dream smp oneshotsssss 😎 PAR...

By dreamwastaken69420

3.6K 104 16

part 3 More

Oneshot No. 399 (662 Words)
Oneshot No. 400 (416 Words)
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32 0 0
By dreamwastaken69420

BTW Kylie Jenner is single in this ok...


If you thought I was famous before, you should see me now.

I face revealed, and it blew up. Massively. The post got 16 million likes on Instagram, the video announcement kind of thing got 28 million likes on tiktok, and the tweet got 4.5 million likes and 1 million retweets. Antis have become fans, and I've started seeing pictures of myself on the internet from paparazzi. I've had to get bodyguards and security. I even got three Rottweilers crossed with Doberman's and they all linger around the house in guard. I've started to be invited to things, and I've invited Nick and George as much as I can. They don't like coming along most of the time, they prefer to stay at home, but whenever I end up convincing them to come with me to an event, I drag them along. I'm getting massive brand deals, and just now I'm getting ready to go to a massive celebrity event. But it's only for A-listers, I don't know why I'm going. It's like a club, but the performers are singers. FAMOUS singers. Doja Cat, Ariana Grande, SZA, Nicki, and the people going are people like Kylie Jenner, Khloe Kardashian, Kim Kardashian, Miranda Kerr, just wildly famous people.

As I get out of the car outside the venue, I get out at the same time as Kylie Jenner, I'm stunned. She is gorgeous. Yes, obviously she's gorgeous, but she is just- gorgeous. Paparazzi swarms me, and Kylie, but one of them gets especially close to her. Starts touching her waist. Immediately, I cut through, and shove his hand off her.

"Watch it," I call out. Kylie looks up at me, and I usher her into the building as best as I can.

"Sorry," I say, looking at her.

Long, black hair. Deep dark brown eyes, complimented by long dark eyelashes and smooth tan skin.

This is what she's wearing.

She giggles, "No- no, it's fine, you get used to it. You'll have to get used to it. I'm Kylie, by the way."

I don't know why, but I laugh with her. She just has a contagious laugh.

"Yeah. Yeah, I know. I'm Clay." I say, stunned.

"Oh, trust me. I know." She looks me up and down with a grin. She winks at me, then pulls me inside the venue with her.

We sit down at a table whilst fucking Ariana Grande herself is performing 'Dance to This' with Troye Sivan. We got seated at a table with Doja Cat, Gigi Hadid, Kim Kardashian, Dalton Gomez, Ariana Grande and The Weeknd, Abel.

The tables are circular, and I'm facing Doja, who I've already met and honestly am good friends with. Kylie sits next to me. Ariana finishes ber performance, comes down to the table. She sits down next to her husband.

"Oh! Sorry for being so impolite- I'm Ariana, it's really nice to meet you, Clay," she says. She reaches her hand across the small table and shakes my hand, as if I don't know who she is.

"It's nice to meet you too," I say with a smile.

"I know you and Dalton are friends, yeah?" She chuckles.

"Oh, yeah." Dalton laughs. The table chuckles, and we just talk for a bit.

"Soo, what's going on here?" Kim teases, gesturing to me and Kylie. Gigi goes, "ooooh." Abel chuckles.

"Ohh- nothing yet," Kylie laughs. If I end up dating Kylie Jenner, I'll honestly feel unstopabble.


An hour or so has passed, everyones had a few drinks. Kylie and Dream went to a private room in the back a few minutes ago, and Amala (Doja) and I plan on going to sneak a peek and see what they're doing.

Drake is performing 'One Dance' as We make our way over, and the room isn't very private. It's just a roped off area, to be honest. It has a few curtains around it. We push the curtains out of the way, and see the two of them are fully making out. I'm absolutely thrilled to be honest. Amala and I squeal like little kids, but it brings over a few paparazzi.

Quickly, we run, but paparazzi manage to snap a few pictures. Dream just flips them off whilst Kylie and him keep making out.


I wake up in my bed, Clay sitting on the edge of the bed putting his shirt back on. He glances over his shoulder at me.

"We need to do that more often," I huff, laying back in bed. Clay chuckles lightly. "I have to warn you though, my family is gonna be downstairs."

"Would they... care that I'm here?" He asks, hesitantly.

"Pfft. My nieces and nephews adore you. Especially North. Kim will probably ask for a picture with you," I say, getting up. In my underwear and a bra, and although I'd love to get back into bed with Clay, I have to get dressed. I don't plan on doing anything today, so I don't put on any makeup, and just put on sweats and a crop top.

Holding Clay's hand, I walk down the stairs. My mom, Khloe, Kourtney, Kim and Kendall are there. I really hope they don't scare Clay off.

"Familiar face," Kim teases.

"Hey," Clay says casually. He kind of fits right in.

They all talk, and they get along with him really well. Then, we hear a phone ring, and realise it's Clay's.

"I'll be right back, so sorry," he says, taking the call outside in the garden.

"So," Kourtney says. "Are you guys dating?"

"Yeah, tell us!" Mom exclaims.

