The wolf protector. (A Bella...

By crazychick94

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Bella is a werewolf. She was apart of Sam's pack until she ran away after giving birth to the alpha's baby. B... More

Chapter 1:- Meeting the Protector.
Chapter 2:- Memory.
Chapter 3:- Shopping Spree
Chapter 4:- The attack
Chapter 5:- The Court.
Chapter 6:- Bella finding out who she really is.
Chapter 7:- Hurt, Angry and Confused.
Chapter 8:- Memories.
Chapter 10:- Hunting Trip.
Chapter 11:- Bonding Time
Chapter 12:- The Plan
Chapter 13:- Revealing The True To Billy
Chapter 14:- La Push
Chapter 15:- Healing
Chapter 16:- Moving Out
Chapter 17:- Forks High School
Chapter 18:- Girls Night.
Chapter 19:- Kidnapped
Chapter 20:- School
Chapter 21:- Healing Up
Chapter 22:- Realising
Chapter 23:- Becoming Stronger
Chapter 24:- Broken
Chapter 25:- Dealing
Chapter 26:- Argument
Chapter 27:- Resting
Chapter 28:- Becoming Alpha
Chapter 29:- New Day With New Alpha
Author's Note
Chapter 30:- A New Izzy
Chapter 31:- Who Are You
Chapter 32:- First Date
Chapter 33:- What Happened?
Chapter 34:- Vengeance
Chapter 35:- Can't Cope
Chapter 36:- I Don't Know Who You Are
Chapter 37:- Hurting Leah
Chapter 38:- The Fall Out
Chapter 39:- Back At School
Chapter 40:- New Girl
Chapter 41:- New Family
Chapter 42:- Making Friends
Author's Note.
Chapter 43:- The Dance
Chapter 44:- Fighting The Newborn Army

Chapter 9:- I Love You.

73 4 0
By crazychick94

Jasper's P.O.V

I'm sat on the chair by the side of the bed, I start to feel Izzy moving. I think she's coming round.

"Izzy, can you hear me?" I ask her quietly trying not to scare her.

She starts to move again. "Can you open your eyes?" I ask her.

I see Izzy slowly open her eyes and look at me. Jade is sleeping on the bed next to her.

"Izzy, are you ok?" I ask.

I see Izzy open her mouth but nothing comes out as she's got a tube down the throat helping her breath. I'm so glad she's awake.

"Carlisle, Izzy is awake." I say, so Carlisle can come and check on her.

A few seconds later somebody comes up the stairs and through the door. Carlisle and Esme come walking into the bedroom.

"Hello, it's nice to see your awake. I'm going to ask you to do stuff and I want you to do them ok." Carlisle says.

Carlisle pulls the quilt up Izzy's legs and puts his hands at the bottom of my feet. "Can you push against my hands please?" Carlisle asks.

I see Izzy slowly push her feet into his hands. "Good. Now can you squeeze my hands as tight as you can please?" Carlisle asks walking over to hold Izzy's hand.

I see Izzy hand tense a little bit but not as much as she could do.

"Good. Your not at your full strength yet but you will be in the next few days. I'll remove the tube so you can talk. Esme has also made you some food." Carlisle says walking to the head of the bed. He starts to pull the tube from her mouth and she starts to choke a little.
"How do you feel?" Carlisle asks her.

"Ok. I'm a little sore but I'll be ok." Izzy responds.

"Esme will bring you up some food. You need to eat it to get stronger." Carlisle says.

Izzy nods her head at him. Carlisle and Esme leave the room and walk down the stairs. "Leah, Jake and Seth are down stairs. Sue has gone to work but she said she will be back after work to check on you. Izzy, why did you do it? Why did you go to La Push? Why did you try to kill yourself?" I ask her. I don't understand why she did it. Does she not love me anymore? I know she keeps getting confused but she always remembers eventually.

