The Journey of Living at Down...

By LegendsOfTime

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A young girl from the 21st century, where Downton Abbey doesn't exist on the TV, ends up in the world of Down... More

Chapter 1: April to Summer 1912
Chapter 2: September to October 1912
Chapter 3: April to May 1913
Chapter 4: End of May 1913
Chapter 5: July to August 1913
Chapter 6: May 1914
Chapter 7: July to August 1914
Chapter 8: Autumn 1916
Chapter 9: April 1917
Chapter 10: July to September 1917
Chapter 11: Early 1918
Chapter 12: August 1918
Chapter 13: October to November 1918
Chapter 14: February 1919
Chapter 15: April 1919
Chapter 16: April 1919 to January 1920
Chapter 17: March 1920
Chapter 18: April to Early May 1920
Chapter 19: Late May 1920
Chapter 20: Late July 1920
Chapter 21: Early August 1920
Chapter 22: Early August 1920 Continuation
Chapter 23: Mid August 1920
Chapter 24: Mid August to End of September 1920
Chapter 25: September 1921
Chapter 26: February 1922
Chapter 27: March 1922
Chapter 28: April 1922
Chapter 30: May 1922
Chapter 31: June 1922
Chapter 32: July 1922
Chapter 33: Early August 1922
Chapter 34: May 1923
Chapter 35: February 1924
Chapter 36: February to Late April 1924
Chapter 37: Late April to Early May 1924
Chapter 38: Summer 1924
Chapter 39: September 1924
Chapter 40: Late September 1924
Chapter 41: Late September to Early October 1924
Chapter 42: Mid to Late October 1924
Chapter 43: November to December 1924
Chapter 44: January to Early May 1925
Chapter 45: Mid May 1925
Chapter 46: Mid to Late May 1925
Chapter 47: June 1925
Chapter 48: July 1925
Chapter 49: August 1925
Chapter 50: September to December 1925
Chapter 51: July 1927

Chapter 29: April 1922 Continuation

124 5 1
By LegendsOfTime

A/N: One year anniversary! Nearly.


After the concert, the guests begin to depart from Downton the next morning. The house party seems to have affected everyone, good and bad.

Emma herself feels shaken and down after Anna's attack and she can see that Tom is confused about her behaviour as well as why she hadn't returned to the concert. Emma had continued with the lie Anna had fed Mr Bates, which Tom seemed to accept hesitantly. Emma wants to tell him the truth but she can't betray Anna. She feels worse when Gemma tells her of the odd mood Anna is in with marks on her face while Green (the valet that attacked Anna) is unwell with Dr Clarkson having to come and see him before departure and Emma can't tell her the truth. You think she'd be used to not being her full self and telling lies, for example, Pamuk, time travel etc, but nope.

Emma is in the Hall saying goodbye to guests. She makes her business to avoid some, Sampson and Lady Raven for example but says farewells to Michael, the Duchess, Gillingham and Bullock (Rose's insistence).

"Do you think Billy is alright?" Tom asks her as Gillingham and Mary walk away from them. The two seem to get along quite well but Emma isn't sure. Maybe it has something to do with a particular valet.

Emma looks over to see that a little further away, the Duchess of Yeovil is saying farewell to Billy. The man seems quite down and even more upset than he had seemed last night.

"I hope so." Emma murmurs.

Emma joins Cora, Mary, Edith, Robert and Rose as they watch the cars drive away. Honestly, she's glad to see the back of them all.


Emma is staring down at her cup listlessly as she sits on the settee in the Library with Tom beside her having his own cup. Billy lingers by the door and if she was paying attention, Emma would've gone over to him to ask him what's the matter.

Mary walks in snapping Emma back to the room at large. "The tax people have had a cancellation, so they can see us on Wednesday at noon. But I think we should go up tomorrow. I wouldn't like to risk being late."

Robert looks annoyed as he wanders over to the table laid out for them, placing his cup down. "And you don't want me to come?"

"There's no point in you all going." Cora mediates from where she sits on the opposite settee. Emma knows how she feels. It seems father and daughter are battling it out on what's the best way to pay the tax. Robert wants to sell land and Mary disagrees (so does Emma).

Robert turns to his daughter. "It's not that you're afraid I might put the case for selling?"

"It's not a question of putting the case. They don't care how they get their money, so long as they get it." Tom reminds him.

