dream smp oneshotsssss 😎 PAR...

By dreamwastaken69420

3.6K 104 16

part 3 More

Oneshot No. 399 (662 Words)
Oneshot No. 400 (416 Words)
Oneshot No. 401 (420 Words)
Oneshot No. 402 (1849 Words)
Oneshot No. 403 (1845 Words)
Oneshot No. 404 (972 Words)
Oneshot No. 405 (784 Words)
Oneshot No. 406 (453 Words)
Oneshot No. 408 (1190 Words)
Oneshot No. 409 (1904 Words)
Oneshot No. 410 (1229 Words)
Oneshot No. 411 (580 Words)
Oneshot No. 412 (1086 Words)
Oneshot No. 413 (1115 Words)
Oneshot No. 414 (2067 Words)
Oneshot No. 415 (1651 Words)
Oneshot No. 416 (4896 Words)
Oneshot No. 417 (312 Words)
Oneshot No. 418 (1476 Words)
Oneshot No. 419 (995 Words)
Omeshot No. 420 (1490 Words)
Oneshot No. 421 (756 Words)
Oneshot No. 422 (1802 Words)
Oneshot No. 423 (1834 Words)
Oneshot No. 424 (2957 Words)
Oneshot No. 425 (3208 Words)
Oneshot 426 (2437 Words)
Oneshot No. 427 (2663 Words)
Oneshot No. 428 (2242 Words)
Oneshot No. 429 (563 Words)
Oneshot No. 430 (671 Words)
Oneshot No. 431 (1269 Words)
Oneshot No. 432 (1703 Words)
Oneshot No. 433 (1031 Words)
Oneshot No. 434 (1503 Words)
Oneshot No. 435 (435 Words)
Oneshot No. 436 (721 Words)
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Oneshot No. 438 (1248 Words)
Oneshot No. 439 (702 Words)
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Oneshot No. 441 (1158 Words)
Oneshot No. 442 (1386 Words)
Oneshot No. 443 (922 Words)
Oneshot No. 444 (911 Words)
Oneshot No. 445 (1286 Words)
Oneshot No. 446 (875 Words)
Oneshot No. 447 (1019 Words)
Oneshot No. 448 (1430 Words)
Oneshot No. 449 (1547 Words)
Oneshot No. 450 (662 Words)
Oneshot No. 451 (1603 Words)
Oneshot No. 452 (2048 Words)
Oneshot No. 453 (1496 Words)
Oneshot No. 454 (987 Words)
Oneshot No. 455 (915 Words)
Oneshot No. 456 (534 Words)
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Oneshot No. 458 (1097 Words)
Oneshot No. 459 (678 Words)
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Oneshot No. 461 (1322 Words)
Oneshot No. 462 (1296 Words)
Oneshot No. 463 (1438 Words)
Oneshot No. 464 (1210 Words)
Oneshot No. 465 (982 Words)
Omeshot No. 466 (985 Words)
Oneshot No. 467 (889 Words)
Oneshot No. 468 (1103 Words)
Oneshot No. 469 (999 Words)
Oneshot No. 470 (729 Words)
Oneshot No. 471 (456 Words)
Oneshot No. 472 (1127 Words)
Oneshot No. 473 (793 Words)
Oneshot No. 474 (1269 Words)
Oneshot No. 475 (1605 Words)
Oneshot No. 476 (1004 Words)
Oneshot No. 477 (1125 Words)
Oneshot No. 478 (568 Words)
Oneshot No. 479 (497 Words)

Oneshot No. 407 (654 Words)

56 1 0
By dreamwastaken69420


Dream has been staying at his mom and dads house a lot recently because he got diagnosed with POTS and hasn't got it under control yet. He faints a lot, at least 8 times a day.

I come over just to say hello and I'm just talking to his mom and Drista about it.

"So, where is he?" I ask.

"He's in the guest room, but it's kind of his bedroom now. You can go see him if you want," Drista says.

"But, remember, if he faints- don't try to wake him up. It'll only be a few seconds." His mom reminds me.

I nod, and say thanks, and then go to his room. I open the door and he's in bed with the lamp on, just on his phone.

"George!" he says. He gets up, too fast, and pauses for a second. He stumbles and reaches out and puts his hand on the desk nearby him. He puts his hand on his chest for a second and takes a long breath.

"You okay?" I ask, closing the door.

"Yeah I just- I just felt funny for a second," he says, blinking a little.

"Maybe you should sit back down-"

"No, no- it's fine. I'm fine, it's fine, it's fine..." he trails off and walks steadily over to me. He gives me a hug, but when he steps back he almost falls over.

"Dream, seriously. Sit down," I say.

"Okay, okay. God," he mutters.

"Sorry for not wanting you to faint," I spit. Dream sits back down.

"I'm just gonna close my eyes for a second," he says, laying down. He closes his eyes, but you can tell he fainted. I sit down next to him, and after 10 seconds or so, he blinks himself back awake.

"D'you just faint?" I ask.

"No shit, sherlock," he says.

"Why are you being such a dick?" I suddenly ask.

He scrunches his face up a little, almost in disgust.

"Did you know that getting told you have a chronic illness can make you just a little bit emotional?" he mocks.

"Kay, look, i get that this is really fucking hard for you, but I'm trying to be there for you and you're making it really difficult."

"Maybe I don't need you here for me. I didn't ASK you to come over, you just did," he says. He starts ignoring me and goes on his phone.

"What, you want me to leave?" I say.

"I just don't care," he responds plainly.

"Okay. Bye," I say. I grab my phone and leave the room.

"Leaving already?" his mom asks.

"Yeah, what? You were in there for, like, 5 minutes," Drista says.

"I don't think he wants me around right now. He just needs some time to himself, is all. It's fine. I'll come back in a few days."

I go home, and when I get home, Nick is on the couch.

"Why are you back already?" he asks, pausing the TV.

"He was being such a dick. He got up and said he felt funny, so I told him to sit back down but he ignored me. Literally five seconds later, he sits back down and faints. He says, 'no shit sherlock,' and I asked him why he was being a dick. He was like, 'did you know that having an illness can make you emotional?' And I asked him if he even wanted me there and he said he doesn't care, so I left. He doesn't care, I don't care. It's whatever. I don't care."

"Seems like you care just a little bit," Nick says. "But he has a point. He sounds like he was being a dick, but he got told he's incredibly ill a week ago. You would be a dick too if you got that type of news."

"No, I wouldn't. And if my friends came over just to see me, i would love it. He didn't need to be so rude. Whos side are you even on?" I ask.

"There's no sides, George. Give him time."

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