"I'm broken Jasper. I've had enough of hurting. I've had enough of all of the pain. Surly you have seen what Sam did to me? Surly everyone has told you? They have all seen it. How could you love me and want to be with me now I'm marked as belonging to Sam? I can't be here anymore. I can't looking over my shoulder. I can't keep putting you and your family in danger. I'm dangerous. I nearly killed people. I'm unstable. I can't be with you when all your going to do is pity me. I'm the girl everyone is going to know as being branded as somebody's imprint when I'm not and as the girl who is always abused and nobody wants." Izzy says.

"I don't care what Sam has done to your body. I know your not Sam's and everyone in this house knows your not Sam's as well. We will get through this as a family Izzy. I love you and Jade so much. You are my family. Carlisle and Esme see you as a daughter and Jade as a granddaughter. Edward, Rose and Emmett see you as a sister and Jade as a niece. You have a family here who want you Izzy and love you." I say.

"But we ain't going to be able to mark each other, we can't show everyone how much we care for each other. We can't show we are dedicated to each other and that we want to spend the rest of our lives with each other. How can you be ok with that? We can't get married. We will have to live in sin. We will never be able to do stuff that a married couple can do." Izzy says, I can see she's getting a little angry.

"We will be able to do that. Ok. Maybe I can't mark you but you can mark me. We don't need to be marked with each other to show everyone how we feel. We can still get married and live together forever. We won't need to live in sin. I know how much you love me and my family and Leah, Seth and Sue know how much I love you and you love me. That's all that matters." I say.

"Not to me it isn't. I can't marry somebody who I haven't marked. It's wolf law. I can't live in sin otherwise my soul won't carry on into the wolf afterlife. We both have to be marked. It's my law. That's the only law I will never break. That's the main law. I don't care that I have broken the other laws butt this one I can't break." Izzy say.

"We will sort something out Izzy. We will have it all. Can I ask though why is that law so important?" I ask her.
I don't understand why that law is so important when the rest wasn't.

"It's bad if we don't do it properly. My mother and father fell in love but my mother wasn't Charlie's imprint and wasn't marked when they got married. But they still did get married and look what happened. My mother left with me and my sister because she didn't like how Charlie had become because his heart wasn't hers entirely. My sister died and my abandoned me, Charlie abuses me. If my mother was his imprint they wouldn't have split up, my sister would still be alive and my dad wouldn't be able to abuse me. Then look at Sue and Harry, Sue wasn't Harry's imprint and he ended up dying. Now look at Billy Black and Sarah Black, they didn't live in sin. Sarah was Billy's imprint. Billy was Sarah's soul mate. They have 3 kids that are still all ok. The only reason Billy is alone is because a vampire killed Sarah. That's the only way somebody can lose there real other half. If they get murdered. Do you see what I mean? It's a shock that Jade is here. She may not always be. Me and Sam have had Jade out of the law and she might have to pay for that." Izzy says.

"But we are soul mates. We just can't mark that and make it official." I say. I don't understand what could go wrong when we are soul mates.

"Exactly, we can't make it official so we get married or have a child it's in sin and we could lose it or our lives. I don't want to risk that. There is nothing we can do. We can't be together. Not officially anyways. We can't love together or have a family." Izzy says.

Just then there is a knock on the door. "Come in." Izzy says.

Esme opens the door and comes in with a plate of food. "Esme, how long was I out?" Izzy asks her.

"You've been out for days." Esme says, sitting the plate of food on the bed for Izzy. "Let me know when you have finished eating. Jake, Leah, Seth and Sue want to see you. They are downstairs." Esme says walking out the door.

"Izzy, I want to marry you and I want to live the rest of my life with you. We won't lose anything, I promise you that. We are soul mates and just because I can't mark you doesn't mean we shouldn't get married and be together officially. We just wouldn't be able to start a family as I'm a vampire." I say.
I want to marry her I want to be with her for the rest of my life. I love her so much.

"Actually we could start a family. A male vampire can get a human or wolf pregnant, it's just that a female vampire can't have children." Izzy says.