"I'll ask how long they can give us, and what scale of payment they'll accept. Then I'll report back." Mary tells Robert. Emma feels quite proud of the businesswoman she's becoming.

"And we'll make a decision together." Robert says pointedly with a new cup in his hand.

"But I will try to persuade you."

Robert lets out a huff as he walks over to stand by the settee Emma and Tom sit on. "Even though you'd be dragging a debt behind you for twenty years?"

"I don't care. Not if Downton is self-sufficient by the end of it." Mary declares passionately before moving to make herself a cup.

"Isn't it better to make Downton better in the long term?" Emma adds. She wants to get involved as much as she can for Tom, for the Crawleys and for Downton. So far, it's throwing out some logic when she sees fit to do so.

Robert speaks with a sigh. "I can see I'll spend the rest of my life paying by instalments." He sits down on the chair next to where Emma sits.

"Papa, you always say we're not the owners of Downton, but the caretakers. Very well. Let's take care of it." Mary says as she makes her cup. It is then Rose comes walking in, going over to the table. Robert and Tom stand in greeting while Billy smiles slightly at her.

"Aunt Rosamund said Tom and I can stay with her," Mary says as she sits down next to Cora. "You should come, Emma."

Emma looks at her in surprise. "Me? Why?"

"You don't seem yourself this morning dear." Cora says, smiling kindly.

Emma swallows uncomfortably as she can see her husband's questioning look in the corner of her eye. She shakes her head. "Oh no, I'm fine."

"So, you'll come?" Mary asks.

Emma looks at Tom, who smiles at her. Emma knows that it's not his ideal idea of an outing but it would be nice for them to go out somewhere. "If it means that much to you, but only if Billy comes."

"Of course he will." Billy smiles fondly at his sister-in-law but doesn't express his disagreement. "You don't mind keeping an eye on the children, do you, Mama?"

Cora smiles. She'd like nothing better.

Rose turns from the table. "Is this London? When are you going? Can I come?" She questions enthusiastically.

Emma feels slightly amused at the girl's behaviour. She isn't very subtle in trying to meet up with Sir John Bullock. But Emma enjoys the light the young girl brings to the house.

"Tomorrow, and I don't see why not." Mary replies.

"Nor me." Cora adds. Pleased, Rose turns back to the table. Cora turns to Mary. "Will you meet Tony Gillingham while you're there?" Real subtle.

"I don't think so. Why should I?" Mary comments casually.

"Just thought you might."

Mary is annoyed. "Don't be transparent, Mama. It doesn't suit you."

Emma looks up when the door opens and sees Billy leave the room without a word to anyone. Emma frowns in worry.


That evening, Emma catches Anna hurriedly leaving Mary's room. The lady's maid is looking worse for wear and Emma doesn't mean just the bruises.

"Anna? How are you doing?" Emma asks as she catches up with her as they walk along the landing.

Anna smiles tightly at her. "Fine. I'm fine, Emma. Thank you." She answers shortly.

Emma is surprised by her response but doesn't let it deter her. "It's just if you want to talk about it? You shouldn't carry it on—"

"I said I'm fine." Anna cuts her off, picking up her pace. "There's much to do."

Emma stops and stares after her with great sadness. What is she to do?


At dinner that night, Emma becomes even more concerned for Billy as she watches him sit in his seat looking despondent, not joining in the conversation from where she sits on the opposite side of Tom to him. Robert and Isobel are discussing the idea of setting up an out-clinic at the Hospital, Tom had asked a simple question and it had snowballed from there.

"Aren't we encouraging a nation of hypochondriacs, if they rush to a doctor at every twinge?" Robert asks Isobel as Jimmy serves him.

"On the contrary. I think it encourages people to look after themselves and not become a burden." Isobel argues from where she sits between Emma and Cora.

"Hmm, so you mean to help?"

Emma perks up at this, pleased to hear Isobel getting involved again.

"A little. Just to provide some free labour. No more than that." Isobel replies softly.

"I wish someone would provide me with some free labour." Robert grumbles.

"Oh. Lloyd George would never allow it." Violet chuckles.

A look at Mr Carson tells Emma that he'd rather not even hear that name mentioned in this house. Suppose that's what happens when a prime minister is big on social reform and ending a lot of privileges of the British upper class with heavier tax burdens on them, among them the inheritance tax, or 'death duties'.

"Rosamund is so looking forward to seeing you." Cora says to Rose, who sits on her other side.

