At the World's end- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦...

By danysdefender

57.1K 1.4K 122

"We're too young to be this kind of tired." Their childhoods were taken by a plague that wiped out most of h... More

Not Supposed to Happen
Meeting Dr Jenner
What Lies Ahead
New Friends or Enemies?
Shots Fired
Pretty Much Dead Already
Judge, Jury and Executioner
Sinking Feeling
Besides the Dying Fire
The Truth Comes Out
No One's the Same
Take the Prison
Unwanted Guests
Confessions and Close Calls
Save Who You Can
Old 'Friends'
Meet The Govenor
When the Dead come Knocking
Outnumbered and Outgunned
We're Going to War
One Unit, One Family
Thirty Days Without An Accident
Place Of Anger
Some People are Just Cursed
It All Comes Crashing Down
Time to go to Terminus
Dumbass Siblings
Stupid Decisions
Those Who Arrive Survive
Found Family
Half a Reunion
Burn It All Down
To the Survivors
This isn't Goodbye
Lies and Liars
Blow This Joint
Wasn't Meant To Happen

Save the Last One

1.2K 31 1
By danysdefender

Olivia was pacing outside of the bedroom where Carl was, he was going to be okay but she was still nervous to see him. She was the same way every time she went to see Rick in the hospital. She didn't even realise that someone was watching her. 

"You know you're never going to force yourself to go in there if you keep doing that whole stressed out momma pace you're doing." Tyler laughed as he looked at Olivia 

Olivia nodded, "I know." she knocked on the door before walking in, "Hey bud." 

Carl had perked up when he saw Olivia walking in, shutting the door  behind her, "Hi." 

"How are you feeling?" Olivia asked as she sat down on the side of the bed 

Carl paused before he said, "It hurts more than when I broke my bad." 

"That bad huh?" Olivia asked and Carl nodded, "Well shi...sugar." 

Carl gave her a look, "You can say shit in front of me, I'm old enough." 

"Hey! Watch your mouth kid." Olivia smiled before lightly tapping Carl on the leg 

Carl rolled his eyes, "This is bullshit." 

Olivia raised an eyebrow, "What was that? I don't think I heard that right?" 

Carl smiled, "Nothing. Nothing." 

Olivia stood up, "Well I'll leave you to it, I don't want your momma to tell me off for being in here." she walked over to the door, "I'll come see you though, that okay?" Carl nodded, "Good, I was going to anyway." 

When she walked out of the door she almost bumped into Shane, she looked up at him and noticed the change in him, "Oh, okay...that's know it kinda suits you." 

Shane chuckled as he rubbed his now bald head, "Thanks...look I need to talk to you about something." The pair moved to the side where no one else was, "Listen to me. Rick...he's not the man he was before. You needa' be careful around him, you listen to me and me only alright?" 

Rick wasn't completely different from the man she knew before all of this. He was just a worried father and husband trying to survive just like everyone else. But even after everything Olivia believed in her father. If Shane said that Rick had changed then she would believe him. 

. . . . . . . . . .

Word quickly spread around the farm that the rest of the vehicles were coming up to the farm. Daryl, Theo, Finn, Carol, Dale and Andrea all got out and joined T-Dog, Glenn, Rick, Lori, Shane and Olivia

"How is he?" Dale asked

"He'll pull through. Thanks to Hershel and his people..." Lori said

"And Shane. We'd have lost Carl if not for him." Rick said

Carol walked toward Lori and hugged her, "We were so worried."

Olivia walked over to Finn and Theo hugging them, "Thank god you're here. Don't get me wrong, I love Glenn. I do but...yeah."

Glenn walked over to them and hugged the pair of them as well, "Merle's clap, saved T-Dog's life, isn't that the funniest thing we've heard all week?"

Olivia laughed as she looked over at T-Dog who didn't look impressed, "You good T?"

T-Dog nodded, "Merle's clap saved my goddamn life. I'm peachy."

"How did it happen?" Finn asked as he walked over to Rick

"Hunting accident. That's all... Just a stupid accident." Rick said

Finn nodded as he hugged Rick, "Glad he's okay." 

. . . . . . . .

Later that day everyone was standing under a tree whilst Hershel prayed, "Blessed be God, father of our lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to him for the gift of our brother Otis, for his years, for his abundance of character; Otis, who gave his life to save a child's, now more than ever, our most precious asset. We thank you, God, for the peace he enjoys in your embrace. He died as he lived, in Grace." Hershel looked at Shane, "Shane, will you speak for Otis?"

Shane looked up then shook his head, "I'm not good at it. I'm sorry."

"You were the last one with him. You shared his final moments. Please. I need to hear. I need to know his death had meaning." Patricia begged

Shane sighed and nodded, "Okay. We were about done. Almost out of ammo. We were down to pistols by then. I was limping. It was bad. Ankle all swollen up...We've got to save the boy. See, that's what he said. He gave me his backpack. He shoved me ahead. Run, he said. He said I'll take the rear. I'll cover you. And when I looked back... If not for Otis, I'd have never made it out alive. And that goes for Carl too. It was Otis. He saved us both. If any death ever had meaning, it was his."

