Lost in the Path of Fate

By thepremedstud

1.2M 103K 40K

How does one appease the wrath of another? Memories and feelings created a terrible sense of hate towards the... More

Chapter 1 - Sweater
Chapter 2 - Shadows
Chapter 3 - Restless
Chapter 4 - Returned
Chapter 5 - Returned (2)
Chapter 6 - Returned (3)
Chapter 7 - Returned (4)
Chapter 8 - Food
Chapter 9 - Gideon Woodlock
Chapter 10 - Gideon Woodlock (2)
Chapter 11 - Gideon Woodlock (3)
Chapter 12 - Gideon Woodlock (4)
Chapter 13 - Discussion
Chapter 14 - Meeting the Young Master
Chapter 15 - Revival of the Fallen
Chapter 16 - Woodlock Brothers
Chapter 17 - Letter from Who?
Chapter 18 - Jealous
Chapter 19 - The Ball
Chapter 20 - The Ball (2)
Chapter 21 - Lovely
Chapter 22 - Reunited
Chapter 23 - Re-evaluation
Chapter 24 - Unprecedented
Chapter 25 - Depleted
Chapter 26 - Human
Chapter 27 - Villain
Chapter 28 - Friends
Chapter 29 - Trophy in a Glass Case
Chapter 30 - Blind
Chapter 31 - Assault
Chapter 32 - Changing the Course of Fate
Chapter 33 - Offer
Chapter 34 - In My Arms Again
Chapter 35 - Safe Haven
Chapter 36 - Execution
Chapter 37 - God Save the Future King
Chapter 38 - First Snow
Chapter 39 - You and I Tonight
Chapter 40 - Royal and Blessed
Chapter 41 - War Angel and Battle Prince
Chapter 42 - One Hundred and Eight
Chapter 43 - One Hundred and Eight (2)
Chapter 44 - Simon and Troy
Chapter 45 - The Sun and Moon
Chapter 46 - The Sun and Moon (2)
Chapter 47 - Mine
Chapter 48 - Intimate, Wild, and Pleasured
Chapter 49 - Intimate, Wild, and Pleasurable (2)
Chapter 50 - The Belmiunde Family
Chapter 51 - Winter Nights
Chapter 52 - Winter Nights (2)
Chapter 53 - Winter Nights (3)
Chapter 54 - Secrets
Chapter 55 - Winter Nights (4)
Chapter 56 - Secrets (2)
Chapter 57 - Insecure
Chapter 58 - I'm The Villain? Sure!
Chapter 59 - I'm the Villain? Sure! (2)
Chapter 60 - Special Chapter
Chapter 61 - His Nightmare
Chapter 62 - His Moon, His Safe Haven
Holiday Special - Ciaran
Holiday Special - Gideon
Holiday Special - Celebrations!
Chapter 63 - His Magic
Chapter 64 - Sovereigns
Chapter 65 - Forgotten
Chapter 66 - Relation
Chapter 67 - Catastrophe
Chapter 68 - Inferior
Chapter 69 - Drunk
Chapter 70 - Fool
Chapter 71 - Winged Creature
Chapter 72 - Winged Creature (2)
Chapter 73 - Admit
Chapter 74 - Departing Gift
Special Chapter - A Thousand
Chapter 75 - Almost
Chapter 76 - His Nightmare (2)
Chapter 77 - His Trial
Chapter 78 - Winter Nights Festival
Chapter 79 - Countdown
Chapter 80 - Forbidden
Chapter 81 - Frost's Curse
Chapter 82 - Act
Chapter 83 - Reality
Chapter 84 - Inception of the Dark
Chapter 85 - Ceremony
Chapter 86 - Heal
Chapter 87 - Innuendo
Special Chapter - Innuendo (2)
Chapter 88 - Breaking Point
Chapter 89 - Archduke
Insert: Author's Ramblings
Chapter 90 - Torture
Chapter 91 - Romance
