
By WWEFan_2020

17.1K 285 91

Book reached #1 in Zelina Vega books on 3-9-22 Name: Travis Crawford Age: 32 Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee L... More

Coming Home
Death Match
Family Drama
A New Family Addition
The Truth Comes Out
Flashback #2
20 years in the making
Finally Together
Untitled Part 10
Let The Trouble Begin
Meeting My Sister's Boyfriend
A Huge Step
Making an Impact
The Call That Changed Everything
Change of Heart
We Are NXT
NXT Debut
A New Home
If You Love Me, Let Me Go
Turning Over A New Leaf
The Next Chapter
Main Roster Debut
Onto The Next Chapter
Chapter 30
Number One Contenders
Hell In A Cell
The Last Laugh
Trick or Treat
The Kiss
Chapter 36
New Challengers
Time to Rumble
Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself
After the Bell
Happy Birthday
The Road to WrestleMania
Elimination Chamber
You F***ed Up
Wrestle Mania Debut
Back for Revenge
One More Time
Chapter 51
Let's Get Extreme
I Do
The Announcement That Shook Everyone
A Sad Day
Memorial Show
The End


171 4 0
By WWEFan_2020

*10 months later*

**Things are going to be a little weird in this chapter I made a huge time jump with Skylar. Just wanted to throw that out there before the chapter began**

Tomorrow I'm making my return to the road. I'm going to be returning at Fastlane. Gionna, Tyler, and Jaden were staying with us for a few days and we invited some of our friends over for a little get together. The night was really fun everyone had a really good time. I had stepped outside into the backyard to get some air when Tyler came outside with me.

Travis: What's up buddy?

Tyler: Nothing, Jaden is starting to get cranky it's past his bed time. We're about to head out.

Travis: You sure? Jaden can sleep in Kayla's room she's been sneaking into bed with me and Thea the past few weeks. You and G can sleep in the guest room.

Tyler: As much as I'd love to I'm just too tired man. I'm ready to get back home and rest. These treatments are kicking my ass.

Travis: That's understandable, how are they going?

Tyler: Eh same old shit. Doctor's still giving me 50/50 on beating it. I know my body and every day I'm starting to feel worse.

Travis: You're going to beat this Ty.

Tyler: It's easier said than done but I'm going to try my hardest. Listen Travis, I just want to thank you for everything you and Thea have been doing to help. It means the world to me. I feel so much better knowing that Jaden and Gionna have you guys to look after them.

Travis: Why do I feel like you're saying goodbye right now?

Tyler: I just have a gut feeling that the end is near. I just want you to know how much you mean to me. I'm glad I not only got to call you a friend but I can call you my brother. I love you man.

Travis: I love you too bro. Did you talk to Skylar?

Tyler: Isn't she sleeping?

Travis: I doubt it. You know how teenagers are they never go to sleep early.

Tyler: I'll go see her before we leave.

Tyler and I shared a hug before he went back inside to see Skylar. He spent a little bit with her and then Tyler, Gionna, and Jaden left.


Thea just went to bed and I just finished tucking Kayla into bed for the night. I was walking down the hallway and I noticed Skylar's light was still on so I knocked on her door.

Skylar: Come in.

Travis: Hey Kiddo, you okay?

Skylar: I'm fine.

Travis: You sure? I can tell you've been crying. Do you want to talk?

Skylar: I'm just sad about Uncle Tyler. I don't want anything to happen to him.

Travis: I don't either. Skylar, life is tough and this is something we have to deal with unfortunately it's just the way it is. There's going to be a day when you're not going to have me or mom around. You just have to not focus on the negative and remember all of the good.

Skylar: This is such bullshit. Why did it have to be him? This isn't fair.

Travis: I know it's not sweetie. I wish there was something I could do but there isn't. We just have to stay strong for Uncle Tyler and be there for Aunt Gionna. They need us now more than ever.

Skylar: I know. It's just really hard.

Travis: I'm here for you.

Skylar starts to cry and I held her in my arms until she fell asleep. I carefully got up from her bed and put her blanket over her. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and then I shut off her light and went to bed.


Tonight, there's a Fatal Four Way match for the vacant Intercontinental Championship between Alex, Keith Lee, Sami Zayn, and Finn Balor. Right before the match Sami was taken out. Alex, Keith, and Finn are waiting to lock up when Sonya makes her way out.

Sonya: Don't ring the bell just yet. We promised these people a Fatal Four Way and that's what we're going to give them. I did some searching backstage and found a suitable replacement to add to the match. Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the 4th man in tonight match.

When my music hit there was a huge pop.

I made my way to the ring and I was giving high fives and fist bumps on my way into the ring. I got in and shared a bro hug with Alex, Keith and I fist bumped, Finn and I Too Sweeted. The bell rang and we were off to the races.

*End of Match*

Keith laid me out on the outside with a Spirit Bomb. While he got into the ring Alex hit him with a cutter and he rolled out the ring. When Alex turned around Finn was waiting and hit him with a running drop kick into the corner and now Alex was in position for the Coup de grâce but I pushed Finn off the top and when he was down I locked in the Tazmission and picked up the victory.

Mike Rome: Here is your winner and new Intercontinental Champion, Travis Crawford.

Once I made it to the back the first thing I did was FaceTime Tyler.

Tyler: Congrats champ.

Travis: I dedicated that match out there tonight to you.

Tyler: I appreciate it. You guys killed it out there.

Travis: We're coming to Cali next week for Raw, maybe before the show we can stop by.

Tyler: That sounds good. I'll see you guys then.

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