any different if I wasn't pregnant.

Joe and the guys had given us space to calm down and reunite. Not too much time had passed, though, when an urgent knock came at the door. Eddie had gotten to his feet to answer it and Jeff and Gareth had barreled into the room, heading straight for the radio. When they turned it on, 'My Queen' was already playing. I could hear Eddie's voice singing through the little device and I stood, placing my hand over my mouth in shock. At the peak of the song, my voice suddenly rang out as well, sultry and ragged. I froze.

Gareth and Jeff looked over at me wearily as my moans were heard over the music they played. The song is incredible, I have to give them that. But what the fuck am I doing on the track? The track nears a close and I screamed one last time, an exclamation of love before the song ends. I felt that my whole face and chest were a bright crimson. When Eddie looked over at me, he was beaming from ear to ear. Jeff and Gareth crept closer to the door, as if they were ready to escape.

"Why the hell am I moaning on the radio?" I asked, my hands shaking in rage. Eddie's face fell slightly and he looked over at me in confusion.

"I told you I had an idea for the recording we accidentally made." He said simply as if I should have realized this is what he meant.

"You never once said that you were going to put me on the track!" I huffed, waving my hand towards the radio. The next song had already started and Eddie had turned the volume down low enough so we could hear one another.

"I thought it would be obvious that that is what I meant." He crossed his arms over his chest and took a guarded stance.

"Everyone we know is going to know that is me!" I explained, mortified and he dropped his arms to his sides.

"So let them know," Eddie shrugged and I threw my arms up in frustration. "We love one another. I wanted a piece of you on the song. The whole song is basically a big 'fuck you' to girls like Tabitha. I want the whole world to know that I'm taken by you and no one will change that."

My heart softened at that even though my brain was telling me to still be upset with him. I unclenched my jaw and shook my head in resignation.

"Couldn't you have just done an interview or something," I offered. "You could have set the record straight some other way."

Eddie shook his head and smiled down at me.

"This way is faster." He took a few steps closer and I heard the distant click of the door as Jeff and Gareth both exited. "Besides, you sound so fucking sexy on the track. I can't wait to hear you crying out for me at concerts. I want the whole world to know how good I make you feel and that you're mine."

He had moved close enough for me to feel the heat rolling off of him and I hugged my chest, suppressing a shudder. He smirked down at me and I wanted desperately to stand my ground, but I could feel myself wavering.

"You should have at least asked me," I wagered and he nodded.

"Yea, but you would have said no. Besides, I think this song can really set us apart from the rest. Without you, we may not have any success."

I looked up at him bewildered.

"You know that's not true," I insisted and he shook his head again.

"It is the truth. At least for me. Without you, I would be nothing."

And with that, Eddie reached out and pulled me against him and kissed me breathless. We had spent the rest of the evening ravishing one another before curling up and falling asleep in each other's arms.

The following morning, I returned home. I needed to go to work that afternoon and needed to relieve Chrissy, Steve, and Robin from watching over Elvis. Eddie had kissed me over and over before letting me get in my car and drive off. My legs shook slightly as I made my way away from the hotel, the remnants of his effect on me.

In the following days, the song blew up, much to my horror and delight. Eddie was absolutely ecstatic and had taken the boys out for dinner to celebrate. Later on that evening though, he had sat on the couch and cried tears of joy, sagging into my side and only showing me how he truly felt. His dream is finally becoming a reality and I couldn't be happier for him. It's just my luck though that the song that gets them there is the one I'm insanely embarrassed about. 

"They're still playing our song," Eddie asks with a smile. He's shirtless and wearing sweatpants low on his hips. His hair is disheveled from tossing and turning in his sleep and his expression is still sleepy. The boys have been working so hard lately, he has had barely any time to rest. 

"Yep," I answer cheerfully as he comes up beside me and kisses the top of my head. He moves over to fridge, pulling a box of cereal from atop it. He moves around the kitchen, making himself a bowl and I watch him without reservation. I admire his strong shoulders and lean back. My eyes travel lower and water at the sight of his firm ass in his sweatpants. God, whoever invented sweatpants deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.  

"Ripley, are you listening to me?" Eddie's voice cuts through my fantasy as he turns, looking down at me with a raised eyebrow. 