Chapter 91.5 - Romance (2)
Chapter 92 - The River and Ocean
Chapter 93 - A Sword's Path
Chapter 94 - Perspective
Chapter 95 - Feather
Chapter 96 - Loss
Chapter 97 - Emerald Eyes
Chapter 98 - Intentions and Reality
Chapter 99 - Chaos and Havoc
Chapter 100 - Special Chapter
Chapter 101 - Ocean Eyes
Chapter 102 - Reckless
Chapter 103 - Gamble
Chapter 104 - His Nightmare (3)
Chapter 105 - Alexander
Chapter 106 - Gamble (2)
Chapter 107 - Fated
Items Recap by the Generous Author
Chapter 108 - Mark
Special Chapter - Aftermath
Special Chapter - Vows
Chapter 109 - Changed
Chapter 110 - Recordings
Chapter 111 - Appearance of the Flames
Chapter 112 - Pier's Revelations
Chapter 113 - Eternal
Chapter 114 - Gideon's Berries
Chapter 115 - Sentiments of the Vampire King
Valentine's Day - Ciaran
Chapter 116 - Proposition of the New Kingdom
Chapter 117 - What Pier Wants, Pier Will Acquire
Chapter 118 - Checkers
Chapter 119 - The Art of Seduction
Chapter 120 - Prince of the Empire
Chapter 121 - Control
Chapter 122 - Control (2)
Chapter 123 - Forgiveness and Amendments
Chapter 124 - The Kings' Strike!
Chapter 125 - The Kings' Strike! (2)
Chapter 126 - Fairies, Fairies!
Chapter 127 - Of Swords!
Chapter 128 - Of Swords! (2)
Chapter 129 - Of Swords! (3)
Chapter 130 - Duel
Chapter 131 - The Second Prince
Chapter 132 - Absolute Rulers
Chapter 133 - Sit
Chapter 134 - Salvation
Chapter 135 - Butterflies in the Stomach
Chapter 136 - Salvation (2)
Chapter 137 - Little King
Chapter 138 - Special Chapter
Chapter 139 - Raegan Linnaeus
Chapter 140 - Raegan Linnaeus (2)
Chapter 141 - Two Kings and a Dragon Prince
Chapter 142 - Plans for the Empire
Chapter 143 - Uncle Giddy
Chapter 144 - The Swordmaster's Request
Chapter 145 - Raegan's Form
Chapter 146 - Royal Family
Chapter 147 - Golden Hair
Chapter 148 - Prison
Chapter 149 - Regrets
Chapter 150 - Free Day
Chapter 151 - In Each Other's Arms
Chapter 152 - Sinister
Chapter 153 - Saint of Darkness
Chapter 154 - Saint of Darkness (2)
Chapter 155 - Fiancรฉ
Chapter 156 - Gold Coins
Chapter 157 - Rut?
Chapter 158 - Rut? (2)
Chapter 160 - Young Duke
Chapter 161 - Devil
Chapter 162 - Restless
Chapter 163 - Locked Up
Chapter 164 - Insane
Chapter 165 - Coming of Age
Chapter 166 - Dreams (2)
Chapter 167 - History
Chapter 168 - Poison
Chapter 169 - Royals of Mir
Chapter 170 - Visit
Chapter 171 - The Vampire King's Demands
Chapter 172 - Left Behind
Chapter 173 - Child
Chapter 174 - Feast
Chapter 175 - A Talk With the Phoenix
Chapter 176 - Family
Chapter 177 - Anniversary
Chapter 178 - Paradise of Eternity
Chapter 179 - Frustration Marks
Chapter 180 - A Talk With the Creature
Chapter 181 - A Talk With the Creature (2)
Chapter 182 - His Majesty
Chapter 183 - His Majesty (2)
Chapter 184 - Three Wishes
Chapter 185 - Tonight
Part 200: The Ending