"So let's get married and have a family. We shouldn't let what Sam has done to you stop us from living our life." I say.
I want to start a family with Izzy. I could be a dad to our child. Izzy could carry my child.

"We can't what Sam has done will stop us from doing all that. I can't do any of it as I'm marked by another man and I can't mark you." Izzy says to me.

I don't understand what she means. Why can't she mark me?

"What do you mean you can't mark me?" I ask.

"You don't know much about werewolves and imprinting do you. You must not know much about vampires and mating either as that's the same. Alice didn't mark you or let you mark her because if you did she wouldn't be able to mark her real mate or her real mate wouldn't be able to mark her. If you and Alice had marked each other you would of belonged to each other but wouldn't at the same time. It's hard for me to explain. Basically, you are my real imprint who I have feelings for and who I can't live without but because I'm marked to Sam I'm classed as his fake imprint and can't properly imprint on anybody else. I feel the imprint bond to you but Sam feels it for me more than Emily who is his real imprint. If I was to mark Sam his bond would break with Emily even though he's marked her and my bond would break with you and I'd be officially his imprint. It's confusing for me to explain." Izzy says.

"So basically your saying that we can't officially be bonded and we have to watch out for Sam as that's the only way for him to get you and Jade back?" I ask.

"Yes." Izzy say.
I open my mouth to say something but somebody knocks on the door.

I open the door and Sue, Seth, Leah and Jake walk through the door.

"I'll leave you alone for a while to talk to your family. I'm going for a walk anyways to clean my mind." I say, walking out the door.

"Jasper, wait please." Izzy says, but I doesn't listen.

I walk down the stairs and straight out the back door, I don't understand how this can be happening.

I've found my mate and she's imprinted on me and I can't even mark her, marry her or anything. How is this fair? Why has this happened? It's all Sam's fault? Why did I deserve this? Why does Izzy deserve this?

I wish I knew her before any of this happened. I wish I could of stopped it from happening. It's my fault. Somehow this is my fault. It's my punishment. A punishment for what I don't actually know but it must be.

I walk far enough away from the house that I can't feel anyone's emotions and know that they can't here me or Edward can't read my mind. I find a fallen down tree to sit at for a while. I need to be alone and think when I can do now. How I can fix this.

"Jasper?" I hear Edward ask. He must of followed me here.

"Yeah." I reply.

"Can I sit?" Edward asks.

"Sure." I reply. It would be nice to have my own company but most of the time Edward does come in handy and help me out. He might know what I can do.

"What's up?" Edward asks me.

"Izzy just told me some stuff that I've gotta try and work out." I say, don't wanna say to much.

"Maybe I cna help with that?" Edward asks.

"Maybe. Izzy has told me that now she's been marked by Sam, we can't officially be together and that she's branded as Sam's and if anybody who knows Sam sees her they are gonna think she is cheating on him with me. She can't mark me, we can't live together, we can't get married, we can't start a family, we can't do what normal couples would do. I want to get married and settle down and have a family." I say to him.

"Why can't she mark you? Why can't you get married and have a family?" Edward asks.

"It's basically a wolf law. The only law she will not break. It's bad luck. Bad things happen if you do it in sin. And she doesn't want to. She doesn't want to be here where she has to be worried of Sam." I say to him.

"I know what law she means and I also know what could happen but it shouldn't happen to you as your both soul mates, you've mated with her and she's imprinted on you. Nothing can change that." Edward says.

"That's the problem it can, now that Sam has marked Izzy she can't feel the bond to me as strongly as she did, just like Sam can't feel it as strongly for Emily either but if Sam makes Izzy mark him, he will lose his bond to Emily and Izzy will lose her tie to me." I say.

"That won't happen. Izzy isn't going to mark him, I'm sure she would rather die that lose you. She loves you so much Jazz and I know you love her. It shouldn't matter whether you can get married or not. As long as you love each other nothing really can break that. As long as you fight as hard as she is." Edward says.