"I'm sorry. What did you say, baby?" I ask, blinking a few times and Eddie laughs. 

"I can go change if you're too distracted," he quips, chuckling slightly as he takes his seat across from me. I shake my head, blushing slightly. 

"I'm fine," I insist. He lifts his bare foot to run up my calf and I look up at him. My whole leg tingles as he runs his foot over my bare skin before dropping it down to the floor. He grins as he chews, a knowing gleam in his eyes as I look pointedly away. 

"We are shooting the music video for 'My Queen' today and I was wondering if you wanted to be in it," he says and I look back at him with raised eyebrows. 

"Really?" I ask and then fidget self consciously. At any other time I would be jumping up and down with joy, but I have recently gained more weight due to the pregnancy and have been really self conscious about how I look. I play with the hem of my T-shirt and peer down at my growing bump. 

"Sure why not?" Eddie smiles. "You're the inspiration for the song. You're in the song. Why wouldn't I want you in the video?" 

"Well, I'm not in the best shape," I say, waving a hand at myself and Eddie frowns. "Typically music videos have gorgeous and model thin girls in them. I wouldn't want your first music video to flop because of me." 

Eddie's hand moves forward and cups under my chin. He pulls gently so I have to look up at him. His face is stern as his eyes search mine.  

"You're the most gorgeous girl in the world." He says and my heart flutters in my chest. I try to shake my head, but Eddie's grip on my chin tightens. "You are not simply getting bigger because you aren't taking care of yourself. You are carrying our child. The changes to your body are beautiful and they drive me absolutely wild. I can't believe you would ever doubt how stunning you are, even for a moment."

I don't know what to say. His words strike right through my heart and make my soul soar. I open my mouth, searching for the words but I can't find them. How could this beautiful man love me so much? What did I ever do to deserve it? 

"Now," he began, leaning forward so our faces are inches apart. "I would love for the love of my life to join me on this adventure today. I want to parade you in front of the world. Do you think you can do this for me?"

His breath skates across my lips and I instinctively lick my own. His eyes flicker down to watch the action, a seductive smirk on his face. His eyes are like melting amber and I gulp slightly as pure desire rakes through my entire body. 

"Yes, I can," I whisper and Eddie smiles softly before bringing his lips to mine. I sigh against him, both of us leaning over the table to reach one another. I lay my hands flat on the cool surface, keeping myself from floating into oblivion. Eddie pulls away too soon and I make a protesting sound. He laughs slightly and settles back in his seat, leaving me burning. He picks his spoon back up and continues to eat, peeking over at the clock on the wall. 

"We have to leave soon," he sighs and I settle back and lift my coffee cup to my lips. "I need to shower and then we can go." 

He lifts the bowl and drinks the remaining milk from the bottom before moving to the sink and rinsing his dishes. He disappears down the hall and I lean over in my chair as he drops his sweatpants in the doorway of our bedroom. His ass is bare and perky and I groan, leaning back in my chair before I fall to the floor from craning to see him.  

I finish my coffee and am cleaning my cup when Eddie gets out of the shower. I can hear him rustling around in our bedroom as I head down to hallway. He's already got his jeans on and is looking for a shirt in the closet. I peek my head inside.

"Should I get changed?" I ask, gesturing down to myself. I'm wearing a gray oversized Iron Maiden shirt and black shorts. Eddie shakes his head with a grin.

"No, they'll have clothes for us there. You can stay in that." 

Nodding, I lift my sneakers from the floor and sit on the edge of the bed. Once Eddie shrugs into his shirt, he takes them from me. He kneels before me and slides each one on my feet and laces them. He stands and kisses my cheek once he is done and then he slides his own shoes on his feet. We head out together, calling farewell to Elvis as we go. 

The drive to the set is short and Eddie's leg bounces excitedly the entire time. We pull up to a building that looks very much like a warehouse. There are no windows and the entire building is a dull gray color. I crinkle my nose at its boring exterior, but when we head inside the atmosphere is completely different. 

There are people rushing around with different props and fixtures. In the middle of the large room are two sets set up side by side and divided by a wall. The first set is a throne room. It's a dark and gothic looking set with a giant throne in the middle of the room. The throne is large and spikes run up the backs, pointing towards the sky. There is metal pointed in every direction and jagged looking and the cushion is a dark black satin. Above the throne on ledges on either side sits Gareth and Jeff's instruments. The drum set has black satin wrapped around the metal bars. Jeff's bass is red and gleams against the eerie backdrop. 