Chapter 159 - Dreams

4.1K 387 104
By thepremedstud

'Where am I?' Pier asked himself as he couldn't recognize the place.

The last memory he had was sleeping on the bed with the vampire king cradling him in his arms.

He roamed his gaze around the unfamiliar place. His feet wanted to roam around and see the entirety of the house.

"Is this a dream?" He spoke before scratching his cheek as he was not sure what to do.

One could not really tell if they were in a dream unless it was lucid.

"A lucid dream?" He hummed as the silence of the rickety old wooden floors erupted all around the porch.

"Doesn't seem like one though," he then turned his head to look at the exterior scenery. There was a pleasant aroma of the autumn breeze caressing the wide field of green grass.

It was tranquil. Not one unpleasant view was there. Everything seemed like it was a place spoken in books where the calm serenity overflows through the field of lush green.

"It looks like a place in the countryside," he then looked at his back and saw that the door of the house was ajar.

Gaining the courage to roam inside, Pier started to walk.

He really did not know how he could get out of the place or his dream but he had a hunch that he needed to see what was inside.

Creaking, the door opened further when he pushed the material.

"Hello?" He tried to call for anyone but silence responded again. Stepping inside, the floor emitted a small creak when his foot landed on the wooden material.

The first scene that greeted him was the living room which was void of any extravagant things. An unlit fireplace had the remains of what looked like burnt wood while the curtains were dangling on the corners to allow sunlight.

The furniture was covered with dust. Chairs and tables alike had traces of small, dusty particles on them and Pier grimaced at how old the place must be.

"Hello?" He called for the presence of another life again but he was still met with an empty response.

'There must be a purpose why I am inside this dream, right? Or is it a random occurrence?' He hummed while trotting inside the house.

An old chandelier was hanging from the ceiling and it looked like it would fall anytime soon. Since the house was divided into what seemed like two divisions, the first and second floor, Pier decided to explore the place.

He first headed into a room that was the nearest.

It was an empty bedroom.

There was a wooden bed frame on the room's corner but nothing else aside from the wooden floor was present.

A single window was perched on the wall and he was able to see the backyard of the house where the presence of the glimmering sun and satisfying breeze could be seen and felt.

"This is nice," he complimented. It was always a lowkey dream of him to live in a place in the countryside where life was simple and he was away from all of the drama.

When he finished analyzing the first room, Pier then got out and went to the second room.

"I hope whoever lives here does not mind having a trespasser like me looking through their house." He shrugged his shoulders and then decided to enter the room that was next to the previous one he entered.

"Oh, this one's messier." he clicked his tongue before roaming his eyes around the room that he entered.

Just like the first room, everything was either covered with dust or are old enough to break with a single touch. The curtains that seemed worn out were hung on a round stick which was then inserted on parallel nails attached so they won't fall.

The floor had small patches of covers as if someone tried to fix the holes that were present there. Even the window that was awkwardly similar to the first room's was giving Pier the ick.

He hated dusty places.

"I might get an allergic reaction if I stay here longer." Pier swatted his hand to make the flying dust go away from his face.

The last thing he wanted to happen was to actually start sneezing nonstop and have a runny nose after inhaling all the dust. Sighing, he turned his back and proceeded to head towards the door of the room.

But that's when he heard something else.

"Hmmm.... Hmmm..."

Surprised by the sudden noise, Pier flinched and completely halted his steps.

"Someone's humming?" He inquired himself.

'Must be the owner of the house.' He then proceeded to exit the second room and started to wonder where the sound had come from.

Pier identified that the melodious humming had come from the second floor of the house. It was faint but he can hear it clearly because of the silence that was engulfing the entire place.

Taken over by curiosity, he started to walk up the stairs and ignored the other rooms that had ajar doors. He really wanted to exit the dream right now and get back into his real life. Pier needed to visit Taron and deliver Asher the thing he wanted the prince to do.

As he stepped onto the first step of the staircase that led to the second floor, it made a creaking noise and the humming stopped.

'Crap, did I alert them?' He might look like a burglar or whatever right now but Pier can clearly discern that this was a dream. He had vivid memories of what happened before he slept and so he easily knew this was not reality.

"Are you home?" A woman's voice asked from a distance and Pier raised both of his eyebrows.

'I don't recall having a wife though?' He decided not to respond and instead, continued heading up the stairs until his feet landed on the second floor.

'If I did have a wife, man, she must be beautiful'

Pier's humor can sometimes be out of place especially now that he has a vampire king who was always trying to get in his pants and marry him.

With a small chuckle lingering on his lips, he continued to take strides as to where he last heard the woman's voice.

'Why did I even assume that it is my wife. I'm trespassing their house!' He rolled his eyes at his thoughts and stopped when he reached the door where he knew the voice had originated from.

Unlike the other doors, this one was not ajar and completely shut. The knob looked carefully cleaned and even the door seemed like it was new.