"What if it isn't enough? What if Sam gets to her and she marks him? Maybe she may think it's easier. Maybe she would think he wouldn't be able to abuse her anymore if they were both marked." I ask to him.

"Jasper you can't think like that. You need to be strong for Izzy. Just think what she has done for you so far. Yes ok maybe she's been hurt in the process but look what she's done. Maybe some of it was stupid as well but it was for you." Edward says to me.

"I'm not sure. She's planning on leaving me. She's planning on taking Jade and going away. So she doesn't have to loon over her shoulder anymore. Somewhere she thinks she will be safe from him." I say.

"She may be thinking that but she wouldn't go. She couldn't leave you." Edward says.

"Your right. All that matters is that we love each other and would do anything for each other. I don't care what he as done to her and I don't care what he could do. It hasn't made me love her any less or not want to be with her. She's still my Izzy. I need to be strong so she will be strong because she is. She's the strongest woman I know." I say.

I need to tell her. I need to tell her that what Sam has done hasn't made me love her any less. I love her more if anything.

"Go and tell her Jasper. Go and talk to your girl." Edward says.

I run back to the house and slow down when I get to the front door. Seth and Sue are walking through the door. "Goodbye Jasper. Please look after my girl." Sue says as she walks to Seth's car.

I wave bye and walk into the house. I see Rose sitting on the floor with Jade.

"Sue brought her down, she was crying and Sue could see that Izzy wasn't in the best place. Do you want her?" Rose asks.

"No it's ok. I'm going to talk to Izzy. I may have upset her." I say.

I walk up the stairs and walk into my bedroom. Izzy is laying on the bed with her eyes closed. She's not even touched her food.

"Izzy are you awake?" I ask quietly.

"Jasper, oh Jasper. I thought you had left me." Izzy says.

"No, I just had to think on my own for a little bit. Izzy I've been out for 2 hours and you haven't ate your food yet. You need to eat so you can heal." I say to her.

"I can't eat it. I've tried and I can't." Izzy says.

"Why can't you? Have you told anybody?" I ask her.

"I don't know why I can't eat it and no I haven't." Izzy replies.

"Can you try again please?" I ask her.

Izzy doesn't reply she just starts crying. I walk over to the bed and lay down and put my arm around her.

"Izzy why are you crying?" I ask her.

"Jasper, I don't know what is wrong with me. I can't eat it. I can't do it." Izzy says.

"Why can't you? There must be a reason?" I ask.

"There is a reason, there is 2 reasons. I can't reach the plate as I can't sit up properly as it hurts." Izzy says.

"What's the other reason?" I ask her.

"I can't hold the fork." Izzy whispers.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"Look." Izzy says and tries to get the fork.

Izzy cna hardly move her arm and hand and she can't use her hand properly.

"I'll get Carlisle." I say, getting off the bed. I go to the door and walk down the stairs. I find Carlisle in the dining room reading a book and playing chess with Edward.

"Carlisle, Izzy has a problem." I say to him.

"What is it? Is she ok?" Carlisle asks.

"She's not ate her food because she can't sit up properly on her own and also she can't move her arm or use her hand properly." I tell him.

"Let me go and see." Carlisle says putting his book down and getting up.

I follow him up the stairs to my bedroom. He knocks on the door and walks in. I walk to Izzy and sit on the chair.

"Izzy, can you sit up for me please?" Carlisle asks her.

Izzy tries to move her arms to help push her up but she can't, she tries to bum shuffle up the bed but that doesn't work either.

"Izzy, try grabbing your fork." Carlisle says.

Izzy tries to get her fork with her right hand but she can't get a grip on the fork.

"Izzy you will be ok. It's just because you lost loads of blood and you haven't got your strength back yet. When you need to move ask somebody ok and we will help you until you can do it yourself and somebody will have to help you eat for now also." Carlisle says.

"Ok thank you." Izzy says.

Carlisle walks out the room and Izzy tries to sit up again. I help her sit up in the bed and I sort out the pillows. I grab the fork and start feeding Izzy the mash potato and beans.

