Oneshot No. 449 (1547 Words)

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And just like that, Dream lost control off the car and we crashed.

We're on a bridge and it's snowy and dark right now. There's no one for miles, no reception, nothing. And we just toppled over multiple times and crashed.

I'm the first one outc of the crash, and I can immediately smell smoke and fire. George crawls out from the car.

"Where the hell is Dream?" George asks, a bit of his head bleeding. We both realise he's still in the car, but we pull him out from the drivers seat a few seconds before the car just explodes right there. It breaks off more than half of the bridge. Now we're really stranded.

"Dream, c'mon, wake up, man," I say, shaking him a little. He's breathing, and he has a pulse, but he's not waking up.

"I'll try wake him, look for any head injuries." George says. "Also Check if you have any injuries."

"I think I'm fine. My arm hurts, but that's it," I say. I'm rolling up his sleeves to see if there's any bad wounds on his arms, and I don't think there is.

"Lift the bottom of his shirt," George says, taking a second to sit down and sit back for a bit.

I do, and there's a big gash on his stomach. The blood starts to pour out, but it's not too much.

"Fuck," I mutter. "Call 911," I tell George.

"I already tried, there's no reception. There's nothing out here," he says. "Fuck, it's cold," he says, shivering a bit.

"Edge a little closer to the fire," I tell him. He does, and rubs his hands together, occasionally blowing air into between them.

George helps me move Dream closer to the fire to warm him up, and we sit there for what feels like 6 hours.

"How longs it been?" I ask.

George checks his phone. "4 hours."

"The fires going out, George. We have to do something," I say.

"Yeah, well, in case you didn't notice, not one of us knows where the fuck we are. Dream could wake up in a few seconds, or wake up in a year. Don't look at me like I know what to do, because I know just as much as you do."

"Calm down, I wasn't attacking you. I'm just saying we should do something, like go look around and see what's around. We can use your phone as a light."

"My phone is gonna die. It's on 16% right now," he says.

"See of Dream has his," I say. George checks his pockets whilst the fire completely goes out.

"Shit, it's dark," George mutters. "He doesn't have it on him. It was probably in the car."

"I left mine in the car, too. But- like, surely someone will notice we're missing."

"And then what? They're gonna drive a million hours around everywhere to go find us? We're not even near Florida right now. We're in the middle of no where. I don't even know what state we're in right now, but it's not near Florida. It's snowing."

Suddenly, Dream starts coughing lightly, and wakes up.

"Oh, thank fuck," I say, kneeling down next to him.

"Hey, Dream, are you up?" George says. Dream blinks a few times, tries to sit up, but grimaces and bares his teeth.

"Fuck, my stomach," he complains, laying back down.

"What else hurts-"

"Where the fuck are we?" He says, looking around a little. He lifts the bottom of his shirt and almost throws up.

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