"Poor Aunt Rosamund. We use her like an hotel." Edith comments as she sits between her father and sister.

Emma shrugs. "She likes seeing her family and entertaining. What's wrong with that?"

Mary speaks with a brief disapproving look at Edith, "I agree. It gives her a surrogate real life."

"What do you think, Billy? Do you think she minds?" Edith calls to her brother-in-law.

Billy is far away and doesn't seem to even hear the question.

"Billy?" Emma calls. Everyone is looking at him expectantly.

This seems to bring Billy back as he looks at them questioningly. "I'm sorry. What were you saying?"

"I'd far rather know what you were thinking." Mary jokingly comments. He gives an embarrassed smile and reaches for his glass. Everyone turns back to having their own conversations but Emma instead continues to stare at Billy in concern.


Emma arrives in the Drawing room at Rosamund's house in London. She rolls her eyes at the sight of Lord Gillingham waiting with Rosamund, Rose, Tom, Billy and Sir John Bullock. She greets them and takes a seat. It seems all they have to wait for is Mary.

Mary hurries in, pulling on her gloves. "Sorry to keep you waiting, but Anna couldn't find- Oh." She stops at the sight of the guests.

"I hope I'm a surprise and not a shock." Gillingham remarks hopefully.

Mary looks genuinely shaken. "Well, you're certainly unexpected."

"I thought I'd get up a small party, just an informal one." Rosamund tells her. She indicates to Sir John. "You remember Sir John Bullock?"

"He and Lord Gillingham have just been staying with us." Mary answers rather coolly. Emma doesn't blame her. She herself wouldn't like everyone pushing men onto her.

"Cora said it had been a success."

"How clever of you both to be free at such short notice." Rose says to the two guests.

"They brought your message to my club. I thought I had an evening of cards and whisky ahead, so it was a welcome change of plan." Sir John remarks.

"And what about you?" Mary asks Gillingham.

"Well, I cancelled what I was supposed to be doing." He replies.

"I hope Miss Lane Fox didn't mind."

Emma shares a look with Tom. Miss Lane Fox? Oh dear, poor woman.

"Don't punish me for wanting to see you again."

"John's got a marvellous idea for later on, haven't you?" Rose then butts in.

"After dinner, I thought I could take you all to hear the new band at the Lotus Club. If you'll let me?" He suggests.

Rose turns to Rosamund. "You and Mary can be my chaperones, so what could be more proper?" Rosamund looks amused by the statement.

"It isn't too jazzy, Lady Rosamund. Just a club with a good dance band." Sir John reassures her.

"We can keep the young in order," Gillingham says. He turns to Mary with a considerate. "That's if you like the sound of it."

Mary and Tom look unsure, Emma feels mildly interested while Billy looks like it's the worst idea he's ever heard.

"Please say yes, Mary, do. It's such eons since we've had any fun." Rose pleads.

"What about you, Billy, Emma, Tom?" Mary asks evasively.

"I suppose so but we shouldn't put Tom and Billy through it, they can stay here with Rosamund." Emma suggests.

"Oh, I was thinking I might go, too and Emma cannot possibly come without her own." Rosamund corrects.

"That settles it. Billy can come as Aunt Rosamund's partner." Rose declares. Emma shares a defeated look with Tom and Billy.

Gillingham turns to Tom and Billy. "Well?"

"We give in." Tom uncomfortably replies.


This is not a dimly lit, disreputable nightclub, but a very posh place. The company of eight are ascending the stairs. Lively jazz music can be heard from the main room, then applause. Inside the main room, they approach their table. The singer of the band comes into view, singing beautifully.

"Some more champagne over here!" Sir John calls to a waiter.

"I don't really need any more." Mary says.

"Amen to that." Emma adds.

"Nonsense. How can we keep going if we're not properly fuelled?"

Emma scoffs at this man's behaviour his evening of cards and whisky had clearly already begun when he got Rosamund's invitation. He's going to make an idiot out of himself soon.

"I can keep going." Gillingham says pointedly.

He holds his hand out to Mary, inviting her to dance, while the other four sit down. Mary and Gillingham start to dance to a slower number. They share a little laugh. Emma's a bit concerned as she knows that Mary isn't quite at the point of thinking of marrying again and Gillingham is meant to be engaged.

The band, later on, begins to play a song for the tango. Rosamund and Billy are dancing while Emma and Tom are dancing nearby.

"Quite the opposite to the pub we'd go to with your family and our friends in Dublin, isn't it?" Emma remarks.

