Banned To Touch | jenlisa

By dltfsayldt

190K 8K 1K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 (Ending)
Chapter 55 (Bonus)

Chapter 25

3K 131 16
By dltfsayldt


"This affair is not good for you, nor for me. It is forbidden."

She bends down further, and I lean back to avoid touching her. If I'm almost losing my control now, what will it be like when we touch? I swallow.

Think of Leo. Think of Leo. Think of Leo! I keep screaming my new mantra in my head.

"You'll lose your job and I can't leave my boyfriend. It would be the best."

"The best." She smirks, less than eight inches from my face. "Answer me a question, little one: How can you stand here in front of me and talk about rights and principles so easily as if you were talking about the weather when you're actually all wet between your legs?"

I stare at her with my mouth open and my eyes wide. No one has ever been as brutally honest with me as she is. Her eyes sparkle with amusement and the right corner of her mouth lifts a little. Asshole.

"T-that's not true." I lie sheepishly as she starts laughing so sexy again without taking her gaze from my eyes.

"Don't lie to me, my little one. I can see how your legs press together." - she touches my hip and my body automatically responds invitingly to that little touch - "How your breasts rise and fall rapidly." - she strokes the underside of my breasts and then over my collarbone, so that I automatically stretch myself against her inquiring fingers - "How erotic your cheeks glow." - her hand now wanders up to my heated cheek and runs delicately over the sensitive skin on my neck in the meantime. For a split moment, I close my eyes in bliss - "How your beautiful eyes are now black with excitement and everything," - she puts her thumb on my lower lip and I open my eyes and look into hers, seeing the same way she does in mine, which mirror dark lust in it. - "The way you keep licking your dry lips."

Each of these touches made my knees weaken. I'm happy. That I lean on the edge of my table, otherwise I would fall flat! This whore knows exactly what she's doing to me when she touches me and - damn it! - I'm so aroused. I'm dizzy, just like it's really so wet between my thighs that I'm afraid that someone might see a stain through my jeans.

I have exactly two options: Either I surrender to my desires and embrace her - and damn it, I'd love nothing more than to do that! - or I try to focus on my anger in order to think as little as possible about this hot tingling inside me.

"What are you thinking?" I hiss and try to push her away from her muscular chest.

"What am I thinking?" She replies imperiously and grabs my wrists, holding them to her chest. Her anger and her dominance clearly radiate the tycoon in her. "I'm thinking of you. Constantly. And do you know what you're doing to me?"

I'm so perplexed by her response that the anger recedes into the background and all I can manage is a barely noticeable shake of the head.

"That." And with that single word, she grabs my waist and hugs me tight. I can't help but groan as I feel her hard, big erection against my stomach. That's it for me. I can't resist her, she's so tempting. She is my forbidden escape.

She wraps one arm around my waist so I can't tear myself away from her - which I can't do anyway - and the other grabs my neck before pressing her lips hard to mine. I moan and sink completely against her. Throughout the week, I wanted nothing more than to feel her lips. I wanted to feel her. Jennie never misses an opportunity and shoves her tongue into my mouth, which I greet benevolently. I now let my hands wander from her chest to her hair and claw them tightly. She also moans and hugs me even tighter, even though no sheet of paper would have fit between us before. Our tongues dance with each other so hot that I forget everything and not feel as they. My libido is pumped to the breaking point and I'm practically rubbing my stomach against her erection.

"Jennie." I moan as she lets her lips travel to my neck and I can catch my breath.

She meets mine with an angry, hot look. "Oh, so now you're calling me Jennie again, okay?"

I swallow guiltily, just wanting to pull her back to me, but she has other plans. With such nimble and quick fingers, she opens my pants and slips her hand inside my black lace panties. Her fingers rest on my most sensitive spot and she gasps for breath before massaging my pearl in a circular motion. I throw my head back and can't help but moan as she puts her other hand over my mouth. My vulva stretches obediently towards her fingers and I roll my eyes in pleasure.