The second room is a forest scene. The backdrop is of a forest in the middle of fall, the trees a lovely orange color. The shrubbery at the floor is dying and dark. In the distance of the background, there is an outline of a gothic castle, mysterious and ominous. Both sets look so realistic and I feel as though I have stepped into a fantasy world. 

Joe walks up to us, a huge smile on his face. 

"Welcome!" he beams, gesturing behind him. "What do you think?" 

Eddie's hand squeezes mine and I lift my eyes to see both men waiting for my answer. Startled, I blush slightly and place my free hand on Eddie's arm. I smile reassuringly at both of them and I can feel Eddie relax slightly.

"Sorry I thought you were asking Eddie," I say. "This is amazing." 

"There are two other sets on the other side. We figured we would rotate between sets." Joe says gesturing over his shoulder. My eyes widen at the splendor of it all. "Penelope is excited to get you guys ready. She's put together two teams to help assist her. Gareth and Jeff are already getting ready." 

A short woman with the prettiest dark chocolate skin and matching eyes steps towards us. Her eyes gleam as she takes Eddie and I in. Her raven black hair is loose in springy curls around her head and I admire their thick and bouncy texture. She has large square glasses and her ears are pierced several times. She has on green checkered overalls and a white turtleneck underneath. I wonder for a moment how she isn't sweating. It's the middle of August. Her face breaks into a brilliant smile as she stops beside Joe as she offers us a sweet wave. 

"Hello, I'm Penelope. I'm the design coordinator and I'm in charge of getting you all ready for today." 

"I'm Eddie," Eddie gestures to himself and then to me. "And this is my girlfriend, Ripley." 

Penelope's eyes sweep over to me and if possible her face brightens. She takes me fully in, her calculating gaze sweeping over my features. I don't feel self conscious though as she claps her hands excitedly together, looking up at Joe. 

"Oh, I just can't wait to work with you," she says and then steps to the side, a quizzical look on her brow. "Are you ready to get started?" 

Eddie and I share a look before we both nod. Penelope twirls and starts to lead the way, her heeled boots echoing against the ground as she marches forward. 

"Alright, Eddie," she says as we get to a group of tables beyond the set. There are changing dividers along the wall and I hear Jeff's hesitant voice talking to a designer behind one of them. Penelope gestures to a tall gentleman with large beefy arms and a tattoo on the side of his shaved head. "This is Denali. He will be styling your hair and helping you. There are several people here to assist you, so if you have any questions please ask one of them."

Eddie nods along to what she is saying before kissing my forehead and pulling his hand from mine. I feel nerves prickle up my spine at the lose of him, but I square my shoulders. I'm determined to go into this with confidence, even if my belly feels like a million butterflies are taking flight and it isn't bean. Penelope reaches forward and takes the hand that Eddie has dropped and she starts to pull me forward, patting my skin with her fingers. She has a serene smile on her face and when we move to a different work station, around the corner, she turns. 

"Alright, sweet pea," she starts happily, gesturing for me to take a seat in front of a large mirror. "I'll be taking care of you. Let's be friends."

She smiles down at me in my seat and I nod, smiling in return. Penelope starts to open a few different products on the vanity in front of me, rummaging through her supplies. I see strands of blond hair laid out on the table beside me as well as a blow dryer and a curling iron. Penelope comes back towards me and starts to run her fingers absently through my short curls. Her fingers graze the scar on the back of my head and her eyes meet mine for a moment in the mirror. I worry that she will ask, but she moves on without a word. 

She makes quick work with my hair. She sprays it down with some water and a little detangler, brushing through it before clipping some of it up. The hair on the table, I realized, is extensions. They are the same shade as my hair and I wonder quietly how they got the shade to look identical. Penelope explains that they are called halo extensions and will sit in my hair secured by a strap. I'm skeptical that they won't be super noticeable, but as I watch her, my hair blends easily with the longer pieces. Once the extensions are in and everything is blended, she runs some more product through my hair and turns on the iron. 