. . . . . . . . .

At the camp, Hershel walked towards the group that were standing at the RV, "How long's this girl been lost?"

"This'll be day three," Rick said

Maggie walked over to them and put a map down on the hood of the car, "County survey map. Shows terrain and elevations."

"This is perfect. We can finally get this thing organised. We'll grid the whole area, start searching in teams." Rick said

Hershel looked at Rick and shook his head, "Not you. Not today. You gave three units of blood. You wouldn't be hiking five minutes in this heat before passing out." He then looked at Shane, "And your ankle. Push it now, you'll be laid up a month, no good to anybody."

"Guess it's just us then." Daryl said, he pointed to a place on the map, "I'm gonna head back to the creek work my way from there."

"I can still be useful. I'll drive up to the interstate, see if Sophia wandered back." Shane said

Rick nodded, "All right, tomorrow then. We'll start doing this right."

"That means we can't have our people out there with just knives. They need the gun training we've been promising them." Shane said

Theo nodded and said, "I mean this bat is growing on me, it really is but it isn't going to do much if there's a herd."

"I'd prefer you not carrying guns on my property. We've managed so far without turning this into an armed camp." Hershel said

Shane paused before he said, "All due respect, you get a herd of those things wandering in here..."

"Look we're guests here. This is your property and we will respect that." Rick said, he then put his gun on the hood followed by everyone else

Rick nodded then said, "First things first. Set camp, find Sophia."

"I hate to be the one to ask but somebody's got to. What happens if we find her and she's bit?" Shane asked

"There weren't any Walkers where we were." Rick said

Shane nodded and said, "All the same, I just think we should be clear on how we handle that."

Rick paused before he said, "You do what has to be done."

"And her mother? What do you tell her?" Maggie asked

"The truth." Andrea answered

Shane nodded, "I'll gather and secure all the weapons. Make sure no one's carrying til we're at a practice range off site. I do request one rifleman on lookout. Dale's got experience."

The group looked at Hershel but he didn't say anything, Rick sighed and said, "Our people would feel safer, less inclined to carry a gun." Hershel nodded, "Thank you."

"That stuff you brought, got more antibiotics, bandages, anything like that?" Maggie asked

Rick looked at Olivia, who had just been stock taking and she shook her head, "Just what you've seen."

Maggie looked at Hershel, "We're running short already. I should make a run into town."

"Not the place Shane went?" Finn asked

Maggie shook her head, "No, there's a pharmacy just a mile down the road. I've done it before."

Rick pointed behind him to Glenn and said, "See our man there in the baseball cap? That's Glenn, our go-to-town expert. I'd ask him along just to be cautious."

. . . . . . . . .

Later that day Olivia walked out of the RV and saw Daryl walking towards the road, "Where are you going?"

Daryl walked towards her, "To find that little girl. The timespan has gone down, they don't know the Walkers were out there. I'll be back before dark."

"You know you don't owe us anything right?" Olivia asked, she had never really had full on conversations with Daryl she never needed to but this time she felt like she needed to let him know that she was still around

Daryl nodded as he began to walk off again, "My other plans fell through."

Just as she was walking back to the camp Finn ran towards her, "We got a Walker in the well. Come on!"

The pair started to run over to the well where the rest of the group were

"Looks like we've got us a swimmer." Dale said

Olivia  leaned over the well and saw a Walker in the water growling up at them, "How long you think it has been down there?" Theo asked as she looked down 

"Long enough to grow gills." Andrea said

Lori nodded, "We can't leave it in there. God knows what it's doing to the water."

"We got to get it out." Shane said

"Easy. Put a bullet in its head. I'll get a rope." T-Dog said

Maggie shook her head, "Whoa whoa, guys. No." she was standing at the side with Tyler standing behind her 

"Why not? It's a good plan." Glenn said

Theo hit Glenn up the head, "It's a stupid plan. If that thing hasn't contaminated the water yet, blowing its brains out will finish the job."

Shane nodded, "She's right. Can't risk it."

"So, it has to come out alive?" T-Dog asked

"For lack of a better question though how do we do that?" Theo asked

. . . . . . . .

Dale lowered down some canned ham on a string whilst Shane was holding a rope to wrap around the Walkers neck, after a few seconds Dale said, "He's not going for it."

"Maybe cause a canned ham don't kick and scream when you try to eat it." T-Dog said

Lori nodded, "He's right. There's a reason the dead didn't come back to life and start raiding our cupboards."

"We need live bait." Andrea said

Everyone stayed quiet until Olivia said, "I'll go. I'm the lightest."

Shane shook his head, "Absolutely not. No way, not a chance in hell." 