After about 45 mins Izzy finishes eating, we sit in silence.

"Izzy, I don't care what Sam has done to your body. I still love you and I want to be with you however we can." I say to her.

"I love you to and I want to be with you. I can't let what Sam has done to me ruin that. While we are in this house we can act like a couple and when we are outside as long as we're not near anybody who knows Sam. The only thing is when I'm all healed I'll have to move out as we can't be living together." Izzy says.

"Ok. That's not going to be for a while is it?" I ask.

"No." Izzy simply replies.

We go back to not talking just cuddling. I'm so content here in Izzy's arms. I love being this close to Izzy.

"Jasper, would you ask somebody to help me have a bath please and use the toilet. Well ask something to help me walk to the toilet. I can use it myself." Izzy says.

"Of course." I say, getting off the bed and heading to the door. I walk out the door and see Rose at on the sofa.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Carlisle and Esme have just gone for a walk around the house, they have stayed in ear shot just incase Izzy need them. Edward, Alice and Emmett have gone hunting and Leah and Jake have popped to La Push so Jake can talk to Billy." Rose says.

"Ok. That means I'll ask you. Would you mind helping Izzy to the toilet and for a bath please?" I ask her.

"I don't mind. You watch Jade." Rose says getting up off the sofa and going to the bedroom.

"Daddy can you still hear me?" Jade asks in my head.

I don't think I'll be able to get sued to this. A child calling me daddy and a child talking to me in my mind.

"Yes I can still hear you." I say back in my mind.

"Is mummy ok? Are we staying with you and your family now? We're not leaving you are we?" Jade asks.

"Of course not. Your staying here with me and our family." I reply to her.

"When Aunt Rose comes back downstairs cna we go back up to mummy please?" Jade asks

"Yes we can." I reply.

I pick Jade up and put her on my lap while we watch some kids tv. I can hear Izzy and Rose upstairs.

"Izzy are you sure your ok?" Rose asks Izzy.

"Yes I'm fine why?" Izzy asks.

"I can hear you being sick." Rose says.

"Yes I'm ok. I was a little sick. Maybe it's all the alcohol leaving my system." Izzy says.

"Maybe." Rose says, not believeing her.

"Rose, what's up?" I ask her, quietly so Izzy doesn't hear. I know Izzy has good hearing but it's not as good as ours whole she's in human form.

"She's being sick and I don't believe it's just the alcohol. I believe it's something else." Rose says.

"Like what? Do you think she's sick?" I ask her.

"Not sick as in sickness sick. Leah mentioned to me before that when the abuse first started from Sam Izzy started starving herself and when she did eat she would make herself sick. I believe she is doing that again." Rose says.

"How will we know if she is?" I ask.

"We will need to keep our eyes on her." Rose says.

"Ok, well I'm not leaving her side for the time being so I'll keep my eye on her." I say.

"When Leah next comes round I'll ask her more about it so we can find out the signs." Rose says.

I stop talking to her as I hear the bathroom door open very slowly.

"Izzy are you ok? You look very pale." I hear Rose say worriedly.

"Rose, I don't feel............" I hear Izzy say.

"Izzy!" Rose shouts before I hear a thump on the floor.

"Jasper, it's Izzy she's just collapsed." Rose says panicking.

I run up the stairs and see Izzy laying on the floor. I know we shouldn't move her. We need to ring Carlisle.

I pull out my phone and call Carlisle. He picks up on the first ring.
"Jasper, what's happened? I'm on my way home. I heard Rose say she collapsed. What was she doing?" Carlisle asks.

"She was being sick in the bathroom and was going to have a bath." I reply.

"Ok, I'll be there in a minute. Don't move her." Carlisle says and puts the phone down.

I sit on the floor by Izzy as make sure she's still breathing.

"Jasper, you've left Jade downstairs. She's crying. Maybe she needs you." I hear Rose says.

"I need to be here for Izzy, you can go downstairs with Jade." I say to her.

