Whatever It Takes {Teen Wolf...

Από arrowloverl

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Love. Be afraid. Y/N Hale, the daughter of Peter Hale, attends Beacon Hills Highschool with her best friends... Περισσότερα

Y/N Hale
Season 1
1. Wolf Moon
2. Second Chance At First Line
3. Pack Mentality
4. Magic Bullet
5. The Tell
6. Heart Monitor
7. Night School
8. Lunatic
9. Wolf's Bane
10. Co-Captain
11. Formality
12. Code Breaker
Season 2
13. Omega
14. Shape Shifted
15. Ice Pick
16. Abomination
17. Venomous
18. Frenemy
19. Restraint
20. Raving
21. Party Guessed
22. Fury
23. Battlefield
24. Master Plan
Season 3A
25. Tattoo
26. Chaos Rising
27. Fireflies
29. Frayed
30. Motel California
31. Currents
32. Visionary Part 1
33. Visionary Part 2
34. The Girl Who Knew Too Much
35. The Overlooked
36. Alpha Pact
37. Lunar Ellipse
Season 3B
38. Anchors
39. More Bad Than Good
40. Galvanize
41. Illuminated
42. Silverfinger
43. Riddled
44. Letharia Vulpina
45. Echo House
46. The Fox And The Wolf
47. De-Void
48. Insatiable
49. The Divine Move
Season 4
50. The Dark Moon
51. 117
52. Muted
53. The Benefactor
54. I.E.D
55. Orphaned
56. Weaponized
57. Time Of Death
58. Perishable
59. Monstrous
60. A Promise To The Dead
61. Smoke And Mirrors
Season 5A
62. Creatures Of The Night
63. Parasomnia
64. Dreamcatchers
65. Condition Terminal
66. A Novel Approach
67. Required Reading
68. Strange Frequencies
69. Ouroboros
70. Lies Of Omission
71. Status Asthmaticus
Season 5B
72. The Last Chimera
73. Damnatio Memoriae
74. Codominance
75. The Sword And The Spirit
76. Amplification
77. Lie Ability
78. A Credible Threat
79. Maid of Gévaudan
80. The Beast Of Beacon Hills
81. Apotheosis
Season 6A
82. Memory Lost
83. Superposition
84. Sundowning
85. Relics
86. Radio Silence
87. Ghosted
88. Heartless
89. Blitzkrieg
90. Memory Found
91. Riders On The Storm
Season 6B
92. Said The Spider To The Fly
93. Raw Talent
94. After Images
95. Face-To-Faceless
96. Pressure Test
97. Triggers
98. Werewolves Of London

28. Unleashed

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Από arrowloverl

Beacon Hills Highschool

Girls locker room

You geared up for yearly cross country, shoving your phone and textbooks into your locker.

"Is everyone decent ?" Coach called out from behind the front door.

"Yeah" Everyone shrugs, looking at each other to double check.

Coach Finstock entered, a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other.

"Has anyone seen Y/N Hale ?" He called out, you close your locker.

"I'm here, Coach" You rose your hand to indicate your presence.

"Can I talk to you outside ?" He gestured towards the empty hallway.

"Sure. What's this about ?" You followed him out of the locker room.

"I was talking to McCall. And he happened to mention that you're good at lacrosse. I was wondering, if you wanted to join the team ?" Coach asked.

"Yeah, Coach. I'd love to join the team" You smiled at Coach Finstock.

"All right. Don't let me down at cross country" Coach walks away with a smug grin on his face.

Miss Morrell's Office

Jennifer knocks on Miss Morrell's door, waiting to be invited inside.

"Come in !" Morrell stopped typing away on her laptop.

"Good morning, Miss Morell" She greets the other staff member.

"Good morning, Miss Blake. Are you finding your way around the school easy enough ?" Marin closed her laptop.

"Just fine. Thank you ... I was wondering where I can access the student records" Jennifer shuts the office door behind her.

"And why would you want those ?" She eyed the new teacher, suspiciously.

"I'm concerned about a students well being and wish to look into it" Jennifer shrugged in response to the accusation.

"The files are in the main office. Can I ask which student you're looking into ? They might have visited me for a session before" Morrell prepared to type in the name she was given.

"Y/N Hale" Miss Blake gave Morrell your name.