"Very." Tom huffs. He pauses then as if working up the courage to say something causing Emma to look at him concerned. "Emma, I don't know why you've been feeling down for the past couple days and of course I noticed, I'm your husband. But you do know you can talk to me, about anything."

Emma smiles softly at him. "I know. And I'm fine really."

Tom sighs. "You're not going to tell me anything are you?"

"It's not for me to say."

Emma then spots Sir John swirling Rose around rather forcefully, making silly noises. He's obviously very drunk and Rose seems rather overwhelmed.

"Oh, dear! Er, should we sit down?" Rosamund tries to suggest to them before she and Billy step off the dance floor, Emma and Tom following.

Rose seems to be trying to encourage him to get off the dance floor but is struggling as he stumbles with her continuously having to catch him.

"It's getting quite out of hand, should we—" Emma tries to say but then suddenly Sir John is barging past them with his hand pressed over his mouth as he hurries from the room.

Rose is left standing alone on the dance floor, deeply embarrassed. The singer walks towards her and starts dancing with her.

Emma is glad about it but then Rosamund sees what's going on. "Oh, Mary." She murmurs alarmed. "Tom, could you..." Rosamund indicates to the dance floor.

Emma narrows her eyes knowing she's reacting like this because he's black and hurriedly says, "I'll come with you."

As Tom and Emma approach them, Emma can see how quite taken with the singer Rose is.

"Rose. I've been sent to fetch you." Tom says.

The singer stops dancing with Rose and lets go of her. "Well, if your friends are waiting..."

"I'm so sorry. Um, this is Tom Branson and his wife, Emma. This is Mr Ross. He rescued me from deep humiliation." Rose introduces. She and Mr Ross share a chuckle.

"We should be going." Tom says instead of greeting Mr Ross.

Emma is angry and annoyed with Tom for his attitude to Mr Ross. She turns to the singer with a smile. "Thank you, Mr Ross."

Rose gives Jack an apologetic smile, then moves back towards their table with Tom and Emma. "There was no need to be rude."

"I wasn't rude." Tom replies.

"Yes, you were." Emma retorts. Tom looks surprised at her sharp tone.

Rose turns to the table at large. "Where's John?"

"I should think he's gone home." Gillingham says as he, Mary, Billy and Rosamund all rise from their chairs.

"Well, have we all had enough?" Rosamund asks.

"I hope he paid the bill before he left." Rose utters. "Honestly, if it hadn't have been for Mr Ross—"

"You looked as if you were having quite an adventure with your gallant band leader." Rosamund cuts her off censoriously.

"He was terribly nice! And John had made me look like such a fool!" Rose defends. The others walk out, making Rose feel rather stupid.

"Don't worry, Rose," Emma reassures her as they leave. "They're all just being ignorant."


The six remaining party-goers return and take off their coats, handing them to the staff that greet them. Gillingham had said goodbye earlier.

"I'm going up." Rosamund says.

Rose speaks with a sigh, "I'll come with you. I'm whacked."

"I'm assuming Sir John Bullock has blotted his copybook for you."

"Oh, I don't know. Doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?"

"Not everyone, no." Rosamund retorts. "Things have come to a pretty pass when you have to be rescued by a black bandleader."

"What's wrong with that?" Emma asks sharply and pointedly.

"I was jolly pleased anyone wanted to rescue me, and so would you have been." Rose adds.

Rose and Rosamund start walking up the stairs together. Mary goes after them. Tom moves to go with them but then stops when realising Emma isn't following.


"I'll be up in a moment." She tells him. She turns to Billy, who stands next to her. Emma decides that this is as good a time as ever to find out what's going on. "What's the matter? You've been walking under a dark cloud all day."

"If I told you, you'd despise me." Billy replies.

Emma looks at him in surprise before moving to one of encouragement. "I dreaded telling someone something once, but when I did, it made things much easier between us and I felt better myself."

"Well, I couldn't say it. Not to you."

Emma feels hurt he won't tell her but knows she can't make him so she relents, "Then find someone you can tell. It will help more than you know. And on that modest note... goodnight."


She walks up the stairs.


Mary and Tom go to see the tax people at noon and soon they are all on their way back to Downton.

When the cars reach Downton, Alfred and Jimmy both move to open the doors to let them out.