"Now tell me again that you are not wet for me."

I can't get a word out. Not just because of her left hand on my mouth, but also because she puts first one and then a second finger in my deep cunt and I stretch out towards her, twitching and moaning. Her experienced fingers move quickly inside me and the heel of her hand presses against my most sensitive nerve knots. If she didn't cover my mouth, I would scream at the top of my lungs.

"Tell me it's not just me that makes you as wet as you are now."

She takes her hand from my mouth and says again. "Say it." Before I admit with a groan. "Only with you."

She grins in satisfaction before lowering her lips back to my neck and kissing a wet trail down my breasts. She looks up seductively and I bite my lower lip to stifle my moaning as best I can. Her lips pull away from my skin, and before I can complain, her fingers curl inside me, repeatedly pressing on that hidden point inside me, forcing me to cover my mouth with one hand. A knowing smile creeps onto her lips. With her free hand, she pulls my blouse up high enough to see my matching bralette. A growl escapes her lips as she examines my breasts and the way she licks her lips makes me feel desirable for once.

Finally she lets go of my breasts and grabs my neck again so that I can look deep into her eyes and she into mine. The whole thing is so hot and forbidden. Especially that we're still in school!

Her fingers inside me don't slow down, on the contrary. My whole body jerks and Jennie presses her lips to mine again to muffle my moans and to calm me down. She signals to me that she is there and I feel a tremendous tingling sensation running through my entire body. Inwardly I ask that she gives me another unforgettable climax. I haven't dared to masturbate since the weekend because I was afraid of thinking about Jennie again and where did I go now? In an empty classroom with her hand in my pants and her fingers in me.

"Will you, nill you - whether you want it or not - you want me and you can't hide it. Lisa, I will tame you. 'Cause that's the best, can you feel it? Come for me and only for me."

Before I can realize her words, I explode and twitch like crazy, clutching at her and biting her lip way too hard as my orgasm threatens to flood me like a waterfall. She moans and moves her fingers inside me, letting me fully enjoy my climax.

Jennie keeps kissing me tenderly and lets her lips wander everywhere. On my cheeks, my eyelids, my neck, my forehead and says how beautiful I am when I come. Her lips feel like balm on my guilty soul.

Eventually her words really sink in and I panic. Whether you like it or not... I will tame you.

With such abruptness, I push her away from me, shaking all over. Jennie looks at me confused and worried at the same time, but I can't explain to her what's going on now. Once before, someone tried by all means to make me compliant, and it wasn't even that long ago. Scenes of me and Dean shoot up in my head. And I try to shake her away but I can't. Suddenly I feel very cold. I quickly zip up my pants and hug myself tightly, counting to ten over and over so as not to have a real panic attack.

"Lisa, what's going on?" She comes towards me and puts her hands on my upper arm, but I flinch. "Talk to me."

I can't talk now, I have to concentrate on my breathing. I turn and grab my stuff to leave the room, but she grabs me again and I flinch again. I can't be touched now and just want to wash myself.

"Lisa!" She demands one last time.

"You can't just use my desire against me to do whatever you want with me." I finally answer. "I'm not one to be tamed. I'm not Katharina. And I certainly don't need another Petruchio who wants the best for me by taming me in his own way! Let. Me. Go." I hiss. She hangs her head, finally unlocks the door for me and I walk outside.

When I get outside, I lower my bag to the floor and lean on my knees, exhausted. Breathe in and out, Lis. Just stay strong and keep breathing.


A/N: I changed the book's name from 'Touching Is Banned' to 'Banned To Touch'. Don't get confused. It's still the same story but with a different title name.

Also feel free to call me 'Sena' since it's my name instead of 'Author'. I'm just a regular writer and 'Author' just sound too formalistic in my opinion. Just call me by my name, guys. Thanks for reading :))

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