"She's been in here before. We've had a couple of sessions ... The poor kids been through alot. It's all in her file" Morrell informed the English teacher.

"Thank you. I'll look into it" Miss Blake smiles, exiting the office and making her way towards the main office.

Cross Country Track

You, Isaac, Scott and Stiles are getting ready to run the cross country race with everyone else.

Coach Finstock blows his whistle for the race to start, Aiden and Ethan take off, a distraction that prevents Isaac from starting the race.

"Pace yourselves ! Come on !" Finstock reminds the large group of people who had taken off at full speed.

"Isaac !" Scott paused beside him, you do the same.

"It's them !" Was the only response Isaac gave before he took off.

"Isaac, wait ! Isaac !" Scott sighed, you took off at full speed to keep up with Lahey.

Aiden, Ethan and Isaac raced off infront of everyone, you and McCall can barely catch them.

"Is he insane ? If they are two of the Alpha's that tried to kill him, why did he just take off after them ? We can't help him when he's not with us" You panted from exertion.

"That's why we need to keep going. He's gonna get hurt if we don't" Scott takes a second to regain his breathe.

The two of you continue, running up a steep hill as quickly as physically possible.

"Ethan, I always forget -- how many bones in the human body ?" Aiden smirks as he and his twin grab Isaac.

"I don't know. Let's count !" Ethan lifted his fist to break Lahey's kneecap.

"... That's one !" Scott punched Aiden in the jaw and you punch Ethan, breaking both of their jaws.

Ethan and Aiden growled, transforming, their eyes shining blood red.

You, Isaac and Scott growl back, fighting the urge to attack them instantly.

A scream brought the five of you out of your defensive positions.

"What was that ?" You questioned, Isaac and Scott followed you towards the source of the piercing scream.

"It's him, isn't it ?" Isaac glanced at the dead body with a grimace.

Five minutes later

"Hey, get out of the way ! Get back ! Get this area cordoned off before they trample every piece of evidence !" Sheriff Stilinski instructed his deputies.

"Back up ! Everyone back !" Tara pushed the group of students backwards, away from the dead body.

"Dad, just come here. Look, look ! Look at it -- it's the same as the others, you see ?" Stiles points out the three injuries.

"Yeah, I see that. Do me a favor ? Go back to school, yeah ?" Stilinski tiredly gestured for his son to leave the crime scene.

"Coach, can you give us a hand, here ?" The Sheriff asked the lacrosse and cross country Coach.

"You heard the man ! Nothing to see here. Probably just some homeless kid" Finstock helped the police department.

"Coach ?" Scott recognised the body as Kyle from last night when he disappeared.

"Yeah ?" Coach turned to his lacrosse team captain.

"He was a senior" You also recognise the dead body as Kyle.

"Oh ... he wasn't on the team, was he ?" Coach bites his bottom lip.

"Ahhh ! Kyle ! Oh, God, Kyle ! Oh God !" Ashley hysterically fought against Tara, who kept her away from Kyle's body.

"Go on ! Go !" Stilinski got everyone to step back a couple of yards to secure a perimeter.

"You see the way the twins looked at him ?" Isaac enquired as you, Scott, him and Stiles walked further away.

"Yeah, you mean, like they have no idea what happened ?" Stiles scoffed.

"No. No, they knew" Isaac attempted to convince you and Scott.

"The kid was strangled with a garrote, all right ? Am I the only one recognizing the lack of werewolf-itude in these murders ?" Stiles enquired.

"He has a point. A werewolf wouldn't go through all that for the pleasure of the kill. They'd do something simple. Tear the victims throat out or maul them to death. Three fatal wounds doesn't sound very werewolfy. Especially when it's a human versus an Alpha. It doesn't make any sense" You agreed with Stiles.

"Oh, you think it's a coincidence they turn up and then people start dying ?" Sarcasm dripped from Isaac words.

"Well, no, but I still don't think it's them ... Scott ?" Stiles looked to his best friend to agree with him and not Isaac.

"How 'bout you ?" Lahey folded his arms over her chest.

"... I don't know yet" Scott awkwardly avoided making eye contact with either of them.

"You don't know yet ???" Stiles incredulously stared at his best friend.

"Well, he's got a point ... Seriously, dude ? Human sacrifices ?" Scott agreed partially with Isaac.