Throughout the entire process, Penelope asks me about myself. We talk about the start of my first year of college in two weeks and what I'm going to school for. We discuss my relationship with Eddie and the soon approaching arrival of bean. 

"I think it's so cute that you have a little nickname for your baby already," she says as she starts to curl my hair into airy waves. Another woman has entered our workspace and she grins at both of us as she pulls bottles from a large makeup bag. When I look closely, I realize she has nail polish remover and a few different colors in front of her. 

"Well, he looked like a little bean the first time Eddie and I saw him in an ultrasound, so it just stuck." 

The second woman moves forward and holds up a few bottles of polish as though she is comparing them to my skin tone. I notice they are all different shades of orange and cream. 

"This is Tamara," Penelope nods towards her and Tamara smiles. She's got a little gap in between her front teeth, the trait endearing. "She'll be doing your nails." 

As Penelope finishes my hair, Tamara quickly removes my existing polish and adds acrylics to my fingers, painting them a light cream color. I've never worn fake nails before and when she finishes, I look down at my fingers as though they are foreign to me. She slips off my socks and shoes and paints my toes to match.  

Penelope comes around and starts on my makeup. She decides to do a smokey eye with different shades of brown and burnt orange. My eyeliner is slightly winged and she even adds fake lashes to each eye. They look full and beautiful and I look on in wonder as she applies a soft neutral lip. I can barely recognize myself and yet I know without a doubt that the person looking back at me is myself. I've never felt more beautiful in all my life. 

"I think we are ready for wardrobe," Penelope claps excitedly and I follow her away from the table towards my own row of changing dividers. Penelope reaches into a box and pulls some skimpy looking undergarments and a long flowing burnt orange dress. The sleeves are a little long and there is a leaf pattern stitched along them as well as across the chest and end of the train. It's absolutely gorgeous. 

"Get changed," she instructs, handing the items over. "Yell if you need help. Once you are done, I just have to add your tiara to your head and then we will be ready." 

My eyebrows furrow at that. A tiara? I don't say anything though as I walk behind one of the panels and start to change. There are no mirrors, so I can't check to see how I look before I step back outside, but Tamara and Penelope both gasp. Their expressions are impressed and they both clap happily. 

"Oh you look stunning," Tamara gushes.

"Poor Eddie is going to have a hard time focusing," Penelope laughs as she leads me back to my chair. I sit down and she quickly fastens the prettiest rose gold, silver, and topaz tiara onto my head. When the entire ensemble is finished, she leads me to a long mirror a little ways away and it's my turn to gasp. 

The dress is long and flowing, but it lightly curves to my skin. It accentuates my body in the most flattering way and I look lovingly down at my bump as it rests prominently in front of me. The train is long and ethereal looking as it floats behind me. I look like an actual queen with my hair done beautifully and my tiara atop my head. 

"Eddie said  you would probably be uncomfortable in heels, so we have flip flops for you to wear right now and you'll most likely do the shoot barefoot. The dress covers them, but we figured it would add to the fantasy aspect if your feet are bare. It all kind of worked out," Tamara smiles as she sets a pair of white flip flops at my feet. I step into them and smile to myself. Leave it to Eddie to think of my swollen feet and want me to be comfortable. My heart thunders in my chest at the thought of him seeing me. 

"Time to go," Penelope cheers as she leads me back towards the two sets we saw when we came in. 

I see Eddie before he spots me and I'm momentarily stunned. His hair is artfully styled into a low bun at the back of his neck, his curls tamed and stylish. He's got a gold crown on his head, rubies lining the entire circumference of it. He's got on all black; a dress shirt, blazer, and dress pants. His cuff links are rubies and there are intricate golden floral designs down the front of his blazer, on the collars of his shirt, and around the wrists of his jacket. He looks like a dark king straight out of a fantasy book. 

Eddie is talking excitedly to Gareth who is dressed as a dark jester. His clothes are checkered black and white. Gareth notices me first and smiles, his eyes bright. Eddie stops talking when he realizes his friend is looking over his shoulder and he turns. His dark eyes meet mine and I feel as though I am going to explode. 

"Jesus H. Christ," Eddie says breathlessly. His face looks awestruck and I feel like the most beautiful girl in the world because to Eddie, I am. 

Ripley's Outfit/Makeup: 

Eddie's Outfit:

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