"Thank you." Emma murmurs to Alfred as he holds the door open for her as she steps out with Tom, Billy and Madge following while Anna, Mary and Rose step out of the other car. The footman gives her a brief smile.

Emma follows Mary and Rose as they walk towards the front door. Anna and Madge turn aside towards the servants' Courtyard. Emma watches after them in concern. The lady's maid has still been quiet the entire trip.

"Rose," Mary calls out causing the young girl to turn, "Anna needs to use your curling irons."

"All right. Madge?" The maid gives her a nod to indicate she hears.

"Mine are broken." Mary explains.

"You'll have to get new ones." Emma says to Mary as she and Tom walk with her through the door.

Emma doesn't hear Mary's response as when she glances back to look at Billy, she sees him walk off after Anna and Madge in the direction of the Yard, too. Emma's eyebrows furrow as she continues walking. She hopes that perhaps he's taken her advice.


Emma is with Tom and Mary in the Drawing room, spending time with Michael, Ivy, Sybbie and George. Emma had missed her children the past couple of days and is thrilled to see them. However, she wonders where Billy is. Emma hasn't seen him since he disappeared earlier.

Mary looks shaken as she talks lovingly to her son, probably due to the arrival of a certain Lord Gillingham, who is apparently staying the night. Emma can't help but feel annoyed by the man's actions. What about this Mabel Lane Fox?

Edith headed off on a train up to London just before their return. Seems things are moving forward with Michael Gregson's trip to Germany.

Billy then comes barging in, breaking Emma from her thoughts, and apologising. Emma can see he looks lighter than he has been the past couple of days, relieved. She's annoyed she doesn't know what happened but is pleased to see Billy unburdened as he greets his daughter. If only Emma could lose hers.

Gemma pops her head in just before Emma goes down to the Drawing room for dinner and informs her that Edna has suddenly handed in her notice, family troubles apparently. Not that Emma believes it for a second. She suspects it might have something to do with Billy being down in the mouth. Emma knows the ex-lady's maid had attempted flirtation and that with him last time she was at Downton and was probably up to the same tricks.

It's after dinner in the Drawing room that Emma witnesses Isobel walk up to Gillingham, shake his hand and express her wish to see him up at Downton again. Emma is full of admiration for the woman, knowing it must be hard for her to see the possibility of Mary moving on after Matthew.


Emma is walking down the stairs with Tom, down to the Great Hall the next day, when she hears Thomas speaking. She pauses to watch causing Tom to do the same.

"Only I have a candidate I'd like to put forward, who I know very well and is more than qualified." Thomas is saying. Must be about Cora needing a new lady's maid though Emma can't help but feel like Thomas is up to something because when is he not?

"You must discuss it with Her Ladyship, but I've no objection." Robert tells him.

"She's a little older than Miss Braithwaite."

"Well, that won't hurt." Emma drily remarks.

Robert looks across at Emma in surprise, walking towards her. "Why do you say that?" He asks as the door leading to the Outer Hall admits Mary and Thomas walk away with a curious look in her direction. Emma sees Tom frowning at her.

She shrugs. "No reason."

Mary approaches them. Emma notes that she's alone despite having headed off on a walk with Lord Gillingham.

"Where's Tony? Has he gone?" Robert asks his daughter.

"He thought he'd said all his goodbyes, and he wanted to catch the half past nine." Mary calmly replies. She turns to Tom. "Are you ready?" Tom nods.

"Where are you going?"

"They're going to York." Emma answers. "For estimates to re-equip the saw mill." Tom looks at her with impressed surprise. "What? I do listen to you when you ramble on."

Tom gives her a teasing smile before turning it on Mary. "So, will we be seeing Tony Gillingham again?"

Mary replies in a would-be unconcerned tone. "I'm sure we will... eventually. He was telling me about Mabel Lane Fox. Apparently, they're getting engaged." Robert looks as if all his hopes have just come crashing down, which they have. "I imagine he'll be very taken up with that."

"Yes, I dare say." Robert says as he looks at his daughter with some doubt. Emma can't blame him as she's doing the exact same thing.

"Right, I'll get my hat," Mary says. She walks away in the direction of the staircase. Tom and Robert walk off in opposite directions as Emma stays where she is, watching Mary slowly make her way up the stairs. She seems to cut a regretful figure.


A/N: "blotted their copybook for you" = For those not familiar with the expression, this means to tarnish someone's reputation. A copybook was a child's school book with exercises for neat handwriting. A blotted copybook would get bad marks.

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