"Scott, your eyes turn into yellow glow-sticks, okay ? Hair literally grows from your cheeks and then will immediately disappear, and if I were to stab you right now, it would just magically heal, but you're telling me that you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices ???" Stiles appalled, explained his reasoning.

"That's a good point, too ..." Scott sighed.

"I don't care. They killed that kid. They killed the girl that saved me. I'm gonna kill them, too" Isaac stormed off.

The main office

Miss Blake rifled through the students files, casually smiling at another teacher who stood in the hallway.

She removed your file once she found it, placing it dowb to examine the contents.

The details in the file are extensive with everything from your full name to your relatives.

Jennifer scans through the information, instantly spotting the name Derek Hale, she opened the laptop on the desk.

'Derek Hale' She typed into the search bar, a single result is flagged, Miss Blake clicked on his file, reading through but she is interrupted by Mr Harris's arrival.

"Looking for something, Miss Blake" He selected a file from the open cabinet.

"No, no -- of course not. I just wanted to check a students address" She shrugged, putting your file away and clicking off of Derek's file.

Empty Classroom / Derek's Loft

"Cora ?" You answered the phonecall, unaware of the number flagged on the screen.

"Not exactly" Kali forced Cora to put the phone on speaker.

"Kali, get away from her !" You locked yourself in an empty classroom.

"Don't I even get a hello" Kali smirked, knowing how much she's riling you up.

"I said get the hell away from Cora" You growled at the Alpha down the line.

"So, the twins are doing there job" Kali's claws tapped against the ground.

"Why do I get the feeling you're not alone ?" You gripped onto the teachers desk, breaking a corner off in anger.

"Because I'm not alone. Say hello Derek" She snatched the phone from Cora.

"Y/N, don't come anywhere near here ... They want you to come so they can kill you" He barely managed to formulate a coherent warning.

"Maybe, I should kill one of the twins, the real question is Ethan or Aiden ?" You threatened the Alpha Pack.

"Perhaps, both of them if, you wouldn't mind" Deucalion interuppted the tense conversation.

"I swear to God, if you lay your filthy hands on either of them, I'll kill all of you. Even if I have to get my own hands a little bloody and kill an Alpha to steal their power" You launched the broken piece of wood out of the window which, smashing the glass in the process.

"That's the spirit I want from you Derek. I just want you to be willing to get your hands bloody and kill one of your beta's. It doesn't have to be Y/N or Cora, it can be Isaac or Boyd. We don't care which one of them you kill but -- if you don't decide on your own then, we'll have to choose for you" Kali ended the call with that final threat.

"Y/N, what the hell did you do ?" Miss Blake noticed the blood dripping from your clenched fist.

"Nothing" You attempt to push past her, Jennifer blocked your exit.

"That window wasn't broken when I was covering in here earlier. Let's go before someone figures out you broke it" Miss Blake held the door open for you.

You walked out of the empty classroom, following her into her room just down the hallway.

Miss Blake's Classroom

"What was so threatening about that call that made you break a teacher's desk and smash a window ?" Jennifer closed the door, locking it.

"You don't wanna know" You relaxed your fist, your claws had been digging into the flesh of your palm.

"Yeah, I do. If it's causing you this much distress, I want to know" She pursued your response.

"Jennifer ... You don't wanna know" You reiterated to the English teacher.

"You know, you can trust me" Miss Blake leant against her desk.

"If you really wanna know so badly ... It's the Alpha Pack, they're back in Beacon Hills. Deucalion, Kali, Ennis, the twins. All of them are here" You inform her.

"No, no, that's not possible. I thought the mercenary I paid took care of them. She was supposed to" Jennifer tugs the ends of her hair.

"Braeden rescued me. That's what you paid her to do. She wasn't paid enough to put her life on the line fighting the Alpha's. Can you blame her for not trying ? She knew how easily they could kill her" You slipped your phone back in the back pocket of your jeans.

"You're right ... Did anyone see you in the other room ?" Miss Blake enquired.

"I don't think so. They removed all of the camera's after Gerard left town. There isn't a record of me being the one who damaged the desk or the window" You explained to the women.

"What if there's a witness ?" She closed the blinds, taking a seat at her desk.

You sit down at the desk infront of her, taking piece of paper from your bag.

"I'll take care of it -- Even if some of the camera's are still in opperation, none of them are anywhere near that room. See. This is a map of where all of 'em were installed" You showed Jennifer the map.