"Jazz, I think you should go downstairs. If she knows something is wrong with Izzy she won't settle with us." Rose says.

"I don't wanna leave her Rose." I say.

"Son, maybe it would be best for you to tend to Jade and bring her up here." Carlisle says.

"Ok, I'll be back up in a minute." I reply.

I go downstairs and Jade is curled up on the sofa crying. "Shh, she's going to be ok." I whisper picking Jade up and hugging her.

"She's screaming daddy." Jade says to me in her mind.

"Can you talk to her?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, I can hear her but she's not responding to me." Jade says.

"Can you try and find out what happened?" I ask her.

"I'm trying to." Jade says.

"Ok. Let me know if you." I say to her.

I walk upstairs and walk into my bedroom. Izzy is lay on my bed and Esme and Rose are sat in the chairs near the bed.

"Carlisle has gone to the study to get the xray machine and ultrasound scanner." Esme says.

"Doe she know what's wrong with her?" I ask.

"Not yet, that's why he's getting the xray and ultrasound. He's thinking maybe there's something inside.

"Daddy, mummy said don't believe it. She said she didn't do it. Why would she want to do it when she's got us." Jade says in my head.

"What does she mean?" I ask her.

"Mummy said it looks like she's been cutting her arms up but she hasn't, she hasn't done it since we round her when she tried killing herself." Jade says.

Just then I start to see blood dripping off the bed and covering the floor and the bed sheets.

"OMG!! Izzy shouldn't be bleeding this much." Rose says noticing all the blood.

"Daddy, mummy said please make it stop. Whatever is happening is hurting her and she just wants it to stop." Jade says.

"Ask mummy if she knows what is happening?" I ask her.

"Mummy said its some kind of magic. Nana Sue should know. Somebody is doing magic to hurt her. It's cutting her open." Jade says.

"We need to call Sue, Jade can talk to me through my mind and she's talking to Izzy and something is happening to her and she thinks it's witch craft." I say.

"I'll ring Sue now." Rose says getting out her phone. She rings a number and Sue answers on the 2nd ring.

"Hello, Rosalie is everything ok?" Sue asks.

"Hey Sue, Izzy has collapsed and Jade can talk to her and Jasper. Izzy had told Jade that come kind of witch craft is happening to her and you might be able to help." Rose says.

"Yes. I know some witch craft. Well only 1 really. It runs in my family. Does she have any idea who is doing it?" Sue asks.

"I don't know." Rose replies.

"I'll be there as soon as I can. If Izzy starts bleeding then try and put pressure on the wound until it stops bleeding if you can or until I get there." Sue replies.

"Ok, do you know how long you will be as Izzy is already bleeding and there's loads of blood?" Rose asks.

"I'm gonna leave the La Push doctors now." Sue says.

"Ok, see you soon." Rose replies and put the phone down.

"I bet this has something to do with Sam. I bet Sam knows somebody who does witch craft." I say.

Why can't he just leave her be? Why does he have to constantly hurt her?
"Hello, Daddy. Can you hear me?" I hear Jade say in my mind.

"Jade what is it? You sound angry." I reply in my head.

"Mummy knows who is doing this. She has felt this magic before. Nana Sue will deffo know how to help her but it might take a while." Jade says.

"Who is doing it? It's something to do with Sam isn't it?" I ask.

"Yes. It's Emily. Sam's imprint. She's angry that my mummy has me and she can't give Sam what he wants most. A son. She's trying to kill mummy using witch craft." Jade says.

"How does Izzy know?" I ask.

"It's hard for her to explain but she can see Emily and hear what she is saying. It's like Emily has linked mummy and herself together so she cna feel when mummy is dead." Jade says.

I hear somebody driving up the drive and hope that it's Sue.

The door opens and in comes Sue, Leah and Seth.

"Jake was going to come but he's gone to Emily's to try and stop it from that end as it shouldn't take to long. I've got Seth and Leah here to help me stop it. They have practiced before." Sue says.

"How did you know it was Emily?" I ask.