"I- i dont know, it all happened last night. But he's so fucking cute. I really, really, really like him. I think he feels the same way, but I'm way too nervous to say anything," I say.

I look at him outside. The dimples in his smile, and his perfect smile in general. The way the sun hits his hair, the freckles speckled on the bridge of his nose. His tanned skin, that's so soft against my fingertips. And his voice. Ohh, my god, his voice. It's like honey for your ears. So sweet, so warm, so cute.

"When he leaves, give him a goodbye kiss!" Khloe exclaims.

"I don't think she wants him to leave," Kendall laughs.

"I dont!" I say.

"Look, Kylie. You really like this guy? You gotta let him know. Guys don't just realise stuff. They aren't very smart," Kim says.

"Kim is right. On both parts," Mom nods. Kourtney, Khloe and Kendall hum in agreement.

Clay comes back inside.

"Hey, guys, I'm really sorry, but I have to go. My little brother has a soccer game I promised I'd go to, I lost track of time, I'm so sorry," he apologises.

"Don't even worry about it! Im sure we'll see you tonight," Kendall grins.

Kim giggles to herself, looking over at Kendall.

"Family first," Kris says.

"I'll see you tonight," he says to me. I immediately smile. I feel my cheeks blush.

He puts his hand on my waist, and leans down and kisses me, sweetly. It's not too much, but I want more! I instantly kiss him back.

"Bye, Kylie," he says. His hands glide off me, and he's out the door with his keys and his wallet in his hands.

"Shit. His number," I whisper to myself.

"Ahem," Kourtney says. She walks over and pulls a piece of paper out of the waistband of my sweats. His number, with a love heart.


I told her I have to go to my brothers soccer game, except there IS no soccer game. I'm going straight home to freak out in my bedroom, because I'm dating Kylie fucking Jenner.

I walk in the house, and slam the door.

"Guys. I'm dating Kylie Jenner." I say to Nick and George who are sitting on the lounge.

George scoffs, "yeah right."

"Your hot, but you're not Kylie Jenner-dating level hot," Nick laughs.

"No, really," I say.

"We'll look it up," George says. 20 seconds later, his jaw drops. "Oh my god. He actually is. He's dating Kylie Jenner."

"Get fucked!"

A bit later, it's about 2:30pm.

I get a call from a random number. I gasp.

"Guys, this could be Kylie," I say to George and Nick. I get up off the couch and answer.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey," her familiar voice says. Instantly, i light up.

"Hey Kylie! What's up?"

"Are you busy tonight?" she says.

"I was gonna come over," I say.

"My stylist wants to meet you. It's everywhere on the internet that we're together, and im getting tons of messages and emails from my team that you're being invited to shit with me now. Billboard music awards is in a week, you just got invited," she says so casually.

"Oh, shit," I say.

"Is that a good 'oh shit' or a bad 'oh shit'?"

"No, no, it's good! I'll go with you," i say. "When do you want me over?"



Clay and my stylist, Ahna, have been planning some stuff for a little bit over 2 hours now. I've been helping them out, and we have a nice suit planned for the Billboard Awards.

Clay tries it on, and fuck, he looks good. A Christian Dior suit, sent specially today for him. $12,450 suit. The shoes with it are also Dior, and cost north of $2,000.

"This is the one," Ahna says.

"Do I have to pay for this?" Clay asks, coming up behind the chair I'm sitting in and playing with my hair.

"No, hon." Ahna laughs. "YOU get paid for it."

"Really?... how much?" He asks hesitantly.

"I think just north of $45,000. Pretty good for your first deal." Ahna says.

"Holy shit," He says. "What if I damage it?"

"They won't charge you. They won't care. You wore their brand, that's good for them." I say. I get up and get Ahna to help choose my outfit.

5 days later, Clay and I are in the car going home from the awards. We're broth pretty tipsy, and we're in a random cab going home. I look over at him and instantly giggle and smile, and I cup the cheek of his face and kiss him. We're just laughing for some reason.

He puts one of his hands on my waist, the other a little bit lower.

The next morning, he's in my bed. I know. Shocking!

5 months later, I'm at Clays house whilst he's getting me some food.

I'm on his computer and see a notification that George and Nick are in a call. I fuckin love George and Nick, they're so sweet and they made me feel so welcome.

I join the call, and they're talking about a game and saying something about a chat?

"Dream?" George says. Why is he using his fake name off stream?

Oh shit.

He's on stream.

"Oh- hi," I say, giggling. "It's me."

"Ohh, Kylie! We're live, right now, by the way," Nick says.

"Do you wanna turn your face cam on? You can come join us," George says.

"Okay," I say, pressing the camera button. Now I can see George and Nicks face too. I wave at them. George laughs and waves back. He's in the UK right now for his sisters Birthday, but his trip for csncelled, so now he has an extr four days over there.

"Okay, Kylie, we're about to play-"

"Hey," Clay says from behind me, walking into the office.

"Oh, hi hon," I say.

"Wh- are you live right now?" He laughs.

"I'm on George's one," I say proudly. "Look, I did the camera- like, I put it on myself."