"Okay. If someone does know anything, I'll make sure to get the property damage charges dropped" She reassured you.

"How are you gonna do that ? Especially if the school has a witness" You enquired.

"Make an excuse for you" She shrugged, handing the map back.

"What sort of excuse ?" You folded the paper, shoving it back into your bag.

"That you received a distressing call that your only surviving family member was in a car crash. The likelihood that they'll survive is incredibly low. So, you were angry and upset and you accidentally broke the desk and window. Plead not guilty by reason of emotional trauma" She gestured for you to leave the room before someone became suspicious.

"Sounds believable" You exit the room.

In the hallway

You yanked open the closet door, Scott grabbed Isaac's shirt, pulling him backwards so harshly that he falls over.

You turned on the light, taking Allison's bleeding wrist in your hand, examining the wound.

"Isaac !" Scott roared at him, causing the beta to calm down instantly, he released his grip on Isaac's throat.

"Allison ..." You were about to ask if she was okay but she didn't need to hear your question to respond to it.

"I'm okay. I'm fine" She reassured you, she locked eyes with McCall.

"I'm sorry, I didn't - I didn't mean to do that ..." Isaac sat on the floor, horrified by what he'd just done to her.

"I'm okay" Allison managed to stop her voice from shaking.

"I'm so sorry ..." Isaac apologised for his actions.

"It's not his fault" Allison stuck up for him.

"... It's okay, Isaac. We know you didn't do this on purpose. The twins knew what locking you in that closet would do to you. The whole Alpha Pack just wants to piss us off. The phonecall I got earlier, how the twins are acting today. Its like they want us to kill each other" You crouched down infront of the horrified beta.

"Y/N's right. I guess now they want to do more than just get you angry -- they want to get someone hurt" Scott agreed.

"So, are we gonna do something ?" Isaac managed to regain his bearings.

"Yeah ... I'm gonna get them angry. Really angry" Scott nodded in response.

English Literature Class

You and Scott took the two empty seats beside Ethan and Aiden, smiling at the pair of them.

"Okay, everyone. I know this is the last class of the day ... To be honest, I want to get out of here, too" Jennifer closed her classroom door after the final student entered the room.

"That looks kind of important ..." Scott innocently takes out a piece of Aiden's motorbike.

"I have no idea what this thing does. I've never been into motorcycles" You take a piece out of your backpack.

"Wait ! Aiden, don't !" Ethan warned his twin, who ignored him, storming out of the room in fury.

"Get off my bike" Aiden growls at Isaac.

"No problem" Lahey shrugged, flipping over him, giving the Alpha his helmet, landing on his feet.

You, Scott and Allison came out of class with the rest of the students, smirking at the twins.

"You have got to be kidding me ! You realize this is gonna result in a suspension ?" Jennifer warned Aiden.

"They're gonna kill us" You whispered to Scott, noticing Ethan's clenched fist.

"I know" He smiled innocently at the Alpha twins.

Music Room

"Sorry I'm late. Alpha twin problems" You entered the room.

"Can we get a copy of this ?" Deaton hands the phone to Lydia who works on dropping the file onto your phone.

"What is that ? It sounds like an ancient ritual soundtrack" You started to riffle through the draws with Stiles.

Deaton didn't respond, examining the room for any signs of tamperment.

"Hey, Doc... ? Any help would be, you know ... helpful ..." Stiles flicked through a pile of test papers and documents.

"Each grouping of three would have its own purpose, its own type of power. Virgins, healers, philosophers, warriors ..." Deaton started to explain.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait -- warrior, could that also be, like, a soldier ?" Stiles picks up a photo of the teacher and his wife.

"Absolutely" Deaton nodded in response to the enquiry.

"Kyle was in ROTC with Boyd. That's got to be it. That's the pattern" Stiles holds it in the air for Lydia and Deaton to see.

"That doesn't help us narrow down the potential victims, Stiles. Do you know how many veterans live in Beacon Hills ?" You handed him a stack of papers with names of army veterans.

"No ... but there aren't that many here at the school" Lydia pointed to a single name on the page.

"Where's Boyd ?" Deaton turned to Stiles as he takes out his phone.

"Hes probably home by now. I'm gonna try and get him on the phone" He walks out into the hallway.