"There are more ways to say no, but I'll be fine. You'll be up here, would you rather lower Finn down, everyone here is heavier than I am. It's the logical choice, I'll be okay." Olivia said as she looked at Shane 

Shane sighed, he knew that Olivia wasn't exactly a kid anymore, she had her own voice and her own opinions one that she was never afraid to use. If she was going to do something, she was going to do it and nothing and no one, least of all him would be able to stop her. 

A few seconds later Olivia was sitting on the edge of the well with Shane wrapping a rope around her, "One shout and I'm pulling you up okay?" Olivia nodded, "Hey I promise we'll get you out in one piece." Shane said 

Olivia nodded as she looked up at her father, "I think you're more scared than I am." 

Shane paused before he nodded, "Yeah, yeah I am. Because I am sending my child down into a well with a Walker. Worst father of the year award goes to me." 

"Living please. Living part is important." Finn said

Olivia smiled as she looked at Finn who was with Theo and Tyler, "That is important. I'll be okay. Nice and slow please. This would be up there on my lists of worst ways to die." Olivia said as the group started to lower her down into the well

Andrea nodded, "Don't worry. We got you."

"You have a list?" Glenn asked

Olivia nodded, "Yup. Don't you?"

"Oh, you people are crazy." Maggie groaned

Shane looked back at her, "You want it out of your well or not?"

"Give us an eye there Maggie." Dale said and Maggie walked over to the edge of the well, "Olivia you ready?"

Olivia nodded as she leaned up and held onto the bar at the top of the well, "Drop me, I will kill you all."

She was then slowly lowered into the well, "Doing okay?" Tyler asked as he leaned over the well

"Oh yeah, I'm loving this."

Olivia grabbed the rope that Shane had tied and put her feet on either side of the well to try and catch the Walker.

Maggie was guiding the group looking down the well then back at them, "Little lower. Little lower."

Olivia screamed as she dropped down she gripped the rope and pulled her feet up from the Walker that was trying to reach her, "What the hell's going on up there! Get me out of here!"

"Hang on, Liv!" Shane shouted

Olivia kicked the Walkers hand off of her foot, "Get the hell off! Guys! Get me out! Come on!"

She started to get pulled up, she pushed herself up out of the well and Shane grabbed her pulling her out onto the ground. She felt Lori's hand on her back as Shane crouched down in front of her and she hugged him, "You okay? You get bit, hurt, scratched?"

Olivia shook her head as she gripped onto Shane, "I'm fine. I'm fine."

"Oh my god." Glenn groaned, "Let's never do that again. Maggie's right, we're crazy."

Dale sighed and said, "Back to the drawing board."

Olivia smiled as Shane pulled her up and she held a rope out to Dale, "Says you."

Dale took the rope and got pulled forwards slightly, "You're welcome." Olivia said as she walked over to T-Dog and stood with him, "You doing okay?"

T-Dog nodded, "Peachy. You?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm great." Olivia said as the rest of the group pulled the Walker up

"Come on pull!" Shane shouted, "All together."

The pair stood up and walked over to the Well, "Watch out T!" Shane shouted as the Walker came up

Olivia looked down, "Almost there." T-Dog pulled her back as the Walker was coming over the edge

"You gotta pull it guys! It's stuck! Come on!" T-Dog shouted

"Pull!" Andrea shouted

Olivia gagged when the bottom half of the Walkers body was split in half, falling back into the well, "We should seal off this well." Dale said

Theo nodded as she stood up, from being flung back by the force of the rope, "That might be a good idea, Dale." 

"You can have this one my friend." Olivia said as she stood back

T-Dog picked up and axe and started to bash the Walkers head in, Olivia looked at Maggie and saw that she looked horrified even Tyler was slightly looking away, "Maggie, look away."

Maggie looked away and walked off towards her horse, T-Dog looked back at the rest of the group, "Good thing we didn't do anything stupid like shoot it." He then dropped the axe and walked off

. . . . . . . . .

Later that day Olivia was sitting at the fire pit when she saw Glenn and Maggie ride back into the farm. She stood up and walked over to Glenn once he got off of his horse, "You look like you just did it."

Glenn looked back at Maggie then moved Olivia to the side, "Is it that obvious?"

Olivia laughed, "Yes, you're smiling like a Cheshire Cat. What did Maggie say?"

"It's a one time thing." Glenn said

Olivia nodded, "Right. You're secrets safe with me, don't panic. Though you might want to tone down the smiling. Play it cool."

"I don't' want to play it cool, I really don't want to play it cool." Glenn said

Olivia chuckled, "If she wants you, she'll let you know. Let her come to you. And don't act eager."

Thank you for reading 

I am going to have some bonding between all four of the teenagers soon !! 

Olivia is so blinded by her love for Shane that she can't see who he really is and she will believe anything he says, even though Rick isn't dangerous (to her anyway). Shane is the one person that has always been around and that really affects her. 

Her relationships with T-Dog, Glenn and Carl I actually love them.

Comment and Vote :) 

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