"Somebody get a message to me. Emily is my niece and she spoke to my sister this morning and asked my sister for this spell, as soon as she told my sister was it was for my sister got a message to me." Sue says.

"What do you have to do? Do you have to do another spell?" I ask.

"Not really a spell, Jake knows what he has to do and we have to cover Izzy and protect and heal her at the same time." Sue says.

Leah and Seth start chanting while covering Izzy with Sue's hand and I start to see a shimmer of bright light go around Izzy. Sue's hands start to light up and you can see the blood start to go back into Izzy's body. It's pretty amazing to see. Well it would be if it wasn't my girlfriend on the bed.

"Daddy, it's working. Mummy isn't in much pain anymore and she's not linked to Emily. Jake is doing something right." Jade says.

"Ahhh, stop that. Ahhh." I hear Jade screaming.

"Jade, what's up?" I ask her.

"It hurts. I'm not sure what but something is hurting me. I have this feeling in my body and it's hurting me. Something is hurting me." Jade crys.

"What does it feel like?" I ask her.

"It feels like something is ripping my heart out my chest and there's a hole there." Jade says.

That is how it feels when a vampire finds there mate but there mate rejects them.
"Oh no, I know how that feels but I don't know why you have that feeling." I say to her.

"Oh no, that's not good. How could this happen?" Jade asks.

"What is it?" I ask her.
She's lost me, I hope Izzy is ok.

"Mummy told me what I'm feeling. I don't know how this happened. Mummy isn't happy. I don't think you will be either. Aunt Leah won't be happy. How did this happen? How could it happen? Why did this happen to me?" Jade says, talking to herself panicking.

"Jade what is it?" I ask her.

"I have a imprint already at the age, he's only a friend, well not to me he isn't. But mummy says he's imprinted on me but he hasn't said anything because I'm small but as he's doing something else it's hurting me like he's rejecting." Jade says.

"You've got a imprint already and somebody is ignoring it. I'm going to kill them." I say to her getting angry.

"Daddy please. They ain't ignoring it. They just haven't told me. I can't talk to them in there head yet to tell them. Anyways I would only want him as a friend if anything." Jade says.

"Jacob fucking Black, I'm going to kill you!!" I hear Izzy shout.

"Izzy?" Me and Leah ask at the same time.

"I'm going to kill that fucking man slag." Izzy says.

Oh, he best not of imprinted on my daughter.

"What has he done? He's just helped us save you." Leah asks.

"Saved me he has while hurting my daughter at the same time. How can he do that? How can he imprint on my daughter but shag Emily?" Izzy asks, like we're not there.

"He's done what?" Sue asks.

"How dare he imprint on my niece." Leah says.

"How dare he hurt my daughter but sleeping with another girl." I say.

That guy is done for. He abuses Izzy after he joins the pack, then he comes back to be Izzy's best friend, he imprints on our daughter and then sleeps with the girl who is trying to kill his best friend.

"Jacob Black can't imprint on Jade, they are family. It must be somebody else." Seth says.

"Oh yeah, then who is it? Jade hasn't seen many people but family." Izzy says.

"It must be somebody in this room. And it's got to either be Leah or Seth." Izzy says.

"It's me, I've imprinted on her and I haven't ignored it she's still only a baby, I'm just her friend. That's probably why she's hurting because I've not spent much time with her." Seth says.

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Everybody knows the story of Bella Swan and how she got involved with a vampire named Edward Cullen. But what if Bella had a twin sister Celeste Swan...
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Twilight AU. Vampires were never humans. They are their own species, placed on this earth for one reason; to keep the human population down. They hi...
407K 7.3K 28
⚠️Short Story!!!!⚠️ 🔞Mature Content🔞 Storm is different from her brother she isn't a Quileute and doesn't have the wolf shifter gene but she does i...
408K 7.4K 23
Emmett finally meets his mate and coincidently she is Edward's mates older sister. Emmett absolutely loves Spencer, and so do the rest of the Cullens...