"Lydia ... ? Something wrong ?" Deaton noticed the expression on her face.

"No, it was ... I mean ... I just thought of someone else with a military connection" She handed Deaton the list with a name circled in red highlighter.

"Who ?" You hadn't been able to tell which name she'd pointed to earlier.

"It's sitting right on his desk ... the West Point honour code" Lydia explained.

"Harris" You opened the door, gesturing for Lydia and Deaton to go before you.

Chemistry Classroom

You, Lydia, Stiles and Deaton closed the door to the room upon entry.

"This is just one of many possibilities. He could have simply left for the day ..." Deaton placed down the placque.

"Yeah, well, not without this ..." Stiles held up Mr Harris's laptop bag.

"What ?" Deaton noticed Stiles had picked up a test paper from the desk.

"This test is graded R" He observed.

"This one's an H ..." Lydia held another paper in the air.

"And this one's R too" You started to separate the small pile of test papers.

"Stiles, you remember I told you druid is the Gaelic word for wise oak ?" Deaton unscrambled the letter to form a word.

"Yeah ..." He nodded, examining the word that Deaton had formed with the graded test papers.

"If a druid went down the wrong path, the wise oak was sometimes said to have become dark oak. There's a Gaelic word for that aswell ... Darach" He read aloud from the set of reorganised papers.

Derek's Loft

Later that evening

"You kicked Isaac out and now you're kicking Cora out too ! That's not gonna protect them, Derek. It's just gonna put them in more danger" You argued with your elder cousin.

"No, it's not. Isaac's probably staying with Scott and Cora's staying with you. It's not permanent, Y/N. I know you can protect her better than I can" He hands you a spare key to his loft.

"How can I ? You're the Alpha, not me. I can't kill Ennis, Deucalion, Kali ... Hell, I can't even kill the twins in their merged form. She's worse off with me" You reminded him.

"I might be the Alpha. But today, Cora would've been safer at school with you, Allison, Scott and Isaac ... The Alpha's got in here and they almost killed her" He smashed the class in his hand.

"Derek, I'm not surprised. You're security system's useless. It doesn't tell you there a problem until said problem managed to break in. I'll call Argent. He can install a high tech security system for you" You took out your phone.

"He won't help me" He rested his hands on the metal table infront of him.

"But he'll help me" You go to call Chris, Cora's arrival catches you off guard, she already has her bag packed in her hand.

"Y/N, he's right. I wasn't safe here. I'll be safer at your apartment. Ennis could've killed me today" Cora handed you her bag.

"Maybe he could have but he didn't even leave scratch you" You pointed out.

"I know ... I don't feel safe. I need to be somewhere where I don't feel like I'm in constant danger" She reasoned.

"No one's safe anymore, Cora. There's a murderer running around using the threefold death. An Alpha Pack who's hell bent on killing all of us. And God known what else lurks in the shadows of Beacon Hills !" You exploded on the two of them.

"Wait, what murderer ?" Derek spoke up after two minutes of pure silence.

"The darach. It's essentially the word for a corrupted druid. They commit killings by ritualistic means. In groups of three. There's already been three virgins. And possibly three warriors, army veterans or trainee soldiers. And they're all killed in the same way. Strangled by a garrote, throat slashed and head bashed in. Did you guys not know ?" You enquire, they both shake their heads.

"I've never heard of it ... That's all the more reason for Cora to stay with you" Derek walked into his bedroom.

You sighed in defeat, holding your hand out for Cora to take.

"Come on. My apartments not that far from here" You guided her out of the loft, closing the sliding doors behind the two of you.

Y/N's Apartment

"So, this room's yours. I'm in the last room on the right if you need anything" You placed her bag on the bed inside her room.

"What happened to Beacon Hills ?" Cora sat cross legged on the unused bed.

"Too much for me to tell you tonight" You went to close the door but her hand gently wrapped around your wrist.

"Where are you going ?" She tightened her grip.

"My room. What's wrong, Cora ?" You sit down on the bed beside her.

"I just ... I can't believe you're alive" She takes your hands in hers.

"And I'm not going anywhere. Do you want me to stay in here, just for tonight" You smiled at her softly.

She nodded in response, you laid down, pulling her into your strong, protective hold.

"Night, Y/N" Cora's glad to have you back even if she won't admit it.

"Night, Cora" You hugged her tightly.

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