Oneshot No. 474 (1269 Words)

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I'm scrambling into the front seat of the car, jumping through from the back because Dream got pulled over and he's been drinking tonight.

As soon as I put my seat belt on, George throws Dream into the back.

"Fuck! Ow, George!" He shouts at him. He hits him lightly, and Dream lays down on the back seat. His head is bleeding a little bit somehow, and he kinda just passes out in the back.

The officer knocks on my window, and I roll it down.

"Hi, is there a problem?" I ask casually.

"Yes, actually. You were a good 15 miles over the limit back there, and you're swerving. Have you been drinking tonight?" He asks.

"No, I haven't. I'm just in a rush to get home," I tell him.

"And why's that?"

"Um, my friend, in the back, he's just come from a party. We're trying to get him home before his- uh- his parents- his parents notice he's missing," I randomly make up.

"His parents? Fella looks about 30." The cop says.

"He's 22. He's not meant to be drinking, though," I stammer.

"Why?" The cop asks.

"You ask a lot of questions," George mumbles, thank god the cop doesn't hear him.

"He's a... recovering alcoholic?" I say, stuttering.

The cop looks very suspicious. He shines the flashlight around the car, and then turns the light off. He made me do a breath test, and when it came back clean, he wrote up two fines. One for reckless driving, one for speeding. They weren't too expensive.

"Is this your car?" He asks me.

"Yes," I lie.

"Can you show me some ID?"


"Uh, yeah," I scramble to pull out my wallet and hand him my Id. He types something into a police force phone.

"This car is registered under a Clay Cooper." The cop says. "I'll give you one time to fess up, or you'll all come down to the station with me. What's actually going on here?"

I was scared shitless, so I told him.

"Why the fuck would you rat us out?" George mumbles to me whilst we're both in the holding cell. Dream is in the sobering cell, and because none of us can pay his bail because we're all locked up and don't have money on us, it looks like he'll be going to jail for a DUI. It's only a 20 day sentence, but he also gets a strike and has to go to court to receive a fine. He's gonna be so mad at me.

"I'm sorry," I say to George. "He would've figured it out himself, and we were getting fined either way-"

"No, Nick." George stands up and raises his voice. We're the only ones in the holding cell right now.

"There's no us. It's only Dream in trouble. He's going to jail, get a strike , and go to court, because you couldn't fucking say 'oh yeah, I meant I'm just driving his car right now,' and we would've been home asleep by now. But no. Because you were such a pussy, we're in a holding cell being processed and our friends going to prison. Thank you, seriously, thank you so much for the night so far." He sits baxk down and looks around.

Five minutes later, a cop buzzed the door open and has Dream in handcuffs. Dude. He looks fucked. His eyes are red, he's sleepy, he's tired, he's totally wasted.

"You keep insisting your sober? Then you can sit in here instead of the nicer holding cell. Idiot," the cop mutters. He throws Dream in, even though he's still cuffed with his hands in front of him.

"Once you admit you can't pay bail, we'll send you upstairs to the jail. You've got 2 hours left to decide." He closes the door and Dream genuinely just slumps down onto the ground.

"Are you okay-"

"Fuck you, Nick," he cuts me off. He puts his hesd down because he genuinely can't keep it up, and groans.

"I'm going to prison because of you," he says.

"Okay, look, we would've all been in more trouble if I hadn't fessed up," I say to them.

"Dude, just stop talking. Actually shut up," George says to me.

"Okay. That's it. Press the intercom button, I'm going up," dream says. George presses it and a cop comes in.

"I'm going upstairs." Dream says to him. The cop shrugs and grabs him. He helps him up, and takes him outside the cell.


I wake up to a knock on my cell door. It's another inmate. It's about 11am.

"Hello?" I say, trying to stand up. My head is pounding but I manage to walk over to the door. There's a small glass panel, so I can see through, but my door isn't popped.

"Hey, you've been asleep all day. What are you in here for, if you don't mind me asking?" Some guy says. I realise I'm somehow in my prison clothes already, i must of gotten changed whilst I was drunk last night and don't remmeber.

"I don't even know. A dui, I think. I was speeding and swerving and I got pulled over. My friend tried to lie about it and now we're all in shit, but I'm the only that went to prison. I'm only in here for 20 days, though." I say. He nods.

"Oh. Well, if you need anything, you can come talk to me. I'm Jayden, what's your name?" He says.

"Clay." I answer.

"If you press that intercom button you can ask the guards to pop your door," he says.

I do what he says, and sure enough, the door opens. I look around. It's a grubby place with scary looking people. I shouldn't be here.

"Uh, so what are you in here for?" I ask. He takes me downstairs whilst I have an alarming amount of eyes on me, and he walks me to the chow station.

"I was in a home invasion. Two people got murdered and I was the getaway driver. I didn't shoot anyone, but I still hate myself for being there," he tells me.

The guards serve disgusting food to me, so as Jayden keeps walking around showing me around I place it down somewhere random and leave it. He finishes showing me around, when someone taps me on my back. I turn around and look at him.

A big, buff, burly guy. He has a tear drop tattoo- 3 of them. 2 on the left, 1 on the right.

"Whos this?" He says to Jayden.

"Oh, this is Clay. He's only here for 20 days, DUI."

"Shame," the guy says, looking me up and down. We're at eye level, but he's a bit taller than me.

"Why's that?" Jayden asks. I try to stay quiet.

"He just looks like he could be on my team, that's all." The guy walks away. Jayden looks a bit shocked.

"A- is that bad? Should I be scared?" I ask him, panicking.

"No, no, that's- that's amazing. That guy is Holder, he's this really tough guy. In here for 3 attempted murder charges, 3 homicide charges. He's crazy. Everyone is terrified of him. Teams are like groups in here, like cliques, and I guess he took a liking to you. He could be a really useful person to you on the outside, if he wasn't here for life. But you still got everyone on his team that's getting out- they'll like you too, and if you ever need some dirty work done... you'll know where to go."

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