Clay walks over, puts the bag of food beside the chair. He puts his head on my shoulder and kisses my neck a few times quickly, because he knows it tickles and makes me laugh. He smiles when I pull away and laugh.

"So, what are we doing tonight?" he asks whilst I turn the volume down.

"We're going to that gala," I say, turning to look at him.

"Oh, yes, Ahna was actually saying something about that to me. She's got you sorted, you're wearing Dolce and Gabana. She's still figuring out mine, but I gotta go pick up North from Kourts house and drop her off at Kim's. Kourtney is sooo sick," he says.

"I know!" I exclaim. "She tested negative, though, thank god."

"Yeah, lucky, huh? Well I'll head off now, but I'll call you when Ahna picks something out for me and I'll let you know. Oh- shit, I almost forgot- Kim has to come to the gala with us, her driver is out of town for his kids birthday," he says.

"Okay, that's all fine," I smile. He kisses me, then kisses the top of my hair.

"I love you," he says, putting the food on the table.

"I love you more," I smile, watching him leave.

I turn back to the computer, and George is fake-gagging.

"Shut up, George!" I laugh. "You're jealous. Go find a girlfriend, Kay?? Then I'll make fun of you!"

"Kylie, c'mon now, you know George cant pull," Nick teases.

"Fuck you both."


It's been 4 years since Kylie and Dream started going out, and he proposed to her a year ago. They got married 4 months ago. The cutest, most memorable proposal . They went on a helicopter over L.A. at the sunset, and Dream had 'KYLIE' written in the sand. She loved it, but thought that was it. They went to a second beach and it said 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?' when they landed. And when Kylie turned around, Dream was on one knee.

The ring he bought her was just north of 1.4 million dollars. It had her grandpa and her grandmas pearl that they both wore on them at all times, and had his own pearl Kylie and him bought in Hawaii. The ring itself is made out of pure diamond.

And better than that?

Kylie's 8 months pregnant with a baby.

Kylie walks in the house with Dream, hand on her stomach. They don't wanna know the gender yet, so they've gotten baby clothes for a boy or a girl, but the clothes they've gotten could really suit either. They have a massive nursery in both houses, everything is all set up and early.

"Godd, my back hurts," she complains. Dream puts multiple bags down on the counter.

"What did you get?" I ask. Dream pulls out something from a Louis Vuitton bag.

A teeny little custom made onesie.

"Everything in here is even more baby clothes, as if we don't have enough. he says. "I'm so tired. I need to go to bed. Are you coming, Kyls?" Dream says.

"Yeah," she huffs, getting up. Dream quickly helps her to the elevator, and then they go to bed.

"God, I need what they have," I say.

"A baby?!?" Nick exclaims.

"No! Idiot! A date!" I huff, walking upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Nick asks.

"I think I left my phone in their room from earlier, I'll be back in like five seconds."

I open their door, and as soon as I do, kylie almost bumps into me.

"George!" She exclaims, putting her hand on my chest.

"Oh my god, you scared the shit out of me," I sigh, panting.

"You scared me!" She accuses. "If you need to talk to Clay, he's in the shower," she says, moving out of the way so I can walk in.

"No, no, no, I don't, I just think I left my phone in here," I say, looking around.

"I'll call it," Kylie says. The shower in the ensuite stops, and a second later, Dream walks out, sweats on and his hair is a bit damp. He puts his top on as he walks out.

"I'm calling it," Kylie says.

"What are we looking for-"

"Shh," I hush Dream, listening.

"I can't hear it," Kylie says. Dream turns back into the shower, walks back out with my phone.

"Your phones on silent. Idiot," he says.

"Shut up," I mock. I'm about to leave, when I turn back around. Kylie walks into the bathroom, but freezes. "Wait, Kylie, when are you due again?"


I look at Dream.

"What." He says.

"My water just broke."

Four hours or so minutes later, I'm in the hospital lobby. Kylie's mom, Kris, is in the hospital room with Dream, and I'm in the waiting room with Kim, Khloe  and Nick. Kourtney unfortunately is in England right now.

"How longs it been now?" I complain, hands on my face.

"Almost five hours," Khloe huffs.

"Child birth is a long process, George. It can go till, like, 12 hours," Kim says.

"Take a nap if you're tired," Nick says.

"I'm not tired, I'm just impatient," I say.

"Ohh, George. We know," Khloe smiles sarcastically. I smile, sarcastically, bsck. She chuckles.

The door to the hospital room opens, and Dream walks out. He looks EXHAUSTED. Immediately, he slumps into one of the seats, says nothing.

"Well?!" Kim eagerly asks.

"It's a girl!"

A year and a bit later, Dream comes out of Grace's room with Kylie after putting Gracie to sleep. Dream looks pretty pleased, since Grace has been sleeping flawlessly. No complaints, doesn't cry when they wake her up. Kylie doesn't look as happy.

"What's wrong?" I ask, pausing the TV. It's about 7:30.

"Gracie said her first words!" Dream exclaims.

"And Kylie is mad about that because...?" Nick continues.

"She said dad, not mom. Nothing even close to mom! Just dad, over and over!"

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