'My heart...?' Confusion doused him when he tried to reach for the knob of the door as his heart pounded loudly in his chest.

'What is this?' He started to feel his back and neck getting cold while sweat formed on his forehead. A premonition that something he will not like was behind the door lingered on his mind and body.

But he did not know how to end this dream. Instead, Pier chose to fully grab the knob and slowly turn it.

"Honey, are you home?" The woman's voice asked again and Pier stopped turning the knob.

'Honey?' He glared at the door.

Nevertheless, his heart did not stop pounding in his chest and Pier chose to ignore the nervousness and anxiety he felt. He completely turned the knob and opened the door.

"Hey, what's with this dream-"

"Oh, it's just the wind."

He closed his mouth shut in bewilderment.

"Your father's going to be home any time soon now, aren't you excited?" She cooed something in her arms as if the white-haired king was not standing in front of the ajar door.

"Hey? Woman?" He called again but she paid no attention to him.

'She must not see me,' He concluded while observing her from behind. Pier carefully analyzed her back like a creep while she continued to hold something in her arms.

The most remarkable visual of the woman that stunned him was the similarity in their hair color.

She had white hair just like him.

Though hers was longer that it reached up to her waist, the resemblance was quite uncanny that it made him shiver for unknown reasons.

"Have you woken up, little ones? The sun feels good at this time of the morning!" She exclaimed gently and played with what seemed to be wrapped in clothes.

'Does she have ice magic too?' He wondered since he really cannot identify. He knew one reason for their hair turning white was because of ice magic like him but it was possible she had just dyed her hair.

Deciding that he looked creepy enough, Pier walked towards the woman, and each step he took created creaking sounds on the floorboard.

The woman turned her head again to see if there was anyone but none. No one was there whilst the floor continuously creaked.

"Frost of the highest order, guard my sons against harmful entities,"

Pier halted in his steps again when she chanted a spell and the entire room was covered in ice in a split second.

His eyes widened when he saw what had just occurred. No, it was not just covered with ice.

It was snowing inside the room.

'She created winter inside the room...' Alerts instantly rang in his head the moment the woman cast her spell.

It was greater than his ice magic.

Pier cannot do that. He cannot manifest winter inside the room in a split second.

"As I thought. It must have been the wind," she swept her hair behind her ear and continued to hold the bundle in her arms.

"Hey, woman!" This time, Pier spoke louder.

"Do you want to have lunch now?" She asked the bundle in her arms which meant that she did not hear the white-haired king.

'She can't hear nor see me but can hear the floorboards creaking?' He clicked his tongue and cautiously trotted towards her.

The ice-covered ground and the snow falling from the clouds that formed on the ceiling were passing through him as if he was a ghost or intangible spirit.

This time, there were no longer any floorboards creaking or doors moving. Everything was held by her ice magic in place which amazed Pier.

"Does that tickle you?" She giggled and wriggled her fingers.

When Pier finally got to stand in front of her, he couldn't take his gaze away from her face.

She never really turned her face completely in his direction earlier so he cannot see her face but now that she was smiling and laughing while playing with a set of small hands, he was baffled to see the sight.

Porcelain pale skin

Hair as white as snow

Eyes as blue as the skies

Red ruby lips

'Is she... the female version of me?' He wanted to speak out loud but was too stunned to do so.

The woman has an awfully similar appearance to him.

His gaze then drifted to the bundle of clothes that she was holding dearly. At first glance, it looked like a pile of clothes but upon closer inspection, Pier slowly gasped when he saw the child that was inside.

The white-haired king could not take his eyes off of the child because aside from the fact that it was small, unlike other babies, it had the same blue eyes as her.


His eyes widened when a cry erupted from the bundle of clothes but it did not come from the baby he saw.

Pier took a step forward. The ice cracked beneath his feet and his heart pounded again.

"Are you hungry, Silas?" She asked and Pier flinched when he saw what was next to the first baby he saw.

It was another young infant. The woman was holding two babies in her lap and cradling them gently in her arms at times.

He couldn't take his eyes off of the two infants in her arms. It felt as if Pier was being drawn to them for unknown reasons that even if he wanted to look away, he couldn't.

But he was not expecting what she would continue to say.

"Silas... Pier... My sons..." 

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